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Service Tutorial 1 (C#) - Creating a Service

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Service Tutorial 1 (C#) - Creating a Service

Writing an application using Decentralized Software Services (DSS) is a simple matter of orchestrating the input and output between a set of services. Services represent the interface to software or hardware and allow you to communicate between processes that perform specific functions.

This tutorial is provided in the C# language. You can find the project files for this tutorial at the following location under the Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio installation folder:


This tutorial teaches you how to:

  • Create a new service.
  • Start a service.
  • Support an HTTP request.
  • Use Control Panel.
  • Stop the Service.
  • Support Replace.

See Also:

  • Appendix A: The Code



This tutorial requires no special hardware.


This tutorial is designed for use with Microsoft Visual C#. You can use:

  • Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Standard, Professional, or Team Edition.

You will also need Microsoft Internet Explorer or another conventional web browser.

Step 1: Create a Service

Begin by creating a new service.

Open the Start menu and choose the DSS Command Prompt command. If the command does not appear in the Start menu, choose All Programs, Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio, and then DSS Command Prompt. This opens a special Command Prompt window in the root directory of the installation path.

Change to the Samples directory and run the DssNewService tool using the parameters shown in the sample below to create your first service. Then change to the ServiceTutorial1 (ServiceTutorial<Number One>) directory. This procedure automatically creates a template to help you get started.

cd Samples
dssnewservice /namespace:Robotics /service:ServiceTutorial1
cd ServiceTutorial1

At this time, a Microsoft Visual Studio Project named ServiceTutorial1.csproj is created in ServiceTutorial1 directory. You can load this Project using your C# editor (either Visual Studio or Visual Studio Express) from the command line as shown below, or locate it in Windows Explorer and double-click on it.

start ServiceTutorial1.csproj

When you edit a project that does not have a Solution file (ServiceTutorial1.sln in this case), Visual Studio will ask if you want to create a Solution file when you exit. This is the easiest way to create the Solution file. Note that you do not need a Solution file in order to compile and use the service - the Project file is sufficient.

Next, build the solution. In Visual Studio you can build the solution by clicking Build menu and then choosing Build Solution (or pressing F6). You can also compile from the DSS Command Prompt:

msbuild ServiceTutorial1.sln

The command above assumes you have created the Solution file. If not, then just build the .csproj file instead.

Lastly, note that you can also create a new service using a Wizard in Visual Studio. This is much easier and has more functionality than using the command-line tool. See Creating Service Projects for more information.

Step 2: Start a Service

Go back to the Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio (RDS) installation folder.

cd ..\..

You should now see the following files in the bin directory that were created when you built your project.


By default, DssNewService appends the current year and month to the name of the assembly of the generated service, such as .Y2007.M07. So depending on the current date, the build names for the ServiceTutorial1 files that you just created may be different from the ones you see in the above sample. You may also see other ServiceTutorial1 files with different dates that are coming from the ServiceTutorial1 project installed with Robotics Developer Studio.

To run a service, you must first run a DSS node by running the DSS hosting application DssHost.exe. DssHost can start services for you. There are 3 ways to specify which service or services DssHost should start:

  • By manifest, using the command line flag /manifest
  • By assembly name, using the command line flag /dll
  • By contract, using the command line flag /contract

A manifest file is an XML file that contains the information needed to start a service. DssNewService automatically creates a file called ServiceTutorial1.manifest.xml which contains the information required by DssHost to start the service.

Start DssHost using the manifest already created with the following command.

dsshost /port:50000 /manifest:"samples\ServiceTutorial1\ServiceTutorial1.manifest.xml"

The manifest files for the installed tutorial projects are stored in the samples\Config folder. If you are using the ServiceTutorial1 project in samples\ServiceTutorials\ServiceTutorial1 folder you should run DssHost with the right manifest from samples\Config.

bin\dsshost /port:50000 /manifest:"samples\Config\ServiceTutorial1.manifest.xml"

However, the installed tutorial projects contain the completed code for each tutorial and thus running them at this point has the behavior of the service when all the steps in the tutorial are completed.

You should see service load outputs for the specified manifest:

*   Starting manifest load: .../ServiceTutorial1.manifest.xml
*   Service uri:  ...[https://localhost:50000/servicetutorial1]
*   Manifest load complete ...[https://localhost:50000/manifestloaderclient]

Now open your web browser and navigate to the address https://localhost:50000/servicetutorial1

An XML serialization (representation) of the newly created service, ServiceTutorial1State encapsulated in a SOAP envelope appears in the browser window.

Figure 1

Figure 1 - https://localhost:50000/servicetutorial1 in browser shows the state of the service as a SOAP envelope.

Exit DSS host by pressing CTRL+C in the command window. "Shutdown complete" message appears and then returns to the command prompt.

Step 3: Support HTTP GET

When sending state to a web browser, the service can optionally avoid sending a SOAP envelope and instead send an XML serialization of its state as follows.

The ServiceTutorial1Types.cs file defines the Contract of the service. It includes types for contract identifier, state, operations port, operation messages, and request/response types for this service. You will learn more about the components of services as you go through these tutorials.

In the file ServiceTutorial1Types.cs, make the following changes:

  1. First add a using directive to the top of the file to include the namespace Microsoft.Dss.Core.DsspHttp. This namespace contains the message definitions that allow a service to respond directly to requests from a standard HTTP client, such as a standard web browser.

    using Microsoft.Dss.Core.DsspHttp;
  2. Next, add a property to the class ServiceTutorial1State, this will allow us to see the serialized data more clearly. In Service Tutorial 6 (C#) - Retrieving State and Displaying it Using an XML Transform you will use the ServiceTutorial1State class to carry information between services.

    private string _member = "This is my State!";
     public string Member
    get { return _member; }
    set { _member = value; }

    The DataContract attribute specifies that the ServiceTutorial1State class is XML serializable. Within a type marked with the DataContract attribute, you must explicitly mark individual properties and fields as XML serializable using the DataMember attribute. Only public properties and fields declared with this attribute will be serialized. Also, in order for the property members to serialize, they will need to have both the set and get methods implemented.


    Attributes is a feature in .NET that allows adding keyword-like annotations to programming elements such as types, fields, methods, and properties. To learn more about .NET attributes see Attributes Overview in the .NET Framework Developer's Guide.

  3. Now, further down in the same file, add the HttpGet message to the list of messages supported by the service's port. A port is a mechanism through which messages are communicated between services. A PortSet is just a collection of ports.

    public class ServiceTutorial1Operations : PortSet<DsspDefaultLookup, DsspDefaultDrop, Get, HttpGet>
  4. In the file ServiceTutorial1.cs, add support for the HttpGet message. ServiceTutorial1.cs defines the behavior of the service.

    Again add a using statement for DsspHttp.

    using Microsoft.Dss.Core.DsspHttp;
  5. Then in the ServiceTutorial1 class, add a message handler for the HttpGet message.

    /// <summary>
    /// Http Get Handler
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>This is a standard HttpGet handler. It is not required because
    ///  DsspServiceBase will handle it if the state is marked with [ServiceState].
    ///  It is included here for illustration only.</remarks>
    public IEnumerator<ITask> HttpGetHandler(HttpGet httpGet)
        httpGet.ResponsePort.Post(new HttpResponseType(_state));
        yield break;

    This handler sends an HttpResponseType message to the response port of the HttpGet message. The HTTP infrastructure within the DSS node will serialize the provided state to XML and set that as the body of response to the HTTP request.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the default behavior of a HttpGet handler. The resulting output will be an XML serialized version of the service state. If this is the behavior that you want, then there is no need to write the HttpGet code into your service because DsspServiceBase will take care of it for you if you tag your state with the ServiceState attribute.


    The HttpResponseType constructor has other overloads than the one used here. One of these overloads allows the service author to specify the path of an XSLT file that can be used by a web client to transform the serialized XML. (See Service Tutorial 6 (C#) - Retrieving State and Displaying it Using an XML Transform). An alternative, which is especially useful because you do not have to declare a HttpGet handler, is to specify the transform using the attribute [ServiceState(StateTransform="...")] on the service state class.

  6. Build and run the service (press F5 or select the Debug > Start Debugging menu command) and, while it is running, use a web browser to navigate to https://localhost:50000/servicetutorial1 to view the following:

Figure 2

Figure 2 - State of the service in browser shows ServiceTutorial1State and its members.

Step 4: Using Control Panel

To start your service you could also use DSS Control Panel, which is itself a DSS service. To try this, first terminate the current DSS node by pressing CTRL+C in the command prompt. Then run DssHost again without supplying a manifest.

dsshost /port:50000

Now open https://localhost:50000 in the browser. When the page is loaded, in the left navigation pane click on Control Panel. A table of services recognized by the current node appears in your browser.

Figure 3

Figure 3 - View of DSS Control Panel in the browser.

Each row of the table begins with the Name of a service. Following that there is a dropdown list with the list of manifests that can run the service. If there are any instances of that service which are currently running, you should see a URL for that instance under the service's Description. Each instance of a running service also includes a button in the right-hand side of the URL which allows you to Drop that service. Clicking this button sends a Drop message to the service. This message stops the service.

Scroll down the page and find the entry for ServiceTutorial1 or type the name of your service in the Search box: servicetutorial1

Figure 4

Figure 4 - Entry for ServiceTutorial1 in Control Panel

You will probably see two results. One of them is the Service Tutorial 1 from the completed project that comes with a DSS installation. You can distinguish them by looking at the location of manifests in the dropdown lists, however, for running this service you don't need to select a manifest and can do it by directly loading the assembly (dll file) by selecting <<Start without manifest>>. In cases where you need to run your service together with a group of partner services that are listed in the manifest, you will need to run the manifest instead.

Run the service by clicking on the Create button.

Now from the left navigation pane select Service Directory. You should see /servicetutorial1 in the list of services that are running. Notice the other services running, including /controlpanel are actually different components of the DSS runtime and are started by default when DSS environment is initialized. You can inspect the state of each service by clicking on its link or browsing directly to the service's URL.


The control panel service is always started when a node starts. You can use this service to start and stop your service without having to restart the node. However, because the node loads the service assembly you will need to stop the node when you rebuild your service.

Step 5: Stop the Service

While the service is running, open your web browser to https://localhost:50000/controlpanel


You may need to refresh the Control Panel service to get an up-to-date representation of the services running on the node.

Find the entry for servicetutorial1 as described in the previous section.

Figure 5

Figure 5 - Instance of ServiceTutorial1 service in Control Panel with a Drop button

Click the URL to inspect the state of the service, create a new instance by clicking the Create button, or stop a running iteration of the service by clicking the Drop button.

Step 6: Support Replace

A Replace message is used to replace the current state of a service. When a Replace message is sent the entire state of the service is replaced with the state object specified in the body of the Replace message. This allows initializing a service with a new state or restoring the service with a state that was previously saved, at any time during the lifetime of the service.

For our service to support replace, define the Replace type in ServiceTutorial1Types.cs.

/// <summary>
/// ServiceTutorial1 Replace Operation
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The Replace class is specific to a service because it uses
/// the service state.</remarks>
public class Replace : Replace<ServiceTutorial1State, PortSet<DefaultReplaceResponseType, Fault>>

Then add Replace to the port set.

/// <summary>
/// ServiceTutorial1 Main Operations Port
/// </summary>
public class ServiceTutorial1Operations : PortSet<DsspDefaultLookup, DsspDefaultDrop, Get, HttpGet, Replace>

In ServiceTutorial1.cs add the Replace handler.

/// <summary>
/// Replace Handler
/// </summary>
public IEnumerator<ITask> ReplaceHandler(Replace replace)
    _state = replace.Body;
    yield break;

In the above code the body of the replace message which is of type ServiceTutorial1State is assigned to _state of this service. Then, a success response of type DefaultReplaceResponseType is posted to the ResponsePort of the Replace message. This signals back to the sender that the state was successfully replaced.

We will use the Replace operation later to exchange values between services.


In this tutorial, you learned how to:

  • Create a new service.
  • Start a service.
  • Support an HTTP request.
  • Use Control Panel.
  • Stop the Service.
  • Support Replace.

Appendix A: The Code


The ServiceTutuorial1Types.cs file defines the service Contract. The Contract is identified by a unique text string, which is associated with a .NET CLR namespace, and a set of messages that the service supports.

This establishes the namespaces that are used in this file.

using Microsoft.Ccr.Core;
using Microsoft.Dss.Core.Attributes;
using Microsoft.Dss.Core.DsspHttp;
using Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using W3C.Soap;

using servicetutorial1 = RoboticsServiceTutorial1;

The Contract Class

/// <summary>
/// ServiceTutorial1 Contract class
/// </summary>
public sealed class Contract
    /// <summary>
    /// The Dss Service contract
    /// </summary>
    public const String Identifier = "";

This Contract class defines the unique string, Identifier, that is used to identify this Contract and, in general, service. We follow a convention used in XML documents of using a URI (Unique Resource Identifier) to specify a unique name. The default mechanism used is to compose the URI from a host name (provided as a parameter to DssNewService), a path (in this example empty), the year, the month and the name of the service. If the Namespace is composed from a host name and path that the service author has some level of control over (for example, the address of an account at could be used) then the composition of date elements and service name gives the user a reasonable expectation of uniqueness, with the benefit of containing a small amount of information about the service. While there is no requirement that the URI have a page behind it, there is also no reason why a service author shouldn't create a matching page.


If an opaque unique identifier is required it is possible, but not recommended, to use a GUID (generated using the tool GuidGen.exe) in the form "urn:uuid:4de060f3-f665-11da-95e7-00e08161165f"

The ServiceTutorial1State Class

/// <summary>
/// The ServiceTutorial1 State
/// </summary>
public class ServiceTutorial1State
    private string _member = "This is my State!";

    public string Member
        get { return _member; }
        set { _member = value; }

The ServiceTutorial1State class has one public property, Member, that is itself declared with the DataMember attribute that (as discussed above) is used to indicate that this member should be serialized. By default, a property or field that is null will not be serialized.

The ServiceTutorial1Operations Class

/// <summary>
/// ServiceTutorial1 Main Operations Port
/// </summary>
public class ServiceTutorial1Operations : PortSet<DsspDefaultLookup, DsspDefaultDrop, Get, HttpGet, Replace>

This class defines the public messages that the service supports.

Message Description
DsspDefaultLookup Every service must support a message derived from Lookup

Get and Replace are the two messages that do not have appropriate default declarations but are supported by this service.

  • In the case of Get, this is because the primary response to a Get message should be the State of the service. The state type of this service, ServiceTutorial1State, is specific to this service.
  • For Replace, the Body of the message is the ServiceTutorial1State of this service.
/// <summary>
/// ServiceTutorial1 Get Operation
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>All services require their own specific Get class because
/// the service state is different for every service.</remarks>
public class Get : Get<GetRequestType, PortSet<ServiceTutorial1State, Fault>>
    /// <summary>
    /// ServiceTutorial1 Get Operation
    /// </summary>
    public Get()
    /// <summary>
    /// ServiceTutorial1 Get Operation
    /// </summary>
    public Get(Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp.GetRequestType body) :
    /// <summary>
    /// ServiceTutorial1 Get Operation
    /// </summary>
    public Get(Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp.GetRequestType body, Microsoft.Ccr.Core.PortSet<ServiceTutorial1State,W3C.Soap.Fault> responsePort) :
            base(body, responsePort)
/// <summary>
/// ServiceTutorial1 Replace Operation
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The Replace class is specific to a service because it uses
/// the service state.</remarks>
public class Replace : Replace<ServiceTutorial1State, PortSet<DefaultReplaceResponseType, Fault>>


The ServiceTutorial1.cs file contains the service implementation class.

using Microsoft.Ccr.Core;
using Microsoft.Dss.Core;
using Microsoft.Dss.Core.Attributes;
using Microsoft.Dss.Core.DsspHttp;
using Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp;
using Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.DsspServiceBase;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Xml;

These are the namespaces that will be used in this class.

Service Implementation Class

This section of the code declares a class, ServiceTutorial1, derived from DsspServiceBase. All service implementation classes derive from DsspServiceBase.

/// <summary>
/// Implementation class for ServiceTutorial1
/// </summary>
[DisplayName("Service Tutorial 1: Creating a Service")]
[Description("Demonstrates how to write a basic service.")]
public class ServiceTutorial1Service : DsspServiceBase

The Contract attribute declares a direct association between this class and the Contract Identifier discussed in the previous section. The DisplayName and Description are attributes that describe the service. The DisplayName is the shorter description similar to a title. The Description is a more detailed description.

ServiceTutorial1State holds the state of the service. Every service provides messages through its operations port that allow other services to read and modify its state.

/// <summary>
/// Service State
/// </summary>
private ServiceTutorial1State _state = new ServiceTutorial1State();

In this sample, the service only supports:

  • Reading the entire state (Get and HttpGet), and

  • Replacing the entire state (Replace)

The ServicePort attribute declares that the _mainPort field is the primary service port of this service.

/// <summary>
/// Main Port
/// </summary>
[ServicePort("/servicetutorial1", AllowMultipleInstances=false)]
private ServiceTutorial1Operations _mainPort = new ServiceTutorial1Operations();

This also specifies the default path used to address this service, /servicetutorial1. It also stipulates that only one instance of this service to run at a time. If AllowMultipleInstances = true is specified, a unique suffix is appended to the path when an instance of the service is created.


When services are created, there is a two stage creation process during which partner services are created as discussed in Service Tutorial 4 (C#) - Supporting Subscriptions and Service Tutorial 5 (C#) - Subscribing.

/// <summary>
/// Default Service Constructor
/// </summary>
public ServiceTutorial1Service(DsspServiceCreationPort creationPort) :

This constructor is used in the first part of the creation process and must have the form shown for the service to be created correctly.

The Start method is called as the last action of the two stage creation process.

/// <summary>
/// Service Start
/// </summary>
protected override void Start()
    // Add service specific initialization here.

Calling base.Start() does three things for the service. (These steps could be done explicitly, but using base.Start() is easier).

  1. Calls ActivateDsspOperationHandlers which causes DsspServiceBase to attach handlers to each message supported on the main service port. (This relies on ServiceHandler attributes and method signatures.)

    See below for how to declare a handler.

  2. Calls DirectoryInsert to insert the service record for this service into the directory. The directory is itself a service and this method sends an Insert message to that service.

    When the DssHost is running, you can inspect the directory service by pointing your browser to https://localhost:50000/directory.

  3. Calls LogInfo to send an Insert message to the /console/output service (https://localhost:50000/console/output). The category of the message is Console, which causes the message to be printed to the command console. The URI of the service is automatically appended to the output.

The following code summarizes the three tasks done by base.Start() as described above. However, in most cases it is recommended to use base.Start() instead of manually initializing the service start.

// Listen on the main port for requests and call the appropriate handler.

// Publish the service to the local node Directory

// display HTTP service Uri
LogInfo(LogGroups.Console, "Service uri: ");

Message Handlers

The following is the handler for the Get message. This handler simply posts the state of the service to the response port of the message.

/// <summary>
/// Get Handler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="get"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks>This is a standard Get handler. It is not required because
///  DsspServiceBase will handle it if the state is marked with [ServiceState].
///  It is included here for illustration only.</remarks>
public virtual IEnumerator<ITask> GetHandler(Get get)
    yield break;

The ServiceHandler attribute is used by the method ActivateDsspOperationHandlers called in the base.Start() method to identify member functions as message handlers for messages posted to the main service port, itself identified with the ServicePort attribute. ServiceHandlerBehavior.Concurrent is used to specify that the message handler only needs Read-Only access to the state of the service. This allows message handlers that do not modify state to run concurrently.


A message handler that needs write access to the state of the service should use ServiceHandlerBehavior.Exclusive. This makes sure only one handler at a time can modify the state.

Message handlers generally have the signature, Microsoft.Ccr.Core.IteratorHandler<T>

public delegate IEnumerator<ITask> IteratorHandler<T>(T parameter);

Using Iterators (a new feature in .NET 2.0) allows the handler to contain a sequence of asynchronous actions without blocking a thread. This is demonstrated in Service Tutorial 3 (C#) - Persisting State.

The HttpGetHandler is discussed previously in this tutorial (Step 3: Supporting HTTP GET).

/// <summary>
/// Http Get Handler
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This is a standard HttpGet handler. It is not required because
///  DsspServiceBase will handle it if the state is marked with [ServiceState].
///  It is included here for illustration only.</remarks>
public IEnumerator<ITask> HttpGetHandler(HttpGet httpGet)
    httpGet.ResponsePort.Post(new HttpResponseType(_state));
    yield break;

Note that this is the default behavior for a HttpGet handler. Therefore it is not necessary to include this code in your service. It is included here so that you can see what it does. However, the DsspServiceBase class will take care of it for you and it is only necessary to declare your own handler if you want to do some service-specific processing before sending the result.

The following is the handler for the Replace message. Note that this handler is declared with ServiceHandlerBehavior.Exclusive, indicating that it will modify state. Only one Exclusive handler will execute at a time and no Concurrent handler can execute while an Exclusive handler is running.

/// <summary>
/// Replace Handler
/// </summary>
public IEnumerator<ITask> ReplaceHandler(Replace replace)
    _state = replace.Body;
    yield break;
See Also 

.NET Framework Developer's Guide: Attributes Overview



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