
What would you like the ACE team to discuss on Channel 9?

The ACE Team is going to be doing a Channel 9 video with Robert Scoble! (Thanks Robert! :) We’ll get a chance to discuss what we do and how we do it. We’ll also be spending time talking about our threat modeling process and tool (more info as always on our threat modeling blog). But the real reason I’m posting this is to get your feedback before we do the session, tell us what you’d like to hear about from the ACE Team! 

Do you have questions about how Microsoft secures its IT applications? Do you have questions around world class performance testing of high use/high availability sites? Are you curious about the types of tools and processes we use to find interesting security vulnerabilities?

Let us know and we’ll make sure to try and fit it in! Feel free to post comments below (you’ll need to register, for free).

Ahmad Mahdi

Security Technologist

Microsoft – ACE Team
