

Location Element (XMLA)

Contains information about a remote server for the parent Backup, Restore, or Synchronize command.


<Backup> <!-- or one of the elements listed below in the Element relationships table -->  
<File>...</File> <!-- for Backup and Restore only -->  
<DataSourceType>...</DataSourceType> <!-- for Restore and Synchronize only -->  
<ConnectionString>...</ConnectionString> <!-- for Restore and Synchronize only -->  
<Folders>...</Folders> <!-- for Restore and Synchronize only -->  

Element characteristics

Characteristic Description
Data type and length None
Default value None
Cardinality 0-n: Optional element that can occur more than once.

Element relationships

Relationship Element
Parent elements Backup, Restore, Synchronize
Child elements See the table below.
Ancestor or Parent Child Element
Backup DataSourceID, File
Restore ConnectionString, DataSourceID, DataSourceType, File, Folders
Synchronize ConnectionString, DataSourceID, DataSourceType, Folders


For Backup commands, the Location element provides information about creating a remote backup file for a remote instance of Analysis Services.

For Restore commands, the Location element provides information about identifying and connecting to a remote Analysis Services instance, as well as the remote backup file used to restore remote partitions on that remote instance.

For Synchronize commands, the Location element describes either a data source to be used by the target instance or a remote instance defined on the source instance that must be synchronized with the target instance, depending on the value of the DataSourceType element for the parent Synchronize command.