

Expanded Text Ads

The expanded text ad format works seamlessly on mobile, tablet and desktop devices so you can focus more on crafting your longer ad copy and optimizing your ad text to better engage your customers before they click your ad.


  • Upgrade your expanded text ads to responsive search ads by February 1, 2023. After this date, you will no longer be able to create new or edit existing expanded text ads. For more information, see About responsive search ads.
  • Existing expanded text ads will continue to serve, and you'll be able to view reports on their performance.
  • You'll still be able to pause, enable, or remove your expanded text ads. Otherwise, attempts to add or update expanded text ads will result in a CampaignServiceAdTypeInvalid error.
  • Learn more about this change.



Expanded text ads can only be created in Search campaigns where the AdGroupType is set to "SearchStandard". If the AdGroupType is set to "SearchDynamic", then the ad group does not support expanded text ads.

Bulk API for Expanded Text Ads

The Expanded Text Ad Bulk record is available for managing expanded text ads i.e., you can upload or download data in this format.

Campaign Management API for Expanded Text Ads

The ExpandedTextAd object is derived from the Ad base class and can be managed with any of the existing ad operations e.g. AddAds, DeleteAds, GetAdsByAdGroupId, and UpdateAds.

See Also

Countdown Customizers