
FQDN in OpsMgr DNS 2008 Zone Resolution Monitor

I've made the leap into the wonderful world of System Center Operations Manager, and wanted to post this obscure issue with the DNS 2008 Zone Resolution Monitor in the DNS Server MP.

In certain complex DNS environments, queries may need to be in the form of an explicit fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with a trailing period, e.g.,


If you override the DNS 2008 Zone Resolution Monitor and enable DebugFlag, you can then look in the OpsMgr event log on the DNS server to see the actual queries that are executed (look for event IDs 1161-1163), e.g., 

cmd /c C:\Windows\system32\nslookup.exe -querytype=ns zone1.contoso.com

Unfortunately, the explicit FQDN is not used (i.e., there's no trailing period on the zone name), so if the environment requires this type of query, this monitor won't work and needs to be disabled.

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