getInputParameters: obtención de una lista de parámetros de entrada de un procedimiento almacenado de SQL
: devuelve una lista de objetos de parámetro de SQL Server que describe los parámetros de entrada asociados con un procedimiento almacenado
Un objeto StoredProcedure válido
Lista con nombre de objetos de parámetro de SQL Server (InputData, InputParameter) asociados con el objeto StoredProcedure proporcionado. Los nombres son los nombres de las variables de la función de R que se proporciona en StoredProcedure asociado con los objetos
## Not run:
# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the `cleandata` table.
# and ?executeStoredProcedure for creating the `rdata` table.
# score1 makes a batch prediction given clean data(indata),
# model object(model_param), and the new name of the variable
# that is being predicted
score1 <- function(indata, model_param, predVarName) {
indata[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(indata[,"DayOfWeek"], levels=c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"))
# The connection string
conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
"Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep = "")
# The compute context
computeContext <- RxInSqlServer(numTasks=4, connectionString=conStr)
mm <- rxReadObject(as.raw(model_param))
# Predict
result <- rxPredict(modelObject = mm,
data = indata,
outData = NULL,
predVarNames = predVarName,
extraVarsToWrite = c("ArrDelay"),
writeModelVars = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)
# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create InputData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
id <- InputData(name = "indata", defaultQuery = "SELECT * from cleanData")
# InputParameter for the model_param input variable
model <- InputParameter("model_param", "raw",
defaultQuery =
"select top 1 value from rdata where [key] = 'linmod.v1'")
# InputParameter for the predVarName variable
name <- InputParameter("predVarName", "character")
sp_df_df <- StoredProcedure(score1, "sTest", id, model, name,
filePath = ".")
# inspect the input parameters
getInputParameters(sp_df_df) # "model_param" "predVarName" "indata"
# register the stored procedure with a database
registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_df, conStr)
# assign a different query to the InputData so that it only uses the first 10 rows
id <- setInputDataQuery(id, "SELECT top 10 * from cleanData")
# assign a value to the name parameter
name <- setInputParameterValue(name, "ArrDelayEstimate")
# execute the stored procedure
model <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_df, id, name, connectionString = conStr)
## End(Not run)