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Uso de C# para conectarse a Exchange Online PowerShell

En los ejemplos de código de este artículo se usa el módulo del módulo Exchange Online PowerShell V3 para conectarse a Exchange Online desde C#.

Para instalar el módulo de PowerShell de Exchange Online, consulte Instalación y mantenimiento del módulo de PowerShell de Exchange Online.


Las conexiones de API REST en el módulo Exchange Online PowerShell V3 requieren los módulos PowerShellGet y PackageManagement. Para obtener más información, vea PowerShellGet para conexiones basadas en REST en Windows.

Si recibe errores al intentar conectarse, use el modificador SkipLoadingFormatData en el cmdlet Connect-ExchangeOnline .

Ejemplo 1: Creación de una conexión única mediante un espacio de ejecución de PowerShell

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Management.Automation;

using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;

using System.Security;

void SingleConnectionToExchangeOnline()


    // Setup the Initial Session State of each runspace in the pool

    // Import the ExchangeOnlineManagement module.

    // Set the Execution Policy of the runspace.

    InitialSessionState iss = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();

    iss.ImportPSModule(new string[] { "ExchangeOnlineManagement" });

    iss.ExecutionPolicy = Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy.RemoteSigned;

    iss.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError = true;

    Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(iss);


    // Run the Connect-ExchangeOnline command in the runspace to create a connection with EXO.

    PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create(runspace);


    ps.AddParameters(new Dictionary<string, object>


        ["Organization"] = "",

        ["CertificateFilePath"] = "C:\\Users\\Certificates\\mycert.pfx",

        ["CertificatePassword"] = GetPassword(),

        ["AppID"] = "a37927a4-1a1a-4162-aa29-e346d5324590"


    // Execute the script synchronously.

    Collection<PSObject> connectionResult = ps.Invoke();

    // Clear the connection commands before running cmdlets.


    // Create a new command to execute an Exchange Online cmdlet.


    ps.AddParameter("Identity", "ContosoUser1");

    Collection<PSObject> results = ps.Invoke();

    // Check if there were any errors.

    if (!ps.HadErrors)


        // Write the results to console.

        foreach (PSObject result in results)







        // Write the errors to console by accessing the error stream of the Powershell object.

        foreach (ErrorRecord error in ps.Streams.Error)






SecureString GetPassword()


    // Return the Password as a SecureString


Ejemplo 2: Creación de varias conexiones mediante grupos de espacios de ejecución de PowerShell

Use este ejemplo de código para ejecutar varios cmdlets de PowerShell de Exchange Online en paralelo.

PowerShell CreateConnectionCommand(RunspacePool pool)


    PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create();

    ps.RunspacePool = pool;


    ps.AddParameters(new Dictionary<string, object>


        ["Organization"] = "",

        ["CertificateFilePath"] = "C:\\Users\\Certificates\\mycert.pfx",

        ["CertificatePassword"] = GetPassword(),

        ["AppID"] = "a37927a4-1a1a-4162-aa29-e346d5324590"


    return ps;


void ParallelConnectionsToExchangeOnline()


    // Setup the Initial Session State of each runspace in the pool

    // Import the ExchangeOnlineManagement module.

    // Set the Execution Policy of the runspace.

    InitialSessionState iss = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();

    iss.ImportPSModule(new string[] { "ExchangeOnlineManagement" });

    iss.ExecutionPolicy = Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy.RemoteSigned;

    iss.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError = true;

    // Create a RunspacePool initialized with the Initial Session State.

    using (RunspacePool pool = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspacePool(iss))


        // Configure the number of runspaces to maintain in the RunspacePool.



        // Set the ThreadOptions to reuse the same threads for the runspaces so that

        // the Exchange Online cmdlets will be available after running Connect-ExchangeOnline in each runspace.

        pool.ThreadOptions = PSThreadOptions.ReuseThread;


        // Run the Connect-ExchangeOnline cmdlet in all the runspaces in the pool

        // so that any cmdlets can be run in them after that.

        PowerShell ps1 = CreateConnectionCommand(pool);

        PowerShell ps2 = CreateConnectionCommand(pool);

        PowerShell ps3 = CreateConnectionCommand(pool);

        // Execute each of the 3 Connect-ExchangeOnline commands asynchronously.

        IAsyncResult job1 = ps1.BeginInvoke();

        IAsyncResult job2 = ps2.BeginInvoke();

        IAsyncResult job3 = ps3.BeginInvoke();

        // Get the results of the commands.

        PSDataCollection<PSObject> connectionResult = ps1.EndInvoke(job1);

        PSDataCollection<PSObject> connectionResult2 = ps2.EndInvoke(job2);

        PSDataCollection<PSObject> connectionResult3 = ps3.EndInvoke(job3);

        // Execute two Exchange-Online commands in parallel using the runspacepool.

        // All of them have an active connection to Exchange Online.

        // NOTE : Cmdlets that update the same object or can cause conflicting
        // results should not be run in parallel as they can lead to an undefined
        // outcome.

        PowerShell commandPS1 = PowerShell.Create();

        commandPS1.RunspacePool = pool;


        commandPS1.AddParameter("Identity", "ContosoUser1");

        PowerShell commandPS2 = PowerShell.Create();

        commandPS2.RunspacePool = pool;


        commandPS2.AddParameter("Identity", "ContosoUser2");

        IAsyncResult commandJob1 = commandPS1.BeginInvoke();

        IAsyncResult commandJob2 = commandPS2.BeginInvoke();

        // Wait for the commands to finish and return the results.

        PSDataCollection<PSObject> command1Result = commandPS1.EndInvoke(commandJob1);

        PSDataCollection<PSObject> command2Result = commandPS2.EndInvoke(commandJob2);

        // Check if there were any errors.

        if (!commandPS1.HadErrors)


            // Write the results to console.

            foreach (PSObject result in command1Result)







            // Write the errors to console by accessing the error stream of the Powershell object.

            foreach (ErrorRecord error in commandPS1.Streams.Error)





        // Check if there were any errors.

        if (!commandPS2.HadErrors)


            // Write the results to console.

            foreach (PSObject result in command2Result)







            // Write the errors to console by accessing the error stream of the Powershell object.

            foreach (ErrorRecord error in commandPS2.Streams.Error)





