
Upgrading to SharePoint 2010: Why and How to Get It Done–SharePoint Saturday Boston Recap and Slides

This past Saturday, we had our 4th SharePoint Saturday Boston. Over 250 people attended this event and there were 35 sessions delivered. It was once again an amazing event and we are grateful for all of our event sponsors that make this event possible and free of charge for attendees. ThirdM and Grace-Hunt led the event flawlessly – as usual.

I was fortunate to be speaker in 2 sessions: the Ask Microsoft panel discussion and Upgrading to SharePoint 2010: Why and How to Get It Done

As requested, my slides have been posted on SkyDrive where they can be viewed or downloaded.

Keep an eye on this post on my blog for information on upcoming SharePoint Saturday and user group events in the Northeast. We’re working on launching some in New Hampshire soon!