Códigos de error de servicio web
Este tema enumera los códigos de error que puede encontrar al depurar el código.
Errores Microsoft Dataverse
En la lista siguiente se muestran los códigos de error que se utilizan en aplicaciones Dataverse. Para obtener más información sobre cómo controlar los errores al usar el SDK de Dataverse para .NET, consulte Controlar excepciones en el código.
Valores del error | Nombre y mensaje del error |
0x80072559 -2147015335 |
Nombre: AADError Mensaje: Error from AAD |
0x80048350 -2147187888 |
Nombre: AadGroupTeamsCanOnlyAssignInheritableRoles Mensaje: Cannot assign security role with "Team Privileges only" Inheritance to AAD Group or Office Group teams. (TeamId = {0}) |
0x80048370 -2147187856 |
Nombre: AccessCheckOrganizationMismatch Mensaje: Not enough privilege to access the Microsoft Dynamics CRM object or perform the requested operation. The current OrganizationId {0} does not match with user or team's OrganizationId {1}. |
0x80048405 -2147187707 |
Nombre: AccessDenied Mensaje: Access is denied. |
0x80060904 -2147088124 |
Nombre: AccessDeniedSharePointRecord Mensaje: Access denied on SharePoint record in Dynamics 365. |
0x80048d2f -2147185361 |
Nombre: AccessModeChangeNeedSystemAdmin Mensaje: You need to have system administrator role and access mode Full to change access mode of a user. Details: {0} |
0x8005F101 -2147094271 |
Nombre: AccessTokenExpired Mensaje: The requested resource requires authentication. |
0x80040502 -2147220222 |
Nombre: AccountDoesNotExist Mensaje: Account does not exist. |
0x80040507 -2147220217 |
Nombre: AccountLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: Creating this parental association would create a loop in Accounts hierarchy. |
0x80040506 -2147220218 |
Nombre: AccountLoopExists Mensaje: Loop exists in the accounts hierarchy. |
0x80071100 -2147020544 |
Nombre: ActionCardDisabledError Mensaje: Action Card feature is not enabled. |
0x80071103 -2147020541 |
Nombre: ActionCardInvalidStateCodeException Mensaje: Invalid state code passed in expression. |
0x8006040e -2147089394 |
Nombre: ActionStepInvalidPipelineStageid Mensaje: ActionStep references invalid Pipeline Stage Id. |
0x8006041c -2147089380 |
Nombre: ActionStepInvalidProcessAction Mensaje: ActionStep {0} references invalid Process Action {1}. |
0x8006040d -2147089395 |
Nombre: ActionStepInvalidProcessid Mensaje: ActionStep references invalid Process Id. |
0x8006040c -2147089396 |
Nombre: ActionStepInvalidStageid Mensaje: ActionStep references invalid Stage Id. |
0x80060382 -2147089534 |
Nombre: ActionSupportNotEnabled Mensaje: Business Processes containing an Action Step cannot be exported because Action Step support is still a Public Preview feature and it is not currently enabled for this organization. |
0x80061001 -2147086335 |
Nombre: ActivePropertyValidationFailed Mensaje: You can't create a property instance for an inactive property. |
0x80040526 -2147220186 |
Nombre: ActiveQueueItemAlreadyExists Mensaje: An active queue item already exists for the given object. Cannot create more than one active queue item for this object. |
0x8004F871 -2147157903 |
Nombre: ActiveSlaCannotEdit Mensaje: You can't edit an active SLA. Deactivate the SLA, and then try editing it. |
0x80060455 -2147089323 |
Nombre: ActiveStageIdDoesNotMatchLastStageInTraversedPath Mensaje: Active Stage ID ‘{0}’ does not match last Stage ID in Traversed Path ‘{1}’. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80060449 -2147089335 |
Nombre: ActiveStageIDIsNull Mensaje: Error updating the Business Process: Active Stage ID cannot be empty. |
0x80100002 -2146435070 |
Nombre: ActiveStageIsNotOnLeadEntity Mensaje: Active stage is not on 'Lead' entity. |
0x80044275 -2147204491 |
Nombre: ActivityAnalysisOrganizationUpdateError Mensaje: Relationship Analytics organization setting can only be enabled if Relationship Analytics solution is installed. |
0x8004F121 -2147159775 |
Nombre: ActivityCannotHaveRelatedActivities Mensaje: A custom entity defined as an activity must not have a relationship with Activities. |
0x80048501 -2147187455 |
Nombre: ActivityEntityCannotBeActivityParty Mensaje: An activity entity cannot be also an activity party |
0x80043513 -2147207917 |
Nombre: ActivityInvalidObjectTypeCode Mensaje: An Invalid type code was specified by the throwing method |
0x80043512 -2147207918 |
Nombre: ActivityInvalidSessionToken Mensaje: An Invalid session token was passed into the throwing method |
0x8004F126 -2147159770 |
Nombre: ActivityMetadataUpdate Mensaje: The metadata specified for activity is invalid. |
0x8004F123 -2147159773 |
Nombre: ActivityMustHaveRelatedNotes Mensaje: A custom entity defined as an activity must have a relationship to Notes by default. |
0x80090415 -2146892779 |
Nombre: ActivityNotSupported Mensaje: Activity is not supported in your organization. Unable to process Entity {0} with IsActivity={1}, IsActivityParty={2} and HasRelatedActivities={3}. |
0x80043506 -2147207930 |
Nombre: ActivityPartyObjectTypeNotAllowed Mensaje: Cannot create activity party of specified object type. |
0x80094006 -2146877434 |
Nombre: ActivityPartyParticipationTypeMaskNotFound Mensaje: The Activity Party type Mask '{0}' not found. |
0x80090204 -2146893308 |
Nombre: AdlsSASTokenForExternalLakeForbidden Mensaje: Requesting SAS token for an external lake is only allowed for first party applications. |
0x80090202 -2146893310 |
Nombre: AdlsServiceClientError Mensaje: Received unsuccessful response from CDS ADLS service indicating client error. Error code: ({0}); Response: {1} |
0x80090200 -2146893312 |
Nombre: AdlsServiceConfigurationInvalidData Mensaje: Configuration data for CDS ADLS service client is invalid. Setting: {0}, value :{1}. |
0x80090201 -2146893311 |
Nombre: AdlsServiceConfigurationMissingData Mensaje: Configuration data missing for CDS ADLS service. Setting: {0}. |
0x80090203 -2146893309 |
Nombre: AdlsServiceServerError Mensaje: Received unsuccessful response from CDS ADLS service indicating server side error. Error code: ({0}); Response: {1} |
0x8004F50C -2147158772 |
Nombre: AdminProfileCannotBeEditedOrDeleted Mensaje: The System Administrator field security profile cannot be modified or deleted. |
0x80098006 -2146861050 |
Nombre: AdoAadUserStateException Mensaje: User identity within the azure active directory has changed (might be deleted). |
0x80098013 -2146861037 |
Nombre: AdoBranchNameAlreadyExistsError Mensaje: Branch with the same name already exists. |
0x80098008 -2146861048 |
Nombre: AdoCircuitBreakerExceededConcurrencyException Mensaje: Git internal error occurred. |
0x80098018 -2146861032 |
Nombre: AdoFileTooBig Mensaje: {0} of {1}({2}) is too big to fit in source control. |
0x80098011 -2146861039 |
Nombre: AdoInvalidBranchName Mensaje: Invalid git branch name. Branch name cannot contain {0}. |
0x80098012 -2146861038 |
Nombre: AdoInvalidDirectoryName Mensaje: Invalid directory name {0}. |
0x80098000 -2146861056 |
Nombre: AdoItemNotFoundException Mensaje: Directory or Item was not found on provided path. |
0x80098017 -2146861033 |
Nombre: AdoItemNotFoundWithPathException Mensaje: Directory or Item was not found on provided path '{0}'. |
0x80098004 -2146861052 |
Nombre: AdoNeedsPermissionException Mensaje: Commit to requested branch is forbidden (rejected by policy). |
0x80098009 -2146861047 |
Nombre: AdoObjectRejectedException Mensaje: Commit was rejected because it contains one or more secrets. |
0x80098003 -2146861053 |
Nombre: AdoRefLockedException Mensaje: Commit to requested branch is forbidden (rejected by policy). |
0x80098002 -2146861054 |
Nombre: AdoRefUpdateRejectedByPolicyException Mensaje: Commit to requested branch is forbidden (rejected by policy). |
0x80098005 -2146861051 |
Nombre: AdoServiceUnavailableException Mensaje: Git server is currently busy. |
0x80098001 -2146861055 |
Nombre: AdoUnauthorizedRequestException Mensaje: Git resource does not exist or do not have permissions for the operation attempted. |
0x80098010 -2146861040 |
Nombre: AdoUnsyncedChangesCommitError Mensaje: The branch has been updated by another user. Please sync the environment with Git and try again. |
0x80098007 -2146861049 |
Nombre: AdoVssServiceException Mensaje: Git resource does not exist or do not have permissions for the operation attempted. |
0x80041d68 -2147213976 |
Nombre: ADResourceNotFound Mensaje: The Azure AD Group was not found in your Azure Active Directory. Please validate the Group ID and try again. |
0x80061696 -2147084650 |
Nombre: AdvancedSimilarityAzureSearchUnexpectedError Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred executing the search. Try again later. |
0x80090207 -2146893305 |
Nombre: AetherServiceError Mensaje: Received unsuccessful response from Aether service. |
0x8004D2B1 -2147167567 |
Nombre: AggregateInnerQuery Mensaje: The Inner Query must not be an aggregate query. |
0x8004E023 -2147164125 |
Nombre: AggregateQueryRecordLimitExceeded Mensaje: The maximum record limit of {0} is exceeded. Reduce the number of aggregated or grouped records. Please see this link for more details: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2301313. |
0x8009724C -2146864564 |
Nombre: AggregationOnSecuredAttributeCallerCantReadNotSupportedForElasticTables Mensaje: Caller does not have read permission on secured attribute ('{0}'). Aggregation on this attribute without permission is not supported for Elastic Tables. |
0x80090489 -2146892663 |
Nombre: AICExportFailure Mensaje: Error occured when exporting AttributeImageConfig record. Reason: {0} |
0x8004F0FE -2147159810 |
Nombre: AlreadyLinkedToAnotherAttribute Mensaje: Given linked attribute is alreadly linked to other attribute. |
0x80094002 -2146877438 |
Nombre: ApiDefinitionInvalidSwagger Mensaje: The custom API swagger is not valid: '{0}'. |
0x80094003 -2146877437 |
Nombre: ApiDefinitionInvalidSwaggerReference Mensaje: The custom API swagger is not valid: 'The '$ref' reference could not be found.'. |
0x80095002 -2146873342 |
Nombre: AppActionFlyoutStandardNotGroupChild Mensaje: Invalid type: Flyout and standard can only be child of group parent button. |
0x80095000 -2146873344 |
Nombre: AppActionGroupMissingParentAppActionId Mensaje: Invalid parentappactionid: Group button must have parentappactionid. |
0x80095003 -2146873341 |
Nombre: AppActionGroupNotFlyoutSplitChild Mensaje: Invalid type: Group can only be child of flyout and split buttons. |
0x80095001 -2146873343 |
Nombre: AppActionSplitCannotBeChild Mensaje: Invalid parentappactionid: Split button cannot be a child button. |
0x80072200 -2147016192 |
Nombre: AppConfigFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: In-App Customization App Configuration feature is not enabled. |
0x80048558 -2147187368 |
Nombre: AppConfigLicenseChangeByDifferentPublisher Mensaje: The licensing value is being changed by a different publisher. |
0x80048547 -2147187385 |
Nombre: AppEntityLimitExceeded Mensaje: This operation failed since it exceeded the maximum entity limit of {0} total entities for the app {1} set by its owning publisher {2}. |
0x80048552 -2147187374 |
Nombre: AppEntityLimitExceededInSiteMap Mensaje: You cannot save or publish the sitemap. The publisher ({0}) of the app ({1}) allows only up to {2} additional entities to be added. |
0x80095FFC -2146869252 |
Nombre: ApplicationBasedAccessControlError Mensaje: Access to Dataverse API is restricted for this application Id : '{0}'. Please contact your administrator for more information. |
0x8005F231 -2147093967 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataConverterFailed Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F233 -2147093965 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadatadaCreateFailed Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F232 -2147093966 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadatadaNullData Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F234 -2147093964 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadatadaUpdateFailed Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F241 -2147093951 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataFailedWithContinue Mensaje: There was a problem with the server configuration changes. You can continue using the application, but may experience difficulties, including the inability to save changes. Please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator and give them the information available in ‘more information’. |
0x8005F230 -2147093968 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataGetPreviewMetadataUnknownError Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F237 -2147093961 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataPrepareCustomizationsAppLock Mensaje: We encountered some issues when we tried to prepare your customizations for your users. Users on some clients won't be able to download your customization updates until this issue is resolved. |
0x8005F235 -2147093963 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataPrepareCustomizationsRetrieverError Mensaje: There was a problem with the server configuration changes. Users can continue using the application, but may experience difficulties, including the inability to save changes. |
0x8005F236 -2147093962 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataPrepareCustomizationsTimeout Mensaje: Sorry, but your client customization changes could not be processed. This may be due to a large number of entities enabled for your users, or the number of languages enabled. Users will not receive customizations until this issue is resolved. |
0x8005F226 -2147093978 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataPrepareCustomizationsUnknownError Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F229 -2147093975 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataRetrieveUnknownError Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F227 -2147093977 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataRetrieveUserContextUnknownError Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F244 -2147093948 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataSyncAppLock Mensaje: Sorry, your server is busy so configurations can’t be downloaded right now. Your changes should be available in a few minutes. Wait a few minutes, and sign in again. |
0x8005F245 -2147093947 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataSyncAppLockWithContinue Mensaje: Sorry, your server is busy so configuration changes can’t be downloaded right now. Your changes should be available in a few minutes. In the meantime, you can continue using the app, and you’ll be reminded later to try downloading the changes. Or, you can wait a few minutes, restart the app, and accept the prompt to try again. |
0x8005F240 -2147093952 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataSyncFailed Mensaje: There was a problem with the server configuration changes. We are unable to load the application, please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator. |
0x8005F242 -2147093950 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataSyncTimeout Mensaje: Sorry, but your server configuration changes could not be downloaded. This may be due to a slow connection, or due to a large number of entities enabled for mobile use. Please verify your connection and try again. If this issue continues please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator. |
0x8005F243 -2147093949 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataSyncTimeoutWithContinue Mensaje: Sorry, but your server configuration changes could not be downloaded. This may be due to a slow connection, or due to a large number of entities enabled for mobile use. Please verify your connection and try again. You can continue to use the app with the older configuration, however you may experience problems including errors when saving. If this issue continues please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator. |
0x8005F228 -2147093976 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataSyncUnknownError Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F225 -2147093979 |
Nombre: ApplicationMetadataUserValidationUnknownError Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x80041d49 -2147214007 |
Nombre: ApplicationNotRegisteredWithDeployment Mensaje: Application needs to be registered and enabled at deployment level before it can be created for this organization |
0x80071131 -2147020495 |
Nombre: ApplicationProfileMustContainEntity Mensaje: The profile '{0}' could not be published because it does not contain any tables. Please add at least one table. |
0x80095FFB -2146869253 |
Nombre: ApplicationUserAccessControlError Mensaje: User access to Dataverse API is restricted. Please contact your administrator for more information. Details:{0} |
0x80041d48 -2147214008 |
Nombre: ApplicationUserCannotBeUpdated Mensaje: The user representing an OAuth application cannot not be updated |
0x80040d40 -2147218112 |
Nombre: ApplicationUserCannotChangeAccessMode Mensaje: An application user's access mode cannot be changed. |
0x8004Ed47 -2147160761 |
Nombre: AppLockTimeout Mensaje: Timeout expired before applock could be acquired. |
0x80055001 -2147135487 |
Nombre: ApplyActiveSLAOnly Mensaje: You can only apply active service level agreements (SLAs) to cases. |
0x80050107 -2147155705 |
Nombre: AppModuleCannotHaveMorethanOneUnifiedApps Mensaje: '{0}' app cannot be associated to more than one unified app. Please save the app and try again. |
0x80050105 -2147155707 |
Nombre: AppModuleCannotHaveMorethanOneUnifiedAppsDuringImport Mensaje: '{0}' app cannot be associated to more than one unified app. Please save this app in the designer and try again. |
0x80050115 -2147155691 |
Nombre: AppModuleComponentEntityMustHaveFormOrView Mensaje: The entity “{0}” must have at least one form or view in the app. |
0x80050117 -2147155689 |
Nombre: AppModuleFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: The feature isn’t turned on for this organization. |
0x80097223 -2146864605 |
Nombre: AppModuleHasMoreThanOneProfileAssigned Mensaje: Role based profile access is enable and app module has more than one mobile offline profile assigned. |
0x8005012A -2147155670 |
Nombre: AppModuleMustHaveOnlyValidClientEntity Mensaje: The “{0}” entity isn’t valid for the chosen client, and won’t be shown at runtime. |
0x80050118 -2147155688 |
Nombre: AppModuleNotContainMOCAEnabledEntity Mensaje: App Module with MOCA as a supported client should have at least one MOCA enabled entity |
0x8005011D -2147155683 |
Nombre: AppModuleNotReferEntity Mensaje: App Module does not reference at least one entity |
0x80050123 -2147155677 |
Nombre: AppModulesImportError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing App Modules |
0x80050127 -2147155673 |
Nombre: AppModuleWithClientExists Mensaje: Couldn’t create the app. There’s already an app for this client type. |
0x8004E106 -2147163898 |
Nombre: AppointmentDeleted Mensaje: The appointment entity instance is already deleted. |
0x80040275 -2147220875 |
Nombre: AppointmentScheduleNotSet Mensaje: Scheduled End and Scheduled Start must be set for Appointments in order to sync with Outlook. |
0x80072329 -2147015895 |
Nombre: AppRateLimitBulkheadThrottleLimitExceededError Mensaje: Too many Dataverse instances accessed within the cooldown period {0} hours. |
0x80048d1C -2147185380 |
Nombre: ArchivalDisaledOrg Mensaje: Archival is disabled for the org |
0x80048d1B -2147185381 |
Nombre: ArchivalRestrictedEntity Mensaje: Archival is restricted for an entity: {0} |
0x8009047E -2146892674 |
Nombre: ArchiveBatchIdNull Mensaje: Archive BatchId can not be null |
0x80048d15 -2147185387 |
Nombre: ArchiveMarkedRecordInsertionFailure Mensaje: Record insertion into ArchiveMarkedRecords failed. |
0x80097247 -2146864569 |
Nombre: ArchiveNotSupportedForSQLAudits Mensaje: Archive is not supported for SQL Audits. |
0x8009047D -2146892675 |
Nombre: ArchiveRunIdNull Mensaje: Archive RunId can not be null |
0x80060388 -2147089528 |
Nombre: ArgumentDirectionMismatch Mensaje: Direction mismatch for argument {0}. |
0x80060387 -2147089529 |
Nombre: ArgumentTypeMismatch Mensaje: Type mismatch for argument {0}. |
0x8004037f -2147220609 |
Nombre: ArrayMappingFoundForSingletonParameter Mensaje: An array transformation parameter mapping is defined for a single parameter. |
0x800404fe -2147220226 |
Nombre: ArticleIsPublished Mensaje: The article cannot be updated or deleted because it is in published state |
0x80048d3b -2147185349 |
Nombre: AssignRoleValidationFailure Mensaje: Assigning or Removing a role of User/Team requires the calling user to have all the privilege(s) of a role being assigned/removed. Refer to the following link for more details: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2248640. Calling user (systemuserid={0}, UserBU={1}) attempted action='{2}' doesn't have {3} privilege(s). Please add missing privilege(s) to user either by assigning a role with those privileges or by adding user to a team with the privileges for the action to succeed. First {4} missed role privilege(s) in format PrivilegeName(PrivilegeId)/Depth/BusinessUnitId are: {5}. |
0x80061040 -2147086272 |
Nombre: AssociateProductFailureDifferentUom Mensaje: The product can't be added to the bundle. You have to use a product unit that belongs to the unit group of the product. |
0x80048468 -2147187608 |
Nombre: AssociationRoleOrdinalInvalid Mensaje: The association role ordinal is not valid - it must be 1 or 2. |
0x80155559 -2146085543 |
Nombre: AsyncArchiveOperationOngoing Mensaje: This entity is currently being archived as part of an asynchronous archive job. Please wait for the asynchronous job to complete before attempting to archive this entity again. You may look up the status of this job by searching for the following AsyncJobName in the system jobs view. (EntityId: {0}, EntityName: {1}, AsyncJobName: {2}, AsyncJobId: {3}, AsyncArchiveOperationId: {4}) |
0x80048555 -2147187371 |
Nombre: AsyncAssignOperationOngoing Mensaje: This entity is currently being assigned as part of an asynchronous cascade assign job. Please wait for the asynchronous job to complete before attempting to assign this entity again. You may look up the status of this job by searching for the following AsyncJobName in the system jobs view. (EntityId: {0}, EntityName: {1}, AsyncJobName: {2}, AsyncJobId: {3}, AsyncAssignOperationId: {4}) |
0x8004810E -2147188466 |
Nombre: AsyncCascadeRetriableError Mensaje: This is an internal error that indicates to the async handler that this async cascade job is retriable |
0x80044307 -2147204345 |
Nombre: AsyncCommunicationError Mensaje: A communication error occurred while processing the async operation. |
0x80048549 -2147187383 |
Nombre: AsyncDeleteOperationOngoing Mensaje: This entity is currently being deleted as part of an asynchronous cascade delete job. Please wait for the asynchronous job to complete before attempting to delete this entity again. You may look up the status of this job by searching for the following AsyncJobName in the system jobs view. (EntityId: {0}, EntityName: {1}, AsyncJobName: {2}, AsyncJobId: {3}, AsyncDeleteOperationId: {4}) |
0x80050039 -2147155911 |
Nombre: AsyncJobForRestoreNotBulkDelete Mensaje: The async job '{0}' is not a bulk delete job. This cannot be restored. |
0x80048945 -2147186363 |
Nombre: AsyncMergeOperationOngoing Mensaje: These entities are currently being merged as part of an asynchronous cascade merge job. Please wait for the asynchronous job to complete before attempting to merge these entities again. You may look up the status of this job by searching for the following AsyncJobName in the system jobs view. (MasterId: {0}, SubordinateId: {1}, EntityName: {2}, AsyncJobName: {3}, AsyncJobId: {4}) |
0x80044306 -2147204346 |
Nombre: AsyncNetworkError Mensaje: An error occurred while accessing the network. |
0x80044F00 -2147201280 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationCannotCancel Mensaje: This system job cannot be canceled. |
0x8004416a -2147204758 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationCannotDeleteUnlessCompleted Mensaje: Cannot delete async operation unless it is in Completed state. |
0x80044F01 -2147201279 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationCannotPause Mensaje: This system job cannot be paused. |
0x80044168 -2147204760 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationCannotUpdateNonrecurring Mensaje: Cannot update recurrence pattern for a job that is not recurring. |
0x80044169 -2147204759 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationCannotUpdateRecurring Mensaje: Cannot update recurrence pattern for a job type that is not supported. |
0x80044162 -2147204766 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChange Mensaje: The target state could not be set because the state transition is not valid. |
0x80044165 -2147204763 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToComplete Mensaje: The target state could not be set to complete because the state transition is not valid. |
0x80044166 -2147204762 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToReady Mensaje: The target state could not be set to ready because the state transition is not valid. |
0x80044167 -2147204761 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToSuspended Mensaje: The target state could not be set to suspended because the state transition is not valid. |
0x80044163 -2147204765 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeUnexpected Mensaje: The target state could not be set because the state was changed by another process. |
0x80044164 -2147204764 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationMissingId Mensaje: The AsyncOperationId is required to do the update. |
0x80040328 -2147220696 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationPostponed Mensaje: This operation has been postponed because it failed for more than {0} times in {1} minutes |
0x80060917 -2147088105 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationPostponedByExceptionCountThrottle Mensaje: The job has been postponed due to its high failure rate tendency and will be retried later. Please review recent executions of this plugin/workflow to diagnose the cause of high failure rate. |
0x80040339 -2147220679 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationSuspendedOrLocked Mensaje: >A background job associated with this import is either suspended or locked. In order to delete this import, in the Workplace, click Imports, open the import, click System Jobs, and resume any suspended jobs. |
0x80044303 -2147204349 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationTypeIsNotRecognized Mensaje: The operation type of the async operation was not recognized. |
0x80060916 -2147088106 |
Nombre: AsyncOperationTypeThrottled Mensaje: The job could not be completed because the server is busy. We will retry the job again soon. |
0x80048956 -2147186346 |
Nombre: AsyncReparentDBOperationOngoing Mensaje: Async reparent db is currently executing for this entity. Please wait for the asynchronous job to complete before attempting to reparent this entity again. You may look up the status of this job by searching for the following AsyncJobName in the system jobs view. (EntityId: {0}, ParentId: {1}, EntityName: {2}, AsyncJobName: {3}, AsyncJobId: {4}) |
0x80048955 -2147186347 |
Nombre: AsyncRestoreOperationOngoing Mensaje: This entity is currently being restored as part of an asynchronous restore job. You may look up the status of this job by searching for the following AsyncJobName in the system jobs view. (MasterId: {0}, SubordinateId: {1}, EntityName: {2}, AsyncJobName: {3}, AsyncJobId: {4}) |
0x80048d23 -2147185373 |
Nombre: AsyncRetainOperationOngoing Mensaje: A retention policy is currently in progress for this table. Please wait for the policy run to complete before attempting to run the policy again. |
0x80097257 -2146864553 |
Nombre: AsyncCascadeRetriableError Mensaje: This is an internal error that indicates to the async handler that this error occurred during marking is retriable. |
0x80090456 -2146892714 |
Nombre: AsyncSecondaryEntityKeyNotAllowed Mensaje: Entity key '{0}' marked as IsSecondaryKey must have property IsSynchronous set as true. |
0x80043e09 -2147205623 |
Nombre: AttachmentBlocked Mensaje: The attachment is either not a valid type or is too large. It cannot be uploaded or downloaded. |
0x80044a08 -2147202552 |
Nombre: AttachmentInvalidFileName Mensaje: Attachment file name contains invalid characters. |
0x80048493 -2147187565 |
Nombre: AttachmentNotFound Mensaje: The reference to the attachment couldn't be found. |
0x80050006 -2147155962 |
Nombre: AttachmentNotRelatedToEmail Mensaje: This attachment does not belong to an email. |
0x80097212 -2146864622 |
Nombre: AttributeBehaviorCanNotBeUpdated Mensaje: '{0}' is being used by '{1}' as datetime, changing the behavior will corrupt the dependent fields formula. |
0x80097213 -2146864621 |
Nombre: AttributeBehaviorCanNotBeUpdatedForCalculatedField Mensaje: All the dependent attributes of calculated field '{0}' are of datetime type. Changing the behavior will corrupt the formula. |
0x80097214 -2146864620 |
Nombre: AttributeBehaviorCanNotBeUpdatedForRollupField Mensaje: Dependent attributes of rollup field '{0}' are of datetime type. Changing the behavior will corrupt the formula. |
0x80060413 -2147089389 |
Nombre: AttributeCannotBeUpdated Mensaje: Attribute - {0} cannot be updated for a Business Process Flow |
0x80060559 -2147089063 |
Nombre: AttributeCannotBeUsedInAggregate Mensaje: The {0} attribute cannot be used with an aggregation function in a formula. |
0x80090419 -2146892775 |
Nombre: AttributeCreateUnsupportedTable Mensaje: "Can't add an attribute to entity '{0}', it's not supported." |
0x80090410 -2146892784 |
Nombre: AttributeDataTypeNotSupported Mensaje: Attribute {0} of Entity {1} cannot be processed because the attribute data type {2} is not supported in your organization. |
0x80044335 -2147204299 |
Nombre: AttributeDeprecated Mensaje: "Attribute '{0}' on entity '{1}' is deprecated." |
0x80044198 -2147204712 |
Nombre: AttributeDoesNotSupportLocalizedLabels Mensaje: The specified attribute does not support localized labels. |
0x80060439 -2147089351 |
Nombre: AttributeFormulaDefinitionIsEmpty Mensaje: The formula is empty. |
0x80090470 -2146892688 |
Nombre: AttributeIsNotAutoNumbered Mensaje: The attribute '{0}' of entity '{1}' is not AutoNumbered. |
0x80047009 -2147192823 |
Nombre: AttributeIsNotCustomAttribute Mensaje: The specified attribute is not a custom attribute |
0x80060305 -2147089659 |
Nombre: AttributeIsNotFacetable Mensaje: Cannot set user search facets for entity {0} as attribute {1} is not facetable. Kindly remove it from the list to proceed. |
0x8004F223 -2147159517 |
Nombre: AttributeMapHasAnUnmanagedBaseInstance Mensaje: An AttributeMap, with Id: {0}, between attribute {1} and {2} of entity {3} and {4}, has an unmanaged base instance and therefore cannot be updated by a managed solution. |
0x8004F224 -2147159516 |
Nombre: AttributeMapIsManagedException Mensaje: Cannot delete managed attribute map with Id: {0} between attribute {1} and {2} of entity {3} and {4}. |
0x80090479 -2146892679 |
Nombre: AttributeMaxLengthOutOfRange Mensaje: The provided maximum length {0} of column {1} is out of range. Custom maximum length values must be between {2} and {3}. |
0x80048834 -2147186636 |
Nombre: AttributeNameConflictWithNavigationPropertyName Mensaje: Attribute name {0} conflict with NavigationProerty name on entity. Please use unique name for attribute. |
0x80044237 -2147204553 |
Nombre: AttributeNotCreatedForOfficeGraphError Mensaje: This attribute cannot be created since support to enable attribute for officegraph is not available. |
0x8004033c -2147220676 |
Nombre: AttributeNotOfTypePicklist Mensaje: This attribute is not mapped to a drop-down list, Boolean, or state/status attribute. However, you have included a ListValueMap element for it. Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again. |
0x80040390 -2147220592 |
Nombre: AttributeNotOfTypeReference Mensaje: This attribute is not mapped as a reference attribute. However, you have included a ReferenceMap for it. Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again. |
0x8004F508 -2147158776 |
Nombre: AttributeNotSecured Mensaje: One or more fields are not enabled for field level security. Field level security is not enabled until you publish the customizations. |
0x80044238 -2147204552 |
Nombre: AttributeNotUpdatedForOfficeGraphError Mensaje: This attribute cannot be updated since support to enable attribute for officegraph is not available. |
0x8004F50E -2147158770 |
Nombre: AttributePermissionIsInvalid Mensaje: Permission '{0}' for field '{1}' with id={2} is invalid because '{3}' is false. |
0x80048d37 -2147185353 |
Nombre: AttributePermissionIsMissing Mensaje: {0} user with Id {1} does not have permissions to a {2} secured field on entity {3}. The requested operation could not be completed. |
0x8004F504 -2147158780 |
Nombre: AttributePermissionReadIsMissing Mensaje: {0} user with Id {1} does not have read permissions to a {2} secured field on entity {3}. The requested operation could not be completed. |
0x8004F50F -2147158769 |
Nombre: AttributePermissionReadUnMaskedIsMissing Mensaje: {0} user with Id {1} does not have ReadUnMasked permissions to a {2} secured field on entity {3}. The requested operation could not be completed. |
0x8004F503 -2147158781 |
Nombre: AttributePermissionUpdateIsMissingDuringShare Mensaje: The user does not have update permissions or shared access for a secured field during update operation. |
0x8004F507 -2147158777 |
Nombre: AttributePermissionUpdateIsMissingDuringUpdate Mensaje: {0} user with Id {1} does not have update permissions to a {2} secured field on entity {3}. The requested operation could not be completed. |
0x8004F502 -2147158782 |
Nombre: AttributePrivilegeCreateIsMissing Mensaje: {0} user with Id {1} does not have create permissions to a {2} secured field on entity {3}. The requested operation could not be completed. |
0x8004F50D -2147158771 |
Nombre: AttributePrivilegeInvalidToUnsecure Mensaje: You must have sufficient permissions for a secured field before you can change its field level security. |
0x80061501 -2147085055 |
Nombre: AttributesExceeded Mensaje: Attributes cannot be more than 4 |
0x8004F50B -2147158773 |
Nombre: AttributeSharingCreateDuplicate Mensaje: Attribute has already been shared. |
0x8004F509 -2147158775 |
Nombre: AttributeSharingCreateShouldSetReadOrAndUpdateAccess Mensaje: You must set read and/or update access when you share a secured attribute. Attribute ID: {0} |
0x8004F50A -2147158774 |
Nombre: AttributeSharingUpdateInvalid Mensaje: Both readAccess and updateAccess are false: call Delete instead of Update. |
0x80050221 -2147155423 |
Nombre: AttributeTypeNotSupportedForCalculatedField Mensaje: Calculated/RollUp Field is not supported for MultiSelectPicklist Attribute Type. |
0x80050224 -2147155420 |
Nombre: AttributeTypeNotSupportedForGroupByOrderByQuery Mensaje: GroupBy or OrderBy Query is not supported for MultiSelectPickList Attribute Type. |
0x80060463 -2147089309 |
Nombre: AttributeUpdateNotAllowed Mensaje: The Business Process Flow update has failed. The update of attribute "{0}" in workflow "{1}" is not allowed. |
0x80044369 -2147204247 |
Nombre: AttributeUsedForInternalUseOnly Mensaje: Attribute {0} on Entity {1} can only be set by the System. |
0x80090452 -2146892718 |
Nombre: AttributeWithValidForUpdateNotSupportedInSecondaryEntityKey Mensaje: Attribute '{0}' must not be valid for update. The secondary Entity Key '{1}' does not support key attribue with (IsValidForUpdate = true) property. |
0x8004D228 -2147167704 |
Nombre: AuthenticateToServerBeforeRequestingProxy Mensaje: Authenticate to serverType: {0} before requesting a proxy. |
0x800608B9 -2147088199 |
Nombre: AuthNetworkFailure Mensaje: Unable to authenticate. Select the Refresh button to try again. |
0x80091042 -2146889662 |
Nombre: AutoDataCaptureAuthorizationFailureException Mensaje: You don’t have the proper Office 365 license to get untracked emails. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80091041 -2146889663 |
Nombre: AutoDataCaptureDisabledError Mensaje: Auto capture feature is not enabled. |
0x80091043 -2146889661 |
Nombre: AutoDataCaptureResponseRetrievalFailureException Mensaje: Error while fetching untracked emails from Exchange. |
0x8004F090 -2147159920 |
Nombre: AutomaticDependencyRemovalNotEnabled Mensaje: Automatic dependency removal is not enabled for {0}'s dependency on {1}. |
0x8004F092 -2147159918 |
Nombre: AutomaticDependencyRemovalNotPossibleForRequiredAttributes Mensaje: Cannot remove this dependency since the field {0}.{1} is a mandatory field |
0x8004F091 -2147159919 |
Nombre: Eliminación automática de dependencia no admitida Mensaje: Automatic dependency removal is not supported for {0}'s dependency on {1}. |
0x80060885 -2147088251 |
Nombre: AutoNumberAttributeSequenceMissing Mensaje: SQL Sequence missing for Auto Number attribute {0} of entity {1}. Will attempt to re-create the SQL Sequence now. |
0x80090469 -2146892695 |
Nombre: AutoNumberForIntegerAttributeNotSupported Mensaje: Autonumber feature is not turned on or not available for integer attribute. Attribute '{0}'. |
0x8004F510 -2147158768 |
Nombre: AzureApplicationIdNotFound Mensaje: We didn’t find that application ID {0} in your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) with CorrelationID {1}. Make sure your application is registered in Azure AD. |
0x8004F512 -2147158766 |
Nombre: AzureApplicationIdNotFoundInOrgDB Mensaje: Azure applicationid not found. We didn’t find the application ID {0} in your CRM database. Correct the application ID and resubmit the update. |
0x80097621 -2146863583 |
Nombre: AzureApplicationIdNotFoundRWCTFallback Mensaje: We didn’t find the application ID {0} in your Azure Active Directory with CorrelationID {1}. Read write consistency token was also not honored by AAD. |
0x80061635 -2147084747 |
Nombre: AzureOperationResponseTimedOut Mensaje: An Azure operation request did not return a response within stated timeout period. Retry the operation or increase timeout provided for the operation. |
0x80061604 -2147084796 |
Nombre: AzureRecommendationModelBuildNotExist Mensaje: The Azure recommendation model build corresponding to the used model version doesn’t exist. |
0x80061603 -2147084797 |
Nombre: AzureRecommendationModelNotExist Mensaje: The Azure recommendation model doesn’t exist. |
0x80061636 -2147084746 |
Nombre: AzureServiceConnectionCascadeDeleteFailed Mensaje: One or more models use the connection. Delete all models using this connection, and try deleting the connection again. |
0x80061630 -2147084752 |
Nombre: AzureServiceConnectionInvalidUri Mensaje: Provide a valid service URL. |
0x80072323 -2147015901 |
Nombre: AzureSqlDatabaseResourceLimitExceededError Mensaje: The limit of resource for the database has been reached. Please check the exception for more details. |
0x80072325 -2147015899 |
Nombre: AzureSqlDatabaseStorageQuotaExceededError Mensaje: The storage limit for the database has been met. |
0x80072324 -2147015900 |
Nombre: AzureSqlMaxConcurrentWorkersLimitExceededError Mensaje: Too many concurrent requests detected. |
0x80050241 -2147155391 |
Nombre: AzureWebAppPluginsDisabled Mensaje: Azure WebApp based plugins disabled for the organization. |
0x8009732C -2146864340 |
Nombre: BackgroundJobsNotEnabled Mensaje: Background jobs feature is not enabled. |
0x8009732E -2146864338 |
Nombre: BackgroundOperationParameterNotDefined Mensaje: Parameter {0} is not defined on Custom API {1}. |
0x8009732F -2146864337 |
Nombre: BackgroundOperationParameterTypeDoesNotMatch Mensaje: Parameter {0} on Custom API {1} should be of type {2} but provided type was {3}. |
0x8004A102 -2147180286 |
Nombre: BadAuthTicket Mensaje: The ticket specified for authentication is invalid |
0x80090435 -2146892747 |
Nombre: BadLinkedAttributeOptionSetId Mensaje: Invalid option set id found in linked attribute {0} of entity {1}. |
0x8005F100 -2147094272 |
Nombre: BadRequest Mensaje: The request could not be understood by the server. |
0x80044240 -2147204544 |
Nombre: BaseAttributeNameNotPresentError Mensaje: BaseAttribute name should be present in condition xml. |
0x80048cf4 -2147185420 |
Nombre: BaseCurrencyCannotBeDeactivated Mensaje: The base currency cannot be deactivated. |
0x80048cff -2147185409 |
Nombre: BaseCurrencyNotDeletable Mensaje: The base currency of an organization cannot be deleted. |
0x80048cec -2147185428 |
Nombre: BaseCurrencyOverflow Mensaje: The exchange rate set for the currency specified in this record has generated a value for {0} that is larger than the maximum allowed for the base currency ({1}). |
0x80048ceb -2147185429 |
Nombre: BaseCurrencyUnderflow Mensaje: The exchange rate set for the currency specified in this record has generated a value for {0} that is smaller than the minimum allowed for the base currency ({1}). |
0x80044245 -2147204539 |
Nombre: BaseMatchingAttributeNotSameError Mensaje: Base and Matching attribute should be of same type. |
0x80043b1c -2147206372 |
Nombre: BaseUnitDoesNotExist Mensaje: The base unit does not exist. |
0x80043b03 -2147206397 |
Nombre: BaseUnitNotDeletable Mensaje: The base unit of a schedule cannot be deleted. |
0x80043b17 -2147206377 |
Nombre: BaseUnitNotNull Mensaje: Do not use a base unit as the value for a primary unit. This value should always be null. |
0x80043810 -2147207152 |
Nombre: BaseUomNameNotSpecified Mensaje: baseuomname not specified |
0x8004B540 -2147175104 |
0x8004B541 -2147175103 |
0x8004B542 -2147175102 |
0x8004B543 -2147175101 |
Nombre: BDK_E_AVS_FAILED Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B544 -2147175100 |
Nombre: BDK_E_BAD_CITYNAME_LENGTH Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B545 -2147175099 |
Nombre: BDK_E_BAD_STATECODE_LENGTH Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B546 -2147175098 |
Nombre: BDK_E_BAD_ZIPCODE_LENGTH Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B547 -2147175097 |
Nombre: BDK_E_BADXML Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B548 -2147175096 |
0x8004B549 -2147175095 |
Nombre: BDK_E_BANNEDPERSON Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B54A -2147175094 |
0x8004B54B -2147175093 |
0x8004B54C -2147175092 |
Nombre: BDK_E_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRED Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B54D -2147175091 |
Nombre: BDK_E_DATE_EXPIRED Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B54E -2147175090 |
0x8004B54F -2147175089 |
0x8004B550 -2147175088 |
Nombre: BDK_E_EXTRA_REFERRAL_DATA Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B551 -2147175087 |
Nombre: BDK_E_GUID_EXISTS Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B552 -2147175086 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_ADDRESS_ID Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B553 -2147175085 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_BILLABLE_ACCOUNT_ID Mensaje: {0} The specified Billing account is invalid. Or, although the objectID is of the correct type, the account it identifies does not exist in the system. |
0x8004B554 -2147175084 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_BUF_SIZE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B555 -2147175083 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_CATEGORY_NAME Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B556 -2147175082 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B557 -2147175081 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_CURRENCY Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B558 -2147175080 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_CUSTOMER_TYPE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B559 -2147175079 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_DATE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B55A -2147175078 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B55B -2147175077 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_FILTER Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B55C -2147175076 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_GUID Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B55D -2147175075 |
0x8004B55E -2147175074 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_LOCALE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B55F -2147175073 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_OBJECT_ID Mensaje: {0} The Billing system cannot find the object (e.g. account or subscription or offering). |
0x8004B560 -2147175072 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_OFFERING_GUID Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B561 -2147175071 |
0x8004B562 -2147175070 |
0x8004B563 -2147175069 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_PHONE_TYPE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B564 -2147175068 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_POLICY_ID Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B565 -2147175067 |
0x8004B566 -2147175066 |
0x8004B567 -2147175065 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID Mensaje: {0} The subscription id specified is invalid. Or, although the objectID is of correct type and also points to a valid account in SCS, the subscription it identifies does not exist in SCS. |
0x8004B568 -2147175064 |
Nombre: BDK_E_INVALID_TAX_EXEMPT_TYPE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B569 -2147175063 |
Nombre: BDK_E_MEG_CONFLICT Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B56A -2147175062 |
Nombre: BDK_E_MULTIPLE_CITIES_FOUND Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B56B -2147175061 |
0x8004B56C -2147175060 |
Nombre: BDK_E_NON_ACTIVE_ACCOUNT Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B56D -2147175059 |
Nombre: BDK_E_NOPERMISSION Mensaje: {0} The calling partner does not have access to this method or when the requester does not have permission to search against the supplied search PUID. |
0x8004B56E -2147175058 |
0x8004B56F -2147175057 |
0x8004B570 -2147175056 |
0x8004B571 -2147175055 |
0x8004B572 -2147175054 |
0x8004B573 -2147175053 |
Nombre: BDK_E_OFFERING_REQUIRES_PI Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B574 -2147175052 |
0x8004B575 -2147175051 |
0x8004B577 -2147175049 |
0x8004B576 -2147175050 |
0x8004B578 -2147175048 |
0x8004B579 -2147175047 |
Nombre: BDK_E_RATING_FAILURE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B57A -2147175046 |
0x8004B57B -2147175045 |
Nombre: BDK_E_STATE_CITY_INVALID Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B57C -2147175044 |
Nombre: BDK_E_STATE_INVALID Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B57D -2147175043 |
Nombre: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_CITY_INVALID Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B57E -2147175042 |
Nombre: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_CITY_INVALID2 Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B57F -2147175041 |
Nombre: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_CITY_INVALID3 Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B580 -2147175040 |
Nombre: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_CITY_INVALID4 Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B581 -2147175039 |
0x8004B582 -2147175038 |
Nombre: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_INVALID Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B583 -2147175037 |
Nombre: BDK_E_TAXID_EXPDATE Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B584 -2147175036 |
Nombre: BDK_E_TOKEN_BLACKLISTED Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B585 -2147175035 |
Nombre: BDK_E_TOKEN_EXPIRED Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B586 -2147175034 |
0x8004B587 -2147175033 |
0x8004B588 -2147175032 |
0x8004B589 -2147175031 |
Nombre: BDK_E_UNKNOWN_SERVER_FAILURE Mensaje: {0} Unknown server failure. |
0x8004B58A -2147175030 |
0x8004B58F -2147175025 |
Nombre: BDK_E_USAGE_COUNT_FOR_TOKEN_EXCEEDED Mensaje: {0} Billing token is already spent. |
0x8004B58B -2147175029 |
0x8004B58C -2147175028 |
Nombre: BDK_E_ZIP_CITY_MISSING Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004B58D -2147175027 |
Nombre: BDK_E_ZIP_INVALID Mensaje: {0} Billing zip code error. |
0x8004B58E -2147175026 |
Nombre: BDK_E_ZIP_INVALID_FOR_ENTERED_STATE Mensaje: {0} Billing zip code error. |
0x8005E003 -2147098621 |
Nombre: BidsAuthenticationError Mensaje: An error occured while authenticating with server {0}. |
0x8005E006 -2147098618 |
Nombre: BidsAuthenticationFailed Mensaje: Authentication failed when trying to connect to server {0}. The username or password is incorrect. |
0x8005E000 -2147098624 |
Nombre: BidsInvalidConnectionString Mensaje: Input connection string is invalid. Usage: ServerUrl[;OrganizationName][;HomeRealmUrl] |
0x8005E001 -2147098623 |
Nombre: BidsInvalidUrl Mensaje: Input url {0} is invalid. |
0x8005E004 -2147098620 |
Nombre: BidsNoOrganizationsFound Mensaje: No organizations found for the user. |
0x8005E005 -2147098619 |
Nombre: BidsOrganizationNotFound Mensaje: Organization {0} cannot be found for the user. |
0x8005E002 -2147098622 |
Nombre: BidsServerConnectionFailed Mensaje: Failed to connect to server {0}. |
0x8004B531 -2147175119 |
Nombre: BillingNoSettingError Mensaje: No Billing application configuration setting [{0}] was found. |
0x8004B530 -2147175120 |
Nombre: BillingPartnerCertificate Mensaje: Could not determine the right Partner certificate to use with Billing. Issuer: {0} Subject: {1} Distinguished matches: [{2}] Name matches: [{3}] All valid certificates: [{4}]. |
0x8004B538 -2147175112 |
Nombre: BillingRetrieveKeyError Mensaje: Could not retrieve Billing session key: "{0}" |
0x8004B532 -2147175118 |
Nombre: BillingTestConnectionError Mensaje: Billing is not available: Call to IsServiceAvailable returned 'False'. |
0x8004B533 -2147175117 |
Nombre: BillingTestConnectionException Mensaje: Billing TestConnection exception. |
0x8004B536 -2147175114 |
Nombre: BillingUnknownErrorCode Mensaje: Billing error code [{0}] was thrown with exception {1} |
0x8004B537 -2147175113 |
Nombre: BillingUnknownException Mensaje: Billing error was thrown with exception {0} |
0x8004B535 -2147175115 |
Nombre: BillingUnmappedErrorCode Mensaje: Billing error code [{0}] was thrown with exception {1} |
0x8004B534 -2147175116 |
Nombre: BillingUserPuidNullError Mensaje: User Puid is required, but is null. |
0x80049946 -2147182266 |
Nombre: BinAttrbuteNotReady Mensaje: Attribute '{0}' on table '{1}' is not ready for recycle bin table queries. Please remove this attribute from your query. Please wait for recycle bin metadata sync operation to complete before using this attribute. |
0x80160043 -2146041789 |
Nombre: BindAttributeNotSpecifiedForLookup Mensaje: BindAttribute for lookup property {0} is not provided. More Details:{1} |
0x80160044 -2146041788 |
Nombre: BindAttributeValuesAreDifferentAcrossControlConfigurations Mensaje: Bind Attribute for lookup property {0} should be same for all form factor control configurations Please check the configuration: {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x80072523 -2147015389 |
Nombre: BlobDownloadRetryableError Mensaje: A retryable error occured while downloading a blob from file store. |
0x80090018 -2146893800 |
Nombre: BlobNotFound Mensaje: Blob not found. |
0x8004E10E -2147163890 |
Nombre: BookFirstInstanceFailed Mensaje: Failed to book first instance. |
0x8004431C -2147204324 |
Nombre: BooleanOptionOutOfRange Mensaje: Boolean attribute options must have a value of either 0 or 1. |
0x80048218 -2147188200 |
Nombre: BothConnectionSidesAreNeeded Mensaje: You must provide a name or select a role for both sides of this connection. |
0x80160031 -2146041807 |
Nombre: BoundPropertyShoulNotHaveStaticValue Mensaje: Property {0} is configured with a static value, but must be bound to an attribute. More Details:{1} |
0x80160041 -2146041791 |
Nombre: BoundPropertyTypeMismatch Mensaje: The type declared for property {0} (type {1}) on the control manifest does not match the type(s){2} of property '{3}' bound to it. More Details:{4} |
0x80060384 -2147089532 |
Nombre: BPFEntityAlreadyExists Mensaje: BPF entity with this name already exists. |
0x80060446 -2147089338 |
Nombre: BpfEntityServiceIsNull Mensaje: Error creating or updating Business Process: BpfEntityService cannot be null. |
0x80060447 -2147089337 |
Nombre: BpfFactoryIsNull Mensaje: Error creating or updating Business Process: BpfFactory cannot be null. |
0x80060397 -2147089513 |
Nombre: BpfInstanceAlreadyExists Mensaje: A business process flow already exists for the target record and could not be created. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80060448 -2147089336 |
Nombre: BpfVisitorIsNull Mensaje: Error creating or updating Business Process: BpfVisitor cannot be null. |
0x8004F097 -2147159913 |
Nombre: BulkACSAllErrors Mensaje: Add Components To Solution: All requests failed. \n{0} |
0x8004F096 -2147159914 |
Nombre: BulkACSPartialErrors Mensaje: Add Components To Solution: {0} out of {1} requests failed. \n{2} |
0x80048459 -2147187623 |
Nombre: BulkDeleteChildFailure Mensaje: One of the Bulk Delete Child Jobs Failed |
0x80005049 -2147463095 |
Nombre: BulkDeleteJobNotComplete Mensaje: The bulk delete operation '{0}' must be in the 'Succeeded', 'Failed', or 'Canceled' state to be restored. |
0x8004840B -2147187701 |
Nombre: BulkDeleteNotSupportedInDaac Mensaje: Bulk Delete job is not supported for replicated entity from secondary parition in a dataverse as a cluster setup. |
0x80048435 -2147187659 |
Nombre: BulkDeleteRecordDeletionFailure Mensaje: The record cannot be deleted. |
0x8004840A -2147187702 |
Nombre: BulkDetectDupsNotSupportedInSecondaryPartition Mensaje: Duplicate Detection job is not supported from secondary parition in a dataverse as a cluster setup. |
0x80048422 -2147187678 |
Nombre: BulkDetectInvalidEmailRecipient Mensaje: The e-mail recipient either does not exist or the e-mail address for the e-mail recipient is not valid. |
0x8009000F -2146893809 |
Nombre: BulkDuplicateDetectionJobSendEmailFailed Mensaje: Bulk Duplicate Detection successfully completed. Please review the results and perform a manual merge. We were unable to send a notification to your specified email address. If this persists, please validate the email address you provided and review any active plugins. |
0x8004502D -2147200979 |
Nombre: BulkMailOperationFailed Mensaje: The bulk e-mail job completed with {0} failures. The failures might be caused by missing e-mail addresses or because you do not have permission to send e-mail. To find records with missing e-mail addresses, use Advanced Find. If you need increased e-mail permissions, contact your system administrator. |
0x80048304 -2147187964 |
Nombre: BulkMailServiceNotAccessible Mensaje: The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Bulk E-Mail Service is not running. |
0x80048d2d -2147185363 |
Nombre: BulkOperationMessagesDisabledError Mensaje: {0} API is disabled for Organization with ID {1}. |
0x8004F095 -2147159915 |
Nombre: BulkRACAllErrors Mensaje: Bulk Remove Active Customizations: All requests failed. \n{0} |
0x8004F094 -2147159916 |
Nombre: BulkRACPartialErrors Mensaje: Bulk Remove Active Customizations: {0} out of {1} requests failed. \n{2} |
0x8004F972 -2147157646 |
Nombre: BundleCannotContainBundle Mensaje: You can't add a bundle to a bundle. |
0x8004F992 -2147157614 |
Nombre: BundleCannotContainProductFamily Mensaje: You can't add a product family to a bundle. |
0x80061014 -2147086316 |
Nombre: BundleCannotContainProductKit Mensaje: You can't add a kit to a bundle. |
0x8008100E -2146955250 |
Nombre: BundleMaxPropertyLimitExceeded Mensaje: This bundle can't be published because it has too many properties. A bundle in your organization can't have more than {0} properties. |
0x80041d1f -2147214049 |
Nombre: BusinessManagementInvalidUserId Mensaje: The user Id(s) [{0}] is invalid. |
0x80041d21 -2147214047 |
Nombre: BusinessManagementLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: Creating this parental association would create a loop in business hierarchy. |
0x80041d20 -2147214048 |
Nombre: BusinessManagementLoopExists Mensaje: Loop exists in the business hierarchy. |
0x8004022a -2147220950 |
Nombre: BusinessManagementObjectAlreadyExists Mensaje: Duplicate record exists. {0} |
0x8004032c -2147220692 |
Nombre: BusinessNotEnabled Mensaje: The business unit {0} for user(Id = {1}) is disabled. |
0x80060375 -2147089547 |
Nombre: BusinessProcessFlowDefinitionOutdated Mensaje: This action cannot be completed because the Business Process Flow definition is out of sync with the Process Action. Please contact your Dynamics 365 System Administrator to update the Business Process Flow. |
0x80060440 -2147089344 |
Nombre: BusinessProcessFlowMissingEntityErrorMessage Mensaje: Failed to import Business Process '{0}' because solution does not include corresponding Business Process entity '{1}'. |
0x80060405 -2147089403 |
Nombre: BusinessProcessFlowStepHasInvalidParent Mensaje: {0} parent is not of type {1} |
0x80060008 -2147090424 |
Nombre: BusinessRuleEditorSupportsOnlyIfConditionBranch Mensaje: The business rule editor only supports one if condition. Please fix the rule. |
0x80048d32 -2147185358 |
Nombre: BusinessUnitAlreadyExists Mensaje: Business Unit with the specified name '{0}' already exists under '{1}' business unit. The business unit name must be unique within the same parent business unit. |
0x80041d59 -2147213991 |
Nombre: BusinessUnitCannotBeDisabled Mensaje: Business unit cannot be disabled: no active user with system admin role exists outside of business unit subtree. |
0x80041d62 -2147213982 |
Nombre: BusinessUnitDefaultTeamOwnsRecords Mensaje: Business unit default team owns records. Business unit (Id = {0}) cannot be deleted. Reassign the records owned by default team and try again. |
0x80041d61 -2147213983 |
Nombre: BusinessUnitHasChildAndCannotBeDeleted Mensaje: Business unit has a child business unit and cannot be deleted. |
0x80041d60 -2147213984 |
Nombre: BusinessUnitIsNotDisabledAndCannotBeDeleted Mensaje: Not disabled business unit cannot be deleted. |
0x80072526 -2147015386 |
Nombre: BusinessUnitQueuesAssociatedWithBU Mensaje: There are {0} queues referencing this BusinessUnit with id='{1}', Name='{2}'. Please delete the queues before deleting this business unit or assign to a different Business Unit.{3} |
0x80097628 -2146863576 |
Nombre: BypassBusinessLogicExecutionStepIdsLimitExceeded Mensaje: The number of step ids: {0} in the BypassBusinessLogicExecutionStepIds parameter exceeds the orgdb settings limit: {1} |
0x80072330 -2147015888 |
Nombre: CacheLoadConcurrencyError Mensaje: Too many caches loaded concurrently. Please try again later. |
0x80048d3d -2147185347 |
Nombre: CacheLockTimeout Mensaje: Timed out when waiting to acquire a specific cache lock due to another thread is already loading the cache and taking longer time than expected. |
0x80098019 -2146861031 |
Nombre: CachePreemptivelyFlushed Mensaje: The specified call is for an organization whose cache was preemptively flushed, retrying the operation may succeed or you can specify a request header "x-ms-select-stable-service" to be directed to the stable endpoint. |
0x80054817 -2147137513 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldCannotUseVirtualEntities Mensaje: Virtual entities are not supported in Calculated Fields. Calculated Field {0} on Entity {1} is using Virtual Entity {2}. |
0x8006042b -2147089365 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsAssignmentMismatch Mensaje: You can’t set the value {0}, which is of type {1}, to type {2}. |
0x80060431 -2147089359 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsCyclicReference Mensaje: Field {0} cannot be used in calculated field {1} because it would create a circular reference. |
0x8006043a -2147089350 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsDateOnlyBehaviorTypeMismatch Mensaje: You can only use a Date Only type of field. |
0x80060432 -2147089358 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsDepthExceeded Mensaje: You can’t create or update the {0} field because the {1} field already has a calculated field chain of {2} deep. |
0x8006042d -2147089363 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsDivideByZero Mensaje: You cannot divide by {0}, which evaluates to zero. |
0x80060433 -2147089357 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsEntitiesExceeded Mensaje: Field {0} cannot be created or updated because field {1} contains an additional formula that uses a parent record. |
0x80060422 -2147089374 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Calculated Field feature is not available |
0x8006042c -2147089364 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsFunctionMismatch Mensaje: You can't use {0}, which is of type {1}, with the current function. |
0x80060428 -2147089368 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsInvalidAttribute Mensaje: The {0} field doesn't exist. |
0x8006042e -2147089362 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsInvalidAttributes Mensaje: The formula references the following attributes that don't exist: {0}. |
0x80060423 -2147089373 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsInvalidEntity Mensaje: The formula contains an invalid reference: {0}. |
0x80060427 -2147089369 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsInvalidFunction Mensaje: The {0} function doesn't exist. |
0x80060438 -2147089352 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsInvalidSourceTypeMask Mensaje: The formula can't be saved because it contains references to the following fields that have invalid definitions: {0}. |
0x8006042f -2147089361 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsInvalidValue Mensaje: The formula references a value that doesn't exist. |
0x80060430 -2147089360 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsInvalidValues Mensaje: The formula references the following values that don't exist: {0}. |
0x80060424 -2147089372 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsInvalidXaml Mensaje: The {0} field has an invalid XAML formula definition. |
0x80060425 -2147089371 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsNonCalculatedFieldAssignment Mensaje: Only calculated fields can have a formula definition. |
0x8006042a -2147089366 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsPrimitiveOverflow Mensaje: Cannot convert the value {0} into type {1}. |
0x8006043b -2147089349 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsTimeInvBehaviorTypeMismatch Mensaje: You can only use a Time-Zone Independent Date Time type of field. |
0x80060426 -2147089370 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsTypeMismatch Mensaje: You can't use {0}, which is of type {1}, with the current operator. |
0x8006043c -2147089348 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldsUserLocBehaviorTypeMismatch Mensaje: You can only use a User Local Date Time type of field. |
0x80060550 -2147089072 |
Nombre: CalculatedFieldUsedInRollupFieldCannotBeComplex Mensaje: One or more rollup fields depend on this calculated field. This calculated field can't use a rollup field, another calculated field that is using a rollup field or a field from related entity. |
0x80060558 -2147089064 |
Nombre: CalculateNowOverflowError Mensaje: The calculation failed due to an overflow error. |
0x80097329 -2146864343 |
Nombre: CallbackUriContainsInvalidSymbol Mensaje: Symbol # was used in callback URL query string which could lead to injection attacks. |
0x80097328 -2146864344 |
Nombre: CallbackUriDoesNotFollowHttps Mensaje: Provided CallbackUri does not follow https scheme. |
0x8009732D -2146864339 |
Nombre: CallbackUriSpecifiedTwice Mensaje: Callback Uri provided in both prefer as well as x-ms-dyn-callback-url header. Use only one of them. |
0x80097326 -2146864346 |
Nombre: CallbackWithoutRespondAsync Mensaje: The callback preference cannot be honored without respond-async preference. |
0x80044161 -2147204767 |
Nombre: CallerCannotChangeOwnDomainName Mensaje: The caller cannot change their own domain name |
0x8004853D -2147187395 |
Nombre: CallerCannotReadComponentField Mensaje: Caller does not have read permission on component {0} column. |
0x8004025b -2147220901 |
Nombre: CalloutException Mensaje: Callout Exception occurred. |
0x80040326 -2147220698 |
Nombre: CampaignActivityAlreadyPropagated Mensaje: This campaign activity has been distributed already. Campaign activities cannot be distributed more than one time. |
0x80040331 -2147220687 |
Nombre: CampaignActivityClosed Mensaje: This Campaign Activity is closed or canceled. Campaign activities cannot be distributed after they have been closed or canceled. |
0x80040309 -2147220727 |
Nombre: CampaignNotSpecifiedForCampaignActivity Mensaje: RegardingObjectId is a required field. |
0x8004030a -2147220726 |
Nombre: CampaignNotSpecifiedForCampaignResponse Mensaje: RegardingObjectId is a required field. |
0x8006099E -2147087970 |
Nombre: CanAssociateOnlyMobileOfflineEnabledEntityToProfileItem Mensaje: {0} needs to be enabled for mobile offline. |
0x8006099C -2147087972 |
Nombre: CanAssociateOnlyMobileOfflineEnableEntityToProfileItem Mensaje: This entity needs to be enabled for mobile offline. |
0x8006099D -2147087971 |
Nombre: CanAssociateOnlyOneEntityPerProfileItem Mensaje: You can only add one mobile offline profile item record per entity to a mobile offline profile record. |
0x8003F451 -2147224495 |
Nombre: CancelActiveChildCaseFirst Mensaje: Cancel active child case before canceling parent case. |
0x80044F03 -2147201277 |
Nombre: CancelAsyncOperationsRetriableError Mensaje: Failed to cancel targeted system jobs, will be retried later. |
0x80044F04 -2147201276 |
Nombre: CancelAsyncOperationsTerminalError Mensaje: Failed to cancel targeted system jobs. |
0x8005E20B -2147098101 |
Nombre: CannotAcceptEmail Mensaje: The email that you are trying to deliver cannot be accepted by Microsoft Dynamics 365. Reason Code: {0}. |
0x80071110 -2147020528 |
Nombre: CannotAccessExchangeOptinStatus Mensaje: Exchange optin status is not accessible. |
0x8004F849 -2147157943 |
Nombre: CannotActivateDeactivateOnAnyEntityRoutingRuleFCBOff Mensaje: Unable to activate or deactivate routing rule set record for entities (except case entity) as the feature control bit for entity records routing is disabled. |
0x8005E230 -2147098064 |
Nombre: CannotActivateMailboxForDisabledUserOrQueue Mensaje: Mailbox cannot be activated because the user or queue associated with the mailbox is in disabled state. Mailbox can only be activated for Active User/Queue. |
0x80081017 -2146955241 |
Nombre: CannotActivateRecord Mensaje: You can't activate a retired product family or bundle. Also, you can't activate a retired product that is part of a product family. |
0x800422FF -2147212545 |
Nombre: CannotActivateRecordWithProperties Mensaje: You can't activate a retired product that has properties. |
0x80090473 -2146892685 |
Nombre: CannotActivateRoutingRuleForNonCaseEntity Mensaje: Basic routing rulesets can only be turned on for cases. |
0x8004A110 -2147180272 |
Nombre: CannotActOnBehalfOfAnotherUser Mensaje: User does not have the privilege to act on behalf another user. |
0x80061116 -2147086058 |
Nombre: CannotActOnBehalfOfExternalParty Mensaje: User does not have the privilege to act on behalf of External Party. |
0x800609AD -2147087955 |
Nombre: CannotAddActivityPartyEntityToMobileOfflineProfileItem Mensaje: You can’t add the ActivityParty entity to the mobile offline profile item because it’s added automatically when an activity entity is added to the profile. |
0x80061031 -2147086287 |
Nombre: CannotAddBundleToItself Mensaje: You can't add a bundle to itself. |
0x80061007 -2147086329 |
Nombre: CannotAddBundleToPricelist Mensaje: You can't add the {0} bundle to the pricelist because the {1} bundle product isn't in the pricelist. |
0x800609AC -2147087956 |
Nombre: CannotAddBusinessDataLocalizedLabelEntityToMobileOfflineProfileItem Mensaje: You can’t add the BusinessDataLocalizedLabel entity to the mobile offline profile item because it’s added automatically when the Product entity is added to the profile. |
0x80050131 -2147155663 |
Nombre: CannotAddCanvasAppElementOfTypeToAppModule Mensaje: Canvas app {0} with type “{1}” cannot be added to the app as a new element. |
0x8004F984 -2147157628 |
Nombre: CannotAddDraftFamilyProductBundleToCases Mensaje: You can't add a product family, a draft product, or a draft bundle. |
0x800609AB -2147087957 |
Nombre: CannotAddIntersectEntityToMobileOfflineProfileItem Mensaje: You can’t add the intersect entity to the mobile offline profile item because it’s added automatically when its parent entities are added to the profile. |
0x80061032 -2147086286 |
Nombre: CannotAddKitToItself Mensaje: You can't add a kit to itself. |
0x8004830B -2147187957 |
Nombre: CannotAddMembersToDefaultTeam Mensaje: Can't add members to the default business unit team (TeamId = {0}). |
0x8004431D -2147204323 |
Nombre: CannotAddNewBooleanValue Mensaje: You cannot add an option to a Boolean attribute. |
0x8004431E -2147204322 |
Nombre: CannotAddNewStateValue Mensaje: You cannot add state options to a State attribute. |
0x8004F015 -2147160043 |
Nombre: CannotAddNonCustomizableComponent Mensaje: The component {0} {1} cannot be added to the solution because it is not customizable |
0x8004Ed43 -2147160765 |
Nombre: CannotAddOrActonBehalfAnotherUserPrivilege Mensaje: Act on Behalf of Another User privilege cannot be added or removed. |
0x80061015 -2147086315 |
Nombre: CannotAddParentToAKit Mensaje: You can't specify a parent record for a kit. |
0x8004F902 -2147157758 |
Nombre: CannotAddPricelistToProductFamily Mensaje: You can't add a product family to a pricelist. |
0x8004F908 -2147157752 |
Nombre: CannotAddProduct Mensaje: You can only add Active products. |
0x80061022 -2147086302 |
Nombre: CannotAddProductBundleToKit Mensaje: You can't add a bundle to a kit. |
0x80061023 -2147086301 |
Nombre: CannotAddProductFamilyToKit Mensaje: You can't add a product family to a kit. |
0x8004F976 -2147157642 |
Nombre: CannotAddProductToBundle Mensaje: You cannot add products to this bundle.The limit of {0} has been reached for this bundle. |
0x80061024 -2147086300 |
Nombre: CannotAddProductToKit Mensaje: You can't add a product that belongs to a product family to a kit. |
0x80061026 -2147086298 |
Nombre: CannotAddProductToRetiredKit Mensaje: You can't add a product to a retired kit. |
0x80040522 -2147220190 |
Nombre: CannotAddQueueItemsToInactiveQueue Mensaje: The selected user does not have sufficient permissions to work on items in this queue. |
0x80061033 -2147086285 |
Nombre: CannotAddRetiredProduct Mensaje: You can’t create a product relationship with a retired product. |
0x80061027 -2147086297 |
Nombre: CannotAddRetiredProductToKit Mensaje: You can't add a retired product to a kit. |
0x80061009 -2147086327 |
Nombre: CannotAddRetiredProductToPricelist Mensaje: Retired products can not be added to pricelists. |
0x8004051c -2147220196 |
Nombre: CannotAddSingleQueueEnabledEntityToQueue Mensaje: The entity record cannot be added to the queue as it already exists in other queue. |
0x8004F018 -2147160040 |
Nombre: CannotAddSolutionComponentWithoutRoots Mensaje: This item is not a valid solution component. For more information about solution components, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 SDK documentation. |
0x80090920 -2146891488 |
Nombre: CannotAddSyncGroupMembersToTeamJob Mensaje: SyncGroupMembersToTeam cannot be called, Job already in the queue. |
0x800609A6 -2147087962 |
Nombre: CannotAddUserToMobileOfflineProfile Mensaje: You can’t add this user to this mobile offline profile because the user’s role is either missing or doesn’t have the Dynamics 365 for mobile privilege. |
0x8004F00C -2147160052 |
Nombre: CannotAddWorkflowActivationToSolution Mensaje: Cannot add Workflow Activation to solution. |
0x80048448 -2147187640 |
Nombre: CannotAssignAddressBookFilters Mensaje: Cannot assign address book filters |
0x80090905 -2146891515 |
Nombre: CannotAssignDelegatedMailboxApproverRoleToTeam Mensaje: The Delegated Mailbox Approver role cannot be assigned to a team. |
0x80090904 -2146891516 |
Nombre: CannotAssignDelegatedMailboxApproverRoleUnlessGlobalAdmin Mensaje: You must be an Office 365 Global Administrator or an Exchange Administrator to assign the Delegated Mailbox Approver role. |
0x800404ff -2147220225 |
Nombre: CannotAssignOfflineFilters Mensaje: Cannot assign offline filters |
0x80040264 -2147220892 |
Nombre: CannotAssignOutlookFilters Mensaje: Cannot assign outlook filters |
0x80048331 -2147187919 |
Nombre: CannotAssignRolesOrProfilesToAccessTeam Mensaje: Cannot assign roles or profiles to an access team (TeamId = {0}). |
0x80041d51 -2147213999 |
Nombre: CannotAssignRolesToSupportUser Mensaje: The support user are read-only, which cannot be assigned with other roles |
0x80048d35 -2147185355 |
Nombre: CannotAssignRoleToDisabledUser Mensaje: User(Id = {0}) is disabled. User must be enabled or Organization setting AllowRoleAssignmentOnDisabledUsers must be turned on for assigning security role to disabled user. |
0x80041d44 -2147214012 |
Nombre: CannotAssignSupportUser Mensaje: The Support User Role cannot be assigned to a user. |
0x80048340 -2147187904 |
Nombre: CannotAssignToAccessTeam Mensaje: You cannot assign a record to the access team. You can assign a record to the owner team. |
0x8004032d -2147220691 |
Nombre: CannotAssignToDisabledBusiness Mensaje: The specified business unit(Id = {0}) cannot be assigned to user because it is disabled. |
0x80048d36 -2147185354 |
Nombre: CannotAssociateDisabledUsersToTeams Mensaje: User(s)(Id(s) = {0}) is(are) disabled. Users must be enabled or Organization setting AllowDisabledUsersAddedToOwnerTeams must be turned on for adding disabled users to teams. |
0x80061117 -2147086057 |
Nombre: CannotAssociateExternalPartyItem Mensaje: You can’t associate more than one external party item with an entity record that has been enabled as an external party. |
0x80040304 -2147220732 |
Nombre: CannotAssociateInactiveItemToCampaign Mensaje: Cannot associate an inactive item to a Campaign. |
0x8006099B -2147087973 |
Nombre: CannotAssociateInvalidEntityToProfileItem Mensaje: Invalid object type code. |
0x8004F999 -2147157607 |
Nombre: CannotAssociateProductFamily Mensaje: You can't create a relationship with a product family. |
0x80081011 -2146955247 |
Nombre: CannotAssociateRetiredBundles Mensaje: You can't create a product relationship with a retired bundle. |
0x8004F974 -2147157644 |
Nombre: CannotAssociateRetiredProducts Mensaje: You can't create a product relationship with a retired product. |
0x80040254 -2147220908 |
Nombre: CannotBindToSession Mensaje: Cannot bind to another session, session already bound. |
0x80100001 -2146435071 |
Nombre: CannotCancelInvoice Mensaje: The invoice cannot be cancelled because it is not in active or paid state. |
0x80040d38 -2147218120 |
Nombre: CannotChangeAccessMode Mensaje: A user cannot change their access mode if they are the only user with Full Access mode. |
0x80045035 -2147200971 |
Nombre: CannotChangeAccessModeForInternetMarketingUser Mensaje: Internet Marketing User is a system user. You cannot change its access mode. |
0x80090482 -2146892670 |
Nombre: CannotChangeAttributeFormat Mensaje: You cannot change the format {0} to format {1} on column {2} of table {3}. |
0x80090480 -2146892672 |
Nombre: CannotChangeAttributeMaxLength Mensaje: The maximum length cannot be changed for column {0} because current maximum length {1} is already out of allowed range from {2} to {3}. |
0x8004D293 -2147167597 |
Nombre: CannotChangeAttributeRequiredLevel Mensaje: An attribute's required level cannot be changed from SystemRequired |
0x80050106 -2147155706 |
Nombre: CannotChangeBaseSolutionOfAppModuleAssosiatedWithUnifiedApp Mensaje: Cannot Change Base Solution for App '{0}'. Changing Base Solution for App associated with unified app is not supported. |
0x80072607 -2147015161 |
Nombre: CannotChangeConnectorDisplayName Mensaje: The connector display name attribute cannot be changed. |
0x800608F4 -2147088140 |
Nombre: CannotChangeConvertRuleState Mensaje: Error occured during activating Convert Rule.Please check your privileges on Workflow and kindly try again or Contact your system administrator. |
0x800609A4 -2147087964 |
Nombre: CannotChangeDaysSinceRecordLastModified Mensaje: You need to enable this entity for mobile offline before you can set or change the number of days since the record was last modified. |
0x80045036 -2147200970 |
Nombre: CannotChangeInvitationStatusForInternetMarketingUser Mensaje: Internet Marketing User is a system user. You cannot change its invitation status. |
0x80061013 -2147086317 |
Nombre: CannotChangeProductRelationship Mensaje: You can't add or modify the product relationship of a retired product. |
0x8004F986 -2147157626 |
Nombre: CannotChangeSelectedBundleToAnotherValue Mensaje: If a bundle is selected as an existing product, you can't change it to another value. |
0x8004F987 -2147157625 |
Nombre: CannotChangeSelectedProductWithBundle Mensaje: If a product is selected as an existing product, you can't change it to a bundle. |
0x80048d2e -2147185362 |
Nombre: CannotChangeSelfAccessMode Mensaje: You can not change your own access mode. Contact another System Administrator. Details: {0} |
0x8004F863 -2147157917 |
Nombre: CannotChangeState Mensaje: Error occured during activating SLA.Please check your privileges on Workflow and kindly try again or Contact your system administrator. |
0x80040279 -2147220871 |
Nombre: CannotChangeStateOfNonpublicView Mensaje: Only public views can be deactivated and activated. |
0x80048337 -2147187913 |
Nombre: CannotChangeTeamTypeDueToOwnership Mensaje: You cannot modify the type of the team because there are records owned by the team. |
0x80048336 -2147187914 |
Nombre: CannotChangeTeamTypeDueToRoleOrProfile Mensaje: You cannot modify the type of the team because there are security roles or field security profiles assigned to the team. |
0x800608ED -2147088147 |
Nombre: CannotClearChannelPropertyGroupFromConvertRule Mensaje: The Channel Property Group is used by one or more steps. Delete the properties from the conditions and steps that use the record before you save or activate the rule. |
0x8004F985 -2147157627 |
Nombre: CannotCloneBundleAsProductLimitExceeded Mensaje: You can't create this new bundle because it contains more than the allowed number of {0} products that a bundle can contain. |
0x80061034 -2147086284 |
Nombre: CannotCloneBundleWithRetiredProducts Mensaje: You can't clone a bundle that contains retired products. |
0x80061020 -2147086304 |
Nombre: CannotCloneProductKit Mensaje: You can't clone a kit. |
0x8004F456 -2147158954 |
Nombre: CannotCloseCase Mensaje: This operation can't be completed. One or more child cases can't be closed because of the status transition rules that are defined for cases. |
0x8004026c -2147220884 |
Nombre: CannotCompleteLockRequest Mensaje: Cannot complete Request due to timeout taking {0} lock. |
0x80048217 -2147188201 |
Nombre: CannotConnectToSelf Mensaje: Cannot connect a record to itself. |
0x80061030 -2147086288 |
Nombre: CannotConvertBundleToKit Mensaje: You can't convert a bundle to a kit. |
0x80090919 -2146891495 |
Nombre: CannotConvertDefaultTeamToAccess Mensaje: The default business unit team cannot be converted to an access team. Please create a new access team with all users from the business unit. |
0x80061018 -2147086312 |
Nombre: CannotConvertProductAssociatedWithBundleToKit Mensaje: You can't convert a product that is a part of a bundle to a kit. |
0x80061016 -2147086314 |
Nombre: CannotConvertProductAssociatedWithFamilyToKit Mensaje: You can't convert a product that belongs to a product family to a kit. |
0x80061029 -2147086295 |
Nombre: CannotConvertProductFamilyToKit Mensaje: You can't convert a product family to a kit. |
0x80040306 -2147220730 |
Nombre: CannotCopyIncompatibleListType Mensaje: Cannot copy lists of different types. |
0x8004F704 -2147158268 |
Nombre: CannotCopyStaticList Mensaje: This action is valid only for dynamic list. |
0x80047006 -2147192826 |
Nombre: CannotCreateActivityRelationship Mensaje: Relationship with activities cannot be created through this operation |
0x80048447 -2147187641 |
Nombre: CannotCreateAddressBookFilters Mensaje: Cannot create address book filters |
0x80060853 -2147088301 |
Nombre: CannotCreateCase Mensaje: You can't create this case as the default entitlement for the specified customer has no remaining terms. |
0x80072001 -2147016703 |
Nombre: CannotCreateComponentDefinition Mensaje: Creation of a new component definition is not supported |
0x8009724F -2146864561 |
Nombre: CannotCreateCustomEntityKeysForNonRelationalEntities Mensaje: Custom entity keys cannot be created for Elastic Tables. |
0x80061112 -2147086062 |
Nombre: CannotCreateExternalPartyWithSameCorrelationKey Mensaje: An external party record already exists with the same correlation key value. |
0x80041d46 -2147214010 |
Nombre: CannotCreateFromSupportUser Mensaje: Cannot create a role from Support User Role. |
0x80061012 -2147086318 |
Nombre: CannotCreateKitOfTypeFamilyOrBundle Mensaje: You can't create a kit of type bundle or product family. |
0x80048344 -2147187900 |
Nombre: CannotCreateOrEnablePositionDueToParentPositionIsDisabled Mensaje: A child position cannot be created/enabled under a disabled parent position. |
0x80040263 -2147220893 |
Nombre: CannotCreateOutlookFilters Mensaje: Cannot create outlook filters |
0x8004A201 -2147180031 |
Nombre: CannotCreatePluginInstance Mensaje: Can not create instance of a plug-in. Verify that plug-in type is not defined as abstract and it has a public constructor supported by Dynamics 365 SDK. |
0x80081013 -2146955245 |
Nombre: CannotCreatePropertyOptionSetItem Mensaje: You can only create a property option set item record that refers to a property that has its data type set to Option Set. |
0x8004051e -2147220194 |
Nombre: CannotCreateQueueItemInactiveObject Mensaje: Deactivated object cannot be added to queue. |
0x80040312 -2147220718 |
Nombre: CannotCreateResponseForTemplate Mensaje: CampaignResponse can not be created for Template Campaign. |
0x80090471 -2146892687 |
Nombre: CannotCreateRoutingRuleForNonCaseEntity Mensaje: Basic routing rulesets are only available for cases. |
0x8004F848 -2147157944 |
Nombre: CannotCreateRuleOnAnyEntityRoutingRuleFCBOff Mensaje: Unable to create routing rule set record for entities (except case entity) as the feature control bit for entity records routing is disabled. |
0x8007200C -2147016692 |
Nombre: CannotCreateSelfReferencingParentChild Mensaje: Parent-Child relationship {0} cannot be self-referenced. |
0x80090423 -2146892765 |
Nombre: CannotCreateSelfReferentialPolymorphicLookup Mensaje: Relationship for polymorphic lookup cannot be self referential. The entity '{0}' cannot be the referencing and referenced entity. |
0x80055005 -2147135483 |
Nombre: CannotCreateSLAForEntity Mensaje: You can't create a service level agreement (SLA) for this entity because it’s not enabled for creating SLAs |
0x80041d4d -2147214003 |
Nombre: CannotCreateSyncUserIsLicensedField Mensaje: The property IsLicensed cannot be set for Sync User Creation. |
0x80041d4b -2147214005 |
Nombre: CannotCreateSyncUserObjectMissing Mensaje: This is not a valid Microsoft Online Services ID for this organization. |
0x80090481 -2146892671 |
Nombre: CannotCreateSystemFieldOnEntityUpdate Mensaje: Attribute {0} cannot be created on an existing entity {1} because it is not a custom field. |
0x800608D5 -2147088171 |
Nombre: CannotCreateSystemOrDefaultTheme Mensaje: You can’t create system or default themes. System or default theme can only be created out of box. |
0x80044804 -2147203068 |
Nombre: CannotCreateUpdateSourceAttribute Mensaje: Source Attribute Not Valid For Create/Update if Metric Type is Count. |
0x8004027a -2147220870 |
Nombre: CannotDeactivateDefaultView Mensaje: Default views cannot be deactivated. |
0x80061105 -2147086075 |
Nombre: CannotDeactivateGuestProfile Mensaje: You can't set this guest channel access profile as inactive. |
0x80071129 -2147020503 |
Nombre: CannotDefineMultipleValuesOnOwnerFieldInProfileItemEntityFilter Mensaje: You cannot define multiple values on this field. |
0x80048359 -2147187879 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteAadUser Mensaje: User with SystemUserId={0} and AzureActiveDirectoryObjectId={1} is present in Azure Active Directory with state {2}. Please permanently delete user in Azure first. |
0x8004F880 -2147157888 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteActiveCaseCreationRule Mensaje: You can't delete an active rule. Deactivate the Record Creation and Update Rule, and then try deleting it. |
0x8004F894 -2147157868 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteActiveRecordCreationRuleItem Mensaje: You can’t delete an active record creation rule item. Deactivate the record creation rule, and then try deleting it. |
0x8004F850 -2147157936 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteActiveRule Mensaje: You can not delete an active routing rule. Deactivate the rule to delete it. |
0x8004F870 -2147157904 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteActiveSla Mensaje: You can't delete an active SLA. Deactivate the SLA, and then try deleting it. |
0x80050130 -2147155664 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteAppModuleAdministration Mensaje: This app can’t be deleted. |
0x80050129 -2147155671 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteAppModuleClientType Mensaje: This app can’t be deleted. |
0x8004032b -2147220693 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteAsBackgroundOperationInProgress Mensaje: This record is currently being used by Microsoft Dynamics 365 and cannot be deleted. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
0x80040228 -2147220952 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteAsItIsReadOnly Mensaje: The object cannot be deleted because it is read-only. |
0x80045030 -2147200976 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteAttributeUsedInWorkflow Mensaje: This attribute cannot be deleted because it is used in one or more workflows. Cancel any system jobs for workflows that use this attribute, then delete or modify any workflows that use the attribute, and then try to delete the attribute again. |
0x80048cfe -2147185410 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteBaseMoneyCalculationAttribute Mensaje: The base money calculation Attribute is not valid for deletion |
0x80041d5a -2147213990 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteBasicUser Mensaje: The Basic User Role cannot be deleted. |
0x8004022f -2147220945 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteCannedView Mensaje: System-defined views cannot be deleted. |
0x8004F088 -2147159928 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteCDSDefaultSolution Mensaje: Attempting to delete a Common Data Services Default solution. |
0x80061108 -2147086072 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteChannelAccessProfileRule Mensaje: You can't delete an active channel access profile rule. Deactivate the rule and then delete it. |
0x800608EB -2147088149 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteChannelProperty Mensaje: You can’t delete a channel property which is being referred in a convert rule. |
0x80047016 -2147192810 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteChildAttribute Mensaje: The Child Attribute is not valid for deletion |
0x8004502C -2147200980 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteCustomEntityUsedInWorkflow Mensaje: Cannot delete entity because it is used in a workflow. |
0x8006099A -2147087974 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteDefaultProfile Mensaje: To delete this profile, you first need to set it so that it’s no longer a default mobile offline profile. |
0x80044341 -2147204287 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteDefaultStatusOption Mensaje: Default Status options cannot be deleted. |
0x80048307 -2147187961 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteDefaultTeam Mensaje: The default business unit team can't be deleted (TeamId = {0}). |
0x80040227 -2147220953 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteDueToAssociation Mensaje: The object you tried to delete is associated with another object and cannot be deleted. {0} |
0x80061612 -2147084782 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteDueToBasketEntityAssociation Mensaje: You can't delete a Recommendation entity if it has a corresponding Basket entity. |
0x8004F892 -2147157870 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteDynamicPropertyInRetiredState Mensaje: You can't delete a property of a retired product. |
0x80081003 -2146955261 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteDynamicPropertyInUse Mensaje: Retired Properties being used in transactions can not be deleted. |
0x80048356 -2147187882 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteEnabledUser Mensaje: User with SystemUserId={0} is not disabled. Disable user before deletion." |
0x80044323 -2147204317 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteEnumOptionsFromAttributeType Mensaje: You can delete options only from picklist and status attributes. |
0x80061104 -2147086076 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteGuestProfile Mensaje: You can't delete this guest channel access profile. |
0x80081014 -2146955244 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteInheritedDynamicProperty Mensaje: You can't delete a property that is inherited from a product family. |
0x80048418 -2147187688 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteInUseAttribute Mensaje: The selected attribute cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more duplicate detection rules that are being published. |
0x8004F01F -2147160033 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteInUseComponent Mensaje: The {0}({1}) component cannot be deleted because it is referenced by {2} other components. For a list of referenced components, use the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest. |
0x80048420 -2147187680 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteInUseEntity Mensaje: The selected entity cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more duplicate detection rules that are in process of being published. |
0x80048417 -2147187689 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteInUseOptionSet Mensaje: This option set cannot be deleted. The current set of entities that reference this option set are: {0}. These references must be removed before this option set can be deleted |
0x80046FFF -2147192833 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteLastEmailAttribute Mensaje: You cannot delete this field because the record type has been enabled for e-mail. |
0x8004F032 -2147160014 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteMetadata Mensaje: The '{2}' operation on the current component(name='{0}', id='{1}') failed during managed property evaluation of condition: '{3}' |
0x80044800 -2147203072 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteMetricWithGoals Mensaje: This goal metric is being used by one or more goals and cannot be deleted. |
0x8004F200 -2147159552 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteNonLeafNode Mensaje: Only a leaf statement can be deleted. This statement is parenting some other statement. |
0x80081006 -2146955258 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteNotOwnedDynamicProperty Mensaje: You cannot delete a dynamic property that is inherited from a product family. |
0x800608B7 -2147088201 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteOneNoteTableOfContent Mensaje: You can’t delete this file because it contains links to OneNote notebook sections. To delete notebook contents, open the notebook in OneNote and delete the contents from there. To delete a notebook, open SharePoint and delete the notebook from there. |
0x8005F248 -2147093944 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteOnlineRecord Mensaje: You can’t delete this record because it doesn’t exist in the offline mode. |
0x80048404 -2147187708 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteOptionSet Mensaje: The selected OptionSet cannot be deleted |
0x80044F02 -2147201278 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteOrCancelSystemJobs Mensaje: You can't cancel or delete this system job because it's required by the system. You can only pause, resume, or postpone this job. |
0x80081100 -2146955008 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteOverriddenProperty Mensaje: You can't delete this property because it's overridden for one more or child records. Remove the overridden versions of the property, republish the product family hierarchy, and then try deleting the property. |
0x8004A10e -2147180274 |
Nombre: CannotDeletePartnerSolutionWithOrganizations Mensaje: Can not delete partner solution as one or more organizations are associated with it |
0x8004A10d -2147180275 |
Nombre: CannotDeletePartnerWithPartnerSolutions Mensaje: Can not delete partner as one or more solutions are associated with it |
0x80047002 -2147192830 |
Nombre: CannotDeletePrimaryUIAttribute Mensaje: The Primary UI Attribute is not valid for deletion |
0x80061010 -2147086320 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteProductFromActiveBundle Mensaje: You can't remove products from a bundle that's either active or under revision. |
0x80081016 -2146955242 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteProductStatusCode Mensaje: You can't delete a system-generated status reason. |
0x80061107 -2147086073 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteProfileWithExternalPartyItem Mensaje: You can't delete this channel access profile because it's associated to an external party item. Remove the association, and then try again. |
0x80061106 -2147086074 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteProfileWithProfileRules Mensaje: You can't delete this channel access profile because it's being used by one or more channel access profile rules. Remove this profile from the channel access profile rules, and then try again. |
0x80081015 -2146955243 |
Nombre: CannotDeletePropertyOverriddenByBundleItem Mensaje: You can't delete this property because it's overridden in one or more related bundle products. Remove the overridden versions of the property from the related bundle products, publish the bundles that were changed, and then try again. |
0x80631117 -2140991209 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteQueueWithQueueItems Mensaje: You can't delete this queue because it has items assigned to it. Assign these items to another user, team, or queue and try again. |
0x80731118 -2139942632 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteQueueWithRouteRules Mensaje: You can't delete this queue because one or more routing rule sets use this queue. Remove the queue from the routing rule sets and try again. |
0x8004F859 -2147157927 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteRelatedSla Mensaje: The SLA record couldn't be deleted. Please try again or contact your system administrator |
0x8004F006 -2147160058 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteRestrictedPublisher Mensaje: Attempting to delete a restricted publisher. |
0x8004F005 -2147160059 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteRestrictedSolution Mensaje: Attempting to delete a restricted solution {0}. |
0x80041d55 -2147213995 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSpecialRole Mensaje: The role cannot be deleted. |
0x80041d42 -2147214014 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSupportUser Mensaje: The Support User Role cannot be deleted. |
0x80041d2e -2147214034 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSysAdmin Mensaje: The System Administrator Role cannot be deleted. |
0x80041d4a -2147214006 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSystemCustomizer Mensaje: The System Customizer Role cannot be deleted. |
0x80048432 -2147187662 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSystemEmailTemplate Mensaje: System e-mail templates cannot be deleted. |
0x8004F652 -2147158446 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSystemForm Mensaje: System forms cannot be deleted. |
0x80048361 -2147187871 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSystemManagedTeam Mensaje: The system managed team can't be deleted (TeamId = {0}). |
0x8009725C -2146864548 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSystemRequiredAttribute Mensaje: Cannot delete Attribute: {0} from Entity: {1} since the attribute is required by the system. |
0x800608DA -2147088166 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSystemTheme Mensaje: You can't delete system themes. |
0x80048358 -2147187880 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteSystemUser Mensaje: User with SystemUserId={0} is a special user (SYSTEM) and can't be deleted. |
0x8004830E -2147187954 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteTeamOwningRecords Mensaje: Can't delete a team which owns records. Reassign or delete the records and try again (TeamId = {0}, {1}). |
0x80048428 -2147187672 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteUpdateInUseRule Mensaje: The duplicate detection rule is currently in use and cannot be updated or deleted. Please try again later. |
0x8005E200 -2147098112 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteUserMailbox Mensaje: The mailbox associated to a user or a queue cannot be deleted. |
0x80048610 -2147187184 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteUserOwningRecords Mensaje: Can't delete a user which owns records. Reassign or delete the records and try again (SystemUserId = {0}, {1}). |
0x800609A3 -2147087965 |
Nombre: CannotDeleteUserProfile Mensaje: You can’t delete an active mobile offline profile. Remove all users from the profile and try again. |
0x8004416f -2147204753 |
Nombre: CannotDeserializeRequest Mensaje: The SDK request could not be deserialized. |
0x8004501F -2147200993 |
Nombre: CannotDeserializeWorkflowInstance Mensaje: Workflow instance cannot be deserialized. A possible reason for this failure is a workflow referencing a custom activity that has been unregistered. |
0x80045020 -2147200992 |
Nombre: CannotDeserializeXamlWorkflow Mensaje: Xaml representing workflow cannot be deserialized into a DynamicActivity. |
0x80048338 -2147187912 |
Nombre: CannotDisableAutoCreateAccessTeams Mensaje: You cannot disable the auto create access team setting while there are associated team templates. {0} |
0x80048462 -2147187614 |
Nombre: CannotDisableDuplicateDetection Mensaje: Duplicate detection cannot be disabled because a duplicate detection job is currently in progress. Try again later. |
0x80045033 -2147200973 |
Nombre: CannotDisableInternetMarketingUser Mensaje: You cannot disable the Internet Marketing Partner user. This user does not consume a user license and is not charged to your organization. |
0x800609A5 -2147087963 |
Nombre: CannotDisableMobileOfflineFlagForEntity Mensaje: You cannot disable Mobile Offline flag for this entity as it is being used in Mobile Offline Profiles |
0x80071111 -2147020527 |
Nombre: CannotDisableMobileOfflineFlagForImportEntity Mensaje: You can’t disable mobile offline for the {0} entity using solution import. If you don’t want to use this entity in offline mode, uncheck the ‘Enable for Mobile Offline’ flag from the customization screen |
0x80040d39 -2147218119 |
Nombre: CannotDisableOnlyUserWithFullAccessMode Mensaje: A user cannot be disabled if it is the only user with Full Access mode. |
0x80048343 -2147187901 |
Nombre: CannotDisableOrDeletePositionDueToAssociatedUsers Mensaje: This position can’t be deleted until all associated users are removed from this position. |
0x80060303 -2147089661 |
Nombre: CannotDisableRelevanceSearchManagedProperty Mensaje: The {0} entity is currently syncing to an external search index. You must remove the entity from the external search index before you can set the "Can Enable Sync to External Search Index" property to False. |
0x80041d2f -2147214033 |
Nombre: CannotDisableSysAdmin Mensaje: A user cannot be disabled if they are the only user that has the System Administrator Role. |
0x80041d65 -2147213979 |
Nombre: CannotDisableTenantAdmin Mensaje: Users who are granted the Microsoft Office 365 Global administrator or Service administrator role cannot be disabled in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online. You must first remove the Microsoft Office 365 role, and then try again. |
0x80040d41 -2147218111 |
Nombre: CannotDisableUserWithSdkMessageProcessingStep Mensaje: The user with SystemUserId={0} cannot be disabled. User is ImpersonatingUserId for {1} SdkMessageProcessingSteps, which will fail after disabling. Delete or disable or change ImpersonatingUserId those SdkMessageProcessingStep: {2}. |
0x8004F851 -2147157935 |
Nombre: CannotEditActiveRule Mensaje: You can not edit an active routing rule. Deactivate the rule to delete it. |
0x8004F860 -2147157920 |
Nombre: CannotEditActiveSla Mensaje: You can't delete active SLA .Please deactivate the SLA to delete or Contact your system administrator. |
0x80048357 -2147187881 |
Nombre: CannotEnableDeletedUser Mensaje: User with SystemUserId={0} was deleted (DeletedState={1}) and can't be enabled. |
0x80048421 -2147187679 |
Nombre: CannotEnableDuplicateDetection Mensaje: Duplicate detection cannot be enabled because one or more rules are being published. |
0x80060302 -2147089662 |
Nombre: CannotEnableEntityForRelevanceSearch Mensaje: Entity {0} can’t be enabled for relevance search because of the configuration of its managed properties. |
0x8004027c -2147220868 |
Nombre: CannotExceedFilterLimit Mensaje: Cannot exceed synchronization filter limit. |
0x8004852C -2147187412 |
Nombre: CannotExecuteRequestBecauseHttpsIsRequired Mensaje: HTTPS protocol is required for this type of request, please enable HTTPS protocol and try again. |
0x80090474 -2146892684 |
Nombre: CannotExportRoutingRuleForNonCaseEntity Mensaje: Exporting routing rules is only available for cases when using basic routing rulesets. |
0x8004F847 -2147157945 |
Nombre: CannotExportRuleOnAnyEntityRoutingRuleFCBOff Mensaje: Unable to export routing rule set record for entities (except case entity) as the feature control bit for entity records routing is disabled. |
0x8004F083 -2147159933 |
Nombre: CannotFindBaseFromUpgrade Mensaje: Cannot find the data for the previous version of the holding solution: [{0}]. |
0x80044342 -2147204286 |
Nombre: CannotFindDomainAccount Mensaje: Invalid domain account |
0x8004F060 -2147159968 |
Nombre: CannotFindLayerToMerge Mensaje: Cannot find a suitable layer to merge Component: [{0}] with Id: [{1}]. Cannot continue with the operation. Check the layers of the component. |
0x800404eb -2147220245 |
Nombre: CannotFindObjectInQueue Mensaje: The object was not found in the given queue |
0x800404ec -2147220244 |
Nombre: CannotFindUserQueue Mensaje: Cannot find user queue |
0x8004F6A3 -2147158365 |
Nombre: CannotFollowInactiveEntity Mensaje: Can't follow inactive record. |
0x80090012 -2146893806 |
Nombre: CannotGenerateFileSasUrl Mensaje: Cannot generate SAS url for this file. |
0x80048446 -2147187642 |
Nombre: CannotGrantAccessToAddressBookFilters Mensaje: Cannot grant access to address book filters |
0x80040271 -2147220879 |
Nombre: CannotGrantAccessToOfflineFilters Mensaje: Cannot grant access to offline filters |
0x80040268 -2147220888 |
Nombre: CannotGrantAccessToOutlookFilters Mensaje: Cannot grant access to outlook filters |
0x80047018 -2147192808 |
Nombre: CannotHaveDuplicateYomi Mensaje: One attribute can be tied to only one yomi at a time |
0x8004027d -2147220867 |
Nombre: CannotHaveMultipleDefaultFilterTemplates Mensaje: Cannot have multiple default synchronization templates for a single entity. |
0x80044246 -2147204538 |
Nombre: CannotImportNullStringsForBaseLanguage Mensaje: The base language translation string present in worksheet {0}, row {1}, column {2} is null. |
0x80090472 -2146892686 |
Nombre: CannotImportRoutingRuleForNonCaseEntity Mensaje: Importing routing rules is only available for cases when using basic routing rulesets. |
0x8004F845 -2147157947 |
Nombre: CannotImportRuleOnAnyEntityRoutingRuleFCBOff Mensaje: Unable to import routing rule set record for entities (except case entity) as the feature control bit for entity records routing is disabled. |
0x8004F846 -2147157946 |
Nombre: CannotImportRuleOnFieldMetadataUnavailable Mensaje: Unable to import routing rule set record for entities (except case entity) as the metadata for msdyn_entitylogicalname field is unavailable. |
0x8004D212 -2147167726 |
Nombre: CannotInviteDisabledUser Mensaje: An invitation cannot be sent to a disabled user |
0x80045031 -2147200975 |
Nombre: CannotLocateRecordForWorkflowActivity Mensaje: A record required by this workflow job could not be found. |
0x80041d38 -2147214024 |
Nombre: CannotMakeReadOnlyUser Mensaje: A user cannot be made a read only user if they are the last non read only user that has the System Administrator Role. |
0x80041d39 -2147214023 |
Nombre: CannotMakeSelfReadOnlyUser Mensaje: You cannot make yourself a read only user |
0x8004F457 -2147158953 |
Nombre: CannotMergeCase Mensaje: The merge couldn't be performed. One or more of the selected cases couldn't be cancelled because of the status transition rules that are defined for cases. |
0x80048445 -2147187643 |
Nombre: CannotModifyAccessToAddressBookFilters Mensaje: Cannot modify access for address book filters |
0x80040272 -2147220878 |
Nombre: CannotModifyAccessToOfflineFilters Mensaje: Cannot modify access for offline filters |
0x80040269 -2147220887 |
Nombre: CannotModifyAccessToOutlookFilters Mensaje: Cannot modify access for outlook filters |
0x80040376 -2147220618 |
Nombre: CannotModifyOldDataFromImport Mensaje: The corresponding record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 has more recent data, so this record was ignored. |
0x80048538 -2147187400 |
Nombre: CannotModifyPatchedSolution Mensaje: Cannot modify solution because it has the following patches: {0}. |
0x8004F038 -2147160008 |
Nombre: CannotModifyReportOutsideSolutionIfManaged Mensaje: Managed solution cannot update reports which are not present in solution package. |
0x80060555 -2147089067 |
Nombre: CannotModifyRollupDependentField Mensaje: Rollup field {0} created this field. It can’t be modified directly. |
0x80041d33 -2147214029 |
Nombre: CannotModifySpecialUser Mensaje: No modifications to the 'SYSTEM' or 'INTEGRATION' user are permitted. |
0x80041d43 -2147214013 |
Nombre: CannotModifySupportUser Mensaje: The Support User Role cannot be modified. |
0x80041d31 -2147214031 |
Nombre: CannotModifySysAdmin Mensaje: The System Administrator Role cannot be modified. |
0x80081005 -2146955259 |
Nombre: CannotOverrideOwnedDynamicProperty Mensaje: You can't override a property that isn't inherited from a product family. |
0x8004F887 -2147157881 |
Nombre: CannotOverrideProperty Mensaje: You can't override this property as another overriden version of this property already exists. Please delete the previously overridden version, and then try again. |
0x8004F914 -2147157740 |
Nombre: CannotOverridePropertyFromDifferentHierarchy Mensaje: You can't override a property that belongs to a different product hierarchy. |
0x8004F016 -2147160042 |
Nombre: CannotOverwriteActiveComponent Mensaje: A managed solution cannot overwrite the {0} component {1} with Id={2} which has an unmanaged base instance. The most likely scenario for this error is that an unmanaged solution has installed a new unmanaged {0} component on the target system, and now a managed solution from the same publisher is trying to install that same {0} component as managed. This will cause an invalid layering of solutions on the target system and is not allowed. |
0x80061036 -2147086282 |
Nombre: CannotOverwriteProperty Mensaje: You can't overwrite this property as another overwritten version of this property already exists. Please delete the previously overwritten version, and then try again. |
0x80090102 -2146893566 |
Nombre: CannotParseFieldFromSQL Mensaje: The field with column name '{0}' on the table with name '{1}' cannot be parsed from SQL to type {2}. |
0x80100000 -2146435072 |
Nombre: CannotPayNonActiveInvoice Mensaje: The invoice cannot be paid because it is not in active state. |
0x80040311 -2147220719 |
Nombre: CannotPropagateCamapaignActivityForTemplate Mensaje: Cannot execute (distribute) a CampaignActivity for a template Campaign. |
0x8004A10f -2147180273 |
Nombre: CannotProvisionPartnerSolution Mensaje: Can not provision partner solution as it is either already provisioned or going through provisioning. |
0x80050114 -2147155692 |
Nombre: CannotPublishAppModule Mensaje: We can’t publish the app because it has validation errors. |
0x8004F907 -2147157753 |
Nombre: CannotPublishBundleWithProductStateDraftOrRetire Mensaje: You can't publish this bundle because its associated products are in a draft state, are retired, or are being revised. |
0x8004F909 -2147157751 |
Nombre: CannotPublishChildOfNonActiveProductFamily Mensaje: You can't publish this record because it belongs to a product family that isn't published. |
0x80048414 -2147187692 |
Nombre: CannotPublishEmptyRule Mensaje: No criteria have been specified. Add criteria, and then publish the duplicate detection rule. |
0x80048413 -2147187693 |
Nombre: CannotPublishInactiveRule Mensaje: The selected duplicate detection rule is marked as Inactive. Before publishing, you must activate the rule. |
0x8004F916 -2147157738 |
Nombre: CannotPublishKitWithProductStateDraftOrRetire Mensaje: You can't publish this kit because its associated products are in a draft state, are retired, or are being revised. |
0x80048419 -2147187687 |
Nombre: CannotPublishMoreRules Mensaje: The selected record type already has the maximum number of published rules. Unpublish or delete existing rules for this record type, and then try again. |
0x80061011 -2147086319 |
Nombre: CannotPublishNestedBundle Mensaje: You can't publish a bundle that contains bundles. Remove any bundles from this one, and then try to publish again. |
0x80081018 -2146955240 |
Nombre: CannotQualifyLead Mensaje: You can't qualify this lead because you don't have permission to create accounts. Work with your system administrator to create the account and then try again. |
0x8004F00D -2147160051 |
Nombre: CannotQueryBaseTableWithAggregates Mensaje: Invalid query on base table. Aggregates cannot be included in base table query. |
0x80040307 -2147220729 |
Nombre: CannotRelateObjectTypeToCampaign Mensaje: Specified Object Type not supported |
0x8004030d -2147220723 |
Nombre: CannotRelateObjectTypeToCampaignActivity Mensaje: Specified Object Type not supported |
0x8004F000 -2147160064 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveComponentFromDefaultSolution Mensaje: A Solution Component cannot be removed from the Default Solution. |
0x8004F021 -2147160031 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveComponentFromSolution Mensaje: Cannot find solution component {0} {1} in solution {2}. |
0x8004F035 -2147160011 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveComponentFromSystemSolution Mensaje: A Solution Component cannot be removed from the System Solution. |
0x80041d45 -2147214011 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveFromSupportUser Mensaje: A user cannot be removed from the Support User Role. |
0x80041d30 -2147214032 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveFromSysAdmin Mensaje: A user cannot be removed from the System Administrator Role if they are the only user that has the role. |
0x8004830C -2147187956 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveMembersFromDefaultTeam Mensaje: Can't remove members from the default business unit team (TeamId = {0}). |
0x80048458 -2147187624 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveNonListMember Mensaje: Specified Item not a member of the specified List. |
0x80061008 -2147086328 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveProductFromPricelist Mensaje: You can't remove this product from the pricelist because one or more bundles refer to it. |
0x8004F505 -2147158779 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveSysAdminProfileFromSysAdminUser Mensaje: The Sys Admin Profile cannot be removed from a user with a Sys Admin Role |
0x80041d64 -2147213980 |
Nombre: CannotRemoveTenantAdminFromSysAdminRole Mensaje: Users who are granted the Microsoft Office 365 Global administrator or Service administrator role cannot be removed from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 System Administrator security role. You must first remove the Microsoft Office 365 role, and then try again. |
0x8004026a -2147220886 |
Nombre: CannotResetAppointmentsToDraft Mensaje: Appointments cannot be reset to draft. |
0x8004D214 -2147167724 |
Nombre: CannotResetSysAdminInvite Mensaje: An invitation cannot be reset for a user if they are the only user that has the System Administrator Role. |
0x80048d20 -2147185376 |
Nombre: CannotRetainDueToAssociation Mensaje: The object you tried to retain is associated with another object and cannot be retained. {0} |
0x8004F915 -2147157739 |
Nombre: CannotRetireProduct Mensaje: You can't retire this product because it belongs to active bundles. Remove it from active bundles before you retire it. |
0x8004F997 -2147157609 |
Nombre: CannotRetireProductFromActiveBundle Mensaje: This product cannot be retired because it is a part of some active bundles or pricelists. Please remove it from all bundles or pricelists before retiring. |
0x80048444 -2147187644 |
Nombre: CannotRevokeAccessToAddressBookFilters Mensaje: Cannot revoke access for address book filters |
0x80040273 -2147220877 |
Nombre: CannotRevokeAccessToOfflineFilters Mensaje: Cannot revoke access for offline filters |
0x80040270 -2147220880 |
Nombre: CannotRevokeAccessToOutlookFilters Mensaje: Cannot revoke access for outlook filters |
0x80040527 -2147220185 |
Nombre: CannotRouteInactiveQueueItem Mensaje: You can't route a queue item that has been deactivated. |
0x80631121 -2140991199 |
Nombre: CannotRoutePrivateQueueItemNonmember Mensaje: This private queue item can't be assigned To the selected User. |
0x80731119 -2139942631 |
Nombre: CannotRouteToNonQueueMember Mensaje: This item cannot be routed to a non-queue member. |
0x800404ea -2147220246 |
Nombre: CannotRouteToQueue Mensaje: Cannot route to Work in progress queue |
0x8004051b -2147220197 |
Nombre: CannotRouteToSameQueue Mensaje: The queue item cannot be routed to the same queue |
0x8004F501 -2147158783 |
Nombre: CannotSecureAttribute Mensaje: The field '{0}' is not securable |
0x80060896 -2147088234 |
Nombre: CannotSecureEntityKeyAttribute Mensaje: The field {0} is not securable as it is part of entity keys ( {1} ). Please remove the field from all entity keys to make it securable. |
0x8004F034 -2147160012 |
Nombre: CannotSelectReadOnlyPublisher Mensaje: Attempting to select a readonly publisher for solution. |
0x8004D215 -2147167723 |
Nombre: CannotSendInviteToDuplicateWindowsLiveId Mensaje: An invitation cannot be sent because there are multiple users with this WLID. |
0x80055000 -2147135488 |
Nombre: CannotSetCaseOnHold Mensaje: You do not have the permissions to set this case to an on hold status type. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80060851 -2147088303 |
Nombre: CannotSetEntitlementTermsDecrementBehavior Mensaje: You do not have appropriate privileges to specify whether entitlement terms can be decremented for this case record. |
0x80055004 -2147135484 |
Nombre: CannotSetEntityOnHold Mensaje: You don’t have permission to put this record on hold. Contact your system administrator. |
0x8004027b -2147220869 |
Nombre: CannotSetInactiveViewAsDefault Mensaje: Inactive views cannot be set as default view. |
0x80048308 -2147187960 |
Nombre: CannotSetParentDefaultTeam Mensaje: The default business unit team parent can't be set (TeamId = {0}). |
0x8004F998 -2147157608 |
Nombre: CannotSetProductAsParent Mensaje: You can only select a product family as the parent. |
0x80061035 -2147086283 |
Nombre: CannotSetPublishRetiredProductsToDraft Mensaje: You can't set a published or retired product record to the draft state. |
0x8004F008 -2147160056 |
Nombre: CannotSetSolutionSystemAttributes Mensaje: System attributes ({0}) cannot be set outside of installation or upgrade. |
0x80045034 -2147200972 |
Nombre: CannotSetWindowsLiveIdForInternetMarketingUser Mensaje: You cannot change the Windows Live ID for the Internet Marketing Partner user. This user does not consume a user license and is not charged to your organization. |
0x80048339 -2147187911 |
Nombre: CannotShareSystemManagedTeam Mensaje: You can't share or unshare a record with a system-generated access team. |
0x80040214 -2147220972 |
Nombre: CannotShareWithOwner Mensaje: An item cannot be shared with the owning user. |
0x8004031c -2147220708 |
Nombre: CannotSpecifyAttendeeForAppointmentPropagation Mensaje: Cannot specify an attendee for appointment distribution. |
0x80043afb -2147206405 |
Nombre: CannotSpecifyBothProductAndProductDesc Mensaje: You cannot set both 'productid' and 'productdescription' for the same record. |
0x80043afa -2147206406 |
Nombre: CannotSpecifyBothUomAndProductDesc Mensaje: You cannot set both 'uomid' and 'productdescription' for the same record. |
0x8004031e -2147220706 |
Nombre: CannotSpecifyCommunicationAttributeOnActivityForPropagation Mensaje: Cannot specify communication attribute on activity for distribution |
0x8004031a -2147220710 |
Nombre: CannotSpecifyOrganizerForAppointmentPropagation Mensaje: Cannot specify an organizer for appointment distribution |
0x80040327 -2147220697 |
Nombre: CannotSpecifyOwnerForActivityPropagation Mensaje: Cannot specify owner on activity for distribution |
0x8004031d -2147220707 |
Nombre: CannotSpecifyRecipientForActivityPropagation Mensaje: Cannot specify a recipient for activity distribution. |
0x8004031b -2147220709 |
Nombre: CannotSpecifySenderForActivityPropagation Mensaje: Cannot specify a sender for appointment distribution |
0x8004F003 -2147160061 |
Nombre: CannotUndeleteLabel Mensaje: Attempting to undelete a label that is not marked as delete. |
0x8004F020 -2147160032 |
Nombre: CannotUninstallReferencedProtectedSolution Mensaje: The uninstall operation will delete the base layer for the component '{0}' with id '{1}'. The operation cannot continue because there are other managed layers over the base layer. You can use the solution layers to find out which other solutions are blocking the operation. |
0x8004F01D -2147160035 |
Nombre: CannotUninstallWithDependencies Mensaje: Solution dependencies exist, cannot uninstall. |
0x80060466 -2147089306 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateActiveModernFlow Mensaje: Cannot update property "{0}" on a published Modern Flow process. |
0x80044343 -2147204285 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateAppDefaultValueForStateAttribute Mensaje: The default value for a status (statecode) attribute cannot be updated. |
0x80044344 -2147204284 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateAppDefaultValueForStatusAttribute Mensaje: The default value for a status reason (statuscode) attribute is not used. The default status reason is set in the associated status (statecode) attribute option. |
0x80050128 -2147155672 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateAppModuleClientType Mensaje: Can’t change the client type of this app. |
0x80050119 -2147155687 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateAppModuleUniqueName Mensaje: You can’t change the unique name . |
0x80041d4f -2147214001 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateAzureActiveDirectoryObjectIdField Mensaje: The property AzureActiveDirectoryObjectId cannot be modified. |
0x8004022e -2147220946 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateBecauseItIsReadOnly Mensaje: The object cannot be updated because it is read-only. |
0x8004030b -2147220725 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateCampaignForCampaignActivity Mensaje: Parent campaign is not updatable. |
0x8004030c -2147220724 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateCampaignForCampaignResponse Mensaje: Parent campaign is not updatable. |
0x8004051d -2147220195 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateDeactivatedQueueItem Mensaje: This item is deactivated. To work with this item, reactivate it and then try again. |
0x800608D8 -2147088168 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateDefaultField Mensaje: You can’t update the isdefaultTheme attribute. |
0x8004F009 -2147160055 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateDefaultSolution Mensaje: Default solution attribute{0} {1} can only be set on installation or upgrade. The value{0} cannot be modified. |
0x80050020 -2147155936 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateDelaySendTimeForEmailWhenEmailIsNotInProperState Mensaje: We can’t update the delay send time because the email is not a draft or isn’t scheduled to be sent. |
0x80050021 -2147155935 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateDelaySendTimeWhenEEFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: We can’t update the delay send time because Email Engagement isn’t turned on for the organization. |
0x8004F975 -2147157643 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateDraftProducts Mensaje: You can Only update draft products. |
0x80050002 -2147155966 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateEmailStatisticForEmailNotFollowed Mensaje: We can’t update email statistics because the email isn’t being followed. |
0x80050001 -2147155967 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateEmailStatisticForEmailNotSent Mensaje: We can’t update email statistics because the email hasn’t been sent. |
0x80050018 -2147155944 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateEmailStatisticWhenEEFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: We can’t update email statistics because Email Engagement isn’t turned on for the organization. |
0x80060852 -2147088302 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateEntitlement Mensaje: You can only set Active entitlement records as default. |
0x8004F663 -2147158429 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateEntitySetName Mensaje: EntitySetName cannot be updated for OOB entities |
0x80061114 -2147086060 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateExternalPartyWithSameCorrelationKey Mensaje: An external party record already exists with the same correlation key value. |
0x80044901 -2147202815 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateGoalPeriodInfoChildGoal Mensaje: You cannot update goal period related attributes on a child goal. |
0x80044910 -2147202800 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateGoalPeriodInfoClosedGoal Mensaje: You cannot change the time period of this goal because there are one or more closed subordinate goals. |
0x80048461 -2147187615 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateLogicalAttribute Mensaje: Cannot update logical attribute {0} |
0x8004F024 -2147160028 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateManagedSolution Mensaje: Cannot update solution '{0}' because it is a managed solution. |
0x80044900 -2147202816 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateMetricOnChildGoal Mensaje: You cannot update metric on a child goal. |
0x80044902 -2147202814 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateMetricOnGoalWithChildren Mensaje: You cannot update metric on a goal which has associated child goals. |
0x80044803 -2147203069 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateMetricWithGoals Mensaje: The changes made to this record cannot be saved because this goal metric is being used by one or more goals. |
0x8004830A -2147187958 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateNameDefaultTeam Mensaje: The default business unit team name can't be updated (TeamId = {0}). |
0x80044247 -2147204537 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateNonCustomizableString Mensaje: The translation string present in worksheet {0}, row {1}, column {2} is not customizable. |
0x80040230 -2147220944 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateObjectBecauseItIsInactive Mensaje: The object cannot be updated because it is inactive. |
0x80048479 -2147187591 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateOpportunityCurrency Mensaje: The currency cannot be changed because this opportunity has Products Quotes, and/ or Orders associated with it. If you want to change the currency please delete all of the Products/quotes/orders and then change the currency or create a new opportunity with the appropriate currency. |
0x80048515 -2147187435 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateOrgDBOrgSettingWhenOffline Mensaje: Organization Settings stored in Organization Database cannot be set when offline. |
0x8004480c -2147203060 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateParentAndDependents Mensaje: Cannot update metric or period attributes when parent is being updated. |
0x800404ee -2147220242 |
Nombre: CannotUpdatePrivateOrWIPQueue Mensaje: The private or WIP Bin queue is not allowed to be updated or deleted |
0x80048cfa -2147185414 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateProductCurrency Mensaje: The currency of the product cannot be updated because there are associated price list items with pricing method percentage. |
0x800422FE -2147212546 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateProductUnitGroup Mensaje: Please update only the unit. The unit group can’t be updated once the product is created. |
0x8004480e -2147203058 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateQuoteCurrency Mensaje: The currency cannot be changed because this quote has Products associated with it. If you want to change the currency please delete all of the Products and then change the currency or create a new quote with the appropriate currency. |
0x8004F033 -2147160013 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateReadOnlyPublisher Mensaje: Attempting to update a readonly publisher. |
0x80090434 -2146892748 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateReferencedEntityObjectTypeCode Mensaje: You can not update referencedentityobjecttypecode of attribute '{0}' of entity '{1}' from current value '{2}' to new value '{3}'. |
0x80100009 -2146435063 |
Nombre: CanNotUpdateRequiredBundleItem Mensaje: You can't update this bundle item because it's a required product in the bundle. |
0x8004F017 -2147160041 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateRestrictedPublisher Mensaje: Restricted publisher ({0}) cannot be updated. |
0x8004F00A -2147160054 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateRestrictedSolution Mensaje: Restricted solution ({0}) cannot be updated. |
0x80044801 -2147203071 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateRollupAttributeWithClosedGoals Mensaje: The changes made to the roll-up field definition cannot be saved because the related goal metric is being used by one or more closed goals. |
0x80044911 -2147202799 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateRollupFields Mensaje: You cannot write on rollup fields if isoverride is not set to true in your create/update request. |
0x8004F042 -2147159998 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateSolutionPatch Mensaje: Solution patch with version {0} already exists. Updating patch is not supported. |
0x80041d56 -2147213994 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateSpecialRole Mensaje: The role cannot be updated. |
0x80041d47 -2147214009 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateSupportUser Mensaje: Cannot update the Support User Role. |
0x80041d4c -2147214004 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateSyncUserIsLicensedField Mensaje: The property IsLicensed cannot be modified. |
0x80041d4e -2147214002 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateSyncUserIsSyncWithDirectoryField Mensaje: The property IsSyncUserWithDirectory cannot be modified. |
0x8004F653 -2147158445 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateSystemEntityIcons Mensaje: System entity icons cannot be updated. |
0x800608D6 -2147088170 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateSystemTheme Mensaje: You can’t modify system themes. |
0x80050017 -2147155945 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateTemplateIdForEmailInNonDraftState Mensaje: We can’t update the template because the email has already been sent or is not in a Draft state. |
0x80060002 -2147090430 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateTriggerForPublishedRules Mensaje: A trigger cannot be added/deleted/updated for a published rule. |
0x8004F00F -2147160049 |
Nombre: CannotUpdateUnpublishedDeleteInstance Mensaje: The component that you are trying to update has been deleted. |
0x80090487 -2146892665 |
Nombre: CannotUploadNonPrimaryImageAttributeOnCreate Mensaje: Non-primary image attribute {0} of entity {1} is not allowed to upload during Create operation. |
0x80070553 -2147023533 |
Nombre: CannotUseComplexFormulaFieldsInRollupField Mensaje: One or more formula fields used in this rollup field are not simple or basic formula field. Rollup field's dependent formula fields can't use a rollup field, another formula field or a field from related entity. |
0x80100005 -2146435067 |
Nombre: CannotUseOpportunitySetStateMessage Mensaje: This message can not be used to set the state of opportunity to {0}. In order to set state of opportunity to {1}, use the {1} message instead. |
0x8005E229 -2147098071 |
Nombre: CannotUseUserCredentials Mensaje: Email connector cannot use the credentials specified in the mailbox entity. This might be because user has disallowed it. Please use other mode of credential retrieval or allow the use of credential by email connector. |
0x8004F906 -2147157754 |
Nombre: CanOnlySetActiveOrDraftProductFamilyAsParent Mensaje: You can only set product families in a draft or active state as parent. |
0x8005F214 -2147093996 |
Nombre: CantSaveRecordInOffline Mensaje: You can't save this record while you're offline. |
0x8006111A -2147086054 |
Nombre: CantSetIsGuestProfile Mensaje: You can’t set or change the value of the IsGuestProfile field because it’s for internal use only. |
0x8005F224 -2147093980 |
Nombre: CantUpdateOnlineRecord Mensaje: You can’t update this record because it doesn’t exist in the offline mode. |
0x80050121 -2147155679 |
Nombre: CanvasAppNotPartOfAppModule Mensaje: The custom page being opened is not part of this app. |
0x80072356 -2147015850 |
Nombre: CanvasAppsExpectedFileMissing Mensaje: The solution specified an expected assets file but that file was missing or invalid. |
0x80072354 -2147015852 |
Nombre: CanvasAppsInvalidSolutionFileContent Mensaje: The request to import a canvas app should contain at least one asset file. |
0x80072351 -2147015855 |
Nombre: CanvasAppsNotEnabled Mensaje: Creation and editing of Canvas Apps is not enabled. |
0x80072352 -2147015854 |
Nombre: CanvasAppsServiceRequestClientFailure Mensaje: The request to the PowerApps service failed with a client failure. |
0x80072353 -2147015853 |
Nombre: CanvasAppsServiceRequestServerFailure Mensaje: The request to the PowerApps service failed with a server failure. |
0x80072355 -2147015851 |
Nombre: CanvasAppsUnexpectedCanvasAppId Mensaje: The request to the PowerApps service resulted in a new canvasappid when the previously existing value was expected. |
0x80072358 -2147015848 |
Nombre: CanvasAppVersionDoesNotMatchLatestPublishedVersion Mensaje: The latest published version of the canvas app with name '{0}' does not match the version known by the Dynamics service. Expected version is '{1}'. Current version is '{2}'. |
0x80072359 -2147015847 |
Nombre: CanvasAppVersionMisMatchWithLatestPublishedVersion Mensaje: The latest published version of the {0} with name '{1}' does not match the version known by the Dynamics service. Expected version is '{2}'. Current version is '{3}'. If it was republished recently, please retry later. If not, please try publishing again. |
0x80072357 -2147015849 |
Nombre: CanvasAppVersionMissingOrInvalid Mensaje: The app version of the canvas app was not set or was an invalid value. |
0x80048557 -2147187369 |
Nombre: CapabilityLimited Mensaje: "The Capability {0} has reached {1} (Limit {2}). Please upgrade to CDS FULL |
0x80048556 -2147187370 |
Nombre: CapabilityNotAvailable Mensaje: "The Capability {0} is not available. Please upgrade to CDS FULL |
0x80050400 -2147154944 |
Nombre: CapacityEnforcementError Mensaje: A failure occurred during capacity check. |
0x80072561 -2147015327 |
Nombre: CAPolicyValidationFailedLateBind Mensaje: The user is in an admin restricted location. |
0x80090426 -2146892762 |
Nombre: CascadeBehaviorNotSupportedInPolymorphicLookup Mensaje: The cascade behavior '{0}' is not supported. The cascade behaviors supported for polymorphic lookup are CascadeAssign=Nocascade, CascadeDelete=RemoveLink, CascadeMerge=Nocascade, CascadeReparent=Nocascade, CascadeShare=Nocascade, CascadeUnshare=Nocascade and CascadeRollupView=Nocascade. EntityId '{1}', AttributeId '{2}' |
0x80048103 -2147188477 |
Nombre: CascadeDeleteNotAllowDelete Mensaje: Object is not allowed to be deleted |
0x8009725F -2146864545 |
Nombre: CascadeDeleteNotSupportedDueToRestrictInSubGraph Mensaje: Cascade configuration for delete is not supported as there is a restrict relationship between {0} and {1}. |
0x80048108 -2147188472 |
Nombre: CascadeFailToCreateNativeDAWrapper Mensaje: Failed to create unmanaged data access wrapper |
0x80090447 -2146892729 |
Nombre: CascadeGenerationMetadataOperationException Mensaje: Can't process CascadeSP Generation since a metadata operation is in progress. |
0x80048101 -2147188479 |
Nombre: CascadeInvalidExtraConditionValue Mensaje: Invalid Extra-condition value |
0x80048102 -2147188478 |
Nombre: CascadeInvalidLinkType Mensaje: Invalid CascadeLink Type |
0x80044155 -2147204779 |
Nombre: CascadeInvalidLinkTypeTransition Mensaje: Invalid link type for system entity cascading actions. |
0x80048106 -2147188474 |
Nombre: CascadeMergeInvalidSpecialColumn Mensaje: Invalid Column Name for Merge Special Casing |
0x80048105 -2147188475 |
Nombre: CascadeOperationConcurrentRequested Mensaje: More than one concurrent {0} requests detected for an Entity {1} and ObjectTypeCode {2}. |
0x8004810b -2147188469 |
Nombre: CascadeProxyEmptyCallerId Mensaje: Empty Caller Id |
0x80048109 -2147188471 |
Nombre: CascadeProxyInvalidNativeDAPtr Mensaje: Invalid pointer of unmanaged data access object |
0x8004810a -2147188470 |
Nombre: CascadeProxyInvalidPrincipalType Mensaje: Invalid security principal type |
0x80048104 -2147188476 |
Nombre: CascadeRemoveLinkOnNonNullable Mensaje: CascadeDelete is defined as RemoveLink while the foreign key is not nullable |
0x80048107 -2147188473 |
Nombre: CascadeReparentOnNonUserOwned Mensaje: Cannot perform Cascade Reparent on Non-UserOwned entities |
0x80090446 -2146892730 |
Nombre: CascadeSPGenerationLockException Mensaje: Cannot start the Cascade SP generation as there is already one running at this moment. |
0x800404cf -2147220273 |
Nombre: CaseAlreadyResolved Mensaje: This case has already been resolved. Close and reopen the case record to see the updates. |
0x8006074 134242420 |
Nombre: CaseStateChangeInvalid Mensaje: Because of the status transition rules, you can't resolve a case in the current status. Change the case status, and then try resolving it, or contact your system administrator. |
0x8004E01A -2147164134 |
Nombre: CategoryDataTypeInvalid Mensaje: The Data Description for the visualization is invalid. The attribute type for the group by of one of the categories is invalid. Correct the Data Description. |
0x80060404 -2147089404 |
Nombre: CategoryNotSetToBusinessProcessFlow Mensaje: Category should be set to BusinessProcessFlow while creating business process flow category |
0x80044510 -2147203824 |
Nombre: CDSOrgNotSupported Mensaje: Dynamics 365 for Outlook is not supported for this organization. |
0x8005E239 -2147098055 |
Nombre: CertificateNotFound Mensaje: The given certificate cannot be found. |
0x800609A1 -2147087967 |
Nombre: ChangeTrackingDisabledForMobileOfflineError Mensaje: You can not disable change tracking for this entity since mobile offline is already enabled. |
0x80044358 -2147204264 |
Nombre: ChangeTrackingIndexNotCreated Mensaje: Change tracking indexes have not yet been created. Please retry the operation after some time. |
0x80072491 -2147015535 |
Nombre: ChangeTrackingNotEnabledForEntity Mensaje: Entity {0} isn't enabled for change tracking. |
0x80072492 -2147015534 |
Nombre: ChangeTrackingNotEnabledForRelatedEntities Mensaje: Changes cannot be retrieved for intersect entity {0} since both related entities are not enabled for change tracking. |
0x80090315 -2146893035 |
Nombre: ChangeTrackingPrerequisiteCheckOnFnOFaulted Mensaje: Unable to perform row version change tracking prerequisite check. |
0x80044356 -2147204266 |
Nombre: ChangeTrackingValidationFailed Mensaje: Change tracking validation failed. |
0x80061115 -2147086059 |
Nombre: ChannelAccessProfileRuleAlreadyInDraftState Mensaje: You can't deactivate a draft channel access profile rule. |
0x800608EC -2147088148 |
Nombre: ChannelPropertyGroupAlreadyExistsWithSameSourceType Mensaje: A record for the specified source type already exists. You can't create another one. |
0x800608F2 -2147088142 |
Nombre: ChannelPropertyNameInvalid Mensaje: The channel property name is invalid. The name can only contain '_', numerical, and alphabetical characters. Choose a different name, and try again. |
0x8004E005 -2147164155 |
Nombre: ChartAreaCategoryMismatch Mensaje: Number of chart areas and number of categories should be same. |
0x8004E018 -2147164136 |
Nombre: ChartTypeNotSupportedForComparisonChart Mensaje: This chart type is not supported for comparison charts. |
0x8004E021 -2147164127 |
Nombre: ChartTypeNotSupportedForMultipleSeriesChart Mensaje: Series of chart type {0} is not supported for multi-series charts. |
0x80048570 -2147187344 |
Nombre: CheckOnPremisePrivilegeError Mensaje: Not enough privilege to perform the requested OnPremise operation. |
0x80048401 -2147187711 |
Nombre: CheckPrivilegeGroupForUserOnPremiseError Mensaje: Please select an account that is a member of the PrivUserGroup security group and try again. |
0x80048400 -2147187712 |
Nombre: CheckPrivilegeGroupForUserOnSplaError Mensaje: Please select a Dynamics 365 System Administrator account that belongs to the root business unit and try again. |
0x80041d22 -2147214046 |
Nombre: ChildBusinessDoesNotExist Mensaje: The child businesss Id is invalid. |
0x80041d26 -2147214042 |
Nombre: ChildUserDoesNotExist Mensaje: The child user Id is invalid. |
0x8004502F -2147200977 |
Nombre: ChildWorkflowNotFound Mensaje: This workflow cannot run because one or more child workflows it uses have not been published or have been deleted. Please check the child workflows and try running this workflow again. |
0x80045048 -2147200952 |
Nombre: ChildWorkflowParameterMismatch Mensaje: This workflow cannot run because arguments provided by parent workflow does not match with the specified parameters in linked child workflow. Check the child workflow reference in parent workflow and try running this workflow again. |
0x80090008 -2146893816 |
Nombre: ChunkSizeExceeded Mensaje: Invalid file chunk size: {0} MB. Maximum chunk size supported: {1} MB. |
0x80071157 -2147020457 |
Nombre: CircularDependency Mensaje: The solution operation failed due to a circular dependency with other solutions. Please check the exception for more details: {0} |
0x8004D224 -2147167708 |
Nombre: ClientAuthCanceled Mensaje: Authentication was canceled by the user. |
0x8004D226 -2147167706 |
Nombre: ClientAuthNoConnectivity Mensaje: There is no connectivity. |
0x8004D225 -2147167707 |
Nombre: ClientAuthNoConnectivityOffline Mensaje: There is no connectivity when running in offline mode. |
0x8004D227 -2147167705 |
Nombre: ClientAuthOfflineInvalidCallerId Mensaje: Offline SDK calls must be made in the offline user context. |
0x8004D221 -2147167711 |
Nombre: ClientAuthSignedOut Mensaje: The user signed out. |
0x8004D223 -2147167709 |
Nombre: ClientAuthSyncIssue Mensaje: Synchronization between processes failed. |
0x80044503 -2147203837 |
Nombre: ClientServerDateTimeMismatch Mensaje: Your computer's date/time is out of sync with the server by more than 5 minutes. |
0x80044504 -2147203836 |
Nombre: ClientServerEmailAddressMismatch Mensaje: The Outlook email address and Dynamics 365 user email address do not match. |
0x8004D294 -2147167596 |
Nombre: ClientUpdateAvailable Mensaje: There's an update available for Dynamics 365 for Outlook. |
0x80044501 -2147203839 |
Nombre: ClientVersionTooHigh Mensaje: This version of Outlook client isn't compatible with your Dynamics 365 organization (current version {0} is too high). |
0x80044500 -2147203840 |
Nombre: ClientVersionTooLow Mensaje: This version of Outlook client isn't compatible with your Dynamics 365 organization (current version {0} is too low). |
0x80048539 -2147187399 |
Nombre: CloneSolutionException Mensaje: Operation on clone solution failed. |
0x80061771 -2147084431 |
Nombre: CloneSolutionPatchException Mensaje: Patch '{0}' has a matching or higher version ({1}) than that of the patch being installed. |
0x80071112 -2147020526 |
Nombre: CloneTitleTooLong Mensaje: A validation error occurred. The length of the Name attribute of the mobileofflineprofile entity exceeded the maximum allowed length of 200. |
0x8003F452 -2147224494 |
Nombre: CloseActiveChildCaseFirst Mensaje: Close active child case before closing parent case. |
0x80090019 -2146893799 |
Nombre: CmkStatusMismatch Mensaje: The CMK status does not match. Input: {0}, expected: {1} |
0x80061500 -2147085056 |
Nombre: ColorStripAttributesExceeded Mensaje: Color Strip section cannot have more than 1 attribute |
0x80061502 -2147085054 |
Nombre: ColorStripAttributesInvalid Mensaje: Color Strip section can only have attributes of type Two Options, Option Set and Status Reason |
0x80090101 -2146893567 |
Nombre: ColumnNameNotFound Mensaje: The column with name '{0}' cannot be found on the table with name '{1}'. |
0x80040c08 -2147218424 |
Nombre: ColumnSetAllColumnsUnsupportedForMultiPartitionDistinctQuery Mensaje: The query indicates that all columns for the specified entity {0} should be retrieved. For multi-partition distinct queries, retrieving all columns is not supported. |
0x8004F027 -2147160025 |
Nombre: CombinedManagedPropertyFailure Mensaje: The evaluation of the current component(name={0}, id={1}) in the current operation ({2}) failed during at least one managed property evaluations: {3} |
0x80154B52 -2146088110 |
Nombre: CommandNotSupported Mensaje: Command is not supported in offline mode. |
0x80072556 -2147015338 |
Nombre: CommitFileFailure Mensaje: Error occured when commiting file. (chunkList size: {0}, uploadToken: {1}, fileName:{2}, mimeType:{3}) |
0x80044506 -2147203834 |
Nombre: CommunicationBlocked Mensaje: Communication is blocked due to a socket exception. |
0x8004F019 -2147160039 |
Nombre: ComponentDefinitionDoesNotExists Mensaje: No component definition exists for the component type {0}. |
0x80072014 -2147016684 |
Nombre: ComponentDisabledForMigration Mensaje: Component with name {0} is not enabled for import on this organization. |
0x80072038 -2147016648 |
Nombre: ComponentNotConfiguredForSoftDelete Mensaje: Component {0} does not support soft deletion. It can be softdeleted if 'issoftdeleteenabled' is set to True in its SolutionComponentConfiguration record. |
0x80090457 -2146892713 |
Nombre: ComponentNotExist Mensaje: Component of type {0} with name {1} and id {2} does not exist. |
0x80090449 -2146892727 |
Nombre: CompositeKeyAttributesNotAllowedInSecondaryEntityKey Mensaje: Composite key attributes are not allowed in a secondary entity key. The entity key '{0}' includes '{1}' key attributes. |
0x80048574 -2147187340 |
Nombre: ComputedColumnCauseTimeout Mensaje: The database operation timed out; this may be due to a computed column being used in a filter condition. Please consider removing filter conditions on computed columns, as these filter conditions are expensive and may cause timeouts. |
0x80060882 -2147088254 |
Nombre: ConcurrencyVersionMismatch Mensaje: The version of the existing record doesn't match the RowVersion property provided. |
0x80060883 -2147088253 |
Nombre: ConcurrencyVersionNotProvided Mensaje: The RowVersion property must be provided when the value of ConcurrencyBehavior is IfVersionMatches. |
0x80096001 -2146869247 |
Nombre: ConcurrentDataprocessingModuleExecutionException Mensaje: Cannot have more than 1 execution of the same module at the same time. Execution of Dataprocessing Module Configuration {0} is currently being executed with Run Id {1}. |
0x80071154 -2147020460 |
Nombre: ConcurrentOperationFailure Mensaje: The current {0} operation failed due to another concurrent operation running at the same time. Please try again later. |
0x80060436 -2147089354 |
Nombre: ConditionAttributesNotAnSubsetOfStepAttributes Mensaje: Attributes of the condition are not the subset of attributes in the Step, for the Stage : {0} |
0x80060434 -2147089356 |
Nombre: ConditionBranchDoesHaveSetNextStageOnlyChildInXaml Mensaje: Branch condition can contain only SetNextStage as a child. |
0x80060435 -2147089355 |
Nombre: ConditionStepCountInXamlExceedsMaxAllowed Mensaje: {0} cannot have more than one {1}. |
0x8004D23B -2147167685 |
Nombre: ConfigDBCannotDeleteDefaultOrganization Mensaje: The default {0} organization cannot be deleted from the MSCRM_CONFIG database. |
0x8004D232 -2147167694 |
Nombre: ConfigDBCannotDeleteObjectDueState Mensaje: Cannot delete '{0}' with Value = ({1}) in this State = ({2}) from MSCRM_CONFIG database |
0x8004D237 -2147167689 |
Nombre: ConfigDBCannotUpdateObjectDueState Mensaje: Cannot update '{0}' with Value = ({1}) in this State = ({2}) from MSCRM_CONFIG database |
0x8004D233 -2147167693 |
Nombre: ConfigDBCascadeDeleteNotAllowDelete Mensaje: Cannot delete '{0}' with Value = ({1}) due to child '{2}' references from MSCRM_CONFIG database |
0x8004D231 -2147167695 |
Nombre: ConfigDBDuplicateRecord Mensaje: Duplicate '{0}' with Value = ({1}) exists in MSCRM_CONFIG database |
0x8004D230 -2147167696 |
Nombre: ConfigDBObjectDoesNotExist Mensaje: '{0}' with Value = ({1}) does not exist in MSCRM_CONFIG database |
0x80044197 -2147204713 |
Nombre: ConfigMissingDescription Mensaje: Description must be specified. |
0x80044196 -2147204714 |
Nombre: ConfigNullPrimaryKey Mensaje: Primary Key cannot be nullable. |
0x8004701D -2147192803 |
Nombre: ConfigurationPageNotValidForSolution Mensaje: The solution configuration page must exist within the solution it represents. |
0x80090312 -2146893038 |
Nombre: ConfigureChangeTrackingOnFnOVEFaulted Mensaje: Unable to complete updates to the Track changes option for table: '{0}'. Exception details: {1} |
0x8004D266 -2147167642 |
Nombre: ConfigureClaimsBeforeIfd Mensaje: You must configure claims-based authentication before you can configure an Internet-facing deployment. |
0x80044508 -2147203832 |
Nombre: ConfiguredUserIsDifferentThanSuppliedUser Mensaje: Configured user is different than supplied user. |
0x80081010 -2146955248 |
Nombre: ConflictForOverriddenPropertiesEncountered Mensaje: This record can't be published. One of the properties that was changed for this record conflicts with its inherited version. Remove the conflicting property, and then try again. |
0x8004B02C -2147176404 |
Nombre: ConflictingProvisionTypes Mensaje: The service component {0} has conflicting provision types. |
0x80048214 -2147188204 |
Nombre: ConnectionCannotBeEnabledOnThisEntity Mensaje: Connections cannot be enabled on this {0} entity with id {1}. |
0x80048208 -2147188216 |
Nombre: ConnectionExists Mensaje: Connection already exists. |
0x80048209 -2147188215 |
Nombre: ConnectionInvalidStartEndDate Mensaje: Start date / end date is invalid. |
0x80048213 -2147188205 |
Nombre: ConnectionNotSupported Mensaje: The selected record does not support connections. You cannot add the connection. |
0x80048210 -2147188208 |
Nombre: ConnectionObjectsMissing Mensaje: Both objects being connected are missing. |
0x80090444 -2146892732 |
Nombre: ConnectionReferenceFlowLimit Mensaje: Connection reference '{0}' is already associated with '{1}' flows. The limit is '{2}' flows for performance reasons. Please create a new connection reference to use with this flow. |
0x80095005 -2146873339 |
Nombre: ConnectionReferenceNotFound Mensaje: Failed to find connection references with logical name(s) '{0}'. Create connection references with those names or use different connection references. |
0x80048215 -2147188203 |
Nombre: ConnectionRoleNotValidForObjectType Mensaje: The record of type {0} (Object type code {1}) is not defined for use with connection role {2} with id {3}. |
0x80071024 -2147020764 |
Nombre: ConnectionTimeOut Mensaje: Unable to copy the documents because the network connection timed out. Please try again later or contact your system administrator. |
0x80090311 -2146893039 |
Nombre: ConnectionToFnOToConfigureChangeTrackingFailed Mensaje: Unable to complete updates to the Track changes option for table: '{0}'. Please try again later. |
0x80072606 -2147015162 |
Nombre: ConnectorLogicalNameAlreadyExists Mensaje: The connector logical name '{0}' already exists in the org. |
0x80072600 -2147015168 |
Nombre: ConnectorNotEnabled Mensaje: Creation and editing of Connector is not enabled. |
0x80040503 -2147220221 |
Nombre: ContactDoesNotExist Mensaje: Contact does not exist. |
0x8004050a -2147220214 |
Nombre: ContactLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: Creating this parental association would create a loop in Contacts hierarchy. |
0x80040509 -2147220215 |
Nombre: ContactLoopExists Mensaje: Loop exists in the contacts hierarchy. |
0x80060445 -2147089339 |
Nombre: ContextIsNull Mensaje: Error creating or updating Business Process: context cannot be null. |
0x80044413 -2147204077 |
Nombre: ContractDetailDiscountAmount Mensaje: The contract's discount type does not support 'percentage' discounts. |
0x80044414 -2147204076 |
Nombre: ContractDetailDiscountAmountAndPercent Mensaje: Both 'amount' and 'percentage' cannot be set. |
0x80044412 -2147204078 |
Nombre: ContractDetailDiscountPercent Mensaje: The contract's discount type does not support 'amount' discounts. |
0x80043205 -2147208699 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidAllotmentTypeCode Mensaje: The allotment type code is invalid. |
0x8004320f -2147208689 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidBillToAddress Mensaje: The bill-to address of the contract is invalid. |
0x80043210 -2147208688 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidBillToCustomer Mensaje: The bill-to customer of the contract is invalid. |
0x80043213 -2147208685 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidContract Mensaje: The contract is invalid. |
0x80043211 -2147208687 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidContractTemplate Mensaje: The contract template is invalid. |
0x8004320d -2147208691 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidCustomer Mensaje: The customer of the contract is invalid. |
0x80043218 -2147208680 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidDatesForRenew Mensaje: The start date / end date of this renewed contract can not overlap with any other invoiced / active contracts with the same contract number. |
0x80044193 -2147204717 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidDiscount Mensaje: Discount cannot be greater than total price. |
0x80043215 -2147208683 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidPrice Mensaje: The price is invalid. |
0x8004320e -2147208690 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidServiceAddress Mensaje: The service address of the contract is invalid. |
0x80043202 -2147208702 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidStartEndDate Mensaje: Start date / end date or billing start date / billing end date is invalid. |
0x80043203 -2147208701 |
Nombre: ContractInvalidState Mensaje: The state of the contract is invalid. |
0x80043204 -2147208700 |
Nombre: ContractLineInvalidState Mensaje: The state of the contract line item is invalid. |
0x8004320c -2147208692 |
Nombre: ContractNoLineItems Mensaje: There are no contract line items for this contract. |
0x80043206 -2147208698 |
Nombre: ContractTemplateDoesNotExist Mensaje: The contract template does not exist. |
0x8004320b -2147208693 |
Nombre: ContractTemplateNoAbbreviation Mensaje: Abbreviation can not be NULL. |
0x80160018 -2146041832 |
Nombre: ControlDescriptionSchemaValidation Mensaje: Control Description failed schema validationSpecifically look at {0}. More Details:{1} |
0x80060411 -2147089391 |
Nombre: ControlIdIsNotUnique Mensaje: Control id {0} in the Xaml is not unique |
0x80072344 -2147015868 |
Nombre: ControlIdIsNullOrEmpty Mensaje: Control id cannot be null or empty |
0x80160005 -2146041851 |
Nombre: ControlReferenceValidationUnhandledError Mensaje: Unhandled error during control configuration validation. More Details:{0} |
0x8004832e -2147187922 |
Nombre: ConvertFetchDataSetError Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred while processing the Fetch data set. |
0x8004832d -2147187923 |
Nombre: ConvertReportToCrmError Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred while converting supplied report to Dynamics 365 format. |
0x8004F886 -2147157882 |
Nombre: ConvertRuleActivateDeactivateByNonOwner Mensaje: This Convert Rule Set cannot be activated or deactivated by someone who is not its owner. |
0x80060731 -2147088591 |
Nombre: ConvertRuleAlreadyActive Mensaje: Selected ConvertRule is already in active state. Please select another record and try again |
0x80060732 -2147088590 |
Nombre: ConvertRuleAlreadyInDraftState Mensaje: Selected ConvertRule is already in draft state. Please select another record and try again |
0x8004F879 -2147157895 |
Nombre: ConvertRuleInvalidAutoResponseSettings Mensaje: Select an email template for an autoresponse or set the autoresponse option to No. |
0x80060733 -2147088589 |
Nombre: ConvertRulePermissionToPerformAction Mensaje: You don't have the required permissions on ConvertRules and processes to perform this action. |
0x8004F896 -2147157866 |
Nombre: ConvertRuleQueueIdMissingForEmailSource Mensaje: Queue value required. Provide a value for the queue. |
0x80060730 -2147088592 |
Nombre: ConvertRuleResponseTemplateValidity Mensaje: Please select either a global or case template. |
0x80071027 -2147020761 |
Nombre: CopyGenericError Mensaje: An error has occurred while copying files. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
0x80048474 -2147187596 |
Nombre: CopyNotAllowedForInternetMarketing Mensaje: Duplicating campaigns that have Internet Marketing Campaign Activities is not allowed |
0x800609B7 -2147087945 |
Nombre: CorruptedHiddensheetData Mensaje: The hidden sheet data is corrupted. |
0x8005F110 -2147094256 |
Nombre: CouldNotDecryptOAuthToken Mensaje: Yammer OAuth token could not be decrypted. Please try to reconfigure Yammer once again. |
0x80040524 -2147220188 |
Nombre: CouldNotFindQueueItemInQueue Mensaje: Could not find any queue item associated with the Target in the specified SourceQueueId. Either the SourceQueueId or Target is invalid or the queue item does not exist. |
0x8004F081 -2147159935 |
Nombre: CouldNotGetSolutionDetailsFromContext Mensaje: SolutionCache doesn't contain data for the solution in the context. |
0x80044339 -2147204295 |
Nombre: CouldNotObtainLockOnResource Mensaje: Database resource could not be used because another request is currently using the resource. This error usually means that there are a high number of requests attempting to use the same resource, or that the request which is currently using the resource is doing a large amount of work. For more information, see http://docs.microsoft.com/dynamics365/customer-engagement/customize/best-practices-workflow-processes#limit-the-number-of-workflows-that-update-the-same-entity |
0x8005F105 -2147094267 |
Nombre: CouldNotReadAccessToken Mensaje: The system was not able to read users Yammer access token although a non-empty code was passed. |
0x80060905 -2147088123 |
Nombre: CouldNotSetLocationTypeToOneNote Mensaje: Couldn't set location type of document location to OneNote. |
0x8004E01F -2147164129 |
Nombre: CountSpecifiedWithoutOrder Mensaje: The Data Description for the visualization is invalid as it does not specify an order node for the count attribute. |
0x80090425 -2146892763 |
Nombre: CreatePolymorphicLookupAttributeApiIsNotActive Mensaje: Failed to create attribute '{0}' of entity '{1}'. CreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute API is not enabled. |
0x8004F889 -2147157879 |
Nombre: CreatePropertyError Mensaje: An error occurred while saving the {0} property. |
0x8004F890 -2147157872 |
Nombre: CreatePropertyInstanceError Mensaje: An error occurred while saving the {0} property instance. |
0x8004500A -2147201014 |
Nombre: CreatePublishedWorkflowDefinitionWorkflowDependency Mensaje: Cannot create a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. |
0x8004E101 -2147163903 |
Nombre: CreateRecurrenceRuleFailed Mensaje: Cannot create the recurrence rule. |
0x80045009 -2147201015 |
Nombre: CreateWorkflowActivationWorkflowDependency Mensaje: Cannot create a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. |
0x80045019 -2147200999 |
Nombre: CreateWorkflowDependencyForPublishedTemplate Mensaje: Cannot create a workflow dependency for a published workflow template. |
0x80050304 -2147155196 |
Nombre: CrmApiLicensingError Mensaje: The user with userId {0} does not have appropriate license(s) to perform this operation(Table: {1}, SdkMessage: {2}). An appropriate license is required with one of these service plans : {3}. Error=CrmApiLicensingError. For more information, please refer https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2260817. |
0x80040261 -2147220895 |
Nombre: CrmConstraintEvaluationError Mensaje: Crm constraint evaluation error occurred. |
0x80040262 -2147220894 |
Nombre: CrmConstraintParsingError Mensaje: Crm constraint parsing error occurred. |
0x80048d34 -2147185356 |
Nombre: CrmDuplicateAzureActiveDirectoryObjectId Mensaje: A user with {0} Azure Active Directory ObjectId already exists. Existing user with same Azure Active Directory ObjectId must be deleted from the org before a new one can be created. |
0x80048d33 -2147185357 |
Nombre: CrmDuplicateUserPuid Mensaje: A user with {0} userpuid already exists. You must correct either the existing user's puid or new user's puid for the user create to succeed. |
0x8004025e -2147220898 |
Nombre: CrmExpressionBodyParsingError Mensaje: Crm expression body parsing error occurred. |
0x80040260 -2147220896 |
Nombre: CrmExpressionEvaluationError Mensaje: Crm expression evaluation error occurred. |
0x8004025f -2147220897 |
Nombre: CrmExpressionParametersParsingError Mensaje: Crm expression parameters parsing error occurred. |
0x8004025d -2147220899 |
Nombre: CrmExpressionParsingError Mensaje: Crm expression parsing error occurred. |
0x80072494 -2147015532 |
Nombre: CRMGlobalMetadataVersionMismatch Mensaje: Mismatch in CRM global metadata version when retrieving data for entity: '{0}'. Global metadata version before retrieving data: '{1}'. Global metadata version after retrieving data: '{2}' |
0x80060888 -2147088248 |
Nombre: CrmHttpClientError Mensaje: A client failure occurred in Wep Api in Dynamics 365. |
0x8006088A -2147088246 |
Nombre: CrmHttpError Mensaje: A failure occurred in Wep Api in Dynamics 365. |
0x80040245 -2147220923 |
Nombre: CrmImpersonationError Mensaje: Error occurred in the Crm AutoReimpersonator. |
0x80050306 -2147155194 |
Nombre: CrmLicensingAppNotEnabledForEntitlementBilling Mensaje: This user with userId={0} does not have an appropriate license to access this application uniqueName={1} with Id={2} from publisher={3}. For accessing custom applications, The environment has been configured for entitlement billing(Pay as you go/ App Pass), but the app has been disabled for entitlement billing. For more information, please refer https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2122607 Error=CrmLicensingAppNotEnabledForEntitlementBilling. |
0x80050305 -2147155195 |
Nombre: CrmLicensingEnvironmentNotConfiguredForEntitlemenetBilling Mensaje: This user with userId={0} does not have an appropriate license to access this application uniqueName={1} with Id={2} from publisher={3}. An appropriate license is required or the organization instance needs to have sufficient per app licenses assigned or configured for Pay As You Go, for accessing custom applications. For more information, please refer https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2122607 Error=CrmLicensingEnvironmentNotConfiguredForEntitlemenetBilling. |
0x80050300 -2147155200 |
Nombre: CrmLicensingError Mensaje: A failure occurred during licensing check. |
0x80050307 -2147155193 |
Nombre: CrmLicensingNoAccessViaEntitlementBilling Mensaje: This user with userId={0} does not have an appropriate license to access this application uniqueName={1} with Id={2} from publisher={3}. An appropriate license is required or the user needs to have sufficient per app licenses allocated, for accessing custom applications. For more information, please refer https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2122607 Error=CrmLicensingNoAccessViaEntitlementBilling. |
0x80050303 -2147155197 |
Nombre: CrmLicensingNoRestrictedServicePlan Mensaje: This application {0}({1}) requires an appropriate license. Technical Information: This user with user Id {2} does not have appropriate license(s) to access this application from publisher {3}. An appropriate license is required with one of these service plans : {4}. Error=CrmLicensingNoRestrictedServicePlan. |
0x80050301 -2147155199 |
Nombre: CrmLicensingNoServicePlan Mensaje: This user with userId={0} does not have appropriate license(s) to access this application uniqueName={1} with Id={2} from publisher={3}. An appropriate license is required with one of these service plans : {5}. For more information, please refer https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2122607 Error=CrmLicensingNoServicePlan. |
0x80050302 -2147155198 |
Nombre: CrmLicensingNoUserPass Mensaje: This user with userId={0} does not have an appropriate license to access this application uniqueName={1} with Id={2} from publisher={3}. An appropriate license is required or the organization instance needs to have sufficient per app licenses assigned, for accessing custom applications. For more information, please refer https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2122607 Error=CrmLicensingNoUserPass. |
0x8004B056 -2147176362 |
Nombre: CrmLiveAddOnAddLicenseLimitReached Mensaje: Your subscription has the maximum number of user licenses available. For additional licenses, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-Dynamics 365-CHOICE (276-2464). |
0x8004B057 -2147176361 |
Nombre: CrmLiveAddOnAddStorageLimitReached Mensaje: Your storage consumption has reached the maximum storage limit allotted to this environment. Trial environments are allocated with limited resources. If you are not using a trial environment, please contact support. |
0x8004B05C -2147176356 |
Nombre: CrmLiveAddOnDataChanged Mensaje: Due to recent changes you have made to your account, these changes cannot be made at this time. Close this wizard, and try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-Dynamics 365-CHOICE (276-2464). |
0x8004B059 -2147176359 |
Nombre: CrmLiveAddOnOrgInNoUpdateMode Mensaje: Your changes cannot be processed at this time. Your organization is currently being updated. No changes have been made to your account. Close this wizard, and try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-Dynamics 365-CHOICE (276-2464). |
0x8004B058 -2147176360 |
Nombre: CrmLiveAddOnRemoveStorageLimitReached Mensaje: Your organization has the minimum amount of storage allowed. You can remove only storage that has been added to your organization, and is not being used. |
0x8004B055 -2147176363 |
Nombre: CrmLiveAddOnUnexpectedError Mensaje: There was an error contacting the billing system. Your request cannot be processed at this time. No changes have been made to your account. Close this wizard, and try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-Dynamics 365-CHOICE (276-2464). |
0x8004B051 -2147176367 |
Nombre: CrmLiveCannotFindExternalMessageProvider Mensaje: External Message Provider could not be located for queue item type of: {0}. |
0x8004B048 -2147176376 |
Nombre: CrmLiveDnsDomainAlreadyExists Mensaje: Domain already exists in the DNS table. |
0x8004B047 -2147176377 |
Nombre: CrmLiveDnsDomainNotFound Mensaje: Domain was not found in the DNS table. |
0x8004B046 -2147176378 |
Nombre: CrmLiveDuplicateWindowsLiveId Mensaje: A user with the same windowsliveid already exists. |
0x8004B063 -2147176349 |
Nombre: CrmLiveExecuteCustomCodeDisabled Mensaje: Execution of custom code feature for this organization is disabled. |
0x8004B000 -2147176448 |
Nombre: CrmLiveGenericError Mensaje: An error has occurred while processing your request. |
0x8004B003 -2147176445 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInternalProvisioningError Mensaje: An unexpected error happened in the provisioning system. |
0x8004B05D -2147176355 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvalidEmail Mensaje: Invalid email address entered. |
0x8004B052 -2147176366 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvalidExternalMessageData Mensaje: External Message Data has some invalid data. Data: {0} External Message: {1} |
0x8004B05B -2147176357 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvalidInvoicingAccountNumber Mensaje: This Invoicing Account Number is not valid because it contains an invalid character. |
0x8004B05E -2147176354 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvalidPhone Mensaje: Invalid phone number entered. |
0x8004B039 -2147176391 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvalidQueueItemSchedule Mensaje: The QueueItem has an invalid schedule of start time {0} and end time {1}. |
0x8004B005 -2147176443 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvalidSetupParameter Mensaje: The parameter to Dynamics 365 Online Setup is incorrect or not specified. |
0x8004B064 -2147176348 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvalidTaxId Mensaje: Invalid TaxId entered. |
0x8004B05F -2147176353 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvalidZipCode Mensaje: Invalid zip code entered. |
0x8004B045 -2147176379 |
Nombre: CrmLiveInvoicingAccountIdMissing Mensaje: Invoicing Account Number (SAP Id) cannot be empty for an invoicing sku. |
0x8004B002 -2147176446 |
Nombre: CrmLiveMissingActiveDirectoryGroup Mensaje: The specified Active Directory Group does not exist. |
0x8004B007 -2147176441 |
Nombre: CrmLiveMissingServerRolesInScaleGroup Mensaje: The scalegroup is missing some required server roles. 1 Witness Server and 2 Sql Servers are required for Provisioning. |
0x8004B026 -2147176410 |
Nombre: CrmLiveMonitoringOrganizationExistsInScaleGroup Mensaje: Only one monitoring organization is allowed in a scalegroup. |
0x8004B006 -2147176442 |
Nombre: CrmLiveMultipleWitnessServersInScaleGroup Mensaje: The ScaleGroup has multiple witness servers specified. There should be only 1 witness server in a scale group. |
0x8004B02E -2147176402 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationDeleteFailed Mensaje: An error has occurred when deleting the organization. |
0x8004B030 -2147176400 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationDetailsNotFound Mensaje: Unable to find organization details. |
0x8004B054 -2147176364 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationDisableFailed Mensaje: Disabling Organization Failed. |
0x8004B053 -2147176365 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationEnableFailed Mensaje: Enabling Organization Failed. |
0x8004B032 -2147176398 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationFriendlyNameTooLong Mensaje: The organization name provided is too long. |
0x8004B031 -2147176399 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationFriendlyNameTooShort Mensaje: The organization name provided is too short. |
0x8004B001 -2147176447 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationProvisioningFailed Mensaje: An error has occurred when provisioning the organization. |
0x8004B035 -2147176395 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationUniqueNameInvalid Mensaje: The unique name provided is not valid. |
0x8004B036 -2147176394 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationUniqueNameReserved Mensaje: The unique name is already reserved. |
0x8004B034 -2147176396 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationUniqueNameTooLong Mensaje: The unique name provided is too long. |
0x8004B033 -2147176397 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationUniqueNameTooShort Mensaje: The unique name provided is too short. |
0x8004B014 -2147176428 |
Nombre: CrmLiveOrganizationUpgradeFailed Mensaje: Upgrade Of Crm Organization Failed. |
0x8004B004 -2147176444 |
Nombre: CrmLiveQueueItemDoesNotExist Mensaje: The specified queue item does not exist in the queue. It may have been deleted or its ID may not have been specified correctly |
0x8004B040 -2147176384 |
Nombre: CrmLiveQueueItemTimeInPast Mensaje: A QueueItem cannot be scheduled to start or end in the past. |
0x8004B062 -2147176350 |
Nombre: CrmLiveRegisterCustomCodeDisabled Mensaje: Registration of custom code feature for this organization is disabled. |
0x8004B008 -2147176440 |
Nombre: CrmLiveServerCannotHaveWitnessAndDataServerRoles Mensaje: A server cannot have both Witness and Data Server Roles. |
0x8004B025 -2147176411 |
Nombre: CrmLiveSupportOrganizationExistsInScaleGroup Mensaje: Only one support organization is allowed in a scalegroup. |
0x8004B05A -2147176358 |
Nombre: CrmLiveUnknownCategory Mensaje: This Category specified is not valid. |
0x8004B041 -2147176383 |
Nombre: CrmLiveUnknownSku Mensaje: This Sku specified is not valid. |
0x8004025c -2147220900 |
Nombre: CrmMalformedExpressionError Mensaje: Crm malformed expression error occurred. |
0x8004024d -2147220915 |
Nombre: CrmQueryExpressionNotInitialized Mensaje: The QueryExpression has not been initialized. Please use the constructor that takes in the entity name to create a correctly initialized instance |
0x80040256 -2147220906 |
Nombre: CrmSecurityError Mensaje: A failure occurred in CrmSecurity. |
0x80073001 -2147012607 |
Nombre: CrmSQLCharLengthTooLong Mensaje: A validation error occurred. A string value provided is too long. |
0x8004A001 -2147180543 |
Nombre: CrmSqlGovernorDatabaseRequestDenied Mensaje: The server is busy and the request was not completed. Try again later. |
0x80073000 -2147012608 |
Nombre: CrmSQLNetworkingError Mensaje: A networking error caused this operation to fail. Please try again. |
0x80073002 -2147012606 |
Nombre: CrmSQLUniqueIndexOrConstraintViolation Mensaje: The operation attempted to insert a duplicate value for an attribute with a unique constraint. |
0x80040354 -2147220652 |
Nombre: CRMUserDoesNotExist Mensaje: No Microsoft Dynamics 365 user exists with the specified domain name and user ID |
0x80092006 -2146885626 |
Nombre: CrossEntityRelationshipInvalidOperation Mensaje: Invalid cross-entity stage transition. Specified relationship cannot be modified. |
0x80097263 -2146864541 |
Nombre: CrossPartitionTransactionNotAllowed Mensaje: Cross-partition transaction is not allowed. The transaction boundary for '{0}' spans across multiple partitions: {1}. |
0x80050141 -2147155647 |
Nombre: CurrencyAttributeNotMoneyType Mensaje: The Currency attribute {0} value is not of Money type |
0x80048cfb -2147185413 |
Nombre: CurrencyCannotBeNullDueToNonNullMoneyFields Mensaje: The currency cannot be null. |
0x8004E026 -2147164122 |
Nombre: CurrencyFieldMissing Mensaje: Record currency is required to calculate rollup field of type currency. Provide a currency and try again. |
0x80048cea -2147185430 |
Nombre: CurrencyNotEqual Mensaje: The currency of the {0} does not match the currency of the {1}. |
0x80048cf7 -2147185417 |
Nombre: CurrencyRequiredForDiscountTypeAmount Mensaje: The currency cannot be null for discount type amount. |
0x80060371 -2147089551 |
Nombre: CurrentFormEntityIsNull Mensaje: Current Form Entity cannot be NULL |
0x80060381 -2147089535 |
Nombre: CustomActionMustBeMarked Mensaje: Custom Action must be marked ‘As a Business Process Flow action step’ to use as BPF action step. |
0x8004F124 -2147159772 |
Nombre: CustomActivityCannotBeMailMergeEnabled Mensaje: A custom entity defined as an activity already cannot have MailMerge enabled. |
0x8004501D -2147200995 |
Nombre: CustomActivityInvalid Mensaje: Invalid custom activity. |
0x8004F122 -2147159774 |
Nombre: CustomActivityMustHaveOfflineAvailability Mensaje: A custom entity defined as an activity must have Offline Availability. |
0x80048841 -2147186623 |
Nombre: CustomApiNotFound Mensaje: CustomApi with unique name {0} not found. |
0x80048844 -2147186620 |
Nombre: CustomApiNotFoundForSdkMessage Mensaje: CustomApi not found for sdk message with guid {0}. |
0x80048843 -2147186621 |
Nombre: CustomApiNotFoundWithGuid Mensaje: CustomApi with guid {0} not found. |
0x80160019 -2146041831 |
Nombre: CustomControlDescriptionMissingForControl Mensaje: There needs to be a one-to-one mapping between the control and its description No matching ControlDescription found for the custom control {0}. More Details:{1} |
0x80160004 -2146041852 |
Nombre: CustomControlNotAllowedInFooter Mensaje: Custom controls are not allowed in footer. More Details:{0} |
0x80160002 -2146041854 |
Nombre: CustomControlsDependentPropertyConfiguration Mensaje: Property "{0}" can only be configured after property "{1}" has been assigned a value. |
0x80160000 -2146041856 |
Nombre: CustomControlsImportError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Custom Controls. Try importing this solution again. |
0x80160003 -2146041853 |
Nombre: CustomControlsPropertySetConfiguration Mensaje: Property "{0}" can only be configured after Corresponding DataSet "{1}" view has been assigned a value. |
0x80160008 -2146041848 |
Nombre: CustomControlWithIdNotFound Mensaje: Custom control with Id {0} does not exist. More Details:{1} |
0x80160007 -2146041849 |
Nombre: CustomControlWithNameNotFound Mensaje: Custom control with name {0} does not exist. More Details:{1} |
0x80090118 -2146893544 |
Nombre: CustomDataTypeCreateRestricted Mensaje: Creation of data type '{0}' is not enabled in current publisher context. |
0x80090119 -2146893543 |
Nombre: CustomDataTypeMemberCreateRestricted Mensaje: Creation of data type member '{0}' is not enabled in current publisher context. |
0x80040517 -2147220201 |
Nombre: CustomerIsInactive Mensaje: An inactive customer cannot be set as the parent of an object. |
0x80048202 -2147188222 |
Nombre: CustomerOpportunityRoleExists Mensaje: Customer opportunity role exists. |
0x8004847d -2147187587 |
Nombre: CustomerRelationshipCannotBeDeleted Mensaje: This relationship {1} is required by the {0} attribute and can't be deleted. To delete this relationship, first delete the lookup attribute. |
0x80048201 -2147188223 |
Nombre: CustomerRelationshipExists Mensaje: Customer relationship already exists. CustomerRelationshipId: {0}, CustomerId: {1}, CustomerIdType: {2}, PartnerId: {3}, PartnerIdType: {4}, CustomerRoleId: {5}, PartnerRoleId: {6}, UniqueDscId: {7} |
0x80048531 -2147187407 |
Nombre: CustomImageAttributeOnlyAllowedOnCustomEntity Mensaje: A custom image attribute can only be added to a custom entity. |
0x8004F066 -2147159962 |
Nombre: CustomizationFileMissing Mensaje: Please provide a valide CustomizationFile or a valid StageSolutionUploadId to download the CustomizationFile. |
0x8004F062 -2147159966 |
Nombre: CustomizationLockEx_BlockedUnknown Mensaje: Cannot start the requested operation because there is another [{0}] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. |
0x8004F067 -2147159961 |
Nombre: CustomizationLockEx_BlockingUnknown Mensaje: Cannot start the requested operation [{0}] because there is a customization running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. |
0x8004F064 -2147159964 |
Nombre: CustomizationLockEx_BothKnownDifferent Mensaje: Cannot start the requested operation [{0}] because there is another [{1}] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. |
0x8004F063 -2147159965 |
Nombre: CustomizationLockEx_BothKnownSame Mensaje: Cannot start another [{0}] because there is a previous [{1}] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. |
0x8004F061 -2147159967 |
Nombre: CustomizationLockEx_BothUnknown Mensaje: Cannot start the requested operation because there is a customization running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. |
0x80045052 -2147200942 |
Nombre: CustomOperationNotActivated Mensaje: Process action associated with this process is not activated. |
0x80047102 -2147192574 |
Nombre: CustomParentingSystemNotSupported Mensaje: A custom entity can not have a parental relationship to a system entity |
0x80044904 -2147202812 |
Nombre: CustomPeriodGoalHavingExtraInfo Mensaje: For a goal of custom period type, fiscal year and fiscal period attributes must be left blank. |
0x80044907 -2147202809 |
Nombre: CustomPeriodGoalMissingInfo Mensaje: For a goal of custom period type, goalstartdate and goalenddate attributes must have data. |
0x8004432C -2147204308 |
Nombre: CustomReflexiveRelationshipNotAllowedForEntity Mensaje: This entity is not valid for a custom reflexive relationship |
0x80090117 -2146893545 |
Nombre: CustomTypeAttributeCreateRestricted Mensaje: Use of data type {0} for attribute '{1}' of entity with id = '{2}' is not enabled in current publisher context. |
0x80045051 -2147200943 |
Nombre: CustomWorkflowActivitiesNotSupported Mensaje: Custom Workflow Activities are not enabled. |
0x80047004 -2147192828 |
Nombre: CyclicalRelationship Mensaje: The specified relationship will result in a cycle. |
0x80071156 -2147020458 |
Nombre: CyclicDependency Mensaje: Cyclic component dependency detected. Please check the exception for more details. Fix the invalid dependencies and try the operation one more time. Detaisl: {0} |
0x8004417F -2147204737 |
Nombre: CyclicReferencesNotSupported Mensaje: The input contains a cyclic reference, which is not supported. |
0x80072401 -2147015679 |
Nombre: DatabaseCallsBlockedFailure Mensaje: This invocation may lead to calls to Database which is not allowed. |
0x8004B065 -2147176347 |
Nombre: DatacenterNotAvailable Mensaje: This datacenter endpoint is not currently available for this organization. |
0x80040345 -2147220667 |
Nombre: DataColumnsNumberMismatch Mensaje: The number of fields differs from the number of column headings. |
0x80048744 -2147186876 |
Nombre: DataEngineComputedColumnQueryThrottling Mensaje: This query cannot be executed because it conflicts with Query Throttling; the query uses a computed column in a filter condition, which will cause the query to be throttled more aggressively. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2162952 |
0x80048589 -2147187319 |
Nombre: DataEngineCreateIndexCannotQueue Mensaje: The adhoc request already exists |
0x80048588 -2147187320 |
Nombre: DataEngineCreateIndexMetadataAlreadyExists Mensaje: The requested index already Exists in Index Metadata. The index will be created during the nightly job. |
0x80048590 -2147187312 |
Nombre: DataEngineCreateIndexSqlIndexAlreadyExists Mensaje: The Index or a super-set index already exists in sql. |
0x80048586 -2147187322 |
Nombre: DataEngineIndexMGMTApisForbidden Mensaje: Forbidden: Invalid User for endpoint |
0x80048587 -2147187321 |
Nombre: DataEngineIndexMGMTApisInvalidInput Mensaje: Input Invalid: {0} |
0x80048644 -2147187132 |
Nombre: DataEngineLeadingWildcardQueryThrottling Mensaje: This query cannot be executed because it conflicts with Query Throttling; the query uses a leading wildcard value in a filter condition, which will cause the query to be throttled more aggressively. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2162952 |
0x80048745 -2147186875 |
Nombre: DataEnginePerformanceValidationIssuesQueryThrottling Mensaje: This query cannot be executed because it conflicts with Query Throttling; the query has performance validation issues ({0}), which will cause the query to be throttled more aggressively. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2162952 |
0x80049544 -2147183292 |
Nombre: DataEngineQueryBlocking Mensaje: This query cannot be executed because it was blocked by the platform. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2162952 |
0x80049545 -2147183291 |
Nombre: DataEngineQueryThrottling Mensaje: This query cannot be executed because it was blocked by the platform. This was blocked due to query complexity leading to timeouts. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2162952 |
0x80048544 -2147187388 |
Nombre: DataEngineQueryThrottling Mensaje: This query cannot be executed because it conflicts with Query Throttling. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2162952 |
0x80050544 -2147154620 |
Nombre: DataEngineSerializeQueryThrottling Mensaje: This query cannot be executed because it conflicts with Query Throttling. The query is restricted to limited parallel executions. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2162952 |
0x80160021 -2146041823 |
Nombre: DataFieldNameIsMissing Mensaje: Required attribute \datafieldname\ is missing for control. More Details:{0} |
0x8006041b -2147089381 |
Nombre: DatafieldNameShouldBeNull Mensaje: ActionStep {0} references invalid DataFieldName {1}. |
0x80160022 -2146041822 |
Nombre: DataFieldSpecifiedIsNotALookup Mensaje: The datafieldname attribute {0} is not of type lookup. More Details:{1} |
0x80090205 -2146893307 |
Nombre: DataLakeNotSupportedForCmkSqlStorageOnly Mensaje: Datalake is not supported as organization has CMK SQL storage enabled. |
0x80044336 -2147204298 |
Nombre: DataMigrationManagerMandatoryUpdatesNotInstalled Mensaje: First-time configuration of the Data Migration Manager has been canceled. You will not be able to use the Data Migration Manager until configuration is completed. |
0x80044333 -2147204301 |
Nombre: DataMigrationManagerUnknownProblem Mensaje: The Data Migration Manager encountered an unknown problem and cannot continue. To try again, restart the Data Migration Manager. |
0x80097623 -2146863581 |
Nombre: DataProcessingModuleSubmissionRequestThrottled Mensaje: This operation cannot be performed. Reason: {0}. Please retry after {1} seconds. |
0x80160016 -2146041834 |
Nombre: DatasetControlSchemaInvalid Mensaje: The dataset '{0}' should contain ViewId, IsUserView, or both nodes {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x80160036 -2146041802 |
Nombre: DatasetWithNameNotFound Mensaje: Dataset with name '{0}' not found Dataset Configuration for reference: {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x800609B5 -2147087947 |
Nombre: DatasheetNotAvailable Mensaje: The data sheet is not available. |
0x8005F210 -2147094000 |
Nombre: DataSourceInitializeFailedErrorCode Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005F211 -2147093999 |
Nombre: DataSourceOfflineErrorCode Mensaje: This operation failed because you're offline. Reconnect and try again. |
0x8004830D -2147187955 |
Nombre: DataSourceProhibited Mensaje: A non fetch based data source is not permitted on this report |
0x8005F21d -2147093987 |
Nombre: DataStoreKeyNotFoundErrorCode Mensaje: Not in local store with key '{0}' |
0x80072514 -2147015404 |
Nombre: DataSyncBadRequest Mensaje: The request could not be understood by the server |
0x80072512 -2147015406 |
Nombre: DataSyncNoContent Mensaje: No data sync content |
0x80072511 -2147015407 |
Nombre: DataSyncRequestAccepted Mensaje: Data sync request accepted |
0x80072517 -2147015401 |
Nombre: DataSyncStateBadRequest Mensaje: The request could not be understood by the server |
0x800609B0 -2147087952 |
Nombre: DataTableNotAvailable Mensaje: The original data table has been deleted or renamed. |
0x8004F0FC -2147159812 |
Nombre: DataTypeMismatchForLinkedAttribute Mensaje: Data type mismatch found for linked attribute. |
0x80090431 -2146892751 |
Nombre: DataTypeMismatchForLinkedAttributeProps Mensaje: Unable to link attribute '{0}' for entity '{1}' as property '{2}' with values '{3}' and '{4}' do not match.'. |
0x80090100 -2146893568 |
Nombre: DataTypeNotFound Mensaje: The data type with {0} = '{1}' cannot be found. |
0x80090106 -2146893562 |
Nombre: DataTypeValidationError Mensaje: The data type with Id = '{0}', Name = '{1}', and DisplayName = '{2}' has failed validation. Please review the following value '{3}' for parameter '{4}'. |
0x81097630 -2130086352 |
Nombre: DatetimeAttributeSchemaNameConflict Mensaje: Cannot create datetime attribute with name '{0}' because it will create a child '{1}' attribute with the same name as another existing attribute with name '{2}'. |
0x8004025a -2147220902 |
Nombre: DateTimeFormatFailed Mensaje: Failed to produce a formatted datetime value. |
0x80048559 -2147187367 |
Nombre: DBConnectionOpenCircuitBreakerThrottling Mensaje: The connection to the database could not be opened due to a high number of recent connection failures. Please try again later. |
0x80048551 -2147187375 |
Nombre: DBConnectionOrTransactionInitializationFailed Mensaje: Initialization of the database connection or transaction failed. This operation should be retried later. Initialization exception message: {0} |
0x80048562 -2147187358 |
Nombre: DBQueryFailedDueToClosedTransaction Mensaje: Cannot continue SQL query execution in a disposed transaction; the transaction may have been disposed after a Sandbox plug-in timeout. This operation should be retried later. Original exception: {0} |
0x80048563 -2147187357 |
Nombre: DBSessionKilledByEscort Mensaje: The database session was disconnected; this may be because a schema customization request is currently being ran in this environment. Please try again after the schema customization request is completed. Schema customization should be done outside of working hours if possible. Original exception: {0} |
0x80048561 -2147187359 |
Nombre: DBTransactionFailedToStart Mensaje: The database transaction failed to start due to an internal server error. Please retry the operation. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact Support. |
0x80048553 -2147187373 |
Nombre: DBUpgradeCauseTimeout Mensaje: The operation timed out because the database is currently being upgraded. Please try again after the database upgrade is complete. |
0x8009050B -2146892533 |
Nombre: DeactivateEntityKeyOnlyForActiveIndexes Mensaje: Deactivate entity key is only supported for Active EntityKey. |
0x8009049C -2146892644 |
Nombre: DecimalAttributeMinMaxOutOfRange Mensaje: Min/max values are out of range for '{0}' attribute with AttributeId {1}. MinValue: {2}, MaxValue: {3}, ValueLowerLimit:{4}, ValueUpperLimit: {5}. |
0x80044330 -2147204304 |
Nombre: DecimalValueOutOfRange Mensaje: A validation error occurred. A decimal value provided is outside of the allowed values for this attribute. |
0x80048206 -2147188218 |
Nombre: DecoupleChildEntity Mensaje: Cannot decouple a child entity. |
0x80048207 -2147188217 |
Nombre: DecoupleUserOwnedEntity Mensaje: Can only decouple user owned entities. |
0x80060992 -2147087982 |
Nombre: DecreasingDaysWillDeleteOlderData Mensaje: Decreasing the number of days will delete mobile offline data older than the number of days specified. |
0x8004F100 -2147159808 |
Nombre: DefaultSiteCollectionUrlChanged Mensaje: Default site collection url has been changed this organization after this operation was created. |
0x80048070 -2147188624 |
Nombre: DefaultSiteMapDeleteFailure Mensaje: Cannot delete default site map. |
0x80041d67 -2147213977 |
Nombre: DelegatedAdminUserCannotBeCreateNorUpdated Mensaje: The delegated admin user cannot be updated |
0x80097207 -2146864633 |
Nombre: DelegatedAuthorizationAssociationNotAllowed Mensaje: Team of type '{0}' is not an access team and cannot be associated to a delegated authorization. |
0x80090912 -2146891502 |
Nombre: DelegatedAuthorizationMissingRoadmapProjectId Mensaje: Delegated authorization '{0}' is missing Roadmap project id. |
0x80090907 -2146891513 |
Nombre: DelegatedAuthorizationMissingSharePointListId Mensaje: Delegated authorization '{0}' is missing SharePoint list id. |
0x80090906 -2146891514 |
Nombre: DelegatedAuthorizationMissingSharePointSite Mensaje: Delegated authorization '{0}' is missing SharePoint site. |
0x80090909 -2146891511 |
Nombre: DelegatedAuthorizationNotFound Mensaje: Matching delegated authorization not found for query parameter '{0}'. |
0x80097211 -2146864623 |
Nombre: DelegatedAuthorizationProviderTypeNotRecognized Mensaje: Delegated authorization provider type '{0}' is not recognized. |
0x80090910 -2146891504 |
Nombre: DelegatedAuthorizationTeamNotFound Mensaje: Matching delegated authorization team not found for delegated authorization '{0}'. |
0x80097208 -2146864632 |
Nombre: DelegatedTeamMembershipNotAllowed Mensaje: Team '{0}' is associated to a delegated authorization and cannot have members. |
0x8004501A -2147200998 |
Nombre: DeleteActiveWorkflowTemplateDependency Mensaje: Cannot delete workflow dependency from a published workflow template . |
0x80049950 -2147182256 |
Nombre: DeletedItemRefMarkedInvalid Mensaje: Deleted item ref '{0}' has been marked invalid for restore. This entity cannot be restored. |
0x80097262 -2146864542 |
Nombre: DeleteElasticTableDataError Mensaje: DeleteElasticTableData failed with Status code : '{0}' |
0x80045006 -2147201018 |
Nombre: DeletePublishedWorkflowDefinitionWorkflowDependency Mensaje: Cannot delete a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. |
0x80045004 -2147201020 |
Nombre: DeleteWorkflowActivation Mensaje: Cannot delete a workflow activation. |
0x80045005 -2147201019 |
Nombre: DeleteWorkflowActivationWorkflowDependency Mensaje: Cannot delete a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. |
0x8004500F -2147201009 |
Nombre: DeleteWorkflowActiveDefinition Mensaje: Cannot delete an active workflow definition. |
0x8004501C -2147200996 |
Nombre: DeleteWorkflowActiveTemplate Mensaje: Cannot delete an active workflow template. |
0x80071002 -2147020798 |
Nombre: DelveActionHubAttributeMissingInResponseException Mensaje: Attribute not present in exchange oData response. |
0x80071007 -2147020793 |
Nombre: DelveActionHubAuthorizationFailureException Mensaje: You don’t have the proper Office 365 license to view actions. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80071000 -2147020800 |
Nombre: DelveActionHubDisabledError Mensaje: Delve action hub feature is not enabled. |
0x80071004 -2147020796 |
Nombre: DelveActionHubInvalidResponseFormatException Mensaje: Invalid response format. |
0x80071003 -2147020797 |
Nombre: DelveActionHubInvalidStateCodeException Mensaje: Invalid state code passed in expression. |
0x80071005 -2147020795 |
Nombre: DelveActionHubResponseRetievalFailureException Mensaje: Error while fetching actions from Exchange. |
0x80071008 -2147020792 |
Nombre: DelveActionHubS2SSetupFailureException Mensaje: Server to Server Authentication with Exchange for Delve Action Hub is not set up. |
0x80090476 -2146892682 |
Nombre: DenormalizedRelationshipAttributeRequiresSecondaryEntityKey Mensaje: The entitykey {0} is not secondary key. Denormalied relationship attributes require secondary entity key. |
0x8004F01A -2147160038 |
Nombre: DependencyAlreadyExists Mensaje: A {0} dependency already exists between {1}({2}) and {3}({4}). Cannot also create {5} dependency. |
0x8004F01B -2147160037 |
Nombre: DependencyTableNotEmpty Mensaje: The dependency table must be empty for initialization to complete successfully. |
0x8004F025 -2147160027 |
Nombre: DependencyTrackingClosed Mensaje: Invalid attempt to process a dependency after the current transaction context has been closed. |
0x8004D262 -2147167646 |
Nombre: DeploymentServiceCannotChangeStateForDeploymentService Mensaje: You cannot change the state of this server because it contains the Deployment Service server role. |
0x8004D265 -2147167643 |
Nombre: DeploymentServiceCannotDeleteOperationInProgress Mensaje: The Deployment Service cannot delete the specified operation because it is currently in progress. |
0x8004D261 -2147167647 |
Nombre: DeploymentServiceNotAllowOperation Mensaje: Deployment Service for {0} does not allow {1} operation. |
0x8004D260 -2147167648 |
Nombre: DeploymentServiceNotAllowSetToThisState Mensaje: Deployment Service for {0} allows the state Enabled or Disabled. Cannot set state to {1}. |
0x8004D264 -2147167644 |
Nombre: DeploymentServiceOperationIdentifierNotFound Mensaje: The Deployment Service could not find a deferred operation having the specified identifier. |
0x8004D263 -2147167645 |
Nombre: DeploymentServiceRequestValidationFailure Mensaje: The Deployment Service cannot process the request because one or more validation checks failed. |
0x8004F662 -2147158430 |
Nombre: DeprecatedFormActivation Mensaje: This form has been deprecated in the previous release and cannot be used anymore. Please migrate your changes to a different form. Deprecated forms will be removed from the system in the future. |
0x8004F667 -2147158425 |
Nombre: DeprecatedMobileFormsCreation Mensaje: Mobile forms have been deprecated. Cannot create new mobile express forms. |
0x8004F668 -2147158424 |
Nombre: DeprecatedMobileFormsEdit Mensaje: Mobile forms have been deprecated. Cannot open mobile forms editor. |
0x80044274 -2147204492 |
Nombre: DeprovisionRIAccessNotAllowed Mensaje: Relationship Insights can only be turned off by a system administrator. |
0x80050100 -2147155712 |
Nombre: DesignerAccessDenied Mensaje: You do not have enough privileges to perform the requested operation. For more information, contact your administrator. |
0x80050101 -2147155711 |
Nombre: DesignerInvalidParameter Mensaje: The {0} provided is incorrect or missing. Please try again with the correct {1}. |
0x80071022 -2147020766 |
Nombre: DestinationFolderNotExists Mensaje: Unable to copy the documents. The destination document location no longer exists. |
0x80060873 -2147088269 |
Nombre: DialogNameCannotBeNull Mensaje: "DialogName cannot be null for type Dialog |
0x80044202 -2147204606 |
Nombre: DisabledCRMAddinLoadFailure Mensaje: An error occurred loading Microsoft Dynamics 365 functionality. Try restarting Outlook. Contact your system administrator if errors persist. |
0x80044204 -2147204604 |
Nombre: DisabledCRMClientVersionHigher Mensaje: The Microsoft Dynamics 365 server needs to be upgraded before Microsoft Dynamics 365 client can be used. Contact your system administrator for assistance. |
0x80044203 -2147204605 |
Nombre: DisabledCRMClientVersionLower Mensaje: You're running a version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook that is not supported for offline mode with this Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization {0}. You'll need to upgrade to a compatible version of Dynamics 365 for Outlook. Make sure your current version of Dynamics 365 for Outlook is supported for upgrading to the compatible version. |
0x80044200 -2147204608 |
Nombre: DisabledCRMGoingOffline Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 functionality is not available while Offline Synchronization is occuring |
0x80044201 -2147204607 |
Nombre: DisabledCRMGoingOnline Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 functionality is not available while Online Synchronization is occuring |
0x80044206 -2147204602 |
Nombre: DisabledCRMOnlineCrmNotAvailable Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 server is not available |
0x80044205 -2147204603 |
Nombre: DisabledCRMPostOfflineUpgrade Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 functionality is not available until the Microsoft Dynamics 365 client is taken back online |
0x8004F895 -2147157867 |
Nombre: DisabledUserBeingOwnerOfSLA Mensaje: You can't activate the SLA because owner of the SLA is in disabled state. Please assign the owner to an enabled user. |
0x80044280 -2147204480 |
Nombre: DisableRIFeatureNotAllowed Mensaje: You need system administrator privileges to turn Relationship Insights off for your organization. |
0x80043b20 -2147206368 |
Nombre: DiscountAmount Mensaje: The discount type does not support 'percentage' discounts. |
0x80043b1f -2147206369 |
Nombre: DiscountAmountAndPercent Mensaje: Both 'amount' and 'percentage' cannot be set. |
0x80043b21 -2147206367 |
Nombre: DiscountPercent Mensaje: The discount type does not support 'amount' discounts. |
0x80043b02 -2147206398 |
Nombre: DiscountRangeOverlap Mensaje: The new quantities overlap the range covered by existing quantities. |
0x80048cf8 -2147185416 |
Nombre: DiscountTypeAndPriceLevelCurrencyNotEqual Mensaje: The currency of the discount needs to match the currency of the price list for discount type amount. |
0x80050124 -2147155676 |
Nombre: DiskSpaceNotEnough Mensaje: There is not enough space in the Temp Folder. |
0x80040c06 -2147218426 |
Nombre: DistinctClauseUnsupportedForMultiPartitionQuery Mensaje: Distinct clause is not supported for multi-partition query. |
0x80072531 -2147015375 |
Nombre: DistinctWithImageAttributeError Mensaje: Distinct is not allowed when image attributes are selected. |
0x80048453 -2147187629 |
Nombre: DistributeListAssociatedVary Mensaje: This campaign activity cannot be distributed. Mail merge activities can be done only on marketing lists that are all the same record type. For this campaign activity, remove marketing lists so that the remaining ones are the same record type, and then try again. |
0x80048454 -2147187628 |
Nombre: DistributeNoListAssociated Mensaje: This campaign activity cannot be distributed. No marketing lists are associated with it. Add at least one marketing list and try again. |
0x8004F0FF -2147159809 |
Nombre: DocumentManagementDisabled Mensaje: Document Management has been disabled for this organization. |
0x80050010 -2147155952 |
Nombre: DocumentManagementDisabledForEmail Mensaje: Document Management must be enabled on the Email entity in order to follow attachments. Please contact your administrator to enable Document Management. |
0x80060908 -2147088120 |
Nombre: DocumentManagementDisabledOnEntity Mensaje: You must enable document management for this Entity in order to enable OneNote integration. |
0x8004F312 -2147159278 |
Nombre: DocumentManagementIsDisabled Mensaje: Document Management is not enabled for this Organization. |
0x80071011 -2147020783 |
Nombre: DocumentManagementIsDisabledOnEntity Mensaje: You must enable document management for this Entity in order to enable Document Recommendations. |
0x8004F313 -2147159277 |
Nombre: DocumentManagementNotEnabledNoPrimaryField Mensaje: Document management could not be enabled because a primary field is not defined for this entity with name {0} and id {1}. |
0x80071019 -2147020775 |
Nombre: DocumentRecommendationsFCBOff Mensaje: The document suggestions feature is not enabled. |
0x800608C9 -2147088183 |
Nombre: DocumentTemplateFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Document template feature is not enabled. |
0x800608CD -2147088179 |
Nombre: DocxExportGeneratingWordFailed Mensaje: An error occurred while generating the Word document. Please try again. |
0x800608CE -2147088178 |
Nombre: DocxValidationFailed Mensaje: The upload failed because the selected file is not consistent with the template layout. Please try again after selecting a file with the template layout. |
0x80044228 -2147204568 |
Nombre: DoNotTrackItem Mensaje: Selected item will not be tracked. |
0x8009049D -2146892643 |
Nombre: DoubleAttributeMinMaxOutOfRange Mensaje: Min/max values are out of range for '{0}' attribute with AttributeId {1}. MinValue: {2}, MaxValue: {3}, ValueLowerLimit:{4}, ValueUpperLimit: {5}. |
0x8006098F -2147087985 |
Nombre: DownloadAllEntityRecordsChangedOrCreatedWithinTheseDays Mensaje: Download all entity records changed or created within this number of days. |
0x80071140 -2147020480 |
Nombre: DownloadRelatedDataOnlyMustHaveRelationship Mensaje: The profile '{0}' could not be published because it is configured to download related records only for table: '{1}', but no relationships are specified. Please review the filter selection of "download related records only" for table '{1}' and select at least one relationship or change the filter type for the table '{1}'. |
0x80090475 -2146892683 |
Nombre: DownloadResponseHeaderNotSupported Mensaje: Attribute '{0}' of type '{1}' of entity '{2}' is not a downloadable type. |
0x8004F994 -2147157612 |
Nombre: DraftBundleToProduct Mensaje: You can only add products to a draft bundle. |
0x80072516 -2147015402 |
Nombre: DSSInternalServerError Mensaje: DSS Internal Server Error |
0x80097226 -2146864602 |
Nombre: DSSOfflineSyncDeprecated Mensaje: Mobile offline sync using DSS service is deprecated |
0x80072327 -2147015897 |
Nombre: DSSThrottlingConcurrencyLimitExceededError Mensaje: Too many concurrent requests detected. |
0x80072022 -2147016670 |
Nombre: DuplicateActionNameInWorkflowDefinition Mensaje: An action name key with the name {0} already exists on workflow {1}.. |
0x8004E00B -2147164149 |
Nombre: DuplicateAliasFound Mensaje: Data Description is invalid. Duplicate alias found. |
0x8004F511 -2147158767 |
Nombre: DuplicateApplicationUser Mensaje: You are attempting to create an Application ID = {0} that already exists. |
0x8005011F -2147155681 |
Nombre: DuplicateAppModuleUniqueName Mensaje: The name you entered is already in use. |
0x80060304 -2147089660 |
Nombre: DuplicateAttributePhysicalName Mensaje: Attribute {0} already exists for entity {1}. |
0x80047013 -2147192813 |
Nombre: DuplicateAttributeSchemaName Mensaje: {0} |
0x800608F1 -2147088143 |
Nombre: DuplicateChannelPropertyName Mensaje: A channel property with the specified name already exists. You can't create another one. |
0x80048412 -2147187694 |
Nombre: DuplicateCheckNotEnabled Mensaje: Duplicate detection is not enabled. To enable duplicate detection, click Settings, click Data Management, and then click Duplicate Detection Settings. |
0x80048410 -2147187696 |
Nombre: DuplicateCheckNotSupportedOnEntity Mensaje: Duplicate detection is not supported on this record type. |
0x80071153 -2147020461 |
Nombre: DuplicateComponentInSolutionXml Mensaje: Duplicate Component is present in the XML. |
0x80072016 -2147016682 |
Nombre: DuplicateCustomComponentInstance Mensaje: Invalid solution identified. There are more than one component with the same id added to the solution. Component Name: {0}, Key: {1}. |
0x80160037 -2146041801 |
Nombre: DuplicateDatasetConfigurationFound Mensaje: Dataset with name'{0}' has a duplicate configuration Dataset Configuration for reference: {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x80048430 -2147187664 |
Nombre: DuplicateDetectionNotSupportedOnAttributeType Mensaje: The rule condition cannot be created or updated because duplicate detection is not supported on the data type of the selected attribute. |
0x8004F039 -2147160007 |
Nombre: DuplicateDetectionRulesWereUnpublished Mensaje: The duplicate detection rules for this entity have been unpublished due to possible modifications to the entity. |
0x80048424 -2147187676 |
Nombre: DuplicateDetectionTemplateNotFound Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 could not retrieve the e-mail notification template. |
0x80047012 -2147192814 |
Nombre: DuplicateDisplayCollectionName Mensaje: An object with the specified display collection name already exists. |
0x80047011 -2147192815 |
Nombre: DuplicateDisplayName Mensaje: An object with the specified display name already exists. |
0x80071152 -2147020462 |
Nombre: DuplicatedJobId Mensaje: Parameter ImportJobId must be unique. |
0x80071155 -2147020459 |
Nombre: DuplicatedJobIdDueToConcurrency Mensaje: Cannot create the solution job using the supplied JobId ({0}) as it is already in use. This may indicate that another solution operation is progress. Please try again later. |
0x8004140f -2147216369 |
Nombre: DuplicatedPrivilege Mensaje: Privilege {0} is duplicated. |
0x80049929 -2147182295 |
Nombre: DuplicateExceptionEntityKeyRestoreRecycleBin Mensaje: Duplicate entity key preventing restore of record '{0}' with primary key '{1}' and primary key value '{2}'. See inner exception for entity key details. |
0x80049939 -2147182279 |
Nombre: DuplicateExceptionRestoreRecycleBin Mensaje: Please delete the existing conflicting record '{0}' with primary key '{1}' and primary key value '{2}' before attempting restore. |
0x80048484 -2147187580 |
Nombre: DuplicateFileNamesInZip Mensaje: Two or more files have the same name. File names must be unique. |
0x8004E01B -2147164133 |
Nombre: DuplicateGroupByFound Mensaje: Data Description is invalid. Same attribute cannot be used as a group by more than once. |
0x80040338 -2147220680 |
Nombre: DuplicateHeaderColumn Mensaje: A duplicate column heading exists. |
0x80048cf3 -2147185421 |
Nombre: DuplicateIsoCurrencyCode Mensaje: Cannot insert duplicate currency record. Currency with the same currency code already exist in the system. |
0x80040352 -2147220654 |
Nombre: DuplicateLookupFound Mensaje: A duplicate lookup reference was found |
0x80048443 -2147187645 |
Nombre: DuplicateMapName Mensaje: A data map with the specified name already exists. |
0x80047010 -2147192816 |
Nombre: DuplicateName Mensaje: An object with the specified name already exists |
0x80160020 -2146041824 |
Nombre: DuplicateNonFormFactorControlNodes Mensaje: There are duplicate custom control nodes found for control {0}. More Details:{1} |
0x80048449 -2147187639 |
Nombre: DuplicateOfflineFilter Mensaje: You can create only one local data group for each record type. |
0x80040274 -2147220876 |
Nombre: DuplicateOutlookAppointment Mensaje: The Appointment being promoted from Outlook is already tracked in Dynamics 365 |
0x80160034 -2146041804 |
Nombre: DuplicateParameterIsFoundOnDefaultDeclaration Mensaje: Property:{0} is declared more than once on default declaration. More Details:{1} |
0x80160033 -2146041805 |
Nombre: DuplicateParameterIsFoundOnFormFactor Mensaje: Property:{0} is declared more than once on form factor '{1}'. More Details:{2} |
0x80043239 -2147208647 |
Nombre: DuplicatePrimaryKeyExceptionBinTable Mensaje: Record with Id '{0}' in table '{1}' was deleted previously and still exists in the recycle bin please delete deleted record reference with id '{2}' to delete this record. |
0x8004701E -2147192802 |
Nombre: DuplicatePrimaryNameAttribute Mensaje: The new {2} attribute is set as the primary name attribute for the {1} entity. The {1} entity already has the {0} attribute set as the primary name attribute. An entity can only have one primary name attribute. |
0x80061118 -2147086056 |
Nombre: DuplicatePrivilegeInRolecontrol Mensaje: The Channel Access Profile privilege array contains duplicate privilege references. |
0x80043b08 -2147206392 |
Nombre: DuplicateProductPriceLevel Mensaje: This product and unit combination has a price for this price list. |
0x8004F891 -2147157871 |
Nombre: DuplicateProductRelationship Mensaje: A product relationship with the same product and related product already exists. |
0x80040237 -2147220937 |
Nombre: DuplicateRecord Mensaje: Operation failed due to a SQL integrity violation. |
0x80060892 -2147088238 |
Nombre: DuplicateRecordEntityKey Mensaje: Entity Key {0} violated. A record with the same value for {1} already exists. A duplicate record cannot be created. Select one or more unique values and try again. |
0x80040333 -2147220685 |
Nombre: DuplicateRecordsFound Mensaje: A record was not created or updated because a duplicate of the current record already exists. |
0x80040495 -2147220331 |
Nombre: DuplicateReportVisibility Mensaje: A ReportVisibility with the same ReportId and VisibilityCode already exists. Duplicates are not allowed. |
0x80048341 -2147187903 |
Nombre: DuplicateSalesTeamMember Mensaje: The user you're trying to add is already a member of the sales team. |
0x80050136 -2147155658 |
Nombre: DuplicateSiteMapUniqueName Mensaje: The name {0} is already in use by an existing site map. Please delete the site map and try again. |
0x8004F201 -2147159551 |
Nombre: DuplicateUIStatementRootsFound Mensaje: There can be only one root statement for a given uiscript. |
0x80061038 -2147086280 |
Nombre: DynamicPropertyDefaultValueNeeded Mensaje: You must specify a default value because this property is required and is read-only. |
0x8008100A -2146955254 |
Nombre: DynamicPropertyInstanceMissingRequiredColumns Mensaje: The property instance can't be updated. Verify that the following fields are present: dynamicpropertyid, dynamicpropertyoptionsetvalueid, and regardingobjectid. |
0x8008100B -2146955253 |
Nombre: DynamicPropertyInstanceUpdateValuesDifferentRegarding Mensaje: The property instances couldn't be saved because they refer to different product line items. |
0x80081004 -2146955260 |
Nombre: DynamicPropertyInvalidRegardingForUpdate Mensaje: You can’t create or change properties for a published or retired product. |
0x80081001 -2146955263 |
Nombre: DynamicPropertyInvalidStateChange Mensaje: You can't set an inactive property to an active state. |
0x80081002 -2146955262 |
Nombre: DynamicPropertyInvalidStateForDelete Mensaje: You can't delete a property that is in the active state. |
0x80081000 -2146955264 |
Nombre: DynamicPropertyInvalidStateForUpdate Mensaje: You can't update a property that isn't in the draft state. |
0x8008100C -2146955252 |
Nombre: DynamicPropertyOptionSetInvalidStateForUpdate Mensaje: You can't modify the property option set item for a property that is not in the draft state. |
0x80097378 -2146864264 |
Nombre: DynamicsPackageNotFound Mensaje: The dynamics packages with uniquename '{0}' included in the billing context of workflow are not found in the environment. |
0x80060005 -2147090427 |
Nombre: EditorOnlySupportAndOperatorForLogicalConditions Mensaje: The rule expression contains logical operator which is not supported. The editor only support And operator for Logical conditions. |
0x800609B8 -2147087944 |
Nombre: EditQueryInDynamicExcelNotSupported Mensaje: You can’t edit the query on a dynamic spreadsheet once the Excel file has been exported. If you’d like to make changes, go back to Dynamics 365 and then re-export. |
0x80050025 -2147155931 |
Nombre: EESiteDBFetchFailure Mensaje: Unable to fetch data from site DB. |
0x80090488 -2146892664 |
Nombre: EICExportFailure Mensaje: Error occured when exporting EntityImageConfig record. Reason: {0} |
0x8009725A -2146864550 |
Nombre: ElasticChildUnOwnedEntityOperationNotSupported Mensaje: This operation is not supported for elastic child unonwned entities yet. |
0x80097259 -2146864551 |
Nombre: ElasticChildUnOwnedEntityParentMissingError Mensaje: This operation on elastic child unowned table is not allowed without parent record value. |
0x8009725D -2146864547 |
Nombre: ElasticChildUnOwnedEntityParentTypeMissingError Mensaje: {0} on an elastic child unowned table is not allowed without specifying the parent record type. |
0x80097252 -2146864558 |
Nombre: ElasticEntityExecuteTransactionError Mensaje: Transaction failed with Status code : '{0}' |
0x80040523 -2147220189 |
Nombre: EmailAlreadyExistsInDestinationQueue Mensaje: You cannot add this e-mail to the selected queue. A queue item for this e-mail already exists in the queue. You can delete the item from the queue, and then try again. |
0x80090484 -2146892668 |
Nombre: EmailBodyMaxLengthCannotBeChanged Mensaje: Format {0} does not support changing the maximum length of column {1}. |
0x80050007 -2147155961 |
Nombre: EmailDoesNotExist Mensaje: Email does not exist for given attachment. |
0x80050003 -2147155965 |
Nombre: EmailEngagementFeatureDisabled Mensaje: Please enable Email Engagement feature for current org to follow or unfollow email attachment. |
0x80050015 -2147155947 |
Nombre: EmailEngagementFeatureDisabledForAttachmentTracking Mensaje: Please enable Email Engagement feature for this organization to follow email attachments. |
0x80050022 -2147155934 |
Nombre: EmailInteractionsFetchFailure Mensaje: Unable to fetch email interactions. |
0x8005E237 -2147098057 |
Nombre: EmailMessageSizeExceeded Mensaje: Email Size Exceeds the MaximumMessageSizeLimit specified by the deployment. |
0x80050014 -2147155948 |
Nombre: EmailMonitoringDeProvisionFailed Mensaje: Email engagement feature deprovisioning failed |
0x80050011 -2147155951 |
Nombre: EmailMonitoringNotProvisioned Mensaje: RI provisioning service failed. |
0x80050012 -2147155950 |
Nombre: EmailMonitoringProvisionFailed Mensaje: Email engagement feature provisioning failed |
0x80050008 -2147155960 |
Nombre: EmailNotFollowed Mensaje: This attachment cannot be followed as its corresponding email is not followed. |
0x80050024 -2147155932 |
Nombre: EmailOpenActionCardCreationFailure Mensaje: We can’t create email open action card. |
0x80040b04 -2147218684 |
Nombre: EmailRecipientNotSpecified Mensaje: The e-mail must have at least one recipient before it can be sent |
0x80050023 -2147155933 |
Nombre: EmailReminderActionCardCreationFailure Mensaje: We can’t create email reminder action card. |
0x8005F031 -2147094479 |
Nombre: EmailRouterFileTooLargeToProcess Mensaje: One or more of the email router configuration files is too large to get processed. |
0x8005E23C -2147098052 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileADBasedAuthenticationProtocolNotAllowed Mensaje: The authentication protocol cannot be set to Negotiate or NTLM for your organization because these require Active Directory. Use a different authentication protocol or contact your system administrator to enable an Active Directory-based authentication protocol. |
0x8005E204 -2147098108 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileAutoDiscoverNotAllowed Mensaje: Auto discover server URL can location can only be used for an exchange e-mail server type. |
0x8005E23D -2147098051 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileBasicAuthenticationProtocolNotAllowed Mensaje: The specified authentication protocol cannot be used because the protocol requires sending credentials on a secure channel. Use a different authentication protocol or contact your administrator to enable Basic authentication protocol on a non-secure channel. |
0x8005E235 -2147098059 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileDelegateAccessNotAllowed Mensaje: For an SMTP email server type, auto-granted delegate access cannot be used. |
0x8005E236 -2147098058 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileImpersonationNotAllowed Mensaje: For a Non Exchange email server type, impersonation cannot be used. |
0x8005E23B -2147098053 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileInvalidAuthenticationProtocol Mensaje: The authentication protocol is invalid for the specified server and connection type. For more information, contact your system administrator. |
0x8005E203 -2147098109 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileInvalidCredentialRetrievalForExchange Mensaje: No credentials (Anonymous) cannot be used a connection type for exchange e-mail server type. |
0x8005E202 -2147098110 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileInvalidCredentialRetrievalForOnline Mensaje: Windows integrated or Anonymous authentication cannot be used as a connection type for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online. |
0x8005E20A -2147098102 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileInvalidServerLocation Mensaje: The specified server location {0} is invalid. Correct the server location and try again. |
0x8005E205 -2147098107 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileLocationNotRequired Mensaje: You cannot specify the incoming/outgoing e-mail server location when Autodiscover server location has been set to true. |
0x8005E222 -2147098078 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileNotAssociated Mensaje: Email Server Profile is not associated with the current mailbox. Please associate a valid profile to send/receive mails. |
0x8005E201 -2147098111 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileSslRequiredForOnline Mensaje: You cannot set SSL as false for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online. |
0x8005E234 -2147098060 |
Nombre: EmailServerProfileSslRequiredForOnPremise Mensaje: Usage of SSL while contacting external email servers is mandatory for this Dynamics 365 deployment. |
0x80154B51 -2146088111 |
Nombre: EmptyCommandOrEntity Mensaje: Command or entity name cannot be empty. |
0x80040365 -2147220635 |
Nombre: EmptyContent Mensaje: The file is empty. |
0x80071118 -2147020520 |
Nombre: EmptyEntityFilterXml Mensaje: The FetchXML is missing. |
0x80048487 -2147187577 |
Nombre: EmptyFileForImport Mensaje: The selected file contains no data. |
0x80048486 -2147187578 |
Nombre: EmptyFilesInZip Mensaje: One or more files in the compressed (.zip) or .cab file don't contain data. Check the files and try again. |
0x80040337 -2147220681 |
Nombre: EmptyHeaderColumn Mensaje: The column heading cannot be empty. |
0x80040366 -2147220634 |
Nombre: EmptyHeaderRow Mensaje: The first row of the file is empty. |
0x80040347 -2147220665 |
Nombre: EmptyImportFileRow Mensaje: Empty row. |
0x80040373 -2147220621 |
Nombre: EmptyRecord Mensaje: The record is empty |
0x80044818 -2147203048 |
Nombre: EmptySecretInDataSource Mensaje: Data Source secrets are not included in solutions. You'll need to edit your data sources to add secrets back following solution import. |
0x8004F402 -2147159038 |
Nombre: EmptySiteMapXml Mensaje: Sitemap xml is empty. |
0x8009725E -2146864546 |
Nombre: EmptyValuesForInOperator Mensaje: The value passed for ConditionOperator.{0} is empty. Attribute Name: {1}. |
0x80040202 -2147220990 |
Nombre: EmptyXml Mensaje: Empty XML. |
0x800609A2 -2147087966 |
Nombre: EnableMobileOfflineDisableChangeTrackingError Mensaje: You must enable change tracking for this entity since mobile offline client is enabled. |
0x80048d2C -2147185364 |
Nombre: EnableRetentionError Mensaje: Unable to enable long term retention for : {0}. |
0x80048d24 -2147185372 |
Nombre: EnableRetentionNotSupportedDuringEntityCreate Mensaje: Enable Retention is not supported during table create. Enable retention post table creation. |
0x80044279 -2147204487 |
Nombre: EnableRIFeatureNotAllowed Mensaje: You need system administrator privileges to update Relationship Insights tenant information. |
0x8004D291 -2147167599 |
Nombre: EndUserNotificationTypeNotValidForEmail Mensaje: Cannot send Email for EndUserNotification Type: {0}. |
0x80060415 -2147089387 |
Nombre: EntitiesExceedMaxAllowed Mensaje: You can't cover more than five entities in a process flow. Remove some entities and try again. |
0x80071125 -2147020507 |
Nombre: EntitiesInViewNotAvailableOffline Mensaje: One or more entities referenced are not available offline. |
0x80071124 -2147020508 |
Nombre: EntitiesInViewNotInProfile Mensaje: One or more entities in this view are not part of this profile. |
0x80060615 -2147088875 |
Nombre: EntitlementAlreadyInactiveState Mensaje: You can't activate an entitlement when it's in the active state. |
0x80044208 -2147204600 |
Nombre: EntitlementAlreadyInCanceledState Mensaje: You can't cancel an entitlement when it's in the Canceled state. |
0x80060614 -2147088876 |
Nombre: EntitlementAlreadyInDraftState Mensaje: You can't deactivate an entitlement when it's in the draft state. |
0x80060622 -2147088862 |
Nombre: EntitlementBlankTerms Mensaje: Total terms can't be blank. Enter a value and try again. |
0x80060603 -2147088893 |
Nombre: EntitlementChannelInvalidState Mensaje: An entitlement channel term cannot be created, modified or deleted when the associated entitlement is not in draft state. |
0x80060612 -2147088878 |
Nombre: EntitlementChannelWithoutEntitlementId Mensaje: Associate the entitlement channel with an entitlement or entitlement template. |
0x80060613 -2147088877 |
Nombre: EntitlementEditDraft Mensaje: You can only edit a draft entitlement. |
0x80060624 -2147088860 |
Nombre: EntitlementInvalidRemainingTerms Mensaje: The number of remaining terms can't be greater than the number of total terms. |
0x80060600 -2147088896 |
Nombre: EntitlementInvalidStartEndDate Mensaje: Start Date cannot be more than the End Date |
0x80060601 -2147088895 |
Nombre: EntitlementInvalidState Mensaje: You cannot delete an entitlement that is in active or waiting state |
0x80060604 -2147088892 |
Nombre: EntitlementInvalidTerms Mensaje: Specify a higher value for total terms so the remaining terms won't be a negative value. |
0x80060616 -2147088874 |
Nombre: EntitlementNotActiveInAssociationToCase Mensaje: You can't create a case for this entitlement because the entitlement is not in active state. |
0x80060620 -2147088864 |
Nombre: EntitlementTemplateTotalTerms Mensaje: If the allocation type is the number of cases, the total terms can't be a decimal value. Specify a whole number. |
0x80060619 -2147088871 |
Nombre: EntitlementTotalTerms Mensaje: If the allocation type is the number of cases, the total terms can't be a decimal value. Specify a whole number. |
0x80048d2A -2147185366 |
Nombre: EntityAnalyticsConfigError Mensaje: Data lake sync configuration can not be removed when retention is enabled. |
0x8004432D -2147204307 |
Nombre: EntityCannotBeChildInCustomRelationship Mensaje: This entity is either not valid as a child in a custom parental relationship or is already a child in a parental relationship |
0x80071136 -2147020490 |
Nombre: EntityCannotHaveOwnedByMeFilter Mensaje: The profile '{1}' could not be published because the table '{0}' has OwnedByMe set to true. This property is not a valid property for table: '{0}'. |
0x80071137 -2147020489 |
Nombre: EntityCannotHaveOwnedByMyTeamFilter Mensaje: The profile '{1}' could not be published because the table '{0}' has OwnedByMyTeam set to true. This property is not a valid property for table: '{0}'. |
0x80044332 -2147204302 |
Nombre: EntityCannotParticipateInEntityAssociation Mensaje: This entity cannot participate in an entity association |
0x80044368 -2147204248 |
Nombre: EntityCannotParticipateInEntityAssociationTaskOrPhonecall Mensaje: Entity {0} cannot be in an entity association with entity {1}. It should be between {1} and knowledgebaserecord. |
0x80090424 -2146892764 |
Nombre: EntityCanOnlyBeReferencedOnceInPolymorphicLookup Mensaje: The entity '{0}' cannot be referenced more than once in a polymorphic lookup. Referencing entity '{1}', attribute '{2}'. |
0x80090412 -2146892782 |
Nombre: EntityCustomizationLockException Mensaje: "Cannot start the requested operation because there is an entity customization running at this moment." |
0x80048d2B -2147185365 |
Nombre: EntityDeleteError Mensaje: The setting cannot be edited when a retention policy on the table and its children is being executed. Change the setting once the policy run in progress is completed. |
0x80048d18 -2147185384 |
Nombre: EntityDeleteTooLarge Mensaje: Entity with name: {0} cannot be deleted due to having too many rows in the table. Reduce the number of rows via bulk delete before attempting to delete again. Current Row Count: {1}. Maximum row count for delete: {2} |
0x80048431 -2147187663 |
Nombre: EntityDupCheckNotSupportedSystemWide Mensaje: Duplicate detection is not enabled for one or more of the selected entities. The duplicate detection job cannot be started. |
0x80060420 -2147089376 |
Nombre: EntityExceedsMaxActiveBusinessProcessFlows Mensaje: The {0} entity exceeds the maximum number of active business process flows. The limit is {1}. |
0x80071132 -2147020494 |
Nombre: EntityFilterContainerMustNotBeNullFormatString Mensaje: The profile could not be published because there are no filters specified for table '{0}'. Please add at least one filter for table: '{0}'. |
0x80060205 -2147089915 |
Nombre: EntityGroupNameOrEntityNamesMustBeProvided Mensaje: Missing parameter. You must provide EntityGroupName or EntityNames. |
0x80047015 -2147192811 |
Nombre: EntityHasNoStateCode Mensaje: Specified entity does not have a statecode. |
0x80060444 -2147089340 |
Nombre: EntityInstanceIsNull Mensaje: Error creating or updating Business Process: entity instance cannot be null. |
0x80040243 -2147220925 |
Nombre: EntityInstantiationFailed Mensaje: Instantiation of an Entity instance Service failed. |
0x8004830F -2147187953 |
Nombre: EntityIsIntersect Mensaje: The specified entity is intersect entity |
0x80043b1d -2147206371 |
Nombre: EntityIsLocked Mensaje: This entity is already locked. |
0x80060421 -2147089375 |
Nombre: EntityIsNotBusinessProcessFlowEnabled Mensaje: The IsBusinessProcessEnabled property of the {0} entity is false. |
0x80047008 -2147192824 |
Nombre: EntityIsNotCustomizable Mensaje: The specified entity is not customizable |
0x8006111B -2147086053 |
Nombre: EntityIsNotEnabledForExternalParty Mensaje: You can't create/update an external party item associated to an entity that is not enabled for external party. |
0x8004F6A2 -2147158366 |
Nombre: EntityIsNotEnabledForFollow Mensaje: This entity is not enabled to be followed. |
0x8004F6A1 -2147158367 |
Nombre: EntityIsNotEnabledForFollowUser Mensaje: This entity is not enabled to be followed. |
0x80043b1e -2147206370 |
Nombre: EntityIsUnlocked Mensaje: This entity is already unlocked. |
0x80090110 -2146893552 |
Nombre: EntityKeyAttributeNotValidForCreate Mensaje: Attribute of an entity key must be valid for create. Atribute Name = '{0}' Id = '{1}' |
0x80090112 -2146893550 |
Nombre: EntityKeyAttributeNotValidForCreateAndUpdate Mensaje: Attribute of an entity key must be valid for create and update. Atribute Name = '{0}' Id = '{1}' |
0x80090111 -2146893551 |
Nombre: EntityKeyAttributeNotValidForUpdate Mensaje: Attribute of an entity key must be valid for update. Atribute Name = '{0}' Id = '{1}' |
0x8009050A -2146892534 |
Nombre: EntityKeyIndexSizeConstraintViolatedByMaxLengthIncreased Mensaje: Increase MaxLength of attribute '{0}' of entitykey '{1}' from {2} to {3} causes its index size to exceed the size limit of {4} bytes. Try removing some columns or reducing the max length of this column. |
0x80060893 -2147088237 |
Nombre: EntityKeyNameExists Mensaje: An entity key with the name {0} already exists on entity {1}. |
0x80060890 -2147088240 |
Nombre: EntityKeyNotDefined Mensaje: The specified key attributes are not a defined key for the {0} entity |
0x80060889 -2147088247 |
Nombre: EntityKeyNotDefinedWithDetails Mensaje: The specified key attributes '{1}' are not defined as keys for entity '{0}', which has entity keys '{2}' |
0x80090462 -2146892702 |
Nombre: EntityKeyNotExistsForMultiPredicateRelationship Mensaje: EntityKey with id {0} does not exist for multipredicate relationship {1}. |
0x8006089F -2147088225 |
Nombre: EntityKeyNotSupportedForSolutionAwareComponents Mensaje: Entity keys are not supported for entity {0} because the entity is a solution aware component |
0x80060894 -2147088236 |
Nombre: EntityKeyWithSelectedAttributesExists Mensaje: An entity key with the selected attributes already exists on entity. |
0x80060200 -2147089920 |
Nombre: EntityLimitExceeded Mensaje: MultiEntitySearch exceeded Entity Limit defined for the Organization. |
0x8009046E -2146892690 |
Nombre: EntityLogicalNameIsEmptyOrNull Mensaje: Entity Logical Name can not be null or empty. |
0x80040387 -2147220601 |
Nombre: EntityLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: Creating this parental association would create a loop in this entity hierarchy. |
0x80040386 -2147220602 |
Nombre: EntityLoopExists Mensaje: Loop exists in this entity hierarchy. |
0x8005F238 -2147093960 |
Nombre: EntityMetadataSyncFailed Mensaje: There were problems with the server configurations. There was a problem with the server configuration changes. We are unable to load the application, please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator. |
0x8005F239 -2147093959 |
Nombre: EntityMetadataSyncFailedWithContinue Mensaje: There were difficulties with the server configuration changes. You can continue to use the app with the older configuration, however, you may experience problems including errors when saving. Please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator. |
0x80048334 -2147187916 |
Nombre: EntityNotEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams Mensaje: The entity with logicalname {0} and ObjectTypeCode {1} is not enabled for auto created access teams. |
0x8004E00C -2147164148 |
Nombre: EntityNotEnabledForCharts Mensaje: Charts are not enabled on the specified primary entity type code: {0}. |
0x8005F200 -2147094016 |
Nombre: EntityNotEnabledForThisDevice Mensaje: Entity not enabled to be viewed in this device |
0x8004F899 -2147157863 |
Nombre: EntityNotExist Mensaje: Entity name '{0}' does not exist in the organization. |
0x80094005 -2146877435 |
Nombre: EntityNotFound Mensaje: Could not find table with name '{0}'. |
0x80060368 -2147089560 |
Nombre: EntityNotMatchingBPFPrimaryEntity Mensaje: Target entity '{0}' is not the primary entity for Business Process '{1}'. |
0x8004E112 -2147163886 |
Nombre: EntityNotRule Mensaje: The collection name is not a recurrence rule. |
0x80090400 -2146892800 |
Nombre: EntityProperyProcessingNotSupported Mensaje: Entity {0} cannot be processed because it includes property {1} which has a dependency on an unsupported entity {2} in your organization. |
0x80060395 -2147089515 |
Nombre: EntityReferenceArgumentsNotBound Mensaje: Required arguments of type EntityReference must be bound to some entity. |
0x80048466 -2147187610 |
Nombre: EntityReferenceLinkNull Mensaje: EntityRefererence link cannot be null |
0x80097225 -2146864603 |
Nombre: EntityRelationshipNotFound Mensaje: Relationship with id {0} not found, profile item name {1}, profile item association name {2}. |
0x80044328 -2147204312 |
Nombre: EntityRelationshipRoleCustomLabelsMissing Mensaje: Custom labels must be provided if an entity relationship role has a display option of UseCustomLabels |
0x8004432B -2147204309 |
Nombre: EntityRelationshipSchemaNameNotUnique Mensaje: A relationship with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. |
0x8004432A -2147204310 |
Nombre: EntityRelationshipSchemaNameRequired Mensaje: Entity relationships require a name |
0x80090496 -2146892650 |
Nombre: EntityStringMissingCommentAttribute Mensaje: Unable to process '{0}' Entity String node because 'Comment' attribute is missing. ResourceKey: {1}, LanguageCode: {2}, Value: {3} |
0x80090497 -2146892649 |
Nombre: EntityStringMissingLanuguageCodeAttribute Mensaje: Unable to process '{0}' Entity String node because 'languagecode' attribute is missing. ResourceKey: {1}, Comment: {2}, Value: {3} |
0x80090495 -2146892651 |
Nombre: EntityStringMissingResourceKeyAttribute Mensaje: Unable to process '{0}' Entity String node because 'ResourceKey' attribute is missing. |
0x80100008 -2146435064 |
Nombre: EntityTypeNotSupported Mensaje: {0} entity does not support this message. |
0x8004E30B -2147163381 |
Nombre: EntityTypeSpecifiedForDashboard Mensaje: An entity type cannot be specified for a dashboard. |
0x80048d26 -2147185370 |
Nombre: EntityUpdateError Mensaje: The setting cannot be edited when a retention policy on the table and its children is being executed. Change the setting once the policy run in progress is completed. |
0x80095004 -2146873340 |
Nombre: EnvironmentVariableNotFound Mensaje: Failed to find environment variables with schema name(s) '{0}'. Create environment variables with those names or use different environment variables. |
0x80090494 -2146892652 |
Nombre: ERMissingEntityRelationshipTypeNode Mensaje: Unable to process EntityRelationship {0} because it does not contain EntityRelationshipType node. |
0x80090416 -2146892778 |
Nombre: ERMissingReferencingEntityNode Mensaje: Unable to process EntityRelationship {0} because it does not contain ReferencingEntity node. |
0x8004B066 -2147176346 |
Nombre: ErrorConnectingToDiscoveryService Mensaje: Error when trying to connect to customer's discovery service. |
0x8004B068 -2147176344 |
Nombre: ErrorConnectingToOrganizationService Mensaje: Error when trying to connect to customer's organization service. |
0x8004F203 -2147159549 |
Nombre: ErrorDeleteStatementTextIsReferenced Mensaje: You cannot delete the UI script statement text because it is being referred by one or more ui script statements. |
0x80044290 -2147204464 |
Nombre: ErrorFetchingBaseUrl Mensaje: We can't fetch base URL for organization Id {0}. Exception details {1} |
0x80044291 -2147204463 |
Nombre: ErrorFetchingRIProvisionStatus Mensaje: We can't fetch RI provisioning status for organization Id {0}. Exception details {1} |
0x80071001 -2147020799 |
Nombre: ErrorGeneratingActionHub Mensaje: An error has occurred. Please try again later. |
0x8004B013 -2147176429 |
Nombre: ErrorGeneratingInvitation Mensaje: Some Internal error occurred in generating invitation token, Please try again later |
0x8004F216 -2147159530 |
Nombre: ErrorImportInvalidForPublishedScript Mensaje: You cannot save data to a published UI script. Unpublish the UI script, and try again. |
0x80040359 -2147220647 |
Nombre: ErrorIncreate Mensaje: The Microsoft Dynamics 365 record could not be created |
0x8004035a -2147220646 |
Nombre: ErrorInDelete Mensaje: The Microsoft Dynamics 365 record could not be deleted |
0x80050013 -2147155949 |
Nombre: ErrorInFetchingEmailEngagementProvisioningStatus Mensaje: Error in fetching email engagement feature provisioning status. |
0x80044351 -2147204271 |
Nombre: ErrorInFieldWidthIncrease Mensaje: An error occurred while increasing the field width. |
0x80040323 -2147220701 |
Nombre: ErrorInImportConfig Mensaje: Cannot process with Bulk Import as Import Configuration has some errors. |
0x80040346 -2147220666 |
Nombre: ErrorInParseRow Mensaje: The row could not be parsed. This is typically caused by a row that is too long. |
0x80040357 -2147220649 |
Nombre: ErrorInSetState Mensaje: The status or status reason of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 record could not be set |
0x80048497 -2147187561 |
Nombre: ErrorInStoringImportFile Mensaje: An error occurred while storing the import file in database. |
0x80048483 -2147187581 |
Nombre: ErrorInUnzip Mensaje: An error occurred while extracting the uploaded compressed (.zip) or .cab file. Make sure that the file isn't password protected, and try uploading the file again. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
0x80048503 -2147187453 |
Nombre: ErrorInUnzipAlternate Mensaje: An error occurred while the uploaded compressed (.zip) file was being extracted. Try to upload the file again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
0x80040358 -2147220648 |
Nombre: ErrorInUpdate Mensaje: The Microsoft Dynamics 365 record could not be updated |
0x8004F214 -2147159532 |
Nombre: ErrorInvalidFileNameChars Mensaje: The Microsoft Excel file name cannot contain the following characters: * \ : > < | ? " /. Rename the file using valid characters, and try again. |
0x8004F211 -2147159535 |
Nombre: ErrorInvalidUIScriptImportFile Mensaje: File type is not supported. Select an xml file for import. |
0x8005F034 -2147094476 |
Nombre: ErrorMigrationProcessExcessOnServer Mensaje: The server is busy handling other migration processes. Please try after some time. |
0x8004F215 -2147159531 |
Nombre: ErrorMimeTypeNullOrEmpty Mensaje: The MimeType property value of the UploadFromBase64DataUIScriptRequest method is null or empty. Specify a valid property value, and try again. |
0x8004F874 -2147157900 |
Nombre: ErrorNoActiveRoutingRuleExists Mensaje: Currently there's no active rule to route this case. |
0x8004F220 -2147159520 |
Nombre: ErrorNoQueryData Mensaje: An error has occurred. Either the data does not exist or you do not have sufficient privileges to view the data. Contact your system administrator for help. |
0x80097627 -2146863577 |
Nombre: ErrorOnDisablingSourceControlIntegration Mensaje: Cannot disable source control integration on solution if previously enabled. |
0x80044289 -2147204471 |
Nombre: ErrorOnFeatureStatusChange Mensaje: We can’t enable/disable the {0} feature for organization Id {1}. Exception details {2}. |
0x80044286 -2147204474 |
Nombre: ErrorOnGetRecord Mensaje: There was an error fetching a record for table {0}. Exception details {1}. |
0x80044282 -2147204478 |
Nombre: ErrorOnGetRIProvisionStatus Mensaje: We can’t get the Relationship Insights provisioning status for organization ID {0}. Exception details {1}. |
0x80044283 -2147204477 |
Nombre: ErrorOnGetRITenantEndPoint Mensaje: We can’t get the Relationship Insights tenant endpoint information for organization ID {0}. Exception details {1}. |
0x80044287 -2147204473 |
Nombre: ErrorOnQryPropertyBagCollection Mensaje: The query didn’t return all {0} columns. |
0x80044284 -2147204476 |
Nombre: ErrorOnStartOfRIProvision Mensaje: We can’t start provisioning for organization ID {0}. Exception details {1}. |
0x80044285 -2147204475 |
Nombre: ErrorOnTenantVerifyUpdate Mensaje: We can’t verify or update tenant information for organization ID {0}. Exception details {1}. |
0x8004F087 -2147159929 |
Nombre: ErrorPersistingSolutionComponentRecord Mensaje: Error while {0} the SolutionComponent record. Type {1} - ObjectId: {2}. Exception details {3}. |
0x80044288 -2147204472 |
Nombre: ErrorPropertyBagCollectionMissedColumn Mensaje: {0} column for table {1} is missing. |
0x8004F004 -2147160060 |
Nombre: ErrorReactivatingComponentInstance Mensaje: After undeleting a label, there is no underlying label to reactivate. |
0x8004F209 -2147159543 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptCannotDeletePublishedScript Mensaje: You cannot delete a UI script that is published. You must unpublish it first. |
0x8004F213 -2147159533 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptCannotUpdatePublishedScript Mensaje: You cannot update a UI script that is published. You must unpublish it first. |
0x8004F212 -2147159534 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptFileParse Mensaje: Error occurred while parsing the XML file. |
0x8004F207 -2147159545 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptInitialStatementNotInScript Mensaje: The initial statement for this script does not belong to this script. |
0x8004F208 -2147159544 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptInitialStatementNotRoot Mensaje: The initial statement should the root statement and cannot have a previous statement set. |
0x8004F206 -2147159546 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptLanguageNotInstalled Mensaje: The language specified is not supported in your Dynamics 365 install. Please check with your system administrator on the list of "enabled" languages. |
0x8004F20B -2147159541 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptPublishMalformedScript Mensaje: The selected UI script cannot be published. The UI script contains one or more paths which do not end in an end-script or next-script action node. Correct the paths and try to publish again. |
0x8004F20A -2147159542 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptPublishMissingInitialStatement Mensaje: The selected UI script cannot be published. Provide a value for "First statement number" and try to publish again. |
0x8004F204 -2147159548 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptSessionCannotCreateForDraftScript Mensaje: You cannot create a UI script session for a UI script which is not published. |
0x8004F20D -2147159539 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptSessionCannotSetStateForDraftScript Mensaje: You cannot set the state of a UI script session for a UI script which is not published. |
0x8004F205 -2147159547 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptSessionCannotUpdateForDraftScript Mensaje: You cannot update a UI script session for a UI script which is not published. |
0x8004F20E -2147159538 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptStatementResponseTypeOnlyForPrompt Mensaje: You cannot associate the response control type for a statement which is not a prompt. |
0x8004F20C -2147159540 |
Nombre: ErrorScriptUnpublishActiveScript Mensaje: This script is in use and has active sessions (status-reason=incomplete). Please terminate the active sessions (i.e. status-reason=cancelled) and try to unpublish again. |
0x8005F032 -2147094478 |
Nombre: ErrorsInEmailRouterMigrationFiles Mensaje: Invalid File(s) for Email Router Migration |
0x8004034a -2147220662 |
Nombre: ErrorsInImportFiles Mensaje: Invalid File(s) for Import |
0x80061119 -2147086055 |
Nombre: ErrorsInProfileRuleWorkflowActivation Mensaje: You can't activate this profile rule. You don't have the required permissions on the record types that are referenced by this profile rule. |
0x80048535 -2147187403 |
Nombre: ErrorsInSlaWorkflowActivation Mensaje: You can't activate this service level agreement (SLA). You don't have the required permissions on the record types that are referenced by this SLA. |
0x80048455 -2147187627 |
Nombre: ErrorsInWorkflowDefinition Mensaje: The selected workflow has errors and cannot be published. Please open the workflow, remove the errors and try again. |
0x8004F210 -2147159536 |
Nombre: ErrorStatementDeleteOnlyForDraftScript Mensaje: You cannot delete a UI script statement for a UI script which is not draft. |
0x8004F20F -2147159537 |
Nombre: ErrorStatementOnlyForDraftScript Mensaje: You cannot create a UI script statement for a UI script which is not draft. |
0x80050102 -2147155710 |
Nombre: ErrorTemplate Mensaje: {0} |
0x8004F221 -2147159519 |
Nombre: ErrorUIScriptPromptMissing Mensaje: The dialog that is being activated has no prompt/response. |
0x8004F202 -2147159550 |
Nombre: ErrorUpdateStatementTextIsReferenced Mensaje: You cannot update this UI script statement text because it is being referred to by one or more published ui scripts. |
0x80048298 -2147188072 |
Nombre: ErrorUploadingReport Mensaje: An error occurred while trying to add the report to Microsoft Dynamics 365. Try adding the report again. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
0x80060001 -2147090431 |
Nombre: EventNotSupportedForBusinessRule Mensaje: Event {0} is not supported for client side business rule. |
0x80060003 -2147090429 |
Nombre: EventTypeAndControlNameAreMismatched Mensaje: This combination of event type and control name is unexpected |
0x80090403 -2146892797 |
Nombre: EveryEntityKeyAttributesMustBeMapped Mensaje: Every attribute of entitykey '{0}' of referenced entity '{1}' must be mapped to an attribute of the same type on the referencing entity '{2}' of relationship '{3}'. |
0x80071006 -2147020794 |
Nombre: EvoStsAuthorizationServerRecordCreationFailureException Mensaje: Database operation failed while creating authorization record for Evo STS. |
0x8004b042 -2147176382 |
Nombre: ExceedCustomEntityQuota Mensaje: The custom entity limit has been reached. |
0x80060306 -2147089658 |
Nombre: ExceededLimitForAllowedFacetableAttributes Mensaje: Cannot set user search facets for entity {0} as the limit for allowed facetable attributes is 4. Kindly remove few attributes to proceed. |
0x8004F6A0 -2147158368 |
Nombre: ExceededNumberOfRecordsCanFollow Mensaje: You have exceeded the number of records you can follow. Please unfollow some records to start following again. |
0x80060543 -2147089085 |
Nombre: ExceededRollupFieldsPerEntityQuota Mensaje: You can't add a rollup field with name {4} having id {3} for entity with name {2} and id {1}. You’ve reached the maximum number of {0} allowed for this record type. |
0x80060542 -2147089086 |
Nombre: ExceededRollupFieldsPerOrgQuota Mensaje: You can't add a rollup field. You’ve reached the maximum number of {0} allowed for your organization. |
0x80050401 -2147154943 |
Nombre: ExceedEnvironmentCapacity Mensaje: The operation {0} {1} was blocked since the environment is over on storage capacity per environment. Please work with your administrator to resolve this issue. {2} |
0x80050402 -2147154942 |
Nombre: ExceedTenantCapacity Mensaje: The operation {0} {1} was blocked since the tenant is over on storage capacity entitled for your tenant. Please work with your administrator to resolve this issue. {2} |
0x80050403 -2147154941 |
Nombre: ExceedTenantEnvironmentCount Mensaje: The operation {0} {1} was blocked since the tenant is over maximum number of environments allowed per tenant. Please work with your administrator to resolve this issue. {2} |
0x80060805 -2147088379 |
Nombre: ExcelFileNotFound Mensaje: The requested file was not found. |
0x80060808 -2147088376 |
Nombre: ExcelOnlineNotUpdated Mensaje: Excel Online file {0} was not updated by the Wopi Server within the timeout specified. |
0x8004503A -2147200966 |
Nombre: ExchangeAutodiscoverError Mensaje: Autodiscover could not find the Exchange Web Services URL for the specified mailbox. Verify that the mailbox address and the credentials provided are correct and that Autodiscover is enabled and has been configured correctly. |
0x80071102 -2147020542 |
Nombre: ExchangeCardAttributeMissingInResponseException Mensaje: Attribute not present in exchange oData response. |
0x80071104 -2147020540 |
Nombre: ExchangeCardInvalidResponseFormatException Mensaje: Invalid response format. |
0x80071105 -2147020539 |
Nombre: ExchangeCardS2SSetupFailureException Mensaje: Server to Server Authentication with Exchange for Action Card is not set up. |
0x80071106 -2147020538 |
Nombre: ExchangeOptinNotEnabled Mensaje: Exchange optin is not enabled. |
0x80048cf5 -2147185419 |
Nombre: ExchangeRateOfBaseCurrencyNotUpdatable Mensaje: The exchange rate of the base currency cannot be modified. |
0x8009724B -2146864565 |
Nombre: ExecuteCosmosSqlQueryIsNotSupportedForEntitiesWithSecuredAttributes Mensaje: ExecuteCosmosSqlQuery is not supported for entities with secured attributes. |
0x80045046 -2147200954 |
Nombre: ExecuteNotOnDemandWorkflow Mensaje: Workflow must be marked as on-demand or child workflow. |
0x80097254 -2146864556 |
Nombre: ExecuteTransactionErrorAfterMainOperation Mensaje: An Error occured after Transaction at RequestIndex : '{0}' |
0x80097253 -2146864557 |
Nombre: ExecuteTransactionErrorBeforeMainOperation Mensaje: An Error occured before Transaction at RequestIndex : '{0}' |
0x80045047 -2147200953 |
Nombre: ExecuteUnpublishedWorkflow Mensaje: Workflow must be in Published state. |
0x80040488 -2147220344 |
Nombre: ExistingExternalReport Mensaje: The report could not be published for external use because a report of the same name already exists. Delete that report in SQL Server Reporting Services or rename this report, and try again. |
0x80048205 -2147188219 |
Nombre: ExistingParentalRelationship Mensaje: A parental relationship already exists. |
0x8004E10C -2147163892 |
Nombre: ExpansionRequestIsOutsideExpansionWindow Mensaje: The series is already expanded for CutOffWindow. |
0x80060011 -2147090415 |
Nombre: ExpectingAtLeastOneBusinessRuleStep Mensaje: There should be a minimum of one Business rule step. |
0x8004A101 -2147180287 |
Nombre: ExpiredAuthTicket Mensaje: The ticket specified for authentication is expired |
0x80060617 -2147088873 |
Nombre: ExpiredEntitlementActivate Mensaje: You can't activate an expired entitlement. |
0x8004A106 -2147180282 |
Nombre: ExpiredKey Mensaje: The key specified to compute a hash value is expired, only active keys are valid. Expired Key : {0}. |
0x80041d52 -2147213998 |
Nombre: ExpiredOAuthToken Mensaje: The OAuth token has expired |
0x80044352 -2147204270 |
Nombre: ExpiredVersionStamp Mensaje: Version stamp associated with the client has expired. Please perform a full sync. |
0x80044415 -2147204075 |
Nombre: ExportAttributeMapException Mensaje: Failed to export AttributeMap from attribute {0} to {1} in EntityMap from entity {2} to {3} during solution export. AttributeMapId = {4}, EntityMapId = {5} |
0x80048048 -2147188664 |
Nombre: ExportDefaultAsPackagedError Mensaje: The default solution cannot be exported as a package. |
0x80071158 -2147020456 |
Nombre: ExportDefaultSolutionError Mensaje: Exporting the default solution is not supported. To export components, add them to a custom solution. |
0x80044416 -2147204074 |
Nombre: ExportEntityMapException Mensaje: Failed to export EntityMap from entity {0} to {1} during solution export. EntityMapId = {2} |
0x80090499 -2146892647 |
Nombre: ExportERFailureMissingCustomLabels Mensaje: Failed to export Many to Many EntityRelationship with name {0}. Entity relationships using display option of Custom Label must have a label specified |
0x80072011 -2147016687 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeInvalidExceedsDepth Mensaje: Export key attribute {0} for component {1} is invalid. Attributes defined for export EntityKey must not exceed lookup depth of 3 |
0x80072010 -2147016688 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeInvalidLocalizable Mensaje: Export key attribute {0} for component {1} is invalid. Attributes defined for export EntityKey must not be localizable |
0x8007200F -2147016689 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeInvalidNotInvalidForUpdate Mensaje: Export key attribute {0} for component {1} is invalid. Attributes defined for export EntityKey must be invalid for update |
0x800608AF -2147088209 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeInvalidNotSystemRequired Mensaje: Export key attribute {0} for component {1} is invalid. Attributes defined for export EntityKey must be system required |
0x800608AD -2147088211 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeInvalidPrefix Mensaje: Export key attribute {0} for component {1} must start with a valid customization prefix. |
0x800608AE -2147088210 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeInvalidPrimaryKey Mensaje: Export key attribute {0} for component {1} is invalid. Attributes defined for export EntityKey must not be the primary key |
0x80072012 -2147016686 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeInvalidReferencesNonSolutionAware Mensaje: Export key attribute {0} for component {1} is invalid. Attributes defined for export EntityKey must not have a lookup to non-solution aware components |
0x800608AB -2147088213 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeNotBeginWithLetterOrNonAlphaNumericCharacters Mensaje: Export key attribute {0} for component {1} must begin with a letter and only consist of alpha-numeric and _.{}! characters. |
0x800608AC -2147088212 |
Nombre: ExportKeyAttributeValuesIncorrectNumber Mensaje: Incorrect number of export key attribute values for export key {0} for entity {1}. |
0x80072013 -2147016685 |
Nombre: ExportKeyInvalidCreate Mensaje: Cannot complete the creation of {0} because it violates a database constraint. The violation happens on the key {1}. Please delete the existing record or use update. |
0x800608A8 -2147088216 |
Nombre: ExportKeyNotSupported Mensaje: Export keys are not supported for entity {0} because export keys are unsupported |
0x800608AA -2147088214 |
Nombre: ExportKeyNotSupportedForMaxAttributes Mensaje: Export key cannot be created for entity {0} because the key exceeds {1} attributes |
0x800608A7 -2147088217 |
Nombre: ExportKeyNotSupportedForNonCustomizableComponents Mensaje: Export keys are not supported for entity {0} because the entity is not customizable |
0x800608A6 -2147088218 |
Nombre: ExportKeyNotSupportedForNonSolutionAwareComponents Mensaje: Export keys are not supported for entity {0} because the entity is not a solution aware component |
0x80048036 -2147188682 |
Nombre: ExportManagedSolutionError Mensaje: An error occurred while exporting a solution. Managed solutions cannot be exported. |
0x80048037 -2147188681 |
Nombre: ExportMissingSolutionError Mensaje: An error occurred while exporting a solution. The solution does not exist in this system. |
0x80048035 -2147188683 |
Nombre: ExportSolutionError Mensaje: An error occurred while exporting a Solution. |
0x80060804 -2147088380 |
Nombre: ExportToExcelOnlineFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Export to Excel Online feature is not enabled. |
0x800608C1 -2147088191 |
Nombre: ExportToXlsxFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Export to excel file feature is not enabled. |
0x80060004 -2147090428 |
Nombre: ExpressionNotSupportedForEditor Mensaje: Rule contain an expression that is not supported by the editor. |
0x80046F8F -2147192945 |
Nombre: ExternalNameExists Mensaje: An entity with the specified name already exists for data source - {0}. Please specify a new external name. |
0x80060300 -2147089664 |
Nombre: ExternalSearchAttributeLimitExceeded Mensaje: The maximum number of indexed fields has been reached. Update the Relevance Search configuration to reduce the total number of indexed fields {1} below {0}. |
0x80040316 -2147220714 |
Nombre: ExtraPartyInformation Mensaje: Extra party information should not be provided for this operation. |
0x80055007 -2147135481 |
Nombre: FailedToAddSLADependency Mensaje: Failed to add SLA dependency on ApplicableFrom attribute because attribute is not found in applicable entity metadata. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80048411 -2147187695 |
Nombre: FailedToAquireLock Mensaje: PluginSqlLockManager failed to acquire lock |
0x8004120c -2147216884 |
Nombre: FailedToAquirePSqlSchemaLock Mensaje: PSqlSchemaGeneratorLockManager failed to acquire lock |
0x80044304 -2147204348 |
Nombre: FailedToDeserializeAsyncOperationData Mensaje: Failed to deserialize async operation data. |
0x80060475 -2147089291 |
Nombre: FailedToFindDependentConnectorsForModernFlow Mensaje: Failed to find any of dependent custom connectors of current Modern Flow. |
0x80047103 -2147192573 |
Nombre: FailedToGetNetworkServiceName Mensaje: Failed to obtain the localized name for NetworkService account |
0x80055012 -2147135470 |
Nombre: FailedToGetSlaPauseStates Mensaje: Pause states do not exist in XML format in the DB. Try again or reach out to Dynamics 365 customer support. |
0x80041213 -2147216877 |
Nombre: FailedToInitializeTDSListener Mensaje: Initialization failed/timed out, please connect again. |
0x8004024e -2147220914 |
Nombre: FailedToLoadAssembly Mensaje: Failed to load assembly |
0x80055009 -2147135479 |
Nombre: FailedToRetrieveEntityCount Mensaje: Failed to retrieve Entity Count with Active SLA. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80055008 -2147135480 |
Nombre: FailedToRetrieveSLAkpiCount Mensaje: Failed to retrieve SLA KPI Count. Try again or reach out to Dynamics 365 customer support. |
0x80047000 -2147192832 |
Nombre: FailedToScheduleActivity Mensaje: Failed to schedule activity. |
0x80072601 -2147015167 |
Nombre: FailToDeleteConnectorFromExternalPartner Mensaje: Fail to delete the target connector from external partner. |
0x8004F664 -2147158428 |
Nombre: FallbackCardFormDeactivation Mensaje: This operation can’t be completed. You must have at least one active Card form. |
0x8004F661 -2147158431 |
Nombre: FallbackFormDeactivation Mensaje: This operation can’t be completed. You must have at least one active Main form. |
0x8004F654 -2147158444 |
Nombre: FallbackFormDeletion Mensaje: You cannot delete this form because it is the only fallback form of type {0} for the {1} entity. Each entity must have at least one fallback form for each form type. |
0x8004F666 -2147158426 |
Nombre: FallbackMainInteractionCentricFormDeactivation Mensaje: This operation can’t be completed. You must have at least one active MainInteractionCentric form. |
0x8004F665 -2147158427 |
Nombre: FallbackQuickFormDeactivation Mensaje: This operation can’t be completed. You must have at least one active Quick form. |
0x80043516 -2147207914 |
Nombre: FaxNoData Mensaje: The fax cannot be sent because there is no data to send. Specify at least one of the following: a cover page, a fax attachment, a fax description. |
0x80043517 -2147207913 |
Nombre: FaxNoSupport Mensaje: The fax cannot be sent because this type of attachment is not allowed or does not support virtual printing to a fax device. |
0x80043510 -2147207920 |
Nombre: FaxSendBlocked Mensaje: The recipient is marked as "Do Not Fax". |
0x80043511 -2147207919 |
Nombre: FaxServiceNotRunning Mensaje: The Microsoft Windows fax service is not running or is not installed. |
0x80090900 -2146891520 |
Nombre: FeatureNotAvailable Mensaje: {0} feature is not available. |
0x80061113 -2147086061 |
Nombre: FeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: This operation couldn't be completed because this feature isn’t enabled for your organization. |
0x80097010 -2146865136 |
Nombre: FeaturesNotSupportedInNestedPagination Mensaje: Feature - {0} is not supported in nested pagination. |
0x80044505 -2147203835 |
Nombre: FederatedEndpointError Mensaje: The username ADFS endpoint is enabled, which is blocking the intended authentication endpoint from being reached. |
0x80061770 -2147084432 |
Nombre: FeedbackFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Feedback feature is not enabled. |
0x80061772 -2147084430 |
Nombre: FeedbackMinMaxRequired Mensaje: The minimum and maximum values are required. |
0x80061774 -2147084428 |
Nombre: FeedbackMinRatingValue Mensaje: The submitted minimum rating value {0} must be less than the submitted maximum rating value {1}. |
0x80061773 -2147084429 |
Nombre: FeedbackRatingValue Mensaje: The rating must be a value from {0} through {1}. |
0x8005E00E -2147098610 |
Nombre: FetchDataSetQueryTimeout Mensaje: The fetch data set query timed out after {0} seconds. Increase the query timeout, and try again. |
0x80160015 -2146041835 |
Nombre: FieldLevelControlUsedInGlobalContext Mensaje: The control '{0}' has a property that binds to a field which is not allowed in this context. More Details:{1} |
0x80044817 -2147203049 |
Nombre: FieldLevelSecurityNotSupported Mensaje: Field level security is not supported for virtual entity. |
0x80090004 -2146893820 |
Nombre: FileContentIsNull Mensaje: File content can not be null. |
0x80048837 -2147186633 |
Nombre: FileInUse Mensaje: Could not read the file because another application is using the file. |
0x80048440 -2147187648 |
Nombre: FileNotFound Mensaje: The attachment file was not found. |
0x8005F20D -2147094003 |
Nombre: FilePickerErrorApplicationInSnapView Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005F204 -2147094012 |
Nombre: FilePickerErrorAttachmentTypeBlocked Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005F205 -2147094011 |
Nombre: FilePickerErrorFileSizeBreached Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005F206 -2147094010 |
Nombre: FilePickerErrorFileSizeCannotBeZero Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005F207 -2147094009 |
Nombre: FilePickerErrorUnableToOpenFile Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x80048437 -2147187657 |
Nombre: FileReadError Mensaje: There was an error reading the file from the file system. Make sure you have read permission for this file, and then try migrating the file again. |
0x80071026 -2147020762 |
Nombre: FileSizeExceeded Mensaje: Unable to copy the documents. The selected file exceeds the maximium size limit of 128 MB. |
0x80090001 -2146893823 |
Nombre: FileSizeExceededForNonChunkedRequest Mensaje: Maximum file size supported for {0} is [{1}] MB. File of [{2} MB] size may only be {0}ed using staged chunk {0}. |
0x80090016 -2146893802 |
Nombre: FileSizeExceededSqlStorage Mensaje: Maximum file size supported for files stored in the database is [{0}] MB. |
0x80072520 -2147015392 |
Nombre: FileStoreFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Feature not enabled for this organization |
0x800609B4 -2147087948 |
Nombre: FileTypeNotSupported Mensaje: The specified file type is not supported as template. |
0x80040325 -2147220699 |
Nombre: FilteredDuetoAntiSpam Mensaje: This customer is filtered due to AntiSpam settings. |
0x8004032a -2147220694 |
Nombre: FilteredDuetoInactiveState Mensaje: This customer is filtered due to inactive state. |
0x8004032e -2147220690 |
Nombre: FilteredDuetoMissingEmailAddress Mensaje: This customer is filtered due to missing email address. |
0x8007112A -2147020502 |
Nombre: FilterHasIncorrrectEntityName Mensaje: The filter specified contains fetchXML for "{0}". The filter fetchXML must be for "{1}". |
0x80090310 -2146893040 |
Nombre: FilteringAttributesNotSupportedForOnExternalCreatedDeleted Mensaje: OnExternalCreated and OnExternalDeleted messages do not support attribute filtering. |
0x80090309 -2146893047 |
Nombre: FilteringAttributesNotSupportedForOnExternalUpdated Mensaje: OnExternalUpdated message supports attribute filtering only when the virtualentitymetadata has enabled ischangedfieldsenabledforupdateevent. |
0x8009724D -2146864563 |
Nombre: FilterOnSecuredAttributeCallerCantReadNotSupportedForElasticTables Mensaje: Caller does not have read permission on secured attribute ('{0}'). Filtering on this attribute without permission is not supported for Elastic Tables. |
0x80060443 -2147089341 |
Nombre: FinalMergedEntityIsNull Mensaje: Error creating or updating Business Process: final merged entity cannot be null. |
0x80090300 -2146893056 |
Nombre: FinanceAndOperationsVirtualEntityInvalidDataSource Mensaje: Unable to establish connection using data source: '{0}'. Failed to sync entity metadata. Ensure the data source is configured properly. |
0x80090301 -2146893055 |
Nombre: FinanceAndOperationsVirtualEntityInvalidEntities Mensaje: Unable to sync metadata for entities: '{0}'. Ensure the entities are available in data source: '{1}'. |
0x80090302 -2146893054 |
Nombre: FinanceAndOperationsVirtualEntitySyncError Mensaje: Failed to sync entity metadata for entity '{0}'. Exception details: {1}. |
0x80097501 -2146863871 |
Nombre: FinOpsCallBackException Mensaje: Finance and Operations returned an exception, Error Code "{0}". |
0x80097504 -2146863868 |
Nombre: FinOpsGrpcChannelGenericException Mensaje: An error has occured when communicating with Finance And Operations. |
0x80097503 -2146863869 |
Nombre: FinOpsGrpcChannelRpcException Mensaje: An error has occured when communicating with Finance And Operations. Error Detail- {0}. |
0x80097502 -2146863870 |
Nombre: FinOpsGrpcChannelTimeoutException Mensaje: Timeout error has occured when communicating with Finance And Operations. Error Detail- {0}. |
0x80060456 -2147089322 |
Nombre: FirstStageIdInTraversedPathDoesNotMatchFirstStageIdInBusinessProcess Mensaje: First Stage ID in traversed path ‘{0}’ does not match first Stage ID in Business Process ‘{1}’. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80044903 -2147202813 |
Nombre: FiscalPeriodGoalMissingInfo Mensaje: For a goal of fiscal period type, the fiscal period attribute must be set. |
0x80043809 -2147207159 |
Nombre: FiscalSettingsAlreadyUpdated Mensaje: Fiscal settings have already been updated. They can be updated only once. |
0x80060490 -2147089264 |
Nombre: FlowContainsResourceContainerOrIdUpdate Mensaje: The workflow payload contains resource container or id which are not valid for update. |
0x80060469 -2147089303 |
Nombre: FlowIsNotActive Mensaje: Modern Flow must be active to be used on Flow Step. |
0x80050262 -2147155358 |
Nombre: FlowMissingRecord Mensaje: You need to select at least one record to trigger this flow. |
0x80060467 -2147089305 |
Nombre: FlowServiceClientError Mensaje: Flow client error returned with status code "{0}" and details "{1}". |
0x80097376 -2146864266 |
Nombre: FlowServiceServerError Mensaje: Flow server error returned with status code "{0}" and details "{1}". |
0x80072342 -2147015870 |
Nombre: FlowTriggerNotificationDisabled Mensaje: Flow trigger notifications are disabled for the organization. |
0x80072341 -2147015871 |
Nombre: FlowTriggerNotificationFailed Mensaje: Flow trigger notification call failed during http post. Please check the exception for more details. |
0x80090314 -2146893036 |
Nombre: FnOChangeTrackingPrerequisiteCheckFromDataverseDisabled Mensaje: Row version change tracking prerequisite check is not enabled in Finance and Operations. |
0x80097201 -2146864639 |
Nombre: FnODataProviderIdDoesNotExists Mensaje: FnO DataProviderId does not exists for entity |
0x80090313 -2146893037 |
Nombre: FnORowVersionChangeTrackingDisabled Mensaje: Row version changes for Finance and Operations virtual tables is not enabled. |
0x80097532 -2146863822 |
Nombre: FnOTableNoObjectTypeCode Mensaje: FNO Table does not have object type code. |
0x80060901 -2147088127 |
Nombre: FolderDoesNotExist Mensaje: Folder doesn't exist. |
0x8005F102 -2147094270 |
Nombre: Forbidden Mensaje: The server refuses to fulfill the request. |
0x80048406 -2147187706 |
Nombre: FormDoesNotExist Mensaje: Form doesn't exist |
0x80160010 -2146041840 |
Nombre: FormFactorDeclaredMoreThanOnceInForm Mensaje: Form factor {0} declaration is declared more than once for control with uniqueid {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x80160013 -2146041837 |
Nombre: FormFactorDeclaredMoreThanOnceInNonFormContext Mensaje: Form factor {0} declaration is declared more than once. More Details:{1} |
0x80160009 -2146041847 |
Nombre: FormFactorMissingInForm Mensaje: Custom control declaration for form factor(s) {0} is missing for control with uniqueid {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x80160012 -2146041838 |
Nombre: FormFactorMissingInNonFormContext Mensaje: Custom control declaration for form factor(s) {0} is missing. More Details:{1} |
0x80097625 -2146863579 |
Nombre: FormHasActiveCustomizations Mensaje: The provided form has active customizations; kindly remove them before proceeding with the regeneration of FormXml. |
0x80090433 -2146892749 |
Nombre: FormNotSupportedForCDSLite Mensaje: Formid '{0}' being imported contains events/form libraries which is not supported for CDS lite. Removing the events/form libraries from the formxml will resolve the issue |
0x80090443 -2146892733 |
Nombre: FormNotSupportedForCDSLiteRestrictedAttribute Mensaje: Formid '{0}' being imported contains attribute '{1}' of type '{2}' which is not supported for CDS lite. Removing the attribute from the formxml will resolve the issue. |
0x80093002 -2146881534 |
Nombre: FormPowerBIDependencyInstanceDoesNotExist Mensaje: Error while creating dependencies for the Form {0}. Cannot find an instance of the required component with uniqueName {1}. |
0x8004F670 -2147158416 |
Nombre: FormPowerBIDependencyTypeInvalid Mensaje: Error while creating dependencies for the Form {0}. The componentType "{1}" defined in the control {2} is not supported. Check the form definition. |
0x8004F669 -2147158423 |
Nombre: FormPowerBIDependencyTypeNotFound Mensaje: Error while creating dependencies for the Form {0}. Cannot find a type sub-node for the control {1}. Check the form definition. |
0x80093001 -2146881535 |
Nombre: FormPowerBIDependencyUniqueNameInvalid Mensaje: Error while creating dependencies for the Form {0}. The uniqueName is blank for the control {1}. Check the form definition. |
0x80093000 -2146881536 |
Nombre: FormPowerBIDependencyUniqueNameNotFound Mensaje: Error while creating dependencies for the Form {0}. Cannot find a uniqueName sub-node for the control {1}. Check the form definition. |
0x80093003 -2146881533 |
Nombre: FormSaveNetworkConnectionFailed Mensaje: This operation failed. It looks like there is a problem with your network connection. Please try again. |
0x80040242 -2147220926 |
Nombre: FormTransitionError Mensaje: The import has failed because the system cannot transition the entity form {0} from unmanaged to managed. Add at least one full (root) component to the managed solution, and then try to import it again. |
0x80090478 -2146892680 |
Nombre: FormTypeNotSupported Mensaje: Forms being imported are of an unsupported type '{0}' |
0x80060494 -2147089260 |
Nombre: FormulaFieldsCyclicReference Mensaje: Field {0} cannot be used in formula field {1} because it would create a circular reference.Recommend you to create a new formula. |
0x80060495 -2147089259 |
Nombre: FormulaFieldsDepthExceeded Mensaje: You can’t create or update the field {0} on the entity {1} because the field {2} already has a formula field depth of {3}. |
0x80060496 -2147089258 |
Nombre: FormulaFieldsEntityDepthExceeded Mensaje: You can’t create or update the field {0} on the entity {1} because the field {2} already has a entity depth of {3}. |
0x80060497 -2147089257 |
Nombre: FormulaFieldsOptionSetUpdate Mensaje: Option Set used in formula field {0} cannot be updated. |
0x80070552 -2147023534 |
Nombre: FormulaFieldUsedInRollupFieldCannotBeComplex Mensaje: One or more rollup fields depend on this formula field. This formula field can't use a rollup field, another formula field that is using a rollup field or a field from related entity. |
0x80054917 -2147137257 |
Nombre: FormulaInputAttributeTypeNotMatching Mensaje: Attribute Type {0} defined for attribute {1} on Entity {2} does not match return type {3} of the formula expression provided. Attribute Type should be matched with Formula Return type. |
0x8005E207 -2147098105 |
Nombre: ForwardMailboxCannotAssociateWithUser Mensaje: A forward mailbox cannot be created for a specific user or a queue. Please remove the regarding field and try again. |
0x8005E211 -2147098095 |
Nombre: ForwardMailboxEmailAddressRequired Mensaje: An e-mail address is a required field in case of forward mailbox. |
0x8005E212 -2147098094 |
Nombre: ForwardMailboxUnexpectedIncomingDeliveryMethod Mensaje: Forward mailbox incoming delivery method can only be none or router. |
0x8005E213 -2147098093 |
Nombre: ForwardMailboxUnexpectedOutgoingDeliveryMethod Mensaje: Forward mailbox outgoing delivery method can only be none. |
0x80041d37 -2147214025 |
Nombre: GenericActiveDirectoryError Mensaje: Active Directory Error. |
0x80041d54 -2147213996 |
Nombre: GenericAzureActiveDirectoryError Mensaje: Azure Active Directory Error. |
0x80060752 -2147088558 |
Nombre: GenericImportTranslationsError Mensaje: Errors were encountered while processing the translations import file. |
0x8004F026 -2147160026 |
Nombre: GenericManagedPropertyFailure Mensaje: The evaluation of the current component(name={0}, id={1}) in the current operation ({2}) failed during managed property evaluation of condition: {3} |
0x8005F246 -2147093946 |
Nombre: GenericMetadataSyncFailed Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app. |
0x8005F247 -2147093945 |
Nombre: GenericMetadataSyncFailedWithContinue Mensaje: Sorry, something went wrong downloading server configuration changes. You can continue to use the app with the older configuration, however you may experience problems including errors when saving. If this issue continues please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator and provide the information available when you choose ‘more information’. |
0x8004037b -2147220613 |
Nombre: GenericTransformationInvocationError Mensaje: The transformation returned invalid data. |
0x80090316 -2146893034 |
Nombre: GetFnOVEChangeTrackingStatusDisabled Mensaje: Change tracking status check is not enabled in Finance and Operations. |
0x80090317 -2146893033 |
Nombre: GetFnOVEChangeTrackingStatusFaulted Mensaje: Unable to perform change tracking status check in Finance and Operations. |
0x80072532 -2147015374 |
Nombre: GetOnPolymorphicAttributeError Mensaje: Cannot query for {0} on {1} |
0x80097256 -2146864554 |
Nombre: GetParentEntityRecordFileOperation Mensaje: Get Parent Entity Record during File Operation failed with error message '{0}' |
0x8005F208 -2147094008 |
Nombre: GetPhotoFromGalleryFailed Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x80071109 -2147020535 |
Nombre: GetTenantIdFailure Mensaje: Error occurred while getting TenantId. |
0x80044807 -2147203065 |
Nombre: GoalAttributeAlreadyMapped Mensaje: The Metric Detail for Specified Goal Attribute already exists. |
0x80044908 -2147202808 |
Nombre: GoalMissingPeriodTypeInfo Mensaje: Goal Period Type needs to be specified when creating a goal. This field cannot be null. |
0x8004F682 -2147158398 |
Nombre: GoalPercentageAchievedValueOutOfRange Mensaje: The percentage achieved value has been set to 0 because the calculated value is not in the allowed range. |
0x80044224 -2147204572 |
Nombre: GoOfflineBCPFileSize Mensaje: Client was not able to download BCP file. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
0x80044222 -2147204574 |
Nombre: GoOfflineDbSizeLimit Mensaje: You have exceeded the storage limit for your offline database. You must reduce the amount of data to be taken offline by changing your Local Data Groups. |
0x80044230 -2147204560 |
Nombre: GoOfflineEmptyFileForDelete Mensaje: Data file for delete is empty. |
0x80044225 -2147204571 |
Nombre: GoOfflineFailedMoveData Mensaje: Client was not able to download data. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
0x80044226 -2147204570 |
Nombre: GoOfflineFailedPrepareMsde Mensaje: Prepare MSDE failed. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
0x80044227 -2147204569 |
Nombre: GoOfflineFailedReloadMetadataCache Mensaje: The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook was unable to go offline. Please try going offline again. |
0x8004422a -2147204566 |
Nombre: GoOfflineFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Offline capability is not supported with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook. |
0x80044229 -2147204567 |
Nombre: GoOfflineFileWasDeleted Mensaje: Data file was deleted on server before it was sent to client. |
0x80044221 -2147204575 |
Nombre: GoOfflineGetBCPFileException Mensaje: Dynamics 365 server was not able to process your request. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
0x80044220 -2147204576 |
Nombre: GoOfflineMetadataVersionsMismatch Mensaje: Client and Server metadata versions are different due to new customization on the server. Please try going offline again. |
0x80044223 -2147204573 |
Nombre: GoOfflineServerFailedGenerateBCPFile Mensaje: Dynamics 365 server was not able to generate BCP file. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
0x80044260 -2147204512 |
Nombre: GraphApiS2SSetupFailureException Mensaje: Server to Server Authentication with Exchange for Office Graph Api is not set up. |
0x0072328 467752 |
Nombre: GraphThrottleLimitExceededError Mensaje: Microsoft Graph request limit exceeded. Please try again later. |
0x80160049 -2146041783 |
Nombre: GridNotValidForTargetEntity Mensaje: Grid control (id={0}) not valid for target entity {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x8009724E -2146864562 |
Nombre: GroupByOnSecuredAttributeCallerCantReadNotSupportedForElasticTables Mensaje: Caller does not have read permission on secured attribute ('{0}'). Group by on this attribute without permission is not supported for Elastic Tables. |
0x80095FCD -2146869299 |
Nombre: GuestUserAccessDisabledInOrg Mensaje: Guest user access is restricted in the organization |
0x80040362 -2147220638 |
Nombre: GuidNotPresent Mensaje: The required globally unique identifier (GUID) in this row is not present |
0x80040370 -2147220624 |
Nombre: HeaderValueDoesNotMatchAttributeDisplayLabel Mensaje: The column heading does not match the attribute display label. |
0x80061000 -2147086336 |
Nombre: HiddenPropertyValidationFailed Mensaje: You can't create a property instance for a hidden property. |
0x800609B6 -2147087946 |
Nombre: HiddensheetNotAvailable Mensaje: The hidden sheet is not available. |
0x8008100F -2146955249 |
Nombre: HierarchicalOperationFailed Mensaje: This operation couldn't be completed on this hierarchy. An error occurred while performing this operation for {0}. You can perform the operation separately on this product to fix the error, and then try the operation again for the complete hierarchy. |
0x80060547 -2147089081 |
Nombre: HierarchyCalculateLimitReached Mensaje: Calculations can't be performed online because the master record hierarchy depth limit of {0} has been reached. |
0x8004F082 -2147159934 |
Nombre: HintTypeIsNotSupported Mensaje: The hint type [{0}] is not supported. |
0x8004Ed45 -2147160763 |
Nombre: HipInvalidCertificate Mensaje: Invalid Certificate for using HIP. |
0x8004Ed44 -2147160764 |
Nombre: HipNoSettingError Mensaje: No Hip application configuration setting [{0}] was found. |
0x80045000 -2147201024 |
Nombre: HonorPauseWithoutSLAKPIError Mensaje: SLA can be set to honor pause and resume only if Use SLA KPI is set to Yes. |
0x80131500 -2146233088 |
Nombre: HybridSSSExchangeOnlineS2SCertActsExpired Mensaje: Certificate used for S2S authentication of Dynamics 365 Onpremise with Exchange Online has expired |
0x80131509 -2146233079 |
Nombre: HybridSSSExchangeOnlineS2SCertExpired Mensaje: Certificate used for S2S authentication of Dynamics 365 Onpremise with Exchange Online has expired |
0x8009000D -2146893811 |
Nombre: ImageAttributeNotSupportedFullImage Mensaje: Image attribute {0} of entity {1} does not support storing full image. |
0x80090430 -2146892752 |
Nombre: ImageFormatNotSupported Mensaje: Image format '{0}' is not supported for image attribute '{1}' of entity '{2}'. |
0x8009000E -2146893810 |
Nombre: ImageInvalidMaxSizeInKB Mensaje: Invalid MaxSizeInKB for image attribute {0} of entity {1}. Valid size should be between [{2} - {3}] KB |
0x80072045 -2147016635 |
Nombre: ImportAbortedDueToEcsChange Mensaje: SupportUpgradeIsolationLevel become false during solution import, abort import to prevent data corruption. |
0x8004800D -2147188723 |
Nombre: ImportArticleTemplateError Mensaje: There was an error in parsing the article templates in Import Xml |
0x80048062 -2147188638 |
Nombre: ImportAttributeNameError Mensaje: Invalid name for attribute {0}. Custom attribute names must start with a valid customization prefix. The prefix for a solution component should match the prefix that is specified for the publisher of the solution. |
0x800608F3 -2147088141 |
Nombre: ImportChannelPropertyGroupError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Channel Property Group. |
0x8004847c -2147187588 |
Nombre: ImportComponentDeletedIgnored Mensaje: You cannot update this component because it does not exist in this Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization. |
0x80040322 -2147220702 |
Nombre: ImportConfigNotSpecified Mensaje: Cannot process with Bulk Import as Import Configuration not specified. |
0x8004800B -2147188725 |
Nombre: ImportContractTemplateError Mensaje: There was an error in parsing the contract templates in Import Xml |
0x8004F869 -2147157911 |
Nombre: ImportConvertRuleError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Convert Rules. |
0x80048060 -2147188640 |
Nombre: ImportCustomizationsBadZipFileError Mensaje: The solution file is invalid. The compressed file must contain the following files at its root: solution.xml, customizations.xml, and [Content_Types].xml. Customization files exported from previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 are not supported. |
0x8004E308 -2147163384 |
Nombre: ImportDashboardDeletedError Mensaje: A dashboard with the same id is marked as deleted in the system. Please first publish the system form entity and import again. |
0x80048049 -2147188663 |
Nombre: ImportDefaultAsPackageError Mensaje: The package supplied for the default solution is trying to install it in managed mode. The default solution cannot be managed. In the XML for the default solution, set the Managed value back to "false" and try to import the solution again. |
0x80048034 -2147188684 |
Nombre: ImportDependencySolutionError Mensaje: {0} requires solutions that are not currently installed. Import the following solutions before Importing this one. {1} |
0x8004810c -2147188468 |
Nombre: ImportDuplicateEntity Mensaje: This import has failed because a different entity with the identical name, {0}, already exists in the target organization. |
0x8004800C -2147188724 |
Nombre: ImportEmailTemplateError Mensaje: There was an error in parsing the email templates in Import Xml |
0x8004802B -2147188693 |
Nombre: ImportEmailTemplateErrorMissingFile Mensaje: E-mail Template '{0}' import: The attachment '{1}' was not found in the import zip file. |
0x80048014 -2147188716 |
Nombre: ImportEmailTemplatePersonalError Mensaje: E-mail Template was not imported. The Template is a personal template on the target system; import cannot overwrite personal templates. |
0x80048002 -2147188734 |
Nombre: ImportEntityCustomResourcesError Mensaje: Invalid Custom Resources in the Import File |
0x80048003 -2147188733 |
Nombre: ImportEntityCustomResourcesNewStringError Mensaje: Invalid Entity new string in the Custom Resources |
0x80048001 -2147188735 |
Nombre: ImportEntityIconError Mensaje: Invalid Icon in the Import File |
0x80048008 -2147188728 |
Nombre: ImportEntityNameMismatchError Mensaje: The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
0x80048025 -2147188699 |
Nombre: ImportEntitySystemUserLiveMismatchError Mensaje: The systemuser entity was imported but customized forms for the entity were not imported. Systemuser entity forms from on-premises or hosted versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 cannot be imported into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online. |
0x80048024 -2147188700 |
Nombre: ImportEntitySystemUserOnPremiseMismatchError Mensaje: The systemuser entity was imported, but customized forms for the entity were not imported. Systemuser entity forms from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online cannot be imported into on-premises or hosted versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
0x80048045 -2147188667 |
Nombre: ImportExportDeprecatedError Mensaje: This message is no longer available. Please consult the SDK for alternative messages. |
0x80048064 -2147188636 |
Nombre: ImportFieldSecurityProfileAttributesMissingError Mensaje: Some field security permissions could not be imported because the following fields are not in the system: {0}. |
0x80048072 -2147188622 |
Nombre: ImportFieldSecurityProfileError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Field Security Profile. |
0x80048063 -2147188637 |
Nombre: ImportFieldSecurityProfileIsSecuredMissingError Mensaje: Some field security permissions could not be imported because the following fields are not securable: {0}. |
0x80048006 -2147188730 |
Nombre: ImportFieldXmlError Mensaje: The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
0x80050125 -2147155675 |
Nombre: ImportFileFailed Mensaje: Import and extraction of the file failed. |
0x80048065 -2147188635 |
Nombre: ImportFileSignatureInvalid Mensaje: The import file has an invalid digital signature. |
0x80040375 -2147220619 |
Nombre: ImportFileTooLargeToUpload Mensaje: The import file is too large to upload. |
0x80072035 -2147016651 |
Nombre: ImportFileUnprocessed Mensaje: Unprocessed files found: {0} |
0x80048007 -2147188729 |
Nombre: ImportFormXmlError Mensaje: The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
0x80048020 -2147188704 |
Nombre: ImportGenericEntitiesError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing generic entities. |
0x8004801E -2147188706 |
Nombre: ImportGenericError Mensaje: The import failed. For more information, see the related error messages. |
0x8004F9A1 -2147157599 |
Nombre: ImportHierarchyRuleDeletedError Mensaje: A hierarchy rule with the same id is marked as deleted in the system,So first publish the customized entity and import again. |
0x8004F9A2 -2147157598 |
Nombre: ImportHierarchyRuleExistingError Mensaje: Cannot reuse existing hierarchy rule. |
0x8004F9A3 -2147157597 |
Nombre: ImportHierarchyRuleOtcMismatchError Mensaje: There was an error processing hierarchy rules of the same object type code.(unresolvable system collision) |
0x80048000 -2147188736 |
Nombre: ImportInvalidFileError Mensaje: Invalid Import File |
0x80048058 -2147188648 |
Nombre: ImportInvalidPrivilegeError Mensaje: The privilege to be imported is invalid |
0x8004802C -2147188692 |
Nombre: ImportInvalidXmlError Mensaje: This solution package cannot be imported because it contains invalid XML. You can attempt to repair the file by manually editing the XML contents using the information found in the schema validation errors, or you can contact your solution provider. |
0x8004800E -2147188722 |
Nombre: ImportIsvConfigError Mensaje: There was an error parsing the IsvConfig during Import |
0x80048026 -2147188698 |
Nombre: ImportLanguagesIgnoredError Mensaje: Translated labels for the following languages could not be imported because they have not been enabled for this organization: {0} |
0x80048480 -2147187584 |
Nombre: ImportMailMergeTemplateEntityMissingError Mensaje: The {0} mail merge template was not imported because the {1} entity associated with this template is not in the target system. |
0x80048456 -2147187626 |
Nombre: ImportMailMergeTemplateError Mensaje: There was an error in parsing the mail merge templates in Import Xml |
0x80048465 -2147187611 |
Nombre: ImportMapInUse Mensaje: One or more of the selected data maps cannot be deleted because it is currently used in a data import. |
0x80048427 -2147187673 |
Nombre: ImportMappingsInvalidIdSpecified Mensaje: The XML file has one or more invalid IDs. The specified ID cannot be used as a unique identifier. |
0x80048010 -2147188720 |
Nombre: ImportMappingsMissingEntityMapError Mensaje: This customization file contains a reference to an entity map that does not exist on the target system. |
0x8004800F -2147188721 |
Nombre: ImportMappingsSystemMapError Mensaje: Import cannot create system attribute mappings |
0x8004801F -2147188705 |
Nombre: ImportMissingComponent Mensaje: Cannot add a Root Component {0} of type {1} because it is not in the target system. |
0x8004801D -2147188707 |
Nombre: ImportMissingDependenciesError Mensaje: The following solution cannot be imported: {0}. Some dependencies are missing. |
0x8004803A -2147188678 |
Nombre: ImportMissingRootComponentEntry Mensaje: The import has failed because component {0} of type {1} is not declared in the solution file as a root component. To fix this, import again using the XML file that was generated when you exported the solution. |
0x8006099F -2147087969 |
Nombre: ImportMobileOfflineProfileError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Mobile Offline Profiles. |
0x80048071 -2147188623 |
Nombre: ImportNewPluginTypesError Mensaje: Existing plug-in types have been removed. Please update major or minor verion of plug-in assembly. |
0x80048013 -2147188717 |
Nombre: ImportNonWellFormedFileError Mensaje: Invalid customization file. This file is not well formed. |
0x80048472 -2147187598 |
Nombre: ImportNotComplete Mensaje: One or more imports are not in completed state. Imported records can only be deleted from completed jobs. Wait until job completes, and then try again. |
0x80044334 -2147204300 |
Nombre: ImportOperationChildFailure Mensaje: One or more of the Import Child Jobs Failed |
0x80048039 -2147188679 |
Nombre: ImportOptionSetAttributeError Mensaje: Attribute '{0}' was not imported as it references a non-existing global Option Set ('{1}'). |
0x80048030 -2147188688 |
Nombre: ImportOptionSetsError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing OptionSets. |
0x80048019 -2147188711 |
Nombre: ImportOrgSettingsError Mensaje: There was an error parsing the Organization Settings during Import. |
0x80048012 -2147188718 |
Nombre: ImportPluginTypesError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing plug-in types. |
0x8004800A -2147188726 |
Nombre: ImportRelationshipRoleMapsError Mensaje: The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
0x80048009 -2147188727 |
Nombre: ImportRelationshipRolesError Mensaje: The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
0x8004802F -2147188689 |
Nombre: ImportRelationshipRolesPrivilegeError Mensaje: {0} cannot be imported. The {1} privilege is required to import this component. |
0x80048032 -2147188686 |
Nombre: ImportReportsError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Reports. |
0x8004F007 -2147160057 |
Nombre: ImportRestrictedSolutionError Mensaje: Solution ID provided is restricted and cannot be imported. |
0x80048031 -2147188687 |
Nombre: ImportRibbonsError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Ribbons. |
0x80048017 -2147188713 |
Nombre: ImportRoleError Mensaje: Cannot import security role. The role with specified role id is not updatable or role name is not unique. |
0x80048018 -2147188712 |
Nombre: ImportRolePermissionError Mensaje: You do not have the necessary privileges to import security roles. |
0x8004F867 -2147157913 |
Nombre: ImportRoutingRuleError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Routing Rule Sets. |
0x8004801B -2147188709 |
Nombre: ImportSavedQueryDeletedError Mensaje: A saved query with the same id is marked as deleted in the system. Please first publish the customized entity and import again. |
0x80048005 -2147188731 |
Nombre: ImportSavedQueryExistingError Mensaje: The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
0x80048004 -2147188732 |
Nombre: ImportSavedQueryOtcMismatchError Mensaje: There was an error processing saved queries of the same object type code (unresolvable system collision) |
0x80048016 -2147188714 |
Nombre: ImportSdkMessagesError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Sdk Messages. |
0x80048073 -2147188621 |
Nombre: ImportServiceEndpointError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Service Endpoints. |
0x80048011 -2147188719 |
Nombre: ImportSiteMapError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing the Site Map. |
0x8004F868 -2147157912 |
Nombre: ImportSlaError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing SLAs. |
0x8004804C -2147188660 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionBlockedByRunSafeInternalErrors Mensaje: An error occurred while trying to run solution checker enforcement on the importing solution. Try importing the solution again. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
0x8004803D -2147188675 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionBlockedByRunSafeIssues Mensaje: Solution is blocked from importing due to critical violations. Fix these violations, then retry the import. |
0x80048033 -2147188685 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing a Solution. |
0x80048042 -2147188670 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionIsvConfigWarning Mensaje: ISV Config was overwritten. |
0x80048038 -2147188680 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionManagedError Mensaje: Solution '{0}' already exists in this system as managed and cannot be upgraded. |
0x80048040 -2147188672 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionManagedToUnmanagedMismatch Mensaje: The solution is already installed on this system as an unmanaged solution and the package supplied is attempting to install it in managed mode. Import can only update solutions when the modes match. Uninstall the current solution and try again. |
0x80048044 -2147188668 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionOrganizationSettingsWarning Mensaje: Organization settings were overwritten. |
0x8004806B -2147188629 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionPackageInvalidSku Mensaje: The solution package you are importing was generated on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online, it cannot be imported into on-premises or hosted versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
0x80048068 -2147188632 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionPackageInvalidSolutionPackageVersion Mensaje: You can only import solutions with a package version of {0} or earlier into this organization. Also, you can't import any solutions into this organization that were exported from Microsoft Dynamics 365 2011 or earlier. |
0x00000001 1 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionPackageMinimumVersionNeeded Mensaje: Deprecated, not removing now as it might cause issues during integrations. |
0x80048067 -2147188633 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionPackageNeedsUpgrade Mensaje: The solution package you are importing was generated on a different version of Microsoft Dynamics 365. The system will attempt to transform the package prior to import. Package Version: {0} {1}, System Version: {2} {3}. |
0x80048066 -2147188634 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionPackageNotValid Mensaje: The solution package you are importing was generated on a version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 that cannot be imported into this system. Package Version: {0} {1}, System Version: {2} {3}. |
0x80048069 -2147188631 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionPackageRequiresOptInAvailable Mensaje: Some components in the solution package you are importing require opt in. Opt in is available, please consult your administrator. |
0x8004806A -2147188630 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionPackageRequiresOptInNotAvailable Mensaje: The solution package you are importing was generated on a SKU of Microsoft Dynamics 365 that supports opt in. It cannot be imported in your system. |
0x80048074 -2147188620 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionPackageUpgradeError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing Solution Package Upgrade. |
0x80048043 -2147188669 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionSiteMapWarning Mensaje: SiteMap was overwritten. |
0x80048041 -2147188671 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionUnmanagedToManagedMismatch Mensaje: The solution is already installed on this system as a managed solution and the package supplied is attempting to install it in unmanaged mode. Import can only update solutions when the modes match. Uninstall the current solution and try again. |
0x8004803F -2147188673 |
Nombre: ImportSolutionWarnedByRunSafeIssues Mensaje: There are critical violations in this solution. You can block solutions with critical violations by enabling Solution Checker enforcement in Managed Environments settings page. |
0x80048046 -2147188666 |
Nombre: ImportSystemSolutionError Mensaje: System solution cannot be imported. |
0x8004847a -2147187590 |
Nombre: ImportTemplateLanguageIgnored Mensaje: You cannot import this template because its language is not enabled in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization. |
0x8004847b -2147187589 |
Nombre: ImportTemplatePersonalIgnored Mensaje: You cannot import this template because it is set as "personal" in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization. |
0x80048047 -2147188665 |
Nombre: ImportTranslationMissingSolutionError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing the translations. The solution associated with the translations does not exist in this system. |
0x80048061 -2147188639 |
Nombre: ImportTranslationsBadZipFileError Mensaje: The translation file is invalid. The compressed file must contain the following files at its root: {0}, [Content_Types].xml. |
0x8004E013 -2147164141 |
Nombre: ImportVisualizationDeletedError Mensaje: A saved query visualization with id {0} is marked for deletion in the system. Please publish the customized entity first and then import again. |
0x8004E014 -2147164140 |
Nombre: ImportVisualizationExistingError Mensaje: A saved query visualization with id {0} already exists in the system, and cannot be resused by a new custom entity. |
0x8004b043 -2147176381 |
Nombre: ImportWillExceedCustomEntityQuota Mensaje: This import process is trying to import {0} new custom entities. This would exceed the custom entity limits for this organization. |
0x80048022 -2147188702 |
Nombre: ImportWorkflowAttributeDependencyError Mensaje: Cannot import workflow definition. Required attribute dependency is missing. |
0x80048023 -2147188701 |
Nombre: ImportWorkflowEntityDependencyError Mensaje: Cannot import workflow definition. Required entity dependency is missing. |
0x80048021 -2147188703 |
Nombre: ImportWorkflowError Mensaje: Cannot import workflow definition. The workflow with specified workflow id is not updatable or workflow name is not unique. |
0x80048027 -2147188697 |
Nombre: ImportWorkflowNameConflictError Mensaje: Workflow {0} cannot be imported because a workflow with same name and different unique identifier exists in the target system. Change the name of this workflow, and then try again. |
0x80048028 -2147188696 |
Nombre: ImportWorkflowPublishedError Mensaje: Workflow {0}({1}) cannot be imported because a workflow with same unique identifier is published on the target system. Unpublish the workflow on the target system before attempting to import this workflow again. |
0x8004801C -2147188708 |
Nombre: ImportWrongPublisherError Mensaje: The following managed solution cannot be imported: {0}. The publisher name cannot be changed from {1} to {2}. |
0x8004801A -2147188710 |
Nombre: ImportXsdValidationError Mensaje: The import file is invalid. XSD validation failed with the following error: '{0}'. The validation failed at: '...{1} <<<<<ERROR LOCATION>>>>> {2}...'." |
0x8005E227 -2147098073 |
Nombre: InaccessibleSmtpServer Mensaje: Cannot reach to the smtp server. Please check that the smtp server is accessible. |
0x80048560 -2147187360 |
Nombre: InactiveDBTransactionTerminated Mensaje: The database transaction was inactive and was forcibly closed. Please retry the operation. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact Support. |
0x8005E228 -2147098072 |
Nombre: InactiveEmailServerProfile Mensaje: Email server profile is disabled. Cannot process email for disabled profile. |
0x8005E219 -2147098087 |
Nombre: InactiveMailbox Mensaje: The mailbox is in inactive state. Send/Receive mails are allowed only for active mailboxes. |
0x8004F686 -2147158394 |
Nombre: InactiveMetricSetOnGoal Mensaje: An inactive metric cannot be set on a goal. |
0x8004F685 -2147158395 |
Nombre: InactiveRollupQuerySetOnGoal Mensaje: An inactive rollup query cannot be set on a goal. |
0x8004440e -2147204082 |
Nombre: IncidentCannotCancel Mensaje: The incident can not be cancelled because there are open activities for this incident. |
0x80044403 -2147204093 |
Nombre: IncidentContractDoesNotHaveAllotments Mensaje: The contract does not have enough allotments. The case can not be created against this contract. |
0x8004440b -2147204085 |
Nombre: IncidentInvalidAllotmentType Mensaje: The allotment type for the contract is invalid. |
0x8004440d -2147204083 |
Nombre: IncidentInvalidContractLineStateForCreate Mensaje: The case can not be created against this contract line item because the contract line item is cancelled or expired. |
0x80044400 -2147204096 |
Nombre: IncidentInvalidContractStateForCreate Mensaje: The case can not be created against this contract because of the contract state. |
0x80044411 -2147204079 |
Nombre: IncidentIsAlreadyClosedOrCancelled Mensaje: Already Closed or Canceled |
0x80044409 -2147204087 |
Nombre: IncidentMissingActivityRegardingObject Mensaje: The incident id is missing. |
0x80044401 -2147204095 |
Nombre: IncidentMissingContractDetail Mensaje: The contract detail id is missing. |
0x8004440c -2147204084 |
Nombre: IncidentNullSpentTimeOrBilled Mensaje: The timespent on the Incident is NULL or IncidentResolution Activity's IsBilled is NULL. |
0x8005E223 -2147098077 |
Nombre: IncomingDeliveryIsForwardMailbox Mensaje: Cannot poll mails from the mailbox. Its incoming delivery method is Forward mailbox. |
0x8005E258 -2147098024 |
Nombre: IncomingEmailFilteringMethodCannotBeChanged Mensaje: User setting '{0}' cannot be changed to a value of '{3}' as this setting is being controlled by OrgDbOrgSetting '{1}'. OrgDbOrgSetting Value: '{2}'. |
0x8005E23E -2147098050 |
Nombre: IncomingServerLocationAndSslSetToNo Mensaje: The URL specified for Incoming Server Location uses HTTPS but the Use SSL for Incoming Connection option is set to No. Set this option to Yes, and then try again. |
0x8005E240 -2147098048 |
Nombre: IncomingServerLocationAndSslSetToYes Mensaje: The URL specified for Incoming Server Location uses HTTP but the Use SSL for Incoming Connection option is set to Yes. Specify a server location that uses HTTPS, and then try again. |
0x8006088B -2147088245 |
Nombre: IncompatibleStepsEncountered Mensaje: You can't enable the EnforceReadOnlyPlugins setting because plug-ins that change data are registered on read-only SDK messages. {0} |
0x80160039 -2146041799 |
Nombre: IncompatibleValueTypeInLookup Mensaje: Parameter {0} is incompatible for lookup property {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x8004037d -2147220611 |
Nombre: IncompleteTransformationParameterMappingsFound Mensaje: One or more mandatory transformation parameters do not have mappings defined for them. |
0x8004F043 -2147159997 |
Nombre: InconsistentAttributeNameCasing Mensaje: Detected inconsistent attribute name casing, expected: {0}, actual: {1}. |
0x80072009 -2147016695 |
Nombre: InconsistentConfiguration Mensaje: More than one configuration found for {0} with id {1}. |
0x8004F996 -2147157610 |
Nombre: InconsistentProductRelationshipState Mensaje: The other row for the product relationship is not available. |
0x80060462 -2147089310 |
Nombre: IncorrectActiveStageEntity Mensaje: Active stage is not on '{0}' entity. |
0x80044354 -2147204268 |
Nombre: IncorrectAttributeValueType Mensaje: Invalid Attribute Value Type for {0}. Expected: {1}, Found: {2} |
0x8006089C -2147088228 |
Nombre: IncorrectEntitySetName Mensaje: The entity set name {0} must start with a valid customization prefix. |
0x80072037 -2147016649 |
Nombre: IncorrectFileFormat Mensaje: The file {0} cannot be imported. |
0x8004A116 -2147180266 |
Nombre: IncorrectKeyVaultKeyTypeConfiguration Mensaje: Incorrect KeyVault KeyType Configuration. |
0x80048502 -2147187454 |
Nombre: IncorrectSingleFileMultipleEntityMap Mensaje: There should be two or more Entity Mappings defined when EntitiesPerFile in ImportMap is set to Multiple |
0x80048360 -2147187872 |
Nombre: IncorrectUserAzureState Mensaje: User with SystemUserId={0} and AzureActiveDirectoryObjectId={1} is present in Azure Active Directory with state {2}. AzureState can't be set to incorrect value={3}. |
0x80060991 -2147087983 |
Nombre: IncreasingDaysWillResetMobileOfflineData Mensaje: Increasing the number of days will cause a reset of mobile offline data and a resynchronization with mobile devices. |
0x80048d40 -2147185344 |
Nombre: IndexExceedsMaxLength Mensaje: The index entry of length for the index exceeds the maximum length. Please try removing some columns or reduce the number of columns in the table. |
0x8005E008 -2147098616 |
Nombre: IndexOutOfRange Mensaje: The index {0} is out of range for {1}. Number of elements present are {2}. |
0x80060895 -2147088235 |
Nombre: IndexSizeConstraintViolated Mensaje: Index size exceeded the size limit of {0} bytes. The key is too large. Try removing some columns or making the strings in string columns shorter. |
0x8004F800 -2147158016 |
Nombre: InitializeErrorNoReadOnSource Mensaje: The operation could not be completed because you donot have read access on some of the fields in {0} record. |
0x80072555 -2147015339 |
Nombre: InitializeFileRequestFailure Mensaje: Error occured during initialize file request. (RecordId: {0}, EntityName: {1}) Details:{2} |
0x8004E028 -2147164120 |
Nombre: InMemoryPaginationRecordLimitExceeded Mensaje: In memory pagination limit of {0} exceeded. Cannot perform this operation. |
0x80050134 -2147155660 |
Nombre: InputAppModuleAssociatedWithDifferentProfile Mensaje: AppModule ids are not associated with same profile id. |
0x80050133 -2147155661 |
Nombre: InputAppModuleNotAssociatedWithValidProfile Mensaje: Input app is not associated with valid profile id. |
0x80060378 -2147089544 |
Nombre: InputParameterFieldIncorrect Mensaje: Input parameter “{0}” does not match the input parameter field configured. Contact your system administrator to check the configuration metadata if the error persists. |
0x80044320 -2147204320 |
Nombre: InsertOptionValueInvalidType Mensaje: You can add option values only to picklist and status attributes. |
0x80097527 -2146863833 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreAggregateNotAllowed Mensaje: Aggregates are not supported. |
0x8009752B -2146863829 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreColumnDoesNotExist Mensaje: Column {2} for entity {0} and attribute {1} does not exist in Insights store database. |
0x8009752C -2146863828 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreColumnFLSCheckFailure Mensaje: User does not have read access to entity {0} and attribute {1}. |
0x8009752D -2146863827 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreConversionError Mensaje: Error reading value for entity {0} and attribute {1}. |
0x80097528 -2146863832 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreDatabaseNotProvisioned Mensaje: Insights store database is not provisioned for this organization. |
0x8009752E -2146863826 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreDataOperationThrottled Mensaje: This operation cannot be performed. Reason: {0}. Please retry after {1} seconds. |
0x80097529 -2146863831 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreExternalNameMissing Mensaje: ExternalName attribute is empty for entity {0}. |
0x80097526 -2146863834 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreLinkEntityNotAllowed Mensaje: link-entity is not supported. |
0x8009752A -2146863830 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreTableDoesNotExist Mensaje: Table {1} for entity {0} does not exist in Insights store database. |
0x80097530 -2146863824 |
Nombre: InsightsStoreUnexpectedError Mensaje: Unable to process this request. Please retry the operation. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact Support. |
0x8004E115 -2147163883 |
Nombre: InstanceOutsideEffectiveRange Mensaje: Cannot perform the operation. An instance is outside of series effective expansion range. |
0x80044502 -2147203838 |
Nombre: InsufficientAccessMode Mensaje: User does not have read-write access to the Dynamics 365 organization. |
0x8004A103 -2147180285 |
Nombre: InsufficientAuthTicket Mensaje: The ticket specified for authentication didn't meet policy |
0x8004E022 -2147164126 |
Nombre: InsufficientColumnsInSubQuery Mensaje: One or more columns required by the outer query are not available from the sub-query. |
0x8006110A -2147086070 |
Nombre: InsufficientCreatePrivilege Mensaje: External Party don't have sufficient privilege to create new record with given parameters. |
0x80048d30 -2147185360 |
Nombre: Permisos insuficientes para asignación de objetivo Mensaje: The user is missing privileges for assigning goal. |
0x80048345 -2147187899 |
Nombre: InsufficientPrivilegesSupportUser Mensaje: Support user does not have permission to perform this operation. |
0x80040520 -2147220192 |
Nombre: InsufficientPrivilegeToQueueOwner Mensaje: The owner of this queue does not have sufficient privileges to work with the queue. |
0x80090305 -2146893051 |
Nombre: InsufficientReadPrivilegeForAction Mensaje: User doesn't have 'read' privilege to this message with logical name: '{0}'. |
0x80090304 -2146893052 |
Nombre: InsufficientReadPrivilegeForEntity Mensaje: User doesn't have 'read' privilege to this entity with logical name: '{0}'. |
0x80061109 -2147086071 |
Nombre: InsufficientRetrievePrivilege Mensaje: External Party don't have sufficient privilege to retrieve record. |
0x80048506 -2147187450 |
Nombre: InsufficientTransformationParameters Mensaje: Insufficient parameters to execute transformation mapping. |
0x8006110B -2147086069 |
Nombre: InsufficientUpdatePrivilege Mensaje: External Party don't have sufficient privilege to update record. |
0x8004432F -2147204305 |
Nombre: IntegerValueOutOfRange Mensaje: A validation error occurred. An integer provided is outside of the allowed values for this attribute. |
0x80044301 -2147204351 |
Nombre: IntegratedAuthenticationIsNotAllowed Mensaje: Integrated authentication is not allowed. |
0x80048055 -2147188651 |
Nombre: InvalidAbsoluteUrlFormat Mensaje: The absolute url contains invalid characters. Please use a different name. Valid absolute url cannot ends with the following strings: .aspx, .ashx, .asmx, .svc |
0x80048335 -2147187915 |
Nombre: InvalidAccessMaskForTeamTemplate Mensaje: Invalid access mask is specified for team template. |
0x80041d66 -2147213978 |
Nombre: InvalidAccessModeTransition Mensaje: The client access license cannot be changed because the user does not have a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online license. To change the access mode, you must first add a license for this user in the Microsoft Online Service portal. |
0x8004020d -2147220979 |
Nombre: InvalidAccessRights Mensaje: Invalid access rights. |
0x80048347 -2147187897 |
Nombre: InvalidAccessRightsPassed Mensaje: Invalid Access Rights passed. |
0x80050005 -2147155963 |
Nombre: InvalidActivityMimeAttachmentId Mensaje: Invalid activityMimeAttachmentId. |
0x8004F120 -2147159776 |
Nombre: InvalidActivityOwnershipTypeMask Mensaje: A custom entity defined as an activity must be user or team owned. |
0x80043518 -2147207912 |
Nombre: InvalidActivityPartyAddress Mensaje: One or more activity parties have invalid addresses. |
0x80040321 -2147220703 |
Nombre: InvalidActivityType Mensaje: An invalid object type was specified for distributing activities. |
0x8004030f -2147220721 |
Nombre: InvalidActivityTypeForCampaignActivityPropagate Mensaje: Must specify a valid CommunicationActivity |
0x80040305 -2147220731 |
Nombre: InvalidActivityTypeForList Mensaje: Cannot create activities of the specified list type. |
0x80043514 -2147207916 |
Nombre: InvalidActivityXml Mensaje: Invalid Xml in an activity config file. |
0x800404ef -2147220241 |
Nombre: InvalidAllotmentsCalc Mensaje: Allotments: remaining + used != total |
0x8004430B -2147204341 |
Nombre: InvalidAllotmentsOverage Mensaje: Allotment overage is invalid. |
0x800404f2 -2147220238 |
Nombre: InvalidAllotmentsRemaining Mensaje: The allotments remaining is invalid |
0x800404f0 -2147220240 |
Nombre: InvalidAllotmentsTotal Mensaje: The total allotments is invalid |
0x800404f1 -2147220239 |
Nombre: InvalidAllotmentsUsed Mensaje: The allotments used is invalid |
0x8004B060 -2147176352 |
Nombre: InvalidAmountFreeResourceLimit Mensaje: The resource type {0} cannot have an amount free value of {1}. |
0x8004B02D -2147176403 |
Nombre: InvalidAmountProvided Mensaje: The service component {0} cannot have a provide {1} of resource type {2}. |
0x80090918 -2146891496 |
Nombre: InvalidApplicationUserAssociationElevatedPrivileges Mensaje: User with SystemUserId = {0} with application id = {1} cannot be assigned a role with elevated privileges. |
0x80072562 -2147015326 |
Nombre: InvalidApplicationUserUpdate Mensaje: Invalid Application User Update |
0x80050135 -2147155659 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleAggregatedErrors Mensaje: {0} |
0x80050126 -2147155674 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleClientType Mensaje: The client type value passed is incorrect and not in the valid range. |
0x80050113 -2147155693 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleComponent Mensaje: The ID {0} doesn’t exist or isn’t valid for the component type “{1}”. |
0x80050108 -2147155704 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleComponentEntity Mensaje: App Module Import Failed because entity with Unique Name {0} doesn't exist in system. Remove this entity from App Module Components or bring this entity as part of your solution. |
0x80050132 -2147155662 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleComponentSiteMap Mensaje: App Module import failed because Sitemap with Unique Name {0} doesn't exist in system. Bring Sitemap with Unique Name {0} as part of your solution. |
0x80050112 -2147155694 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleComponentType Mensaje: An app can’t reference the component type “{0}”. |
0x8005012F -2147155665 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleEventHandlers Mensaje: The event handlers provided for the app are invalid. |
0x80050116 -2147155690 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleId Mensaje: The app ID is invalid or you don’t have access to the app. |
0x8005013A -2147155654 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleOptimizedFor Mensaje: The optimized for value(s) provided for the app are invalid. |
0x80050110 -2147155696 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleSiteMap Mensaje: The customized site map for this app module could not be used because it is configured incorrectly. To resolve this issue, navigate to the full experience to repair the customized site map and import it again. |
0x80050109 -2147155703 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleSiteMapXml Mensaje: The App Module SiteMap is invalid. |
0x8005011E -2147155682 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleUniqueName Mensaje: The unique name exceeds the maximum length of 40 characters or contains invalid characters. Only letters and numbers are allowed. |
0x8005011A -2147155686 |
Nombre: InvalidAppModuleUrl Mensaje: The app URL is not unique or the format is invalid. |
0x8004E104 -2147163900 |
Nombre: InvalidAppointmentInstance Mensaje: Invalid appointment entity instance. |
0x80048dfd -2147185155 |
Nombre: InvalidApproveFromDraftArticle Mensaje: You are trying to approve an article that has a status of draft. You can only approve an article with the status of unapproved. |
0x80048dfb -2147185157 |
Nombre: InvalidApproveFromPublishedArticle Mensaje: You are trying to approve an article that has a status of published. You can only approve an article with the status of unapproved. |
0x80040203 -2147220989 |
Nombre: InvalidArgument Mensaje: Invalid argument. |
0x8004849B -2147187557 |
Nombre: InvalidArgumentException Mensaje: Invalid Argument, Parameter Name: {0}, Message: {1} |
0x800404fb -2147220229 |
Nombre: InvalidArticleState Mensaje: The article state is undefined |
0x800404fc -2147220228 |
Nombre: InvalidArticleStateTransition Mensaje: This article state transition is invalid because of the current state of the article |
0x800404fd -2147220227 |
Nombre: InvalidArticleTemplateState Mensaje: The article template state is undefined |
0x8004417E -2147204738 |
Nombre: InvalidAssemblyProcessorArchitecture Mensaje: The given plugin assembly was built with an unsupported target platform and cannot be loaded. |
0x8004417D -2147204739 |
Nombre: InvalidAssemblySourceType Mensaje: The given plugin assembly source type is not supported for isolated plugin assemblies. |
0x80040210 -2147220976 |
Nombre: InvalidAssigneeId Mensaje: Invalid assignee id. |
0x800609AE -2147087954 |
Nombre: InvalidAssociatedSavedQuery Mensaje: Selected saved query does not belong to associated entity of the mobile offline profile item. |
0x80048490 -2147187568 |
Nombre: InvalidAttachmentsFolder Mensaje: The compressed (.zip) file can't be uploaded because the folder "Attachments" contains one or more subfolders. Remove the subfolders and try again. |
0x8005E009 -2147098615 |
Nombre: InvalidAttribute Mensaje: Attribute {0} cannot be found for entity {1}. |
0x80048545 -2147187387 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeCopyTarget Mensaje: A target attribute must be unset or have the same value as the source attribute when copying. |
0x80044815 -2147203051 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeDataType Mensaje: Attribute data type: {0} is not valid for this entity. |
0x80044816 -2147203050 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeFieldType Mensaje: Attribute field type: {0} is not valid for virtual entity. |
0x80090483 -2146892669 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeFormat Mensaje: The format {0} is not valid for the {1} type column {2} of table {3}. |
0x8004E303 -2147163389 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeFound Mensaje: A Form XML of type {1} with id {2} cannot contain attribute: {0}. |
0x80060412 -2147089390 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeInXaml Mensaje: Attribute - {0} in the XAML is invalid |
0x80046203 -2147196413 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeMap Mensaje: InvalidAttributeMap Error Occurred |
0x80048438 -2147187656 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeMapping Mensaje: One or more attribute mappings is invalid. |
0x8004419d -2147204707 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeMetadataForBulkOperation Mensaje: Unable to execute {0} due to invalid metadata of attribute with name '{1}'. Please retry your request again. |
0x80090486 -2146892666 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeMetadataForDenormalizedRelationship Mensaje: The attribute {0} of entity {1} cannot be used in relationship {2} as it has IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate set to false.. |
0x80072527 -2147015385 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeQuery Mensaje: Attributes must be part of the requested EntityMetadata properties when an AttributeQuery is specified. Expect property = {0} in requested entity properties list. |
0x81097629 -2130086359 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeSchemaNameSuffix Mensaje: Attribute with name '{0}' is ending with '{1}'. This will cause name conflict with existing datetime attribute '{2}'.Please try creating attribute without suffix '{1}'. |
0x8009049A -2146892646 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeTypeForAutoNumber Mensaje: Column {1} cannot be set to auto-number because it is using an incompatible data type {0}. |
0x8004034b -2147220661 |
Nombre: InvalidAttributeTypeForConditionOperator Mensaje: Condition Operator {0} does not work with attribute type {1} |
0x80048516 -2147187434 |
Nombre: InvalidAuth Mensaje: Organization Authentication does not match the current discovery service Role. |
0x8004A100 -2147180288 |
Nombre: InvalidAuthTicket Mensaje: The ticket specified for authentication didn't pass validation |
0x80044242 -2147204542 |
Nombre: InvalidBaseAttributeError Mensaje: Invalid Base attribute. |
0x80043b0b -2147206389 |
Nombre: InvalidBaseUnit Mensaje: The base unit does not belong to the schedule. |
0x800608A1 -2147088223 |
Nombre: InvalidBehavior Mensaje: The Behavior value of this attribute can't be changed. |
0x800608A0 -2147088224 |
Nombre: InvalidBehaviorSelection Mensaje: The behavior of this Date and Time field can only be changed to “Date Only". |
0x80090006 -2146893818 |
Nombre: InvalidBlockList Mensaje: Commit file operation failed. Either the specified block list is invalid or some chunk(s) are missing to upload. |
0x8004D255 -2147167659 |
Nombre: InvalidBrowserToConfigureOrganization Mensaje: Browser not compatible to configure organization |
0x80060389 -2147089527 |
Nombre: InvalidBusinessProcess Mensaje: Invalid Business Process. |
0x8009732A -2146864342 |
Nombre: InvalidCallbackUri Mensaje: Provided CallbackUri is not a valid Uri. |
0x80097327 -2146864345 |
Nombre: InvalidCallbackUriInPreferenceHeader Mensaje: Invalid uri was provided in the callback preference of prefer header. |
0x80040257 -2147220905 |
Nombre: InvalidCaller Mensaje: Cannot switch ExecutionContext to system user without setting Caller first. |
0x80048d1A -2147185382 |
Nombre: InvalidCallerId Mensaje: CallerId provided for impersonation is invalid. Provided CallerId is either NULL or empty string |
0x80097261 -2146864543 |
Nombre: Configuración de cascada no válida para tabla elástica Mensaje: The provided cascade configuration is not supported for relationships involving Elastic tables. |
0x80048204 -2147188220 |
Nombre: InvalidCascadeLinkType Mensaje: The cascade link type is not valid for the cascade action. |
0x8004E009 -2147164151 |
Nombre: InvalidCategory Mensaje: Category is invalid. All the measures in the category either do not have same primary group by or are a mix of aggregate and non-aggregate data. |
0x8005E23A -2147098054 |
Nombre: InvalidCertificate Mensaje: The given certificate is invalid. |
0x80092002 -2146885630 |
Nombre: InvalidChangeProcess Mensaje: Invalid change process status request. Current process status is {0}, which cannot transition to {1}. |
0x80040310 -2147220720 |
Nombre: InvalidChannelForCampaignActivityPropagate Mensaje: Cannot distribute activities for campaign activities of the specified channel type. |
0x80060602 -2147088894 |
Nombre: InvalidChannelOrigin Mensaje: An entitlement channel term with the same channel already exists. Specify a different channel and try again. |
0x80040278 -2147220872 |
Nombre: InvalidCharactersInField Mensaje: The field '{0}' contains one or more invalid characters. |
0x80072604 -2147015164 |
Nombre: InvalidCharInConnectorName Mensaje: Connector name must be alphanumeric, '-', or '_' and start with alphanumeric. |
0x80061503 -2147085053 |
Nombre: InvalidClassIdInReferencePanelSection Mensaje: Reference Panel section can have only sub-grid, quick view form, knowledge base search, i-frame and HTML web resource controls. Found control with invalid classid {0}. |
0x8006088E -2147088242 |
Nombre: InvalidCollectionName Mensaje: An entity with that collection name already exists. Specify a unique name. |
0x80040377 -2147220617 |
Nombre: InvalidColumnMapping Mensaje: ColumnMapping is Invalid. Check that the target attribute exists. |
0x80040336 -2147220682 |
Nombre: InvalidColumnNumber Mensaje: The column number specified in the data map does not exist. |
0x8005E100 -2147098368 |
Nombre: InvalidCommand Mensaje: Invalid command. |
0x8005E103 -2147098365 |
Nombre: InvalidComplexControlId Mensaje: The complex control id is invalid. |
0x80090113 -2146893549 |
Nombre: InvalidComplexTypeNamespace Mensaje: The namespace '{0}' is invalid namespace for complex object. |
0x80072004 -2147016700 |
Nombre: InvalidComponentType Mensaje: Component type {0} cannot be found |
0x8004023f -2147220929 |
Nombre: InvalidConnectionString Mensaje: The connection string not found or invalid. |
0x80090005 -2146893819 |
Nombre: InvalidContentRangeForFileUpload Mensaje: Content range is either not valid or size of the payload [{0}] doesn't match with the chunk size provided. |
0x800404f6 -2147220234 |
Nombre: InvalidContractDetailId Mensaje: The Contract detail id is invalid |
0x8004E307 -2147163385 |
Nombre: InvalidControlClass Mensaje: The Form XML of type {1} with id {2} cannot contain controls elements with class id: {0}. |
0x80160006 -2146041850 |
Nombre: InvalidControlDescriptionRootNode Mensaje: Invalid XmlNode passed as input parameter The expected XmlNode is ControlDescription {0}. More Details:{1} |
0x800608F6 -2147088138 |
Nombre: InvalidConversionRule Mensaje: The ConversionRule specified {0} is invalid. Please specify a valid ConversionRule. |
0x8004F011 -2147160047 |
Nombre: InvalidCreateOnProtectedComponent Mensaje: You cannot create {0} {1}. Creation cannot be performed when {0} is managed. |
0x8005E214 -2147098092 |
Nombre: InvalidCredentialTypeForNonExchangeIncomingConnection Mensaje: For a POP3 email server type, you can only connect using credentials that are specified by a user or queue. |
0x8004E103 -2147163901 |
Nombre: InvalidCrmDateTime Mensaje: Invalid CrmDateTime. |
0x80092004 -2146885628 |
Nombre: InvalidCrossEntityOperation Mensaje: Invalid cross-entity stage transition. Target entity must be specified. |
0x80092005 -2146885627 |
Nombre: InvalidCrossEntityTargetOperation Mensaje: Invalid cross-entity stage transition. Specified target must match {0}. |
0x80048cfc -2147185412 |
Nombre: InvalidCurrency Mensaje: The currency is invalid. |
0x8004F125 -2147159771 |
Nombre: InvalidCustomActivityType Mensaje: A custom entity defined as an activity must be of communicaton activity type. |
0x80090115 -2146893547 |
Nombre: InvalidCustomAttributeValue Mensaje: The attribute '{0}' of entity '{1}' has invalid value for custom attribute. |
0x80060996 -2147087978 |
Nombre: InvalidCustomDataDownloadFilters Mensaje: You can’t set custom download filters because Record Distribution Criteria isn’t set to Other Data Filters. |
0x8004022d -2147220947 |
Nombre: InvalidCustomer Mensaje: The customer is invalid. |
0x80048051 -2147188655 |
Nombre: InvalidCustomerLookupXml Mensaje: Customer lookup Xml is invalid. One or more relationships is/are missing. |
0x80040491 -2147220335 |
Nombre: InvalidCustomReportingWizardXml Mensaje: Invalid wizard xml |
0x8004E000 -2147164160 |
Nombre: InvalidDataDescription Mensaje: The data description for the visualization is invalid. |
0x8005F222 -2147093982 |
Nombre: InvalidDataDownloadFilterBusinessUnit Mensaje: For an entity owned by the Business Owner, you can only use the following data download filters: All records or Download related data only. |
0x8005F223 -2147093981 |
Nombre: InvalidDataDownloadFilterOrganization Mensaje: For an entity owned by the Organization, you can only use the following data download filters: All records or Download related data only. |
0x80060994 -2147087980 |
Nombre: InvalidDataFiltersForBUOwnedEntities Mensaje: You can’t set Records Owned By Me or Records Owned By My Team for business unit-owned entities. |
0x80060995 -2147087979 |
Nombre: InvalidDataFiltersForOrgOwnedEntities Mensaje: You can’t set the Other Data filter for organization-owned entities. |
0x80060993 -2147087981 |
Nombre: InvalidDataFiltersForUnownedEntities Mensaje: You can’t set the All Record or Other Data filters for unowned entities. |
0x80040356 -2147220650 |
Nombre: InvalidDataFormat Mensaje: The source data is not in the required format |
0x80090206 -2146893306 |
Nombre: InvalidDataLakeEndpoint Mensaje: Datalake container endpoint is not a valid URL and cannot be returned. |
0x80096004 -2146869244 |
Nombre: InvalidDataProcessingModuleExecuteRequest Mensaje: The DataProcessingModuleExecuteRequest payload is invalid. Details: {0}. |
0x80044826 -2147203034 |
Nombre: InvalidDataSourceEndPoint Mensaje: Invalid URI: A fully qualified URI without a query string must be provided. |
0x80090411 -2146892783 |
Nombre: InvalidDataTypeForCustomAttribute Mensaje: "Cannot create custom attribute '{0}' of Entity '{1}' because the type '{2}' is not valid for custom attribute." |
0x80090105 -2146893563 |
Nombre: InvalidDataTypeMemberOperation Mensaje: Unable to perform operation {0} on data type member with Id = '{1}', MemberName = '{2}', DisplayName = '{3}', and ParentTypeId = '{4}'. |
0x80090107 -2146893561 |
Nombre: InvalidDataTypeMembersInitialization Mensaje: The data type members for data type with Id = '{0}', Name = '{1}', and DisplayName = '{2}' have already been initialized. |
0x80090104 -2146893564 |
Nombre: InvalidDataTypeOperation Mensaje: Unable to perform operation {0} on data type with Id = '{1}', Name = '{2}', and DisplayName = '{3}'. |
0x8005E101 -2147098367 |
Nombre: InvalidDataXml Mensaje: Invalid data xml. |
0x80044805 -2147203067 |
Nombre: InvalidDateAttribute Mensaje: Date Attribute specified is not an attribute of Source Entity. |
0x80040239 -2147220935 |
Nombre: InvalidDateTime Mensaje: The date-time format is invalid, or value is outside the supported range. |
0x80048d17 -2147185385 |
Nombre: InvalidDateTimeBehavior Mensaje: Behavior {0} is not valid for DateTime attribute. |
0x800608A2 -2147088222 |
Nombre: InvalidDateTimeFormat Mensaje: You can’t change the format value of this attribute to “Date and Time” when the behavior is “Date Only.” |
0x8004E124 -2147163868 |
Nombre: InvalidDaysInFebruary Mensaje: February 29 can occur only when pattern start date is in a leap year. |
0x8004F660 -2147158432 |
Nombre: InvalidDeactivateFormType Mensaje: You can’t deactivate {0} forms. Only Main forms can be inactive. |
0x80097206 -2146864634 |
Nombre: InvalidDelegatedAccessTeamIdParameter Mensaje: Delegated access team parameter '{0}' is not a valid identifier. |
0x80048203 -2147188221 |
Nombre: InvalidDeleteModification Mensaje: A system relationship's delete cascading action cannot be modified. |
0x8004F013 -2147160045 |
Nombre: InvalidDeleteOnProtectedComponent Mensaje: You cannot delete {0} {1}. Deletion cannot be performed when {0} is managed. |
0x80060691 -2147088751 |
Nombre: InvalidDeleteProcess Mensaje: This process can't be deleted because it is a system-generated process. |
0x80090454 -2146892716 |
Nombre: InvalidDenormalizedAttributeName Mensaje: DenormalizedAttributeName cannot be null or empty for lookup attribute '{0}' when IsDenormalizedLookup is set to true. |
0x80090455 -2146892715 |
Nombre: InvalidDenormalizedLookupCreateRequest Mensaje: Cannot create denormalized lookup '{0}' because the entity '{1}' does not have secondary entity key. Secondary entity key count = {2}. |
0x8004F036 -2147160010 |
Nombre: InvalidDependency Mensaje: The {2} component {1} (Id={0}) does not exist. Failure trying to associate it with {3} (Id={4}) as a dependency. Missing dependency lookup type = {5}. |
0x8004F040 -2147160000 |
Nombre: InvalidDependencyComponent Mensaje: The required component {1} (Id={0}) that was defined for the {2} could not be found in the system. |
0x8004F041 -2147159999 |
Nombre: InvalidDependencyEntity Mensaje: The required component {1} (Name={0}) that was defined for the {2} could not be found in the system. |
0x8004F037 -2147160009 |
Nombre: InvalidDependencyFetchXml Mensaje: The FetchXml ({2}) is invalid. Failure ({3}) occurred while calculating dependencies for {1} (Id={0}). |
0x8004F089 -2147159927 |
Nombre: InvalidDependencyRoleDisplayConditionsXml Mensaje: The RolesDisplayConditionsXml ({2}) is invalid. Failure ({3}) occurred while calculating dependencies for {1} (Id={0}). |
0x8004D254 -2147167660 |
Nombre: InvalidDeviceToConfigureOrganization Mensaje: Mobile device cannot be used to configured organization |
0x8004700c -2147192820 |
Nombre: InvalidDisplayName Mensaje: The specified display name is not valid |
0x800608CB -2147088181 |
Nombre: InvalidDocumentTemplate Mensaje: Invalid document template. |
0x80048015 -2147188715 |
Nombre: InvalidDomainName Mensaje: The domain logon for this user is invalid. Select another domain logon and try again. |
0x8004E016 -2147164138 |
Nombre: InvalidDundasPresentationDescription Mensaje: The presentation description is not valid for dundas chart. |
0x8004E300 -2147163392 |
Nombre: InvalidElementFound Mensaje: Form XML of type {1} with id {2} cannot contain element: {0}. |
0x8004B016 -2147176426 |
Nombre: InvalidEmail Mensaje: Email generated from the template is not valid |
0x80044192 -2147204718 |
Nombre: InvalidEmailAddressFormat Mensaje: Invalid e-mail address. For more information, contact your system administrator. |
0x80040b0b -2147218677 |
Nombre: InvalidEmailAddressFormatWithEntityTypeAndId Mensaje: Invalid e-mail address for recipient of type '{0}' with ID '{1}' |
0x8005E221 -2147098079 |
Nombre: InvalidEmailAddressInMailbox Mensaje: The email address in the mailbox is not correct. Please enter the correct email address to process mails. |
0x8005E218 -2147098088 |
Nombre: InvalidEmailServerLocation Mensaje: The server location is either not present or is not valid. Please correct the server location. |
0x80040313 -2147220717 |
Nombre: InvalidEmailTemplate Mensaje: Must specify a valid Template Id |
0x80060606 -2147088890 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementActivate Mensaje: You can't activate an expired, waiting or canceled entitlement. |
0x80060609 -2147088887 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementAssociationToCase Mensaje: You can't create a case for this entitlement because there are no available terms. |
0x80060607 -2147088889 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementCancel Mensaje: You can't cancel an entitlement that's in the Draft or Expired state. |
0x80060605 -2147088891 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementChannelTerms Mensaje: Total terms for a specific case origin on an entitlement channel cannot be more than the total terms of the corresponding entitlement. |
0x80044207 -2147204601 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementContacts Mensaje: The specified contact isn’t associated with the selected customer. |
0x80060608 -2147088888 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementDeactivate Mensaje: You can deactivate only entitlements that are active or waiting |
0x80060618 -2147088872 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementExpire Mensaje: You can't set an entitlement to the Expired state. Active entitlements automatically expire when their end date passes. |
0x8004F866 -2147157914 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementForSelectedCustomerOrProduct Mensaje: Select an active entitlement that belongs to the specified customer, contact, or product, and then try again. |
0x80060610 -2147088880 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementRenew Mensaje: You can renew only the entitlements that are expired or canceled. |
0x80060611 -2147088879 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementStateAssociateToCase Mensaje: You can only associate a case with an active entitlement. |
0x800443FF -2147204097 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitlementTotalTerms Mensaje: Total terms for an entitlement cannot be less than the total terms of any of its corresponding EntitlementChannels. |
0x8005E00C -2147098612 |
Nombre: InvalidEntity Mensaje: Entity {0} cannot be found. |
0x80040249 -2147220919 |
Nombre: InvalidEntityClassException Mensaje: Invalid entity class. |
0x80044812 -2147203054 |
Nombre: InvalidEntityForDateAttribute Mensaje: Entity For Date Attribute can be either source entity or its parent. |
0x8004F0FD -2147159811 |
Nombre: InvalidEntityForLinkedAttribute Mensaje: Not a valid entity for linked attribute. |
0x80044813 -2147203053 |
Nombre: InvalidEntityForRollup Mensaje: The entity {0} is not a valid entity for rollup. |
0x8006088F -2147088241 |
Nombre: InvalidEntityKeyOperation Mensaje: Invalid EntityKey Operation performed : {0} |
0x80072493 -2147015533 |
Nombre: InvalidEntityLogicalName Mensaje: Entity name '{0}' is not a valid logical name. |
0x80048416 -2147187690 |
Nombre: InvalidEntityName Mensaje: The record type does not match the base record type and the matching record type of the duplicate detection rule. |
0x8006089B -2147088229 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitySetName Mensaje: An entity with the specified entity set name {0} already exists. Specify a unique name. |
0x800609B1 -2147087951 |
Nombre: InvalidEntitySpecified Mensaje: The entity is not specified in the template. |
0x80048cfd -2147185411 |
Nombre: InvalidExchangeRate Mensaje: The exchange rate is invalid. |
0x80060376 -2147089546 |
Nombre: InvalidExportProcessFlowNotActivated Mensaje: Failed to export Business Process “{0}” because solution does not include corresponding Business Process entity “{1}”. If this is a newly created Business Process in Draft state, activate it once to generate the Business Process entity and include it in the solution. For more information, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/4337537. |
0x80046BA7 -2147193945 |
Nombre: InvalidExternalCollectionName Mensaje: The specified External Collection name is not valid. |
0x80046BC0 -2147193920 |
Nombre: InvalidExternalName Mensaje: The specified External name is not valid. |
0x8006110F -2147086065 |
Nombre: InvalidExternalPartyConfiguration Mensaje: Multiple External Party Items are present for request parameters. |
0x80061111 -2147086063 |
Nombre: InvalidExternalPartyOperation Mensaje: External Party is not allowed. |
0x80061110 -2147086064 |
Nombre: InvalidExternalPartyParent Mensaje: External Party has invalid parent attribute. |
0x80044272 -2147204494 |
Nombre: InvalidFeatureType Mensaje: The feature type isn’t valid. |
0x8004E019 -2147164135 |
Nombre: InvalidFetchCollection Mensaje: The fetch collection for the visualization is invalid. |
0x80040303 -2147220733 |
Nombre: InvalidFetchXml Mensaje: Malformed FetchXml. |
0x80090007 -2146893817 |
Nombre: InvalidFileAttributeName Mensaje: Invalid File Attribute Name: [{0}]. |
0x80040396 -2147220586 |
Nombre: InvalidFileBadCharacters Mensaje: The file could not be uploaded because it contains invalid character(s) |
0x80090000 -2146893824 |
Nombre: InvalidFileRangeRequested Mensaje: Chunk range used in this call is either not valid or it is bigger than allowed {0} MB. |
0x80090015 -2146893803 |
Nombre: InvalidFileRangeRequestedSqlStorage Mensaje: {0} in multiple chunks is not supported for the files stored in the database. |
0x80090011 -2146893807 |
Nombre: InvalidFileSasUrl Mensaje: SAS url has either expired or is invalid. |
0x800608CC -2147088180 |
Nombre: InvalidFileType Mensaje: Invalid File Type. |
0x8004E01E -2147164130 |
Nombre: InvalidFilterCriteriaForVisualization Mensaje: The visualization cannot be rendered for the given filter criteria. |
0x80072017 -2147016681 |
Nombre: InvalidFirstPartySolutionName Mensaje: Solution with name {0} is invalid. All first party solution names should have a customization prefix. |
0x80044814 -2147203052 |
Nombre: InvalidFiscalPeriod Mensaje: The fiscal period {0} does not fall in the permitted range of fiscal periods as per organization's fiscal settings. |
0x80060468 -2147089304 |
Nombre: InvalidFlowProcessClientData Mensaje: Flow clientdata is in invalid format. Details: "{0}". |
0x80060875 -2147088267 |
Nombre: InvalidFormatForControl Mensaje: Invalid Precision Parameter specified for control {0}. It Dosent Contain Expected Value |
0x80040355 -2147220651 |
Nombre: InvalidFormatForDataDelimiter Mensaje: Mismatched data delimiter: only one delimiter was found. |
0x8004F601 -2147158527 |
Nombre: InvalidFormatForUpdateMode Mensaje: The file that you uploaded is invalid and cannot be used for updating records. |
0x80047101 -2147192575 |
Nombre: InvalidFormatParameters Mensaje: The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
0x8004E306 -2147163386 |
Nombre: InvalidFormType Mensaje: The type of the form must be set to {0} in the Form XML. |
0x80060874 -2147088268 |
Nombre: InvalidFormTypeCalledThroughSdk Mensaje: "Invalid Formtype used in Create call |
0x80044231 -2147204559 |
Nombre: InvalidForOfficeGraph Mensaje: One or both entities are not enabled for officegraph and they cannot be used for officegraph. |
0x8004480b -2147203061 |
Nombre: InvalidGoalAttribute Mensaje: Goal Attribute does not match the specified metric type. |
0x8004F684 -2147158396 |
Nombre: InvalidGoalManager Mensaje: The manager of a goal can only be a user and not a team. |
0x8004B038 -2147176392 |
Nombre: InvalidGranularityValue Mensaje: The Granularity column value is incorrect. Each rule part must be a name-value pair separated by an equal sign (=). For example: FREQ=Minutes;INTERVAL=15 |
0x8004E00F -2147164145 |
Nombre: InvalidGroupByAlias Mensaje: Data Description is invalid. Same group by alias cannot be used for different attributes. |
0x8004E01D -2147164131 |
Nombre: InvalidGroupByColumn Mensaje: Group by not allowed on the attribute. |
0x80090916 -2146891498 |
Nombre: InvalidGroupTeamAssociation Mensaje: Team with TeamId = {0} has type = {1} and the users passed in are not members of the group being added too. |
0x80040363 -2147220637 |
Nombre: InvalidGuid Mensaje: The globally unique identifier (GUID) in this row is invalid |
0x80060407 -2147089401 |
Nombre: InvalidGuidInXaml Mensaje: Guid - {0} in the Xaml is not valid |
0x80040344 -2147220668 |
Nombre: InvalidHeaderColumn Mensaje: The column heading contains an invalid combination of data delimiters. |
0x800608D0 -2147088176 |
Nombre: InvalidHexColorValue Mensaje: Only hexadecimal values are allowed. |
0x8004701F -2147192801 |
Nombre: InvalidHierarchicalRelationship Mensaje: This relationship is not self-referential and therefore cannot be made hierarchical. |
0x8004701a -2147192806 |
Nombre: InvalidHierarchicalRelationshipChange Mensaje: You can’t change this entity’s hierarchy because the {0} hierarchical relationship can’t be customized. |
0x80072603 -2147015165 |
Nombre: InvalidIconFileFormatForConnector Mensaje: Invalid icon file format. Supported formats are PNG and JPG. |
0x80040374 -2147220620 |
Nombre: InvalidImportFileContent Mensaje: The content of the import file is not valid. You must select a text file. |
0x80040351 -2147220655 |
Nombre: InvalidImportFileData Mensaje: The data is not in the required format |
0x80040349 -2147220663 |
Nombre: InvalidImportFileParseData Mensaje: Field and data delimiters for this file are not specified. |
0x80044252 -2147204526 |
Nombre: InvalidImportJobId Mensaje: The requested importjob does not exist. |
0x80044251 -2147204527 |
Nombre: InvalidImportJobTemplateFile Mensaje: The ImportJobTemplate.xml file is invalid. |
0x8005E224 -2147098076 |
Nombre: InvalidIncomingDeliveryExpectingEmailConnector Mensaje: The incoming delivery method is not email connector. To receive mails its incoming delivery method should be Email Connector. |
0x80096003 -2146869245 |
Nombre: InvalidIncrementalEntityInfos Mensaje: The IncrementalEntityInfos payload is invalid. Details: {0}. |
0x80060480 -2147089280 |
Nombre: InvalidInputArgumentForModernFlowExecute Mensaje: Cannot execute Modern Flow '{0}' because '{1}' is not a supported input argument. |
0x80044371 -2147204239 |
Nombre: InvalidInputForMetadataProperty Mensaje: Validation of value '{0}' of property '{1}' of {'2'} component with name '{3}' failed with exception {4}. |
0x8004E10D -2147163891 |
Nombre: InvalidInstanceEntityName Mensaje: Invalid instance entity name. |
0x8004E107 -2147163897 |
Nombre: InvalidInstanceTypeCode Mensaje: Invalid instance type code. |
0x80090468 -2146892696 |
Nombre: InvalidIntegerAutoNumberFormat Mensaje: The autonumber format '{0}' is invalid for Integer Attribute '{1}'. |
0x8004B049 -2147176375 |
Nombre: InvalidInteractiveUserQuota Mensaje: You have reached the maximum number of interactive/full users. |
0x80072540 -2147015360 |
Nombre: InvalidIntersectEntity Mensaje: Cannot use existing non intersect entity {0} as an intersect entity for defining many to many relationships. |
0x8004D20E -2147167730 |
Nombre: InvalidInvitationLiveId Mensaje: A user with this e-mail address was not found. Sign in to Windows Live ID with the same e-mail address where you received the invitation. If you do not have a Windows Live ID, please create one using that e-mail address. |
0x8004D20D -2147167731 |
Nombre: InvalidInvitationToken Mensaje: The invitation token {0} is not correctly formatted. |
0x80048d14 -2147185388 |
Nombre: InvalidInvocationWithNoDataProviderId Mensaje: Invalid invocation of the method as DataProviderId doesn't exist. |
0x80040364 -2147220636 |
Nombre: InvalidIsFirstRowHeaderForUseSystemMap Mensaje: The first row of the file does not contain column headings. |
0x80048cf2 -2147185422 |
Nombre: InvalidIsoCurrencyCode Mensaje: Invalid ISO currency code. |
0x80072529 -2147015383 |
Nombre: InvalidKeyQuery Mensaje: Keys must be part of the requested EntityMetadata properties when a KeyQuery is specified. Expect property = {0} in requested entity properties list. |
0x80043afd -2147206403 |
Nombre: InvalidKit Mensaje: The product is not a kit. |
0x80043afe -2147206402 |
Nombre: InvalidKitProduct Mensaje: You cannot add a product kit to itself. Select a different product or product kit. |
0x80044195 -2147204715 |
Nombre: InvalidLanguageCode Mensaje: The specified language code is not valid for this organization. |
0x80060750 -2147088560 |
Nombre: InvalidLanguageForCreate Mensaje: Rows with localizable attributes can only be created when the user interface (UI) language for the current user is set to the organization's base language. |
0x8005E102 -2147098366 |
Nombre: InvalidLanguageForProcessConfiguration Mensaje: Process configuration is not available since your language does not match system base language. |
0x80047019 -2147192807 |
Nombre: InvalidLanguageForSolution Mensaje: Solution and Publisher Options are not available since your language does not match system base language. |
0x80060751 -2147088559 |
Nombre: InvalidLanguageForUpdate Mensaje: Localizable attributes can only be updated via the string property when the user interface (UI) language for the current user is set to the organization's base language. Use SetLocLabels to update the localized values for the following attributes: [{0}]. |
0x8004D245 -2147167675 |
Nombre: InvalidLicenseCannotReadMpcFile Mensaje: Invalid license. MPC code cannot be read from MPC.txt file with this path {0}. |
0x8004D240 -2147167680 |
Nombre: InvalidLicenseKey Mensaje: Invalid license key ({0}). |
0x8004D246 -2147167674 |
Nombre: InvalidLicenseMpcCode Mensaje: Invalid license. Invalid MPC code ({0}). |
0x8004D242 -2147167678 |
Nombre: InvalidLicensePid Mensaje: Invalid license. Invalid PID (Product Id) ({0}). |
0x8004D243 -2147167677 |
Nombre: InvalidLicensePidGenCannotLoad Mensaje: Invalid license. PidGen.dll cannot be loaded from this path {0} |
0x8004D244 -2147167676 |
Nombre: InvalidLicensePidGenOtherError Mensaje: Invalid license. Cannot generate PID (Product Id) from License key. PidGen error code ({0}). |
0x80061400 -2147085312 |
Nombre: InvalidLocaleIdForKnowledgeArticle Mensaje: Language with Locale ID {0}, does not exist |
0x800608D3 -2147088173 |
Nombre: InvalidLogoImageId Mensaje: Invalid logo image web resource id. |
0x800608D9 -2147088167 |
Nombre: InvalidLogoImageWebResourceType Mensaje: Invalid WebResource Type for Logo Image. |
0x80048481 -2147187583 |
Nombre: InvalidLookupMapNode Mensaje: The lookup entity provided is not valid for the given target attribute. |
0x8005E217 -2147098089 |
Nombre: InvalidMailbox Mensaje: Invalid mailboxId passed in. Please check the mailboxid. |
0x8004F030 -2147160016 |
Nombre: InvalidManagedPropertyException Mensaje: Managed property {0} does not contain enough information to be created. Please provide (assembly, class), or (entity, attribute) or set the managed property to custom. |
0x80048533 -2147187405 |
Nombre: InvalidManifestFilePath Mensaje: Failed to locate the manifest file in the specified location |
0x80044244 -2147204540 |
Nombre: InvalidMatchingAttributeError Mensaje: Invalid Matching attribute. |
0x8004B02B -2147176405 |
Nombre: InvalidMaximumResourceLimit Mensaje: The resource type {0} cannot have a maximum limit of {1}. |
0x80060879 -2147088263 |
Nombre: InvalidMaxLengthForControl Mensaje: Invalid MaxLength Parameter specified for control {0}.Maxlength must be in between {1} and {2}. |
0x80090009 -2146893815 |
Nombre: InvalidMaxSizeInKB Mensaje: Invalid size for file type attribute. Valid size should be between [0-{0}] KB |
0x8006087B -2147088261 |
Nombre: InvalidMaxValueForControl Mensaje: Invalid MaxValue Parameter specified for control {0}.Max Value must be in between {1} and {2}. |
0x8004E00A -2147164150 |
Nombre: InvalidMeasureCollection Mensaje: Measure collection is invalid. Not all the measures in the measure collection have the same group bys. |
0x80096000 -2146869248 |
Nombre: InvalidMEFModuleConfiguration Mensaje: The MEF module configuration is invalid. |
0x8004023a -2147220934 |
Nombre: InvalidMetadata Mensaje: Invalid Metadata. |
0x80072343 -2147015869 |
Nombre: InvalidMetadataSqlOperation Mensaje: SQL exception has been thrown on current metadata operation. Please check the exception for more details. |
0x8005F033 -2147094477 |
Nombre: InvalidMigrationFileContent Mensaje: The content of the import file is not valid. You must select a text file. |
0x8006087C -2147088260 |
Nombre: InvalidMinAndMaxValueForControl Mensaje: Invalid MinValue and MaxValue Parameter specified for control {0}.Min Value must be less than Max Value. |
0x8004B02A -2147176406 |
Nombre: InvalidMinimumResourceLimit Mensaje: The resource type {0} cannot have a minimum limit of {1}. |
0x8006087A -2147088262 |
Nombre: InvalidMinValueForControl Mensaje: Invalid MinValue Parameter specified for control {0}.Min Value must be in between {1} and {2}. |
0x80071113 -2147020525 |
Nombre: InvalidMobileOfflineFiltersFetchXml Mensaje: XML Format mismatch. Check for the correctness of XML. |
0x80097377 -2146864265 |
Nombre: InvalidModernFlowBillingContext Mensaje: The billing context from workflow with id '{0}' is not valid. |
0x80048498 -2147187560 |
Nombre: InvalidMultipleMapping Mensaje: A source field is mapped to more than one Dynamics 365 fields of lookup/picklist type. |
0x80050111 -2147155695 |
Nombre: InvalidMultipleSiteMapReferenceSingleAppModule Mensaje: App {0} can’t have multiple site maps. |
0x80044366 -2147204250 |
Nombre: InvalidNamePrefix Mensaje: The schema name {0} for type {2} is invalid or missing.Custom attribute, entity, entitykey, option set and relationship names must start with a valid customization prefix.The prefix for a solution component should match the prefix that is specified for the publisher of the solution. |
0x800404f3 -2147220237 |
Nombre: InvalidNetPrice Mensaje: The net price is invalid |
0x8004B050 -2147176368 |
Nombre: InvalidNonInteractiveUserQuota Mensaje: You have reached the maximum number of non-interactive users/ |
0x80097244 -2146864572 |
Nombre: InvalidNoSqlCallbackMessageType Mensaje: Invalid NoSql Callback Message Type - {0}. |
0x80043700 -2147207424 |
Nombre: InvalidNumberGroupFormat Mensaje: Invalid input string for numbergroupformat. The input string should contain an array of integers. Every element in the value array should be between one and nine, except for the last element, which can be zero. |
0x80061505 -2147085051 |
Nombre: InvalidNumberOfCardFormSections Mensaje: Number of sections in a card form must be 4. Found {0}. |
0x80090002 -2146893822 |
Nombre: InvalidNumberOfParametersForFileUpload Mensaje: Invalid number of parameters [{0}] provided in request URL. |
0x8004E200 -2147163648 |
Nombre: InvalidNumberOfPartitions Mensaje: You cannot delete audit data in the partitions that are currently in use, or delete the partitions that are created for storing future audit data. |
0x80061504 -2147085052 |
Nombre: InvalidNumberOfReferencePanelSections Mensaje: MainInteractionCentric form can have only 1 reference panel section. Found {0}. |
0x80060872 -2147088270 |
Nombre: InvalidNumberOfSectionsInTab Mensaje: A dialog Form XML cannot contain more than one section. |
0x80060871 -2147088271 |
Nombre: InvalidNumberOfTabsInDialog Mensaje: A dialog Form XML cannot contain more than one tab. |
0x80041d50 -2147214000 |
Nombre: InvalidOAuthToken Mensaje: The OAuth token is invalid |
0x80072005 -2147016699 |
Nombre: InvalidObjectTypeCode Mensaje: Object type code {0} cannot be found. Is Metadata: {1} |
0x8004021f -2147220961 |
Nombre: InvalidObjectTypes Mensaje: Invalid object type. |
0x8004E125 -2147163867 |
Nombre: InvalidOccurrenceNumber Mensaje: The effective end date of the series cannot be earlier than today. Select a valid occurrence number. |
0x8004410e -2147204850 |
Nombre: InvalidOfflineOperation Mensaje: Operation not valid when offline. |
0x80072500 -2147015424 |
Nombre: InvalidOneToManyRelationship Mensaje: OneToMany Entity Relationship with EntityRelationshipId '{0}' has null ReferencingEntityRole |
0x8004430F -2147204337 |
Nombre: InvalidOneToManyRelationshipForRelatedEntitiesQuery Mensaje: An invalid OneToManyRelationship has been specified for RelatedEntitiesQuery. Referenced Entity {0} should be the same as primary entity {1} |
0x80072501 -2147015423 |
Nombre: InvalidOperandOnLeftHandSide Mensaje: The left side of the '{0}' operator must be a property of the entity. |
0x8004023b -2147220933 |
Nombre: InvalidOperation Mensaje: Invalid Operation performed. |
0x80040314 -2147220716 |
Nombre: InvalidOperationForClosedOrCancelledCampaignActivity Mensaje: Can not add items to closed (cancelled) campaignactivity. |
0x8004F701 -2147158271 |
Nombre: InvalidOperationForDynamicList Mensaje: This action is not available for a dynamic marketing list. |
0x80060015 -2147090411 |
Nombre: InvalidOperationWhenBusinessRuleIsActive Mensaje: Invalid operation - You cannot activate or deactivate this business rule |
0x8004033a -2147220678 |
Nombre: InvalidOperationWhenListIsNotActive Mensaje: List is not active. Cannot perform this operation. |
0x80040302 -2147220734 |
Nombre: InvalidOperationWhenListLocked Mensaje: List is Locked. Cannot perform this action. |
0x8004033b -2147220677 |
Nombre: InvalidOperationWhenPartyIsNotActive Mensaje: The party is not active. Cannot perform this operation. |
0x80048415 -2147187691 |
Nombre: InvalidOperatorCode Mensaje: The operator is not valid or it is not supported. |
0x80044253 -2147204525 |
Nombre: InvalidOperatorCodeError Mensaje: Invalid operator code. |
0x80060876 -2147088266 |
Nombre: InvalidOptionSetIdForControl Mensaje: An invalid OptionSetId specified for control {0}.OptionSet Id is an non-empty Guid. |
0x80048409 -2147187703 |
Nombre: InvalidOptionSetNameChange Mensaje: Cannot update OptionSet Name {0}, Id: {1} because OptionSet name provided value ({2}) is in use by another existing OptionSet (id: {3}) |
0x80048403 -2147187709 |
Nombre: InvalidOptionSetOperation Mensaje: Invalid OptionSet |
0x80044345 -2147204283 |
Nombre: InvalidOptionSetSchemaName Mensaje: An OptionSet with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. |
0x80071122 -2147020510 |
Nombre: InvalidOrEmptyRelationshipId Mensaje: The RelationshipId of Mobile profile item association is invalid or empty. |
0x8004D252 -2147167662 |
Nombre: InvalidOrganizationFriendlyName Mensaje: Invalid organization friendly name ({0}). Reason: ({1}) |
0x80044248 -2147204536 |
Nombre: InvalidOrganizationId Mensaje: The Organization ID present in the translations file does not match the current Organization ID. |
0x8006110D -2147086067 |
Nombre: InvalidOrganizationSettings Mensaje: Organization Settings are not properly configured for External Party. |
0x8004D251 -2147167663 |
Nombre: InvalidOrganizationUniqueName Mensaje: Invalid organization unique name ({0}). Reason: ({1}) |
0x80048514 -2147187436 |
Nombre: InvalidOrgDBOrgSetting Mensaje: Invalid Organization Setting passed in: {0}. Please check the datatype and pass in an appropriate value. |
0x80044156 -2147204778 |
Nombre: InvalidOrgOwnedCascadeLinkType Mensaje: Cascade User-Owned is not a valid cascade link type for org-owned entity relationships. |
0x8006098D -2147087987 |
Nombre: InvalidOtherDataFilterOptions Mensaje: You should select at least one option from Download My Records, My Team Records or My Business Unit's Records for Other Data Filter |
0x8005E226 -2147098074 |
Nombre: InvalidOutgoingDeliveryExpectingEmailConnector Mensaje: The outgoing delivery method is not email connector. To send mails its outgoing delivery method should be Email Connector. |
0x80040229 -2147220951 |
Nombre: InvalidOwnerID Mensaje: The owner ID is invalid or missing. |
0x8004700d -2147192819 |
Nombre: InvalidOwnershipTypeMask Mensaje: The specified ownership type mask is not valid for this operation |
0x8004A123 -2147180253 |
Nombre: InvalidOwningUserDataList Mensaje: Could not validate access to the list, one or more entries are invalid. |
0x8004E00D -2147164147 |
Nombre: InvalidPageResponse Mensaje: Invalid Page Response generated. |
0x80090003 -2146893821 |
Nombre: InvalidParameterForFileOperation Mensaje: Invalid parameter [{0}] provided in request URL. |
0x80040205 -2147220987 |
Nombre: InvalidParent Mensaje: The parent object is invalid or missing. |
0x8007200D -2147016691 |
Nombre: InvalidParentChildCascadeBehavior Mensaje: Parent-Child relationship {0} requires parental cascade behavior. |
0x8007200B -2147016693 |
Nombre: InvalidParentChildRelationshipUpdate Mensaje: You cannot update relationship {0} of type ParentChild to type {1}. |
0x80042302 -2147212542 |
Nombre: InvalidParentDraftState Mensaje: For a record in the Draft status, only an Under Revision, Draft, or Active record can be selected as its parent. |
0x80040206 -2147220986 |
Nombre: InvalidParentId Mensaje: The parent id is invalid or missing. |
0x80042303 -2147212541 |
Nombre: InvalidParentURState Mensaje: For a record in the Under Revision status, only an Under Revision or Active record can be selected as its parent. |
0x8004A109 -2147180279 |
Nombre: InvalidPartnerSolutionCustomizationProvider Mensaje: Invalid partner solution customization provider type |
0x80043515 -2147207915 |
Nombre: InvalidPartyMapping Mensaje: Invalid party mapping. |
0x80090417 -2146892777 |
Nombre: InvalidPicklistUpdate Mensaje: "Can't update '{0}' of optionset '{1}', For 'Picklist' and 'Status' options, only ParentValues can be updated." |
0x8004418b -2147204725 |
Nombre: InvalidPluginAssemblyContent Mensaje: Plug-in assembly does not contain the required types or assembly content cannot be updated. |
0x8004417B -2147204741 |
Nombre: InvalidPluginAssemblyVersion Mensaje: Plug-in assembly fullnames must be unique (ignoring the version build and revision number). |
0x80044170 -2147204752 |
Nombre: InvalidPluginRegistrationConfiguration Mensaje: The plug-in assembly registration configuration is invalid. |
0x80081114 -2146954988 |
Nombre: InvalidPluginStrongNameRequired Mensaje: Plug-in assembly is not strong name signed. |
0x8004418c -2147204724 |
Nombre: InvalidPluginTypeImplementation Mensaje: Plug-in type must implement exactly one of the following classes or interfaces: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.IPlugin, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPlugin, System.Activities.Activity and System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Activity. |
0x80040218 -2147220968 |
Nombre: InvalidPointer Mensaje: The object is disposed. |
0x80060478 -2147089288 |
Nombre: InvalidPostponeUntilTimeForModernFlowExecute Mensaje: Cannot execute Modern Flow '{0}' because '{1}' is not in a supported DateTimeOffset format. |
0x8006087D -2147088259 |
Nombre: InvalidPrecisionForControl Mensaje: Invalid Precision Parameter specified for control {0}.Precision must be in between {1} and {2}. |
0x80072605 -2147015163 |
Nombre: InvalidPrefixInConnectorName Mensaje: Connector name must start with a alphanumeric prefix with length between 2~8 and followed by '_' and alphanumeric name. |
0x8004E002 -2147164158 |
Nombre: InvalidPresentationDescription Mensaje: The presentation description is invalid. |
0x8005f219 -2147093991 |
Nombre: InvalidPreviewModeOperation Mensaje: You can’t perform this operation in preview mode. |
0x80048cf9 -2147185415 |
Nombre: InvalidPriceLevelCurrencyForPricingMethod Mensaje: The currency of the price list needs to match the currency of the product for pricing method percentage. |
0x80043b10 -2147206384 |
Nombre: InvalidPricePerUnit Mensaje: The price per unit is invalid. |
0x8004F864 -2147157916 |
Nombre: InvalidPrimaryContactBasedOnAccount Mensaje: The specified contact doesn't belong to the account selected as the customer. Specify a contact that belongs to the selected account, and then try again. |
0x8004F865 -2147157915 |
Nombre: InvalidPrimaryContactBasedOnContact Mensaje: The specified contact doesn't belong to the contact that was specified in the customer field. Remove the value from the contact field, or select a contact associated to the selected customer, and then try again. |
0x8004F127 -2147159769 |
Nombre: InvalidPrimaryFieldForActivity Mensaje: A custom entity defined as an activity cannot have primary attribute other than subject. |
0x8004700e -2147192818 |
Nombre: InvalidPrimaryFieldType Mensaje: Primary UI Attribute has to be of type String |
0x80040266 -2147220890 |
Nombre: InvalidPrimaryKey Mensaje: Invalid primary key. |
0x80048348 -2147187896 |
Nombre: InvalidPrincipalId Mensaje: Passed Guid is empty. |
0x80048346 -2147187898 |
Nombre: InvalidPrincipalType Mensaje: Invalid Principal Type passed. |
0x8004024b -2147220917 |
Nombre: InvalidPriv Mensaje: Invalid privilege type. |
0x80048d12 -2147185390 |
Nombre: InvalidPrivateLinkIdentifier Mensaje: The request is not authorized to perform this operation. |
0x80090903 -2146891517 |
Nombre: InvalidPrivilege Mensaje: Privilege with Id {0} is invalid and not found in MetadataCache |
0x8004140b -2147216373 |
Nombre: InvalidPrivilegeDepth Mensaje: Invalid privilege depth. |
0x8005E105 -2147098363 |
Nombre: InvalidProcessControlAttribute Mensaje: The process control definition contains an invalid attribute. |
0x8005E104 -2147098364 |
Nombre: InvalidProcessControlEntity Mensaje: The process control definition contains an invalid entity or invalid entity order. |
0x80092001 -2146885631 |
Nombre: InvalidProcessIdOperation Mensaje: Invalid operation. Process ID cannot be modified. |
0x80045049 -2147200951 |
Nombre: InvalidProcessStateData Mensaje: ProcessState is not valid for given ProcessSession instance. |
0x80060623 -2147088861 |
Nombre: InvalidProduct Mensaje: You can't add a product family. |
0x80090801 -2146891775 |
Nombre: InvalidPropertyInODataRequestBody Mensaje: Invalid property '{0}' was found in entity '{1}'. |
0x80072021 -2147016671 |
Nombre: InvalidPublisherForComponentConversion Mensaje: An entity can only be converted to solution component if the conversion is done by the same publisher that introduced the entity in the first place. |
0x8004F01C -2147160036 |
Nombre: InvalidPublisherUniqueName Mensaje: Publisher uniquename is required. |
0x8004F014 -2147160044 |
Nombre: InvalidPublishOnProtectedComponent Mensaje: You cannot publish {0} {1}. Publish cannot be performed when {0} is managed. |
0x80043afc -2147206404 |
Nombre: InvalidQuantityDecimalCode Mensaje: The quantity decimal code is invalid. |
0x80044183 -2147204733 |
Nombre: InvalidQuery Mensaje: The query specified for this operation is invalid |
0x80044822 -2147203038 |
Nombre: InvalidQueryForVirtualEntity Mensaje: The query specified is not supported for virtual entity. |
0x80097534 -2146863820 |
Nombre: InvalidQuickFormXMLNode Mensaje: Invalid QuickForms XML nodes in Form XML. |
0x8004D2A1 -2147167583 |
Nombre: InvalidRecurrenceInterval Mensaje: To set recurrence, you must specify an interval that is between 1 and 365. |
0x8004D2A2 -2147167582 |
Nombre: InvalidRecurrenceIntervalForRollupJobs Mensaje: To set recurrence, you must specify an interval that should be greater than 1 hour. |
0x8004E100 -2147163904 |
Nombre: InvalidRecurrencePattern Mensaje: Invalid recurrence pattern. |
0x80040246 -2147220922 |
Nombre: InvalidRecurrenceRule Mensaje: Error in RecurrencePatternFactory. |
0x8004D2A0 -2147167584 |
Nombre: InvalidRecurrenceRuleForBulkDeleteAndDuplicateDetection Mensaje: Bulk Delete and Duplicate Detection recurrence must be specified as daily. |
0x80090453 -2146892717 |
Nombre: InvalidReferencedEntityObjectTypeCode Mensaje: Could not find entity with ObjectTypeCode '{0}' for attribute '{1}'. |
0x80072032 -2147016654 |
Nombre: InvalidReferencesFound Mensaje: The solution import failed because some references included in the solution are not present in the organization. List of unresolved references: {0} |
0x80040319 -2147220711 |
Nombre: InvalidRegardingObjectTypeCode Mensaje: The regarding Object Type Code is not valid for the Bulk Operation. |
0x8004024c -2147220916 |
Nombre: InvalidRegistryKey Mensaje: Invalid registry key specified. |
0x80090409 -2146892791 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipAttributeId Mensaje: Relationship attribute with id '{0}' of relationship with id '{1}' does not exist. |
0x80047003 -2147192829 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipDescription Mensaje: The specified relationship cannot be created |
0x80090493 -2146892653 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipImport Mensaje: Solution import contains a relationship that does not include a related table relationship {0}. All relationships must have at least one related table. Please resolve this and try again. Related entities '{1}'. |
0x80060999 -2147087975 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipInMOPIAssociation Mensaje: This relationship doesn’t exist with the entity selected in the parent profile item. |
0x80060877 -2147088265 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipNameForControl Mensaje: Relationship Name not specified for control {0}.Relationship Name is an mandatory Field. |
0x80072528 -2147015384 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipQuery Mensaje: Atleast one of the relationship properties must be part of the requested EntityMetadata properties when a RelationshipQuery is specified.Expect atleast one of property = {0}, {1} or {2} in requested entity properties list. |
0x8004700f -2147192817 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipType Mensaje: The specified relationship type is not valid for this operation |
0x8004F989 -2147157623 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipTypeForAccessory Mensaje: An accessory relationship is always unidirectional and can't be changed. |
0x8004F988 -2147157624 |
Nombre: InvalidRelationshipTypeForUpSell Mensaje: An upsell relationship is always unidirectional and can't be changed. |
0x80048054 -2147188652 |
Nombre: InvalidRelativeUrlFormat Mensaje: The relative url contains invalid characters. Please use a different name. Valid relative url names cannot ends with the following strings: .aspx, .ashx, .asmx, .svc , cannot begin or end with a dot, cannot contain consecutive dots and cannot contain any of the following characters: ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | }. |
0x80072530 -2147015376 |
Nombre: InvalidRequestBody Mensaje: Passed entity object cannot be null or empty. |
0x80044271 -2147204495 |
Nombre: InvalidRequestDataFormat Mensaje: The updated configuration includes invalid data. |
0x80044828 -2147203032 |
Nombre: InvalidRequestParameter Mensaje: Both name and value should be specified for request parameter. |
0x8006110E -2147086066 |
Nombre: InvalidRequestParameters Mensaje: Request parameters are not valid to server External Party request. |
0x8004B029 -2147176407 |
Nombre: InvalidResourceType Mensaje: The requested action is not valid for resource type {0}. |
0x80040258 -2147220904 |
Nombre: InvalidRestore Mensaje: RestoreCaller must be called after SwitchToSystemUser. |
0x80060473 -2147089293 |
Nombre: InvalidRoboticProcessAutomationFlowProcessClientData Mensaje: Clientdata is in invalid format. Details: "{0}". |
0x8004B012 -2147176430 |
Nombre: InvalidRole Mensaje: You have not assigned roles to this user |
0x8006089A -2147088230 |
Nombre: InvalidRoleOccurrencesForOneToManyRelationship Mensaje: There can't be more than two entity relationship roles for a one-to-many relationship {0}. |
0x80060899 -2147088231 |
Nombre: InvalidRoleTypeForOneToManyRelationship Mensaje: This relationship role type isn't valid for a one-to-many relationship {0}. |
0x8004F683 -2147158397 |
Nombre: InvalidRollupQueryAttributeSet Mensaje: A Rollup Query cannot be set for a Rollup Field that is not defined in the Goal Metric. |
0x80040234 -2147220940 |
Nombre: InvalidRollupType Mensaje: The rollup type is invalid. |
0x8005E245 -2147098043 |
Nombre: InvalidS2SAuthentication Mensaje: You can use server-to-server authentication only for email server profiles created for a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online organization that was set up through the Microsoft online services environment (Office 365). |
0x8004700b -2147192821 |
Nombre: InvalidSchemaName Mensaje: An entity with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. |
0x80060202 -2147089918 |
Nombre: InvalidSearchEntities Mensaje: Search - {0} did not find any valid Entities. |
0x80060201 -2147089919 |
Nombre: InvalidSearchEntity Mensaje: Invalid Search Entity - {0}. |
0x80060204 -2147089916 |
Nombre: InvalidSearchName Mensaje: Invalid Search Name - {0}. |
0x8004E105 -2147163899 |
Nombre: InvalidSeriesId Mensaje: SeriesId is null or invalid. |
0x8004E109 -2147163895 |
Nombre: InvalidSeriesIdOriginalStart Mensaje: Invalid seriesid or original start date. |
0x8004E10F -2147163889 |
Nombre: InvalidSeriesStatus Mensaje: Invalid series status. |
0x80090902 -2146891518 |
Nombre: InvalidSharedLink Mensaje: The shared link used is invalid. |
0x8004020c -2147220980 |
Nombre: InvalidSharee Mensaje: Invalid share id. |
0x80048052 -2147188654 |
Nombre: InvalidSharePointSiteCollectionUrl Mensaje: The URL must conform to the http or https schema. |
0x80044254 -2147204524 |
Nombre: InvalidSimilarityRuleStateError Mensaje: Invalid similarity rule state. |
0x8004024f -2147220913 |
Nombre: InvalidSingletonResults Mensaje: Crm Internal Exception: Singleton Retrieve Query should not return more than 1 record. |
0x80048053 -2147188653 |
Nombre: InvalidSiteRelativeUrlFormat Mensaje: The relative url contains invalid characters. Please use a different name. Valid relative url names cannot end with the following strings: .aspx, .ashx, .asmx, .svc , cannot begin or end with a dot or /, cannot contain consecutive dots or / and cannot contain any of the following characters: ~ " # % & * : < > ? \ { | }. |
0x80072000 -2147016704 |
Nombre: InvalidSolutionAwarenessDeclaration Mensaje: The entity {0} cannot have its solution awareness setting updated. |
0x8007200E -2147016690 |
Nombre: InvalidSolutionComponentKey Mensaje: The attribute {0} from key {1} and entity {2} should be exportable to be an export key. |
0x8004701B -2147192805 |
Nombre: InvalidSolutionConfigurationPage Mensaje: The specified configuration page for this solution is invalid. |
0x80072006 -2147016698 |
Nombre: InvalidSolutionDependencies Mensaje: All components present in this solution have dependencies. This is not allowed as uninstall of this solution would be unactionable. |
0x80072015 -2147016683 |
Nombre: InvalidSolutionForComponentConversion Mensaje: An entity can only be converted to solution component if the conversion is done in the same solution as the one that introduced the entity in the first place. |
0x8004F002 -2147160062 |
Nombre: InvalidSolutionUniqueName Mensaje: Invalid character specified for solution unique name. Only characters within the ranges [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9] or _ are allowed. The first character may only be in the ranges [A-Z], [a-z] or _. |
0x8004F01E -2147160034 |
Nombre: InvalidSolutionVersion Mensaje: An invalid solution version was specified. |
0x80044808 -2147203064 |
Nombre: InvalidSourceAttributeType Mensaje: Source Attribute Type does not match the Amount Data Type specified. |
0x80044806 -2147203066 |
Nombre: InvalidSourceEntityAttribute Mensaje: Attribute {0} is not an attribute of Entity {1}. |
0x80044810 -2147203056 |
Nombre: InvalidSourceStateValue Mensaje: The source state specified for the entity is invalid. |
0x80044811 -2147203055 |
Nombre: InvalidSourceStatusValue Mensaje: The source status specified for the entity is invalid. |
0x80060437 -2147089353 |
Nombre: InvalidSourceType Mensaje: SourceType {0} isn't valid for the {1} data type. |
0x800608EA -2147088150 |
Nombre: InvalidSourceTypeCode Mensaje: Please select valid property bag for the selected source type. |
0x80060452 -2147089326 |
Nombre: InvalidStage Mensaje: Validation error: invalid stage. |
0x80092003 -2146885629 |
Nombre: InvalidStageTransition Mensaje: Invalid stage transition. Transition to stage {0} is not in the process active path. |
0x80060377 -2147089545 |
Nombre: InvalidStageTransitionOnInactiveInstance Mensaje: Invalid stage transition. Stage transition is not allowed on inactive processes. |
0x80040233 -2147220941 |
Nombre: InvalidState Mensaje: The object is not in a valid state to perform this operation. |
0x80048408 -2147187704 |
Nombre: InvalidStateCodeStatusCode Mensaje: State code is invalid or state code is valid but status code is invalid for a specified state code. |
0x8004F90A -2147157750 |
Nombre: InvalidStateForPublish Mensaje: The specified ProductFamily, Product or Bundle can only be published from Draft state or ActiveDraft status |
0x80090418 -2146892776 |
Nombre: InvalidStatePicklistUpdate Mensaje: "Can't update '{0}' of optionset '{1}', For State Options you can update only DisplayName, Description and DefaultStatusCode." |
0x8004F00E -2147160050 |
Nombre: InvalidStateTransition Mensaje: The {0} (Id={1}) entity or component has attempted to transition from an invalid state: {2}. |
0x80090485 -2146892667 |
Nombre: InvalidStringAttributeFormat Mensaje: Invalid string format {0} for column {1}. Please use a correct format. |
0x80048dfa -2147185158 |
Nombre: InvalidSubmitFromPublishedArticle Mensaje: You are trying to submit an article that has a status of published. You can only submit an article with the status of draft. |
0x80048dff -2147185153 |
Nombre: InvalidSubmitFromUnapprovedArticle Mensaje: You are trying to submit an article that has a status of unapproved. You can only submit an article with the status of draft. |
0x80043aff -2147206401 |
Nombre: InvalidSubstituteProduct Mensaje: A product can't have a relationship with itself. |
0x80060742 -2147088574 |
Nombre: InvalidSyncDirectionValueForUpdate Mensaje: The sync direction is invalid as per the allowed sync direction for one or more attribute mappings. |
0x80072515 -2147015403 |
Nombre: InvalidSyncToken Mensaje: Invalid Sync Token |
0x80040369 -2147220631 |
Nombre: InvalidTargetEntity Mensaje: The specified target record type does not exist. |
0x80060878 -2147088264 |
Nombre: InvalidTargetEntityTypeForControl Mensaje: Target Entity Type not specified for control {0}.Target Entity is an mandatory Field. |
0x8004420b -2147204597 |
Nombre: InvalidTargetFrameworkVersion Mensaje: This plugin assembly targets version {0} of .NET Framework that is not supported. Rebuild this assembly using .NET Framework version {1} and try again. |
0x80060392 -2147089518 |
Nombre: InvalidTaskFlow Mensaje: Task Flow is invalid. |
0x80090917 -2146891497 |
Nombre: InvalidTeamAssociationActionElevatedPrivileges Mensaje: An association action was attempted for application user {0} to give it elevated privileges. |
0x8004B010 -2147176432 |
Nombre: InvalidTemplate Mensaje: The Invitation Email template is not valid |
0x8004F073 -2147159949 |
Nombre: InvalidTemplateComponent Mensaje: Solution component type {0} is not enabled for import as template mode. |
0x800609B2 -2147087950 |
Nombre: InvalidTemplateContent Mensaje: The template content is invalid. |
0x80050019 -2147155943 |
Nombre: InvalidTemplateId Mensaje: That’s not a valid template. |
0x8004F074 -2147159948 |
Nombre: InvalidTemplateNode Mensaje: Node {0} is not enabled for import as template mode. |
0x8004F072 -2147159950 |
Nombre: InvalidTemplateSuffix Mensaje: Template suffix {0} is invalid. Suffixes must contain at most 8 characters and only consist of alpha-numeric and _.{}! characters |
0x8005E25B -2147098021 |
Nombre: InvalidTenantIDValue Mensaje: Exchange Online Tenant ID value is not valid.The Field value should be a string in the structure of GUID. |
0x800608D7 -2147088169 |
Nombre: InvalidThemeDeleteOperation Mensaje: You can’t delete system or default themes. |
0x800608D4 -2147088172 |
Nombre: InvalidThemeId Mensaje: Invalid theme id. |
0x800608F7 -2147088137 |
Nombre: InvalidTimeZoneCode Mensaje: Time Zone Code {0} specified is not recognized. Please specify a valid Time Zone Code value. |
0x8009000A -2146893814 |
Nombre: InvalidToDeleteFileAttachmentBulkDelete Mensaje: File Attachment bulk delete jobs cannot be deleted. |
0x8004B061 -2147176351 |
Nombre: InvalidToken Mensaje: The token is invalid. |
0x800404f4 -2147220236 |
Nombre: InvalidTotalDiscount Mensaje: The total discount is invalid |
0x800404f5 -2147220235 |
Nombre: InvalidTotalPrice Mensaje: The total price is invalid |
0x80040389 -2147220599 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameter Mensaje: A parameter for the transformation is either missing or invalid. |
0x80040380 -2147220608 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameterDataType Mensaje: The data type of one or more of the transformation parameters is unsupported. |
0x80048511 -2147187439 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameterEmptyCollection Mensaje: The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value length: {1}. The parameter length cannot be an empty collection. |
0x80040382 -2147220606 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameterMapping Mensaje: The transformation parameter mapping defined is invalid. Check that the target attribute name exists. |
0x8004037c -2147220612 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameterMappings Mensaje: One or more transformation parameter mappings are invalid or do not match the transformation parameter description. |
0x80048510 -2147187440 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameterOutsideRange Mensaje: The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value: {1}. The parameter is out of the permissible range: {2}. |
0x80048512 -2147187438 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameterOutsideRangeGeneric Mensaje: One or more input transformation parameter values are outside the permissible range: {0}. |
0x80048507 -2147187449 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParametersGeneric Mensaje: The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value: {1}. The parameter must be of type: {2}. |
0x80048508 -2147187448 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameterString Mensaje: The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value: {1}. The parameter must be a string that is not empty. |
0x80048509 -2147187447 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationParameterZeroToRange Mensaje: The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value: {1}. The parameter value must be greater than 0 and less than the length of the parameter 1. |
0x8004037a -2147220614 |
Nombre: InvalidTransformationType Mensaje: The specified transformation type is not supported. |
0x80044249 -2147204535 |
Nombre: InvalidTranslationsFile Mensaje: The translations file is invalid or does not confirm to the required schema. |
0x80092007 -2146885625 |
Nombre: InvalidTraversedPath Mensaje: Invalid traversed path. |
0x80090103 -2146893565 |
Nombre: InvalidTypeConversion Mensaje: Unable to cast {0} with value '{1}' to type {2}. |
0x80050104 -2147155708 |
Nombre: InvalidUnifiedAppArgument Mensaje: Save of app '{0}' failed due to an invalid UnifiedApp argument. |
0x80060386 -2147089530 |
Nombre: InvalidUniqueName Mensaje: Invalid unique name for action. |
0x80048dfc -2147185156 |
Nombre: InvalidUnpublishFromDraftArticle Mensaje: You are trying to unpublish an article that has a status of draft. You can only unpublish an article with the status of published. |
0x80048dfe -2147185154 |
Nombre: InvalidUnpublishFromUnapprovedArticle Mensaje: You are trying to unpublish an article that has a status of unapproved. You can only unpublish an article with the status of publish. |
0x8004846a -2147187606 |
Nombre: InvalidUpdateFilterCondition Mensaje: Link filter in Update statement supports [Any] or [Not Any]. Additionally link condition attribute should not enable FLS. Invalid filter condition due to {0}. |
0x8004F012 -2147160046 |
Nombre: InvalidUpdateOnProtectedComponent Mensaje: You cannot update {0} {1}. Updates cannot be performed when {0} is managed. |
0x80048056 -2147188650 |
Nombre: InvalidUrlConsecutiveSlashes Mensaje: The Url contains consecutive slashes which is not allowed. |
0x80090800 -2146891776 |
Nombre: InvalidUrlForODataBindProperty Mensaje: Invalid url value '{0}' for lookup property '{1}'. |
0x8004E30F -2147163377 |
Nombre: InvalidUrlProtocol Mensaje: The specified URL is invalid. |
0x80040204 -2147220988 |
Nombre: InvalidUserAuth Mensaje: User does not have the privilege to perform this action. |
0x8004F712 -2147158254 |
Nombre: InvalidUserIdInProvisionLanguageForUser Mensaje: UserId provided '{0}' is invalid. |
0x8004B027 -2147176409 |
Nombre: InvalidUserLicenseCount Mensaje: Cannot purchase {0} user licenses for the Offering {1}. |
0x80048095 -2147188587 |
Nombre: InvalidUserName Mensaje: You must enter the user name in the format <name>@<domain>. Correct the format and try again. |
0x8004B011 -2147176431 |
Nombre: InvalidUserQuota Mensaje: You have reached the maximum number of user quota |
0x80060807 -2147088377 |
Nombre: InvalidUserToImportExcelOnlineFile Mensaje: You don't have permission to import this file. Only the user who exported this data can import this file. |
0x80060806 -2147088378 |
Nombre: InvalidUserToViewExcelOnlineFile Mensaje: You don't have permission to view this file. Only the user who exported this data can view this file. |
0x8004B022 -2147176414 |
Nombre: InvalidValueForCountryCode Mensaje: Account Country/Region code must not be {0} |
0x8004B023 -2147176413 |
Nombre: InvalidValueForCurrency Mensaje: Account currency code must not be {0} |
0x80040341 -2147220671 |
Nombre: InvalidValueForDataDelimiter Mensaje: The data delimiter is invalid. |
0x80040340 -2147220672 |
Nombre: InvalidValueForFieldDelimiter Mensaje: The field delimiter is invalid. |
0x80040348 -2147220664 |
Nombre: InvalidValueForFileType Mensaje: The file type is invalid. |
0x8004B024 -2147176412 |
Nombre: InvalidValueForLocale Mensaje: Account locale code must not be {0} |
0x8005E244 -2147098044 |
Nombre: InvalidValueProcessEmailAfter Mensaje: The date in the Process Email From field is earlier than what is allowed for your organization. Enter a date that is later than the one specified, and try again. |
0x8004023c -2147220932 |
Nombre: InvalidVersion Mensaje: Unhandled Version mismatch found. |
0x800609B3 -2147087949 |
Nombre: InvalidViewReference Mensaje: The view is not specified or is invalid. |
0x80060488 -2147089272 |
Nombre: InvalidWebClientAPIFlowProcessClientData Mensaje: Clientdata is in invalid format. Details: "{0}". |
0x8004E017 -2147164137 |
Nombre: InvalidWebResourceForVisualization Mensaje: The web resource type {0} is not supported for visualizations. |
0x8005012B -2147155669 |
Nombre: InvalidWebresourceId Mensaje: The webresource ID is invalid. |
0x8005012D -2147155667 |
Nombre: InvalidWebresourceType Mensaje: The web resource provided for the app icon is invalid. |
0x80048476 -2147187594 |
Nombre: InvalidWebToLeadRedirect Mensaje: The redirectto is invalid for web2lead redirect. |
0x8005012C -2147155668 |
Nombre: InvalidWelcomePageId Mensaje: The welcome page ID is invalid. |
0x8005012E -2147155666 |
Nombre: InvalidWelcomePageType Mensaje: The web resource provided for the app Welcome page is invalid. |
0x800608EF -2147088145 |
Nombre: InvalidWordDocumentTemplate Mensaje: The document template is not valid. |
0x800608EE -2147088146 |
Nombre: InvalidWordFileType Mensaje: The file type isn't supported. |
0x800608FB -2147088133 |
Nombre: InvalidWordTemplateContent Mensaje: The template content is not valid. |
0x80048441 -2147187647 |
Nombre: InvalidWordXmlFile Mensaje: Only Microsoft Word xml format files can be uploaded. |
0x8006040a -2147089398 |
Nombre: InvalidWorkflowOrWorkflowDoesNotExist Mensaje: Invalid workflow or workflow does not exist. |
0x80060417 -2147089385 |
Nombre: InvalidXaml Mensaje: XAML for workflow is NULL or Empty |
0x80040201 -2147220991 |
Nombre: InvalidXml Mensaje: Invalid XML. |
0x80040247 -2147220921 |
Nombre: InvalidXmlCollectionNameException Mensaje: Invalid Xml collection name. |
0x80040248 -2147220920 |
Nombre: InvalidXmlEntityNameException Mensaje: Invalid Xml entity name. |
0x80060410 -2147089392 |
Nombre: InvalidXmlForParameters Mensaje: Parameters node for ControlStep have invalid XML in it |
0x80040350 -2147220656 |
Nombre: InvalidXmlSSContent Mensaje: The data file can’t be imported because it contains invalid entity data or it’s in the wrong format. Make sure that the file contains correct data and that it’s in the XML Spreadsheet 2003 format, and then try uploading again. |
0x8004419b -2147204709 |
Nombre: InvalidXrmSdkReference Mensaje: Plug-in assembly references a version of Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk that is higher than the server version |
0x80048482 -2147187582 |
Nombre: InvalidZipFileForImport Mensaje: The selected compressed (.zip) file contains files that can't be imported. A .zip file can contain only .xlsx, .csv, or .xml files. |
0x80048488 -2147187576 |
Nombre: InvalidZipFileFormat Mensaje: The file that you're trying to upload isn't a valid file. Check the file and try again. |
0x8004D213 -2147167725 |
Nombre: InvitationBillingAdminUnknown Mensaje: You are not a billing administrator for this organization and therefore, you cannot send invitations. You can either contact your billing administrator and ask him or her to send the invitation, or the billing administrator can visit https://billing.microsoft.com and make you a delegate billing administrator. You can then send invitations. |
0x8004D210 -2147167728 |
Nombre: InvitationCannotBeReset Mensaje: The invitation for the user cannot be reset. |
0x8004D208 -2147167736 |
Nombre: InvitationIsAccepted Mensaje: {0} -- Invitation has already been accepted -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
0x8004D207 -2147167737 |
Nombre: InvitationIsExpired Mensaje: {0} -- Invitation is expired -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
0x8004D209 -2147167735 |
Nombre: InvitationIsRejected Mensaje: {0} -- Invitation has already been rejected by the new user-- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
0x8004D20A -2147167734 |
Nombre: InvitationIsRevoked Mensaje: {0} -- Invitation has been revoked by the organization -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
0x8004D204 -2147167740 |
Nombre: InvitationNotFound Mensaje: {0} -- Invitation not found or status is not Open -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
0x8004D217 -2147167721 |
Nombre: InvitationOrganizationNotEnabled Mensaje: The organization for the invitation is not enabled. |
0x8004D20F -2147167729 |
Nombre: InvitationSendToSelf Mensaje: The invitation cannot be sent to yourself. |
0x8004D20C -2147167732 |
Nombre: InvitationStatusError Mensaje: "The invitation has status {0}." |
0x8004D206 -2147167738 |
Nombre: InvitationWrongUserOrgRelation Mensaje: {0} -- The pre-created userorg relation {1} is wrong. Authentication {2} is already used by another user |
0x8004D205 -2147167739 |
Nombre: InvitedUserAlreadyAdded Mensaje: {0} -- The crm user {1} is already added, but to organization {2} instead of the inviting organization {3} |
0x8004D202 -2147167742 |
Nombre: InvitedUserAlreadyExists Mensaje: {0} -- Invited user is already in an organization -- {1} |
0x8004D203 -2147167741 |
Nombre: InvitedUserIsOrganization Mensaje: {0} -- The user {1} has authentication {2} and is already related to organization {3} with relation id {4} |
0x8004D20B -2147167733 |
Nombre: InvitedUserMultipleTimes Mensaje: The Dynamics 365 user {0} has been invited multiple times. |
0x8004D200 -2147167744 |
Nombre: InvitingOrganizationNotFound Mensaje: {0} -- Inviting organization not found -- {1} |
0x8004D201 -2147167743 |
Nombre: InvitingUserNotInOrganization Mensaje: {0} -- Inviting user is not in the inviting organization -- {1} |
0x80095FFE -2146869250 |
Nombre: IPAddressNotInSpecifiedRange Mensaje: Sorry, you can't access this resource because your IP address is blocked. Please contact your Power Platform environment administrator for more information. You can close the tab now. |
0x80044158 -2147204776 |
Nombre: IsKitCannotBeNull Mensaje: Attribute iskit cannot be null |
0x8004B009 -2147176439 |
Nombre: IsNotLiveToSendInvitation Mensaje: This functionality is not supported, its only available for Online solution. |
0x80040265 -2147220891 |
Nombre: IsvAborted Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d0f -2147185393 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedBadGateway Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d0b -2147185397 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedBadRequest Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d08 -2147185400 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedConflict Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d0e -2147185394 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedFailedDependency Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d06 -2147185402 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedForbidden Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d10 -2147185392 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedGatewayTimeout Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d0d -2147185395 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedGone Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d0a -2147185398 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedInternalServerError Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d0c -2147185396 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedMethodNotAllowed Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d02 -2147185406 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedNotFound Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d09 -2147185399 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedPreconditionFailed Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d11 -2147185391 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedRequestEntityTooLarge Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d07 -2147185401 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedRequestTimeout Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d03 -2147185405 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedServiceUnavailable Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d04 -2147185404 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedTooManyRequests Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048d05 -2147185403 |
Nombre: IsvAbortedUnauthorized Mensaje: ISV code aborted the operation. |
0x80048029 -2147188695 |
Nombre: IsvExtensionsPrivilegeNotPresent Mensaje: To import ISV.Config, your user account must be associated with a security role that includes the ISV Extensions privilege. |
0x8009000C -2146893812 |
Nombre: IsvTransactionCount Mensaje: ISV code reduced the open transaction count. Custom plug-ins should not catch exceptions from OrganizationService calls and continue processing. |
0x80040224 -2147220956 |
Nombre: IsvUnExpected Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred from ISV code. |
0x80048457 -2147187625 |
Nombre: JobNameIsEmptyOrNull Mensaje: Job Name can not be null or empty. |
0x80048d13 -2147185389 |
Nombre: JsonStringFormatOnlyForNonRelational Mensaje: String with Json format can be used only on NonRelational entities. |
0x80060861 -2147088287 |
Nombre: KBInvalidCreateAssociation Mensaje: This KB article is already linked to the {0}. |
0x80090109 -2146893559 |
Nombre: KeyAlreadyExists Mensaje: The Key = '{0}' already exists in the dictionary. Cannot add duplicate key. |
0x8004F078 -2147159944 |
Nombre: KeyVaultCrossTenantValidationMismatchedTenants Mensaje: Tenant validation failure. You are only allowed to read secrets from a key vault in the same tenant of the organization. |
0x8004F084 -2147159932 |
Nombre: KeyVaultCrossTenantValidationNoTenantOnContext Mensaje: Tenant validation failure. Cannot obtain the TenantId from the pipeline context. |
0x8004F079 -2147159943 |
Nombre: KeyVaultCrossTenantValidationNoTenantOnUri Mensaje: Tenant validation failure. Cannot obtain the TenantId from the key vault authority uri. |
0x8004A128 -2147180248 |
Nombre: KeyVaultForbiddenByConnection Mensaje: Access to Key Vault is blocked by network configuration. Please review your configuration to allow public access and configure firewall if needed. Refer https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/online-requirements#ip-addresses-required |
0x8004A124 -2147180252 |
Nombre: KeyVaultForbiddenByFirewall Mensaje: Access to Key Vault is blocked by firewall restrictions. Please review your configuration to allow Power Platform access to the key vault. Refer https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/online-requirements#ip-addresses-required. |
0x8004A125 -2147180251 |
Nombre: KeyVaultNameNotValid Mensaje: Key Vault name provided is not a valid name. |
0x8004A129 -2147180247 |
Nombre: KeyVaultPlexServiceUnavailable Mensaje: We're currently experiencing a delay in setting up the private connection. Please try again in a moment. |
0x8004A115 -2147180267 |
Nombre: KeyVaultPreAuthorizationValidationFailed Mensaje: Key Vault PreAuthorization Validation failed. |
0x8004A118 -2147180264 |
Nombre: KeyVaultReferencePublisherRestriction Mensaje: KeyVaultReference cannot be assigned to a component from different publisher. |
0x8004A127 -2147180249 |
Nombre: KeyVaultResourceGroupNotFound Mensaje: Key Vault resource group name is not found. |
0x8004A126 -2147180250 |
Nombre: KeyVaultResourceNotFound Mensaje: Key Vault resource name is not found. |
0x8004F085 -2147159931 |
Nombre: KeyVaultSecretValidationInvalidSecret Mensaje: Key Vault secret validation failure. Key vault secret, name or reference does not follow the valid format. |
0x80061680 -2147084672 |
Nombre: KnowledgeSearchActiveModelsAlreadyExist Mensaje: An active configuration already exists for source entity {0}. Only one active configuration is allowed per source entity. |
0x80060419 -2147089383 |
Nombre: LabelIdDoesNotMatchStepId Mensaje: The label ID {0} doesn’t match the step ID {1}. |
0x8004F710 -2147158256 |
Nombre: LanguageProvisioningSrsDataConnectorNotInstalled Mensaje: The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Reporting Extensions must be installed before the language can be provisioned for this organization. |
0x80090420 -2146892768 |
Nombre: LastPolymorphicRelationshipCannotBeDeleted Mensaje: The relationship '{0}' is required by the '{1}' polymorphic lookup attribute and can't be deleted. The relationship will be removed when the polymorphic lookup attribute is deleted. |
0x8004F057 -2147159977 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderFCBIsOff Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter is present in the import request but the feature flag that allows it to be used is not enabled. |
0x8004F055 -2147159979 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderHintDiffFormOnBase Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter contains a value that will cause form [{0}] to become the base, but the Form in the incoming solution is not a full Form. This error indicates unexpected order on the layers for this Form. |
0x8004F068 -2147159960 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderHintNotSupported Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter contains a type attribute [{0}], that cannot be used on solutions that contain [{1}]. Remove it from the solution. |
0x8004F054 -2147159980 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderHintTypeNotAvailable Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter contains a type attribute [{0}] that is not available for use. The supported types are 'above' and 'below'. |
0x8004F051 -2147159983 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderInvalidLayerState Mensaje: There was a match for a solution in the LayerDesiredOrder parameter but it is not possible to honor it, due to unexpected layers for the component [{0}], id [{1}]. The layer state is: [{2}]. |
0x8004F049 -2147159991 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderInvalidXML Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter contains an invalid XML schema. |
0x8004F050 -2147159984 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderInvalidXMLDetail Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter contains an invalid XML schema. Check the property [{0}]. |
0x8004F052 -2147159982 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderNotAllowedOnPatch Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter cannot be used when importing a Patch. The parameter can only be used while importing a solution. |
0x8004F048 -2147159992 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderNotSamePublisher Mensaje: The solution [{0}] was used in the LayerDesiredOrder parameter, but its publisher [{1}] does not match the publisher of the solution being installed: [{2}]. This parameter can be used only by solutions from the same publisher. |
0x8004F065 -2147159963 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderNotWhitelist Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter is present in the import request of [{0}], but this solution is not allowed to use it. Solutions must be allow listed to use this feature. |
0x8004F047 -2147159993 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderPendingUpgrade Mensaje: The solution [{0}] used in LayerDesiredOrder parameter has a pending upgrade. Please complete its upgrade before retrying this operation. |
0x8004F056 -2147159978 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderPublisherNotAllowed Mensaje: The publisher [{0}] is not allowed to use the LayerDesiredOrder parameter. |
0x8004F058 -2147159976 |
Nombre: LayerDesiredOrderRestrictedSolution Mensaje: The LayerDesiredOrder parameter cannot be used on [{0}]. |
0x80040519 -2147220199 |
Nombre: LeadAlreadyInClosedState Mensaje: The lead is already closed. |
0x80040518 -2147220200 |
Nombre: LeadAlreadyInOpenState Mensaje: The lead is already in the open state. |
0x80048573 -2147187341 |
Nombre: LeadingWildcardCauseTimeout Mensaje: The database operation timed out; this may be due to a leading wildcard value being used in a filter condition. Please consider removing filter conditions on leading wildcard values, as these filter conditions are expensive and may cause timeouts. |
0x80060483 -2147089277 |
Nombre: LegacyWorkflowExpressionMethodNotYetSupportedForAutomaticConversion Mensaje: Async Workflow '{0}' cannot be converted because expression method '{1}' is currently not supported for automatic conversion. |
0x80060486 -2147089274 |
Nombre: LegacyWorkflowExpressionNotYetSupportedForAutomaticConversion Mensaje: Async Workflow '{0}' cannot be converted because expressions of type '{1}' are currently not supported for automatic conversion. |
0x80060482 -2147089278 |
Nombre: LegacyWorkflowExpressionOperatorNotYetSupportedForAutomaticConversion Mensaje: Async Workflow '{0}' cannot be converted because because expression operator '{1}' is currently not supported for automatic conversion. |
0x80060484 -2147089276 |
Nombre: LegacyWorkflowExpressionParameterTypeNotYetSupportedForAutomaticConversion Mensaje: Async Workflow '{0}' cannot be converted because expression parameters of type '{1}' are currently not supported for automatic conversion. |
0x80060481 -2147089279 |
Nombre: LegacyWorkflowStepNotYetSupportedForAutomaticConversion Mensaje: Async Workflow '{0}' cannot be converted because step type '{1}' is currently not supported for automatic conversion. |
0x80060485 -2147089275 |
Nombre: LegacyWorkflowWithNoTriggersNotYetSupportedForAutomaticConversion Mensaje: Async Workflow '{0}' cannot be converted because converting workflows with no trigger conditions is not yet supported. |
0x800608CF -2147088177 |
Nombre: LegacyXlsxFileNotSupported Mensaje: Legacy .xlsx files cannot be used for Excel Templates. |
0x8004D250 -2147167664 |
Nombre: LicenseConfigFileInvalid Mensaje: The provided configuration file {0} has invalid formatting. |
0x80042f14 -2147209452 |
Nombre: LicenseNotEnoughToActivate Mensaje: There are not enough licenses available for the number of users being activated. |
0x8004415d -2147204771 |
Nombre: LicenseRegistrationExpired Mensaje: The registration period for Microsoft Dynamics 365 has expired. |
0x8004415f -2147204769 |
Nombre: LicenseTampered Mensaje: The licensing for this installation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 has been tampered with. The system is unusable. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services. |
0x8004415c -2147204772 |
Nombre: LicenseTrialExpired Mensaje: The trial installation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 has expired. |
0x8004D247 -2147167673 |
Nombre: LicenseUpgradePathNotAllowed Mensaje: Cannot upgrade to specified license type. |
0x80090440 -2146892736 |
Nombre: LinkedAttributeGlobalOptionSetIdMismatch Mensaje: Id of Global OptionSet being used for linked attribute for attribute {0} of entity {1} and attribute {2} of entity {3} does not match. |
0x80090437 -2146892745 |
Nombre: LinkedAttributeOptionSetCountMismatch Mensaje: Options count for linked attribute for attribute {0} of entity {1} and attribute {2} of entity {3} does not match. |
0x80090436 -2146892746 |
Nombre: LinkedAttributeOptionSetIsGlobalMismatch Mensaje: IsGlobal value of option set for linked attribute {0} of entity {1} and attribute {2} of entity {3} does not match. |
0x80090439 -2146892743 |
Nombre: LinkedAttributeOptionSetValueLabelMismatch Mensaje: OptionSet kabel for value {4} for linked attribute for attribute {0} of entity {1} and attribute {2} of entity {3} does not match. |
0x80090438 -2146892744 |
Nombre: LinkedAttributeOptionSetValueMismatch Mensaje: OptionSet value {2} is not found in linked attribute optionset for attribute {0} of entity {1} |
0x80071120 -2147020512 |
Nombre: LinkedEntitiesAreNotAllowed Mensaje: The filter contains a link-entity with an invalid link-type. The link-type must be "Any" or "Not Any". |
0x80071143 -2147020477 |
Nombre: LinkEntityCountExceeded Mensaje: The profile could not be published because one or more tables exceed the allowed number of relationships of {1}. Please reduce the number of relationships for the following table(s): {0}. |
0x8004D239 -2147167687 |
Nombre: LiveAdminUnknownCommand Mensaje: Unknown administration command {0} |
0x8004D238 -2147167688 |
Nombre: LiveAdminUnknownObject Mensaje: Unknown administration target {0} |
0x8004B524 -2147175132 |
Nombre: LivePlatformEmailInvalidBody Mensaje: The "Body" parameter is blank or null |
0x8004B522 -2147175134 |
Nombre: LivePlatformEmailInvalidFrom Mensaje: The "From" parameter is blank or null |
0x8004B523 -2147175133 |
Nombre: LivePlatformEmailInvalidSubject Mensaje: The "Subject" parameter is blank or null |
0x8004B521 -2147175135 |
Nombre: LivePlatformEmailInvalidTo Mensaje: The "To" parameter is blank or null |
0x8005B520 -2147109600 |
Nombre: LivePlatformGeneralEmailError Mensaje: An Email Error Occurred |
0x80072453 -2147015597 |
Nombre: LocalDataSourceAbortError Mensaje: The browser operation stopped. Please try again. |
0x80072455 -2147015595 |
Nombre: LocalDataSourceDatabaseError Mensaje: The browser operation failed due to browser database errors. Please try again. If it doesn’t work, try the same operation again by ensuring that your device remains unlocked until the operation completes. |
0x80072451 -2147015599 |
Nombre: LocalDataSourceError Mensaje: The operation failed. Please try again. |
0x80072452 -2147015598 |
Nombre: LocalDataSourceQuotaExceededError Mensaje: The operation failed because there was not enough space in the browser storage quota or the browser storage quota was reached, and the user declined to provide more space to the browser database. |
0x80072454 -2147015596 |
Nombre: LocalDataSourceTimeOutError Mensaje: The operation timed out. Please try again. |
0x80072043 -2147016637 |
Nombre: LockdownOfUnmanagedSolutionImports Mensaje: This environment doesn't allow unmanaged customizations. This was a choice made by your admin, and certain actions won't be available or will be view only. Learn more: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2251006 |
0x80072042 -2147016638 |
Nombre: LockdownOfUnmangedCustomization Mensaje: This environment doesn't allow unmanaged customizations. This was a choice made by your admin, and certain actions won't be available or will be view only. Learn more: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2251006 |
0x8004F703 -2147158269 |
Nombre: LockStatusNotValidForDynamicList Mensaje: Lock Status cannot be specified for a dynamic list. |
0x800608D2 -2147088174 |
Nombre: LogoImageNodeDoesNotExist Mensaje: Logo Image node in organization cache theme data doesnot exist. |
0x80040372 -2147220622 |
Nombre: LongParseRow Mensaje: The row is too long to import |
0x80040353 -2147220653 |
Nombre: LookupNotFound Mensaje: The lookup reference could not be resolved |
0x80048541 -2147187391 |
Nombre: LowerVersionUpgrade Mensaje: The import solution must have a higher version than the existing solution it is upgrading. |
0x80043b01 -2147206399 |
Nombre: LowQuantityGreaterThanHighQuantity Mensaje: Low quantity should be less than high quantity. |
0x80043b00 -2147206400 |
Nombre: LowQuantityLessThanZero Mensaje: Low quantity should be greater than zero. |
0x80061234 -2147085772 |
Nombre: MailApp_AdalAcquireTokenError Mensaje: An error in the acquire token method in ADAL |
0x80061231 -2147085775 |
Nombre: MailApp_AdalDifferentTenantIds Mensaje: The tenant id for the CRM token is different than the tenant id for the application |
0x80061232 -2147085774 |
Nombre: MailApp_AdalDifferentUrls Mensaje: The resource token is for a CRM domain that does not match the requesting CRM domain |
0x80061236 -2147085770 |
Nombre: MailApp_AdalGeneralError Mensaje: Unknown ADAL error occurred |
0x80061230 -2147085776 |
Nombre: MailApp_AdalInvalidReplyUrl Mensaje: The reply url is not a known Microsoft Dynamics CRM domain |
0x80061233 -2147085773 |
Nombre: MailApp_AdalMalformedUrl Mensaje: The redirect and/or resource URL is malformed |
0x80061235 -2147085771 |
Nombre: MailApp_AdalWhoAmIError Mensaje: An error occurred in the WhoAmI request in ADAL |
0x80061227 -2147085785 |
Nombre: MailApp_AppModuleDashboardFormInactive Mensaje: App for Outlook Dashboard form is inactive. |
0x80061223 -2147085789 |
Nombre: MailApp_AppModuleDashboardFormMissing Mensaje: App for Outlook Dashboard form is missing. |
0x80061228 -2147085784 |
Nombre: MailApp_AppModuleDashboardFormRoleNotAssigned Mensaje: User does not have access to the App for Outlook Dashboard. |
0x80070004 -2147024892 |
Nombre: MailApp_AppModulePermission Mensaje: Сurrent user role does not have required permissions to access App for Outlook |
0x80061224 -2147085788 |
Nombre: MailApp_AppModuleSitemapDashboardMissing Mensaje: App for Outlook Dashboard is missing in Site Map. |
0x80061225 -2147085787 |
Nombre: MailApp_AppModuleSitemapDashboardNotDefault Mensaje: App for Outlook Dashboard is not set as default in Site Map. |
0x80061226 -2147085786 |
Nombre: MailApp_AppModuleSitemapMissing Mensaje: App for Outlook AppModule Site Map is missing |
0x80061218 -2147085800 |
Nombre: MailApp_AppointmentFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Access to the app hasn’t been enabled for Appointments for this Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization. Contact your system administrator to enable access for appointments. |
0x80061238 -2147085768 |
Nombre: MailApp_AuthFailed Mensaje: The default error that gets thrown when authorization fails |
0x8006123D -2147085763 |
Nombre: MailApp_ClientLoadTimeout Mensaje: We're unable to connect to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 server. Please try closing and reopening the app |
0x8006123F -2147085761 |
Nombre: MailApp_DelegateDisabled Mensaje: Delegated mailbox support is not setup correctly for use in App for Outlook. Please contact your administrator for assistance |
0x80061210 -2147085808 |
Nombre: MailApp_DifferentSecurityZoneError Mensaje: Try adding the following URLs to your Trusted Sites:{0} {1} {2} |
0x80061211 -2147085807 |
Nombre: MailApp_EmailAddressMismatch Mensaje: It looks like you're trying to access the CRM App for Outlook from an email address that we don't recognize. Either sign out and sign in with the email address you use for Dynamics CRM or have your system administrator update your email Mailbox settings to reflect this email address. |
0x8006124B -2147085749 |
Nombre: MailApp_ExchangeGenericError Mensaje: Exchange generic error. |
0x8006124C -2147085748 |
Nombre: MailApp_ExchangeItemNotFound Mensaje: Exchange item is not found. |
0x80061204 -2147085820 |
Nombre: MailApp_FeatureControlBitDisabled Mensaje: Access to the app hasn’t been enabled for this Dynamics 365 organization. Contact your system administrator to enable access to this app. |
0x80061237 -2147085769 |
Nombre: MailApp_GenericError Mensaje: Generic error occurred |
0x8006123E -2147085762 |
Nombre: MailApp_JsonParseFailure Mensaje: An exception occurred while parsing a JSON string |
0x80061202 -2147085822 |
Nombre: MailApp_MailboxNotConfiguredWithServerSideSync Mensaje: Email account isn't configured with server-side synchronization for incoming email |
0x80061217 -2147085801 |
Nombre: MailApp_MailboxNotConfiguredWithServerSideSyncForACT Mensaje: Email account isn’t configured with server-side sync for appointments, contacts, and tasks |
0x80061220 -2147085792 |
Nombre: MailApp_MailboxServerSideSyncConfigurationFailure Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 server-side synchronization failed for incoming emails. |
0x80061221 -2147085791 |
Nombre: MailApp_MailboxServerSideSyncConfigurationFailureForACT Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 server-side synchronization failed for appointments. |
0x80061208 -2147085816 |
Nombre: MailApp_MobileBrowserIsNotSupported Mensaje: The mobile browser version of Outlook is currently unsupported. Please try again from the Outlook desktop application. |
0x8006123B -2147085765 |
Nombre: MailApp_NotSupported Mensaje: API is not supported |
0x80061229 -2147085783 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeAsyncCallFailed Mensaje: Office API async call failed. |
0x80061249 -2147085751 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeCategoryUpdateError Mensaje: Failed to update mailbox item category. |
0x80061246 -2147085754 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeDelegateSaveAsyncError Mensaje: Office API delegate save async error. |
0x80061247 -2147085753 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeLoadError Mensaje: OfficeJs failed to load. Please ensure you are connected to internet and restart the add-in. |
0x80061248 -2147085752 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeMailboxItemUnavailable Mensaje: Mailbox item is unavailable. This can happen if a user switches between emails while the app is still loading. |
0x80061245 -2147085755 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeSaveAsyncError Mensaje: Office API save async error. |
0x80061240 -2147085760 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeSaveAsyncMessageInDifferentStore Mensaje: This email is saved in another mailbox. Please select the right sender mailbox using the “From” field to view related information. |
0x80061244 -2147085756 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeSaveAsyncUnavailable Mensaje: Office API save async is unavailable. |
0x80061241 -2147085759 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeSaveAsyncUnsupported Mensaje: You are using an older version of Microsoft Outlook. Tracking/Untracking unsent mail items is not supported in this version. |
0x80061243 -2147085757 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeSaveAsyncUnsupportedInOutlook Mensaje: You are using an older version of Microsoft Outlook. Tracking/Untracking unsent mail items is not supported in this version. |
0x80061242 -2147085758 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeSaveAsyncUnsupportedInOwa Mensaje: You are using an older version of Microsoft Outlook. Tracking/Untracking unsent mail items is not supported in this version. |
0x8006124A -2147085750 |
Nombre: MailApp_OfficeTransientError Mensaje: Office transient error. |
0x80061219 -2147085799 |
Nombre: MailApp_PermissionsToReadContactRequired Mensaje: Can't check to see if the recipients are in Dynamics 365 because user doesn't have sufficient privileges |
0x80061205 -2147085819 |
Nombre: MailApp_PermissionToUseCrmForOfficeAppsRequired Mensaje: User doesn't have permission to access app |
0x80061203 -2147085821 |
Nombre: MailApp_ReadWriteAccessRequired Mensaje: User only has administrative access to Dynamics 365 |
0x80061213 -2147085805 |
Nombre: MailApp_StorageOperationError Mensaje: Storage operation error |
0x80061212 -2147085806 |
Nombre: MailApp_StorageUnavailable Mensaje: Integrity level is set incorrectly on LocalLow folder |
0x80061207 -2147085817 |
Nombre: MailApp_TrackingIsNotSupported Mensaje: This version of Outlook doesn't support tracking new emails. |
0x8006123C -2147085764 |
Nombre: MailApp_UncaughtException Mensaje: Uncaught Exception |
0x8006123A -2147085766 |
Nombre: MailApp_Unknown Mensaje: Unknown error |
0x80061201 -2147085823 |
Nombre: MailApp_UnsupportedBrowser Mensaje: Your browser is currently unsupported. |
0x80061206 -2147085818 |
Nombre: MailApp_UnsupportedBrowserForDesktopOutlook Mensaje: Dynamics 365 App for Outlook needs Internet Explorer 11 or higher to be installed on your machine. If you have Internet Explorer 11 already, please also make sure dynamics.com is not in the Compatibility View list |
0x80061200 -2147085824 |
Nombre: MailApp_UnsupportedDevice Mensaje: Your device is currently unsupported. |
0x80061216 -2147085802 |
Nombre: MailApp_UserMailboxInactive Mensaje: User's mailbox is inactive |
0x80061239 -2147085767 |
Nombre: MailApp_XhrRequestFailure Mensaje: Error shown if a XHR request failed |
0x80061222 -2147085790 |
Nombre: MailAppLimitedMode Mensaje: Generic Error when Server-side sync isn't configured properly and MailApp is only allowed to be loaded in LimitedMode |
0x8005E233 -2147098061 |
Nombre: MailboxCannotDeleteEmails Mensaje: The Delete Emails after Processing option cannot be set to Yes for user mailboxes. |
0x8005E208 -2147098104 |
Nombre: MailboxCannotModifyEmailAddress Mensaje: E-mail Address of a mailbox cannot be updated when associated with an user/queue. |
0x8005E209 -2147098103 |
Nombre: MailboxCredentialNotSpecified Mensaje: Username is not specified |
0x8005E206 -2147098106 |
Nombre: MailboxHasOlderEmailProcessingDate Mensaje: The supplied Process Email From date is later than the current Process Email From date on one or more active mailboxes. This action is prevented because this would otherwise cause the system to stop processing the related mailboxes until the specified date threshold has been reached. You may create an additional Email Server Profile with the specified Process Email From date and associate the required mailboxes as needed. |
0x8006088C -2147088244 |
Nombre: MailboxTrackingFolderMappingCannotBeUpdated Mensaje: The mailbox tracking folder mapping cannot be updated. |
0x8005E247 -2147098041 |
Nombre: MailboxUnsupportedEmailServerType Mensaje: Server-side synchronization for appointments, contacts, and tasks isn't supported for POP3 or SMTP server types. Select a supported email type or change the synchronization method for appointments, contacts, and tasks to None. |
0x80097303 -2146864381 |
Nombre: MalformODataAnnotationHeader Mensaje: Error identified on the 'odata.include-annotations' value inside the 'Prefer' header. Refer to the following link for more details: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2300109. See exception message for more details '{0}'. |
0x80060383 -2147089533 |
Nombre: ManagedBpfDeletionInvalid Mensaje: The business process flow is part of a managed solution and cannot be individually deleted. Uninstall the parent solution to remove the business process flow. |
0x8004A114 -2147180268 |
Nombre: ManagedIdentityCredentialSourceNotSupported Mensaje: The configured Credential Source for ManagedIdentity is not support |
0x8004A119 -2147180263 |
Nombre: ManagedIdentityPublisherRestriction Mensaje: ManagedIdentity cannot be assigned to a component from different publisher. |
0x80072457 -2147015593 |
Nombre: ManagedProcessDeletionError Mensaje: The process is part of a managed solution and cannot be individually deleted. Uninstall the parent solution to remove the process. |
0x80048534 -2147187404 |
Nombre: ManifestParsingFailure Mensaje: Failed to parse the specified manifest file to retrieve OrganizationId |
0x80160001 -2146041855 |
Nombre: ManifestXsdValidationError Mensaje: The import manifest file is invalid. XSD validation failed with the following error: '{0}'." |
0x80044820 -2147203040 |
Nombre: ManyToManyVirtualEntityNotSupported Mensaje: An N:N relationship between virtual entities is not supported. |
0x8004033e -2147220674 |
Nombre: MappingExistsForTargetAttribute Mensaje: This attribute is mapped more than once. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. |
0x80071108 -2147020536 |
Nombre: MarsConnectorDisableFailure Mensaje: Error occurred while disabling Mars connector. |
0x80071107 -2147020537 |
Nombre: MarsConnectorEnableFailure Mensaje: Error occurred while enabling Mars connector. |
0x80041150 -2147217072 |
Nombre: Masking_CannotUpdateWithMaskedCharacter Mensaje: Update of secured, masked attribute: '{0}' with value containing masked character: '{1}' is not allowed. |
0x80041149 -2147217079 |
Nombre: Masking_InvalidRegex Mensaje: The regular expression defined was invalid. Please check the syntax and try again. Regular expression: '{0}', error: '{1}' |
0x80041148 -2147217080 |
Nombre: Masking_RegexTimeout Mensaje: The defined regular expression was not performant and could cause system slowness. Please define a new one. Regular expression: '{0}', timeout value: {1} ms. |
0x80044243 -2147204541 |
Nombre: MatchingAttributeNameNotNullError Mensaje: Matching attribute name should be null single entity rule. |
0x8004F897 -2147157865 |
Nombre: MaxActiveSLAError Mensaje: You can’t activate this SLA because you’ve exceeded the maxiumum number of entities that can have active SLAs for your organization. |
0x8004F898 -2147157864 |
Nombre: MaxActiveSLAKPIError Mensaje: You can’t activate this SLA because you’ve exceeded the maxiumum number of SLA KPIs that are allowed per entity for your organization. |
0x8003F454 -2147224492 |
Nombre: MaxChildCasesLimitExceeded Mensaje: A Parent Case cannot have more than maximum child cases allowed. Contact your administrator for more details |
0x80040c09 -2147218423 |
Nombre: MaxColumnCountForMultiPartitionDistinctQueryExceededLimit Mensaje: The multi-partition query exceeds the maximum allowed column count for a distinct query. The maximum allowed column count is {0}, but the current query includes {1} columns. |
0x80071114 -2147020524 |
Nombre: MaxConditionsMobileOfflineFilters Mensaje: You can only define 3 Mobile offline Org filter for each entity. |
0x80072608 -2147015160 |
Nombre: MaxCustomCodeFileSizeExceededForConnector Mensaje: Connector custom code file too large, size cannot exceed 1 MB. |
0x80072602 -2147015166 |
Nombre: MaxIconSizeExceededForConnector Mensaje: Connector icon file too large, size cannot exceed 1 MB. |
0x8004E301 -2147163391 |
Nombre: MaximumControlsLimitExceeded Mensaje: The dashboard Form XML contains more than the maximum allowed number of control elements: {0}. |
0x8004F602 -2147158526 |
Nombre: MaximumCountForUpdateModeExceeded Mensaje: In an update operation, you can import only one file at a time. |
0x80048505 -2147187451 |
Nombre: MaximumNumberHandlersExceeded Mensaje: This solution adds form event handlers so the number of event handlers for a form event exceeds the maximum number. |
0x8004841C -2147187684 |
Nombre: MaximumNumberOfAttributesForEntityCreateReached Mensaje: Current number of attributes will exceed the maximum limit for an entity. Entity cannot be created. |
0x8004841A -2147187686 |
Nombre: MaximumNumberOfAttributesForEntityReached Mensaje: Current number of attributes {0} will exceed the maximum limit of {1} for an entity '{2}'. Attribute '{3}' cannot be created. |
0x8004841B -2147187685 |
Nombre: MaximumNumberOfFilteredViewAttributesForEntityReached Mensaje: Current number of filtered view attributes of {0} will exceed the maximum limit of {1} for entity '{2}'. Attribute '{3}' cannot be created. |
0x8004480a -2147203062 |
Nombre: MaxLimitForRollupAttribute Mensaje: Only three metric details per metric can be created. |
0x80048429 -2147187671 |
Nombre: MaxMatchCodeLengthExceeded Mensaje: The rule condition cannot be created or updated because it would cause the matchcode length to exceed the maximum limit. |
0x80071020 -2147020768 |
Nombre: MaxProductsAllowed Mensaje: You cannot create more than {0} products. |
0x80071116 -2147020522 |
Nombre: MaxprofileItemFilterConditionsAllowed Mensaje: You can only define 6 Mobile offline entity filter conditions for each entity. |
0x80048499 -2147187559 |
Nombre: MaxUnzipFolderSizeExceeded Mensaje: The selected compressed (.zip) file can't be unzipped because it's too large. |
0x80090915 -2146891499 |
Nombre: MCSBotDelegatedAuthorizationNotEnabled Mensaje: MCS Bot Delegated Authorization is not enabled for this organization. |
0x8004E010 -2147164144 |
Nombre: MeasureDataTypeInvalid Mensaje: The Data Description for the visualization is invalid. The attribute type for one of the non aggregate measures is invalid. Correct the Data Description. |
0x8004140e -2147216370 |
Nombre: MemberHasAlreadyBeenContacted Mensaje: This marketing list member was not contacted, because the member has previously received this communication. |
0x80045302 -2147200254 |
Nombre: MergeActiveQuoteError Mensaje: Merge cannot be performed on sub-entity that has active quote. |
0x80045300 -2147200256 |
Nombre: MergeCyclicalParentingError Mensaje: Merge could create cyclical parenting. |
0x80045316 -2147200234 |
Nombre: MergeDifferentlyParentedWarning Mensaje: Merge warning: sub-entity will be differently parented. |
0x80090442 -2146892734 |
Nombre: MergeDifferentlyParentedWarningAsync Mensaje: Unable to merge because sub-entity will be parented differently. You can disable the parent check prior to execution as part of Merge dialog. |
0x80045305 -2147200251 |
Nombre: MergeEntitiesIdenticalError Mensaje: Merge cannot be performed on master and sub-entities that are identical. |
0x80045304 -2147200252 |
Nombre: MergeEntityNotActiveError Mensaje: Merge cannot be performed on entity that is inactive. |
0x80045317 -2147200233 |
Nombre: MergeLossOfParentingWarning Mensaje: Merge warning: sub-entity might lose parenting. |
0x80090441 -2146892735 |
Nombre: MergeLossOfParentingWarningAsync Mensaje: Unable to merge because sub-entity will lose parenting. You can disable the parenting check prior to execution as part of Merge dialog. |
0x80045301 -2147200255 |
Nombre: MergeSecurityError Mensaje: Merge is not allowed: caller does not have the privilege or access. |
0x80040e01 -2147217919 |
Nombre: MetadataNoMapping Mensaje: The mapping between specified entities does not exist |
0x8004024a -2147220918 |
Nombre: MetadataNotFound Mensaje: Metadata not found. |
0x80040e03 -2147217917 |
Nombre: MetadataNotSerializable Mensaje: The given metadata entity is not serializable |
0x80044250 -2147204528 |
Nombre: MetadataRecordNotDeletable Mensaje: The metadata record being deleted cannot be deleted by the end user |
0x80072510 -2147015408 |
Nombre: MetadataSyncRequired Mensaje: Metadata sync required |
0x8004F687 -2147158393 |
Nombre: MetricEntityOrFieldDeleted Mensaje: The entity or field that is referenced in the goal metric is not valid |
0x80044802 -2147203070 |
Nombre: MetricNameAlreadyExists Mensaje: A goal metric with the same name already exists. Specify a different name, and try again. |
0x80072522 -2147015390 |
Nombre: MimeTypeBlocked Mensaje: Operation not allowed as mime type {0} is blocked. |
0x80072521 -2147015391 |
Nombre: MimeTypeNotInAllowedList Mensaje: Operation not allowed as mime type {0} is not in the allow list. |
0x80061004 -2147086332 |
Nombre: MinMaxValidationFailed Mensaje: The value is out of range. |
0x80040329 -2147220695 |
Nombre: MissingBOWFRules Mensaje: Bulk Operation related workflow rules are missing. |
0x8004021a -2147220966 |
Nombre: MissingBusinessId Mensaje: The business id is missing or invalid. |
0x8004B028 -2147176408 |
Nombre: MissingColumn Mensaje: The property bag is missing an entry for {0}. |
0x80060385 -2147089531 |
Nombre: MissingControlStep Mensaje: Required control step is missing. |
0x80044300 -2147204352 |
Nombre: MissingCrmAuthenticationToken Mensaje: CrmAuthenticationToken is missing. |
0x80044308 -2147204344 |
Nombre: MissingCrmAuthenticationTokenOrganizationName Mensaje: Organization Name must be specified in CrmAuthenticationToken. |
0x80072040 -2147016640 |
Nombre: MissingDataversePermissionsOnAzureSubscription Mensaje: Could not verify the user permission on '{0}' resource. Make sure that Microsoft.PowerPlatform provider is registered in the Azure subscription. |
0x80072039 -2147016647 |
Nombre: MissingDependencyFound Mensaje: Missing dependencies found. |
0x80060474 -2147089292 |
Nombre: MissingDependentConnectorsForModernFlow Mensaje: There are missing custom connectors for current flow, Expected count: {0} with name: {1}, actual count: {2} |
0x80094004 -2146877436 |
Nombre: MissingDynamicInvokeParameter Mensaje: The parameter '{0}' required for invocation was not supplied. |
0x80047020 -2147192800 |
Nombre: MissingHierarchicalRelationshipForOperator Mensaje: This query uses a hierarchical operator, but the {0} entity doesn't have a hierarchical relationship. |
0x80072034 -2147016652 |
Nombre: MissingKeyValue Mensaje: Entity {0} does not contain key value for attribute {1}. |
0x80043b15 -2147206379 |
Nombre: MissingOpportunityId Mensaje: The opportunity id is missing or invalid. |
0x8004B00A -2147176438 |
Nombre: MissingOrganizationFriendlyName Mensaje: Cannot install Dynamics 365 without an organization friendly name. |
0x8004B00B -2147176437 |
Nombre: MissingOrganizationUniqueName Mensaje: Cannot install Dynamics 365 without an organization unique name. |
0x80048473 -2147187597 |
Nombre: MissingOrInvalidRedirectId Mensaje: The RedirId parameter is missing for the partner redirect. |
0x80040215 -2147220971 |
Nombre: MissingOwner Mensaje: Item does not have an owner. |
0x8004031f -2147220705 |
Nombre: MissingParameter Mensaje: A required parameter is missing for the Bulk Operation |
0x8004B021 -2147176415 |
Nombre: MissingParameterToMethod Mensaje: Missing parameter {0} to method {1} |
0x8004C000 -2147172352 |
Nombre: MissingParameterToStoredProcedure Mensaje: Missing parameter to stored procedure: {0} |
0x80043b12 -2147206382 |
Nombre: MissingPriceLevelId Mensaje: The price level id is missing. |
0x80072033 -2147016653 |
Nombre: MissingPrimaryKey Mensaje: The Entity {0} is missing primary key {1}. |
0x80043b11 -2147206383 |
Nombre: MissingProductId Mensaje: The product id is missing. |
0x80081012 -2146955246 |
Nombre: MissingQuantity Mensaje: The Quantity is missing. |
0x80040235 -2147220939 |
Nombre: MissingQueryType Mensaje: The query type is missing. |
0x8004350d -2147207923 |
Nombre: MissingRecipient Mensaje: The fax must have a recipient before it can be sent. |
0x80048548 -2147187384 |
Nombre: MissingRelationshipInSolution Mensaje: The following attributes {0} of entity {1} are missing their associated relationship definition in customizations xml of {2} solution. Please include the associated relationship components and retry solution import. |
0x80061037 -2147086281 |
Nombre: MissingRequiredAttributes Mensaje: The property couldn’t be created or updated because the regardingobjectid, datatype, or name attribute is missing. |
0x80072002 -2147016702 |
Nombre: MissingRequiredComponentAttributes Mensaje: Required attribute should not be null. Attribute: {0} |
0x80048d31 -2147185359 |
Nombre: Falta el rol de seguridad Mensaje: User needs {0} security role for the action {1} to succeed. Please contact system administrator to assign the role to the user. |
0x80041d0b -2147214069 |
Nombre: MissingTeamName Mensaje: The team name was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80048546 -2147187386 |
Nombre: MissingTransactionCurrencyId Mensaje: TransactionCurrencyId needs to be supplied to format the money field (Id: {0}, Name: {1}, Value: {2}, Entity: {3}). |
0x80043b0d -2147206387 |
Nombre: MissingUomId Mensaje: The unit id is missing. |
0x80043b0a -2147206390 |
Nombre: MissingUomScheduleId Mensaje: The unit schedule id is missing. |
0x8004021b -2147220965 |
Nombre: MissingUserId Mensaje: The user id or the team id is missing. |
0x80072041 -2147016639 |
Nombre: MissingUserPermissionsOnEVSecretVariable Mensaje: User is not authorized to read secrets from '{0}' resource. |
0x80048477 -2147187593 |
Nombre: MissingWebToLeadRedirect Mensaje: The redirectto is missing for web2lead redirect. |
0x8005F201 -2147094015 |
Nombre: MobileClientLanguageNotSupported Mensaje: The application could not find a supported language on the server. Contact an administrator to enable a supported language |
0x8005F20E -2147094002 |
Nombre: MobileClientNotConfiguredForCurrentUser Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005F202 -2147094014 |
Nombre: MobileClientVersionNotSupported Mensaje: Mobile Client version is not supported |
0x800608CA -2147088182 |
Nombre: MobileExcelFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Mobile export to excel feature is not enabled. |
0x80060990 -2147087984 |
Nombre: MobileOfflineDaysSinceRecordLastModifiedZero Mensaje: No records will be available in the mobile offline mode if the value for number of days is 0. |
0x800609A8 -2147087960 |
Nombre: MobileOfflineProfileItemNameAlreadyExists Mensaje: A mobile offline profile item with this name already exists for this mobile offline profile. Enter a unique name. |
0x800609AA -2147087958 |
Nombre: MobileOfflineProfileItemNameCanNotBeNullOrEmpty Mensaje: The mobile offline profile item name can’t be null or empty. Enter a name for this profile item. |
0x800609A7 -2147087961 |
Nombre: MobileOfflineProfileNameAlreadyExists Mensaje: A mobile offline profile with this name already exists. Enter a unique name. |
0x800609A9 -2147087959 |
Nombre: MobileOfflineProfileNameCanNotBeNullOrEmpty Mensaje: The mobile offline profile name can’t be null or empty. Enter a name for this profile. |
0x80097221 -2146864607 |
Nombre: MobileOfflineProfileNotAssignedToAppModule Mensaje: App module has no mobile offline profile assigned. |
0x80097220 -2146864608 |
Nombre: MobileOfflineProfileNotAssignedToUser Mensaje: No profile assigned to the user. |
0x80071117 -2147020521 |
Nombre: MobileOfflineRuleEnhancementFeatureNotAvailaible Mensaje: This feature is not enabled for your organization. Please contact your system administrator for help. |
0x8004B070 -2147176336 |
Nombre: MobileServiceError Mensaje: Error communicating with mobile service |
0x8114F670 -2129332624 |
Nombre: ModelFormControlQuickFormsDependencyInvalid Mensaje: Error while creating dependencies between the main form {0} and a form component control {1}. Please specify a valid form for the form component control. Reason: {2} Current value: {3}. |
0x80060479 -2147089287 |
Nombre: ModernFlowMustBeMarkedAsOnDemandForExecuteWorkflow Mensaje: Cannot execute Modern Flow '{0}' because it is not marked as on-demand. |
0x80097380 -2146864256 |
Nombre: ModernFlowPrimeCache Mensaje: The operation for modern flow is not intended to complete on prime cache requests. |
0x80060464 -2147089308 |
Nombre: ModernFlowProcessesNotEnabled Mensaje: Creation of Modern Flow processes is not enabled. |
0x80060465 -2147089307 |
Nombre: ModernFlowProcessesOnlyAvailableOnline Mensaje: Creation of Modern Flow processes is only available online. |
0x80096002 -2146869246 |
Nombre: ModuleRunIdConflict Mensaje: Cannot have more than 1 execution with the same ModuleRunId. ModuleRunId {0} is already being rnu for Dataprocessing Module Configuration {0}. |
0x80040317 -2147220713 |
Nombre: MoneySizeExceeded Mensaje: Supplied value exceeded the MIN/MAX value of Money Type field. |
0x80060997 -2147087977 |
Nombre: MOPIAssociationNameCannotBeEmptyOrSpace Mensaje: The Mobile Offline Profile Item Association name can’t be a space or an empty string. |
0x80094008 -2146877432 |
Nombre: MoreThanOneEntityFound Mensaje: More than one row found for Table '{0}'. |
0x8004D234 -2147167692 |
Nombre: MoveBothToPrimary Mensaje: Move operation would put both instances on the same server: Database = {0} Old Primary = {1} Old Secondary = {2} New Secondary = {3} |
0x8004D235 -2147167691 |
Nombre: MoveBothToSecondary Mensaje: Move operation would put both instances on the same server: Database = {0} Old Primary = {1} Old Secondary = {2} New Secondary = {3} |
0x8004D236 -2147167690 |
Nombre: MoveOrganizationFailedNotDisabled Mensaje: Move operation failed because organization {0} is not disabled |
0x80048d01 -2147185407 |
Nombre: MultiCurrencyPluginDisabled Mensaje: Unable to fetch ExchangeRate details, MultiCurrency plugin may be Disabled. Please enable the plugin and retry. |
0x8003F453 -2147224493 |
Nombre: MultilevelParentChildRelationshipNotAllowed Mensaje: Associating child cases to the existing child case is not allowed. |
0x8004E008 -2147164152 |
Nombre: MultipleChartAreasFound Mensaje: Multiple Chart Areas are not supported. |
0x80072020 -2147016672 |
Nombre: MultipleChildNodesNotAllowed Mensaje: There are multiple 1:1 child nodes with xpath '{0}' found for a parent node. There should always be a single 1:1 child entity for a parent entity. |
0x80040250 -2147220912 |
Nombre: MultipleChildPicklist Mensaje: Crm Internal Exception: Picklists with more than one childAttribute are not supported. |
0x80048842 -2147186622 |
Nombre: MultipleCustomApiFound Mensaje: Multiple CustomApis are found with unique name {0}. |
0x800608A9 -2147088215 |
Nombre: MultipleExportKeyNotSupported Mensaje: Export key cannot be created for entity {0} because the entity already has an export key defined |
0x80048439 -2147187655 |
Nombre: MultipleFilesFound Mensaje: The attachment file name is not unique. |
0x8004E304 -2147163388 |
Nombre: MultipleFormElementsFound Mensaje: A Form XML of type {1} with id {2} can contain only one {0} element. |
0x80072036 -2147016650 |
Nombre: MultipleImportFilesFound Mensaje: Multiple files for attribute {0} were found for entity {1}. |
0x80060373 -2147089549 |
Nombre: MultipleInstancesOnEntity Mensaje: Multiple instances of process '{0}' exist for '{1}':'{2}'. Use business process flow APIs to perform process related actions. |
0x8004E30D -2147163379 |
Nombre: MultipleLabelsInUserDashboard Mensaje: A user dashboard can have at most one label for a form element. |
0x8004E01C -2147164132 |
Nombre: MultipleMeasureCollectionsFound Mensaje: More than one measure collection is not supported for charts with subcategory i.e. comparison charts |
0x8004E007 -2147164153 |
Nombre: MultipleMeasuresFound Mensaje: More than one measure is not supported for charts with subcategory i.e. comparison charts |
0x80041d35 -2147214027 |
Nombre: MultipleOrganizationsNotAllowed Mensaje: Only one organization and one root business are allowed. |
0x8006089E -2147088226 |
Nombre: MultipleParentEntitiesFoundByEntity Mensaje: More than one parent exists for {0} An entity can have only one parent entity. |
0x80040485 -2147220347 |
Nombre: MultipleParentReportsFound Mensaje: More than one report link found. Each report can have only one parent. |
0x80047007 -2147192825 |
Nombre: MultipleParentsNotSupported Mensaje: An entity can have only one parental relationship |
0x8004A10a -2147180278 |
Nombre: MultiplePartnerSecurityRoleWithSameInformation Mensaje: More than one security role found for partner user |
0x8004A10b -2147180277 |
Nombre: MultiplePartnerUserWithSameInformation Mensaje: More than one partner user found with same information |
0x80040525 -2147220187 |
Nombre: MultipleQueueItemsFound Mensaje: This item occurs in more than one queue and cannot be routed from this list. Locate the item in a queue and try to route the item again. |
0x8006089D -2147088227 |
Nombre: MultipleRecordsFoundByEntityKey Mensaje: More than one record exists for entity {0} with entity key involving attributes {1} |
0x80048200 -2147188224 |
Nombre: MultipleRelationshipsNotSupported Mensaje: Multiple relationships are not supported |
0x8004A10c -2147180276 |
Nombre: MultipleRootBusinessUnit Mensaje: More than one root business unit found |
0x80090450 -2146892720 |
Nombre: MultipleSecondaryEntityKeysNotAllowed Mensaje: Only one secondary entity key is allowed per entity. The entity '{0}' has already a secondary entity key. |
0x80050120 -2147155680 |
Nombre: MultipleSitemapsFound Mensaje: Found {0} unpublished site maps but expected only 1 |
0x8004E006 -2147164154 |
Nombre: MultipleSubcategoriesFound Mensaje: The data XML for the visualization cannot contain more than two Group By clauses. |
0x80090465 -2146892699 |
Nombre: MultiPredicateIsNotSupported Mensaje: You attempt to create a multi-predicate relationship {0}. However MultiPredicate feature is not turned on or not available. |
0x80090408 -2146892792 |
Nombre: MultiPredicateRelationshipEntityKeyDoesNotExist Mensaje: Entity Key '{0}' of referenced entity '{1}' of relationship '{2}' does not exist. |
0x80090405 -2146892795 |
Nombre: MultiPredicatesNotSupportedForRelationshipType Mensaje: Multiple predicates is not supported for relationship '{0}' of type '{1}'. |
0x8005E00A -2147098614 |
Nombre: MultiValueParameterFound Mensaje: Fetch xml parameter {0} cannot obtain multiple values. Change report parameter {0} to single value parameter and try again. |
0x8004F6A4 -2147158364 |
Nombre: MustContainAtLeastACharInMention Mensaje: The display name must contain atleast one non-whitespace character. |
0x80097301 -2146864383 |
Nombre: NavigationItemsListIsNullForVirtualEntity Mensaje: Error while preparing paging cookie for enhanced expand query of virtual entity. Entity Name : '{0}'. |
0x80072551 -2147015343 |
Nombre: NavigationPropertyAlreadyExists Mensaje: NavigationPropertyName {0} is not unique within an entity |
0x80072550 -2147015344 |
Nombre: NavigationPropertyNameCannotBeTheSameOnBothSidesOfRel Mensaje: Navigation Property Name cannot be the same on both sides of a self-referential relationship. SchemaName - {0} |
0x80048839 -2147186631 |
Nombre: NavigationPropertyNameMissingForRelationship Mensaje: NavigationPropertyName is missing for relationship {0} which is not expected. Please populate same using sdk or webapi. |
0x80048452 -2147187630 |
Nombre: NavigationPropertyNameNodeMissing Mensaje: NavigationPropertyName node is missing for entity relationship {0}. |
0x80048836 -2147186634 |
Nombre: NavigationPropertyNameValueMissing Mensaje: NavigationPropertyName value is missing for entity relationship {0}. |
0x80044329 -2147204311 |
Nombre: NavPaneNotCustomizable Mensaje: The nav pane properties for this relationship are not customizable |
0x80044327 -2147204313 |
Nombre: NavPaneOrderValueNotAllowed Mensaje: The provided nav pane order value is not allowed |
0x80060886 -2147088250 |
Nombre: NegativeAutoNumberSeed Mensaje: Cannot set Auto Number seed for attribute {0} of entity {1} with value {2} as it is less than 0. |
0x80090116 -2146893546 |
Nombre: NestedAlternateKeysLimitExceededInRequest Mensaje: Nested alternate keys are not supported for more than {0} levels. |
0x80097009 -2146865143 |
Nombre: NestedEntityNameIsNull Mensaje: Nested entity name can not be null. |
0x8005F104 -2147094268 |
Nombre: NetworkIssue Mensaje: Request failed due to unknown network issues or GateWay issues or server issues. |
0x80044322 -2147204318 |
Nombre: NewStatusHasInvalidState Mensaje: The state value that was provided for this new status option does not exist. |
0x80044321 -2147204319 |
Nombre: NewStatusRequiresAssociatedState Mensaje: The new status option must have an associated state value. |
0x80060900 -2147088128 |
Nombre: NoActiveLocation Mensaje: No active location found. |
0x80040b0a -2147218678 |
Nombre: NoAddressFoundForRecipient Mensaje: Could not find email address for recipient of type '{0}' with ID '{1}' |
0x8005011B -2147155685 |
Nombre: NoAppModuleComponentReferred Mensaje: No component is referenced |
0x80047014 -2147192812 |
Nombre: NoAttributesForEntityCreate Mensaje: No attributes for Create Entity action. |
0x80060013 -2147090413 |
Nombre: NoConditionRuleCreationNotAllowedForSetValueShowError Mensaje: The "Show error message" and "Set value" actions can't be used in a business rule that doesn't have a condition. |
0x8004F222 -2147159518 |
Nombre: NoConnectionRoleAndObjectTypeCodePairPresent Mensaje: There are no ConnectionRoleId and AssociatedObjectTypeCode pairs present. Entities being connected: ({0},{1}); Entity Records being connected: ({2},{3}); Record1ConnectionRoleName: {4}, Record2ConnectionRoleName: {5}. ConnectionRoleIds: {6}; |
0x800608F5 -2147088139 |
Nombre: NoConversionRule Mensaje: A ConversionRule is required for the tool to run. |
0x80071138 -2147020488 |
Nombre: NoDataFilterSelectedForOtherDataFilter Mensaje: The profile '{1}' could not be published because the table '{0}' has Data Download Filter 'Other data filter' however no data filter option was selected. Please add at least one data filter option for table: '{0}'. |
0x8004E011 -2147164143 |
Nombre: NoDataForVisualization Mensaje: There is no data to create this visualization. |
0x80060396 -2147089514 |
Nombre: NoDefaultValueForOptionSetArgument Mensaje: Arguments of type OptionSet must have a default value set. |
0x80060998 -2147087976 |
Nombre: NoDefinedRelationshipsForMOPIAssociation Mensaje: The Profile Item Association entity doesn’t have any defined relationships. |
0x8004F093 -2147159917 |
Nombre: No se detectaron dependencias para eliminar Mensaje: No dependency was detected for {0}({1}) and {2}({3}). |
0x8004350f -2147207921 |
Nombre: NoDialNumber Mensaje: There is no fax number specified on the fax or for the recipient. |
0x80048442 -2147187646 |
Nombre: NoEntitiesForBulkDelete Mensaje: The Bulk Delete Wizard cannot be opened because there are no valid entities for deletion. |
0x800608FA -2147088134 |
Nombre: NoEntitySpecified Mensaje: At least one Entity is expected by the tool to process. |
0x80071021 -2147020767 |
Nombre: NoFilesSelected Mensaje: No documents are selected to copy. Please select a document and try again. |
0x80040368 -2147220632 |
Nombre: NoHeaderColumnFound Mensaje: A column heading is missing. |
0x8003F450 -2147224496 |
Nombre: NoIncidentMergeHavingSameParent Mensaje: Child cases having different parent case associated can not be merged. |
0x80060408 -2147089400 |
Nombre: NoLabelsAssociatedWithStep Mensaje: {0} does not have any labels associated with it |
0x80044199 -2147204711 |
Nombre: NoLanguageProvisioned Mensaje: There is no language provisioned for this organization. |
0x8004D241 -2147167679 |
Nombre: NoLicenseInConfigDB Mensaje: No license exists in MSCRM_CONFIG database. |
0x8009725B -2146864549 |
Nombre: NoMatchingElementInPayload Mensaje: There is no matching entity with Id:{0} and partitionId: {1} |
0x8005F20F -2147094001 |
Nombre: NoMinimumRequiredPrivilegesForTabletApp Mensaje: You do not have sufficient permissions on the server to load the application.\nPlease contact your administrator to update your permissions. |
0x8004431F -2147204321 |
Nombre: NoMoreCustomOptionValuesExist Mensaje: All available custom option values have been used. |
0x80060884 -2147088252 |
Nombre: NonAutoNumberAttributeSpecified Mensaje: Attribute {0} of entity {1} is not an Auto Number attribute. Please confirm the inputs for Attribute and Entity correctly map to an Auto Number attribute. |
0x80048425 -2147187675 |
Nombre: NoncompliantXml Mensaje: The input XML does not comply with the XML schema. |
0x80045044 -2147200956 |
Nombre: NonCrmUIInteractiveWorkflowNotSupported Mensaje: This interactive workflow cannot be created, updated or published because it was created outside the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web application. |
0x80045040 -2147200960 |
Nombre: NonCrmUIWorkflowsNotSupported Mensaje: This workflow cannot be created, updated or published because it was created outside the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web application. Your organization does not allow this type of workflow. |
0x80061039 -2147086279 |
Nombre: NonDraftBundleUpdate Mensaje: Product Association cannot be updated when bundle is in invalid state. |
0x80044160 -2147204768 |
Nombre: NonInteractiveUserCannotAccessUI Mensaje: Non-interactive users cannot access the web user interface. Contact your organization system administrator. |
0x80046200 -2147196416 |
Nombre: NonMappableEntity Mensaje: NonMappableEntity Error Occurred |
0x8004E001 -2147164159 |
Nombre: NonPrimaryEntityDataDescriptionFound Mensaje: The data description for the visualization is invalid .The data description for the visualization can only have attributes either from the primary entity of the view or the linked entities. |
0x80097242 -2146864574 |
Nombre: NonRelationalAlternateKeyCannotBeRemoved Mensaje: {0} alternate key for entity {1} cannot be modified or removed. |
0x80097258 -2146864552 |
Nombre: NonRelationalPrimaryKeyWasNotResolved Mensaje: Secondary key without partitionid does not exist. |
0x80097245 -2146864571 |
Nombre: NonRelationalPrimaryKeyWasNotResolvedForCreate Mensaje: Entity key could not be derived for creation of {1}. Please provide the required attributes. |
0x80097241 -2146864575 |
Nombre: NonRelationalSecondaryEntityKeyHasPartitionId Mensaje: A secondary key of the elastic entity '{0}' can't have partitionid. |
0x80097243 -2146864573 |
Nombre: NonRelationalSecondaryEntityKeyNeedsASystemRequiredAttribute Mensaje: Entity key for component {1} is invalid. Attributes defined for secondary key of an elastic entity must be system required |
0x80097246 -2146864570 |
Nombre: NonRelationalSecondaryEntityKeyNeedsEmptyTable Mensaje: Entity key for component {1} is invalid. The table should contain no rows when creating a secondary key. |
0x8009724A -2146864566 |
Nombre: NonRelationalSecondaryKeyCannotHaveNonRelationalLookups Mensaje: The '{0}' lookup referencing a non relational entity can't be part of the secondary key of the elastic entity '{1}'. |
0x80097249 -2146864567 |
Nombre: NonRelationalSecondaryKeyCannotHavePolymorphicLookups Mensaje: Polymorphic lookups can't be part of the secondary key of the elastic entity '{0}'. |
0x80040384 -2147220604 |
Nombre: NoOutputTransformationParameterMappingFound Mensaje: There is no output transformation parameter mapping defined. A transformation mapping must have atleast one output transformation parameter mapping. |
0x8004E020 -2147164128 |
Nombre: NoPreviewForCustomWebResource Mensaje: This chart uses a custom Web resource. You cannot preview this chart. |
0x80055002 -2147135486 |
Nombre: NoPrivilegeToApplyManualSLA Mensaje: You don't have appropriate permissions to apply Servie Level Agreement (SLA) to this case record. |
0x80045016 -2147201002 |
Nombre: NoPrivilegeToPublishWorkflow Mensaje: User does not have sufficient privileges to publish workflows. |
0x80040521 -2147220191 |
Nombre: NoPrivilegeToWorker Mensaje: You cannot add items to an inactive queue. Select another queue and try again. |
0x80048436 -2147187658 |
Nombre: NoPublishedDuplicateDetectionRules Mensaje: There are no published duplicate detection rules in the system. To run duplicate detection, you must create and publish one or more rules. |
0x80060203 -2147089917 |
Nombre: NoQuickFindFound Mensaje: Entity - {0} did not have a valid Quickfind query. |
0x8004F681 -2147158399 |
Nombre: NoRollupAttributesDefined Mensaje: For rollup to succeed atleast one rollup attribute needs to be associated with the goal metric |
0x8004Ed46 -2147160762 |
Nombre: NoSettingError Mensaje: No configdb configuration setting [{0}] was found. |
0x8005011C -2147155684 |
Nombre: NoSiteMapReferenceInAppModule Mensaje: App Module {0} does not contain Site Map. App Module must have 1 sitemap as part of App Module Components. |
0x80090461 -2146892703 |
Nombre: NotAllowDuplicateRelationshipAttribute Mensaje: Referenced attribute {0} of referenced entity {1} is already mapped to referencing attribute {2} of referencing entity {3}. |
0x80090459 -2146892711 |
Nombre: NotAllowToUpdateRelationshipAttribute Mensaje: Relationship attribute (referenced attribute: {0} referencing attribute: {1}) is not part of existing multipredicate relationship: {2}. |
0x80160024 -2146041820 |
Nombre: NotAQuickForm Mensaje: Form with Id {0} is not a quick form. More Details:{1} |
0x80097624 -2146863580 |
Nombre: NotAuthorizedUser Mensaje: The user is not authorized to execute this request. Authorization is limited to individuals with administrative, customization, or support user privileges. |
0x80048426 -2147187674 |
Nombre: NotAWellFormedXml Mensaje: The input XML is not well-formed XML. |
0x80160050 -2146041776 |
Nombre: NotBuiltInControlId Mensaje: The given identifier {0} is not a valid built-in control id. More Details:{1} |
0x80045041 -2147200959 |
Nombre: NotEnoughPrivilegesForXamlWorkflows Mensaje: Not enough privileges to complete the operation. Only the deployment administrator can create or update workflows that are created outside the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web application. |
0x8005E232 -2147098062 |
Nombre: NoTestEmailAccessPrivilege Mensaje: There is not sufficient privilege to perform the test access. |
0x80060393 -2147089517 |
Nombre: NotExistArgumentInAction Mensaje: Argument {0} does not exist in Action. |
0x80060391 -2147089519 |
Nombre: NotExistBusinessProcess Mensaje: Business Process does not exist. |
0x800608F9 -2147088135 |
Nombre: NoTimeZoneCodeForConversionRule Mensaje: The TimeZoneCode property is required when the value of the ConversionRule property is SpecificTimeZone. |
0x80040219 -2147220967 |
Nombre: NotImplemented Mensaje: The requested functionality is not yet implemented. |
0x8005F215 -2147093995 |
Nombre: NotMobileEnabled Mensaje: You can't view this type of record on your tablet. Contact your system administrator. |
0x8005F21c -2147093988 |
Nombre: NotMobileWriteEnabled Mensaje: You can't create this type of record on your device. Contact your system administrator. |
0x80040315 -2147220715 |
Nombre: NotSupported Mensaje: This action is not supported. |
0x80090460 -2146892704 |
Nombre: NotSupportedEntityRelationshipType Mensaje: Relationship {0} of type {0} is not supported. |
0x8005F106 -2147094266 |
Nombre: NotVerifiedAdmin Mensaje: You need an enterprise account with Yammer in order to complete this setup. Please sign in with a Yammer administrator account or contact a Yammer administrator for help. |
0x80154B50 -2146088112 |
Nombre: NoUserPrivilege Mensaje: You do not have sufficient permissions. |
0x80060476 -2147089290 |
Nombre: NoValidModernFlowTriggerForExecute Mensaje: Modern Flow '{0}' is not valid for ExecuteWorkflow. Please select a Flow that triggers whenever a Common Data Service entity is created, updated, or deleted. |
0x80071023 -2147020765 |
Nombre: NoWritePermission Mensaje: You do not have Write permissions to copy the documents. |
0x8005F108 -2147094264 |
Nombre: NoYammerNetworksFound Mensaje: You are not authorized for any Yammer network. Please reauthorize the Yammer setup with a Yammer administrator account or contact a Yammer administrator for help. |
0x800404f8 -2147220232 |
Nombre: NullArticleTemplateFormatXml Mensaje: The article template formatxml cannot be NULL |
0x800404f9 -2147220231 |
Nombre: NullArticleTemplateStructureXml Mensaje: The article template structurexml cannot be NULL |
0x800404f7 -2147220233 |
Nombre: NullArticleXml Mensaje: The article xml cannot be NULL |
0x80060887 -2147088249 |
Nombre: NullAutoNumberParameterSpecfied Mensaje: Auto Number attribute or Entity parameters cannot be null or empty string. |
0x8004E305 -2147163387 |
Nombre: NullDashboardName Mensaje: The name of a dashboard cannot be null. |
0x800404fa -2147220230 |
Nombre: NullKBArticleTemplateId Mensaje: The kbarticletemplateid cannot be NULL |
0x80060406 -2147089402 |
Nombre: NullOrEmptyAttributeInXaml Mensaje: Attribute - {0} of {1} cannot be null or empty |
0x80040259 -2147220903 |
Nombre: NumberFormatFailed Mensaje: Failed to produce a formatted numeric value. |
0x8009000B -2146893813 |
Nombre: O365RoleUnsupportedForEmailApproval Mensaje: Email address can only be approved by an Office 365 Global Administrator or by an Exchange Administrator. For more information, contact your system administrator. |
0x8005F109 -2147094263 |
Nombre: OAuthTokenNotFound Mensaje: Yammer OAuth token is not found. You should configure Yammer before accessing any related feature. |
0x8004E30A -2147163382 |
Nombre: ObjectAlreadyExists Mensaje: An object with id {0} already exists. Please change the id and try again. |
0x80040217 -2147220969 |
Nombre: ObjectDoesNotExist Mensaje: The specified object was not found. |
0x80041d2a -2147214038 |
Nombre: ObjectNotFoundInAD Mensaje: The object does not exist in active directory. |
0x8004030e -2147220722 |
Nombre: ObjectNotRelatedToCampaign Mensaje: Specified Object not related to the parent Campaign |
0x8004E120 -2147163872 |
Nombre: OccurrenceCrossingBoundary Mensaje: Two occurrences cannot overlap. |
0x8004E123 -2147163869 |
Nombre: OccurrenceSkipsOverBackward Mensaje: Cannot reschedule an occurrence of the recurring appointment if it skips over an earlier occurrence of the same appointment. |
0x8004E122 -2147163870 |
Nombre: OccurrenceSkipsOverForward Mensaje: Cannot reschedule an occurrence of the recurring appointment if it skips over a later occurrence of the same appointment. |
0x8004E121 -2147163871 |
Nombre: OccurrenceTimeSpanTooBig Mensaje: Cannot perform the operation. An instance is outside of series effective expansion range. |
0x80040c00 -2147218432 |
Nombre: ODataBatchChangeSetPartitionedRequestNotSupported Mensaje: Request '{0}' in OData $batch changesets is targeting a remote partition '{1}' instead of local. This is not supported. Please directly execute the $batch operation on targeted organization instead of routing through this one. |
0x80048d19 -2147185383 |
Nombre: ODataClientPayloadError Mensaje: Error identified in Payload provided by the user for Entity :'{0}', For more information on this error please follow this help link {2} ----> InnerException : {1}. |
0x8004B00C -2147176436 |
Nombre: OfferingCategoryAndTokenNull Mensaje: Offer category and Billing Token are both missing, but at least one is required. |
0x8004B00D -2147176435 |
Nombre: OfferingIdNotSupported Mensaje: This version does not support search for offering id. |
0x80044239 -2147204551 |
Nombre: OfficeGraphDisabledError Mensaje: Document Recommendations has been disabled for this organization. |
0x80044257 -2147204521 |
Nombre: OfficeGraphSiteNotConfigured Mensaje: No default SharePoint site has been configured. |
0x800610EB -2147086101 |
Nombre: OfficeGroupsExceptionRetrieveSetting Mensaje: Office Groups Exception occured in RetrieveOfficeGroupsSetting: {0}. |
0x800610EA -2147086102 |
Nombre: OfficeGroupsFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Office Groups feature is not enabled. |
0x800610EC -2147086100 |
Nombre: OfficeGroupsInvalidSettingType Mensaje: Invalid setting type for Office Groups feature: {0}. |
0x800610EE -2147086098 |
Nombre: OfficeGroupsNoAuthServersFound Mensaje: Office Groups feature could not find any authorization servers. |
0x800610ED -2147086099 |
Nombre: OfficeGroupsNotSupportedCall Mensaje: Office Groups feature attempted an unsupported call. |
0x80048450 -2147187632 |
Nombre: OfflineFilterNestedDateTimeOR Mensaje: You cannot use nested date time conditions within an OR clause in a local data group. |
0x80048451 -2147187631 |
Nombre: OfflineFilterParentDownloaded Mensaje: You cannot use the Parent Downloaded condition in a local data group. |
0x80097224 -2146864604 |
Nombre: OfflineUserHasNoPermissionsToAppModule Mensaje: User has no permissions to the app module. |
0x80050004 -2147155964 |
Nombre: OneDriveForBusinessDisabled Mensaje: Following attachments requires OneDrive for Business. Please contact your administrator to enable OneDrive for Business in the organization. |
0x80050009 -2147155959 |
Nombre: OneDriveForBusinessLocationNotFound Mensaje: No One Drive for Business active location found. |
0x80060902 -2147088126 |
Nombre: OneNoteCreationFailed Mensaje: OneNote creation failed. |
0x80060907 -2147088121 |
Nombre: OneNoteLocationDeactivated Mensaje: The location mapping for OneNote is inactive. Contact your administrator to activate the OneNote location record for this Dynamics 365 record. |
0x80060906 -2147088122 |
Nombre: OneNoteLocationNotCreated Mensaje: OneNote location not created. |
0x80060903 -2147088125 |
Nombre: OneNoteRenderFailed Mensaje: OneNote render failed. |
0x8004B02F -2147176401 |
Nombre: OnlyDisabledOrganizationCanBeDeleted Mensaje: Can not delete enabled organization. Organization must be disabled before it can be deleted. |
0x80060206 -2147089914 |
Nombre: OnlyOneSearchParameterMustBeProvided Mensaje: Extra parameter. You only need to provide EntityGroupName or EntityNames, not both. |
0x80040223 -2147220957 |
Nombre: OnlyOwnerCanRevoke Mensaje: Only the owner of an object can revoke the owner's access to that object. |
0x8004F031 -2147160015 |
Nombre: OnlyOwnerCanSetManagedProperties Mensaje: Cannot import component {0}: {1} because managed property {2} with value {3} is different than the current value {4} and the publisher of the solution that is being imported does not match the publisher of the solution that installed this component. |
0x80048349 -2147187895 |
Nombre: OnlyOwnerTeamsCanHaveQueues Mensaje: Cannot assign queues to teams that are not owner team. TeamId: {0}, TeamType: {1} |
0x80061017 -2147086313 |
Nombre: OnlyProductCanBeConvertedToKit Mensaje: Only products can be converted to kits. |
0x80044184 -2147204732 |
Nombre: OnlyStepInPredefinedStagesCanBeModified Mensaje: Invalid plug-in registration stage. Steps can only be modified in stages BeforeMainOperationOutsideTransaction, BeforeMainOperationInsideTransaction, AfterMainOperationInsideTransaction and AfterMainOperationOutsideTransaction. |
0x80044185 -2147204731 |
Nombre: OnlyStepInServerOnlyCanHaveSecureConfiguration Mensaje: Only SdkMessageProcessingStep with ServerOnly supported deployment can have secure configuration. |
0x80044186 -2147204730 |
Nombre: OnlyStepOutsideTransactionCanCreateCrmService Mensaje: Only SdkMessageProcessingStep in parent pipeline and in stages outside transaction can create CrmService to prevent deadlock. |
0x8004500D -2147201011 |
Nombre: OnlyWorkflowDefinitionOrTemplateCanBePublished Mensaje: Only workflow definition or draft workflow template can be published. |
0x8004500E -2147201010 |
Nombre: OnlyWorkflowDefinitionOrTemplateCanBeUnpublished Mensaje: Only workflow definition or workflow template can be unpublished. |
0x80048532 -2147187406 |
Nombre: OnPremiseRestoreOrganizationManifestFailed Mensaje: Failed to restore Organization's configdb state from manifest |
0x8004023e -2147220930 |
Nombre: OpenCrmDBConnection Mensaje: Db Connection is Open, when it should be Closed. |
0x8005F20C -2147094004 |
Nombre: OpenDocumentErrorCodeGeneric Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005F20A -2147094006 |
Nombre: OpenDocumentErrorCodeUnableToFindAnActivity Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005F20B -2147094005 |
Nombre: OpenDocumentErrorCodeUnableToFindTheDataId Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x8005E216 -2147098090 |
Nombre: OpenMailboxException Mensaje: Exception occurs while opening mailbox for Exchange mail server. |
0x80040334 -2147220684 |
Nombre: OperationCanBeCalledOnlyOnce Mensaje: The specified action can be done only one time. |
0x80060912 -2147088110 |
Nombre: OperationCanceled Mensaje: Refresh was canceled by user. |
0x80154B53 -2146088109 |
Nombre: OperationFailedTryAgain Mensaje: Operation could not be performed at the moment. Please try again. |
0x8004D23a -2147167686 |
Nombre: OperationOrganizationNotFullyDisabled Mensaje: The {1} operation failed because organization {0} is not fully disabled yet. Use FORCE to override |
0x80072008 -2147016696 |
Nombre: OperationReservedForSolutionAwareEntities Mensaje: This operation is reserved for solution-aware entities only. |
0x80044241 -2147204543 |
Nombre: OperatorCodeNotPresentError Mensaje: OperatorCode should be present in condition xml. |
0x80071127 -2147020505 |
Nombre: OperatorsInViewNotSupportedOffline Mensaje: One or more operators in this view are not supported offline. |
0x8004051a -2147220198 |
Nombre: OpportunityAlreadyInOpenState Mensaje: The opportunity is already in the open state. |
0x80040516 -2147220202 |
Nombre: OpportunityCannotBeClosed Mensaje: The opportunity cannot be closed. |
0x80100004 -2146435068 |
Nombre: OpportunityCurrencyComparisonNotPossible Mensaje: Unable to update the opportunity, currency comparison could not be made. |
0x80040515 -2147220203 |
Nombre: OpportunityIsAlreadyClosed Mensaje: The opportunity is already closed. |
0x80100006 -2146435066 |
Nombre: OpportunityNotFound Mensaje: Unable to get opportunity entity for update. |
0x80100007 -2146435065 |
Nombre: OpportunityPreImageNotFound Mensaje: Unable to find pre-image of the opportunity before the update. |
0x8006088D -2147088243 |
Nombre: OptimisticConcurrencyNotEnabled Mensaje: Optimistic concurrency isn't enabled for entity type {0}. The IfVersionMatches value of ConcurrencyBehavior can only be used if optimistic concurrency is enabled. |
0x80044324 -2147204316 |
Nombre: OptionReorderArrayIncorrectLength Mensaje: The array of option values that were provided for reordering does not match the number of options for the attribute. |
0x80061005 -2147086331 |
Nombre: OptionSetValidationFailed Mensaje: The value is out of range. |
0x80094007 -2146877433 |
Nombre: OptionSetValuesNotFound Mensaje: Could not find OptionSet values for Table: '{0}', AttributeMetadataId: '{1}'. |
0x80048402 -2147187710 |
Nombre: OptionValuePrefixOutOfRange Mensaje: CustomizationOptionValuePrefix must be a number between {0} and {1} |
0x80048d16 -2147185386 |
Nombre: OrderByColumnsMustBeUnique Mensaje: A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique. |
0x8004804a -2147188662 |
Nombre: OrganizationDataServiceDeprecatedError Mensaje: The Organization Data Service (OData v2.0 endpoint) has been removed. Please use the Dataverse Web API (OData v4.0) endpoint instead. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2206384 |
0x8004A104 -2147180284 |
Nombre: OrganizationDisabled Mensaje: The Dynamics 365 organization you are attempting to access is currently disabled. Please contact your system administrator |
0x8004B044 -2147176380 |
Nombre: OrganizationMigrationUnderway Mensaje: Organization migration is already underway. |
0x8004D253 -2147167661 |
Nombre: OrganizationNotConfigured Mensaje: Organization is not configured yet |
0x8004F714 -2147158252 |
Nombre: OrganizationStateNotValidForLanguageProvisioning Mensaje: State of the organizaitn is not valid for executing language provisioning. |
0x8004B00F -2147176433 |
Nombre: OrganizationTakenBySomeoneElse Mensaje: The organization {0} is already purchased by another customer. |
0x8004B00E -2147176434 |
Nombre: OrganizationTakenByYou Mensaje: The organization {0} is already purchased by you. |
0x80044159 -2147204775 |
Nombre: OrganizationUIDeprecated Mensaje: The OrganizationUI entity is deprecated. It has been replaced by the SystemForm entity. |
0x80048517 -2147187433 |
Nombre: OrgDBOrgSettingOutOfRange Mensaje: Invalid Organization Setting passed in: {0}. Please make sure to input a value that falls within the acceptable range of '{1}' to '{2}'. |
0x8004B067 -2147176345 |
Nombre: OrgDoesNotExistInDiscoveryService Mensaje: Organization not found in customer's discovery service |
0x80090013 -2146893805 |
Nombre: OrgIdMismsatch Mensaje: Organization id does not match. Input: {0}, expected: {1} |
0x80044353 -2147204269 |
Nombre: OrgIdNotDetermined Mensaje: Error. The current organization ID couldn’t be determined |
0x8004D24A -2147167670 |
Nombre: OrgsInaccessible Mensaje: The client access license (CAL) results were not returned because one or more organizations in the deployment cannot be accessed. |
0x80090445 -2146892731 |
Nombre: OrphanedRelationshipAttribute Mensaje: Found {0} relationship attributes in the solution whose parent relationship is missing.\n{1}. |
0x8005E225 -2147098075 |
Nombre: OutgoingNotAllowedForForwardMailbox Mensaje: Mailbox is a forward mailbox. A forward mailbox cannot send the mails. |
0x8005E23F -2147098049 |
Nombre: OutgoingServerLocationAndSslSetToNo Mensaje: The URL specified for Outgoing Server Location uses HTTPS but the Use SSL for Outgoing Connection option is set to No. Set this option to Yes, and then try again. |
0x8005E241 -2147098047 |
Nombre: OutgoingServerLocationAndSslSetToYes Mensaje: The URL specified for Outgoing Server Location uses HTTP but the Use SSL for Outgoing Connection option is set to Yes. Specify a server location that uses HTTPS, and then try again. |
0x8005E238 -2147098056 |
Nombre: OutgoingSettingsUpdateNotAllowed Mensaje: Different outgoing connection settings cannot be specified because the "Use Same Settings for Outgoing Connections" flag is set to True. |
0x80044509 -2147203831 |
Nombre: OutlookClientConfigActionFailed Mensaje: Dynamics 365 Outlook client configuration action failed. |
0x80044511 -2147203823 |
Nombre: OutlookClientDeprecated Mensaje: Dynamics 365 for Outlook is retired as of Oct. 1, 2020 and is no longer supported. |
0x80045050 -2147200944 |
Nombre: OutOfScopeSlug Mensaje: The data required to display the next dialog page cannot be found. To resolve this issue, contact the dialog owner or the system administrator. |
0x8004E108 -2147163896 |
Nombre: OverlappingInstances Mensaje: Two instances of the series cannot overlap. |
0x8004430A -2147204342 |
Nombre: OverRetrievalUpperLimitWithoutPagingCookie Mensaje: Over upper limit of records that can be requested without a paging cookie. A paging cookie is required when retrieving a high page number. |
0x8006110C -2147086068 |
Nombre: OwnerAttributeMissing Mensaje: Owner Attribute is not present in the request. |
0x80040343 -2147220669 |
Nombre: OwnerMappingExistsWithSourceSystemUserName Mensaje: The data map already contains this owner mapping. |
0x80048351 -2147187887 |
Nombre: OwnershipAcrossBusinessUnitsCascadeAssignDependency Mensaje: {0} dependent entities don't have Record Ownership Across Business Units Setting enabled. These entities have a CascadeAssign relationship and must be enabled first. Entities: {1} |
0x80048355 -2147187883 |
Nombre: OwnershipAcrossBusinessUnitsCascadeAssignDependencyForOptOut Mensaje: {0} dependent entities have Record Ownership Across Business Units Setting enabled. These entities have a CascadeAssign relationship and must be removed first. Entities: {1} |
0x80048353 -2147187885 |
Nombre: OwnershipAcrossBusinessUnitsNotEnabled Mensaje: The Record Ownership Across Business Units Setting feature isn't available. |
0x80048352 -2147187886 |
Nombre: OwnershipAcrossBusinessUnitsOnlyUserOwnedEntities Mensaje: Record Ownership Across Business Units Setting is applicable only for user-owned entities. Entity {0}., OwnershipTypeMask: {1}. |
0x80048354 -2147187884 |
Nombre: OwnershipAcrossBusinessUnitsOptOutNotSupported Mensaje: It isn't possible to remove the Record Ownership Across Business Units Setting feature. |
0x80072018 -2147016680 |
Nombre: OwnershipUpdateNotSupported Mensaje: Cannot change entity ownership from {0} to {1} for entity {2}. |
0x80040361 -2147220639 |
Nombre: OwnerValueNotMapped Mensaje: The owner value is not mapped |
0x80097379 -2146864263 |
Nombre: PackageEntityNotFound Mensaje: Package entity is not found in org, failed to validate dynamics billing context of workflow. |
0x8005F21A -2147093990 |
Nombre: PageNotFound Mensaje: Page not found. The record might not exist, or the link might be incorrect. |
0x80097505 -2146863867 |
Nombre: ParallelRequestsToFinOpsNotSupported Mensaje: Concurrent sdk calls are not allowed. Please work with plugin owner to make sure multiple sdk calls in parallel are not made to avoid this error. |
0x80048d41 -2147185343 |
Nombre: ParamNotValidDataType Mensaje: The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type. Check the source data for invalid values and update the correct data type. |
0x80041d23 -2147214045 |
Nombre: ParentBusinessDoesNotExist Mensaje: The parent business Id is invalid. |
0x8003F455 -2147224491 |
Nombre: ParentCaseNotAllowedAsAChildCase Mensaje: You can't add a parent case as a child case |
0x80044905 -2147202811 |
Nombre: ParentChildMetricIdDiffers Mensaje: The metricid of child goal should be same as the parent goal. |
0x80044906 -2147202810 |
Nombre: ParentChildPeriodAttributesDiffer Mensaje: The period settings of child goal should be same as the parent goal. |
0x8004F888 -2147157880 |
Nombre: ParentHierarchyExistProperty Mensaje: A parent should exist for each node in hierarchy except the root node. |
0x80043b09 -2147206391 |
Nombre: ParentReadOnly Mensaje: The parent is read only and cannot be edited. |
0x80048478 -2147187592 |
Nombre: ParentRecordAlreadyExists Mensaje: This record cannot be added because it already has a parent record. |
0x80040486 -2147220346 |
Nombre: ParentReportDoesNotReferenceChild Mensaje: Specified parent report does not reference the current one. Only SQL Reporting Services reports can have parent reports. |
0x80040496 -2147220330 |
Nombre: ParentReportLinksToSameNameChild Mensaje: Parent report already links to another report with the same name. |
0x80040487 -2147220345 |
Nombre: ParentReportNotSupported Mensaje: Parent report is not supported for the type of report specified. Only SQL Reporting Services reports can have parent reports. |
0x80041d27 -2147214041 |
Nombre: ParentUserDoesNotExist Mensaje: The parent user Id is invalid. |
0x80040371 -2147220623 |
Nombre: ParseMustBeCalledBeforeTransform Mensaje: Cannot call transform before parse. |
0x80040367 -2147220633 |
Nombre: ParsingMetadataNotFound Mensaje: Data required to parse the file, such as the data delimiter, field delimiter, or column headings, was not found. |
0x8004E102 -2147163902 |
Nombre: PartialExpansionSettingLoadError Mensaje: Failed to retrieve partial expansion settings from the configuration database. |
0x8004F873 -2147157901 |
Nombre: PartialHolidayScheduleCreation Mensaje: Partial holiday schedule can not be created. |
0x80060441 -2147089343 |
Nombre: ParticipatingEntityDoesNotAppearInTraversedPath Mensaje: Record for entity '{0}' is not in the traversed path '{1}'. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80044909 -2147202807 |
Nombre: ParticipatingQueryEntityMismatch Mensaje: The entitytype of participating query should be the same as the entity specified in fetchxml. |
0x8005E24E -2147098034 |
Nombre: PasswordRequiredForImpersonation Mensaje: Type in a password and save again |
0x80048540 -2147187392 |
Nombre: PatchMissingBase Mensaje: You can't import the patch ({0}) for the solution ({1}) because the solution isn't present. The operation has been canceled. |
0x8004F086 -2147159930 |
Nombre: PendingUpgradeExists Mensaje: This solution has a pending upgrade. Please complete the upgrade before proceeding |
0x80048cf1 -2147185423 |
Nombre: PercentageDiscountCannotHaveCurrency Mensaje: Currency cannot be set when discount type is percentage. |
0x80048575 -2147187339 |
Nombre: PerformanceValidationIssuesCauseTimeout Mensaje: The database operation timed out; this may be due to the query performance issues identified in a query executed on this request. Please optimize the query by addressing the following identified performance issues: {0}. Please reference this document for guidance: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2300520 |
0x80050144 -2147155644 |
Nombre: PersistedCalcFieldNotValidForUpdate Mensaje: The Calculated Field {0} on entity {1} is persisted and not allowed to update. |
0x8004E309 -2147163383 |
Nombre: PersonalReportFound Mensaje: A system dashboard cannot contain personal reports. |
0x8004033f -2147220673 |
Nombre: PickListMappingExistsForTargetValue Mensaje: This list value is mapped more than once. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. |
0x80040342 -2147220670 |
Nombre: PickListMappingExistsWithSourceValue Mensaje: The data map already contains this list value mapping. |
0x80040393 -2147220589 |
Nombre: PicklistValueNotFound Mensaje: The file specifies a list value that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
0x80040360 -2147220640 |
Nombre: PicklistValueNotMapped Mensaje: The record could not be processed as the Option set value could not be mapped. |
0x80044310 -2147204336 |
Nombre: PicklistValueNotUnique Mensaje: The picklist value already exists. Picklist values must be unique. |
0x8004431A -2147204326 |
Nombre: PicklistValueOutOfRange Mensaje: The picklist value is out of the range. |
0x80049949 -2147182263 |
Nombre: PicklistValueOutOfRangeRecycleBin Mensaje: Picklist value not valid, please add the invalid value back to the picklist before restoring record. See inner exception for details. |
0x8005F212 -2147093998 |
Nombre: PingFailureErrorCode Mensaje: The system couldn't reconnect with your {#Brand_CRM} server. |
0x8004419e -2147204706 |
Nombre: PipelineCancellationRequested Mensaje: The operation is cancelled as requested by the source - Sandbox |
0x80097622 -2146863582 |
Nombre: PlatformNotSupported Mensaje: The specified call has encountered an PlatformNotSupportedException, Retrying the operation may succeed or you can specify a request header "x-ms-select-stable-service" to be directed to the stable endpoint. |
0x80072044 -2147016636 |
Nombre: PlatformSkuLockedForCustomization Mensaje: This is a platform environment and it only allows customizations from authorized Microsoft solutions. |
0x8004418f -2147204721 |
Nombre: PluginAssemblyContentSizeExceeded Mensaje: "The assembly content size '{0} bytes' has exceeded the maximum value allowed for isolated plug-ins '{1} bytes'." |
0x8004416c -2147204756 |
Nombre: PluginAssemblyMustHavePublicKeyToken Mensaje: Public assembly must have public key token. |
0x8004A200 -2147180032 |
Nombre: PluginDoesNotImplementCorrectInterface Mensaje: The plug-in specified does not implement the required interface Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPlugin or Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.IPlugin. |
0x80091011 -2146889711 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreAcquireToken Mensaje: Unable to AcquireToken for resource |
0x80091005 -2146889723 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreAdalAcquireToken Mensaje: Unable to AcquireToken for resource |
0x80091000 -2146889728 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreKeyVaultClient Mensaje: Unable to initialize KeyVaultClientProvider under Sandbox WorkerProcess |
0x80091003 -2146889725 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreKeyVaultClientDecrypt Mensaje: Unable to Decrypt using KeyVault |
0x80091010 -2146889712 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreKeyVaultClientDeleteSecret Mensaje: Unable to DeleteSecret to KeyVault |
0x80091004 -2146889724 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreKeyVaultClientEncrypt Mensaje: Unable to Encrypt using KeyVault |
0x80091001 -2146889727 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreKeyVaultClientGetSecret Mensaje: Unable to GetSecret from KeyVault |
0x80091002 -2146889726 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreKeyVaultClientSetSecret Mensaje: Unable to SetSecret to KeyVault |
0x8009100D -2146889715 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreKeyVaultServiceCertFormat Mensaje: Certificate not stored as a Base64String in KeyVault |
0x8009100C -2146889716 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreKeyVaultServiceProviderGetData Mensaje: Missing AppId / Secrets in KeyVault |
0x8009100A -2146889718 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreLocalConfigStoreGetData Mensaje: Unable to get data from LocalConfigStore |
0x8009100B -2146889717 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreLocalConfigStoreSetData Mensaje: Unable to set data to LocalConfigStore |
0x8009100F -2146889713 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreNoFullySigned Mensaje: Assembly not fully signed |
0x80091008 -2146889720 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreS2SMissing Mensaje: S2S Credentials missing |
0x80091007 -2146889721 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreTPSAssemblyNotRegistered Mensaje: Assembly is not registered in TPS |
0x80091009 -2146889719 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreTPSClient Mensaje: Unable to create TPS Client |
0x80091006 -2146889722 |
Nombre: PluginSecureStoreTPSKeyVaultUnconfigured Mensaje: KeyVaultURI was not configured for an Assembly in TPS |
0x80081118 -2146954984 |
Nombre: PluginTypeDisabled Mensaje: Plugin type {0} has been disabled. Please disable the steps registered on this plugin type. To re-enable plugin type, please contact Microsoft Dynamics 365 technical support. |
0x8004417C -2147204740 |
Nombre: PluginTypeMustBeUnique Mensaje: Multiple plug-in types from the same assembly and with the same typename are not allowed. |
0x80048116 -2147188458 |
Nombre: POAOperationConcurrentRequested Mensaje: More than one concurrent {0} requests detected for an Entity {1} and ObjectTypeCode {2}. |
0x80090428 -2146892760 |
Nombre: PolymorphicLookupNotSupportedInSolutionAwareEntity Mensaje: The entity '{0}' is solution aware and cannot include the polymorphic lookup. |
0x80090427 -2146892761 |
Nombre: PolymorphicLookupStyleCannotBeUpdated Mensaje: The polymorphic lookup style cannot be updated. Entity '{0}', AttributeId '{1}'. |
0x8005E215 -2147098091 |
Nombre: Pop3UnexpectedException Mensaje: Exception occur while polling mails using Pop3 protocol. |
0x800608FC -2147088132 |
Nombre: PowerBICannotBeSystemDashboard Mensaje: A Power BI Dashboard cannot be a System Dashboard. |
0x80160053 -2146041773 |
Nombre: PowerBIControlPropertyIsEmpty Mensaje: The Power BI component of type {0} specified in the Power BI parameter {1} cannot be empty. More Details:{2} |
0x80160052 -2146041774 |
Nombre: PowerBIControlSchemaInvalid Mensaje: Power BI parameter '{0}' is unsupported type '{1}' should be type="PowerBI.Report". More Details:{2} |
0x800608FD -2147088131 |
Nombre: PowerBIDashboardControlLimitation Mensaje: A Power BI Dashboard can only contain one control and that control must be a Power BI control. |
0x80097003 -2146865149 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbedCannotChangeReportType Mensaje: You cannot change the report type for an existing report. |
0x80097004 -2146865148 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbedCannotCreateDuplicateReport Mensaje: A report with the same name and reportversion already exists. Conflicting report id:{0}. |
0x80097002 -2146865150 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbedCannotModifyReport Mensaje: Modifying Reports with ReportTypeCode {0} is not enabled for this user. |
0x80097017 -2146865129 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedAppIdNotAllowedForSolutionALM Mensaje: Operation cannot be performed because the application id is not allowed. Details: {0} |
0x80097012 -2146865134 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedCallerIsNotOwner Mensaje: This operation can only be performed by the owner of the report. Report id: {0} |
0x80097013 -2146865133 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedCallThrottled Mensaje: Operation cannot be performed please try again later. Details: {0} |
0x80097023 -2146865117 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedDependentModelReportCircularDependencyDetected Mensaje: Circular dependency detected while navigating dependent model report Id. Details: {0} |
0x80097008 -2146865144 |
Nombre: PowerBiEmbeddedInternalServerError Mensaje: Internal server error for API {0}. Details: {1} |
0x80097024 -2146865116 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedInvalidDependentModelReportTypeDetected Mensaje: Dependent model report type can only be Power-Bi analytical. Details: {0} |
0x80097011 -2146865135 |
Nombre: PowerBiEmbeddedOlcEventError Mensaje: Organization Lifecycle Event detected for report while performing {0}. {1} |
0x80097019 -2146865127 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedPaasSolutionPublisherNotAllowed Mensaje: Provided solution publisher is not allowed. Details: {0} |
0x80097022 -2146865118 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedPublishOnDemandInvalidInternalState Mensaje: Publish on demand failed because internal state is invalid. Details: {0} |
0x80097025 -2146865115 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedPublishOnDemandLockFailed Mensaje: Failed to acquire lock for executing publish on demand, please retry this operation after sometime. Details: {0} |
0x80097007 -2146865145 |
Nombre: PowerBiEmbeddedReportBadRequest Mensaje: Request validation failed for API {0}. Details: {1} |
0x80097014 -2146865132 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedReportPublishFailed Mensaje: Operation cannot be performed because report publish failed. Details: {0} |
0x80097015 -2146865131 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedReportPublishInProgress Mensaje: Operation cannot be performed because report publish is in-progress. Details: {0} |
0x80097016 -2146865130 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedReportPublishNotStarted Mensaje: Operation cannot be performed because report publish has not started. Details: {0} |
0x80097018 -2146865128 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedReportTypeSolutionAwareNotSupported Mensaje: Solution ALM is not supported for the following report type. Details: {0} |
0x80097020 -2146865120 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedSystemApplicationUserNotFound Mensaje: Application system user not found. Details: {0} |
0x80097021 -2146865119 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbeddedUnmanagedReportOwnerChangeNotAllowed Mensaje: Owner change to system application user is not allowed for unmanaged reports. Details: {0} |
0x80097000 -2146865152 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbedOperationNotEnabled Mensaje: This operation is not enabled for this user for ReportTypeCode value {0}. |
0x80097005 -2146865147 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbedParameterCannotBeEmpty Mensaje: The input parameter {0} cannot be empty. Details: {1} |
0x80097006 -2146865146 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbedParameterConflict Mensaje: There is a conflict in the input parameters. Details: {0} |
0x80097001 -2146865151 |
Nombre: PowerBIEmbedReportTypeNotEnabled Mensaje: The ReportTypeCode value {0} is not enabled for this user. |
0x80040508 -2147220216 |
Nombre: PresentParentAccountAndParentContact Mensaje: You can either specify a contacts parent contact or its account, but not both. |
0x80048464 -2147187612 |
Nombre: PreviousOperationNotComplete Mensaje: An operation on which this operation depends did not complete successfully. |
0x80043b0f -2147206385 |
Nombre: PriceLevelNameExists Mensaje: The name already exists. |
0x80043b0e -2147206386 |
Nombre: PriceLevelNoName Mensaje: The name can not be null. |
0x80100010 -2146435056 |
Nombre: PriceListIsMandatory Mensaje: PriceList is mandatory for creating entity. |
0x8004501E -2147200994 |
Nombre: PrimaryEntityInvalid Mensaje: Invalid primary entity. |
0x80060401 -2147089407 |
Nombre: PrimaryEntityIsNull Mensaje: Primary Entity cannot be NULL while creating business process flow category |
0x80097209 -2146864631 |
Nombre: PrimaryKeyIsNullInSingleXmlFlow Mensaje: Error while preparing paging cookie. Primary key value cannot be null for entity : '{0}'. |
0x80044355 -2147204267 |
Nombre: PrimaryNameAttributeNotFound Mensaje: PrimaryName attribute not found for Entity: {0} |
0x80060453 -2147089325 |
Nombre: PrimaryParticipatingEntityIsNotPresent Mensaje: Validation error: primary participating entity is not present and is required for every Business Process entity record. |
0x80060489 -2147089271 |
Nombre: PrimaryStageEntitynotSupplied Mensaje: Primary stage entity lookup value is null. Please provide value for attribute {0}. |
0x80097248 -2146864568 |
Nombre: PrincipalOwnsNonRelationalRecords Mensaje: Can't delete principal of type {0} and id {1} because they own a record of table {2} with id {3}. Reassign or delete the record and try again. |
0x80040231 -2147220943 |
Nombre: PrincipalPrivilegeDenied Mensaje: Target user or team does not hold required privileges. |
0x80041153 -2147217069 |
Nombre: PrivilegeChecker_CannotCreateRoleWithActiveRun Mensaje: Cannot create role using an active privilege checker run. |
0x80041152 -2147217070 |
Nombre: PrivilegeChecker_CannotStartAnotherPrivilegeChecker Mensaje: A Privilege Checker run is already active for the specified user {0}. |
0x80041151 -2147217071 |
Nombre: PrivilegeChecker_FeatureNotReady Mensaje: The Privilege Checker feature is not ready to be used yet. |
0x80040276 -2147220874 |
Nombre: PrivilegeCreateIsDisabledForOrganization Mensaje: Privilege Create is disabled for organization. |
0x80040220 -2147220960 |
Nombre: PrivilegeDenied Mensaje: {5} {2}(Id = {3}) is missing {0} privilege on {1} entity(OTC={4}). Consider adding missing privilege to one of the principal (user/team) roles for the request to succeed. |
0x80045054 -2147200940 |
Nombre: ProcessActionDoesNotExist Mensaje: Process Action does not exist. |
0x80045053 -2147200941 |
Nombre: ProcessActionIsNotActive Mensaje: Process Action should be active to be used on Action Step. |
0x80060379 -2147089543 |
Nombre: ProcessActionNameIncorrect Mensaje: Process Action “{0}” does not match the name configured: “{1}”. Contact your system administrator to check the configuration metadata if the error persists. |
0x80045058 -2147200936 |
Nombre: ProcessActionWithInvalidInputOutputParam Mensaje: Process Action contains a parameter that is not supported. Name: {0}, type: {1}, direction: {2}. |
0x80045057 -2147200937 |
Nombre: ProcessActionWithInvalidInputParam Mensaje: Process Action contains a field in input parameter that is unsupported on Action Steps. Refer to {0} |
0x80045056 -2147200938 |
Nombre: ProcessActionWithInvalidOutputParam Mensaje: Process Action contains a field in output parameter that is unsupported on Action Steps. Refer to {0}. |
0x80060380 -2147089536 |
Nombre: ProcessActionWorkflowNotEnabledForOnDemand Mensaje: Process Action or Workflow must be enabled for on-demand execution to be available for action steps. |
0x80060372 -2147089550 |
Nombre: ProcessControlDoesNotExistOnForm Mensaje: Process Control does not exist on form |
0x80060399 -2147089511 |
Nombre: ProcessEmptyBranches Mensaje: This process contains empty branches. Define or delete these branches and try again. |
0x80072554 -2147015340 |
Nombre: ProcessFileFailure Mensaje: Error occured when processing file. Reason: {0} |
0x80060460 -2147089312 |
Nombre: ProcessIdDoesNotMatchBusinessProcessDefinition Mensaje: Validation error: Process ID does not match Business Process definition. |
0x80060459 -2147089319 |
Nombre: ProcessIdIsEmpty Mensaje: Validation error: Process ID cannot be empty. |
0x80072553 -2147015341 |
Nombre: ProcessImageFailure Mensaje: Error occured when processing image. Reason: {0} |
0x80060370 -2147089552 |
Nombre: ProcessInstanceNotFound Mensaje: Supplied process instance {0} does not match any existing instance on this entity {1} |
0x80060398 -2147089512 |
Nombre: ProcessNameContainsInvalidCharacters Mensaje: The business process name contains invalid characters. |
0x80060418 -2147089384 |
Nombre: ProcessNameIsNullOrEmpty Mensaje: The business process flow name is NULL or empty. |
0x80060461 -2147089311 |
Nombre: ProcessStageIdIsEmpty Mensaje: Validation error: Primary Stage ID cannot be empty. |
0x8004F995 -2147157611 |
Nombre: ProductCanOnlyBeUpdatedInDraft Mensaje: Product, product family and bundle can only be updated in draft state. |
0x80061006 -2147086330 |
Nombre: ProductCloneFailed Mensaje: You can't clone a child record of a retired product family. |
0x80043b24 -2147206364 |
Nombre: ProductDoesNotExist Mensaje: The product does not exist. |
0x80081007 -2146955257 |
Nombre: ProductFamilyCanCreateDynamicProperty Mensaje: A property can only be created for a product family. |
0x8008101F -2146955233 |
Nombre: ProductFamilyRootParentisLocked Mensaje: The product family root parent record is locked by some other process. |
0x8004F982 -2147157630 |
Nombre: ProductFromActiveToActiveState Mensaje: Product is already in Active State. |
0x8004F912 -2147157742 |
Nombre: ProductFromActiveToDraftState Mensaje: You can't set a published product to the draft state. |
0x8004F981 -2147157631 |
Nombre: ProductFromDraftToDraftState Mensaje: Product is already in Draft State. |
0x8004F978 -2147157640 |
Nombre: ProductFromDraftToRetiredState Mensaje: You can't retire this product because {0} is in draft state. A product should be in Active/ Under Revision state for retiring. |
0x8004F913 -2147157741 |
Nombre: ProductFromDraftToRevisedState Mensaje: You can't revise a draft or a retired product. |
0x8004F977 -2147157641 |
Nombre: ProductFromRetiredToActiveState Mensaje: You can't set a retired property to an active state. |
0x8004F979 -2147157639 |
Nombre: ProductFromRetiredToDraftState Mensaje: It is not possible to move product from Retired to Draft State. |
0x8004F980 -2147157632 |
Nombre: ProductFromRetiredToRetiredState Mensaje: Product is already in Retired State. |
0x8004F910 -2147157744 |
Nombre: ProductHasUnretiredChild Mensaje: You can't retire this product family because one or more of its child records aren't retired. |
0x80043b0c -2147206388 |
Nombre: ProductInvalidPriceLevelPercentage Mensaje: The pricing percentage must be greater than or equal to zero and less than 100000. |
0x80043b07 -2147206393 |
Nombre: ProductInvalidQuantityDecimal Mensaje: The number of decimal places on the quantity is invalid. |
0x80043b14 -2147206380 |
Nombre: ProductInvalidUnit Mensaje: The specified unit is not valid for this product. |
0x80043b23 -2147206365 |
Nombre: ProductKitLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: You can’t add a kit to itself. |
0x80043b22 -2147206366 |
Nombre: ProductKitLoopExists Mensaje: Loop exists in the kit hierarchy. |
0x8008100D -2146955251 |
Nombre: ProductMaxPropertyLimitExceeded Mensaje: This product can't be published because it has too many properties. A product in your organization can't have more than {0} properties. |
0x80043b13 -2147206381 |
Nombre: ProductMissingUomSheduleId Mensaje: The unit schedule id of the product is missing. |
0x80043b05 -2147206395 |
Nombre: ProductNoProductNumber Mensaje: The product number can not be null. |
0x8004F990 -2147157616 |
Nombre: ProductNoSubstitutedProductNumber Mensaje: The substituted Product number cannot be a NULL. |
0x8004F973 -2147157645 |
Nombre: ProductOrBundleCannotBeAsParent Mensaje: Only Product Families can be parents to products. |
0x80043b06 -2147206394 |
Nombre: ProductProductNumberExists Mensaje: The specified product ID conflicts with the product ID of an existing record. Specify a different product ID and try again. |
0x80061600 -2147084800 |
Nombre: ProductRecommendationsFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Product Recommendations feature is not enabled. |
0x80071141 -2147020479 |
Nombre: ProfileContainsCircularReference Mensaje: The profile '{0}' could not be published because it contains a circular relationship. Please review and remove one of the following relationships: '{1}'. |
0x80071142 -2147020478 |
Nombre: ProfileContainsRelationshipWithoutEntity Mensaje: The profile '{1}' could not be published because it is missing a related table. Please add the table '{2}' to the profile or remove the relationship between tables '{0}' and '{2}'. |
0x80071134 -2147020492 |
Nombre: ProfileCountUserLimitExceeded Mensaje: The profile '{0}' could not be published because the number of users in the profile exceeds the limit of {1}. Please reduce the number of users in the profile. |
0x80061102 -2147086078 |
Nombre: ProfileRuleActivateDeactivateByNonOwner Mensaje: This Profile Rule cannot be activated or deactivated by someone who is not its owner. |
0x80061100 -2147086080 |
Nombre: ProfileRuleMissingRuleCriteria Mensaje: You can't activate this rule until you resolve any missing rule criteria information in the rule items. |
0x80061103 -2147086077 |
Nombre: ProfileRulePublishedByOwner Mensaje: Your rule can't be activated until the current active rule is deactivated. The active rule can only be deactivated by the rule owner. |
0x80061101 -2147086079 |
Nombre: ProfileRuleWorkflowAuthorGenericError Mensaje: An error occurred while authoring workflow. Please fix workflow definition and try again. |
0x80160045 -2146041787 |
Nombre: PropertyBoundToNonExistingAttribute Mensaje: Property {0} is bound to a non-existent attribute {1} in entity {2}. More Details:{3} |
0x80160051 -2146041775 |
Nombre: PropertyBoundToNonExistingAttributeInPrimaryAndRelatedEntitiesAndNotExistingAsFormParameter Mensaje: Property {0} is bound to a non-existent attribute {1} in current entity {2} or in related entity {3} and also not present as part of formParameters. More Details:{4} |
0x80160046 -2146041786 |
Nombre: PropertyBoundToNonExistingEntity Mensaje: Property {0} is bound to an attribute in non-existent entity. More Details:{1} |
0x80160026 -2146041818 |
Nombre: PropertyIsRequiredButNoValueDefined Mensaje: Property {0} is required, but has no defined value. More Details:{1} |
0x80160038 -2146041800 |
Nombre: PropertyNotDeclaredInManifest Mensaje: Property {0} is not declared in the control manifest. More Details:{1} |
0x80160035 -2146041803 |
Nombre: PropertyTypeCouldNotBeDeterminedFromAsSameTypeProperty Mensaje: Cannot determine the type of property '{0}', because it is the same type as undetermined property '{1}'. More Details:{2} |
0x80091044 -2146889660 |
Nombre: ProvisioningNotCompleted Mensaje: To enable auto capture, you need to set up Cortana Intelligence Customer Insights in Relationship Insights settings. |
0x8004F711 -2147158255 |
Nombre: ProvisionLanguageForUserNotSupported Mensaje: ProvisionLanguageForUser is not supported in your organization. |
0x80044270 -2147204496 |
Nombre: ProvisionRIAccessNotAllowed Mensaje: You need system administrator privileges to turn Relationship Insights on for your organization. |
0x80041212 -2147216878 |
Nombre: PSqlAmbiguousColumn Mensaje: Ambiguous column {0}. |
0x80041216 -2147216874 |
Nombre: PSqlConnectionNotSupported Mensaje: Error when getting the connection for Datasource {0}. |
0x80041211 -2147216879 |
Nombre: PSqlDuplicateColumnAlias Mensaje: Duplicate column name or alias {0} in the query. |
0x8004120f -2147216881 |
Nombre: PSqlDuplicateSubQueryAlias Mensaje: Alias {0} cannot be used for the sub-query because it is already being used for another table or sub-query. |
0x8004120d -2147216883 |
Nombre: PSqlDuplicateTableAlias Mensaje: Alias {0} cannot be used for the table because it is already being used for another table or sub-query. |
0x80041205 -2147216891 |
Nombre: PSqlEndpointDisabled Mensaje: TDS protocol endpoint is disabled for this organization. For more information, please visit http://aka.ms/EnableSQLForCDS |
0x80041204 -2147216892 |
Nombre: PSqlErrorWhenGettingSecret Mensaje: Unable to get the Secret from the KeyVault. Try again later and if the problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
0x80041208 -2147216888 |
Nombre: PSqlExceededMaxResultSize Mensaje: Return records size cannot exceed {0} in bytes. Make sure to filter result set to tailor it to your report. |
0x8004120a -2147216886 |
Nombre: PSqlInvalidDatabaseName Mensaje: Invalid database name “{0}”. |
0x80041202 -2147216894 |
Nombre: PSqlInvalidObjectName Mensaje: Invalid object name in SQL statement. |
0x80041209 -2147216887 |
Nombre: PSqlInvalidServerName Mensaje: Invalid server name “{0}”. |
0x80041220 -2147216864 |
Nombre: PSqlMaxBinaryExpressionsExceededError Mensaje: Too many binary expressions in the query. |
0x80041219 -2147216871 |
Nombre: PSqlMaxParameterLimitError Mensaje: Too many literal values were passed in the query. The maximum number is 2100. |
0x80041210 -2147216880 |
Nombre: PSqlMissingColumnAlias Mensaje: Column name or column alias is required for a select column in the query. |
0x8004120e -2147216882 |
Nombre: PSqlMissingSubQueryAlias Mensaje: Alias is required for a sub-query. |
0x80041201 -2147216895 |
Nombre: PSqlParseError Mensaje: Invalid SQL statement. |
0x80041206 -2147216890 |
Nombre: PSqlQueryError Mensaje: Invalid SQL query. |
0x80041218 -2147216872 |
Nombre: PSqlQueryWithEmptyResult Mensaje: Error when a query returns empty result. |
0x80090490 -2146892656 |
Nombre: PSqlResultTypeNotSupported Mensaje: PSqlResultType {0} is not supported. |
0x80041217 -2147216873 |
Nombre: PSqlTableHintFormat Mensaje: Error in table hint format. |
0x80041203 -2147216893 |
Nombre: PSqlTableInvalidForReports Mensaje: Table is not available for reports. |
0x80041222 -2147216862 |
Nombre: PSqlTimeoutDueToComplexQuery Mensaje: The updated two minutes (2) timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation. Please avoid using "SELECT *", or NESTED FROMs and/or JOINs to execute the query with default five minutes (5) timeout. |
0x80041214 -2147216876 |
Nombre: PSqlUnsupportedColumnNameOrAliasInInputQuery Mensaje: Unsupported column name in the input query. |
0x80041207 -2147216889 |
Nombre: PSqlUnsupportedDataType Mensaje: Unsupported data type {0} for column {1}. Please remove the column from the query and retry. |
0x80041200 -2147216896 |
Nombre: PSqlUnsupportedStatement Mensaje: Unsupported SQL statement. |
0x80061401 -2147085311 |
Nombre: PublishArticle_TranslationWithMoreThanOneApprovedVersion Mensaje: There is more than one approved version of the {0} language. You can only publish one version of each language. |
0x80045015 -2147201003 |
Nombre: PublishedWorkflowLimitForSkuReached Mensaje: This workflow cannot be published because your organization has reached its limit for the number of workflows that can be published at the same time. (There is no limit on the number of draft workflows.) You can publish this workflow by unpublishing a different workflow, or by upgrading your license to a license that supports more workflows. |
0x8004500C -2147201012 |
Nombre: PublishedWorkflowOwnershipChange Mensaje: A published workflow can only be assigned to the caller. |
0x80045032 -2147200974 |
Nombre: PublishWorkflowWhileActingOnBehalfOfAnotherUserError Mensaje: Publishing Workflows while acting on behalf of another user is not allowed. |
0x80045039 -2147200967 |
Nombre: PublishWorkflowWhileImpersonatingError Mensaje: Publishing Workflows while impersonating another user is not allowed. |
0x80043b18 -2147206376 |
Nombre: QuantityReadonly Mensaje: Do not modify the Quantity field when you update the primary unit. |
0x8004D2B0 -2147167568 |
Nombre: QueriesForDifferentEntities Mensaje: The Inner and Outer Queries must be for the same entity. |
0x80041142 -2147217086 |
Nombre: QueryBuilder_InvalidPostAggregateFiltering Mensaje: PostAggregateFiltering cannot be used outside of Aggregate queries. |
0x80041141 -2147217087 |
Nombre: QueryBuilder_InvalidPostAggregateFilteringConditionOp Mensaje: Specified condition operator "{0}" for PostAggregateFiltering filter condition "{1}" is not supported. |
0x8004110a -2147217142 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAlias_Does_Not_Exist Mensaje: The specified alias for the given entity in the condition does not exist. |
0x80041132 -2147217102 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAliasNotAllowedForNonAggregateOrderBy Mensaje: An alias cannot be specified for an order clause for a non-aggregate Query. Use an attribute. |
0x80041134 -2147217100 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAliasRequiredForAggregateOrderBy Mensaje: An alias is required for an order clause for an aggregate Query. |
0x80041107 -2147217145 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAttribute_With_Aggregate Mensaje: Attributes can not be returned when aggregate operation is specified. |
0x80041137 -2147217097 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAttributeCannotBeGroupByAndAggregate Mensaje: An attribute can either be an aggregate or a Group By but not both |
0x80041131 -2147217103 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAttributeNotAllowedForAggregateOrderBy Mensaje: An attribute cannot be specified for an order clause for an aggregate Query. Use an alias. |
0x8004111e -2147217122 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAttributeNotFound Mensaje: A required attribute was not specified. |
0x80041111 -2147217135 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAttributePairMismatch Mensaje: AttributeFrom and AttributeTo must be either both specified or both omitted. |
0x80041133 -2147217101 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderAttributeRequiredForNonAggregateOrderBy Mensaje: An attribute is required for an order clause for a non-aggregate Query. |
0x80041106 -2147217146 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderBad_Condition Mensaje: Incorrect filter condition or conditions. |
0x8004110f -2147217137 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderByAttributeMismatch Mensaje: QueryByAttribute must specify a non-empty value array with the same number of elements as in the attributes array. |
0x80041110 -2147217136 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderByAttributeNonEmpty Mensaje: QueryByAttribute must specify a non-empty attribute array. |
0x80041146 -2147217082 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderColumnReferenceExpression_NotSupported Mensaje: ColumnReferenceExpression conditions are not supported within the context |
0x80041113 -2147217133 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderColumnSetVersionMissing Mensaje: The specified columnset version is invalid. |
0x80041144 -2147217084 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderCompareColumns_NotSupported Mensaje: CompareColumn conditions are not supported within PostAggregateFiltering Filters |
0x80041124 -2147217116 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeEmptyXml Mensaje: Xml String can't be null. |
0x8004111a -2147217126 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidAggregate Mensaje: An error occurred while processing Aggregates in Query |
0x80041119 -2147217127 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidDescending Mensaje: The only valid values for descending attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
0x80041115 -2147217131 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidDistinct Mensaje: The only valid values for distinct attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
0x80040c05 -2147218427 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidEnableCrossPartition Mensaje: The only valid values for enable-crosspartition attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
0x8004111b -2147217125 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidGetMinActiveRowVersion Mensaje: The only valid values for GetMinActiveRowVersion attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
0x8004112E -2147217106 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidGroupBy Mensaje: The only valid values for groupby attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
0x80041117 -2147217129 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidLinkType Mensaje: The only valid values for link-type attribute are 'natural', 'inner','in','exists','matchfirstrowusingcrossapply' and 'outer'. |
0x80041116 -2147217130 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidMapping Mensaje: The only valid values for mapping are 'logical' or 'internal' which is deprecated. |
0x8004111c -2147217124 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidNode Mensaje: The element node encountered is invalid. |
0x80041118 -2147217128 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidNoLock Mensaje: The only valid values for no-lock attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
0x800410fd -2147217155 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidUseRawOrderBy Mensaje: The only valid values for useraworderby attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
0x8004111d -2147217123 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidUtcOffset Mensaje: The utc-offset attribute is not supported for deserialization. |
0x80041125 -2147217115 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDeserializeNoDocElemXml Mensaje: Document Element can't be null. |
0x80041130 -2147217104 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDuplicateAlias Mensaje: FetchXML should have unique aliases. |
0x800410FF -2147217153 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderDuplicateAttributeInOrderExpression Mensaje: An Expression cannot contain duplicate ordering on the same entity. Attribute: {0} |
0x80041123 -2147217117 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderElementNotFound Mensaje: A required element was not specified. |
0x80041128 -2147217112 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderEntitiesDontMatch Mensaje: The entity name specified in fetchxml does not match the entity name specified in the Entity or Query Expression. |
0x80041109 -2147217143 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalid_Alias Mensaje: Invalid alias for aggregate operation. |
0x80041108 -2147217144 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalid_Value Mensaje: Invalid value specified for type. |
0x8004112F -2147217105 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidAggregateAttribute Mensaje: Aggregate {0} is not supported for attribute of type {1}. |
0x80041139 -2147217095 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidAttributeValue Mensaje: The attribute value provided is invalid. |
0x80041112 -2147217134 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidColumnSetVersion Mensaje: The specified columnset version is invalid. |
0x80041120 -2147217120 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidConditionOperator Mensaje: Unsupported condition operator. |
0x80041135 -2147217099 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidDateGrouping Mensaje: An invalid value was specified for dategrouping. |
0x80041122 -2147217118 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidFilterType Mensaje: Unsupported filter type. Valid values are 'and', or 'or'. |
0x80041121 -2147217119 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidJoinOperator Mensaje: Unsupported join operator. |
0x800410fe -2147217154 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidLogicalOperator Mensaje: Unsupported logical operator: {0}. Accepted values are ('and', 'or'). |
0x8004111f -2147217121 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidOrderType Mensaje: A valid order type must be set in the order before calling this method. |
0x8004112A -2147217110 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidPagingCookie Mensaje: Invalid page number in paging cookie. |
0x80041100 -2147217152 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderInvalidUpdate Mensaje: An attempt was made to update a non-updateable field. |
0x80041104 -2147217148 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderLinkAttributesTypeMismatch Mensaje: Data Types don't match for the link-entity join attributes '{0}', '{1}'. |
0x80041126 -2147217114 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderLinkNodeForOrderNotFound Mensaje: Converting from Query to EntityExpression failed. Link Node for order was not found. |
0x80041143 -2147217085 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderMissingAttribute_PostAggregateFiltering Mensaje: Condition attribute with Alias = "{0}" not found. Alias must exist for PostAggregateFiltering Filter Condition |
0x8004110e -2147217138 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderMultipleIntersectEntities Mensaje: More than one intersect entity exists between the two entities specified. |
0x8004110b -2147217141 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderNoAlias Mensaje: No alias for the given entity in the condition was found. |
0x80041103 -2147217149 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderNoAttribute Mensaje: The specified attribute does not exist on this entity. |
0x8004112C -2147217108 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderNoAttrsDistinctConflict Mensaje: The no-attrs tag cannot be used in conjuction with Distinct set to true. |
0x80041102 -2147217150 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderNoEntity Mensaje: The specified entity was not found. |
0x80041140 -2147217088 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderNoEntityKey Mensaje: The specified entitykey was not found. |
0x80041129 -2147217111 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderPagingOrderBy Mensaje: Order by columns do not match those in paging cookie. |
0x80041145 -2147217083 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderPostAggregateFiltering_ToQueryBuilder Mensaje: PostAggregateFiltering is not supported in QueryExpression |
0x8004110d -2147217139 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderReportView_Does_Not_Exist Mensaje: A report view does not exist for the specified entity. |
0x80041138 -2147217096 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderSerializationInvalidIsQuickFindFilter Mensaje: The only valid values for isquickfindfields attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
0x80041114 -2147217132 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderSerialzeLinkTopCriteria Mensaje: Fetch does not support where clause with conditions from linkentity. |
0x80041101 -2147217151 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderUnexpected Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred. |
0x8004110c -2147217140 |
Nombre: QueryBuilderValue_GreaterThanZero Mensaje: A value greater than zero must be specified. |
0x8004F506 -2147158778 |
Nombre: QueryContainedSecuredAttributeWithoutAccess Mensaje: The Query contained a secured attribute to which the caller does not have access |
0x80071119 -2147020519 |
Nombre: QueryFilterConditionAttributeNotPresentInExpressionEntity Mensaje: The query references a field that does not exist in Dynamics 365: "{0}" |
0x8004F702 -2147158270 |
Nombre: QueryNotValidForStaticList Mensaje: Query cannot be specified for a static list. |
0x8005E00B -2147098613 |
Nombre: QueryParameterNotUnique Mensaje: Query parameter {0} must be defined only once within the data set. |
0x80040528 -2147220184 |
Nombre: QueueIdNotPresent Mensaje: You must enter the target queue. Provide a valid value in the Queue field and try again. |
0x80043e66 -2147205530 |
Nombre: QueueItemLWISyncGenericError Mensaje: There is a problem syncing your data across applications. Please try again or contact Microsoft Support. |
0x80040529 -2147220183 |
Nombre: QueueItemNotPresent Mensaje: You must enter the name of the record that you would like to put in the queue. Provide a valid value in the Queue Item field and try again. |
0x8005E210 -2147098096 |
Nombre: QueueMailboxUnexpectedDeliveryMethod Mensaje: Delivery method for mailbox associated with a queue cannot be outlook client. |
0x80060911 -2147088111 |
Nombre: QuickCreateDisabledOnEntity Mensaje: The {0} entity doesn't have a quick create form or the number of nested quick create forms has exceeded the maximum number allowed. |
0x80060910 -2147088112 |
Nombre: QuickCreateInvalidEntityName Mensaje: The entityLogicalName isn't valid. This value can't be null or empty, and it must represent an entity in the organization. |
0x8004E024 -2147164124 |
Nombre: QuickFindQueryRecordLimitExceeded Mensaje: The number of records for this search exceeds the Quick Search record limit. Please refine your query and try again. |
0x8004853A -2147187398 |
Nombre: QuickFindSavedQueryAlreadyExists Mensaje: "Only one quickfind saved query can exist for an entity. There already exists a quick-find saved query for entity with objecttypecode: {0}" |
0x80160025 -2146041819 |
Nombre: QuickFormIsNotAssociatedWithEntity Mensaje: Quick Form with Id {0} is for entity {1} when it was expected to be for entity {2} - {3}. More Details:{4} |
0x8004F659 -2147158439 |
Nombre: QuickFormNotCustomizableThroughSdk Mensaje: The SDK does not support creating a form of type "Quick". This form type is reserved for internal use only. |
0x80160023 -2146041821 |
Nombre: QuickFormsParameterIsMissing Mensaje: Required parameter QuickForms is not found. More Details:{0} |
0x80048cee -2147185426 |
Nombre: QuoteAndSalesOrderCurrencyNotEqual Mensaje: The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. |
0x80048d00 -2147185408 |
Nombre: QuoteReviseExistingActiveQuote Mensaje: Quote cannot be revised as there already exists another quote in Draft/Active state and with same quote number. |
0x8004F077 -2147159945 |
Nombre: RACCannotAcquireCustomizationLock Mensaje: RemoveActiveCustomizationService failed to acquire customization lock. Another metadata process is in progress. Please try again later. |
0x8004F076 -2147159946 |
Nombre: RACForEntityFailedNotActiveLayer Mensaje: RemoveActiveCustomization is not supported for solution layer {'0'} because it is not Active layer. |
0x80060897 -2147088233 |
Nombre: ReactivateEntityKeyOnlyForFailedJobs Mensaje: Reactivate entity key is only supported for failed job |
0x80060881 -2147088255 |
Nombre: ReadIntentIncompatible Mensaje: Plugin Execution Intent of current execution context is not compatible with its parent context |
0x80061002 -2147086334 |
Nombre: ReadOnlyCreateValidationFailed Mensaje: You can't create and assign a value to a property instance for a read-only property. |
0x80061003 -2147086333 |
Nombre: ReadOnlyUpdateValidationFailed Mensaje: You can't update the property instance for a read-only property. |
0x80041d40 -2147214016 |
Nombre: ReadOnlyUserNotSupported Mensaje: The read-only access mode is not supported |
0x80060554 -2147089068 |
Nombre: RecalculateNotSupportedOnNonRollupField Mensaje: Field {0} of type {1} does not support Recalculate action. Recalculate action can only be invoked for rollup field. |
0x80040b09 -2147218679 |
Nombre: RecipientMarkedDoNotEmail Mensaje: Recipient of type '{0}' with ID '{1}' is marked as non-emailable |
0x80061633 -2147084749 |
Nombre: RecommendationAzureConnectionCascadeActivateFailed Mensaje: One or more recommendation models couldn't be activated. Try activating the existing recommendation models separately from the Azure service connection. |
0x80061631 -2147084751 |
Nombre: RecommendationAzureConnectionFailed Mensaje: Failed to connect to the Azure Recommendations service. Check that the service URL and the Azure account key are valid and the service subscription is active. |
0x80061607 -2147084793 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelActivateConnectionMustBeActive Mensaje: The Azure Machine Learning recommendation service connection must be activated before the model can be activated. Please activate the recommendation service connection and try again. |
0x80061602 -2147084798 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelActiveVersionInvalidStatus Mensaje: The model version used must be successfully built before the model can be activated. |
0x80061601 -2147084799 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelActiveVersionNotSet Mensaje: The model version used is empty. To activate the model, specify the model version. |
0x80061606 -2147084794 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelBuildConnectionMustBeActive Mensaje: The Azure Machine Learning recommendation service connection must be activated before building a recommendation model. Please activate the recommendation service connection and try again. |
0x80061608 -2147084792 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelExpired Mensaje: The recommendation model has expired. Change the Valid Until date and try to activate the model again. |
0x80061610 -2147084784 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelMappingDuplicateRecord Mensaje: The recommendation model mapping values for entity, mapping type and version must be unique. |
0x80061611 -2147084783 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelMappingReadOnly Mensaje: You can't modify a Recommendation entity if it has a corresponding Basket entity. |
0x80061620 -2147084768 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelVersionActive Mensaje: The RecommendationModel Version is selected as the active version on a model and cannot be deleted. |
0x80061621 -2147084767 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelVersionBuildInProgress Mensaje: A workflow to build a model is already in progress. You can't start another build workflow until the current workflow has finished. |
0x80061622 -2147084766 |
Nombre: RecommendationModelVersionDuplicateName Mensaje: A model version with the same name already exists. Specify a different name. |
0x80061605 -2147084795 |
Nombre: RecommendationsUnavailable Mensaje: Azure Machine Learning product recommendations are temporarily unavailable. Only catalog recommendations are available. |
0x80071015 -2147020779 |
Nombre: RecommendedDocumentsRetrievalFailure Mensaje: Unable to retrieve document suggestions from the document source. |
0x80071028 -2147020760 |
Nombre: RecommendedDocumentsRetrievalFailureWhenSPSiteNotConfigured Mensaje: Unable to retrieve document suggestions from the document source. |
0x80048cef -2147185425 |
Nombre: RecordAndOpportunityCurrencyNotEqual Mensaje: The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. |
0x80048cf6 -2147185418 |
Nombre: RecordAndPricelistCurrencyNotEqual Mensaje: The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. |
0x8004F883 -2147157885 |
Nombre: RecordCanOnlyBeRevisedFromActiveState Mensaje: You can only revise an active product. |
0x80072456 -2147015594 |
Nombre: RecordCountExceededForExcelOnlineError Mensaje: Expected records count is {0}. Current records count is:{1} |
0x80060891 -2147088239 |
Nombre: RecordNotFoundByEntityKey Mensaje: A record with the specified key values does not exist in {0} entity |
0x8004F603 -2147158525 |
Nombre: RecordResolutionFailed Mensaje: The record could not be updated because the original record no longer exists in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
0x8004E116 -2147163882 |
Nombre: RecurrenceCalendarTypeNotSupported Mensaje: The calendar type is not supported. |
0x8004E119 -2147163879 |
Nombre: RecurrenceEndDateTooBig Mensaje: The recurrence pattern end date is invalid. |
0x8004E117 -2147163881 |
Nombre: RecurrenceHasNoOccurrence Mensaje: The recurrence pattern has no occurrences. |
0x8004E111 -2147163887 |
Nombre: RecurrenceRuleDeleteFailure Mensaje: Cannot delete a rule that is attached to an existing rule master. Delete the rule by using the parent entity. |
0x8004E110 -2147163888 |
Nombre: RecurrenceRuleUpdateFailure Mensaje: Cannot update a rule that is attached to an existing rule master. Update the rule by using the parent entity. |
0x8004E118 -2147163880 |
Nombre: RecurrenceStartDateTooSmall Mensaje: The recurrence pattern start date is invalid. |
0x8004E10B -2147163893 |
Nombre: RecurringSeriesCompleted Mensaje: The series has invalid ExpansionStateCode. |
0x8004E113 -2147163885 |
Nombre: RecurringSeriesMasterIsLocked Mensaje: The recurring series master record is locked by some other process. |
0x80097578 -2146863752 |
Nombre: RecycleBinAlreadyEnabledForEntity Mensaje: RecycleBin is already enabled for entity. |
0x80099576 -2146855562 |
Nombre: RecycleBinCleanupDeletedRecordsDisabled Mensaje: RecycleBinCleanupDeletedRecords feature disabled by engineering team. |
0x80097579 -2146863751 |
Nombre: RecycleBinConfigChangeNeedsAdmin Mensaje: User with SystemUserId={0} is not an Administrator. Any configuration change in RecycleBin needs Administrator privileges for caller. |
0x80098576 -2146859658 |
Nombre: RecycleBinFeatureDisabledEngineering Mensaje: Recycle Bin feature is not available for this organization due to Recycle Bin feature disabled for the organization by engineering team. |
0x80097576 -2146863754 |
Nombre: RecycleBinFeatureNotEnabledLite Mensaje: Recycle Bin feature is not available for this organization due to it being a trial or default environment. |
0x80097577 -2146863753 |
Nombre: RecycleBinNotEnabledForOrg Mensaje: RecycleBin is not enabled on this organization. |
0x80097676 -2146863498 |
Nombre: RecycleBinSolutionNotAvailable Mensaje: Recycle Bin feature is not available for this organization due to Recycle Bin Solution not available please contact support. |
0x80049959 -2147182247 |
Nombre: RefCannotBeRestoredRecycleBinNotFound Mensaje: Entity with id '{0}' and logical name '{1}' does not exist. We cannot restore the reference '{2}' that must be restored as part of this Restore call. ValueToBeRestored: {3}, ReferencedEntityName: {4}, AttributeName: {5} |
0x80049969 -2147182231 |
Nombre: RefCannotBeRestoredRecycleBinNotNull Mensaje: Entity with id '{0}' and logical name '{1}' must have a null value for column '{2}' in order for Restore to be successful. ValueToBeRestored: {3}, ReferencedEntityName: {4}, AttributeName: {5} |
0x80048470 -2147187600 |
Nombre: RefEntityRelationshipRoleRequired Mensaje: The entity relationship role of the referencing entity is required when creating a new one-to-many entity relationship. |
0x80090464 -2146892700 |
Nombre: ReferencedEntityCannotBeVirtual Mensaje: Referenced entity {0} of multi-predicate relationship {1} must be a non-virtual entity. |
0x8004432E -2147204306 |
Nombre: ReferencedEntityHasLogicalPrimaryNameField Mensaje: This entity has a primary field that is logical and therefore cannot be the referenced entity in a one-to-many relationship |
0x80044337 -2147204297 |
Nombre: ReferencedEntityMustHaveLookupView Mensaje: Referenced entities of a relationship must have a lookup view |
0x80090401 -2146892799 |
Nombre: ReferencedRelationshipAttributeMustBePartOfEntityKey Mensaje: Referenced relationship attribute '{0}' of referenced entity '{1}' of relationship '{2}' must be part of the entity key '{3}'. |
0x80090422 -2146892766 |
Nombre: ReferencingEntityCannotBeDifferent Mensaje: Relationships on the OneToManyRelationships property must use the same entity. The referencing entity '{0}' and '{1}' should be the same entities. |
0x80044350 -2147204272 |
Nombre: ReferencingEntityCannotBeSolutionAware Mensaje: Referencing entities in a relationship cannot be a component in a solution. |
0x80090463 -2146892701 |
Nombre: ReferencingEntityMustBeVirtual Mensaje: Referencing entity {0} of multi-predicate relationship {1} must be a virtual entity. |
0x80044338 -2147204296 |
Nombre: ReferencingEntityMustHaveAssociationView Mensaje: Referencing entities of a relationship must have an association view |
0x80050122 -2147155678 |
Nombre: RefferedSolutionIsDifferent Mensaje: Found unpublished row outside of active solution: SiteMapId = {0}, SolutionId = {1} |
0x80040388 -2147220600 |
Nombre: ReflexiveEntityParentOrChildDoesNotExist Mensaje: Either the parent or child entity does not exist |
0x80060898 -2147088232 |
Nombre: RefRoleNavPaneDisplayOptionRequired Mensaje: The NavPaneDisplayOption attribute is required for the Referencing Role of a one-to-many relationship {0}. |
0x80071012 -2147020782 |
Nombre: RegardingObjectValuesRetrievalFailure Mensaje: Failed to retrieve regarding object values. |
0x8005F21e -2147093986 |
Nombre: RelatedEntityAlreadyExistsInProfile Mensaje: The related entity already exists in this profile. |
0x8006098E -2147087986 |
Nombre: RelatedEntityDoesNotExistInProfileItem Mensaje: The related entity {0} of the mobile offline profile item association {1} of the mobile offline profile item {2} doesn’t exist in the profile items of profile {3}. |
0x8005F21f -2147093985 |
Nombre: RelatedEntityDoesNotExistsInProfile Mensaje: The related entity doesn’t exist in the profile items. |
0x8005F220 -2147093984 |
Nombre: RelatedEntityGenericError Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred while creating the profile association. Please try again. |
0x80097302 -2146864382 |
Nombre: RelatedEntityNotFoundInNavigationItemsList Mensaje: Related virtual entity - '{0}' not found in the navigation select items of parent virtual entity. |
0x80071013 -2147020781 |
Nombre: RelatedRecordsFailure Mensaje: Failed to retrieve related records. |
0x80090402 -2146892798 |
Nombre: RelationshipAttributeDoesNotExist Mensaje: Relationship attribute '{0}' of relationship '{1}' does not exist in entity '{2}'. |
0x80090407 -2146892793 |
Nombre: RelationshipAttributeEntityDoesNotExist Mensaje: Relationship attribute entity '{0}' of relationship '{1}' does not exist. |
0x80090406 -2146892794 |
Nombre: RelationshipAttributeMappingMustBeProvided Mensaje: Relationship attribute mappings must be provided for multiple predicates relationship '{0}'. |
0x800904A0 -2146892640 |
Nombre: RelationshipAttributeMismatch Mensaje: The relationship '{0}' is already associated with lookup attribute '{1}' of entity '{2}' and cannot be updated to lookup attribute '{3}' definition in customization.xml.To use an existing relationship name for a different lookup attribute or a different entity, the existing relationship must be deleted first |
0x80090414 -2146892780 |
Nombre: RelationshipAttributeMissing Mensaje: Relationship Attribute not found for Multi Predicate relationship with id {0} and EntityKey {1}. |
0x80090404 -2146892796 |
Nombre: RelationshipAttributeTypesMustMatch Mensaje: Type '{0}' of referenced attribute '{1}' and type '{2}' of referencing attribute '{3}' of relationship '{4}' must match. |
0x80071139 -2147020487 |
Nombre: RelationshipGraphLimitExceeded Mensaje: The profile '{0}' could not be published because it exceeds the allowed numbers of relationships to the table: '{1}'. Please review and make sure to have no more than {2} many to many (M:M) or one to many (1:M) relationship allowed. |
0x80071135 -2147020491 |
Nombre: RelationshipGraphLimitExceededForIntersectEntity Mensaje: The profile '{0}' could not be published because it has an intersect entity '{1}' which exceeds the allowed numbers of relationships including those of the tables: '{2}' and '{3}'. Please review and make sure to have no more than {4} many to many (M:M) or one to many (1:M) relationship allowed. |
0x80044292 -2147204462 |
Nombre: RelationshipInsightsFeatureDisableError Mensaje: Relationship Insights feature can't be disabled |
0x80044293 -2147204461 |
Nombre: RelationshipInsightsFeatureNotEnabledError Mensaje: Relationship Insights feature is not enabled or RI package is not installed |
0x80044276 -2147204490 |
Nombre: RelationshipIntelligenceSDKInvocationError Mensaje: You need Dynamics 365 (online) to use the Relationship Insights SDK. |
0x8004700a -2147192822 |
Nombre: RelationshipIsNotCustomRelationship Mensaje: The specified relationship is not a custom relationship |
0x8009049F -2146892641 |
Nombre: RelationshipMissingLookupAttribute Mensaje: The relationship '{0}' is missing its associated lookup attribute definition in customizations xml. Please include the lookup attribute '{1}' of entity '{2}' and retry solution import. |
0x8004802A -2147188694 |
Nombre: RelationshipNameLengthExceedsLimit Mensaje: Identifiers cannot be more than {1} characters long. The name provided: {0} length is greater than maxlength {1} characters. |
0x80044235 -2147204555 |
Nombre: RelationshipNotCreatedForOfficeGraphError Mensaje: This relationship cannot be created because neither entity is enabled for officegraph. |
0x80090413 -2146892781 |
Nombre: RelationshipNotFound Mensaje: Could not find relationship with id {0}. |
0x80044236 -2147204554 |
Nombre: RelationshipNotUpdatedForOfficeGraphError Mensaje: This relationship cannot be updated for officegraph because neither entity is enabled for officegraph. |
0x80048467 -2147187609 |
Nombre: RelationshipRoleMismatch Mensaje: The relationship role name {0} does not match either expected entity name of {1} or {2}. |
0x80048469 -2147187607 |
Nombre: RelationshipRoleNodeNumberInvalid Mensaje: There must be two entity relationship role nodes when creating a new many-to-many entity relationship. |
0x80048835 -2147186635 |
Nombre: RelationshipSchemaNameConflictWithFieldNameOnReferencedEntity Mensaje: RelationshipName {0} conflict with attribute name on entity {1} (entityid={2}). Please use unique name for relationship. |
0x80090421 -2146892767 |
Nombre: RelationshipsMissingFromCreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute Mensaje: The OneToManyRelationships property must contain at least one relationship. Lookup attribute name '{0}', Relationships count '{1}'. |
0x8005F221 -2147093983 |
Nombre: RelatioshipAlreadyExists Mensaje: Selected Relationship {0} for entity already exists in profile under profile item association {1}. |
0x800608B8 -2147088200 |
Nombre: ReloginRequiredForSharePoint Mensaje: Relogin required. To continue use SharePoint integration, you need to relogin. |
0x8004F075 -2147159947 |
Nombre: RemoveActiveCustomizationsFailedForEntity Mensaje: Entity '{0}' validation failed for property '{1}' which has value '{2}' on Active layer and value '{3}' on solution '{4}' layer. The values must match. |
0x8004F059 -2147159975 |
Nombre: RemoveActiveCustomizationsNotSupported Mensaje: RemoveActiveCustomizations is not supported for components of type {0}. |
0x8004F053 -2147159981 |
Nombre: RemoveActiveCustomizationsNotSupportOnAttributeType Mensaje: RemoveActiveCustomizations is not supported for Attribute of Type: {0}. |
0x80097600 -2146863616 |
Nombre: RemoveUnpublishedCustomizationsNoPublishedLayer Mensaje: Cannot remove unpublished customizations when the unpublished layer is the only layer. Please delete the component through an explicit delete call. |
0x80097601 -2146863615 |
Nombre: RemoveUnpublishedCustomizationsNotSupported Mensaje: RemoveUnpublishedCustomizations is not supported for components of type {0}. |
0x80040499 -2147220327 |
Nombre: ReportDoesNotExist Mensaje: Report does not exist. ReportId:{0} |
0x80048297 -2147188073 |
Nombre: ReportFileTooBig Mensaje: The file is too large and cannot be uploaded. Please reduce the size of the file and try again. |
0x80048296 -2147188074 |
Nombre: ReportFileZeroLength Mensaje: You have uploaded an empty file. Please select a new file and try again. |
0x8004F028 -2147160024 |
Nombre: ReportImportCategoryOptionNotFound Mensaje: A category option for the reports was not found. |
0x80040484 -2147220348 |
Nombre: ReportingServicesReportExpected Mensaje: The report is not a Reporting Services report. |
0x80048310 -2147187952 |
Nombre: ReportLocalProcessingError Mensaje: Error occurred while viewing locally processed report. ReportId:{0} |
0x80040498 -2147220328 |
Nombre: ReportLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: Creating this parental association would create a loop in Reports hierarchy. |
0x80040497 -2147220329 |
Nombre: ReportLoopExists Mensaje: Loop exists in the reports hierarchy. |
0x80048311 -2147187951 |
Nombre: ReportMissingDataSourceCredentialsError Mensaje: Credentials have not been supplied for a data source used by the report. ReportId:{0} |
0x80048312 -2147187950 |
Nombre: ReportMissingDataSourceError Mensaje: A data source expected by the report has not been supplied. ReportId:{0} |
0x80048313 -2147187949 |
Nombre: ReportMissingEndpointError Mensaje: The SOAP endpoint used by the ReportViewer control could not be accessed. |
0x80048314 -2147187948 |
Nombre: ReportMissingParameterError Mensaje: A parameter expected by the report has not been supplied. ReportId:{0} |
0x80048315 -2147187947 |
Nombre: ReportMissingReportSourceError Mensaje: No source has been specified for the report. ReportId:{0} |
0x80048299 -2147188071 |
Nombre: ReportNotAvailable Mensaje: Report not available |
0x8004832f -2147187921 |
Nombre: ReportParentChildNotCustomizable Mensaje: The report could not be updated because either the parent report or the child report is not customizable. |
0x80048290 -2147188080 |
Nombre: ReportRdlParameterLayout Mensaje: The report can’t upload due to an incorrect ReportParametersLayout section. Make sure the number of rows and columns are consistent with the parameters defined in the report. |
0x80048293 -2147188077 |
Nombre: ReportRdlSandboxing Mensaje: Report upload failed due to RDL Sandboxing limitations on the Report Server. |
0x80040494 -2147220332 |
Nombre: ReportRenderError Mensaje: An error occurred during report rendering. |
0x80048289 -2147188087 |
Nombre: ReportRenderExcelFailedMaxFieldLength Mensaje: Excel export of the report failed because a field exceeds the Excel maximum length of 32767 characters. |
0x80048287 -2147188089 |
Nombre: ReportRenderInvalidSessionId Mensaje: Report export failed. The report session has expired or cannot be found. Please run the report again and try exporting. (rsExecutionNotFound) |
0x80048288 -2147188088 |
Nombre: ReportRenderSubReportFailed Mensaje: Report export failed because a subreport could not be shown. |
0x80048286 -2147188090 |
Nombre: ReportRenderTooComplexForWord Mensaje: The report is too complex to export to Word. Please group the ReportItems together into rectangles to simplify. (rrRenderingError) |
0x80048316 -2147187946 |
Nombre: ReportSecurityError Mensaje: The report contains a security violation. ReportId:{0} |
0x80048291 -2147188079 |
Nombre: ReportServerHasElevatedSQLAccess Mensaje: SQL-based reports are not allowed to run because the Report Server service account has elevated access to the organization database. |
0x80048301 -2147187967 |
Nombre: ReportServerInvalidUrl Mensaje: Cannot contact report server from given URL |
0x80048302 -2147187966 |
Nombre: ReportServerNoPrivilege Mensaje: Not enough privilege to configure report server |
0x80048309 -2147187959 |
Nombre: ReportServerSP2HotFixNotApplied Mensaje: Report server SP2 Workgroup does not have the hotfix for role creation |
0x80048300 -2147187968 |
Nombre: ReportServerUnknownException Mensaje: Unknown exception thrown by report server |
0x80048303 -2147187965 |
Nombre: ReportServerVersionLow Mensaje: Report server does not meet the minimal version requirement |
0x80048295 -2147188075 |
Nombre: ReportTypeBlocked Mensaje: The report is not a valid type. It cannot be uploaded or downloaded. |
0x80048294 -2147188076 |
Nombre: ReportUploadDisabled Mensaje: Reporting Services reports cannot be uploaded. If you want to create a new report, please use the Report Wizard. |
0x8004832c -2147187924 |
Nombre: ReportViewerError Mensaje: An error occurred during report rendering. ReportId:{0} |
0x80095FFD -2146869251 |
Nombre: RequestIPMismatchWithSourceCookieIP Mensaje: Current IP doesn't match with logged-in IP. For security reasons, your session has been terminated. Please sign in again to continue. |
0x80044302 -2147204350 |
Nombre: RequestIsNotAuthenticated Mensaje: Request is not authenticated. |
0x8009732B -2146864341 |
Nombre: RequestIsNotValidCustomApi Mensaje: {0} is not a valid Custom API. |
0x8004418a -2147204726 |
Nombre: RequestLengthTooLarge Mensaje: Request message length is too large. |
0x80081009 -2146955255 |
Nombre: RequiredBundleItemCannotBeUpdated Mensaje: You can't delete this bundle item because it's a required product in the bundle. |
0x80081008 -2146955256 |
Nombre: RequiredBundleProductCannotBeDeleted Mensaje: You can't delete this product record because it's a required product in a bundle. |
0x8004F029 -2147160023 |
Nombre: RequiredChildReportHasOtherParent Mensaje: A category option for the reports was not found. |
0x80040383 -2147220605 |
Nombre: RequiredColumnsNotFoundInImportFile Mensaje: One or more source columns used in the transformation do not exist in the source file. |
0x80040200 -2147220992 |
Nombre: RequiredFieldMissing Mensaje: Required field missing. |
0x8006041d -2147089379 |
Nombre: RequiredProcessFlowStepIsNotComplete Mensaje: You cannot move to the next stage or complete the process until the required Flow Step or Approval Step on the current stage is completed. |
0x8006041e -2147089378 |
Nombre: RequiredProcessFlowStepIsNotStarted Mensaje: To move to the next stage or complete the process, click the required Flow Step or Approval Step on the current stage. You cannot move stages or complete the process until the required Flow Step or Approval Step on the current stage is completed. |
0x8006041a -2147089382 |
Nombre: RequiredProcessStepIsNull Mensaje: To move to the next stage, complete the required steps. |
0x80160032 -2146041806 |
Nombre: RequiredPropertyDeclarationIsMissing Mensaje: Property {0} is required, but the declaration is missing. More Details:{1} |
0x8004F600 -2147158528 |
Nombre: RequireValidImportMapForUpdate Mensaje: The update operation cannot be completed because the import map used for the update is invalid. |
0x80005050 -2147463088 |
Nombre: RestoreJobInvalid Mensaje: Deleted item reference or bulk restore job not found for job id '{0}' |
0x80072533 -2147015373 |
Nombre: RestrictCustomPluginForVE Mensaje: Custom plugins are not allowed for Virtual Entity. |
0x8004F022 -2147160030 |
Nombre: RestrictedSolutionName Mensaje: The solution unique name '{0}' is restricted and can only be used by internal solutions. |
0x8004A121 -2147180255 |
Nombre: RestrictedToAccessCDSLiteNonOdataEndpoint Mensaje: The Application with Id:{appId} can only use Odata endpoint to access APIs of Dataverse for Teams organization. |
0x80044152 -2147204782 |
Nombre: RestrictInheritedRole Mensaje: Inherited roles cannot be modified. |
0x80097260 -2146864544 |
Nombre: RestrictNotSupportedDueToElasticTableInParentGraph Mensaje: Restrict configuration for delete is not supported as there is a cascade relationship between elastic table {0} and sql table {1}. |
0x80090303 -2146893053 |
Nombre: RestrictSynchronousCustomPluginForVECUDEvents Mensaje: Only Asynchronous plugin steps are allowed for virtual entity external events. |
0x80072535 -2147015371 |
Nombre: RestrictVEInBatch Mensaje: Write operation for Virtual Entity is not allowed in Batch request. |
0x80072534 -2147015372 |
Nombre: RestrictVEPluginOnNestedPipelineAtRunTime Mensaje: Custom plugin execution is not allowed in nested pipeline for Virtual Entity. |
0x80097250 -2146864560 |
Nombre: RetainNotSupportedForSQLAudits Mensaje: Retain is not supported for SQL Audits. |
0x80048d22 -2147185374 |
Nombre: RetentionDisabledOrg Mensaje: Your admin has disabled long term retention for this environment. Please contact your admin to enable an environment for long term retention. |
0x80048d28 -2147185368 |
Nombre: RetentionPolicyRescheduleError Mensaje: The parameter entered is invalid. Parameter name: {0} |
0x80048d27 -2147185369 |
Nombre: RetentionPolicyUpdateError Mensaje: The parameter entered is invalid. Parameter name: {0}. |
0x80048d25 -2147185371 |
Nombre: RetentionRestrictedEntity Mensaje: Retention is not allowed for the table. |
0x8004F993 -2147157613 |
Nombre: RetiredProductToBundle Mensaje: You can't add a retired product to a bundle. |
0x80097255 -2146864555 |
Nombre: RetrieveByIdError Mensaje: Retrieve By Id Request failed with error message '{0}' |
0x80072552 -2147015342 |
Nombre: RetrieveImagePropertiesFail Mensaje: Cannot retrieve properties for provided entity image |
0x80072301 -2147015935 |
Nombre: RetrieveOrganizationInfoUnexpectedError Mensaje: Unexpected error during retrieve organization information. The dependent services might not be available at this time. Please retry later. |
0x8005F213 -2147093997 |
Nombre: RetrieveRecordOfflineErrorCode Mensaje: This record isn't available while you're offline. Reconnect and try again. |
0x80040440 -2147220416 |
Nombre: RetrieveSharedLinkDenied Mensaje: The user needs Share Access to get Links of record from entity {0}. |
0x80072300 -2147015936 |
Nombre: RetrieveUserLicenseUnexpectedError Mensaje: Unexpected error during retrieve user license information. The dependent services might not be available at this time. Please retry later. |
0x8004F045 -2147159995 |
Nombre: RetryFailed Mensaje: The action was failed after {0} times of retry. InnerException is: {1}. |
0x80090901 -2146891519 |
Nombre: RevokedSharedLink Mensaje: The link has been revoked. |
0x8004F104 -2147159804 |
Nombre: RibbonImportDependencyMissingEntity Mensaje: The ribbon item '{0}' is dependent on entity {1}. |
0x8004F107 -2147159801 |
Nombre: RibbonImportDependencyMissingRibbonControl Mensaje: The ribbon item '{0}' is dependent on ribbon control id='{1}'. |
0x8004F105 -2147159803 |
Nombre: RibbonImportDependencyMissingRibbonElement Mensaje: The ribbon item '{0}' is dependent on <{1} Id="{2}" />. |
0x8004F106 -2147159802 |
Nombre: RibbonImportDependencyMissingWebResource Mensaje: The ribbon item '{0}' is dependent on Web resource id='{1}'. |
0x8004F10B -2147159797 |
Nombre: RibbonImportDuplicateElementId Mensaje: The ribbon element with the Id:{0} cannot be imported because an existing ribbon element with the same Id already exists. |
0x8004F103 -2147159805 |
Nombre: RibbonImportEntityNotSupported Mensaje: The solution cannot be imported because the {0} entity contains a Ribbon definition, which is not supported for that entity. Remove the RibbonDiffXml node from the entity definition and try to import again. |
0x8004F101 -2147159807 |
Nombre: RibbonImportHidingBasicHomeTab Mensaje: The definition of the ribbon being imported will remove the Microsoft Dynamics 365 home tab. Include a home tab definition, or a ribbon will not be displayed in areas of the application that display the home tab. |
0x8004F10A -2147159798 |
Nombre: RibbonImportHidingJewel Mensaje: Ribbon customizations cannot hide the <Jewel> node. Any ribbon customization that hides this node is ignored during import and will not be exported. |
0x8004F102 -2147159806 |
Nombre: RibbonImportInvalidPrivilegeName Mensaje: The RibbonDiffXml in this solution contains a reference to an invalid privilege: {0}. Update the RibbonDiffXml to reference a valid privilege and try importing again. |
0x8004F109 -2147159799 |
Nombre: RibbonImportLocationAndIdDoNotMatch Mensaje: CustomAction Id '{0}' cannot override '{1}' because '{2}' does not match the CustomAction Location value. |
0x8004F108 -2147159800 |
Nombre: RibbonImportModifyingTopLevelNode Mensaje: Ribbon customizations cannot be made to the following top-level ribbon nodes: <Ribbon>, <ContextualGroups>, and <Tabs>. |
0x8004F10C -2147159796 |
Nombre: RibbonImportRibbonDiffIdInvalidLength Mensaje: We can’t import this ribbon element because the ID length exceeds the maximum length of 128 characters: {0} |
0x80044281 -2147204479 |
Nombre: RINotProvisioned Mensaje: Relationship Insights hasn’t been turned on for your organization {0}. |
0x80090914 -2146891500 |
Nombre: RoadmapDelegatedAuthorizationNotEnabled Mensaje: Roadmap Delegated Authorization is not enabled for this organization. |
0x80090913 -2146891501 |
Nombre: RoadmapPermissionRetrievalFailed Mensaje: Failed to retrieve Roadmap permissions from Dataverse with error code '{0}' for delegated authorization. Please try again later. |
0x80060471 -2147089295 |
Nombre: RoboticProcessAutomationFlowProcessesNotEnabled Mensaje: Creation of Reserved processes is not enabled. |
0x80060472 -2147089294 |
Nombre: RoboticProcessAutomationFlowProcessesOnlyAvailableOnline Mensaje: Creation of Reserved processes is only available online. |
0x80041403 -2147216381 |
Nombre: RoleAlreadyExists Mensaje: A role with the specified name '{0}' already exists on business unit {1} and Solution Id {3}. Role id: {2} |
0x8005F203 -2147094013 |
Nombre: RoleNotEnabledForTabletApp Mensaje: You haven't been authorized to use this app.\nCheck with your system administrator to update your settings. |
0x80048d3c -2147185348 |
Nombre: RoleUpdateValidationFailure Mensaje: Add/Update/Removal of privilege(s) on a Role requires calling user to have the privilege(s) being modified. Calling user (systemuserid={0}, UserBU={1}) attempted action='{2}' doesn't have {3} privilege(s). Please add missing privilege(s) to user either by assigning a role with those privileges or by adding user to a team with the privileges for the action to succeed. First {4} missed role privilege(s) in format PrivilegeName(PrivilegeId)/Depth/BusinessUnitId are: {5}. |
0x8004E025 -2147164123 |
Nombre: RollupAggregateQueryRecordLimitExceeded Mensaje: Calculations can't be performed online because the calculation limit of {0} related records has been reached. |
0x80060561 -2147089055 |
Nombre: RollupCalculationLimitReached Mensaje: Calculations can't be performed at this time because the calculation limit has been reached. Please wait and try again. |
0x80060556 -2147089066 |
Nombre: RollupDependentFieldNameAlreadyExists Mensaje: Required dependent field {0} for rollup field cannot be created as another field with same name already exists. Please use an alternative name to create the rollup field. |
0x80060546 -2147089082 |
Nombre: RollupFieldAggregateFunctionNotAllowed Mensaje: The aggregate function {0} isn’t allowed. |
0x80060545 -2147089083 |
Nombre: RollupFieldAggregateFunctionNotAllowedForRollupFieldDataType Mensaje: The aggregate function {0} isn’t allowed when the rollup field is a {1} data type. |
0x80060544 -2147089084 |
Nombre: RollupFieldAndAggregateFieldDataTypeFormatMismatch Mensaje: The {0} data type with format {1} isn’t allowed for the aggregated field when the rollup field is a {2} data type with format {3}. |
0x80060553 -2147089069 |
Nombre: RollupFieldDefinitionNotValid Mensaje: The calculation failed because the rollup field definition is invalid. Contact your system administrator. |
0x80060541 -2147089087 |
Nombre: RollupFieldDependentFieldCannotDeleted Mensaje: Rollup field {0} depends on this field. It can only be deleted by deleting the corresponding rollup field {0}. |
0x8004E027 -2147164121 |
Nombre: RollupFieldNoWriteAccess Mensaje: User does not have write permission on {0} record {1} with ID:{2} to calculate rollup field. |
0x8006053d -2147089091 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsAggregateFieldDataTypeNotAllowedSimilarRollupFieldDataType Mensaje: The {0} data type isn’t allowed for the aggregated field when the rollup field is a {1} data type. |
0x80060540 -2147089088 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsAggregateFieldNotBelongToRelatedEntity Mensaje: The aggregated field {0} doesn’t belong to the related entity {1}. |
0x8006053f -2147089089 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsAggregateFieldNotBelongToSourceEntity Mensaje: The aggregated field {0} doesn’t belong to the source entity {1}. |
0x80060537 -2147089097 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsAggregateFieldNotPartOfEntity Mensaje: Aggregated field {0} does not belong to entity {1} |
0x8006053a -2147089094 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsAggregateFunctionTypeMismatch Mensaje: The {0} data type isn’t allowed for the aggregated field when the aggregate function is {1}. |
0x80060536 -2147089098 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsAggregateNotDefined Mensaje: An aggregate function and an aggregated field must be provided for the rollup. |
0x8006053c -2147089092 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsAggregateOnRollupFieldOrComplexCalcFieldNotAllowed Mensaje: The aggregated field must be either a simple field or a basic calculated field. |
0x80070551 -2147023535 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsAggregateOnRollupFieldOrComplexFormulaFieldNotAllowed Mensaje: The aggregated field must be either a simple field or a basic formula field. |
0x8006053e -2147089090 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsDataTypeNotValid Mensaje: The {0} data type isn’t valid for the rollup field. |
0x8006053b -2147089093 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsGeneric Mensaje: The rollup field definition isn't valid. |
0x80060548 -2147089080 |
Nombre: RollupFieldSourceFilterFieldNotAllowed Mensaje: The source entity filter must use either a simple field or a basic calculated field. It can't use a rollup field, or a calculated field that is using a rollup field. |
0x80070549 -2147023543 |
Nombre: RollupFieldSourceFilterFormulaFieldNotAllowed Mensaje: The source entity filter must use either a simple field or a basic formula field. It can't use a rollup field, or a formula field that is using a rollup field. |
0x80060535 -2147089099 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsSourceEntityNotHierarchical Mensaje: The source entity {0} hierarchy doesn’t exist. |
0x80060538 -2147089096 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsSourceFilterConditionInvalid Mensaje: The source entity {0} filter condition {1} isn’t valid. |
0x80060552 -2147089070 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsTargetEntityNotValid Mensaje: Related entity {0} is not allowed for rollups. |
0x80060539 -2147089095 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsTargetFilterConditionInvalid Mensaje: The related entity {0} filter condition {1} isn’t valid. |
0x80060534 -2147089100 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsTargetRelationshipNotPartOfOneToNRelationship Mensaje: 1:N relationship {0} from the source entity {1} to the related entity {2} doesn’t exist. |
0x80060533 -2147089101 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsTargetRelationshipNull Mensaje: The related entity is empty. It must be provided when the source entity hierarchy isn’t used for the rollup. |
0x80060551 -2147089071 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsTargetSameAsSourceEntity Mensaje: Self referential 1:N relationships are not allowed for the rollup field. |
0x80060565 -2147089051 |
Nombre: RollupFieldsV2FeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: The feature is not supported in the current version of the product |
0x80060549 -2147089079 |
Nombre: RollupFieldTargetFilterFieldNotAllowed Mensaje: The target entity filter must use either a simple field or a basic calculated field. It can't use a rollup field, or a calculated field that is using a rollup field. |
0x80070550 -2147023536 |
Nombre: RollupFieldTargetFilterFormulaFieldNotAllowed Mensaje: The target entity filter must use either a simple field or a basic formula field. It can't use a rollup field, or a formula field that is using a rollup field. |
0x80060560 -2147089056 |
Nombre: RollupFormulaFieldInvalid Mensaje: The formula field isn’t valid. |
0x80060564 -2147089052 |
Nombre: RollupInvalidAttributeForFilterCondition Mensaje: The {0} attribute is not allowed for filter condition. |
0x80060557 -2147089065 |
Nombre: RollupOrCalcNotAllowedInWorkflowWaitCondition Mensaje: The field {0} is either a rollup field or a rollup dependent field or a calculated field. Such fields are not allowed in workflow wait condition. |
0x80060563 -2147089053 |
Nombre: RollupTargetLinkedEntityCanOnlyUsedForActivityPartyEntities Mensaje: Target related entity can only be used for {0} entity for rollup over {1} type entities. |
0x80060562 -2147089054 |
Nombre: RollupTargetLinkedEntityOnlySupportedForActivityEntities Mensaje: Target related entity is only supported for rollup over {0} type entities. |
0x80060566 -2147089050 |
Nombre: RollupTargetLinkedRelationshipNotValid Mensaje: Target Linked Relationship {0} is not valid. |
0x80050103 -2147155709 |
Nombre: RootAppElementAndAppModuleBaseNotSame Mensaje: Cannot Change Base Solution for App '{0}'. New Base Solution should also bring App Element with Canvas App. |
0x80041d63 -2147213981 |
Nombre: RootBusinessUnitCannotBeDisabled Mensaje: Root Business unit cannot be disabled. |
0x8005E246 -2147098042 |
Nombre: RouterIsDisabled Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 has been configured to use server-side synchronization to process email. This error occurs because some clients are still configured to use the legacy Email router. You need to uninstall the Email router client application on any servers it was installed on. |
0x80040401 -2147220479 |
Nombre: RouteToTeamNotAllowed Mensaje: You cannot route records from this private queue with id {0} to a team. |
0x80040402 -2147220478 |
Nombre: RouteToUserNotAllowed Mensaje: You cannot route records from this private queue with id {0} to the selected user with id {1} since they are not a member of the queue. |
0x800404e9 -2147220247 |
Nombre: RouteTypeUnsupported Mensaje: The route type is unsupported |
0x800404e7 -2147220249 |
Nombre: RoutingNotAllowed Mensaje: This object type can not be routed. |
0x8004F885 -2147157883 |
Nombre: RoutingRuleActivateDeactivateByNonOwner Mensaje: This Routing Rule Set cannot be activated or deactivated by someone who is not its owner. |
0x8004F877 -2147157897 |
Nombre: RoutingRuleMissingRuleCriteria Mensaje: You can't activate this rule until you resolve any missing rule criteria information in the rule items. |
0x8004F878 -2147157896 |
Nombre: RoutingRulePublishedByNonOwner Mensaje: The Routing Rule Set cannot be published or unpublished by someone who is not its owner. |
0x8004F876 -2147157898 |
Nombre: RoutingRulePublishedByOwner Mensaje: Your rule can't be activated until the current active rule is deactivated. The active rule can only be deactivated by the rule owner. |
0x80047001 -2147192831 |
Nombre: RowGuidIsNotValidName Mensaje: rowguid is a reserved name and cannot be used as an identifier |
0x8004831c -2147187940 |
Nombre: RSCancelBatchError Mensaje: Error occurred while canceling the batch operation. |
0x80048320 -2147187936 |
Nombre: RSCreateBatchError Mensaje: Error occurred while creating a batch operation. |
0x80048317 -2147187945 |
Nombre: RSDeleteItemError Mensaje: Error occurred while deleting an item from the report server. |
0x8004831d -2147187939 |
Nombre: RSExecuteBatchError Mensaje: Error occurred while performing the batch operation. |
0x80048318 -2147187944 |
Nombre: RSFindItemsError Mensaje: Error occurred while finding an item on the report server. |
0x8004831a -2147187942 |
Nombre: RSGetDataSourceContentsError Mensaje: Error occurred while getting the data source contents. |
0x80048321 -2147187935 |
Nombre: RSGetItemDataSourcesError Mensaje: Error occurred while fetching current data sources. |
0x8004832b -2147187925 |
Nombre: RSGetItemTypeError Mensaje: Error occurred while fetching the report. |
0x8004831e -2147187938 |
Nombre: RSGetReportHistoryLimitError Mensaje: Error occurred while fetching the number of snapshots stored for the report. |
0x80048323 -2147187933 |
Nombre: RSGetReportParametersError Mensaje: Error occurred while getting report parameters. |
0x8004831b -2147187941 |
Nombre: RSListExtensionsError Mensaje: Error occurred while fetching the list of data extensions installed on the report server. |
0x8004831f -2147187937 |
Nombre: RSListReportHistoryError Mensaje: Error occurred while fetching the report history snapshots. |
0x80048330 -2147187920 |
Nombre: RSMoveItemError Mensaje: Cannot move report item {0} to {1} |
0x80048329 -2147187927 |
Nombre: RSReportParameterTypeMismatchError Mensaje: The parameter type of the report is not valid. |
0x80048319 -2147187943 |
Nombre: RSSetDataSourceContentsError Mensaje: Error occurred while setting the data source contents. |
0x80048325 -2147187931 |
Nombre: RSSetExecutionOptionsError Mensaje: Error occurred while setting execution options. |
0x80048322 -2147187934 |
Nombre: RSSetItemDataSourcesError Mensaje: Error occurred while setting the data source. |
0x8004832a -2147187926 |
Nombre: RSSetPropertiesError Mensaje: Error occurred while setting property values for the report. |
0x80048327 -2147187929 |
Nombre: RSSetReportHistoryLimitError Mensaje: Error occurred while setting report history snapshot limit. |
0x80048326 -2147187930 |
Nombre: RSSetReportHistoryOptionsError Mensaje: Error occurred while setting report history snapshot options. |
0x80048324 -2147187932 |
Nombre: RSSetReportParametersError Mensaje: Error occurred while setting report parameters. |
0x80048328 -2147187928 |
Nombre: RSUpdateReportExecutionSnapshotError Mensaje: Error occurred while taking snapshot of a report. |
0x80060014 -2147090412 |
Nombre: RuleActivationNotAllowedWithDeletedStages Mensaje: You can't activate this rule because it contains a deleted stage or stage category. Fix the rule and try again. |
0x8004F884 -2147157884 |
Nombre: RuleAlreadyExistsWithSameQueueAndChannel Mensaje: Record creation rule for the specified channel and queue already exists. You can't create another one. |
0x8004F852 -2147157934 |
Nombre: RuleAlreadyInactiveState Mensaje: This routing rule is already in Active state. |
0x8004F853 -2147157933 |
Nombre: RuleAlreadyInDraftState Mensaje: You can not deactivate a draft routing rule. |
0x80048434 -2147187660 |
Nombre: RuleAlreadyPublishing Mensaje: The selected duplicate detection rule is already being published. |
0x80060012 -2147090414 |
Nombre: RuleCreationNotAllowedForCyclicReferences Mensaje: You can't create this rule because it contains a cyclical reference. Fix the rule and try again. |
0x80048433 -2147187661 |
Nombre: RuleNotFound Mensaje: No rules were found that match the criteria. |
0x80060007 -2147090425 |
Nombre: RuleNotSupportedForEditor Mensaje: The current rule definition cannot be edited in the Business rule editor. |
0x80048423 -2147187677 |
Nombre: RulesInInconsistentStateFound Mensaje: One or more rules cannot be unpublished, either because they are in the process of being published, or are in a state where they cannot be unpublished. |
0x80090308 -2146893048 |
Nombre: RuntimeIntegrationPropertiesNotWriteable Mensaje: RuntimeIntegrationProperties attribute is not writeable. Please remove this attribute from the payload and try again. Solution unique name: {0}, Solution Id: {1}, Entity name: {2}, Entity primary key: {3}. |
0x8004F671 -2147158415 |
Nombre: RuntimeRibbonXmlValidation Mensaje: The most recent customized ribbon for a tab on this page cannot be generated. The out-of-box version of the ribbon is displayed instead. |
0x80097620 -2146863584 |
Nombre: RWCTokenGraphCallFallbackFailed Mensaje: Read write consistency token not honored by AAD and consecutive retry call without read write consistency token also failed. |
0x8005E243 -2147098045 |
Nombre: S2SAccessTokenCannotBeAcquired Mensaje: Failed to acquire S2S access token from authorization server. |
0x80044259 -2147204519 |
Nombre: S2SNotConfigured Mensaje: Office Graph Integration relies on server-based SharePoint integration. To use this feature, enable server-based integration and have at least one active SharePoint site. |
0x80048ced -2147185427 |
Nombre: SalesOrderAndInvoiceCurrencyNotEqual Mensaje: The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. |
0x80043803 -2147207165 |
Nombre: SalesPeopleDuplicateCalendarNotAllowed Mensaje: Fiscal calendar already exists for this salesperson/year |
0x80043801 -2147207167 |
Nombre: SalesPeopleEmptyEffectiveDate Mensaje: Fiscal calendar effective date cannot be empty |
0x80043800 -2147207168 |
Nombre: SalesPeopleEmptySalesPerson Mensaje: Parent salesperson cannot be empty |
0x80043805 -2147207163 |
Nombre: SalesPeopleManagerNotAllowed Mensaje: Territory manager cannot belong to other territory |
0x80072007 -2147016697 |
Nombre: SameSolutionCircularDependenciesIdentified Mensaje: Circular dependencies were identified for this solution. |
0x80048840 -2147186624 |
Nombre: SampleDataIsNotUninstalled Mensaje: InitialSolutionSampleDataState is not Uninstalled. :{0} |
0x80044171 -2147204751 |
Nombre: SandboxClientPluginTimeout Mensaje: The plug-in execution failed because the operation has timed-out at the Sandbox Client. |
0x8004418e -2147204722 |
Nombre: SandboxHostNotAvailable Mensaje: The plug-in execution failed because no Sandbox Hosts are currently available. Please check that you have a Sandbox server configured and that it is running. |
0x80044172 -2147204750 |
Nombre: SandboxHostPluginTimeout Mensaje: The plug-in execution failed because the operation has timed-out at the Sandbox Host. |
0x80044194 -2147204716 |
Nombre: SandboxHostSubnetDelegationFailed Mensaje: The plug-in execution failed because your organization's subnet delegation configuration may be incorrect. To fix the configuration, contact your tenant administrator. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2195693 |
0x80081115 -2146954987 |
Nombre: SandboxPluginDisabled Mensaje: Sandbox Plug-in execution is disabled. |
0x80044174 -2147204748 |
Nombre: SandboxSdkListenerStartFailed Mensaje: The plug-in execution failed because the Sandbox Client encountered an error during initialization. |
0x8004418d -2147204723 |
Nombre: SandboxWorkerNotAvailable Mensaje: The plug-in execution failed because the Sandbox Worker process crashed. This is typically due to an error in the plug-in code. Please refer to this document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2189390 |
0x80081111 -2146954991 |
Nombre: SandboxWorkerPluginExecuteTimeout Mensaje: Didn’t receive a response from the {0} plug-in within the 2:20-minute limit. |
0x80044173 -2147204749 |
Nombre: SandboxWorkerPluginTimeout Mensaje: The plug-in execution failed because the operation has timed-out at the Sandbox Worker. |
0x80081116 -2146954986 |
Nombre: SandboxWorkerThrottleLimit Mensaje: Maximum processes allocated for plug-in business logic exceeded. Fatal errors in plug-ins for this environment have occurred {0} times in the last {1} minutes. Each error requires an additional process to recover. Processes for plug-ins are being recycled. All plug-ins for this environment will fail during this period. More information: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2038718 |
0x8004026b -2147220885 |
Nombre: SaveAsDraftAppointmentNotAllowed Mensaje: AllowSaveAsDraftAppointment is turned off. |
0x8005F209 -2147094007 |
Nombre: SaveDataFileErrorOutOfSpace Mensaje: Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
0x80047017 -2147192809 |
Nombre: SavedQueryIsNotCustomizable Mensaje: The specified view is not customizable |
0x800609A0 -2147087968 |
Nombre: SavedQueryValidationError Mensaje: You can’t publish profile {0} because one of its profile items {1} has an entity {2} in the saved query {3}, which isn’t part of this profile. |
0x80060913 -2147088109 |
Nombre: SavePending Mensaje: Save operation is already running in the background. |
0x8004F983 -2147157629 |
Nombre: SaveRecordBeforeAddingBundle Mensaje: After you select a price list, you must save the record before you can add a bundle with optional products. |
0x8004A107 -2147180281 |
Nombre: ScaleGroupDisabled Mensaje: The specified scalegroup is disabled. Access to organizations in this scalegroup are not allowed. |
0x80090014 -2146893804 |
Nombre: ScalegroupIdMismatch Mensaje: Scalegroup id does not match. Input: {0}, expected: {1} |
0x80060915 -2147088107 |
Nombre: SchedulingFailedForBookingValidation Mensaje: Book or Reschedule operation failed due to booking validation. |
0x80060914 -2147088108 |
Nombre: SchedulingFailedForInvalidData Mensaje: Book or Reschedule operation failed due to invalid data. |
0x80044364 -2147204252 |
Nombre: SchemaNameContainsNonAlphaNumericCharacters Mensaje: Identifier {0} for type {2} can only consist of alpha-numeric and underscore characters. |
0x80044363 -2147204253 |
Nombre: SchemaNameisNotUnique Mensaje: The schema name {0} for type {1} is not unique. An {0} with same name already exists. |
0x80044367 -2147204249 |
Nombre: SchemaNameLengthExceedsLimit Mensaje: Identifiers cannot be more than {1} characters long. The provided schema name {0} length for type {2} is greater than maxlength {1} characters. |
0x80044361 -2147204255 |
Nombre: SchemaNameMatchesExistingIdentifier Mensaje: Identifiers cannot match existing object names. An object of type {1} with same name {0} already exists. |
0x80044362 -2147204254 |
Nombre: SchemaNameMatchesReservedSqlKeywords Mensaje: Identifiers cannot match reserved SQL keywords. The name provided :{0} for type {1} matches KeyWord:{2} |
0x80044365 -2147204251 |
Nombre: SchemaNameNotStartwithLetter Mensaje: Identifers should start with a letter. The schema name {0} for type {2} doesn't start with letter. |
0x80060403 -2147089405 |
Nombre: ScopeNotSetToGlobal Mensaje: Scope should be set to Global while creating business process flow category |
0x80044182 -2147204734 |
Nombre: SdkCorrelationTokenDepthTooHigh Mensaje: This workflow job was canceled because the workflow that started it included an infinite loop. Correct the workflow logic and try again. For information about workflow logic, see Help. |
0x80044187 -2147204729 |
Nombre: SdkCustomProcessingStepIsNotAllowed Mensaje: Custom SdkMessageProcessingStep is not allowed on the specified message and entity. |
0x80040800 -2147219456 |
Nombre: SdkEntityDoesNotSupportMessage Mensaje: The method being invoked does not support provided entity type. |
0x80044188 -2147204728 |
Nombre: SdkEntityOfflineQueuePlaybackIsNotAllowed Mensaje: Entity '{0}' is not allowed in offline queue playback. |
0x8004416b -2147204757 |
Nombre: SdkInvalidMessagePropertyName Mensaje: Message property name '{0}' is not valid on message {1}. |
0x80044189 -2147204727 |
Nombre: SdkMessageDoesNotSupportImageRegistration Mensaje: Message '{0}' does not support image registration. |
0x8004416e -2147204754 |
Nombre: SdkMessageDoesNotSupportPostImageRegistration Mensaje: PreEvent step registration does not support Post Image. |
0x8004416d -2147204755 |
Nombre: SdkMessageInvalidImageTypeRegistration Mensaje: Message {0} does not support this image type. |
0x80044824 -2147203036 |
Nombre: SdkMessageNotImplemented Mensaje: Sdk message is not implemented. |
0x80090477 -2146892681 |
Nombre: SdkMessageNotSupportedForCDSLite Mensaje: The '{0}' message is not supported for the {1} offering |
0x80044181 -2147204735 |
Nombre: SdkMessageNotSupportedOnClient Mensaje: The message requested is not supported on the client. |
0x80044180 -2147204736 |
Nombre: SdkMessageNotSupportedOnServer Mensaje: The message requested is not supported on the server. |
0x8004419a -2147204710 |
Nombre: SdkMessageProcessingStepStateCannotBeModified Mensaje: A Microsoft registered SDK message processing step cannot be modified. |
0x8004F903 -2147157757 |
Nombre: SdkMessagesDeprecatedError Mensaje: This message is no longer available. Please consult the SDK for alternative messages. |
0x80044309 -2147204343 |
Nombre: SdkNotEnoughPrivilegeToSetCallerOriginToken Mensaje: Caller does not have enough privilege to set CallerOriginToken to the specified value. |
0x80090307 -2146893049 |
Nombre: SdkStepsNotAllowedForMessage Mensaje: Custom Sdkmessageprocessingsteps are not allowed for this message. |
0x80060307 -2147089657 |
Nombre: SearchableEntityNotFound Mensaje: No entities were found to be searchable. Please make sure that you have at least one entity selected. Please see this link for more details: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2154384 |
0x80060308 -2147089656 |
Nombre: SearchRateLimitExceeded Mensaje: Number of requests exceeded the limit. |
0x800401ff -2147220993 |
Nombre: SearchTextLenExceeded Mensaje: Search Text Length Exceeded. |
0x80071025 -2147020763 |
Nombre: SelectedFileNotFound Mensaje: Unable to copy the documents. The source file no longer exists. |
0x80048554 -2147187372 |
Nombre: SelfBlockedCauseTimeout Mensaje: The database operation timed out due to blocking induced by an internal server error. Please retry the operation. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact Support. |
0x80048d1D -2147185379 |
Nombre: SenderActivityPartyDoesNotHaveSendAsAllowed Mensaje: The user {0} selected in the From field does not have the option enabled to allow other users to send the email on their behalf. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2007131 |
0x8004E003 -2147164157 |
Nombre: SeriesMeasureCollectionMismatch Mensaje: Number of series for chart area and number of measure collections for category should be same. |
0x8005E255 -2147098027 |
Nombre: ServerLocationAndSSLSetToYes Mensaje: The URL specified for Server Location uses HTTP but Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) is required for Exchange Online. |
0x8005E250 -2147098032 |
Nombre: ServerLocationIsEmpty Mensaje: Server Location Field cannot be Empty |
0x8005E24A -2147098038 |
Nombre: ServiceAccountMailboxesCountIsGreaterThanOne Mensaje: More no of service account mailboxes is associated to emailserver profile |
0x8005E249 -2147098039 |
Nombre: ServiceAccountMailboxesCountIsZero Mensaje: No service account mailbox is associated for the email server profile. |
0x80081112 -2146954990 |
Nombre: ServiceBusEndpointNotConfigured Mensaje: Configuration of required credentials must be completed before messages can be sent. |
0x80044178 -2147204744 |
Nombre: ServiceBusExtendedTokenFailed Mensaje: Failed to retrieve the additional token for service bus post. |
0x80044177 -2147204745 |
Nombre: ServiceBusIssuerCertificateError Mensaje: Service integration issuer certificate error. |
0x80044176 -2147204746 |
Nombre: ServiceBusIssuerNotFound Mensaje: Cannot find service integration issuer information. |
0x80050208 -2147155448 |
Nombre: ServiceBusMaxSizeExceeded Mensaje: The service bus call failed because the request payload has exceeded maximum allowed size. Please reduce your request size and retry. |
0x8004417A -2147204742 |
Nombre: ServiceBusPostDisabled Mensaje: Service bus post is disabled for the organization. |
0x80044175 -2147204747 |
Nombre: ServiceBusPostFailed Mensaje: The service bus post failed. |
0x80044179 -2147204743 |
Nombre: ServiceBusPostPostponed Mensaje: Service bus post is being postponed. |
0x80050209 -2147155447 |
Nombre: ServiceEndpointAcsAuthNotSupported Mensaje: Service Endpoint with ACS authentication type is no longer supported. Please change your endpoint configuration to use a supported authentication type |
0x80040244 -2147220924 |
Nombre: ServiceInstantiationFailed Mensaje: Instantiation of an Entity failed. |
0x80090911 -2146891503 |
Nombre: ServiceRolesCanOnlyBeAssignedToAppUsers Mensaje: The Service Reader, Writer and Deleter roles can only be assigned to an app user. Details: userOrTeamId={0}, roleId={1} |
0x80040253 -2147220909 |
Nombre: SessionTokenUnavailable Mensaje: Session token is not available unless there is a transaction in place. |
0x80060374 -2147089548 |
Nombre: SetActiveNotSupportedOnNewRecords Mensaje: SetActiveProcess is not supported on new records. |
0x80048149 -2147188407 |
Nombre: SharePointAbsoluteAndRelativeUrlEmpty Mensaje: Both absolute URL and relative URL cannot be null. |
0x800608B3 -2147088205 |
Nombre: SharePointAuthenticationFailure Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 cannot authenticate this user {0} . Verify that the information for this user is correct, and then try again. |
0x800608B4 -2147088204 |
Nombre: SharePointAuthorizationFailure Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 cannot authorize this user {0} . Verify that the information for this user is correct, and then try again. |
0x800608B1 -2147088207 |
Nombre: SharePointCertificateExpired Mensaje: Certificate used for Sharepoint validation has expired |
0x800608B5 -2147088203 |
Nombre: SharePointConnectionFailure Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 cannot connect this user {0} to SharePoint. Verify that the information for this user is correct and exists in SharePoint, and then try again. |
0x8004F302 -2147159294 |
Nombre: SharePointCrmDomainValidator Mensaje: The SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Servers are on different domains. Please ensure a trust relationship between the two domains. |
0x8004F309 -2147159287 |
Nombre: SharePointCrmGridIsInstalledValidator Mensaje: The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Grid component must be installed on the SharePoint server. This component is required for SharePoint integration to work correctly. |
0x8004F314 -2147159276 |
Nombre: SharePointErrorAbsoluteUrlClipped Mensaje: The URL exceeds the maximum number of 256 characters. Use shorter names for sites and folders, and try again. |
0x8004F310 -2147159280 |
Nombre: SharePointErrorRetrieveAbsoluteUrl Mensaje: An error occurred while retrieving the absolute and site collection url for a SharePoint object. |
0x8004F311 -2147159279 |
Nombre: SharePointInvalidEntityForValidation Mensaje: Entity Does not support SharePoint Url Validation. |
0x80090908 -2146891512 |
Nombre: SharePointPermissionRetrievalFailed Mensaje: Failed to retrieve permissions from SharePoint with error code '{0}' for delegated authorization. Please try again later. |
0x800608B2 -2147088206 |
Nombre: SharePointRealmMismatch Mensaje: Sharepoint realm ID entered does not match with the registered realm at Sharepoint side. |
0x80048057 -2147188649 |
Nombre: SharePointRecordWithDuplicateUrl Mensaje: There is already a record with the same Url. |
0x8004F0FA -2147159814 |
Nombre: SharePointRoleProvisionJobAlreadyExists Mensaje: A system job to provision the selected security role is pending. Any changes made to the security role record before this system job starts will be applied to this system job. |
0x80071017 -2147020777 |
Nombre: SharePointS2SIsDisabled Mensaje: SharePoint server-based SharePoint integration not enabled. |
0x8004F303 -2147159293 |
Nombre: SharePointServerDiscoveryValidator Mensaje: The URL is incorrect or the site is not running. |
0x8004F308 -2147159288 |
Nombre: SharePointServerLanguageValidator Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server must have the same base language. |
0x8004F304 -2147159292 |
Nombre: SharePointServerVersionValidator Mensaje: The SharePoint Site Collection must be running a supported version of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server or Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. Please refer the implementation guide. |
0x8004F305 -2147159291 |
Nombre: SharePointSiteCollectionIsAccessibleValidator Mensaje: The URL is incorrect or the site is not running. |
0x8004F0F8 -2147159816 |
Nombre: SharePointSiteCreationFailure Mensaje: Failed to create the site {0} in SharePoint. |
0x80071014 -2147020780 |
Nombre: SharePointSiteNotConfigured Mensaje: SharePointSite is not configured, it need to be configured. |
0x8004F0F3 -2147159821 |
Nombre: SharePointSiteNotPresentInSharePoint Mensaje: Site {0} does not exists in SharePoint. |
0x8004F307 -2147159289 |
Nombre: SharePointSitePermissionsValidator Mensaje: The current user does not have the appropriate privileges. You must be a SharePoint site administrator on the SharePoint site. |
0x8004F0FB -2147159813 |
Nombre: SharePointSiteWideProvisioningJobFailed Mensaje: SharePoint provisioning job has failed. |
0x8004F0F9 -2147159815 |
Nombre: SharePointTeamProvisionJobAlreadyExists Mensaje: A system job to provision the selected team is pending. Any changes made to the team record before this system job starts will be applied to this system job. |
0x8004F0F6 -2147159818 |
Nombre: SharePointUnableToAclSite Mensaje: Unable to ACL site {0} in SharePoint. |
0x8004F0F5 -2147159819 |
Nombre: SharePointUnableToAclSiteWithPrivilege Mensaje: Unable to ACL site {0} with privilege {1} in SharePoint. |
0x8004F0F1 -2147159823 |
Nombre: SharePointUnableToAddUserToGroup Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 cannot add this user {0} to the group {1} in SharePoint. Verify that the information for this user and group are correct and that the group exists in SharePoint, and then try again. |
0x8004F0F7 -2147159817 |
Nombre: SharePointUnableToCreateSiteGroup Mensaje: Unable to create site group {0} in SharePoint. |
0x8004F0F2 -2147159822 |
Nombre: SharePointUnableToRemoveUserFromGroup Mensaje: Unable to remove user {0} from group {1} in SharePoint. |
0x8004F0F4 -2147159820 |
Nombre: SharePointUnableToRetrieveGroup Mensaje: Unable to retrieve the group {0} from SharePoint. |
0x8004F301 -2147159295 |
Nombre: SharePointUrlHostValidator Mensaje: The URL cannot be resolved into an IP. |
0x8004F306 -2147159290 |
Nombre: SharePointUrlIsRootWebValidator Mensaje: The URL is not valid. The URL must be a valid site collection and cannot include a subsite. The URL must be in a valid form, such as http://SharePointServer/sites/CrmSite. |
0x800608B6 -2147088202 |
Nombre: SharePointVersionUnsupported Mensaje: Microsoft Dynamics 365 cannot connect to Sharepoint as the Sharepoint Version is unsupported. Install the correct version, and then try again. |
0x80071016 -2147020778 |
Nombre: SimilarityRuleDisabled Mensaje: No similarity rule active for this entity. |
0x80071018 -2147020776 |
Nombre: SimilarityRuleFCBOff Mensaje: Similarity rules not enabled. |
0x80160040 -2146041792 |
Nombre: SimplePropertyCannotHaveChildNodes Mensaje: Simple property {0} cannot have child nodes. More Details:{1} |
0x8004037e -2147220610 |
Nombre: SingletonMappingFoundForArrayParameter Mensaje: A single transformation parameter mapping is defined for an array parameter. |
0x80090492 -2146892654 |
Nombre: SiteMapCannotBeEmpty Mensaje: SiteMap needs to have a non-empty Area with a non-empty Group, even when ignoring all Areas, Groups, and SubAreas with an IsVisible child, regardless of their visibility settings. |
0x80050016 -2147155946 |
Nombre: SiteMapMissing Mensaje: You don’t have permissions for these records or something may be wrong with the site map. Contact your system administrator.If you are the administrator, you can go to the solutions page and import a different solution. |
0x80090010 -2146893808 |
Nombre: SiteMapSettingsAreaMissing Mensaje: Settings area with id = "Settings" is missing from default sitemap, add a settings area or update to "Settings" from sitemap designer and try again. |
0x80090467 -2146892697 |
Nombre: SitemapSettingsDoNotExist Mensaje: "Settings '{0}' introduced in the Sitemap do not exist." |
0x80090466 -2146892698 |
Nombre: SitemapSettingsNeedToBeBoolean Mensaje: "Settings in the Sitemap need to be of Boolean data type." |
0x8004F401 -2147159039 |
Nombre: SiteMapXsdValidationError Mensaje: Sitemap xml failed XSD validation with the following error: '{0}' at line {1} position {2}. |
0x800608A3 -2147088221 |
Nombre: SkipValidDateTimeBehavior Mensaje: The behavior value for this field was ignored. A System Customizer will need to configure the behavior value for this field directly. |
0x8004F872 -2147157902 |
Nombre: SlaActivateDeactivateByNonOwner Mensaje: This SLA cannot be activated or deactivated by someone who is not its owner. |
0x8004F861 -2147157919 |
Nombre: SlaAlreadyInactiveState Mensaje: You can't activate this record because it's already active. |
0x8004F862 -2147157918 |
Nombre: SlaAlreadyInDraftState Mensaje: You can't deactivate this record because it's in a draft state. |
0x80055011 -2147135471 |
Nombre: SlaItemDeleteOperationError Mensaje: SLAItem delete operation encountered some errors. {0}, see log for more detail. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80055003 -2147135485 |
Nombre: SlaNotEnabledEntity Mensaje: SLA is not enabled for this entity. |
0x8004F875 -2147157899 |
Nombre: SlaPermissionToPerformAction Mensaje: You don't have the required permissions on SLAs and processes to perform this action. |
0x80090448 -2146892728 |
Nombre: SLARecordTypeNotSupportedOnDifferentEntityTypeException Mensaje: Please select an SLA that has a matching entity. |
0x80055010 -2147135472 |
Nombre: SlaServiceActivateWorkflowError Mensaje: Error while activating workflow. Please correct the workflow and try again or reach out to Dynamics 365 customer support. |
0x80040489 -2147220343 |
Nombre: SnapshotReportNotReady Mensaje: The selected report is not ready for viewing. The report is still being created or a report snapshot is not available. ReportId:{0} |
0x80060621 -2147088863 |
Nombre: SocialCareDisabledError Mensaje: There's a problem communicating with the Dynamics 365 Organization. The organization might be unavailable or the feature is set so that it can't receive social data. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 administrator. |
0x80097602 -2146863614 |
Nombre: SolutionCabFileVerifiedRequired Mensaje: Cab file required for importing solution with name {0} and publisher name {1}. |
0x8007200A -2147016694 |
Nombre: SolutionComponentDefinitionNotAvailable Mensaje: Cannot create component definition for solution-aware entity {0}. |
0x80071151 -2147020463 |
Nombre: SolutionConcurrencyFailure Mensaje: The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later. |
0x8004701C -2147192804 |
Nombre: SolutionConfigurationPageMustBeHtmlWebResource Mensaje: The solution configuration page must exist within the solution it represents. |
0x8004F080 -2147159936 |
Nombre: SolutionContextNotSupported Mensaje: This method doesn't only support SolutionContexts used to install managed solutions. Unsupported: [{0}] |
0x80040c04 -2147218428 |
Nombre: SolutionDeleteNotPermittedOnSecondary Mensaje: Solution '{0}' with version '{1}' is present organization(s) with ID(s) '{2}'. Solution should be deleted on primary and on organizationss with higher secondary index before the current secondary organization. |
0x80048543 -2147187389 |
Nombre: SolutionImportCauseTimeout Mensaje: The operation timed out. This may be because a solution is currently being imported into this environment. Please try again after the solution import is completed. Solutions should be imported outside of working hours if possible. |
0x80040c01 -2147218431 |
Nombre: SolutionInstallNoPermitido Mensaje: Solution '{0}' with version '{1}' is missing on secondary organization(s) with id(s) '{2}'. Solution should be applied on all secondary organizations before primary. |
0x80072003 -2147016701 |
Nombre: SolutionRestrictedAttributes Mensaje: Component cannot be created because it already has solution-aware columns. Entity: {0}, Existing Attribute: {1} |
0x80097603 -2146863613 |
Nombre: SolutionSignatureVerifiedRequired Mensaje: Digital Signature verification required for importing solution with name {0} and publisher name {1}. |
0x8004F023 -2147160029 |
Nombre: SolutionUniqueNameViolation Mensaje: The solution unique name '{0}' is already being used and cannot be used again. |
0x80040c02 -2147218430 |
Nombre: SolutionUpdateNotPermitted Mensaje: Solution '{0}' with version '{1}' is missing on active secondary organization(s) with ID(s) '{2}' that have a lower secondary index than the current one. The solution must be applied to these secondary organizations before update. |
0x8004F046 -2147159994 |
Nombre: SolutionUpgradeFailed Mensaje: Solution Upgrade action failed after import as holding. InnerException is: {1}. |
0x8004853B -2147187397 |
Nombre: SolutionUpgradeNotAvailable Mensaje: "The {0} solution doesn’t have an upgrade that is ready to be applied." |
0x80040c03 -2147218429 |
Nombre: SolutionUpgradeNotPermitted Mensaje: Solution '{0}' with version '{1}' is missing on active secondary organization(s) with ID(s) '{2}' that have a lower secondary index than the current one. The solution must be applied to these secondary organizations before upgrade. |
0x8004803C -2147188676 |
Nombre: SolutionUpgradeOfApiManagedSolutionError Mensaje: The import has failed because an ApiManaged solution cannot be updated. |
0x8004853C -2147187396 |
Nombre: SolutionUpgradeWrongSolutionSelected Mensaje: "To use this action, you must first select the old solution and then try again." |
0x80044340 -2147204288 |
Nombre: SourceAttributeHeaderTooBig Mensaje: Column headers must be 160 or fewer characters. Fix the column headers, and then run Data Migration Manager again. |
0x80098014 -2146861036 |
Nombre: SourceControlComponentInConflictError Mensaje: One or more objects are updated in source control. Please resolve conflicts before committing the changes. |
0x80098015 -2146861035 |
Nombre: SourceControlComponentResolveConflictError Mensaje: Please resolve conflicts before committing the changes. |
0x8004033d -2147220675 |
Nombre: SourceEntityMappedToMultipleTargets Mensaje: This source entity is mapped to more than one Microsoft Dynamics 365 entity. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. |
0x8006072A -2147088598 |
Nombre: SPAccountNameFetchFailure Mensaje: Exception occured while fetching account name from Sharepoint. |
0x80060760 -2147088544 |
Nombre: SPAllFilesErrorScenario Mensaje: One or more sites in all files view of SharePointDocument failed. |
0x8006070A -2147088630 |
Nombre: SPBadLockInFileCollectionErrorCode Mensaje: The file in the collection has bad lock |
0x80060767 -2147088537 |
Nombre: SPCertificationError Mensaje: S2STokenIssuer certificate not found. |
0x80060761 -2147088543 |
Nombre: SPConnectionFailure Mensaje: Failed to connect to SharePointSite. |
0x80060720 -2147088608 |
Nombre: SPCurrentDocumentLocationDisabledErrorCode Mensaje: Current document location is disabled by administrator |
0x80060721 -2147088607 |
Nombre: SPCurrentFolderAlreadyExistErrorCode Mensaje: Record already present in db |
0x80060713 -2147088621 |
Nombre: SPDataValidationFiledOnFieldAndListErrorCode Mensaje: Data validation has failed on the field and the list |
0x80060711 -2147088623 |
Nombre: SPDataValidationFiledOnFieldErrorCode Mensaje: Data validation has failed on the field |
0x80060712 -2147088622 |
Nombre: SPDataValidationFiledOnListErrorCode Mensaje: Data validation has failed on the list |
0x80060739 -2147088583 |
Nombre: SPDefaultSiteNotPresent Mensaje: OneDrive activation needs a default SharePoint site. |
0x8006073C -2147088580 |
Nombre: SPDocumentLibraryMissingErrorCode Mensaje: Document library {0} has been renamed or deleted from SharePoint site {1}. Rerun the document management wizard and try again |
0x80060734 -2147088588 |
Nombre: SPDocumentMappingFailure Mensaje: Can't map documents to their location. |
0x80060708 -2147088632 |
Nombre: SPDuplicateValuesFoundErrorCode Mensaje: The list item could not be updated because duplicate values were found for one or more field(s) in the list |
0x8005E253 -2147098029 |
Nombre: SpecifyIncomingPassword Mensaje: Specify password for Incoming Connection |
0x8005E24F -2147098033 |
Nombre: SpecifyInComingPort Mensaje: Specify Incomming Port and save again |
0x8005E24B -2147098037 |
Nombre: SpecifyIncomingServerLocation Mensaje: Specify the URL of the incoming server location |
0x8005E251 -2147098031 |
Nombre: SpecifyIncomingUserName Mensaje: Specify username for Incoming Connection |
0x8005E254 -2147098028 |
Nombre: SpecifyOutgoingPassword Mensaje: Specify password for Outgoing Connection |
0x8005E256 -2147098026 |
Nombre: SpecifyOutgoingPort Mensaje: Specify Outgoing Port and save again |
0x8005E24C -2147098036 |
Nombre: SpecifyOutgoingServerLocation Mensaje: Specify the URL of the outgoing server location |
0x8005E252 -2147098030 |
Nombre: SpecifyOutgoingUserName Mensaje: Specify username for Outgoing Connection |
0x80060705 -2147088635 |
Nombre: SPExclusiveLockOnFileErrorCode Mensaje: Exclusive lock on the file |
0x80060702 -2147088638 |
Nombre: SPFileAlreadyCheckedOutErrorCode Mensaje: File is already checked out |
0x80060703 -2147088637 |
Nombre: SPFileCheckedOutInvalidArgsErrorCode Mensaje: Checkout arguments are not valid |
0x8006070D -2147088627 |
Nombre: SPFileContentNullErrorCode Mensaje: Content of the file creation information must not be null |
0x80060728 -2147088600 |
Nombre: SPFileIsCheckedOutByOtherUser Mensaje: File is checked out to a user other than the current user |
0x8006070F -2147088625 |
Nombre: SPFileIsReadOnlyErrorCode Mensaje: Field is read-only |
0x80060729 -2147088599 |
Nombre: SPFileNameModifiedErrorCode Mensaje: The folder can't be found. If you changed the automatically generated folder name for this document location directly in SharePoint, you must change the folder name in Dynamics 365 to match the renamed folder. To do this, select Edit Location and type the matching name in Folder Name field. |
0x80060700 -2147088640 |
Nombre: SPFileNotCheckedOutErrorCode Mensaje: File is not checked out |
0x80060706 -2147088634 |
Nombre: SPFileNotFoundErrorCode Mensaje: File cannot be found |
0x80060707 -2147088633 |
Nombre: SPFileNotLockedErrorCode Mensaje: The file in the collection is not locked |
0x8006070E -2147088626 |
Nombre: SPFileSizeMismatchErrorCode Mensaje: There is a mismatch between the size of the document stream written and the size of the input document stream |
0x80060709 -2147088631 |
Nombre: SPFileTooLargeOrInfectedErrorCode Mensaje: Virus checking indicates the file is infected with a virus or the file is too large |
0x8004F0F0 -2147159824 |
Nombre: SPFolderCreationFailure Mensaje: Cannot Create Folder with this name |
0x8006073D -2147088579 |
Nombre: SPFolderMissingErrorCode Mensaje: Folder {0} has been renamed or deleted from SharePoint. It was expected inside {1} path. Restore the folder on SharePoint and try again |
0x8006071B -2147088613 |
Nombre: SPFolderNotFoundErrorCode Mensaje: Folder Not Found |
0x8006072C -2147088596 |
Nombre: SPFolderRenameFailure Mensaje: Exception occurred while Editing Sharepoint Document Proeprties. |
0x80060719 -2147088615 |
Nombre: SPGenericErrorCode Mensaje: Error while doing this operation on SharePoint |
0x8006071F -2147088609 |
Nombre: SPIllegalCharactersInFileNameErrorCode Mensaje: Illegal characters in filename |
0x8006071D -2147088611 |
Nombre: SPIllegalFileTypeErrorCode Mensaje: Illegal file type |
0x80060716 -2147088618 |
Nombre: SPInstanceOfRecurringEventErrorCode Mensaje: List item is an instance of a recurring event which is not a recurrence exception, the list item is a workflow task whose parent workflow is in the recycle bin, or the parent list is a document library |
0x80060764 -2147088540 |
Nombre: SPIntermittentError Mensaje: Intermittent error occured. Please refresh the grid and try again |
0x80060762 -2147088542 |
Nombre: SPInvalidDocumentLocation Mensaje: Invalid Sharepoint Document Location type |
0x8006071E -2147088610 |
Nombre: SPInvalidFieldValueErrorCode Mensaje: Invalid Field Value |
0x8006070B -2147088629 |
Nombre: SPInvalidLookupValuesErrorCode Mensaje: List item could not be updated because invalid lookup values were found for one or more field(s) in the list |
0x80060718 -2147088616 |
Nombre: SPInvalidSavedQueryErrorCode Mensaje: Error while doing this operation on SharePoint |
0x80060763 -2147088541 |
Nombre: SPInvalidSubSite Mensaje: SubSite url is incorrectly formed |
0x80060717 -2147088617 |
Nombre: SPItemNotExistErrorCode Mensaje: List item does not exist |
0x80060766 -2147088538 |
Nombre: SPMalFormedRelativeUrl Mensaje: Relative URL should not have preceding or trailing spaces. |
0x80060710 -2147088624 |
Nombre: SPModifiedOnServerErrorCode Mensaje: List item was modified on the server so changes cannot be committed |
0x8006072D -2147088595 |
Nombre: SPMultipleOdbSitesError Mensaje: More than one site with One Drive enabled is not allowed. |
0x8006071C -2147088612 |
Nombre: SPNoActiveDocumentLocationErrorCode Mensaje: No Active Document Location |
0x80060765 -2147088539 |
Nombre: SPNotAdminError Mensaje: Only crm admin who is tenant admin can perform create operation |
0x8006073A -2147088582 |
Nombre: SPNotEnabledError Mensaje: SharePoint integration is not enabled on Entity |
0x8006073B -2147088581 |
Nombre: SPNotEnabledForEntity Mensaje: SharePoint Integration and Microsoft Teams Integration is not enabled on Entity |
0x8006070C -2147088628 |
Nombre: SPNullFileUrlErrorCode Mensaje: URL of the file creation information must not be null and URL of the file creation information must not be invalid |
0x80060723 -2147088605 |
Nombre: SPNullRegardingObjectErrorCode Mensaje: Regarding object id is null |
0x8006072E -2147088594 |
Nombre: SPOdbDisabledError Mensaje: Please enable ODB(One Drive for Business) feature to create ODB site. |
0x80060735 -2147088587 |
Nombre: SPOdbDuplicateLocationError Mensaje: More than one ODB (OneDrive for Business) location is not allowed. |
0x8006072F -2147088593 |
Nombre: SPOdbUpdateDeleteError Mensaje: You cannot update or delete ODB(One Drive for Business) site. |
0x80060736 -2147088586 |
Nombre: SPOdbUpdateDeleteLocationError Mensaje: You cannot update or delete SharePoint Document Location of type ODB (OneDrive for Business). |
0x80060715 -2147088619 |
Nombre: SPOperationNotSupportedErrorCode Mensaje: List does not support this operation |
0x80060724 -2147088604 |
Nombre: SPOperatorNotSupportedErrorCode Mensaje: {0} does not support the selected operator |
0x8006072B -2147088597 |
Nombre: SPPersonalSiteNotFound Mensaje: Personal Site not found for the user. |
0x80060725 -2147088603 |
Nombre: SPRequiredColCheckInErrorCode Mensaje: Exception occurred while doing document check-in as some columns are made required at SharePoint |
0x80060737 -2147088585 |
Nombre: SPSearchOneDriveNotCreated Mensaje: OneDrive location is not created yet. Please create the location before searching. |
0x80060704 -2147088636 |
Nombre: SPSharedLockOnFileErrorCode Mensaje: Shared lock on the file |
0x8006071A -2147088614 |
Nombre: SPSiteNotFoundErrorCode Mensaje: Site Not Found |
0x80060738 -2147088584 |
Nombre: SPSiteProtocolError Mensaje: Protocol error in accessing SharePoint |
0x80060768 -2147088536 |
Nombre: SPSiteUrlNullOrEmpty Mensaje: Siteurl cannot be null or empty. Please ensure valid SharePoint site is configured or contact your administrator. |
0x80060714 -2147088620 |
Nombre: SPThrottlingLimitExceededErrorCode Mensaje: Throttling limit is exceeded by the operation |
0x80060701 -2147088639 |
Nombre: SPUnauthorizedAccessErrorCode Mensaje: Current user have insufficient privileges |
0x80060740 -2147088576 |
Nombre: SPUploadFailure Mensaje: Upload failed on SharePoint due to unknown reasons. Probably the file is too large |
0x80041136 -2147217098 |
Nombre: SqlArithmeticOverflowError Mensaje: A SQL arithmetic overflow error occurred |
0x80048518 -2147187432 |
Nombre: SqlEncryption Mensaje: There was an error in Data Encryption. |
0x8004851A -2147187430 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionCannotOpenSymmetricKeyBecauseDatabaseMasterKeyDoesNotExistOrIsNotOpened Mensaje: Cannot open Symmetric Key because Database Master Key does not exist in the database or is not opened. |
0x8004851D -2147187427 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionCertificateDoesNotExist Mensaje: Certificate with Name='{0}' does not exist in the database. |
0x80048529 -2147187415 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionChangeEncryptionKeyExceededQuotaForTheInterval Mensaje: 'Change' encryption key has already been executed {0} times in the last {1} minutes. Please wait a couple of minutes and then try again. |
0x8004851E -2147187426 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionCreateCertificateError Mensaje: Cannot create Certificate with Name='{0}' because it already exists. |
0x8004851B -2147187429 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionCreateDatabaseMasterKeyError Mensaje: Cannot create Database Master Key because already exists. |
0x80048521 -2147187423 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionCreateSymmetricKeyError Mensaje: Cannot create Symmetric Key with Name='{0}' because it already exists. |
0x80048519 -2147187431 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionDatabaseMasterKeyDoesNotExist Mensaje: Database Master Key does not exist in the database. |
0x8004851F -2147187425 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionDeleteCertificateError Mensaje: Cannot delete Certificate with Name='{0}' because it does not exist. |
0x8004851C -2147187428 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionDeleteDatabaseMasterKeyError Mensaje: Cannot delete Database Master Key because it does not exist. |
0x80048526 -2147187418 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionDeleteEncryptionKeyError Mensaje: Cannot delete the encryption key. |
0x80048522 -2147187422 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionDeleteSymmetricKeyError Mensaje: Cannot delete Symmetric Key with Name='{0}' because it does not exist. |
0x80048523 -2147187421 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionEncryptionDecryptionTestError Mensaje: Error while testing data encryption and decryption. |
0x80048528 -2147187416 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionEncryptionKeyValidationError Mensaje: The new encryption key does not meet the strong encryption key requirements. The key must be between 10 and 100 characters in length, and must have at least one numeral, at least one letter, and one symbol or special character. {0} |
0x80048525 -2147187419 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionIsActiveCannotRestoreEncryptionKey Mensaje: Cannot perform 'activate' encryption key because the encryption key is already set and is working. Use 'change' encryption key instead. |
0x80048527 -2147187417 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionIsInactiveCannotChangeEncryptionKey Mensaje: Cannot perform 'change' encryption key because the encryption key is not already set or is not working. First use 'activate' encryption key instead to set the correct current encryption key and then use 'change' encryption if you want to re-encrypt data using a new encryption key. |
0x80048524 -2147187420 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionKeyCannotDecryptExistingData Mensaje: Cannot decrypt existing encrypted data (Entity='{0}', Attribute='{1}') using the current encryption key. Use 'activate' encryption key to set the correct encryption key. |
0x8004852B -2147187413 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionRestoreEncryptionKeyCannotDecryptExistingData Mensaje: Cannot perform 'activate' because the encryption key doesn’t match the original encryption key that was used to encrypt the data. |
0x8004852A -2147187414 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionSetEncryptionKeyIsAlreadyRunningCannotRunItInParallel Mensaje: The system is currently running a request to 'change' or 'activate' the encryption key. Please wait before making another request. |
0x80048530 -2147187408 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeyCannotOpenBecauseWrongPassword Mensaje: Cannot open encryption Symmetric Key because the password is wrong. |
0x80048520 -2147187424 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeyDoesNotExist Mensaje: Symmetric Key with Name='{0}' does not exist in the database. |
0x8004852F -2147187409 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeyDoesNotExistOrNoPermission Mensaje: Cannot open encryption Symmetric Key because it does not exist in the database or user does not have permission. |
0x8004852E -2147187410 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeyPasswordDoesNotExistInConfigDB Mensaje: Encryption Symmetric Key password does not exist in Config DB. |
0x8004852D -2147187411 |
Nombre: SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeySourceDoesNotExistInConfigDB Mensaje: Encryption Symmetric Key Source does not exist in Config DB. |
0x8004C001 -2147172351 |
Nombre: SqlErrorInStoredProcedure Mensaje: SQL error {0} occurred in stored procedure {1} |
0x80044157 -2147204777 |
Nombre: SqlMaxRecursionExceeded Mensaje: The maximum recursion has reached before statement completion. |
0x80048d43 -2147185341 |
Nombre: SqlRowTooBigForInsertUpdate Mensaje: The total size of the columns used in the database command exceeded the database limit. Please reduce the total size of columns inserted or updated. Database exception details: {0} |
0x80048d42 -2147185342 |
Nombre: SqlRowTooBigForSelect Mensaje: The total size of the columns used in the database command exceeded the database limit. Please reduce the number of columns selected. Database exception details: {0} |
0x80040492 -2147220334 |
Nombre: SrsDataConnectorNotInstalled Mensaje: MSCRM Data Connector Not Installed |
0x80048292 -2147188078 |
Nombre: SrsDataConnectorNotInstalledUpload Mensaje: This report can’t upload because Dynamics 365 Reporting Extensions, required components for reporting, are not installed on the server that is running Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. |
0x80072570 -2147015312 |
Nombre: SSM_MaxPCI_Exceeded Mensaje: Please re-login to refresh your session. |
0x80072571 -2147015311 |
Nombre: SSM_RefreshToken_Failed Mensaje: Failed to refresh login session. |
0x8005E278 -2147097992 |
Nombre: SSSGmailSignInInvalidRedirectUri Mensaje: Sign-in failed due to an invalid or missing redirect uri specified in the associated Google web application client configuration. For more information on how to fix this error, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2292432 |
0x80060451 -2147089327 |
Nombre: StageEntityIsNull Mensaje: Validation error: stage entity cannot be null. |
0x80060454 -2147089324 |
Nombre: StageIdIsEmpty Mensaje: Validation error: Stage ID cannot be empty. |
0x80060450 -2147089328 |
Nombre: StageIdIsNotPresentInBusinessProcess Mensaje: Validation error: Stage ID ‘{0}’ is not present in Business Process. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x80060458 -2147089320 |
Nombre: StageIdIsNotValid Mensaje: Validation error: Stage ID {0} is not valid for Business Process. Valid stages are: {1} |
0x80097701 -2146863359 |
Nombre: StageSolutionOrgSchemaMismatchWarning Mensaje: The solution file was exported from a different schema type of Dynamics 365 than the target organization. Importing this solution may result in unexpected behavior. Source org schema type: {0}, Target org schema type: {1} |
0x80097702 -2146863358 |
Nombre: StageSolutionOrgVersionMismatchWarning Mensaje: The solution file was exported from a newer version of Dynamics 365 than the target organization. Importing this solution may result in unexpected behavior. Source org version: {0}, Target org version: {1} |
0x80097700 -2146863360 |
Nombre: StageSolutionUnmanagedRootsConversionWarning Mensaje: One or more components in the solution already exist in your system as unmanaged components. Importing this solution will convert the components into managed components for this solution. Warning: Any customizations that your organization has made to these components will be lost. After the import operation is complete, managed solutions from other solution publishers will be unable to update these components. |
0x80060470 -2147089296 |
Nombre: StandAloneBpfNotActivated Mensaje: Stand Alone BPF must be activated on Flows page. |
0x80055006 -2147135482 |
Nombre: StandardSlaTypeNotApplicable Mensaje: Standard SLA Type is only supported for incident entity. Current entity object type code is {0}. Please pass appropriate SLA Type or entity |
0x80048d21 -2147185375 |
Nombre: StatementConflictedWithAConstraint Mensaje: Statement conflicted with a constraint. |
0x8004F857 -2147157929 |
Nombre: StateTransitionActivateNewStatus Mensaje: You can't activate this record because of the status transition rules.Contact your system administrator. |
0x8004F855 -2147157931 |
Nombre: StateTransitionActiveToCanceled Mensaje: Because of the status transition rules, you can't cancel the case in the current status.Change the case status, and then try canceling it, or contact your system administrator. |
0x8004F854 -2147157932 |
Nombre: StateTransitionActiveToResolve Mensaje: Because of the status transition rules, you can't resolve a case in the current status.Change the case status, and then try resolving it, or contact your system administrator. |
0x8004F858 -2147157928 |
Nombre: StateTransitionDeactivateNewStatus Mensaje: You can't deactivate this record because of the status transition rules.Contact your system administrator. |
0x8004F856 -2147157930 |
Nombre: StateTransitionResolvedOrCanceledToActive Mensaje: Because of the status transition rules, you can't activate the case from the current status.Contact your system administrator. |
0x80160054 -2146041772 |
Nombre: StaticOnlyParameterIsNotStatic Mensaje: The parameter {0} of type {1} must be static. More Details:{2} |
0x80160030 -2146041808 |
Nombre: StaticPropertyCannotBeDeclared Mensaje: Property {0} is configured as a static value and cannot be declared as {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x80160027 -2146041817 |
Nombre: StaticPropertyTypeIsMissing Mensaje: The type of static property {0} is missing Give a type appropriate for the static value given. More Details:{1} |
0x80160042 -2146041790 |
Nombre: StaticPropertyTypeMismatch Mensaje: The type declared for property {0} (type {1}) on the control manifest does not match the type(s){2} of value provided to it. More Details:{3} |
0x80160028 -2146041816 |
Nombre: StaticPropertyValueHasTypeMismatch Mensaje: The static value configured for property {0} cannot be parsed to type {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x80045043 -2147200957 |
Nombre: StepAutomaticallyDisabled Mensaje: The original sdkmessageprocessingstep has been disabled and replaced. |
0x80060414 -2147089388 |
Nombre: StepCountInXamlExceedsMaxAllowed Mensaje: There are {0} {1} in the Xaml. Max allowed is {2}. |
0x80060416 -2147089386 |
Nombre: StepDoesNotHaveAnyChildInXaml Mensaje: {0} does not have at least one {1} as its child. |
0x80060000 -2147090432 |
Nombre: StepNotSupportedForClientBusinessRule Mensaje: Step {0} is not supported for client side business rule. |
0x80060409 -2147089399 |
Nombre: StepStepDoesNotHaveAnyControlStepAsItsChildren Mensaje: StepStep does not have any ControlStep as its children |
0x8004C002 -2147172350 |
Nombre: StoredProcedureContext Mensaje: Dynamics 365 error {0} in {1}:{2} |
0x80090108 -2146893560 |
Nombre: StoreLocationNotSupported Mensaje: An invalid store location was provided for the data type with Id = '{0}', Name = '{1}', and DisplayName = '{2}'. The store location '{3}' is not supported. Please provide a valid store location and try again. |
0x8004D292 -2147167598 |
Nombre: StringAttributeIndexError Mensaje: One of the attributes of the selected entity is a part of database index and so it cannot be greater than 900 bytes. |
0x80044331 -2147204303 |
Nombre: StringLengthTooLong Mensaje: A validation error occurred. A string value provided is too long. |
0x80090429 -2146892759 |
Nombre: StringOrBinaryTruncation Mensaje: String or binary data would be truncated in table '{0}', column '{1}'. Truncated value: {2}. |
0x80048537 -2147187401 |
Nombre: SubcomponentDoesNotExist Mensaje: Subcomponent {0} of type {1} is not found in the organization, it can not be added to the SolutionComponents. |
0x80048536 -2147187402 |
Nombre: SubcomponentMissingARoot Mensaje: Subcomponent {0} cannot be added to the solution because the root component {1} is missing. |
0x80043e02 -2147205630 |
Nombre: SubjectDoesNotExist Mensaje: Subject does not exist. |
0x80043e01 -2147205631 |
Nombre: SubjectLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: Creating this parental association would create a loop in Subjects hierarchy. |
0x80043e00 -2147205632 |
Nombre: SubjectLoopExists Mensaje: Loop exists in the subjects hierarchy. |
0x8007112B -2147020501 |
Nombre: SubQueryIsNotAllowed Mensaje: The filter contains a fetch subquery. Subqueries are not allowed. |
0x80040493 -2147220333 |
Nombre: SubReportDoesNotExist Mensaje: Subreport does not exist. ReportId:{0} |
0x80072513 -2147015405 |
Nombre: SubscriptionGone Mensaje: Subscription expired |
0x8004A108 -2147180280 |
Nombre: SupportLogOnExpired Mensaje: Support login is expired |
0x80041d41 -2147214015 |
Nombre: SupportUserCannotBeCreateNorUpdated Mensaje: The support user cannot be updated |
0x80097531 -2146863823 |
Nombre: SynapseAccessNotAllowed Mensaje: Access to Analytical data is not allowed. |
0x8009752F -2146863825 |
Nombre: SynapseBudgetLimitReached Mensaje: {0} |
0x80097533 -2146863821 |
Nombre: SynapseStartupError Mensaje: Service not ready to perform the requested operation. Please retry the operation. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact Support. |
0x80060741 -2147088575 |
Nombre: SyncAttributeMappingCannotBeUpdated Mensaje: The sync attribute mapping cannot be updated. |
0x80090306 -2146893050 |
Nombre: SynchronousSdkStepsNotAllowedOnMessage Mensaje: Synchronous mode Sdkmessageprocessingsteps are not allowed on this message. |
0x80048407 -2147187705 |
Nombre: SyncToMsdeFailure Mensaje: Failed to start or connect to the offline mode MSDE database. |
0x80046205 -2147196411 |
Nombre: SystemAttributeMap Mensaje: Cannot create or delete system attribute map having id {0} from {1} to {2} belonging to an entity map with id {3} from {4} to {5}. |
0x80046202 -2147196414 |
Nombre: SystemEntityMap Mensaje: SystemEntityMap Error Occurred |
0x8004F656 -2147158442 |
Nombre: SystemFormCopyUnmatchedEntity Mensaje: The entity for the Target and the SourceId must match. |
0x8004F657 -2147158441 |
Nombre: SystemFormCopyUnmatchedFormType Mensaje: The form type of the SourceId is not valid for the Target entity. |
0x8004F658 -2147158440 |
Nombre: SystemFormCreateWithExistingLabel Mensaje: The id '{0}' for label '{1}' in the form with id: '{2}' is already in use by another form. Replace the id with a different unique value. |
0x8004F655 -2147158443 |
Nombre: SystemFormImportMissingRoles Mensaje: The unmanaged solution you are importing has displaycondition XML attributes that refer to security roles that are missing from the target system. Any displaycondition attributes that refer to these security roles will be removed. |
0x8004A112 -2147180270 |
Nombre: SystemUserDisabled Mensaje: The system user was disabled therefore the ticket expired. |
0x80044357 -2147204265 |
Nombre: SystemUserUpdateNotAllowedFromCreate Mensaje: SystemUser updates are not allowed from plugins registered on PostCreate of SystemUser as it could depend on components which are not yet created. Consider making them async. |
0x8009049E -2146892642 |
Nombre: TableTypeMismatch Mensaje: There is a mismatch of values among TableType '{0}', DataProviderId '{1}' and DataSourceId '{2}'. |
0x8004A105 -2147180283 |
Nombre: TamperedAuthTicket Mensaje: The ticket specified for authentication has been tampered with or invalidated. |
0x80048500 -2147187456 |
Nombre: TargetAttributeInvalidForIgnore Mensaje: Target attribute name should be empty when the processcode is ignore. |
0x80040394 -2147220588 |
Nombre: TargetAttributeInvalidForMap Mensaje: This attribute is not valid for mapping. |
0x80040392 -2147220590 |
Nombre: TargetAttributeNotFound Mensaje: The file specifies an attribute that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
0x80040395 -2147220587 |
Nombre: TargetEntityInvalidForMap Mensaje: The file specifies an entity that is not valid for data migration. |
0x80040391 -2147220591 |
Nombre: TargetEntityNotFound Mensaje: The file specifies an entity that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
0x80048460 -2147187616 |
Nombre: TargetEntityNotMapped Mensaje: Target Entity Name not defined for source:{0} file. |
0x80040299 -2147220839 |
Nombre: TargetPrincipalLacksReadPrivilege Mensaje: {5} {2}(Id = {3}) is missing {0} privilege on {1} entity(OTC={4}). Please read through the document: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2292731 and consider adding missing privilege to one of the {5} {2} roles for the request to succeed. |
0x80048342 -2147187902 |
Nombre: TargetUserInsufficientPrivileges Mensaje: The user can't be added to the team because the user doesn't have the "{0}" privilege. |
0x80061712 -2147084526 |
Nombre: TaskFlowEmptyName Mensaje: The name field cannot be empty. Please enter a name. |
0x80061717 -2147084521 |
Nombre: TaskFlowEntityAttributeIsNotValid Mensaje: Invalid attribute type: {0}.{1}. |
0x80061716 -2147084522 |
Nombre: TaskFlowEntityRelationshipIsNotValid Mensaje: Invalid relationship type: {0}. |
0x80061713 -2147084525 |
Nombre: TaskFlowFormXmlNotFound Mensaje: Could not find the system form {0} for Task flow {1}. |
0x80061711 -2147084527 |
Nombre: TaskFlowInvalidCharactersInName Mensaje: The name field can only contain alphanumeric characters. |
0x80061719 -2147084519 |
Nombre: TaskFlowMaxNumberControls Mensaje: The task flow has exceeded the maximum number of controls allowed ({0}). To continue, you need to remove some controls. |
0x80061718 -2147084520 |
Nombre: TaskFlowMaxNumberPages Mensaje: The task flow has exceeded the maximum number of pages allowed ({0}). To continue, you need to remove some pages. |
0x80061710 -2147084528 |
Nombre: TaskFlowNameIsNotUnique Mensaje: A task flow with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. |
0x80061720 -2147084512 |
Nombre: TaskFlowNotFound Mensaje: A Task Flow which is trying to launch is not available on this device. You may not have permission to access it or it may not be available on your organization. Please contact your system administrator. |
0x8006172F -2147084497 |
Nombre: TaskFlowNotValid Mensaje: Task flow definition is invalid. |
0x80061714 -2147084524 |
Nombre: TaskFlowPageMissingFormXmlTab Mensaje: Could not find the pages {0} for Task flow {1} Step {2}. |
0x80061715 -2147084523 |
Nombre: TaskFlowUnsupportedEntities Mensaje: The following entities are not enabled for Task flows: {0}. |
0x8004120b -2147216885 |
Nombre: TDSClientUnsupported Mensaje: TDS protocol endpoint is not supported for this application. |
0x80041215 -2147216875 |
Nombre: TDSQueryExceedingSupportedMaxLength Mensaje: Input query length exceeding the supported maximum length. |
0x80041d0a -2147214070 |
Nombre: TeamAdministratorMissedPrivilege Mensaje: The team administrator does not have privilege read team. |
0x8004140d -2147216371 |
Nombre: TeamInWrongBusiness Mensaje: Cannot assign security role to the team because the security role's Business Unit does not match the team's Business Unit. To assign security role from different Business Unit, enable the "Record ownership across business Units" feature (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2250434) otherwise assign a security role from the team's Business Unit. Details: userid={0}, teamBU={1}, roleId={2}, roleBU={3} |
0x80048d3a -2147185350 |
Nombre: TeamMembershipAttributeValidationFailure Mensaje: {0} user with Id {1} does not have permissions to a {2} secured field on entity {3}. Adding/Removing a user to/from a Team requires {0} user to have all the field permissions the team currently has from all it's profile association. |
0x80048305 -2147187963 |
Nombre: TeamNameTooLong Mensaje: The length of team name is greater than maximum length defined in metadata. Please increase maximum length of the column or shorten the team name. |
0x80042f0a -2147209462 |
Nombre: TeamNotAssignedRoles Mensaje: The team has not been assigned any roles. |
0x80097210 -2146864624 |
Nombre: TeamNotAssociatedToDelegatedAuthorization Mensaje: Team '{0}' is not associated to a delegated authorization. |
0x80048d39 -2147185351 |
Nombre: TeamProfileAttributeValidationFailure Mensaje: {0} user with Id {1} does not have permissions to a {2} secured field on entity {3}. Associating/Disassociating a Team to a Field Security Profile requires {0} user to have all the field permissions of the profile. |
0x8004F069 -2147159959 |
Nombre: TemplateMissingDependenciesNotSupported Mensaje: Solutions imported in template mode must not contain missing dependencies. |
0x8004F070 -2147159952 |
Nombre: TemplateMustBeUnmanaged Mensaje: Solutions imported in template mode must be unmanaged. |
0x80048475 -2147187595 |
Nombre: TemplateNotAllowedForInternetMarketing Mensaje: Creating Templates with Internet Marketing Campaign Activities is not allowed |
0x8004F071 -2147159951 |
Nombre: TemplateSolutionAlreadyExists Mensaje: Solution with name {0} already exists. Solutions imported in template mode must not exist in the target environment. |
0x80040324 -2147220700 |
Nombre: TemplateTypeNotSupportedForUnsubscribeAcknowledgement Mensaje: This template type is not supported for unsubscribe acknowledgement. |
0x8005E25A -2147098022 |
Nombre: TenantIDIsEmpty Mensaje: Exchange Online Tenant ID field cannot be empty. |
0x8005E25C -2147098020 |
Nombre: TenantIDValueChanged Mensaje: The detected tenantId for your exchange is different than the once you saved. |
0x8005E257 -2147098025 |
Nombre: TestAndEnableInAdministrationModeNotAllowed Mensaje: Test and enable is not allowed if the organization is in administration mode. |
0x8005E248 -2147098040 |
Nombre: TestEmailConfigurationScheduledInProgress Mensaje: Test email configuration scheduled is in progress. Please save after completion of test. |
0x8005E263 -2147098013 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationDisabledUser Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the owning user record is disabled. Please enable the owning user and try again. |
0x8005E270 -2147098000 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationEWSBadUrl Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the Exchange Server URL associated with the Email Server Profile [REDACTED] could not be resolved. Verify that the Exchange Server URL is correctly supplied in the associated Email Server Profile and that the URL is reachable over the internet. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262686. |
0x8005E272 -2147097998 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationEWSBadUserPass Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the account specified in the Email Server Profile [REDACTED] received a 401 Unauthorized error when contacting the Exchange Server. Verify that the account specified in the Email Server Profile is authorized to contact Exchange. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2263027. |
0x8005E268 -2147098008 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationEWSImpersonationDenied Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the account specified in the Email Server Profile [REDACTED] does not have impersonation access to the Exchange mailbox with the email address [REDACTED]. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262947. |
0x8005E269 -2147098007 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationEWSMailboxDisabled Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the Exchange mailbox with email address [REDACTED] is disabled. Please enable the mailbox in the Exchange environment and try again. Exchange error code: ErrorItemNotFound. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262948. |
0x8005E267 -2147098009 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationEWSMailboxNotFound Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because an Exchange mailbox with the email address [REDACTED] could not be found in the Exchange environment associated with the Email Server Profile {1}. If you are connecting to Exchange Online, verify the mailbox has a license assigned. Exchange error code: ErrorNonExistentMailbox. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2263026. |
0x8005E277 -2147097993 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationInvalidProcessEmailReceivedAfter Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the provided Process Email From date "{0}" is older than the Process Email From date "{1}" on the associated Email Server Profile [REDACTED]. Select a value later than or equal to {1} or change the Process Email From date on the Email Server Profile to an earlier date. For more information about this error, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2266718 |
0x8005E262 -2147098014 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationMailboxDeactivated Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the mailbox record is deactivated. Please activate the mailbox and try again. |
0x8005E274 -2147097996 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationMailboxNotEnabledForREST Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the mailbox associated with the email address [REDACTED] is not enabled for REST connectivity in the Microsoft 365 Tenant associated with Email Server Profile {1}. This can occur if the mailbox does not have an Exchange Online license, is disabled, or exists in an Exchange On Premise Hybrid Deployment. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262687. |
0x8005E261 -2147098015 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationMissingEmailAddress Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the mailbox does not have a valid email address. Please supply a valid email address and try again. |
0x8005E276 -2147097994 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationMissingExchangeSubscription Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the user associated with the email address [REDACTED] does not have a valid Exchange subscription or license. Verify that the user has a valid Exchange subscription and license assigned. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2263028. |
0x8005E259 -2147098023 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationMissingPrivilege Mensaje: Test and Enable failed for {2} because the {0} user or team associated with the Dataverse mailbox is missing the {1} privilege. Please assign a security role to the {0} user or team that has the {1} privilege. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262746 |
0x8005E260 -2147098016 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationMissingProfile Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the mailbox is not associated with an Email Server Profile. Please assign an Email Server Profile and try again. |
0x8005E275 -2147097995 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationMissingSecurityRole Mensaje: Test and Enable failed for {0} because the {1} user or team of the associated {2} does not have a security role assigned. Please assign a security role to the {1} user or team of the {2}. |
0x8005E265 -2147098011 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationMultipleGraphUsersFound Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because multiple users were found with the email address [REDACTED] in the Microsoft 365 Tenant associated with this mailbox's Email Server Profile. Verify that only a single user exists in the Microsoft 365 Tenant with this SMTP, UPN, and Mail address. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262684. |
0x8005E273 -2147097997 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationNoEnabledGraphUsersFound Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the Microsoft 365 account associated with the email address [REDACTED] is not enabled in the Microsoft 365 Tenant associated with Email Server Profile [REDACTED]. Verify that the account's sign-in is not blocked and that only a single, enabled account exists with the SMTP, UPN, or Mail address of [REDACTED]. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262950. |
0x8005E264 -2147098012 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationNoGraphUserFound Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because no user was found with the email address [REDACTED] in the Microsoft 365 Tenant associated with this mailbox's Email Server Profile. Verify the user exists in the Microsoft 365 tenant and that the email address is set as a UPN, SMTP or Mail address on the intended user. If you are connecting to mailbox in a separate Microsoft 365 tenant, verify you have configured a Cross Tenant Email Server Profile. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262946. |
0x8005E266 -2147098010 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationQueueOwnerMissingPrivilege Mensaje: Test and Enable failed for {1} because the owning user or team of the associated queue is missing the {0} privilege. Please assign a security role to the owning user or team of the queue that has the {0} privilege. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262685. |
0x8005E271 -2147097999 |
Nombre: TestEnableValidationSocketException Mensaje: Test and Enable failed because the Exchange environment associated with the Email Server Profile [REDACTED] failed to respond to the connection request from Dataverse. Verify that the Exchange environment and related networking infrastructure have been properly configured to allow external connections from Dataverse. For more information on how to fix this problem, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2262949. |
0x80061690 -2147084656 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAPIActiveConfigurationDoesNotExist Mensaje: Active configuration does not exist for entity. |
0x80061695 -2147084651 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAPIActiveSimilarityConfigurationDoesNotExist Mensaje: No active similarity rule exists. The system administrator must set up a similarity rule configuration. |
0x80061691 -2147084655 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAPIAllowedOnlyForEnglishLanguage Mensaje: Text Analytics feature is available for organizations with base language as English. |
0x80061692 -2147084654 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAPIAzureUnableToConnectWithBuild Mensaje: Dynamics 365 failed to connect with the Azure text analytics service. Verify that the service URI and account key are valid, and the Azure subscription is active. |
0x80061634 -2147084748 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAzureConnectionCascadeActivateFailed Mensaje: One or more text analytics models couldn't be activated. Try activating the existing text analytics models separately from the Azure service connection. |
0x80061650 -2147084720 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAzureConnectionFailed Mensaje: Unable to connect to Text Analytics API. |
0x80061693 -2147084653 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAzureSchedulerError Mensaje: Dynamics 365 failed to connect with the Azure text analytics service. Please try again and if the problem persists contact your system administrator. |
0x80061632 -2147084750 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAzureTestConnectionFailed Mensaje: Failed to connect to the Azure Text Analytics service. Check that the service URL and the Azure account key are valid and the service subscription is active. |
0x80061655 -2147084715 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsAzureUnableToConnectWithBuild Mensaje: Dynamics 365 failed to connect with the Azure text analytics service. Verify that the service URI and account key are valid, and the Azure subscription is active. |
0x80061652 -2147084718 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: The Azure Text Analytics feature isn’t activated. The system administrator must activate this feature and set up the required configuration. |
0x80061667 -2147084697 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsMappingUsedForActiveConfiguration Mensaje: This text analytics entity mapping is used for an active configuration. It can’t be modified or deleted while it is used by an active config. |
0x80061694 -2147084652 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsMaxLimitForTopicModelReached Mensaje: Maximum number of topic models allowed for your organization has been reached. |
0x80061657 -2147084713 |
Nombre: TextAnalyticsModelActivateConnectionMustBeActive Mensaje: The Azure Machine Learning Text Analytics service connection must be activated before the model can be activated. Please activate the text analytics service connection and try again. |
0x800608D1 -2147088175 |
Nombre: ThemeIdOrUpdateTimestampIsNull Mensaje: Theme Id or Update Timestamp value is not present in theme data. |
0x8005F103 -2147094269 |
Nombre: Throttling Mensaje: Too many requests. |
0x80072322 -2147015902 |
Nombre: ThrottlingBurstRequestLimitExceededError Mensaje: Number of requests exceeded the limit of {0} over time window of {1} seconds. |
0x80072326 -2147015898 |
Nombre: ThrottlingConcurrencyLimitExceededError Mensaje: Number of concurrent requests exceeded the limit of {0}. |
0x80072321 -2147015903 |
Nombre: ThrottlingTimeExceededError Mensaje: Combined execution time of incoming requests exceeded limit of {0} milliseconds over time window of {1} seconds. Decrease number of concurrent requests or reduce the duration of requests and try again later. |
0x8004F901 -2147157759 |
Nombre: TooManyBytesInInputStream Mensaje: The stream being read from has too many bytes. |
0x80060429 -2147089367 |
Nombre: TooManyCalculatedFieldsInQuery Mensaje: Number of calculated fields in query exceeded maximum limit of {0}. |
0x8004430E -2147204338 |
Nombre: TooManyConditionParametersInQuery Mensaje: Number of parameters in a condition exceeded maximum limit. |
0x8004430C -2147204340 |
Nombre: TooManyConditionsInQuery Mensaje: Number of conditions in query exceeded maximum limit. |
0x80048332 -2147187918 |
Nombre: TooManyEntitiesEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams Mensaje: You have reached the limit of {0} entities enabled for Auto created access teams. Enabling more entities might impact system performance. If you still want to enable more entities, please update orgdborgsetting MaxEntitiesEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams. |
0x8004430D -2147204339 |
Nombre: TooManyLinkEntitiesInQuery Mensaje: Number of link entities in query exceeded maximum limit. |
0x80060477 -2147089289 |
Nombre: TooManyModernFlowTriggersForExecute Mensaje: Cannot execute Modern Flow '{0}' because more than one callback is registered. |
0x80050223 -2147155421 |
Nombre: TooManyMultiSelectConditionParametersInQuery Mensaje: Number of multiselect condition parameters in query exceeded maximum limit: {0}. |
0x80048492 -2147187566 |
Nombre: TooManyPicklistValues Mensaje: Number of distinct picklist values exceed the limit. |
0x8004350e -2147207922 |
Nombre: TooManyRecipients Mensaje: Sending to multiple recipients is not supported. |
0x80050222 -2147155422 |
Nombre: TooManySelectionsForAttributeType Mensaje: Number of selections for MultiSelectPicklist Attribute Type exceeded maximum limit: {0}. |
0x80048333 -2147187917 |
Nombre: TooManyTeamTemplatesForEntityAccessTeams Mensaje: You have reached the limit of {0} Access Teams for entity with ObjectTypeCode {1}. Creating more Access Teams might impact system performance. If you still want to enable more entities, please update orgdborgsetting MaxAutoCreatedAccessTeamsPerEntity. |
0x80061656 -2147084714 |
Nombre: TopicModelActivateWithInvalidConfiguration Mensaje: The configuration used for the build is invalid. Topic determination fields are required for the configuration used for topic analysis. |
0x80061670 -2147084688 |
Nombre: TopicModelConfigurationAssociatedModelAlreadyActive Mensaje: Cannot update or delete topic model configuration because it is associated with an active topic model. |
0x80061653 -2147084717 |
Nombre: TopicModelConfigurationUsedEmpty Mensaje: Activation requires specifying the build configuration. Specify the configuration used for the build before activation. |
0x80061651 -2147084719 |
Nombre: TopicModelScheduleBuildSettingsEmpty Mensaje: Activation requires setting the build schedule. Specify the schedule build settings before activation. |
0x80061654 -2147084716 |
Nombre: TopicModelTestWithoutConfiguration Mensaje: Specify the configuration used for the build. |
0x8004F900 -2147157760 |
Nombre: TraceMessageConstructionError Mensaje: The trace record has an invalid trace code or an insufficient number of trace parameters. |
0x80040255 -2147220907 |
Nombre: TransactionAborted Mensaje: Transaction Aborted. |
0x80048550 -2147187376 |
Nombre: TransactionAbortedByIsvException Mensaje: Transaction Aborted by ISV code exception in pre-commit stage. See inner exception for detailed information. |
0x80040252 -2147220910 |
Nombre: TransactionNotCommited Mensaje: Transaction not committed. |
0x80040251 -2147220911 |
Nombre: TransactionNotStarted Mensaje: Transaction not started. |
0x8005E007 -2147098617 |
Nombre: TransactionNotSupported Mensaje: The operation that you are trying to perform does not support transactions. |
0x80048463 -2147187613 |
Nombre: TransformationResumeNotSupported Mensaje: The resume/retry of Transformation job of Import is not supported. |
0x80040335 -2147220683 |
Nombre: TransformMustBeCalledBeforeImport Mensaje: Cannot call import before transform. |
0x80061402 -2147085310 |
Nombre: TranslateArticle_OnlyPrimaryArticlesCanBeTranslated Mensaje: This article is a translation of the original article. It cannot be translated again. If you want another translation, start with the original article rather than this one. |
0x80061403 -2147085309 |
Nombre: TranslateArticle_TranslationCanNotBeCreatedForTheSameLanguage Mensaje: A translation for this language already exists for this version of the article |
0x80044234 -2147204556 |
Nombre: TrendingDocumentsDataRetrievalFailure Mensaje: We can't get to the trending documents. Try again later. |
0x80044233 -2147204557 |
Nombre: TrendingDocumentsIntegrationDisabledError Mensaje: Trending Documents is disabled for your Microsoft Dynamics 365 account. |
0x80044255 -2147204523 |
Nombre: TrendingDocumentsIntegrationTurnedOffError Mensaje: Trending Documents is turned off. Please contact your system administrator to turn this feature on in System Settings. |
0x80044258 -2147204520 |
Nombre: TrendingDocumentsOfflineModeError Mensaje: Trending Documents isn't available in offline mode. |
0x80044232 -2147204558 |
Nombre: TrendingDocumentsOnpremiseDeploymentError Mensaje: The Trending Documents dashboard component isn't supported by your company's Microsoft Office service. |
0x80050261 -2147155359 |
Nombre: TriggerFlowFailure Mensaje: An error has occurred when trying to run this flow. |
0x80160029 -2146041815 |
Nombre: TypeAttributeIsNotSupportedForStaticProperty Mensaje: The type {0} is not supported for property {0}. More Details:{2} |
0x80060402 -2147089406 |
Nombre: TypeNotSetToDefinition Mensaje: Type should be set to Definition while creating business process flow category |
0x80045037 -2147200969 |
Nombre: UIDataGenerationFailed Mensaje: There was an error generating the UIData from XAML. |
0x80048471 -2147187599 |
Nombre: UIDataMissingInWorkflow Mensaje: The workflow does not contain UIData. |
0x8004F217 -2147159529 |
Nombre: UIScriptIdentifierDuplicate Mensaje: A variable or input argument with the same name already exists. Choose a different name, and try again. |
0x8004F218 -2147159528 |
Nombre: UIScriptIdentifierInvalid Mensaje: The variable or input argument name is invalid. The name can only contain '_', numerical, and alphabetical characters. Choose a different name, and try again. |
0x8004F219 -2147159527 |
Nombre: UIScriptIdentifierInvalidLength Mensaje: The variable or input argument name is too long. Choose a smaller name, and try again. |
0x80100003 -2146435069 |
Nombre: UnableToActivateQuoteNotInDraft Mensaje: The quote cannot be activated because it is not in draft state. |
0x80081117 -2146954985 |
Nombre: UnableToDeletePluginAssembly Mensaje: Unable to delete plug-in assembly as it is part of plugin package. |
0x8004505A -2147200934 |
Nombre: UnableToLoadCustomActivity Mensaje: Unable to load the custom activity. |
0x80044191 -2147204719 |
Nombre: UnableToLoadPluginAssembly Mensaje: Unable to load plug-in assembly. |
0x80044190 -2147204720 |
Nombre: UnableToLoadPluginType Mensaje: Unable to load plug-in type. |
0x80040378 -2147220616 |
Nombre: UnableToLoadTransformationAssembly Mensaje: Unable to load the transformation assembly. |
0x80040379 -2147220615 |
Nombre: UnableToLoadTransformationType Mensaje: Unable to load the transformation type. |
0x80044311 -2147204335 |
Nombre: UnableToLogOnUserFromUserNameAndPassword Mensaje: The specified user name and password can not logon. |
0x80040530 -2147220176 |
Nombre: UnableToRetrieveAttributeValueFromEntity Mensaje: Unable to retrieve attribute '{0}' for entity '{1}'. Please provide a valid attribute name. |
0x8004B015 -2147176427 |
Nombre: UnableToSendEmail Mensaje: Some Internal error occurred in sending invitation, Please try again later |
0x8005E220 -2147098080 |
Nombre: UnapprovedMailbox Mensaje: The mailbox is not in approved state. Send/Receive mails are allowed only for approved mailboxes. |
0x80040277 -2147220873 |
Nombre: UnauthorizedAccess Mensaje: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. |
0x80041221 -2147216863 |
Nombre: UnauthorizedTDSAccess Mensaje: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. User is missing prvAllowTDSAccess privilege. |
0x80041223 -2147216861 |
Nombre: UnauthorizedTDSAccessForUserId Mensaje: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. User {0} is missing prvAllowTDSAccess privilege. |
0x80040216 -2147220970 |
Nombre: UnExpected Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred. |
0x80040330 -2147220688 |
Nombre: UnexpectedErrorInMailMerge Mensaje: There was an unexpected error during mail merge. |
0x8004F044 -2147159996 |
Nombre: UnexpectedNullReferenceError Mensaje: Unexpected null reference error: {0}. |
0x80060006 -2147090426 |
Nombre: UnexpectedRightOperandCount Mensaje: The right operand array in the expression contain unexpected no. of operand. |
0x80043b1b -2147206373 |
Nombre: UnitDoesNotExist Mensaje: The unit does not exist. |
0x80043b1a -2147206374 |
Nombre: UnitLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: Using this base unit would create a loop in the unit hierarchy. |
0x80043b19 -2147206375 |
Nombre: UnitLoopExists Mensaje: Loop exists in the unit hierarchy. |
0x80043b26 -2147206362 |
Nombre: UnitNoName Mensaje: The unit name cannot be null. |
0x80043b16 -2147206378 |
Nombre: UnitNotInSchedule Mensaje: The unit does not exist in the specified unit schedule. |
0x80048513 -2147187437 |
Nombre: UnknownInvalidTransformationParameterGeneric Mensaje: One or more input transformation parameter values are invalid: {0}. |
0x800404e6 -2147220250 |
Nombre: unManagedchildentityisnotchild Mensaje: The child entity supplied is not a child. |
0x800404a9 -2147220311 |
Nombre: unManagedcihldofconditionforoffilefilters Mensaje: Child-of condition is only allowed on offline filters. |
0x8004803B -2147188677 |
Nombre: UnmanagedComponentParentsManagedComponent Mensaje: Found {0} dependency records where unmanaged component is the parent of a managed component. First record (dependentcomponentobjectid = {1}, type = {2}, requiredcomponentobjectid = {3}, type= {4}, solution = {5}). |
0x800404b0 -2147220304 |
Nombre: unManagedemptyprocessliteralcondition Mensaje: No data specified for ProcessLiteralCondition. |
0x800404aa -2147220310 |
Nombre: unManagedentityisnotintersect Mensaje: The entity is not an intersect entity. |
0x800404ca -2147220278 |
Nombre: unManagederroraddingfiltertoqueryplan Mensaje: An error occurred adding a filter to the query plan. |
0x800404c4 -2147220284 |
Nombre: unManagederrorprocessingfilternodes Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred processing the filter nodes. |
0x800404ae -2147220306 |
Nombre: unManagedfieldnotvalidatedbyplatform Mensaje: A field was not validated by the platform. |
0x800404ab -2147220309 |
Nombre: unManagedfilterindexoutofrange Mensaje: The filter index is out of range. |
0x80048306 -2147187962 |
Nombre: unManagedIdsAccessDenied Mensaje: {0} with id {1} does not have {2} right(s) for record with id {3} of entity {4}. Consider assigning a role with the required access level to the user or team. For further troubleshooting, please work with a system administrator to use the Access Checker tool on this record: {5}. More details: {6} |
0x80040511 -2147220207 |
Nombre: unManagedidsaccounthaschildopportunities Mensaje: The Account has child opportunities. |
0x8004350a -2147207926 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivitydurationdoesnotmatch Mensaje: Activity duration does not match start/end time |
0x80043509 -2147207927 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivityinvalidduration Mensaje: Invalid activity duration |
0x80043503 -2147207933 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivityinvalidobjecttype Mensaje: Activity regarding object type is invalid |
0x80043505 -2147207931 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivityinvalidpartyobjecttype Mensaje: Activity party object type is invalid |
0x80043507 -2147207929 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivityinvalidregardingobject Mensaje: Invalid activity regarding object, it probably does not exist |
0x80043500 -2147207936 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivityinvalidstate Mensaje: Invalid activity state |
0x80043508 -2147207928 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivityinvalidtimeformat Mensaje: Invalid activity time, check format |
0x80043501 -2147207935 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivityinvalidtype Mensaje: Invalid activity type code |
0x8004350b -2147207925 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivitynotroutable Mensaje: This type of activity is not routable |
0x80043502 -2147207934 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivityobjectidortypemissing Mensaje: Activity regarding object Id or type is missing |
0x80043504 -2147207932 |
Nombre: unManagedidsactivitypartyobjectidortypemissing Mensaje: Activity party object Id or type is missing |
0x80040226 -2147220954 |
Nombre: unManagedidsanonymousenabled Mensaje: The logged-in user was not found in the Active Directory. |
0x80043e05 -2147205627 |
Nombre: unManagedidsarticletemplatecontainsarticles Mensaje: Cannot change article template because there are knowledge base articles using it. |
0x80043e07 -2147205625 |
Nombre: unManagedidsarticletemplateisnotactive Mensaje: KB article template is inactive. |
0x80044a05 -2147202555 |
Nombre: unManagedidsattachmentcannotcreatetempfile Mensaje: Cannot create temporary attachment file. |
0x80044a01 -2147202559 |
Nombre: unManagedidsattachmentcannotgetfilesize Mensaje: Cannot get temporary attachment file size. |
0x80044a00 -2147202560 |
Nombre: unManagedidsattachmentcannotopentempfile Mensaje: Cannot open temporary attachment file. |
0x80044a03 -2147202557 |
Nombre: unManagedidsattachmentcannotreadtempfile Mensaje: Cannot read temporary attachment file. |
0x80044a07 -2147202553 |
Nombre: unManagedidsattachmentcannottruncatetempfile Mensaje: Cannot truncate temporary attachment file. |
0x80044a06 -2147202554 |
Nombre: unManagedidsattachmentcannotunmaptempfile Mensaje: Cannot unmap temporary attachment file. |
0x80044a02 -2147202558 |
Nombre: unManagedidsattachmentinvalidfilesize Mensaje: Attachment file size is too big. |
0x80044a04 -2147202556 |
Nombre: unManagedidsattachmentisempty Mensaje: Attachment is empty. |
0x80041d04 -2147214076 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtbusinessparentdiffmerchant Mensaje: The business is not in the same merchant as parent business. |
0x80041d14 -2147214060 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcallernotinpartnerbusiness Mensaje: The caller is not from partner business. |
0x80041d12 -2147214062 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcallernotinprimarybusiness Mensaje: The caller is not from primary business. |
0x80041d32 -2147214030 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotaddlocaluser Mensaje: A local user cannot be added to the Dynamics 365. |
0x80041d18 -2147214056 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotdeletebusiness Mensaje: This is a sub-business. Use IBizMerchant::Delete to delete this sub-business. |
0x80041d19 -2147214055 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotdeleteprovision Mensaje: This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Delete to delete this root-business. |
0x80041d1a -2147214054 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotdisablebusiness Mensaje: This business unit cannot be disabled. |
0x80041d1b -2147214053 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotdisableprovision Mensaje: This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Disable to disable this root-business. |
0x80041d1c -2147214052 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotenablebusiness Mensaje: This is a sub-business. Use IBizMerchant::Enable to enable this sub-business. |
0x80041d1d -2147214051 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotenableprovision Mensaje: This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Enable to enable this root-business. |
0x80041d05 -2147214075 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotmovedefaultuser Mensaje: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotmovedefaultuser |
0x80041d2d -2147214035 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotreadaccountcontrol Mensaje: Insufficient permissions to the specified Active Directory user. Contact your System Administrator. |
0x80041d17 -2147214057 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotremovepartnershipdefaultuser Mensaje: The default user of a partnership can not be removed. |
0x80041d36 -2147214026 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtcantchangeorgname Mensaje: The organization name cannot be changed. |
0x80041d03 -2147214077 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtdefaultusernotinbusiness Mensaje: The default user is not in the business. |
0x80041d15 -2147214059 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtdefaultusernotinpartnerbusiness Mensaje: The default user is not from partner business. |
0x80041d13 -2147214061 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtdefaultusernotinprimarybusiness Mensaje: The default user is not from primary business. |
0x80041d00 -2147214080 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtmissbusinessname Mensaje: The business name was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041d02 -2147214078 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtmissparentbusiness Mensaje: The parent business was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041d0f -2147214065 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtmisspartnerbusiness Mensaje: The partnership partner business was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041d0e -2147214066 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtmissprimarybusiness Mensaje: The partnership primary business was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041d01 -2147214079 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtmissuserdomainname Mensaje: The user's domain name was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041d29 -2147214039 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtnoparentbusiness Mensaje: The specified business does not have a parent business. |
0x80041d11 -2147214063 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtpartnershipalreadyexists Mensaje: A partnership between specified primary business and partner business already exists. |
0x80041d16 -2147214058 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtpartnershipnotinpendingstatus Mensaje: The partnership has been accepted or declined. |
0x80041d10 -2147214064 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtprimarysameaspartner Mensaje: The primary business is the same as partner business. |
0x80041d06 -2147214074 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtusercannotbeownparent Mensaje: The user can not be its own parent user. |
0x80041d1e -2147214050 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtuserdoesnothaveparent Mensaje: This user does not have a parent user. |
0x80041d2b -2147214037 |
Nombre: unManagedidsbizmgmtusersettingsnotcreated Mensaje: The specified user's settings have not yet been created. |
0x80044d00 -2147201792 |
Nombre: unManagedidscalendarinvalidcalendar Mensaje: The calendar is invalid. |
0x80045100 -2147200768 |
Nombre: unManagedidscalendarruledoesnotexist Mensaje: The calendar rule does not exist. |
0x80045f05 -2147197179 |
Nombre: unManagedidsCalloutException Mensaje: Callout code throws exception |
0x80045f03 -2147197181 |
Nombre: unManagedidscalloutinvalidconfig Mensaje: Invalid callout configuration |
0x80045f04 -2147197180 |
Nombre: unManagedidscalloutinvalidevent Mensaje: Invalid callout event |
0x80045f01 -2147197183 |
Nombre: unManagedidscalloutisvabort Mensaje: Callout ISV code aborted the operation |
0x80045f00 -2147197184 |
Nombre: unManagedidscalloutisvexception Mensaje: Callout ISV code throws exception |
0x80045f02 -2147197182 |
Nombre: unManagedidscalloutisvstop Mensaje: Callout ISV code stopped the operation |
0x80040221 -2147220959 |
Nombre: unManagedidscannotassigntobusiness Mensaje: Cannot assign an object to a merchant. |
0x80043b04 -2147206396 |
Nombre: unManagedidscannotdeactivatepricelevel Mensaje: The price level cannot be deactivated because it is the default price level of an account, contact or product. |
0x80040238 -2147220936 |
Nombre: unManagedidscannotdefaultprivateview Mensaje: Private views cannot be default. |
0x8004021e -2147220962 |
Nombre: unManagedidscannotgrantorrevokeaccesstobusiness Mensaje: Cannot grant or revoke access rights to a merchant. |
0x80044154 -2147204780 |
Nombre: unManagedidscantdisable Mensaje: The user cannot be disabled because they have workflow rules running under their context. |
0x80045602 -2147199486 |
Nombre: unManagedidscascadeemptylinkerror Mensaje: The relationship link is empty |
0x80045600 -2147199488 |
Nombre: unManagedidscascadeinconsistencyerror Mensaje: Cascade map information is inconsistent. |
0x80045601 -2147199487 |
Nombre: unManagedidscascadeundefinedrelationerror Mensaje: Relationship type is not supported |
0x80045603 -2147199485 |
Nombre: unManagedidscascadeunexpectederror Mensaje: Unexpected error occurred in cascading operation |
0x80040b01 -2147218687 |
Nombre: unManagedidscommunicationsbadsender Mensaje: More than one sender specified |
0x80040b06 -2147218682 |
Nombre: unManagedidscommunicationsnoparticipationmask Mensaje: Participation type is missing from an activity |
0x80040b00 -2147218688 |
Nombre: unManagedidscommunicationsnopartyaddress Mensaje: Object address not found on party or party is marked as non-emailable |
0x80040b05 -2147218683 |
Nombre: unManagedidscommunicationsnorecipients Mensaje: At least one system user or queue in the organization must be a recipient |
0x80040b02 -2147218686 |
Nombre: unManagedidscommunicationsnosender Mensaje: No email address was specified, and the calling user does not have an email address set |
0x80040b08 -2147218680 |
Nombre: unManagedidscommunicationsnosenderaddress Mensaje: The sender does not have an email address on the party record |
0x80040b07 -2147218681 |
Nombre: unManagedidscommunicationstemplateinvalidtemplate Mensaje: The template body is invalid |
0x80040512 -2147220206 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontacthaschildopportunities Mensaje: The Contact has child opportunities. |
0x80043201 -2147208703 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontractaccountmissing Mensaje: Account is required to save a contract. |
0x80043207 -2147208697 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontractdoesnotexist Mensaje: The contract does not exist. |
0x80043212 -2147208686 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontractinvalidowner Mensaje: The owner of the contract is invalid. |
0x80043217 -2147208681 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontractinvalidstartdateforrenewedcontract Mensaje: The start date of the renewed contract can not be earlier than the end date of the originating contract. |
0x80043214 -2147208684 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontractinvalidtotalallotments Mensaje: The totalallotments is invalid. |
0x80043208 -2147208696 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontractlineitemdoesnotexist Mensaje: The contract line item does not exist. |
0x8004320a -2147208694 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontractopencasesexist Mensaje: There are open cases against this contract line item. |
0x80043216 -2147208682 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontracttemplateabbreviationexists Mensaje: The value for abbreviation already exists. |
0x80043200 -2147208704 |
Nombre: unManagedidscontractunexpected Mensaje: An unexpected error occurred in Contracts. |
0x80042901 -2147211007 |
Nombre: unManagedidscpbadpassword Mensaje: Incorrect password for the specified customer portal user. |
0x80042903 -2147211005 |
Nombre: unManagedidscpdecryptfailed Mensaje: Decryption of the password failed. |
0x80042902 -2147211006 |
Nombre: unManagedidscpencryptfailed Mensaje: Encryption of the supplied password failed. |
0x80042900 -2147211008 |
Nombre: unManagedidscpuserdoesnotexist Mensaje: The customer portal user does not exist, or the password was incorrect. |
0x80045901 -2147198719 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentityalreadyinitialized Mensaje: Custom entity interface already initialized on this thread. |
0x8004590d -2147198707 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentityambiguousrelationship Mensaje: More than one relationship between the requested entities exists. |
0x80045907 -2147198713 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentityexistingloop Mensaje: There is an existing loop in the database. |
0x80045909 -2147198711 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentityinvalidchild Mensaje: The supplied child passed in is not a valid entity. |
0x80045903 -2147198717 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentityinvalidownership Mensaje: Custom entity ownership type mask is improperly set. |
0x8004590a -2147198710 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentityinvalidparent Mensaje: The supplied parent passed in is not a valid entity. |
0x80045900 -2147198720 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentitynameviolation Mensaje: Supplied entity found, but it is not a custom entity. |
0x8004590c -2147198708 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentitynorelationship Mensaje: No relationship exists between the requested entities. |
0x80045902 -2147198718 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentitynotinitialized Mensaje: Custom entity interface was not properly initialized. |
0x8004590b -2147198709 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentityparentchildidentical Mensaje: The supplied parent and child entities are identical. |
0x80045905 -2147198715 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentitystackoverflow Mensaje: Custom entity MD stack overflow. |
0x80045906 -2147198714 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentitystackunderflow Mensaje: Custom entity MD stack underflow. |
0x80045904 -2147198716 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentitytlsfailure Mensaje: Custom entity MD TLS not initialized. |
0x80045908 -2147198712 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomentitywouldcreateloop Mensaje: This association would create a loop in the database. |
0x80040514 -2147220204 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomeraddresstypeinvalid Mensaje: Invalid customer address type. |
0x80044700 -2147203328 |
Nombre: unManagedidscustomizationtransformationnotsupported Mensaje: Transformation is not supported for this object. |
0x80042300 -2147212544 |
Nombre: unManagedidsdataaccessunexpected Mensaje: Unexpected error in data access. DB Connection may not have been opened successfully. |
0x8004022c -2147220948 |
Nombre: unManagedidsdataoutofrange Mensaje: Data out of range |
0x80042c03 -2147210237 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalaborted Mensaje: Evaluation aborted. |
0x80042c02 -2147210238 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalallaborted Mensaje: Evaluation aborted and stop further processing. |
0x80042c0c -2147210228 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalallcompleted Mensaje: Evaluation completed and stop further processing. |
0x80042c01 -2147210239 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalassignshouldhave4parameters Mensaje: Assign action should have 4 parameters. |
0x80042c0d -2147210227 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalchangetypeerror Mensaje: Change type error. |
0x80042c04 -2147210236 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalcompleted Mensaje: Evaluation completed. |
0x80042c3c -2147210180 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalcreateshouldhave2parameters Mensaje: Create action should have 2 parameters. |
0x80042c2c -2147210196 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorabsparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_ABS parameter. |
0x80042c18 -2147210216 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerroractivityattachment Mensaje: Error in action activity attachment. |
0x80042c0f -2147210225 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerroraddparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_ADD parameter. |
0x80042c3f -2147210177 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorappendtoactivityparty Mensaje: unManagedidsevalerrorappendtoactivityparty |
0x80042c22 -2147210206 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorassign Mensaje: Error in action assign. |
0x80042c38 -2147210184 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorbeginwithparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_BEGIN_WITH parameter. |
0x80042c33 -2147210189 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorbetweenparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_BETWEEN parameter. |
0x80042c3a -2147210182 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorcontainparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_CONTAIN parameter. |
0x80042c3b -2147210181 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorcreate Mensaje: Error in create update. |
0x80042c17 -2147210217 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorcreateactivity Mensaje: Error in action create activity. |
0x80042c1d -2147210211 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorcreateincident Mensaje: Error in action create incident. |
0x80042c1b -2147210213 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorcreatenote Mensaje: Error in action create note. |
0x80042c16 -2147210218 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrordividedbyzero Mensaje: Divided by zero. |
0x80042c13 -2147210221 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrordivisionparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_DIVISION parameter. |
0x80042c12 -2147210222 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrordivisionparameters Mensaje: Division parameter can have only two subparameters. |
0x80042c21 -2147210207 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerroremailtemplate Mensaje: Error in action email template. |
0x80042c39 -2147210183 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorendwithparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_END_WITH parameter. |
0x80042c31 -2147210191 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerroreqparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_EQ parameter. |
0x80042c27 -2147210201 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorexec Mensaje: Error in action exec. |
0x80042c45 -2147210171 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorformatbooleanparameter Mensaje: Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_BOOLEAN parameter. |
0x80042c44 -2147210172 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorformatdatetimeparameter Mensaje: Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_DATETIME parameter. |
0x80042c4a -2147210166 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorformatdecimalparameter Mensaje: Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_DECIMAL parameter. |
0x80042c49 -2147210167 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorformatintegerparameter Mensaje: Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_INTEGER parameter. |
0x80042c4c -2147210164 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorformatlookupparameter Mensaje: Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_LOOKUP parameter. |
0x80042c46 -2147210170 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorformatpicklistparameter Mensaje: Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_PICKLIST parameter. |
0x80042c4b -2147210165 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorformattimezonecodeparameter Mensaje: unManagedidsevalerrorformattimezonecodeparameter |
0x80042c2e -2147210194 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorgeqparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_GEQ parameter. |
0x80042c2d -2147210195 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorgtparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_GT parameter. |
0x80042c28 -2147210200 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorhalt Mensaje: Error in action halt. |
0x80042c19 -2147210215 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorhandleactivity Mensaje: Error in action handle activity. |
0x80042c1e -2147210210 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorhandleincident Mensaje: Error in action handle incident. |
0x80042c29 -2147210199 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorincidentqueue Mensaje: Failed to evaluate INCIDENT_QUEUE. |
0x80042c42 -2147210174 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorinlistparameter Mensaje: unManagedidsevalerrorinlistparameter |
0x80042c34 -2147210188 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorinparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_IN parameter. |
0x80042c2b -2147210197 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorinvalidparameter Mensaje: Invalid parameter. |
0x80042c35 -2147210187 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorinvalidrecipient Mensaje: Invalid email recipient. |
0x80042c43 -2147210173 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorisnulllistparameter Mensaje: unManagedidsevalerrorisnulllistparameter |
0x80042c30 -2147210192 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorleqparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_LEQ parameter. |
0x80042c2f -2147210193 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorltparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_LT parameter. |
0x80042c15 -2147210219 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrormodulusparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_MODULUR parameter. |
0x80042c14 -2147210220 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrormodulusparameters Mensaje: Modulus parameter can have only two subparameters. |
0x80042c11 -2147210223 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrormultiplicationparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_MULTIPLICATION parameter. |
0x80042c32 -2147210190 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorneqparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_NEQ parameter. |
0x80042c1c -2147210212 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrornoteattachment Mensaje: Error in action note attachment. |
0x80042c48 -2147210168 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorobjecttype Mensaje: Error happens when evaluating WFPM_GetObjectType parameter. |
0x80042c26 -2147210202 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorposturl Mensaje: Error in action posturl. |
0x80042c47 -2147210169 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorqueueidparameter Mensaje: unManagedidsevalerrorqueueidparameter |
0x80042c40 -2147210176 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorremovefromactivityparty Mensaje: unManagedidsevalerrorremovefromactivityparty |
0x80042c24 -2147210204 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorroute Mensaje: Error in action route. |
0x80042c20 -2147210208 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorsendemail Mensaje: Error in action send email. |
0x80042c41 -2147210175 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorsetactivityparty Mensaje: unManagedidsevalerrorsetactivityparty |
0x80042c25 -2147210203 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorsetstate Mensaje: Error in action set state. |
0x80042c37 -2147210185 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorstrlenparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_STRLEN parameter. |
0x80042c36 -2147210186 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorsubstrparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_SUBSTR parameter. |
0x80042c10 -2147210224 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorsubtractionparameter Mensaje: Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_SUBTRACTION parameter. |
0x80042c1a -2147210214 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorunhandleactivity Mensaje: Error in action unhandle activity. |
0x80042c1f -2147210209 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorunhandleincident Mensaje: Error in action unhandle incident. |
0x80042c23 -2147210205 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalerrorupdate Mensaje: Error in action update. |
0x80042c2a -2147210198 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalgenericerror Mensaje: Evaluation error. |
0x80042c08 -2147210232 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalmetabaseattributenotfound Mensaje: The specified metabase attribute does not exist. |
0x80042c0b -2147210229 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalmetabaseattributenotmatchquery Mensaje: The specified refattributeid does not the query for a WFPM_SELECT parameter. |
0x80042c07 -2147210233 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalmetabaseentitycompoundkeys Mensaje: The specified metabase object has compound keys. We do not support compound-key entities yet. |
0x80042c0a -2147210230 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalmetabaseentitynotmatchquery Mensaje: The specified refentityid does not the query for a WFPM_SELECT parameter. |
0x80042c0e -2147210226 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalmissselectquery Mensaje: Missing the query subparameter in a select parameter. |
0x80042c05 -2147210235 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalobjectnotfound Mensaje: The required object does not exist. |
0x80042c09 -2147210231 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalpropertyisnull Mensaje: The required property of the object was not set. |
0x80042c06 -2147210234 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalpropertynotfound Mensaje: The required property of the object was not found. |
0x80042c3e -2147210178 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevaltimererrorcalculatescheduletime Mensaje: Failed to calculate the schedule time for the timer action. |
0x80042c3d -2147210179 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevaltimerinvalidparameternumber Mensaje: Invalid parameters for Timer action. |
0x80042c00 -2147210240 |
Nombre: unManagedidsevalupdateshouldhave3parameters Mensaje: Update action should have 3 parameters. |
0x8004020f -2147220977 |
Nombre: unManagedidsfailureinittoken Mensaje: Failure in obtaining user token. |
0x80044153 -2147204781 |
Nombre: unManagedidsfetchbetweentext Mensaje: between, not-between, in, and not-in operators are not allowed on attributes of type text or ntext. |
0x80043e06 -2147205626 |
Nombre: unManagedidsfulltextoperationfailed Mensaje: Full text operation failed. |
0x80044405 -2147204091 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentassociatedactivitycorrupted Mensaje: The activity associated with this case is corrupted. |
0x8004440a -2147204086 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentcannotclose Mensaje: The incident can not be closed because there are open activities for this incident. |
0x80044402 -2147204094 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentcontractdetaildoesnotmatchcontract Mensaje: The contract line item is not in the specified contract. |
0x80044406 -2147204090 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentinvalidactivitytypecode Mensaje: The activitytypecode is wrong. |
0x80044404 -2147204092 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentinvalidstate Mensaje: Incident state is invalid. |
0x80044408 -2147204088 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentmissingactivityobjecttype Mensaje: Missing object type code. |
0x80044407 -2147204089 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentnullactivitytypecode Mensaje: The activitytypecode can't be NULL. |
0x80044410 -2147204080 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentparentaccountandparentcontactnotpresent Mensaje: You should specify a parent contact or account. |
0x8004440f -2147204081 |
Nombre: unManagedidsincidentparentaccountandparentcontactpresent Mensaje: You can either specify a parent contact or account, but not both. |
0x80040211 -2147220975 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvalidassociation Mensaje: Invalid association. |
0x80040209 -2147220983 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvalidbusinessid Mensaje: Invalid business id. |
0x8004020b -2147220981 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvaliditemid Mensaje: Invalid item id. |
0x8004020a -2147220982 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvalidorgid Mensaje: Invalid organization id. |
0x80040212 -2147220974 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvalidowninguser Mensaje: Item does not have an owning user. |
0x80040208 -2147220984 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvalidteamid Mensaje: Team with Id = {0} has type {1}. It's not allowed to add members to Microsoft Entra(formerly AAD) security group teams or office group teams, this should be done in Microsoft Entra(formerly AAD). |
0x80040207 -2147220985 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvaliduserid Mensaje: The user id is invalid or missing. |
0x8004021d -2147220963 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvaliduseridorbusinessidorusersbusinessinvalid Mensaje: One of the following occurred: invalid user id, invalid business id or the user does not belong to the business. |
0x8004020e -2147220978 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvalidvisibility Mensaje: Invalid visibility. |
0x80040213 -2147220973 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvalidvisibilitymodificationaccess Mensaje: User does not have access to modify the visibility of this item. |
0x80043b25 -2147206363 |
Nombre: unManagedidsinvoicecloseapideprecated Mensaje: The Invoice Close API is deprecated. It has been replaced by the Pay and Cancel APIs. |
0x80040803 -2147219453 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalinginvalideventtype Mensaje: Invalid event type. |
0x80040806 -2147219450 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalingmissingaccountid Mensaje: Account Id missed. |
0x80040808 -2147219448 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalingmissingcontactid Mensaje: Contact Id missed. |
0x80040802 -2147219454 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalingmissingeventdirection Mensaje: Event direction code missed. |
0x80040804 -2147219452 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalingmissingeventtype Mensaje: Event type missed. |
0x80040809 -2147219447 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalingmissingincidentid Mensaje: Incident Id missed. |
0x80040805 -2147219451 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalingmissingleadid Mensaje: Lead Id missed. |
0x80040807 -2147219449 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalingmissingopportunityid Mensaje: Opportunity Id missed. |
0x80040801 -2147219455 |
Nombre: unManagedidsjournalingunsupportedobjecttype Mensaje: Unsupported type of objects passed in operation. |
0x80040501 -2147220223 |
Nombre: unManagedidsleaddoesnotexist Mensaje: Lead does not exist. |
0x8004050b -2147220213 |
Nombre: unManagedidsleadnoparent Mensaje: The lead does not have a parent. |
0x8004050c -2147220212 |
Nombre: unManagedidsleadnotassigned Mensaje: The lead has not been assigned. |
0x80040513 -2147220205 |
Nombre: unManagedidsleadnotassignedtocaller Mensaje: The lead is not being assigned to the caller for acceptance. |
0x80040510 -2147220208 |
Nombre: unManagedidsleadoneaccount Mensaje: A lead can be associated with only one account. |
0x8004050d -2147220211 |
Nombre: unManagedidsleadusercannotreject Mensaje: The user does not have the privilege to reject a lead, so he cannot be assigned the lead for acceptance. |
0x80045303 -2147200253 |
Nombre: unManagedidsmergedifferentbizorgerror Mensaje: Merge cannot be performed on entities from different business entity. |
0x80040e00 -2147217920 |
Nombre: unManagedidsmetadatanoentity Mensaje: The specified entity does not exist |
0x80040e02 -2147217918 |
Nombre: unManagedidsmetadatanorelationship Mensaje: The relationship does not exist |
0x80040236 -2147220938 |
Nombre: unManagedidsnorelationship Mensaje: No relationship exists between the objects specified. |
0x80041701 -2147215615 |
Nombre: unManagedidsnotesalreadyattached Mensaje: The specified note is already attached to an object. |
0x80041703 -2147215613 |
Nombre: unManagedidsnotesloopbeingcreated Mensaje: Creating this parental association would create a loop in the annotation hierarchy. |
0x80041702 -2147215614 |
Nombre: unManagedidsnotesloopexists Mensaje: A loop exists in the annotation hierarchy. |
0x80041704 -2147215612 |
Nombre: unManagedidsnotesnoattachment Mensaje: The specified note has no attachments. |
0x80041700 -2147215616 |
Nombre: unManagedidsnotesnotedoesnotexist Mensaje: The specified note does not exist. |
0x80040500 -2147220224 |
Nombre: unManagedidsopportunitydoesnotexist Mensaje: Opportunity does not exist. |
0x80040504 -2147220220 |
Nombre: unManagedidsopportunityinvalidparent Mensaje: The parent of an opportunity must be an account or contact. |
0x80040505 -2147220219 |
Nombre: unManagedidsopportunitymissingparent Mensaje: The parent of the opportunity is missing. |
0x8004050e -2147220210 |
Nombre: unManagedidsopportunityoneaccount Mensaje: An opportunity can be associated with only one account. |
0x8004050f -2147220209 |
Nombre: unManagedidsopportunityorphan Mensaje: Removing this association will make the opportunity an orphan. |
0x80040222 -2147220958 |
Nombre: unManagedidsoutofmemory Mensaje: Out of memory. |
0x8004022b -2147220949 |
Nombre: unManagedidsownernotenabled Mensaje: The specified owner has been disabled. |
0x8004021c -2147220964 |
Nombre: unManagedidspresentuseridandteamid Mensaje: Both the user id and team id are present. Only one should be present. |
0x8004203f -2147213249 |
Nombre: unManagedidspropbagattributealreadyset Mensaje: One of the attributes passed has already been set |
0x8004203e -2147213250 |
Nombre: unManagedidspropbagattributenotnullable Mensaje: One of the attributes passed cannot be NULL |
0x8004201e -2147213282 |
Nombre: unManagedidspropbagcolloutofrange Mensaje: The bag index in the collection was out of range. |
0x80042001 -2147213311 |
Nombre: unManagedidspropbagnointerface Mensaje: The property bag interface could not be found. |
0x80042002 -2147213310 |
Nombre: unManagedidspropbagnullproperty Mensaje: The specified property was null in the property bag. |
0x80042000 -2147213312 |
Nombre: unManagedidspropbagpropertynotfound Mensaje: The specified property was not found in the property bag. |
0x80043e03 -2147205629 |
Nombre: unManagedidsqueuemissingbusinessunitid Mensaje: Missing businessunitid. |
0x80043e04 -2147205628 |
Nombre: unManagedidsqueueorganizationidnotmatch Mensaje: Callers' organization Id does not match businessunit's organization Id. |
0x8004410f -2147204849 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncfilternoaccess Mensaje: Cannot go offline: missing access rights on required entity. |
0x8004410d -2147204851 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncinvalidfiltererror Mensaje: Invalid filter specified. |
0x80044109 -2147204855 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncinvalidsubscription Mensaje: The specified subscription does not exist. |
0x80044100 -2147204864 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncinvalidsynctime Mensaje: The specified sync time is invalid. Sync times must not be earlier than those returned by the previous sync. Please reinitialize your subscription. |
0x80044114 -2147204844 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncmethodnone Mensaje: Synchronization tasks can’t be performed on this computer since the synchronization method is set to None. |
0x80044101 -2147204863 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncmsxmlfailed Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncmsxmlfailed |
0x80044113 -2147204845 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncnoclient Mensaje: Client does not exist. |
0x80044112 -2147204846 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncnoprimary Mensaje: No primary client exists. |
0x80044111 -2147204847 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncnotprimary Mensaje: Cannot sync: not the primary OutlookSync client. |
0x80044103 -2147204861 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapconnfailed Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapconnfailed |
0x80044106 -2147204858 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapfaulterror Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapfaulterror |
0x80044102 -2147204862 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapgenfailed Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapgenfailed |
0x80044108 -2147204856 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapparseerror Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapparseerror |
0x80044107 -2147204857 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapreaderror Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapreaderror |
0x80044104 -2147204860 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapsendfailed Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapsendfailed |
0x80044105 -2147204859 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapservererror Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsoapservererror |
0x80044110 -2147204848 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsqlgenericerror Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsqlgenericerror |
0x8004410c -2147204852 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsqlpausederror Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsqlpausederror |
0x8004410b -2147204853 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsqlstoppederror Mensaje: unManagedidsrcsyncsqlstoppederror |
0x8004410a -2147204854 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrcsyncsubscriptionowner Mensaje: The caller id does not match the subscription owner id. Only subscription owners may perform subscription operations. |
0x8004140c -2147216372 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesdeletenonparentrole Mensaje: Cannot delete a role that is inherited from a parent business. |
0x80041400 -2147216384 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesinvalidroledata Mensaje: The role data is invalid. |
0x80041401 -2147216383 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesinvalidroleid Mensaje: Invalid role ID. |
0x8004140a -2147216374 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesinvalidrolename Mensaje: The role name is invalid. |
0x80041404 -2147216380 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesinvalidtemplateid Mensaje: Invalid role template ID. |
0x80041406 -2147216378 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesmissbusinessid Mensaje: The role's business unit ID was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041408 -2147216376 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesmissprivid Mensaje: The privilege ID was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041405 -2147216379 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesmissroleid Mensaje: The role ID was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041407 -2147216377 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesmissrolename Mensaje: The role name was unexpectedly missing. |
0x80041402 -2147216382 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrolesroledoesnotexist Mensaje: The specified role does not exist. |
0x8004203d -2147213251 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrspropbagdbinfoalreadyset Mensaje: The DB info for the recordset property bag has already been set. |
0x8004203c -2147213252 |
Nombre: unManagedidsrspropbagdbinfonotset Mensaje: The DB info for the recordset property bag has not been set. |
0x80043802 -2147207166 |
Nombre: unManagedidssalespeopleduplicatecalendarfound Mensaje: Duplicate fiscal calendars found for this salesperson/year |
0x80043808 -2147207160 |
Nombre: unManagedidssalespeopleinvalidfiscalcalendartype Mensaje: Invalid fiscal calendar type |
0x80043807 -2147207161 |
Nombre: unManagedidssalespeopleinvalidfiscalperiodindex Mensaje: Invalid fiscal period index |
0x80043804 -2147207164 |
Nombre: unManagedidssalespeopleinvalidterritoryobjecttype Mensaje: Territories cannot be retrieved by this kind of object |
0x80044150 -2147204784 |
Nombre: unManagedidssqlerror Mensaje: Generic SQL error. |
0x80044151 -2147204783 |
Nombre: unManagedidssqltimeouterror Mensaje: SQL timeout expired. |
0x80043af9 -2147206407 |
Nombre: unManagedidsstatedoesnotexist Mensaje: The state is not valid for this object. |
0x80040225 -2147220955 |
Nombre: unManagedidsusernotenabled Mensaje: The specified user(Id = {0}) is disabled. Consider enabling this user. Additional Details: {1} |
0x80040232 -2147220942 |
Nombre: unManagedidsviewisnotsharable Mensaje: The view is not sharable. |
0x80041a03 -2147214845 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlinvalidcollectionname Mensaje: The collection name specified is incorrect |
0x80041a01 -2147214847 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlinvalidcreate Mensaje: A field that is not valid for create was specified |
0x80041a06 -2147214842 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlinvalidentityattributes Mensaje: Invalid attributes |
0x80041a00 -2147214848 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlinvalidentityname Mensaje: The entity name specified is incorrect |
0x80041a07 -2147214841 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlinvalidfield Mensaje: An invalid value was passed in for a field |
0x80041a08 -2147214840 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlinvalidread Mensaje: A field that is not valid for read was specified |
0x80041a02 -2147214846 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlinvalidupdate Mensaje: A field that is not valid for update was specified |
0x80041a04 -2147214844 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlparseerror Mensaje: A parse error was encountered in the XML |
0x80041a05 -2147214843 |
Nombre: unManagedidsxmlunexpected Mensaje: An unexpected error has occurred |
0x800404d9 -2147220263 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalddbtimefield Mensaje: The platform cannot handle dbtime fields. |
0x800404b7 -2147220297 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidargumentsforcondition Mensaje: An invalid number of arguments was supplied to a condition. |
0x800404dc -2147220260 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidbinaryfield Mensaje: The platform cannot handle binary fields. |
0x800404a7 -2147220313 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidbusinessunitid Mensaje: The businessunitid is missing or invalid. |
0x800404de -2147220258 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidcharacterdataforaggregate Mensaje: Character data is not valid when clearing an aggregate. |
0x800404c1 -2147220287 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidcountvalue Mensaje: The count value is invalid or missing. |
0x800404da -2147220262 |
Nombre: unManagedinvaliddbdatefield Mensaje: The platform cannot handle dbdate fields. |
0x800404d5 -2147220267 |
Nombre: unManagedinvaliddynamicparameteraccessor Mensaje: SetParam failed processing the DynamicParameterAccessor parameter. |
0x800404ac -2147220308 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidequalityoperand Mensaje: Only QB_LITERAL is supported for equality operand. |
0x800404a1 -2147220319 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidescapedxml Mensaje: Escaped xml size not as expected. |
0x800404d8 -2147220264 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidfieldtype Mensaje: The platform cannot handle the specified field type. |
0x800404ba -2147220294 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidlinkobjects Mensaje: Invalid link entity, link to attribute, or link from attribute. |
0x800404c7 -2147220281 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidoperator Mensaje: The operator provided is not valid. |
0x800404be -2147220290 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidorganizationid Mensaje: The organizationid is missing or invalid. |
0x800404a8 -2147220312 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidowningbusinessunit Mensaje: The owningbusinessunit is missing or invalid. |
0x800404bc -2147220292 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidowningbusinessunitorbusinessunitid Mensaje: The owningbusinessunit or businessunitid is missing or invalid. |
0x800404bd -2147220291 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidowninguser Mensaje: The owninguser is mising or invalid. |
0x800404c2 -2147220286 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidpagevalue Mensaje: The page value is invalid or missing. |
0x800404d6 -2147220266 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidparametertypeforparameterizedquery Mensaje: A parameterized query is not supported for the supplied parameter type. |
0x8004049e -2147220322 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidprincipal Mensaje: The principal id is missing or invalid. |
0x800404bb -2147220293 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidprivilegeedepth Mensaje: Invalid privilege depth for user. |
0x800404ce -2147220274 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidprivilegeid Mensaje: The privilege id is invalid or missing. |
0x800404cd -2147220275 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidprivilegeusergroup Mensaje: The privilege user group id is invalid or missing. |
0x800404b4 -2147220300 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidprocesschildofcondition Mensaje: ProcessChildOfCondition was called with non-child-of condition. |
0x800404b1 -2147220303 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidprocessliternalcondition Mensaje: ProcessLiteralCondition is only valid for use with Rollup queries. |
0x800404d2 -2147220270 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidsecurityprincipal Mensaje: The security principal is invalid or missing. |
0x800404d7 -2147220265 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidstreamfield Mensaje: The platform cannot handle stream fields. |
0x800404a2 -2147220318 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidtlsmananger Mensaje: Failed to retrieve TLS Manager. |
0x800404e2 -2147220254 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidtrxcountforcommit Mensaje: The transaction count was expected to be 1 in order to commit. |
0x800404e1 -2147220255 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidtrxcountforrollback Mensaje: The transaction count was expected to be 1 in order to rollback. |
0x800404bf -2147220289 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidvaluettagoutsideconditiontag Mensaje: A invalid value tag was found outside of it's condition tag. |
0x800404c0 -2147220288 |
Nombre: unManagedinvalidversionvalue Mensaje: The version value is invalid or missing. |
0x800404db -2147220261 |
Nombre: unManagedinvaludidispatchfield Mensaje: The platform cannot handle idispatch fields. |
0x8004A120 -2147180256 |
Nombre: UnmanagedLayerPublisherRestriction Mensaje: Cannot associate an entity from unmanaged layer. |
0x800404cb -2147220277 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingaddressentity Mensaje: The address entity could not be found. |
0x800404c5 -2147220283 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingattributefortag Mensaje: An expected attribute was not found for the tag specified. |
0x800404df -2147220257 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingdataaccess Mensaje: The data access could not be retrieved from the ExecutionContext. |
0x800404ad -2147220307 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingfilterattribute Mensaje: Missing filter attribute. |
0x800404b2 -2147220302 |
Nombre: unManagedmissinglinkentity Mensaje: Unexpected error locating link entity. |
0x80042003 -2147213309 |
Nombre: unManagedMissingObjectType Mensaje: Object type must be specified for one of the attributes. |
0x800404b5 -2147220299 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingparentattributeonentity Mensaje: The parent attribute was not found on the expected entity. |
0x800404e5 -2147220251 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingparententity Mensaje: The parent entity could not be located. |
0x800404d0 -2147220272 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingpreviousownertype Mensaje: Unable to determine the previous owner's type. |
0x800404c9 -2147220279 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingreferencesfromrelationship Mensaje: Unable to access a relationship in an entity's ReferencesFrom collection. |
0x800404c8 -2147220280 |
Nombre: unManagedmissingreferencingattribute Mensaje: The relationship's ReferencingAttribute is missing or invalid. |
0x800404a6 -2147220314 |
Nombre: unManagedmorethanonesortattribute Mensaje: More than one sort attributes were defined. |
0x80042004 -2147213308 |
Nombre: unManagedObjectTypeUnexpected Mensaje: Object type was specified for one of the attributes that does not allow it. |
0x800404a4 -2147220316 |
Nombre: unManagedparentattributenotfound Mensaje: The parent attribute was not found for the child attribute. |
0x800404b8 -2147220296 |
Nombre: unManagedpartylistattributenotsupported Mensaje: Attributes of type partylist are not supported. |
0x800404e3 -2147220253 |
Nombre: unManagedpendingtrxexists Mensaje: A pending transaction already exists. |
0x8004049f -2147220321 |
Nombre: unManagedproxycreationfailed Mensaje: Cannot create an instance of managed proxy. |
0x800404dd -2147220259 |
Nombre: unManagedtrxinterophandlerset Mensaje: The TrxInteropHandler has already been set. |
0x800404e4 -2147220252 |
Nombre: unManagedunablegetexecutioncontext Mensaje: Failed to retrieve execution context (TLS). |
0x800404d3 -2147220269 |
Nombre: unManagedunablegetsessiontoken Mensaje: Unable to retrieve the session token. |
0x800404d4 -2147220268 |
Nombre: unManagedunablegetsessiontokennotrx Mensaje: Unable to retrieve the session token as there are no pending transactions. |
0x800404e0 -2147220256 |
Nombre: unManagedunableswitchusercontext Mensaje: Cannot set to a different user context. |
0x800404a5 -2147220315 |
Nombre: unManagedunabletoaccessqueryplan Mensaje: Unable to access the query plan. |
0x800404c6 -2147220282 |
Nombre: unManagedunabletoaccessqueryplanfilter Mensaje: Unable to access a filter in the query plan. |
0x800404c3 -2147220285 |
Nombre: unManagedunabletolocateconditionfilter Mensaje: Unexpected error locating the filter for the condition. |
0x800404a0 -2147220320 |
Nombre: unManagedunabletoretrieveprivileges Mensaje: Failed to retrieve privileges. |
0x800404cc -2147220276 |
Nombre: unManagedunexpectedpropertytype Mensaje: Unexpected type for the property. |
0x800404b3 -2147220301 |
Nombre: unManagedunexpectedrimarykey Mensaje: Primary key attribute was not as expected. |
0x800404b6 -2147220298 |
Nombre: unManagedunknownaggregateoperation Mensaje: An unknown aggregate operation was supplied. |
0x800404af -2147220305 |
Nombre: unManagedunusablevariantdata Mensaje: Variant supplied contains data in an unusable format. |
0x80040381 -2147220607 |
Nombre: UnmappedTransformationOutputDataFound Mensaje: One or more outputs returned by the transformation is not mapped to target fields. |
0x8004023d -2147220931 |
Nombre: UnpopulatedPrimaryKey Mensaje: Primary Key must be populated for calls to platform on rich client in offline mode. |
0x80048216 -2147188202 |
Nombre: UnrelatedConnectionRoles Mensaje: The connection roles are not related. |
0x8004E30C -2147163380 |
Nombre: UnrestrictedIFrameInUserDashboard Mensaje: A user dashboard Form XML cannot have Security = false. |
0x80040318 -2147220712 |
Nombre: UnspecifiedActivityXmlForCampaignActivityPropagate Mensaje: Must specify an Activity Xml for CampaignActivity Execute/Distribute |
0x80094000 -2146877440 |
Nombre: UnsupportedActionNameForGetActionSwaggerDocument Mensaje: The action name '{0}' is not a valid value for retrieval of dynamic schema. |
0x80060390 -2147089520 |
Nombre: UnsupportedActionType Mensaje: Missing Control Step. |
0x80060394 -2147089516 |
Nombre: UnsupportedArgumentsMarkedRequired Mensaje: Unsupported arguments should not be marked as required. |
0x80060010 -2147090416 |
Nombre: UnsupportedAttributeForEditor Mensaje: The rule contain an attribute which is not supported. |
0x80071123 -2147020509 |
Nombre: UnsupportedAttributeInInProfileItemEntityFilters Mensaje: Attribute {0} is not supported in the filter query option. |
0x80071115 -2147020523 |
Nombre: UnsupportedAttributeOrOperatorMobileOfflineFilters Mensaje: Attribute or Operator “{0}” is not supported for Mobile Offline Org Filter. |
0x8005E00D -2147098611 |
Nombre: UnsupportedAttributeType Mensaje: Attribute type {0} is not supported. Remove attribute {1} from the query and try again. |
0x80090451 -2146892719 |
Nombre: UnsupportedAttributeTypeForSecondaryEntityKey Mensaje: Attribute '{0}' of type '{1}' is not supported for secondary entity key '{2}'. |
0x8004F010 -2147160048 |
Nombre: UnsupportedComponentOperation Mensaje: {0} is not recognized as a supported operation. |
0x80061019 -2147086311 |
Nombre: UnsupportedCudOperationForDynamicProperties Mensaje: You can't create a property for a kit. |
0x8004E30E -2147163378 |
Nombre: UnsupportedDashboardInEditor Mensaje: The dashboard could not be opened. |
0x8005E242 -2147098046 |
Nombre: UnsupportedEmailServer Mensaje: The email server isn't supported. |
0x80040c07 -2147218425 |
Nombre UnsupportedFieldTypeForMultiPartitionDistinctQuery Mensaje: Field {0} from entity {1} is not supported for multi-partition distinct query. |
0x80160011 -2146041839 |
Nombre: UnsupportedFormFactorsUsedInForm Mensaje: Unsupported Form factor {0} used for control with uniqueid {1}. More Details:{2} |
0x80160014 -2146041836 |
Nombre: UnsupportedFormFactorsUsedInNonFormContext Mensaje: Unsupported form factor(s) {0} used. More Details:{1} |
0x80061302 -2147085566 |
Nombre: UnsupportedImportComponent Mensaje: Sorry, your import failed because the {0} component isn’t supported for import and export. |
0x8004F713 -2147158253 |
Nombre: UnsupportedLcidInProvisionLanguageForUser Mensaje: LanguageId provided '{0}' is not supported. |
0x80040301 -2147220735 |
Nombre: UnsupportedListMemberType Mensaje: Unsupported list member type. |
0x80097251 -2146864559 |
Nombre: UnsupportedMessageForExecuteTransaction Mensaje: Request '{0}' is not supported in ExecuteTransaction. |
0x80071121 -2147020511 |
Nombre: UnsupportedOperatorForAttributeInProfileItemEntityFilters Mensaje: Operator {0} is not supported with attribute {1} in the filter query option. |
0x80040320 -2147220704 |
Nombre: UnsupportedParameter Mensaje: A parameter specified is not supported by the Bulk Operation |
0x80040385 -2147220603 |
Nombre: UnsupportedProcessCode Mensaje: The process code is not supported on this entity. |
0x800609AF -2147087953 |
Nombre: UnsupportedRelationshipInMOPIAssociation Mensaje: This relationship either no longer exists or is unsupported offline since one of the entities is not offline enabled. Please remove this assocation. |
0x80061025 -2147086299 |
Nombre: UnsupportedSdkMessageForBundles Mensaje: This message isn't supported for products of type bundle. |
0x80060009 -2147090423 |
Nombre: UnsupportedStepForBusinessRuleEditor Mensaje: The rule contain a step which is not supported by the editor. |
0x80090114 -2146893548 |
Nombre: UnsupportedTypeMemberOfCusomDataType Mensaje: The property name = '{0}' with custom type entity name = '{1}' is not supported as member of custom data type. |
0x80048495 -2147187563 |
Nombre: UnsupportedZipFileForImport Mensaje: The compressed (.zip) or .cab file couldn't be uploaded because the file is corrupted or doesn't contain valid importable files. |
0x80048494 -2147187564 |
Nombre: UnzipProcessCountLimitReached Mensaje: Cannot start a new process to unzip. |
0x80048496 -2147187562 |
Nombre: UnzipTimeout Mensaje: Timeout happened in unzipping the zip file uploaded for import. |
0x80046204 -2147196412 |
Nombre: UpdateAttributeMap Mensaje: UpdateAttributeMap Error Occurred |
0x80046201 -2147196415 |
Nombre: UpdateEntityMap Mensaje: UpdateEntityMap Error Occurred |
0x80040490 -2147220336 |
Nombre: UpdateNonCustomReportFromTemplate Mensaje: Cannot update a report from a template if the report was not created from a template |
0x80045002 -2147201022 |
Nombre: UpdatePublishedWorkflowDefinition Mensaje: Cannot update a published workflow definition. |
0x80045008 -2147201016 |
Nombre: UpdatePublishedWorkflowDefinitionWorkflowDependency Mensaje: Cannot update a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. |
0x8004501B -2147200997 |
Nombre: UpdatePublishedWorkflowTemplate Mensaje: Cannot update a published workflow template. |
0x8004E114 -2147163884 |
Nombre: UpdateRecurrenceRuleFailed Mensaje: Failed to update the recurrence rule. A corresponding recurrence rule cannot be found. |
0x80044273 -2147204493 |
Nombre: UpdateRIOrganizationDataAccessNotAllowed Mensaje: This feature configuration can only be updated by a system administrator. |
0x80098016 -2146861034 |
Nombre: UpdatesToGovernedSettingsNotAllowed Mensaje: You can't change these settings because this environment is part of a group. If you're a tenant admin, modify the settings in the environment group. |
0x80045003 -2147201021 |
Nombre: UpdateWorkflowActivation Mensaje: Cannot update a workflow activation. |
0x80045007 -2147201017 |
Nombre: UpdateWorkflowActivationWorkflowDependency Mensaje: Cannot update a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. |
0x80090017 -2146893801 |
Nombre: UploadingAndDownloadingInMultipleChunksNotSupported Mensaje: {0} in multiple chunks is not supported for the files stored in the database. |
0x8004A117 -2147180265 |
Nombre: UseKeyVaultConfigurationNotDefined Mensaje: KeyVaultReference cannot be associated when UseKeyVaultConfiguration is not set. |
0x80041d2c -2147214036 |
Nombre: UserAlreadyExists Mensaje: The specified Active Directory user already exists as a Dynamics 365 user. |
0x80097222 -2146864606 |
Nombre: UserAssignedMobileOfflineProfileDoesNotMatchTheProfilesAssignedToAppModule Mensaje: User assigned mobile offline profile does not match the profile assigned to the app module. |
0x8004032f -2147220689 |
Nombre: UserCancelledMailMerge Mensaje: The mail merge operation was cancelled by the user. |
0x8004D24C -2147167668 |
Nombre: UserCannotEnableWithoutLicense Mensaje: Cannot enable an unlicensed user |
0x8004D211 -2147167727 |
Nombre: UserDataNotFound Mensaje: The user data could not be found. |
0x80041d28 -2147214040 |
Nombre: UserDirectoryObjectIdNotFoundInAAD Mensaje: The User Object Id ({0}) does not exist. Ensure User account exists in AAD or Microsoft Entra ID. |
0x8004D24D -2147167667 |
Nombre: UserDisabledAndUnlicensed Mensaje: The user(Id = {0}, accessMode = {1}) has not been assigned any License and is disabled. Please contact your system administrator to assign license to this user for the action to succeed and consider enabling this user. Additional Details: {2} |
0x80044507 -2147203833 |
Nombre: UserDoesNotHaveAccessToTheTenant Mensaje: User does not have access to the tenant. |
0x8004A113 -2147180269 |
Nombre: UserDoesNotHaveAdminOnlyModePermissions Mensaje: User does not have required privileges (or role membership) to access the org when it is in Admin Only mode. |
0x80090432 -2146892750 |
Nombre: UserDoesNotHaveAdminOrCustomizerPrivileges Mensaje: You must be a system administrator or system customizer to execute this request. |
0x800608F8 -2147088136 |
Nombre: UserDoesNotHavePrivilegesToRunTheTool Mensaje: You must be a system administrator to execute this request. |
0x8004480d -2147203059 |
Nombre: UserDoesNotHaveSendAsAllowed Mensaje: User does not have send-as privilege |
0x80048d1E -2147185378 |
Nombre: UserDoesNotHaveSendAsAllowedForQueue Mensaje: You (User {0}) do not have sufficient privileges to send email as the queue {1} in the From field. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2007131 Contact your system administrator for assistance. |
0x8004480f -2147203057 |
Nombre: UserDoesNotHaveSendAsForQueue Mensaje: You do not have sufficient privileges to send e-mail as the selected queue. Contact your system administrator for assistance. |
0x80048d1F -2147185377 |
Nombre: UserDoesNotHaveSendAsPrivilege Mensaje: You (User {0}) do not have sufficient privileges to send email as the user {1} in the From field. Required Depth: Local, BusinessUnitId: {2}. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2007131 Contact your system administrator for assistance. |
0x800404e8 -2147220248 |
Nombre: UserIdOrQueueNotSet Mensaje: Primary User Id or Destination Queue Type code not set |
0x8004D216 -2147167722 |
Nombre: UserInviteDisabled Mensaje: Invitation cannot be sent because user invitations are disabled. |
0x80041409 -2147216375 |
Nombre: UserInWrongBusiness Mensaje: Cannot associate security role because the security role's Business Unit is not the same as the user's Business Unit. Details: userid={0}, userBU={1}, roleId={2}, roleBU={3} |
0x8004B069 -2147176343 |
Nombre: UserIsNotSystemAdminInOrganization Mensaje: Current user is not a system admin in customer's organization |
0x80041d25 -2147214043 |
Nombre: UserLoopBeingCreated Mensaje: You cannot set the selected user as the manager for this user because the selected user is either already the manager or is in the user's immediate management hierarchy. Either select another user to be the manager or do not update the record. |
0x80041d24 -2147214044 |
Nombre: UserLoopExists Mensaje: A manager for this user cannot be set because an existing relationship in the management hierarchy is causing a circular relationship. This is usually caused by a manual edit of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 database. To fix this, the hierarchy in the database must be changed to remove the circular relationship. |
0x8005E24D -2147098035 |
Nombre: UserNameRequiredForImpersonation Mensaje: Type in a user name and save again |
0x8005F111 -2147094255 |
Nombre: UserNeverLoggedIntoYammer Mensaje: To follow other users, you must be logged in to Yammer. Log in to your Yammer account, and try again. |
0x8004D24B -2147167669 |
Nombre: UserNotAssignedLicense Mensaje: The user(Id = {0}, accessMode = {1}) has not been assigned any License. Please contact your system administrator to assign license to this user for the action to succeed. |
0x80042f09 -2147209463 |
Nombre: UserNotAssignedRoles Mensaje: The user (Id = {0}) has not been assigned any roles. |
0x80048d29 -2147185367 |
Nombre: UserNotAuthorized Mensaje: Not authorized to perform this operation. |
0x80041d07 -2147214073 |
Nombre: UserNotInParentHierarchy Mensaje: The user is not in parent user's business hierarchy. |
0x80072560 -2147015328 |
Nombre: UserNotMemberOfOrg Mensaje: The user is not a member of the organization. |
0x80048d38 -2147185352 |
Nombre: UserProfileAttributeValidationFailure Mensaje: {0} user with Id {1} does not have permissions to a {2} secured field on entity {3}. Associating/Disassociating a user to a Field Security Profile requires {0} user to have all the field permissions of the profile. |
0x80041d34 -2147214028 |
Nombre: UserSettingsInvalidAdvancedFindStartupMode Mensaje: Invalid advanced find startup mode. |
0x80041d53 -2147213997 |
Nombre: UserSettingsInvalidSearchExperienceValue Mensaje: Invalid search experience value. |
0x80044305 -2147204347 |
Nombre: UserSettingsOverMaxPagingLimit Mensaje: Paging limit over maximum configured value. |
0x80040241 -2147220927 |
Nombre: UserTimeConvertException Mensaje: Failed to convert user time zone information. |
0x80040240 -2147220928 |
Nombre: UserTimeZoneException Mensaje: Failed to retrieve user time zone information. |
0x8004E302 -2147163390 |
Nombre: UserViewsOrVisualizationsFound Mensaje: A system dashboard cannot contain user views and visualizations. |
0x8004E10A -2147163894 |
Nombre: ValidateNotSupported Mensaje: Validate method is not supported for recurring appointment master. |
0x80060442 -2147089342 |
Nombre: ValidationContextIsNull Mensaje: Error creating or updating Business Process: validation context cannot be null. |
0x80061021 -2147086303 |
Nombre: ValidationFailedForDynamicProperty Mensaje: An error occurred while saving the {0} property. |
0x800608A5 -2147088219 |
Nombre: ValidDateTimeBehaviorExportAsWarning Mensaje: The {0} field will be a User Local Date and Time since the Date Only and Time Zone Independent behaviors won't work in earlier versions of Dynamics 365. |
0x800608A4 -2147088220 |
Nombre: ValidDateTimeBehaviorWarning Mensaje: The behavior of this field was changed. You should review all the dependencies of this field, such as business rules, workflows, and calculated or rollup fields, to ensure that issues won't occur. Attribute: {0} |
0x80072302 -2147015934 |
Nombre: ValidOnlyForDynamicsOnline Mensaje: This API is only valid for Dynamics 365 online. |
0x80044325 -2147204315 |
Nombre: ValueMissingInOptionOrderArray Mensaje: The options array is missing a value. |
0x8004B037 -2147176393 |
Nombre: ValueParsingError Mensaje: Error parsing parameter {0} of type {1} with value {2} |
0x80048dab -2147185237 |
Nombre: VariableColumnSizeTooBig Mensaje: Cannot insert or update record/row because the operation would cause the total size for the record to exceed the maximum limit. |
0x80048542 -2147187390 |
Nombre: VersionedRowNotFoundInTempDB Mensaje: Required versioned row was not found in TempDB; the TempDB is likely out of space; try again at a later time. |
0x8004B020 -2147176416 |
Nombre: VersionMismatch Mensaje: Unsupported version - This is {0} version {1}, but version {2} was requested. |
0x80048491 -2147187567 |
Nombre: VeryLargeFileInZipImport Mensaje: One of the files in the compressed (.zip) or .cab file that you're trying to import exceeds the size limit. |
0x8009049B -2146892645 |
Nombre: ViewAttributeMissingOnDenormalizedField Mensaje: A denormalized field {0} on table {1} is missing required ViewAttributes. Please restore or create the missing ViewAttribute for the indicated field. |
0x80071130 -2147020496 |
Nombre: ViewConditionTypeNotSupportedOffline Mensaje: The condition {0} is not supported. |
0x80048838 -2147186632 |
Nombre: ViewForDuplicateDetectionNotDefined Mensaje: Required view for viewing duplicates of an entity not defined. |
0x80160047 -2146041785 |
Nombre: ViewIdEmptyOrNull Mensaje: View Id is null or empty. More Details:{0} |
0x8005F21b -2147093989 |
Nombre: ViewNotAvailableForMobileOffline Mensaje: Currently view is not available Offline. Please try switching view or contact administrator |
0x80071126 -2147020506 |
Nombre: ViewNotAvailableOnMobile Mensaje: This view is not available on mobile. |
0x80071128 -2147020504 |
Nombre: ViewNotSupportedInCalendarModeOffline Mensaje: This view is supported only in grid mode offline. It is not supported in calendar mode offline. |
0x80160017 -2146041833 |
Nombre: ViewReferencedInDatasetNotFound Mensaje: The view {0} specified in the dataset {1} is not found. More Details:{2} |
0x80041147 -2147217081 |
Nombre: VirtualColumn_NotSupportedInCondtion Mensaje: Filter or OrderBy on child attribute of virtual entity lookup is not allowed |
0x80073020 -2147012576 |
Nombre: VirtualEntitiesNotSupported Mensaje: Data events are not enabled for this virtual table. VirtualEntityMetadata configuration is missing. |
0x80073019 -2147012583 |
Nombre: VirtualEntityChangedFieldsNotEnabled Mensaje: Data events are not enabled for this virtual table. VirtualEntityMetadata configuration does not enable ischangedfieldsenabledforupdateevent. |
0x80050263 -2147155357 |
Nombre: VirtualEntityFailure Mensaje: Virtual Entity Operation Failed. |
0x80081113 -2146954989 |
Nombre: VirtualEntityFCBOFF Mensaje: Feature Bit for VirtualEntity not enabled. |
0x80044821 -2147203039 |
Nombre: VirtualEntityNotSupportedInMobileOffline Mensaje: The entity {0} is a virtual entity that’s not available in mobile offline. |
0x80160048 -2146041784 |
Nombre: VisualizationIdEmptyOrNull Mensaje: Visualization Id is null or empty. More Details:{0} |
0x8004E012 -2147164142 |
Nombre: VisualizationModuleNotFound Mensaje: No visualization module found with the given name. |
0x8004E015 -2147164139 |
Nombre: VisualizationOtcNotFoundError Mensaje: Object type code is not specified for the visualization. |
0x8004E00E -2147164146 |
Nombre: VisualizationRenderingError Mensaje: An error occurred while the chart was rendering |
0x80060487 -2147089273 |
Nombre: WebClientAPIFlowProcessesOnlyAvailableOnline Mensaje: Creation of Web Client API processes is only available online. |
0x80050202 -2147155454 |
Nombre: WebhooksHttpRequestTimedOut Mensaje: The webhook call failed because the Http request timed out at client side. Please check your webhook request handler. |
0x80050203 -2147155453 |
Nombre: WebhooksInvalidHttpHeaders Mensaje: The webhook call failed because of invalid http headers in authValue. Check if the authValue format, header names and values are valid for your Service Endpoint entity. |
0x80050204 -2147155452 |
Nombre: WebhooksInvalidHttpQueryParams Mensaje: The webhook call failed because of invalid http query params in authValue. Check if the authValue format, query parameter names and values are valid for your Service Endpoint entity. |
0x80050207 -2147155449 |
Nombre: WebhooksMaxSizeExceeded Mensaje: The webhook call failed because the http request payload has exceeded maximum allowed size. Please reduce your request size and retry. |
0x80050201 -2147155455 |
Nombre: WebhooksNonSuccessHttpResponse Mensaje: The webhook call failed because the http request received non-success httpStatus code. Please check your webhook request handler. |
0x80050206 -2147155450 |
Nombre: WebhooksPostDisabled Mensaje: The Webhook post is disabled for the organization. |
0x80050205 -2147155451 |
Nombre: WebhooksPostRequestFailed Mensaje: The webhook call failed during http post. Please check the exception for more details. |
0x8004F114 -2147159788 |
Nombre: WebResourceContentSizeExceeded Mensaje: Webresource content size is too big. |
0x8004F115 -2147159787 |
Nombre: WebResourceDuplicateName Mensaje: A webresource with the same name already exists. Use a different name. |
0x8004F116 -2147159786 |
Nombre: WebResourceEmptyName Mensaje: Webresource name cannot be null or empty. |
0x8004F112 -2147159790 |
Nombre: WebResourceEmptySilverlightVersion Mensaje: Silverlight version cannot be empty for silverlight web resources. |
0x8004F11B -2147159781 |
Nombre: WebResourceImportError Mensaje: An error occurred while importing a Web resource. Try importing this solution again. For further assistance, contact Microsoft Dynamics 365 technical support. |
0x8004F11A -2147159782 |
Nombre: WebResourceImportMissingFile Mensaje: The file for this Web resource does not exist in the solution file. |
0x8004F113 -2147159789 |
Nombre: WebResourceInvalidSilverlightVersion Mensaje: Silverlight version can only be of the format xx.xx[.xx.xx]. |
0x8004F111 -2147159791 |
Nombre: WebResourceInvalidType Mensaje: Invalid web resource type specified. |
0x8004F117 -2147159785 |
Nombre: WebResourceNameInvalidCharacters Mensaje: Web resource names may only include letters, numbers, periods, and nonconsecutive forward slash characters. |
0x8004F119 -2147159783 |
Nombre: WebResourceNameInvalidFileExtension Mensaje: A Web resource cannot have the following file extensions: .aspx, .ascx, .asmx or .ashx. |
0x8004F118 -2147159784 |
Nombre: WebResourceNameInvalidPrefix Mensaje: Webresource name does not contain a valid prefix. |
0x80060369 -2147089559 |
Nombre: WebResourcePreventingFormSave Mensaje: Unable to save form data due to web resource registered onSave invoking preventDefault. |
0x80060802 -2147088382 |
Nombre: WopiApplicationUrl Mensaje: Error in retrieving information from WOPI application url. |
0x80060800 -2147088384 |
Nombre: WopiDiscoveryFailed Mensaje: Request for retrieving the WOPI discovery XML failed. |
0x80060803 -2147088381 |
Nombre: WopiMaxFileSizeExceeded Mensaje: {0} file exceeded size limit of {1}. |
0x800608DB -2147088165 |
Nombre: WordTemplateFeatureNotEnabled Mensaje: Word document template feature is not enabled. |
0x80072031 -2147016655 |
Nombre: WorkerProcessCrashFailure Mensaje: This operation completed without reporting its status. The end time is unknown and has been set to the start time. You can safely retry the operation. |
0x80045045 -2147200955 |
Nombre: WorkflowActivityNotSupported Mensaje: This workflow cannot be created, updated or published because it's referring unsupported workflow step. |
0x80045042 -2147200958 |
Nombre: WorkflowAutomaticallyDeactivated Mensaje: The original workflow definition has been deactivated and replaced. |
0x80045001 -2147201023 |
Nombre: WorkflowCompileFailure Mensaje: An error has occurred during compilation of the workflow. |
0x80045011 -2147201007 |
Nombre: WorkflowConditionIncorrectBinaryOperatorFormation Mensaje: Incorrect formation of binary operator. |
0x80045010 -2147201008 |
Nombre: WorkflowConditionIncorrectUnaryOperatorFormation Mensaje: Incorrect formation of unary operator. |
0x80045012 -2147201006 |
Nombre: WorkflowConditionOperatorNotSupported Mensaje: Condition operator not supported for specified type. |
0x80045013 -2147201005 |
Nombre: WorkflowConditionTypeNotSupport Mensaje: Invalid type specified on condition. |
0x8006040b -2147089397 |
Nombre: WorkflowDoesNotExist Mensaje: Workflow does not exist. |
0x8004502E -2147200978 |
Nombre: WorkflowExpressionOperatorNotSupported Mensaje: Expression operator not supported for specified type. |
0x80060400 -2147089408 |
Nombre: WorkflowIdIsNull Mensaje: Workflow Id cannot be NULL while creating business process flow category |
0x80045055 -2147200939 |
Nombre: WorkflowIsNotActive Mensaje: Workflow must be active to be used on Action Step. |
0x80045059 -2147200935 |
Nombre: WorkflowIsNotOnDemand Mensaje: Workflow must be marked as On Demand. |
0x8004500B -2147201013 |
Nombre: WorkflowPublishedByNonOwner Mensaje: The workflow cannot be published or unpublished by someone who is not its owner. |
0x80045018 -2147201000 |
Nombre: WorkflowPublishNoActivationParameters Mensaje: Automatic workflow cannot be published if no activation parameters have been specified. |
0x80045038 -2147200968 |
Nombre: WorkflowReferencesInvalidActivity Mensaje: The workflow definition contains a step that references and invalid custom activity. Remove the invalid references and try again. |
0x80045017 -2147201001 |
Nombre: WorkflowSystemPaused Mensaje: Workflow should be paused by system. |
0x80045014 -2147201004 |
Nombre: WorkflowValidationFailure Mensaje: Validation failed on the specified workflow. |
0x8004431B -2147204325 |
Nombre: WrongNumberOfBooleanOptions Mensaje: Boolean attributes must have exactly two option values. |
0x8004A122 -2147180254 |
Nombre: WsTrustUsageError Mensaje: You are using Ws-Trust authentication which has been deprecated and no longer supported in your environment. Please use OAuth2.0 authentication and refer https://aka.ms/dvwsdep. |
0x80154B4F -2146088113 |
Nombre: XamlNotFound Mensaje: This feature is not available in offline mode. |
0x800608C7 -2147088185 |
Nombre: XlsxExportGeneratingExcelFailed Mensaje: Failed to generate excel. |
0x800608C6 -2147088186 |
Nombre: XlsxImportColumnHeadersInvalid Mensaje: Invalid columns. |
0x800608C8 -2147088184 |
Nombre: XlsxImportExcelFailed Mensaje: Failed to import data. |
0x800608C4 -2147088188 |
Nombre: XlsxImportHiddenColumnAbsent Mensaje: Required columns missing. |
0x800608C5 -2147088187 |
Nombre: XlsxImportInvalidColumnCount Mensaje: Column mismatch. |
0x800608C2 -2147088190 |
Nombre: XlsxImportInvalidExcelDocument Mensaje: Invalid file to import. |
0x800608C3 -2147088189 |
Nombre: XlsxImportInvalidFileData Mensaje: Invalid format in import file. |
0x80094001 -2146877439 |
Nombre: XrmActionNameNotFound Mensaje: Action '{0}' is not found in the Organization or is not included in the Solution being imported. |
0x8005F107 -2147094265 |
Nombre: YammerAuthTimedOut Mensaje: You have waited too long to complete the Yammer authorization. Please try again. |
0x8004E004 -2147164156 |
Nombre: YValuesPerPointMeasureMismatch Mensaje: Number of YValuesPerPoint for series and number of measures for measure collection for category should be same. |
0x8005E231 -2147098063 |
Nombre: ZeroEmailReceived Mensaje: There were no email available in the mailbox or could not be retrieved. |
0x80048485 -2147187579 |
Nombre: ZipFileHasMixOfCsvAndXmlFiles Mensaje: The compressed (.zip) file that you're trying to upload contains more than one type of file. The file can contain either Excel (.xlsx) files, comma-delimited (.csv) files or XML Spreadsheet 2003 (.xml) files, but not a combination of file types. |
0x80048489 -2147187575 |
Nombre: ZipInsideZip Mensaje: The compressed (.zip) file that you are trying to upload contains another .zip file within it. |