
How To: Install SSRS 2000 after Share Point Services


Here are some tips you might find useful if you are trying to Install SQL Server Reporting Services 2000 after having installed Share Point Services on the same machine.


The two products have in fact some interoperability issues, which are described in the SSRS 2000 Deployment Guide (https://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2000/deploy/rsdepgd.mspx): but the process descibed in here is not 100% complete, and since I've found some difficulties in retrieving information on the best practices to use, I want to share them into my blog.


1. The SSRS wizard will alert you about some Virtual Directory issues: ignore this alert and proceed with the installation.

2. Al the end of the wizard, you'll receive an error message that states:

Setup could not initialize the report server. You must manually initialize the report server before using it for the first time. For more information, see the Reporting Services setup documentation.

Ignore this message as well, and close the installation wizard.

Then you have to manually:

3. Add the Reporting Services virtual directories to the Windows SharePoint Services list of exclusions

4. Modify the SharePoint Web.config file

5. Move the report server in an application pool that is separate from the SharePoint server one

6. Finally, use the rsactivate utility to activate the local instance of Reporting Services (the deployement guide states: "in Internet Explorer, navigate to https://<server>/ReportServer. This causes Reporting Services to initialize" . This didn't worked for me, I had to use the rsactivate utility, even if the error message indicated an initialization problem).


Is can sound tricky, but you can find all the instructions for steps 3 to 6 at https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa179370(sql.80).aspx.