
[Podcast] Interview with Kim Lenox

mebymaggieInteraction’09 is a conference of about 400 people. An intimate conference for a close design community of interaction designers means you got to meet many people at the conference. Even better, you got one-on-one time with pioneers in the field. I had the opportunity to interview Kim Lenox at the conference. Kim has been working in the UX Design field for almost two decades before there’s even a discipline called Interaction Design.  The first time I saw Kim was at the MIX08 Interaction Design Workshop. I was very interested to hear her thoughts on the challenges and opportunities for Interaction Designers as well as her advice to new comers to the field. Here are the list of questions I asked her in the interview below.

  • Tell us about you and your experience at Interaction'09 so far
  • As someone who has done Interaction Design for almost two decades, what do you see as the major challenges in this discipline?
  • In your mind, what are some great interaction design examples in the past several years?
  • You co-founded the IxDA chapter in San Francisco area. What are your thoughts on how we can continue to grow this community?
  • What contributes to a great Interaction Designer? Any advice to new comers?

Kim’s Bio

Driven by a thoughtful design sense and a deep passion for creating meaningful products, Kim has spent nearly two decades focused on user experience design, management and delivery of multi-platform products and services with worldwide reach and exposure. Kim has successfully shipped products ranging from application software, children's handheld devices, interactive TV, DVD interfaces, interactive kiosks, websites and CD-ROMs.

Kim spent the past 2 years at Adaptive Path splitting time as a client- facing experience design lead and sharing her expertise through speaking and teaching about user-centric product design. She has spoken about and taught workshops on interaction design and design process in the US, Canada and Europe including such conferences as DUX07, MIX08, MEX, From Business to Buttons and Adaptive Path's UX Intensive and MX conferences.

Prior to Adaptive Path, Kim was an interaction design lead for Samsung Electronics America, where she researched and designed interfaces for next-generation and near-term consumer electronics products such as software applications, mobile devices, kitchen appliances and home entertainment systems. Her past clients/employers include: Adaptive Path, AT&T, Excite@Home, LeapFrog, Macrovision, NewLine Cinema, Nokia, Organic, Palm, Samsung Electronics, Charles Schwab, Sprint, UPC/Chello and a variety of bubble start-ups of dot-com lore.

Technorati Tags: Interaction09,Interaction Design,IxDA,design podcast
