Answer questions on Microsoft Q&A
Answering questions on Microsoft Q&A helps other users solve their problem and increase your reputation.
You can also answer your own question to help other community members to resolve the same issue you were facing.
You need to be signed into Q&A.
Limitations when mentioning a user:
- Typing a comma stops searching for the user.
- There may be a delay between the time a user creates a profile on Microsoft Learn and the time they can be mentioned. If you can't find the user and it's their first question, try again in a few minutes.
Answer a question
- From the Questions page, select any question you would like to answer.
- Scroll down until you see the "Your answer" header.
- Enter your answer on the rich-web editor.
- Insert attachments.
- Make sure you mention the question author or any other relevant users.
- Select the "Post your answer" button.
- Answers are sorted by most helpful votes. If two or more answers have the same number of helpful votes, then they're sorted from oldest to newest.
Include attachments
Use the rich-web editor to enter the details of your question. Use attachments to help illustrate your answer.
Mention a user
Mention question authors help them know that you answer your question. You can also mention other users who contributed to the thread. If they have their email notifications enabled, they get a message.
- In the rich-web editor, type
. - Start typing the user's name.
- When you find a match, press ENTER or select the name.
The list of users matching is 30. You will see first the list of display names that matches the start the string you type, in alphabetical order. The list is followed by matches that contain the display name you're typing, as well sorted in alphabetical order.
Next steps
- Learn How to write a quality answer on Microsoft Q&A.
- Get familiar with the Q&A code of conduct, including crediting your sources, when you don't come up with the answer on your own.
- Share your expertise, help other community members, and help answering question on Microsoft Q&A.