
Windows Live Platform tidbits from last week

I was out of the office last week on vacation (check out our awesome seaplane ride to Victoria!), and a number of things were released that I want to be sure and call out.

New release of the Windows Live Contacts control. You can read about the new incremental search and filtering features on Danny Thorpe's blog here.

Referencing Spaces Photos. Joe Healy posted a blog entry on how to reference Windows Live Spaces photos from HTML img tags, and John Bruno added some additional information in this post.

Note that there's yet another way to get the URL of a Spaces photo (although the URL is much uglier than the one returned by the RSS feeds): right click on a photo in the Photo Gadget, select Properties and copy the URL. But I must admit that I've recently switched over to Joe's approach of using the URL in the album RSS feed. 

Windows Live video segments On10. Before leaving for vacation, I worked with the On10 team on a series of end-user targeted videos on Windows Live. The first three were released last week:

And more were released this week:

Windows Live SkyDrive updates:  new name (used to be Windows Live Folders), new features, and availability in new regions! You can read about it here, on the SkyDrive's team blog.
