
Finding Microsoft Digital Training Has Never Been Easier!

In our continuing drive to make it easier for partners to do business with Microsoft, we are making it easier for you to get the training content you want to skill your teams and grow your businesses.

At Inspire, we launched the new Learning Portal, an easy-to-use access point for more than 200 curated learning paths that feature the best courses, in multiple modalities, from across Microsoft’s various training sites. The site allows partners to find these curated trainings by solution area, competency, product or role.

We heard you say that you want to go beyond the structured guidance and explore more content, able to learn and consume content that cuts across technologies, and share these custom learning paths with your peers.

We are pleased to announce the launch of new Content Catalogues.

Content Catalogues provide this functionality, allowing our partners to apply filters by practice areas, by workload, by role, by learning level, thus helping narrow down their search. The unique share functionality enables you to share your custom selection by a single click.

We have a content catalogue for each of the four solution areas. These are connected to the Solution page on Learning portal and can be accessed directly through the following URLs:

  1. Modern/Digital Workplace
  2. Intelligent Business Applications
  3. Data Strategy & Analytics
  4. Infrastructure & Modern App

In our launch effort, we have curated and aligned the latest on-demand content to the four priority solution areas. As we make progress, we will keep aligning more on-demand content throughout the next six months.

Please check out the new experience and send your ideas and feedback to this alias: partnerup@microsoft.com