
Game Design with XNA, Kinect and Windows Phone

Please take a look at the new Game Design with XNA and Microsoft Technologies: Advanced XNA, Kinect, and Windows Phone curriculum units that have just been completed and are ready for classroom (or other) use.

The teacher-created and classroom-tested lessons and projects are easy to engage and include everything teachers and students need for successful learning—lesson plans, starter projects, video snippets, assessments. (Windows Phone module will be coming online soon)

The 6-week (30 hour) modules are part of the a full year course on XNA Game development. To see the rest of the XNA teaching resources check out Faculty Connection for High School . And please tell the CS teachers in your area about it!

1. All the development tools that you need can be downloaded for free. The first thing you will need is the Windows Phone SDK. You can download it from here: create.msdn.com/. You might think it strange to use the Windows Phone SDK, but this contains the latest version of XNA and can be used to create XNA programs for Xbox 360 and Windows PC as well as Windows Phone.

2. You will also need to download the Kinect for Windows SDK which you can find here: kinectforwindows.org/.
This installs the USB drivers for the sensor components and the library file that contains the Kinect for Windows SDK