
It's May! AIIM and Winhec around the corner

It is suddenly May and things are busy as ever around here. Of course, focusing on Beta 2 is our top priority and that looks real good at this point.  In two weeks we will be on the road at AIIM.  A lot of excitement brewing for this event.  It is the first time MS has ever had a presence at AIIM let alone be a platinum sponser.  We will have a good size booth that will be shared between the Office Sharepoint team, Windows RMS and our team (specifically XPS).  In addition to the booth there will be three sessions:

Tuesday, May 16 - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
General Session: Bridging the Gap between Technology and Solution: the Value of Partners in Microsoft Office's 2007 ECM Offering

Wednesday, May 17 - 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
General Session: Enterprise Content Management in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

Wednesday, May 17 - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
General Session: Effortlessly Manage and Protect Your Documents Using Microsoft Office, XPS and Windows Rights Management

Lots of work going on working on presentations, working out our demos and working with partners.  I think it is going to be a fantastic event.  It is the first time we have talked about XPS at a non-Microsoft conference, so it will be very interesting to hear first-hand peoples questions and reactions.  I'm very surprised the progress a lot of our partners have made on XPS.   Not just the partners we have regular contact with, but also it seems every week we run into a new company we have never worked with that has a solution up and running - I'm hoping to maybe run across a few more at the show. 

If you are in Philly at AIIM, stop by the booth and say hi, I'll be there all week.

Winhec is also in full stride.  A list of sessions from the D2 team can be found here.  We will cover the latest info around color, XPS printing, Windows Image Acquisition, Web Services for Devices and of course anything you need to know about testing your hardware to make sure it will work great with Windows Vista.

- Andy