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Gets the RDLC layout that is used on a report and returns it as a data stream.

The function has an instance call and a static call. The following code shows the syntax of the RDLC function. The first line of code is the syntax for an instance function call. The second line of code is the syntax for a static function call.


[Ok :=] ReportVariable.RDLCLAYOUT(InStream)  
[Ok :=] REPORT.RDLCLAYOUT(Number, InStream)  


Type: Report

A variable that specifies the report object.

Type: Integer

The ID of the report object for which you want to get the RDLC layout.

Type: ISequentialStream

The variable in which to return the RDLC layout.

Return Value

Type: Boolean

true if the RDLC layout was retrieved successfully; otherwise, false.


Using the return value is optional. When you use the return value, if the RDLC layout cannot be retrieved at run-time, then the system returns false and no error recorded. When you omit the return value, if the RDLC layout cannot be retrieved at run-time, then an error occurs, which states that the layout could not be retrieved.

See Also

Designing Word Report Layouts