
blog the testing cost post

I send myself e-mail occasionally, so I can remember items that I want to blog about
later.  (I only blog from home, and in fact only have blog software on my home
machine – a little bit of practical self-control.)  Unfortunately, these
self-addressed, non-stamped mails have been piling up recently, and in particular
there is one called “blog the testing cost post” that has me stumped. 
What on earth was I thinking when I sent that?  It sounds fascinating! 
I just wish I could remember…

Maybe it was that post describing useful metrics for measuring testing cost –
but where did I put it?

Or maybe, it’s a very cryptic note to myself that I need to talk about TCP more?

Perhaps if I subject it to the “Bible Code” analysis, its hidden meaning
will be revealed to me – the secret to world domination?  Or perhaps just
a raise?

Its driving me nits!


  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2003
    Talking about blogging about the post I made on test costs? :-)