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Monitoring SQL Database Locks

About Locks

Microsoft SQL Server uses locking to control access by multiple users to the same data at the same time. To protect a transaction against other transactions modifying the same data, the first transaction puts a lock on the data until it is done.

When a database lock occurs, concurrent transactions are limited in their access to the affected data resource, as determined by the locking mode set by SQL Server. In the Dynamics NAV client, depending on the locking mode, users may be blocked from completing transactions on the locked data, and will typically get a message that indicates lock condition.

For general information about database locks in SQL Server, see Locking in the Database Engine.

View Database Locks

You can use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment to view the current locks in the database. On the Tools menu, choose Debugger, and then choose Database Locks.

The Database Locks page displays all the active locks on tables in the Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server, providing details that can help you better understand the locking condition.

Field Description
Table Name Specifies the name of the Dynamics NAV table affected by the lock.
SQL Lock Resource Type Specifies the database resource affected by the lock, such as DATABASE, FILE, OBJECT, PAGE, KEY, and more.
SQL Lock Request Mode Specifies the lock mode that determines how concurrent transactions can access the resource. For more information, see Lock Modes.
SQL Lock Request Status Specifies the current status of the lock, which can be one of the following:

CNVRT means that the lock is transitioning from another mode, but the conversion is blocked by another process that holds a lock with a conflicting mode.
GRANT means that the lock is active.
WAIT means that the lock is blocked by another process that holds a lock with a conflicting mode.
Executing AL Object Type Specifies the Dynamics NAV object in C/AL that is running the transaction, such as a page or report.
Executing AL Object Id Specifies the ID of the object that is running.
Executing AL Method Specifies the C/AL function that is running the transaction that caused the lock.

See Also

Monitoring SQL Database Deadlocks