Gather user input with Recognize action
This guide helps you get started recognizing DTMF input provided by participants through Azure Communication Services Call Automation SDK.
- Azure account with an active subscription, for details see Create an account for free..
- Azure Communication Services resource. See Create an Azure Communication Services resource. Note the connection string for this resource.
- Create a new web service application using the Call Automation SDK.
- The latest .NET library for your operating system.
- The latest NuGet package.
For AI features
- Create and connect Azure AI services to your Azure Communication Services resource.
- Create a custom subdomain for your Azure AI services resource.
Technical specifications
The following parameters are available to customize the Recognize function:
Parameter | Type | Default (if not specified) | Description | Required or Optional |
Prompt (For details, see Customize voice prompts to users with Play action) |
FileSource, TextSource | Not set | The message to play before recognizing input. | Optional |
InterToneTimeout |
TimeSpan | 2 seconds Min: 1 second Max: 60 seconds |
Limit in seconds that Azure Communication Services waits for the caller to press another digit (inter-digit timeout). | Optional |
InitialSegmentationSilenceTimeoutInSeconds |
Integer | 0.5 second | How long recognize action waits for input before considering it a timeout. See How to recognize speech. | Optional |
RecognizeInputsType |
Enum | dtmf | Type of input that is recognized. Options are dtmf , choices , speech , and speechordtmf . |
Required |
InitialSilenceTimeout |
TimeSpan | 5 seconds Min: 0 seconds Max: 300 seconds (DTMF) Max: 20 seconds (Choices) Max: 20 seconds (Speech) |
Initial silence timeout adjusts how much nonspeech audio is allowed before a phrase before the recognition attempt ends in a "no match" result. See How to recognize speech. | Optional |
MaxTonesToCollect |
Integer | No default Min: 1 |
Number of digits a developer expects as input from the participant. | Required |
StopTones |
IEnumeration<DtmfTone> | Not set | The digit participants can press to escape out of a batch DTMF event. | Optional |
InterruptPrompt |
Bool | True | If the participant has the ability to interrupt the playMessage by pressing a digit. | Optional |
InterruptCallMediaOperation |
Bool | True | If this flag is set, it interrupts the current call media operation. For example if any audio is being played it interrupts that operation and initiates recognize. | Optional |
OperationContext |
String | Not set | String that developers can pass mid action, useful for allowing developers to store context about the events they receive. | Optional |
Phrases |
String | Not set | List of phrases that associate to the label. Hearing any of these phrases results in a successful recognition. | Required |
Tone |
String | Not set | The tone to recognize if user decides to press a number instead of using speech. | Optional |
Label |
String | Not set | The key value for recognition. | Required |
Language |
String | En-us | The language that is used for recognizing speech. | Optional |
EndSilenceTimeout |
TimeSpan | 0.5 second | The final pause of the speaker used to detect the final result that gets generated as speech. | Optional |
In situations where both DTMF and speech are in the recognizeInputsType
, the recognize action acts on the first input type received. For example, if the user presses a keypad number first then the recognize action considers it a DTMF event and continues listening for DTMF tones. If the user speaks first then the recognize action considers it a speech recognition event and listens for voice input.
Create a new C# application
In the console window of your operating system, use the dotnet
command to create a new web application.
dotnet new web -n MyApplication
Install the NuGet package
Get the NuGet package from NuGet Gallery | Azure.Communication.CallAutomation. Follow the instructions to install the package.
Establish a call
By this point you should be familiar with starting calls. For more information about making a call, see Quickstart: Make and outbound call. You can also use the code snippet provided here to understand how to answer a call.
var callAutomationClient = new CallAutomationClient("<Azure Communication Services connection string>");
var answerCallOptions = new AnswerCallOptions("<Incoming call context once call is connected>", new Uri("<https://sample-callback-uri>"))
CallIntelligenceOptions = new CallIntelligenceOptions() { CognitiveServicesEndpoint = new Uri("<Azure Cognitive Services Endpoint>") }
var answerCallResult = await callAutomationClient.AnswerCallAsync(answerCallOptions);
Call the recognize action
When your application answers the call, you can provide information about recognizing participant input and playing a prompt.
var maxTonesToCollect = 3;
String textToPlay = "Welcome to Contoso, please enter 3 DTMF.";
var playSource = new TextSource(textToPlay, "en-US-ElizabethNeural");
var recognizeOptions = new CallMediaRecognizeDtmfOptions(targetParticipant, maxTonesToCollect) {
InitialSilenceTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
Prompt = playSource,
InterToneTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
InterruptPrompt = true,
StopTones = new DtmfTone[] {
var recognizeResult = await callAutomationClient.GetCallConnection(callConnectionId)
For speech-to-text flows, the Call Automation Recognize action also supports the use of custom speech models. Features like custom speech models can be useful when you're building an application that needs to listen for complex words that the default speech-to-text models may not understand. One example is when you're building an application for the telemedical industry and your virtual agent needs to be able to recognize medical terms. You can learn more in Create a custom speech project.
Speech-to-Text Choices
var choices = new List < RecognitionChoice > {
new RecognitionChoice("Confirm", new List < string > {
}) {
Tone = DtmfTone.One
new RecognitionChoice("Cancel", new List < string > {
}) {
Tone = DtmfTone.Two
String textToPlay = "Hello, This is a reminder for your appointment at 2 PM, Say Confirm to confirm your appointment or Cancel to cancel the appointment. Thank you!";
var playSource = new TextSource(textToPlay, "en-US-ElizabethNeural");
var recognizeOptions = new CallMediaRecognizeChoiceOptions(targetParticipant, choices) {
InterruptPrompt = true,
InitialSilenceTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
Prompt = playSource,
OperationContext = "AppointmentReminderMenu",
//Only add the SpeechModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
SpeechModelEndpointId = "YourCustomSpeechModelEndpointId"
var recognizeResult = await callAutomationClient.GetCallConnection(callConnectionId)
String textToPlay = "Hi, how can I help you today?";
var playSource = new TextSource(textToPlay, "en-US-ElizabethNeural");
var recognizeOptions = new CallMediaRecognizeSpeechOptions(targetParticipant) {
Prompt = playSource,
EndSilenceTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000),
OperationContext = "OpenQuestionSpeech",
//Only add the SpeechModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
SpeechModelEndpointId = "YourCustomSpeechModelEndpointId"
var recognizeResult = await callAutomationClient.GetCallConnection(callConnectionId)
Speech-to-Text or DTMF
var maxTonesToCollect = 1;
String textToPlay = "Hi, how can I help you today, you can press 0 to speak to an agent?";
var playSource = new TextSource(textToPlay, "en-US-ElizabethNeural");
var recognizeOptions = new CallMediaRecognizeSpeechOrDtmfOptions(targetParticipant, maxTonesToCollect)
Prompt = playSource,
EndSilenceTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000),
InitialSilenceTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
InterruptPrompt = true,
OperationContext = "OpenQuestionSpeechOrDtmf",
//Only add the SpeechModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
SpeechModelEndpointId = "YourCustomSpeechModelEndpointId"
var recognizeResult = await callAutomationClient.GetCallConnection(callConnectionId)
If parameters aren't set, the defaults are applied where possible.
Receiving recognize event updates
Developers can subscribe to RecognizeCompleted
and RecognizeFailed
events on the registered webhook callback. Use this callback with business logic in your application to determine next steps when one of the events occurs.
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeCompleted event:
if (acsEvent is RecognizeCompleted recognizeCompleted)
switch (recognizeCompleted.RecognizeResult)
case DtmfResult dtmfResult:
//Take action for Recognition through DTMF
var tones = dtmfResult.Tones;
logger.LogInformation("Recognize completed successfully, tones={tones}", tones);
case ChoiceResult choiceResult:
// Take action for Recognition through Choices
var labelDetected = choiceResult.Label;
var phraseDetected = choiceResult.RecognizedPhrase;
// If choice is detected by phrase, choiceResult.RecognizedPhrase will have the phrase detected,
// If choice is detected using dtmf tone, phrase will be null
logger.LogInformation("Recognize completed successfully, labelDetected={labelDetected}, phraseDetected={phraseDetected}", labelDetected, phraseDetected);
case SpeechResult speechResult:
// Take action for Recognition through Choices
var text = speechResult.Speech;
logger.LogInformation("Recognize completed successfully, text={text}", text);
logger.LogInformation("Recognize completed successfully, recognizeResult={recognizeResult}", recognizeCompleted.RecognizeResult);
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeFailed event:
if (acsEvent is RecognizeFailed recognizeFailed)
if (MediaEventReasonCode.RecognizeInitialSilenceTimedOut.Equals(recognizeFailed.ReasonCode))
// Take action for time out
logger.LogInformation("Recognition failed: initial silence time out");
else if (MediaEventReasonCode.RecognizeSpeechOptionNotMatched.Equals(recognizeFailed.ReasonCode))
// Take action for option not matched
logger.LogInformation("Recognition failed: speech option not matched");
else if (MediaEventReasonCode.RecognizeIncorrectToneDetected.Equals(recognizeFailed.ReasonCode))
// Take action for incorrect tone
logger.LogInformation("Recognition failed: incorrect tone detected");
logger.LogInformation("Recognition failed, result={result}, context={context}", recognizeFailed.ResultInformation?.Message, recognizeFailed.OperationContext);
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeCanceled event:
if (acsEvent is RecognizeCanceled { OperationContext: "AppointmentReminderMenu" })
logger.LogInformation($"RecognizeCanceled event received for call connection id: {@event.CallConnectionId}");
//Take action on recognize canceled operation
await callConnection.HangUpAsync(forEveryone: true);
- Azure account with an active subscription, for details see Create an account for free..
- Azure Communication Services resource. See Create an Azure Communication Services resource
- Create a new web service application using the Call Automation SDK.
- Java Development Kit version 8 or above.
- Apache Maven.
For AI features
- Create and connect Azure AI services to your Azure Communication Services resource.
- Create a custom subdomain for your Azure AI services resource.
Technical specifications
The following parameters are available to customize the Recognize function:
Parameter | Type | Default (if not specified) | Description | Required or Optional |
Prompt (For details, see Customize voice prompts to users with Play action) |
FileSource, TextSource | Not set | The message to play before recognizing input. | Optional |
InterToneTimeout |
TimeSpan | 2 seconds Min: 1 second Max: 60 seconds |
Limit in seconds that Azure Communication Services waits for the caller to press another digit (inter-digit timeout). | Optional |
InitialSegmentationSilenceTimeoutInSeconds |
Integer | 0.5 second | How long recognize action waits for input before considering it a timeout. See How to recognize speech. | Optional |
RecognizeInputsType |
Enum | dtmf | Type of input that is recognized. Options are dtmf , choices , speech , and speechordtmf . |
Required |
InitialSilenceTimeout |
TimeSpan | 5 seconds Min: 0 seconds Max: 300 seconds (DTMF) Max: 20 seconds (Choices) Max: 20 seconds (Speech) |
Initial silence timeout adjusts how much nonspeech audio is allowed before a phrase before the recognition attempt ends in a "no match" result. See How to recognize speech. | Optional |
MaxTonesToCollect |
Integer | No default Min: 1 |
Number of digits a developer expects as input from the participant. | Required |
StopTones |
IEnumeration<DtmfTone> | Not set | The digit participants can press to escape out of a batch DTMF event. | Optional |
InterruptPrompt |
Bool | True | If the participant has the ability to interrupt the playMessage by pressing a digit. | Optional |
InterruptCallMediaOperation |
Bool | True | If this flag is set, it interrupts the current call media operation. For example if any audio is being played it interrupts that operation and initiates recognize. | Optional |
OperationContext |
String | Not set | String that developers can pass mid action, useful for allowing developers to store context about the events they receive. | Optional |
Phrases |
String | Not set | List of phrases that associate to the label. Hearing any of these phrases results in a successful recognition. | Required |
Tone |
String | Not set | The tone to recognize if user decides to press a number instead of using speech. | Optional |
Label |
String | Not set | The key value for recognition. | Required |
Language |
String | En-us | The language that is used for recognizing speech. | Optional |
EndSilenceTimeout |
TimeSpan | 0.5 second | The final pause of the speaker used to detect the final result that gets generated as speech. | Optional |
In situations where both DTMF and speech are in the recognizeInputsType
, the recognize action acts on the first input type received. For example, if the user presses a keypad number first then the recognize action considers it a DTMF event and continues listening for DTMF tones. If the user speaks first then the recognize action considers it a speech recognition event and listens for voice input.
Create a new Java application
In your terminal or command window, navigate to the directory where you would like to create your Java application. Run the mvn
command to generate the Java project from the maven-archetype-quickstart template.
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.communication.quickstart -DartifactId=communication-quickstart -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false
The mvn
command creates a directory with the same name as the artifactId
argument. The src/main/java
directory contains the project source code. The src/test/java
directory contains the test source.
Notice that the generate
step created a directory with the same name as the artifactId
. The src/main/java
directory contains source code. The src/test/java
directory contains tests. The pom.xml
file is the project's Project Object Model (POM).
Update your applications POM file to use Java 8 or higher.
Add package references
In your POM file, add the following reference for the project:
Establish a call
By this point you should be familiar with starting calls. For more information about making a call, see Quickstart: Make and outbound call. You can also use the code snippet provided here to understand how to answer a call.
CallIntelligenceOptions callIntelligenceOptions = new CallIntelligenceOptions().setCognitiveServicesEndpoint("");
answerCallOptions = new AnswerCallOptions("<Incoming call context>", "<https://sample-callback-uri>").setCallIntelligenceOptions(callIntelligenceOptions);
Response < AnswerCallResult > answerCallResult = callAutomationClient
Call the recognize action
When your application answers the call, you can provide information about recognizing participant input and playing a prompt.
var maxTonesToCollect = 3;
String textToPlay = "Welcome to Contoso, please enter 3 DTMF.";
var playSource = new TextSource()
var recognizeOptions = new CallMediaRecognizeDtmfOptions(targetParticipant, maxTonesToCollect)
var recognizeResponse = callAutomationClient.getCallConnectionAsync(callConnectionId)
.block();"Start recognizing result: " + recognizeResponse.getStatusCode());
For speech-to-text flows, the Call Automation Recognize action also supports the use of custom speech models. Features like custom speech models can be useful when you're building an application that needs to listen for complex words that the default speech-to-text models may not understand. One example is when you're building an application for the telemedical industry and your virtual agent needs to be able to recognize medical terms. You can learn more in Create a custom speech project.
Speech-to-Text Choices
var choices = Arrays.asList(
new RecognitionChoice()
.setPhrases(Arrays.asList("Confirm", "First", "One"))
new RecognitionChoice()
.setPhrases(Arrays.asList("Cancel", "Second", "Two"))
String textToPlay = "Hello, This is a reminder for your appointment at 2 PM, Say Confirm to confirm your appointment or Cancel to cancel the appointment. Thank you!";
var playSource = new TextSource()
var recognizeOptions = new CallMediaRecognizeChoiceOptions(targetParticipant, choices)
//Only add the SpeechRecognitionModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
var recognizeResponse = callAutomationClient.getCallConnectionAsync(callConnectionId)
String textToPlay = "Hi, how can I help you today?";
var playSource = new TextSource()
var recognizeOptions = new CallMediaRecognizeSpeechOptions(targetParticipant, Duration.ofMillis(1000))
//Only add the SpeechRecognitionModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
var recognizeResponse = callAutomationClient.getCallConnectionAsync(callConnectionId)
Speech-to-Text or DTMF
var maxTonesToCollect = 1;
String textToPlay = "Hi, how can I help you today, you can press 0 to speak to an agent?";
var playSource = new TextSource()
var recognizeOptions = new CallMediaRecognizeSpeechOrDtmfOptions(targetParticipant, maxTonesToCollect, Duration.ofMillis(1000))
//Only add the SpeechRecognitionModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
var recognizeResponse = callAutomationClient.getCallConnectionAsync(callConnectionId)
If parameters aren't set, the defaults are applied where possible.
Receiving recognize event updates
Developers can subscribe to RecognizeCompleted
and RecognizeFailed
events on the registered webhook callback. Use this callback with business logic in your application to determine next steps when one of the events occurs.
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeCompleted event:
if (acsEvent instanceof RecognizeCompleted) {
RecognizeCompleted event = (RecognizeCompleted) acsEvent;
RecognizeResult recognizeResult = event.getRecognizeResult().get();
if (recognizeResult instanceof DtmfResult) {
// Take action on collect tones
DtmfResult dtmfResult = (DtmfResult) recognizeResult;
List<DtmfTone> tones = dtmfResult.getTones();"Recognition completed, tones=" + tones + ", context=" + event.getOperationContext());
} else if (recognizeResult instanceof ChoiceResult) {
ChoiceResult collectChoiceResult = (ChoiceResult) recognizeResult;
String labelDetected = collectChoiceResult.getLabel();
String phraseDetected = collectChoiceResult.getRecognizedPhrase();"Recognition completed, labelDetected=" + labelDetected + ", phraseDetected=" + phraseDetected + ", context=" + event.getOperationContext());
} else if (recognizeResult instanceof SpeechResult) {
SpeechResult speechResult = (SpeechResult) recognizeResult;
String text = speechResult.getSpeech();"Recognition completed, text=" + text + ", context=" + event.getOperationContext());
} else {"Recognition completed, result=" + recognizeResult + ", context=" + event.getOperationContext());
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeFailed event:
if (acsEvent instanceof RecognizeFailed) {
RecognizeFailed event = (RecognizeFailed) acsEvent;
if (ReasonCode.Recognize.INITIAL_SILENCE_TIMEOUT.equals(event.getReasonCode())) {
// Take action for time out"Recognition failed: initial silence time out");
} else if (ReasonCode.Recognize.SPEECH_OPTION_NOT_MATCHED.equals(event.getReasonCode())) {
// Take action for option not matched"Recognition failed: speech option not matched");
} else if (ReasonCode.Recognize.DMTF_OPTION_MATCHED.equals(event.getReasonCode())) {
// Take action for incorrect tone"Recognition failed: incorrect tone detected");
} else {"Recognition failed, result=" + event.getResultInformation().getMessage() + ", context=" + event.getOperationContext());
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeCanceled event:
if (acsEvent instanceof RecognizeCanceled) {
RecognizeCanceled event = (RecognizeCanceled) acsEvent;"Recognition canceled, context=" + event.getOperationContext());
- Azure account with an active subscription, for details see Create an account for free.
- Azure Communication Services resource. See Create an Azure Communication Services resource. Note the connection string for this resource.
- Create a new web service application using the Call Automation SDK.
- Have Node.js installed, you can install it from their official website.
For AI features
- Create and connect Azure AI services to your Azure Communication Services resource.
- Create a custom subdomain for your Azure AI services resource.
Technical specifications
The following parameters are available to customize the Recognize function:
Parameter | Type | Default (if not specified) | Description | Required or Optional |
Prompt (For details, see Customize voice prompts to users with Play action) |
FileSource, TextSource | Not set | The message to play before recognizing input. | Optional |
InterToneTimeout |
TimeSpan | 2 seconds Min: 1 second Max: 60 seconds |
Limit in seconds that Azure Communication Services waits for the caller to press another digit (inter-digit timeout). | Optional |
InitialSegmentationSilenceTimeoutInSeconds |
Integer | 0.5 second | How long recognize action waits for input before considering it a timeout. See How to recognize speech. | Optional |
RecognizeInputsType |
Enum | dtmf | Type of input that is recognized. Options are dtmf , choices , speech , and speechordtmf . |
Required |
InitialSilenceTimeout |
TimeSpan | 5 seconds Min: 0 seconds Max: 300 seconds (DTMF) Max: 20 seconds (Choices) Max: 20 seconds (Speech) |
Initial silence timeout adjusts how much nonspeech audio is allowed before a phrase before the recognition attempt ends in a "no match" result. See How to recognize speech. | Optional |
MaxTonesToCollect |
Integer | No default Min: 1 |
Number of digits a developer expects as input from the participant. | Required |
StopTones |
IEnumeration<DtmfTone> | Not set | The digit participants can press to escape out of a batch DTMF event. | Optional |
InterruptPrompt |
Bool | True | If the participant has the ability to interrupt the playMessage by pressing a digit. | Optional |
InterruptCallMediaOperation |
Bool | True | If this flag is set, it interrupts the current call media operation. For example if any audio is being played it interrupts that operation and initiates recognize. | Optional |
OperationContext |
String | Not set | String that developers can pass mid action, useful for allowing developers to store context about the events they receive. | Optional |
Phrases |
String | Not set | List of phrases that associate to the label. Hearing any of these phrases results in a successful recognition. | Required |
Tone |
String | Not set | The tone to recognize if user decides to press a number instead of using speech. | Optional |
Label |
String | Not set | The key value for recognition. | Required |
Language |
String | En-us | The language that is used for recognizing speech. | Optional |
EndSilenceTimeout |
TimeSpan | 0.5 second | The final pause of the speaker used to detect the final result that gets generated as speech. | Optional |
In situations where both DTMF and speech are in the recognizeInputsType
, the recognize action acts on the first input type received. For example, if the user presses a keypad number first then the recognize action considers it a DTMF event and continues listening for DTMF tones. If the user speaks first then the recognize action considers it a speech recognition event and listens for voice input.
Create a new JavaScript application
Create a new JavaScript application in your project directory. Initialize a new Node.js project with the following command. This creates a package.json file for your project, which manages your project's dependencies.
npm init -y
Install the Azure Communication Services Call Automation package
npm install @azure/communication-call-automation
Create a new JavaScript file in your project directory, for example, name it app.js
. Write your JavaScript code in this file.
Run your application using Node.js with the following command.
node app.js
Establish a call
By this point you should be familiar with starting calls. For more information about making a call, see Quickstart: Make and outbound call.
Call the recognize action
When your application answers the call, you can provide information about recognizing participant input and playing a prompt.
const maxTonesToCollect = 3;
const textToPlay = "Welcome to Contoso, please enter 3 DTMF.";
const playSource: TextSource = { text: textToPlay, voiceName: "en-US-ElizabethNeural", kind: "textSource" };
const recognizeOptions: CallMediaRecognizeDtmfOptions = {
maxTonesToCollect: maxTonesToCollect,
initialSilenceTimeoutInSeconds: 30,
playPrompt: playSource,
interToneTimeoutInSeconds: 5,
interruptPrompt: true,
stopDtmfTones: [ DtmfTone.Pound ],
kind: "callMediaRecognizeDtmfOptions"
await callAutomationClient.getCallConnection(callConnectionId)
.startRecognizing(targetParticipant, recognizeOptions);
For speech-to-text flows, the Call Automation Recognize action also supports the use of custom speech models. Features like custom speech models can be useful when you're building an application that needs to listen for complex words that the default speech-to-text models may not understand. One example is when you're building an application for the telemedical industry and your virtual agent needs to be able to recognize medical terms. You can learn more in Create a custom speech project.
Speech-to-Text Choices
const choices = [
label: "Confirm",
phrases: [ "Confirm", "First", "One" ],
tone: DtmfTone.One
label: "Cancel",
phrases: [ "Cancel", "Second", "Two" ],
tone: DtmfTone.Two
const textToPlay = "Hello, This is a reminder for your appointment at 2 PM, Say Confirm to confirm your appointment or Cancel to cancel the appointment. Thank you!";
const playSource: TextSource = { text: textToPlay, voiceName: "en-US-ElizabethNeural", kind: "textSource" };
const recognizeOptions: CallMediaRecognizeChoiceOptions = {
choices: choices,
interruptPrompt: true,
initialSilenceTimeoutInSeconds: 30,
playPrompt: playSource,
operationContext: "AppointmentReminderMenu",
kind: "callMediaRecognizeChoiceOptions",
//Only add the speechRecognitionModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
speechRecognitionModelEndpointId: "YourCustomSpeechEndpointId"
await callAutomationClient.getCallConnection(callConnectionId)
.startRecognizing(targetParticipant, recognizeOptions);
const textToPlay = "Hi, how can I help you today?";
const playSource: TextSource = { text: textToPlay, voiceName: "en-US-ElizabethNeural", kind: "textSource" };
const recognizeOptions: CallMediaRecognizeSpeechOptions = {
endSilenceTimeoutInSeconds: 1,
playPrompt: playSource,
operationContext: "OpenQuestionSpeech",
kind: "callMediaRecognizeSpeechOptions",
//Only add the speechRecognitionModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
speechRecognitionModelEndpointId: "YourCustomSpeechEndpointId"
await callAutomationClient.getCallConnection(callConnectionId)
.startRecognizing(targetParticipant, recognizeOptions);
Speech-to-Text or DTMF
const maxTonesToCollect = 1;
const textToPlay = "Hi, how can I help you today, you can press 0 to speak to an agent?";
const playSource: TextSource = { text: textToPlay, voiceName: "en-US-ElizabethNeural", kind: "textSource" };
const recognizeOptions: CallMediaRecognizeSpeechOrDtmfOptions = {
maxTonesToCollect: maxTonesToCollect,
endSilenceTimeoutInSeconds: 1,
playPrompt: playSource,
initialSilenceTimeoutInSeconds: 30,
interruptPrompt: true,
operationContext: "OpenQuestionSpeechOrDtmf",
kind: "callMediaRecognizeSpeechOrDtmfOptions",
//Only add the speechRecognitionModelEndpointId if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
speechRecognitionModelEndpointId: "YourCustomSpeechEndpointId"
await callAutomationClient.getCallConnection(callConnectionId)
.startRecognizing(targetParticipant, recognizeOptions);
If parameters aren't set, the defaults are applied where possible.
Receiving recognize event updates
Developers can subscribe to RecognizeCompleted
and RecognizeFailed
events on the registered webhook callback. Use this callback with business logic in your application to determine next steps when one of the events occurs.
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeCompleted event:
if (event.type === "Microsoft.Communication.RecognizeCompleted") {
if (eventData.recognitionType === "dtmf") {
const tones = eventData.dtmfResult.tones;
console.log("Recognition completed, tones=%s, context=%s", tones, eventData.operationContext);
} else if (eventData.recognitionType === "choices") {
const labelDetected = eventData.choiceResult.label;
const phraseDetected = eventData.choiceResult.recognizedPhrase;
console.log("Recognition completed, labelDetected=%s, phraseDetected=%s, context=%s", labelDetected, phraseDetected, eventData.operationContext);
} else if (eventData.recognitionType === "speech") {
const text = eventData.speechResult.speech;
console.log("Recognition completed, text=%s, context=%s", text, eventData.operationContext);
} else {
console.log("Recognition completed: data=%s", JSON.stringify(eventData, null, 2));
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeFailed event:
if (event.type === "Microsoft.Communication.RecognizeFailed") {
console.log("Recognize failed: data=%s", JSON.stringify(eventData, null, 2));
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeCanceled event:
if (event.type === "Microsoft.Communication.RecognizeCanceled") {
console.log("Recognize canceled, context=%s", eventData.operationContext);
- Azure account with an active subscription, for details see Create an account for free.
- Azure Communication Services resource. See Create an Azure Communication Services resource. Note the connection string for this resource.
- Create a new web service application using the Call Automation SDK.
- Install Python from
For AI features
- Create and connect Azure AI services to your Azure Communication Services resource.
- Create a custom subdomain for your Azure AI services resource.
Technical specifications
The following parameters are available to customize the Recognize function:
Parameter | Type | Default (if not specified) | Description | Required or Optional |
Prompt (For details, see Customize voice prompts to users with Play action) |
FileSource, TextSource | Not set | The message to play before recognizing input. | Optional |
InterToneTimeout |
TimeSpan | 2 seconds Min: 1 second Max: 60 seconds |
Limit in seconds that Azure Communication Services waits for the caller to press another digit (inter-digit timeout). | Optional |
InitialSegmentationSilenceTimeoutInSeconds |
Integer | 0.5 second | How long recognize action waits for input before considering it a timeout. See How to recognize speech. | Optional |
RecognizeInputsType |
Enum | dtmf | Type of input that is recognized. Options are dtmf , choices , speech , and speechordtmf . |
Required |
InitialSilenceTimeout |
TimeSpan | 5 seconds Min: 0 seconds Max: 300 seconds (DTMF) Max: 20 seconds (Choices) Max: 20 seconds (Speech) |
Initial silence timeout adjusts how much nonspeech audio is allowed before a phrase before the recognition attempt ends in a "no match" result. See How to recognize speech. | Optional |
MaxTonesToCollect |
Integer | No default Min: 1 |
Number of digits a developer expects as input from the participant. | Required |
StopTones |
IEnumeration<DtmfTone> | Not set | The digit participants can press to escape out of a batch DTMF event. | Optional |
InterruptPrompt |
Bool | True | If the participant has the ability to interrupt the playMessage by pressing a digit. | Optional |
InterruptCallMediaOperation |
Bool | True | If this flag is set, it interrupts the current call media operation. For example if any audio is being played it interrupts that operation and initiates recognize. | Optional |
OperationContext |
String | Not set | String that developers can pass mid action, useful for allowing developers to store context about the events they receive. | Optional |
Phrases |
String | Not set | List of phrases that associate to the label. Hearing any of these phrases results in a successful recognition. | Required |
Tone |
String | Not set | The tone to recognize if user decides to press a number instead of using speech. | Optional |
Label |
String | Not set | The key value for recognition. | Required |
Language |
String | En-us | The language that is used for recognizing speech. | Optional |
EndSilenceTimeout |
TimeSpan | 0.5 second | The final pause of the speaker used to detect the final result that gets generated as speech. | Optional |
In situations where both DTMF and speech are in the recognizeInputsType
, the recognize action acts on the first input type received. For example, if the user presses a keypad number first then the recognize action considers it a DTMF event and continues listening for DTMF tones. If the user speaks first then the recognize action considers it a speech recognition event and listens for voice input.
Create a new Python application
Set up a Python virtual environment for your project
python -m venv play-audio-app
Activate your virtual environment
On Windows, use the following command:
.\ play-audio-quickstart \Scripts\activate
On Unix, use the following command:
source play-audio-quickstart /bin/activate
Install the Azure Communication Services Call Automation package
pip install azure-communication-callautomation
Create your application file in your project directory, for example, name it
. Write your Python code in this file.
Run your application using Python with the following command.
Establish a call
By this point you should be familiar with starting calls. For more information about making a call, see Quickstart: Make and outbound call.
Call the recognize action
When your application answers the call, you can provide information about recognizing participant input and playing a prompt.
max_tones_to_collect = 3
text_to_play = "Welcome to Contoso, please enter 3 DTMF."
play_source = TextSource(text=text_to_play, voice_name="en-US-ElizabethNeural")
dtmf_stop_tones=[ DtmfTone.Pound ])
For speech-to-text flows, the Call Automation Recognize action also supports the use of custom speech models. Features like custom speech models can be useful when you're building an application that needs to listen for complex words that the default speech-to-text models may not understand. One example is when you're building an application for the telemedical industry and your virtual agent needs to be able to recognize medical terms. You can learn more in Create a custom speech project.
Speech-to-Text Choices
choices = [
phrases=[ "Confirm", "First", "One" ],
phrases=[ "Cancel", "Second", "Two" ],
text_to_play = "Hello, This is a reminder for your appointment at 2 PM, Say Confirm to confirm your appointment or Cancel to cancel the appointment. Thank you!"
play_source = TextSource(text=text_to_play, voice_name="en-US-ElizabethNeural")
# Only add the speech_recognition_model_endpoint_id if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
text_to_play = "Hi, how can I help you today?"
play_source = TextSource(text=text_to_play, voice_name="en-US-ElizabethNeural")
# Only add the speech_recognition_model_endpoint_id if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
Speech-to-Text or DTMF
max_tones_to_collect = 1
text_to_play = "Hi, how can I help you today, you can also press 0 to speak to an agent."
play_source = TextSource(text=text_to_play, voice_name="en-US-ElizabethNeural")
# Only add the speech_recognition_model_endpoint_id if you have a custom speech model you would like to use
speech_recognition_model_endpoint_id="YourCustomSpeechModelEndpointId")"Start recognizing")
If parameters aren't set, the defaults are applied where possible.
Receiving recognize event updates
Developers can subscribe to RecognizeCompleted
and RecognizeFailed
events on the registered webhook callback. Use this callback with business logic in your application to determine next steps when one of the events occurs.
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeCompleted event:
if event.type == "Microsoft.Communication.RecognizeCompleted":"Recognize completed: data=%s",
if['recognitionType'] == "dtmf":
tones =['dtmfResult']['tones']"Recognition completed, tones=%s, context=%s", tones,'operationContext'))
elif['recognitionType'] == "choices":
labelDetected =['choiceResult']['label'];
phraseDetected =['choiceResult']['recognizedPhrase'];"Recognition completed, labelDetected=%s, phraseDetected=%s, context=%s", labelDetected, phraseDetected,'operationContext'));
elif['recognitionType'] == "speech":
text =['speechResult']['speech'];"Recognition completed, text=%s, context=%s", text,'operationContext'));
else:"Recognition completed: data=%s",;
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeFailed event:
if event.type == "Microsoft.Communication.RecognizeFailed":"Recognize failed: data=%s",;
Example of how you can deserialize the RecognizeCanceled event:
if event.type == "Microsoft.Communication.RecognizeCanceled":
# Handle the RecognizeCanceled event according to your application logic
Event codes
Status | Code | Subcode | Message |
RecognizeCompleted |
200 | 8531 | Action completed, max digits received. |
RecognizeCompleted |
200 | 8514 | Action completed as stop tone was detected. |
RecognizeCompleted |
400 | 8508 | Action failed, the operation was canceled. |
RecognizeCompleted |
400 | 8532 | Action failed, inter-digit silence timeout reached. |
RecognizeCanceled |
400 | 8508 | Action failed, the operation was canceled. |
RecognizeFailed |
400 | 8510 | Action failed, initial silence timeout reached. |
RecognizeFailed |
500 | 8511 | Action failed, encountered failure while trying to play the prompt. |
RecognizeFailed |
500 | 8512 | Unknown internal server error. |
RecognizeFailed |
400 | 8510 | Action failed, initial silence timeout reached |
RecognizeFailed |
400 | 8532 | Action failed, inter-digit silence timeout reached. |
RecognizeFailed |
400 | 8565 | Action failed, bad request to Azure AI services. Check input parameters. |
RecognizeFailed |
400 | 8565 | Action failed, bad request to Azure AI services. Unable to process payload provided, check the play source input. |
RecognizeFailed |
401 | 8565 | Action failed, Azure AI services authentication error. |
RecognizeFailed |
403 | 8565 | Action failed, forbidden request to Azure AI services, free subscription used by the request ran out of quota. |
RecognizeFailed |
429 | 8565 | Action failed, requests exceeded the number of allowed concurrent requests for the Azure AI services subscription. |
RecognizeFailed |
408 | 8565 | Action failed, request to Azure AI services timed out. |
RecognizeFailed |
500 | 8511 | Action failed, encountered failure while trying to play the prompt. |
RecognizeFailed |
500 | 8512 | Unknown internal server error. |
Known limitations
- In-band DTMF isn't supported. Use RFC 2833 DTMF instead.
- Text-to-Speech text prompts support a maximum of 400 characters, if your prompt is longer than this we suggest using SSML for Text-to-Speech based play actions.
- For scenarios where you exceed your Speech service quota limit, you can request to increase this limit by following the steps outlined in Speech services quotas and limits.
Clean up resources
If you want to clean up and remove a Communication Services subscription, you can delete the resource or resource group. Deleting the resource group also deletes any other resources associated with it. Learn more about cleaning up resources.
Next Steps
- Learn more about Gathering user input
- Learn more about Playing audio in call
- Learn more about Call Automation