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How To Use the Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

The Commerce Server 2007  Upgrade Wizard lets you upgrade site data, site resources, and global resources from Commerce Server 2000 and Commerce Server 2002 to Commerce Server 2007.

To run the Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard

  1. In Windows, click Start, point to Programs, point to Commerce Server 2007 , and then click Upgrade Wizard.

  2. On the Welcome to the Upgrade Wizard page, click Next.

    The Welcome to the Upgrade Wizard page.

  3. On the Select Options page, click Browse, move to the folder in which the Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard log file is saved, and then click Next.

    The Select Options page of the Upgrade Wizard.

  4. On the Upgrade Global Resources page, use the arrow in the Option column to indicate whether the resource should be upgraded, or select the Do not upgrade any global resources box to skip migration of all global resources.

    For more information about the upgrade options for global resources, see Data Migration of Commerce Server 2000/2002 Global Resources.

    To upgrade each resource, select Migrate. To leave each resource as is, select Do Nothing.

    The Upgrade Global Resources page.

  5. After you select a migration option for each global resource, click Next.

  6. On the Select a Commerce Site page, select the sites to migrate, or select the Do not upgrade any sites box to skip migration of all sites.

  7. If you selected the Do not upgrade any sites box, go to step 9.

    The Select a Commerce Site page.

  8. On the Upgrade Site Resources page, use the arrow in the Option column to indicate whether the resource should be upgraded.

    For more information about the upgrade options for site resources, see Data Migration of Commerce Server 2000/2002 Site Resources.

  9. To upgrade the resource, select Migrate. To leave the resource as is, select Do Nothing.

    The Upgrade Site Resources page.

  10. After you select migration options for each site resource, click Next.

  11. On the Marketing Configuration Settings page, select the default language (this is used to display basket information and the subject line of any e-mail messages sent by Direct Mail), and then click Next.

    The Marketing Configuration Settings page.

  12. On the Orders Configuration Settings page, use the specified controls to perform the tasks listed in the following table.

    Use this

    To do this

    Browse button for the Database Schema Definition option

    To use a database schema definition file other than the default file included in Commerce Server 2007, click Browse and move to the file.

    Browse button for the Exception log file path option

    To use a web.config file other than the default file included in Commerce Server 2007, click Browse and move to the file.

    Import orders/baskets from the exception log check box

    If you have run the Upgrade Wizard before and have to import orders that were previously logged to the exception log and not migrated, select this check box.

    The Orders Configuration Settings page.

  13. Click Next.

    If any errors were encountered during migration, the Analyze dialog box displays the errors.

  14. To save error messages, click Save Messages.

  15. On the Upgrade Summary page, review the resources that you have selected to migrate. If you have to make any changes, click Back and change your selections. Otherwise, click Next.

    The Upgrade Summary page.

    The Upgrade Process page appears and shows you the status of your migration.

    The Upgrade Process page.

  16. On the Completing the Upgrade Wizard page, click Finish to exit the wizard.

    The Completing the Upgrade Wizard page.

See Also

Other Resources

Using the Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard