
The Galactic Patrol

Saving the Universe from Boskone and Bugs

old (and long) e-mail ramble about agent technology and other trivia

Peter’s response to my TiVo post for some reason reminded me of a rambling e-mail conversation I had...

Author: bwill Date: 09/26/2003

UWB looks promising (and I'm not talking about the University of Washington Bowling league, either!)

When I first read about the UWB technology for high-speed wireless connections, less than a year...

Author: bwill Date: 09/26/2003

Fault injection tools from Microsoft

In a response to my recent post on fault injection, Mark asks if I know of any publicly-available...

Author: bwill Date: 09/24/2003

How do I know I have four readers?

I recently asked the maintainers of https://blogs.gotdotnet.com if they kept access stats on my blog;...

Author: bwill Date: 09/24/2003

are categories useful to you?

In a post on his blog, Ron implies that I should be categorizing stuff on my blog.  I never...

Author: bwill Date: 09/24/2003

For better or for worse - but I'm not taking your name!

I read this post discussing wives who don’t take their husband’s last name.  Here...

Author: bwill Date: 09/24/2003

Code Name: "Avalon"

I noticed this link to Wesner Moise’s comments on Microsoft’s “Avalon” technology, to be debuted at...

Author: bwill Date: 09/23/2003

For a good time, call 1-800-FAULT-INJECTION-TESTING

We have occasional debates here at Microsoft on the value of ‘white-box’ testing.  (For the...

Author: bwill Date: 09/23/2003

father-son bonding

Here is a cute story about a father teaching his son one of life’s most essential...

Author: bwill Date: 09/23/2003

The most awesome monitor in the world...

Here is the most awesome monitor in the world.  It has a resolution of 6400x1200.  I want...

Author: bwill Date: 09/23/2003


I enabled a BlogX option to ping weblogs.com when I post – lets see if it works… 

Author: bwill Date: 09/22/2003

Test tracing - it is not optional!

I’d like to talk about one of the first lessons I learned as a tester at Microsoft: Anticipate...

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

Freeze, sucker! and drop that download!

I recently discovered David Isenberg’s blog, and while surfing it I ran across a pointer to...

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

Better living through chemistry

I read this recent article about a drug called Provigil, which restores alertness and lets one go...

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

Eyeglasses that record everything...

Here is a concept for a pair of sunglasses with a built-in video camera, that records everything you...

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

Pre-PDC checklist

I’ve never been to an industry conference (yet; I keep trying to convince my management to send...

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

more Scoble stuff - there are many parts, but only one Microsoft

Again, while reading this same Scoble post, it got me thinking about my role at Microsoft. ...

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

Scoble talks about "us" at Microsoft

I was reading this recent post on Scoble’s blog, where he talks about how he refers to “we” and “us”...

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

please ignore the last post for now...

Well, who knew that ctrl-S in NewsGator would post, in addition to alt-S?  And both my machines...

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

I'm going to miss the company meeting!

accidental post - see the real thing above.

Author: bwill Date: 09/20/2003

Construction engineers have solved all the problems software currently faces - not

I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard the wish: “if only software...

Author: bwill Date: 09/19/2003

Of course, I love those SysInternals tools!

Lest my last post be seen as overly critical of the SysInternals folks, let me comment that I...

Author: bwill Date: 09/19/2003

Crashing Windows Server 2003

Wow, this post had me worried – nothing a regular user program does should be able to...

Author: bwill Date: 09/19/2003

Indigo PMs soliciting feedback

I noticed on meta-douglasp that some of our Indigo PMs are soliciting your input on a few issues;...

Author: bwill Date: 09/19/2003

awesome optical illusion

 Take a look at this link: https://www.psy.ritsumei.ac.jp/~akitaoka/t2_03.jpg It is not an...

Author: bwill Date: 09/18/2003

Hurricane Isabel

Looks hurricane Isabael is set to slam into the east coast today.  My parents, and Gina’s, live...

Author: bwill Date: 09/18/2003

Giant Robots and Atomic Weapons

The site of sculptor Greg Brotherton displays an amazing assemblage of very cool-looking (if...

Author: bwill Date: 09/18/2003

A Scrabble blog

For a while, Gina was addicted to an on-line Scrabble game; she became quite adept at it, to the...

Author: bwill Date: 09/16/2003

Products that don't want you to look behind the curtain

In my last post, I mentioned a video display product, whose web page (at least the front page),...

Author: bwill Date: 09/16/2003

video images projected into the air

This is a clever little project.  It apparently works by dispersing a relatively flat,...

Author: bwill Date: 09/16/2003

design patterns in C#

Here is a useful site describing a number of design patterns in detail, along with C#...

Author: bwill Date: 09/16/2003

retrobox.com sells Microsoft's old computers

I saw a question recently on an internal Microsoft alias, asking where old computers go when they...

Author: bwill Date: 09/16/2003

nanotechnology: the return of the micronauts

Ok, so maybe this is slightly larger-scale than nanotechnology, but these miniscule robots are still...

Author: bwill Date: 09/16/2003

Red vs Blue - at the PDC?

 Ok, this is just awesome.  I just got mail about it; I’m not sure if its supposed to be...

Author: bwill Date: 09/12/2003

Wireless surround sound; music, sweet music...

My dreams are starting to come true – see this offering by Sony, a completely wireless 5.1...

Author: bwill Date: 09/10/2003

More Perl goodness...

I fixed those pesky ASP.NET blogs in my blogroll with this hum-dinger: perl -pe "s!title="WebLogs @...

Author: bwill Date: 09/10/2003

The Dark Side of McDonalds...

Here is a hilarious cartoon discussing the dark underside of Hamburger Town – it cracks me...

Author: bwill Date: 09/10/2003

“The first priority, young man, is to find the bugs…”

 Prologue One of my teammates recently set up a Wiki site for my team, and I must admit that I...

Author: bwill Date: 09/10/2003

Fun with Perl on my blogroll

Well, I decided it was time to export my blogroll to my blog.  Fortunately, NewsGator exports...

Author: bwill Date: 09/10/2003


That last link was courtesy of BoingBoing, by the way. 

Author: bwill Date: 09/09/2003

Big Brother is watching you - Big Brother loves you

 <SARCASM> Thank goodness our government is looking out for me, and making sure I...

Author: bwill Date: 09/09/2003

"The Baghdad Blogger"

 One of the more interesting sites I visited in the days before before and after the recent...

Author: bwill Date: 09/09/2003

A beautiful West Virginia Bed and Breakfast

Al and Allison Alsdorf, my parents-in-law, run a beautiful Bed & Breakfast in Harpers Ferry,...

Author: bwill Date: 09/09/2003

Escape Analysis; or, 'how did that bug slip through testing?'

 After the Indigo team's last milestone (M4), most of our feature test teams did an analysis of...

Author: bwill Date: 09/09/2003

We can rebuild him - better, stronger, faster

I read here that Sony is coming out with yet another rev of their Aibo robot dog.  That thing...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

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