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Specifies the system setup options for the current database.

To open this window, in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, on the Tools menu, choose Options.


Field Description
Object Cache (KB) Specifies the size of the object cache, in kilobytes. Objects such as code, descriptions, and windows that are used on the computer that is running the development environment are stored in the object cache.

Values: Any integer value

Default: 32000
TempFilePath Specifies the path of the location to store temporary files that are created while Dynamics NAV runs. These files are automatically deleted when the Dynamics NAV is closed.

By default, these files are put in the Temp folder for the user, such as <C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp>
Status Bar Specifies whether the status bar is displayed in the development environment. The status bar displays the following:

- Name and contents of the active field
- Current user ID
- Whether you are working in Insert (INS) or Overtype (OVR) mode

Values: Yes, No

Default: Yes
Close Forms on Esc Specifies if the active window in the development environment closes when you press Esc.

Values: Yes, No

Default: Yes
Marquee Full Selection Not relevant in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018.
Quick Find Specifies whether quick find is enabled. If quick find is enabled, then you can search for an entry in any non-editable field in the development environment by typing a letter or number. You can also type the complete name of the element you are looking for. When you type a letter or number, the Find window opens automatically and the first row that matches what you typed becomes the active row.

If quick find is not enabled, then you can open the Find window by choosing the Edit menu, and then choosing Find.

Values: Yes, No

Default: Yes
Max. no. of XML records to send Not relevant in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018. For more information about similar functionality, see the MaxNoOfXMLRecordsToSend setting in Configuring the Windows Client.
Auto-Lock on Design Specifies if you want to automatically lock objects when you open them for design in the development environment.

Values: Yes, No

Default: No
Server Name Specifies the server that hosts the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, such as MyServer.
Server Instance Name Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance that is being used, such as DynamicsNAV110.
Server Port Specifies the port on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server server, such as 7046.
Management Port Specifies the port on the server that runs the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance that the Dynamics NAV cmdlets access, such as 7045.
Tenant Specifies the ID of the tenant that is accessed when you run objects from the development environment. If your solution is not set up to deploy in a multitenant deployment architecture, leave the field empty.
Company Specifies the name of the company that is accessed when you run objects from the development environment. If the database only contains a single company, leave the field empty.
Use Report Builder Specifies if you want to use SQL Server Report Builder to design the layout for reports. To continue to use Visual Studio Report Designer, do not change the value of this field.

SQL Server Report Builder is included when you install the development environment.

See Also

How to: Change the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instance
Managing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instances
Locking and Unlocking Objects