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How to modify Table Mappings for synchronization

An integration table mapping links the Dynamics NAV table to the integration table for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales entity. For each entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales that you want to synchronize with corresponding data in Dynamics NAV, there must be a corresponding integration table mapping. An integration table mapping includes several settings that enable you to control how records in a Dynamics NAV table and a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales entity are synchronized by the corresponding integration synchronization jobs.

Filtering Records

If you do not want to synchronize all records for a specific Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales entity or Dynamics NAV table, you can set up filters to limit the records that are synchronized. You set up filters from the Integration Table Mappings window.

To filter records for synchronization

  1. In the Search box, enter Integration Table Mappings, and then choose the related link.

  2. To filter the Dynamics NAV records, set the Table Filter field.

  3. To filter the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales records, set the Integration Table Filter field.

Creating New Records

By default, only records in Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales that are coupled will be synchronized by the integration synchronization jobs. You can set up table mappings so that new records will be created in the destination (for example, Dynamics NAV) for each record in the source (for example, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales) that is not already coupled.

For example, the SALESPEOPLE - Dynamics 365 for Sales synchronization job uses the table mapping SALESPEOPLE. The synchronization job copies data from user records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales to salesperson records in Dynamics NAV. If you set up the table mapping to create new records, for every user in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales that is not already coupled to a salesperson in Dynamics NAV, a new salesperson record is created in Dynamics NAV.

To create new records during synchronization

  1. In the Search box, enter Integration Table Mappings, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the table mapping entry in the list, clear the Synch. Only Coupled Records field.

Using Configuration Templates on Table Mappings

You can assign configuration templates to table mappings to use for new records that are created in Dynamics NAV or Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales. For each table mapping, you can specify a configuration template to use for new Dynamics NAV records and another template to use new Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales records.

If you install the default synchronization setup, most of the time, two configuration templates will be automatically created and used on the table mapping for Dynamics NAV customers and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales accounts: CRMCUST and CRMACCOUNT.

  • CRMCUST is used to create and synchronize new customers in Dynamics NAV based on an account in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales.

    This template is created by copying an existing configuration template for customers in the application. The CRMCUST is only created if there is an existing configuration template and the Currency Code field in the template is blank. If a field in the configuration template contains a value, the value will be used instead of the value in the mapped field in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales account. For example, if the Country/Region field in a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales account is U.S. and the Country/Region field in the configuration template is GB, then GB is used as the Country/Region in the created customer in Dynamics NAV.

  • CRMACCOUNT is used to create and synchronize new accounts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales based on an account in Dynamics NAV.

To specify configuration templates on a table mapping

  1. In the Search box, enter Integration Table Mappings, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the table mapping entry in the list, set the Table Config Template Code field to the configuration template to use for new records in Dynamics NAV.

  3. Set the Int. Tbl. Config Template Code field to the configuration template to use for new records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales.

See Also

Setting Up Dynamics 365 for Sales Integration in Dynamics NAV
Synchronizing Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Dynamics 365 for Sales
How to: Set Up Scheduled Synchronization by Using the Job Queue