
Microsoft Bliink 2012 Illinois Web Design Competition

Registration for the Microsoft Bliink 2012 Illinois Web Design Competition is now open.

Bliink (https://bit.ly/Bliink) is open to Illinois students ages 13-19 participating in teams of two to four.

This year’s competition is co-sponsored by Illinois Institute of Technology, Illinois Technology Association, and the Chicago Public Schools. We hope educators will include Bliink in their lessons this winter and excite their students with this engaging, real-world team project and the cool prizes they can win by designing websites with Microsoft Expression® Studio.

Students will:

  • · Receive Microsoft Expression® Studio professional software at no charge
  • · Work hard to earn prizes that include Xbox 360 and Kinect

Teachers will:

  • · Receive Expression Studio professional Web design software for their school at no charge
  • · Engage students with big ideas and meaningful problem-solving activities using the free curriculum resources

Students can submit projects created in or out of class.

Visit https://bit.ly/WebTutorials for free Expression Studio learning resources.

Inquire about receiving Expression Studio software free of charge for your school: innovativeteachers@microsoft.com

Students can download Expression Studio free of charge for their personal PCs at DreamSpark after they register.

Complete details are posted on the Bliink Contest website.

Register your students today!

Important Dates:

  • Registration deadline: February 28, 2012
  • Project submission deadline: March 20, 2012

Questions? Email Pat Phillips at innovativeteachers@microsoft.com.

Please distribute this message to the individuals, schools, and educational organizations that will value this opportunity for their students.