
Interesting Links 27 February 2012

CS12_logoThe highlight of this past week for me was taking part in the CSTA CS & IT conference program committee meeting. The agenda should be available soon once some final details get nailed down and I’ll blog about that when it happens. Suffice it to say it looks to me like this well be an outstanding professional development event this summer. If you are a computer science and/or IT teacher start making plans to attend it now. Hope to see you there. Until then a few other links to share

Student Windows Phone Apps Need Votes We’re looking for the public to vote on the finalists of the Big App On Campus competition. Please check out the apps students have created and vote for your favorites. I’ve actually installed a few and have been using them on my phone. Some good stuff.

Don’t forget that there are still a few chances for student developers to enter the Imagine Cup. Check out this post about the next round of Imagine cup deadlines coming up

For teachers of all subjects I hope you saw my blog post: Partners in Learning 2012 US Forum–Reminder Can we get more CS teachers to apply? Yes we can! Some special prizes are available for CS and IT teachers. Check it out.

Are you attending a FIRST Robotics event this weekend? Events each of the next six weeks in the US and Canada. These are a real opportunity to see students creating some amazing robots and using STEM skills in exciting ways. If you have kids you want to see get excited about science, technology, engineering and math these are great events for them to attend. I find inspiration every time I go to one.

Want to Get and Keep a Job…Coding Seems to be the Key according to this post by Tara Walker. It’s a shame that CS education isn’t growing as quickly as the need for CS professionals.

Dani Diaz works with professional developers at Microsoft and he has been working on a cool Windows Phone Starter Kit for Conferences - Small And Mighty That might also serve as a foundation for other projects such as a school application. It’s worth a look.

Lastly a link to my computer science education blog roll. If you are looking for good blogs about computer science education this list is a good start.