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Elimina este punto de interrupción pendiente y todos los puntos de interrupción enlazados de él.


int Delete();

Valor devuelto

Si la operación se realiza correctamente, devuelve S_OK; de lo contrario, devuelve un código de error. Devuelve E_BP_DELETED si se ha eliminado el punto de interrupción.


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra cómo implementar este método para un objeto simple CPendingBreakpoint que implementa la interfaz IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 .

HRESULT CPendingBreakpoint::Delete(void)
    HRESULT hr;

    // Verify that the pending breakpoint has not been deleted. If deleted,
    // then return hr = E_BP_DELETED.
    if (m_state.state != PBPS_DELETED)
        // If the pending breakpoint has bound and has an associated bound
        // breakpoint, delete and release the bound breakpoint and set the
        // pointer to NULL.
        if (m_pBoundBP)
            m_pBoundBP = NULL;
        // If the pending breakpoint did not bind and has an associated
        // error breakpoint, release the error breakpoint and set the
        // pointer to NULL.
        if (m_pErrorBP)
            m_pErrorBP = NULL;

        // Set the PENDING_BP_STATE in the PENDING_BP_STATE_INFO structure
        // to deleted.
        m_state.state = PBPS_DELETED;
        hr = E_BP_DELETED;

    return hr;

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