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CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema Members

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Schema description for CatalogPropertiesDataSet.

The CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Aa146609.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif IsBuiltInColumn Helper to determine if a column is marked as built in database column.
Aa146609.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif IsReadOnlyColumn Helper to determine if a column is marked as read-only.



  Name Description
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif AssignAll The AssignAll field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate if this property should automatically be assigned to product definitions. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif BuiltIn The BuiltIn field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the name of the built in entity where the property exists. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif Currency The Currency field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to reference the currency property in ISO format. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DataType The DataType field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to reference the type of property. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultBooleanValue The DefaultBooleanValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the default value for properties of the boolean type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultCurrencyValue The DefaultCurrencyValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the default value for properties of the currency type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultDateTimeValue The DefaultDateTimeValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the default value for properties of the datetime type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultDoubleValue The DefaultDoubleValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the default value for the properties of the double type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultIntegerValue The DefaultIntegerValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the default value for properties of the Integer type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultStringValue The DefaultStringValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the default value for properties of the string type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DisplayAsBase The DisplayAsBase field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to reference a value in a database column. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DisplayInProductsList The DisplayInProductsList field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used indicate if this product should be displayed in the product list. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DisplayName The DisplayName field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the DisplayName of the property. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif DisplayOnSite The DisplayOnSite field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate whether this property should be shown to users visiting the web site. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif ExportToDW The ExportToDW field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate if this property should be exported to Data Warehouse. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif IncludeInSpecSearch The IncludeInSpecSearch field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate whether this property is to be used in specification searches. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif IsFreeTextSearchable The IsFreeTextSearchable field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate whether this property is included in the full text index, and is free text searchable. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif IsRequired The IsRequired field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate if this property must have a value. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif LanguageSensitive The LanguageSensitive field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate if this property is language sensitive. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MaximumCurrencyValue The MaximumCurrencyValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the maximum value for properties of the currency type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MaximumDateTimeValue The MaximumDateTimeValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the maximum value for properties of the datetime type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MaximumDoubleValue The MaximumDoubleValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the maximum value for properties of the double type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MaximumIntegerValue The MaximumIntegerValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the maximum value for properties of the integer type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MaximumStringLength The MaximumStringLength field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to reference the maximum string length for a catalog property. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MinimumCurrencyValue The MinimumCurrencyValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the minimum value for properties of the currency type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MinimumDateTimeValue The MinimumDateTimeValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the minimum value for properties of the datetime type. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MinimumDoubleValue The MinimumDoubleValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the minimum value for properties of the double type.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MinimumIntegerValue The MinimumIntegerValue field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the minimum value for properties of the integer type.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif MinimumStringLength The MinimumStringLength field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to reference the minimum string length for a catalog property. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif PropertyName The PropertyName field of the CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema class contains a constant used to indicate the unique identifying name of the property. This field is constant.
Aa146609.pubfield(en-US,CS.70).gifAa146609.static(en-US,CS.70).gif Timestamp


See Also


CatalogPropertiesDataSetSchema Class

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Catalog Namespace