
Can you speak WPF? Want to be the next Tim Sneath?

Microsoft is hiring another Technical Evangelist, To find out more: https://blogs.msdn.com/tims/archive/2006/04/10/572735.aspx

What does a Technical Evangelist do?

What does an evangelist actually do? Over the last year or so, I find that the majority of my work falls into four largely discrete buckets:

  • Account Engagement. Identifying showcase partners that have the potential to generate a snowball effect due to their market penetration or the exploitative nature of their work, and giving them day-to-day assistance with their technical and business needs. You'd probably handle anywhere from 3-10 customers on a 1:1 basis, working alongside their developers and architects to unblock them, as well as running technical deep-dive labs and participating on conference calls.
  • Hero to the Field. Internally there's the need to ensure that our worldwide technical and sales divisions are well equipped with great demos, presentation content, and other information so that they have everything they need to work with their customers.
  • Building an Ecosystem. The first customers to start building on our technology began about two years ago, when there was precious little documentation or samples, no books or introductory whitepapers, and plenty of bugs and inconsistencies in the API. Most of them only succeeded through one-to-one support from the product team. As we near release, we want to gradually inculcate an ecosystem that can be self-supporting, so that the answers to questions people have are in the public domain. An evangelist can support this by finding the next generation of "rockstars" - MVPs and others who are broadly recognized as experts, writing whitepapers and other content for MSDN that sets the stage for WPF, putting good valuable developer technical notes out there through outlets like blogs which can be more rapidly updated than the SDK, and so on.
  • Internal Impact. There's a strategic aspect to the evangelist role that shouldn't be overlooked. Like any organization, we don't make the right decision every time; getting the bad decisions "fixed" before they ever appear in a product or announcement is part and parcel of the job of an evangelist - being an internal advocate for customers and trying to help get our strategy right. In some ways, this is the most rewarding aspect of the job - I can barely think of another organization or working group outside of the executive leadership that has the potential to effect change across cross-product boundaries to better meet the needs of our customers.

To find out more please look at: https://blogs.msdn.com/tims/archive/2006/04/10/572735.aspx