
Two SQL Server Events for Microsoft Premier Customers! Microsoft TVP - Reading - U.K.


If you are a Microsoft Premier customer involved with SQL Server, there are two great events scheduled that you can't miss:


SQL Server 2005 Developer Productivity Day

Thursday 19th April


The event is designed for Database Developers who are experienced in using SQL Server 2000 and have had some experience with SQL Server 2005. The day would also provide attendees NOT experienced with SQL Server an insight into the new Developer related features and enhancements.


The SQL Server 2005 Developer Productivity Operations day provides participants with information that will enable them to:


· Create more secure, more robust applications at a lower cost

· Take advantage of existing skills across a variety of development languages

· Build new classes of connected applications across any platform or device


The following is an outline of the subjects to be covered on the day.


· Transact-SQL Enhancements

· Reliable Messaging with the SQL Server 2005 Service Broker

· Web Services and XML Support

· Visual Studio Integration and Hosted Common Language Runtime

· Visual Studio Team System For Database Professionals

· Multiple Active Result sets

· SQL Management Objects

· Security Enhancements


SQL Server 2005 Operations and Performance Day

Friday 25th May


This SQL Server 2005 Operations Day is designed for experienced SQL Server Database Administrators. The day would also provide attendees NOT experienced with SQL Server an insight into operational related features and enhancements with SQL Server 2005.


The SQL Server 2005 Operations and Performance day provides participants with information that will enable them to:


· Make an Informed decision regarding choice of 32 bit / 64 bit hardware / software

· Use new SQL Server 2005 Features to troubleshoot performance issues

· Implementing and Managing CLR Functionality and Security within SQL Server 2005

· Learn about the SQL Server Management Pack For MOM


The following is an outline of the subjects to be covered on the day. It is not intended as an exhaustive list of all the topics to be discussed.


· Troubleshooting performance with DMV’s

· Profiler / Database Tuning Advisor

· 32 bit versus 64 bit

· Using MOM to Manage SQL Server

· Introduction to CLR for SQL Administrators


To register to those events, you will need to contact your assigned TAM.

Both events will take place in Microsoft - Thames Valley Park - Reading.

We are looking forward to see you all!