
Hidden Gem in BizTalk 2006 R2

Howdy everyone,

   So first off, I should probably say that my posts might be a bit more far and few between (not that they are all that often as it stands :). A long time co-worker, Kartik, will probably be manning the ship on the blog as I have decided to expand my skills a bit and work on SQL Server Analysis Services. Figured I had been helping people build the processes which actually executed their business logic, now I wanted a bit more experience with the tools they use to analyze what exactly they have been doing at their business. This blog, though, will remain a BizTalk blog since it was never meant to be "my" blog ... just look at the name. Okay, enough of that. :)

 As a "parting gift", I managed to convince the team to let me add a small enhancement to persistence as long as I did not push changes to the UI. Ostensibly, this was really meant for PSS, but personally, I would rather have everyone else fix / figure out their problems without having to call PSS. So don't tell them I told you, but here you go :)

As part of default dehydration now, the orchestration engine also persists, in the clear, the name of the shape on which it was blocked. I have seen many customers which turn on shape level tracking for orchestration just so that if things get "hung up" and lots of orchestrations end up in the dehydrated state, they can open the orchestration in the debugger view and see what it has executed and what it is waiting on. Using orchestration debugger for this is just a tremendous overkill and adds overhead to the processing and now you have to manage the potential buildup of this information in the tracking db. All just so you can know what an orchestration is blocked on. With R2, you have the potential to figure this out yourself. :)

Unfortunately, we did not get this into the UI. Would have been really cool to view it in the MMC and dehydrated orchestrations would have the string of the blocking shape. But we gave you a start and now if we ever did add the UI tools, we wouldn't have to change to underlying db schema or any of the engine. So here are the details.

In the Instances table in the messagebox there is a new column called nvcLastAction. This column contains a guid for dehydrated instances. Sorry, all I had access to in the engine was a guid. However, in the DTA database you will find a table called dta_ServiceSymbols which contains some xml for each service which is deployed, regardless of whether you have any tracking on. This xml is used to translate the guids into string names for some of our tools. It is relatively easy to look at this and build a little tool which will map the guid to the actual shape name. Sorry I have not written the tool ... Remember about being very careful when looking directly in the messagebox. Be careful of locking tables and causing all sorts of blocking issues. Use NOLOCK hints and never, ever, ever update / delete anything. If you are at all unsure about rules around this, please see https://blogs.msdn.com/biztalk_core_engine/archive/2004/09/20/231974.aspx which is specific to 2004 and mostly obsolete for 2006 with the new enhancements to the MMC which makes these direct queries unnecessary, but the rules for quering are still valid. Be very, very, very careful. If you change things or cause problems by introducing blocking, your chances of support are pretty much nill.

 Couple of caveats. We did not do extensive testing on this for parallels where you might be blocking on more than one shape. It could technically pick either shape with no gaurantees. Also, we are simply depending on the orchestration engine to provide this information as we hook in to grab it in the same fashion as the tracking interceptors do.

So there you go. Have some fun with it. Perhaps if you ask nicely, you could convince someone to put this in for 2006 SP1. You have to ask nicely, though. :)

Hope everyone is having a great day.

