

Microsoft.Network.PublicIpAddressCombo UI element

A group of controls for selecting a new or existing public IP address.

UI sample


  • If the user selects 'None' for public IP address, the domain name label text box is hidden.
  • If the user selects an existing public IP address, the domain name label text box is disabled. Its value is the domain name label of the selected IP address.
  • The domain name suffix (for example, updates automatically based on the selected location.


  "name": "element1",
  "type": "Microsoft.Network.PublicIpAddressCombo",
  "label": {
    "publicIpAddress": "Public IP address",
    "domainNameLabel": "Domain name label"
  "toolTip": {
    "publicIpAddress": "",
    "domainNameLabel": ""
  "defaultValue": {
    "publicIpAddressName": "ip01",
    "domainNameLabel": "mydomain"
  "constraints": {
    "required": {
      "domainNameLabel": true
  "options": {
    "hideNone": false,
    "hideDomainNameLabel": false,
    "hideExisting": false,
    "zone": 3
  "visible": true

Sample output

If the user selects no public IP address, the control returns the following output:

  "newOrExistingOrNone": "none"

If the user selects a new or existing IP address, the control returns the following output:

  "name": "ip01",
  "resourceGroup": "rg01",
  "domainNameLabel": "mydomain",
  "publicIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
  "sku": "Basic",
  "newOrExistingOrNone": "new"
  • When options.hideNone is specified as true, newOrExistingOrNone only has a value of new or existing.
  • When options.hideDomainNameLabel is specified as true, domainNameLabel is undeclared.


  • If constraints.required.domainNameLabel is set to true, the user must provide a domain name label when creating a new public IP address. Existing public IP addresses without a label aren't available for selection.
  • If options.hideNone is set to true, then the option to select None for the public IP address is hidden. The default value is false.
  • If options.hideDomainNameLabel is set to true, then the text box for domain name label is hidden. The default value is false.
  • If options.hideExisting is true, then the user isn't able to choose an existing public IP address. The default value is false.
  • For zone, only public IP addresses for the specified zone or zone resilient public IP addresses are available.

Next steps