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Referencia de tabla o entidad Entity


¿No está seguro de tabla frente a entidad? Vea Desarrolladores: comprender la terminología en Microsoft Dataverse.


Mensaje Operación de API web Método o clase de SDK
RetrieveMultiple GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/entities
Vea Consultar datos
RetrieveMultipleRequest o


Propiedad Valor
CollectionSchemaName Entities
DisplayCollectionName Entities
DisplayName Entity
EntitySetName entities
IsBPFEntity False
LogicalCollectionName entities
LogicalName entity
OwnershipType None
PrimaryIdAttribute entityid
PrimaryNameAttribute name
SchemaName Entity

Columnas/atributos que se pueden escribir

Estas columnas o atributos devuelven true para IsValidForCreate o IsValidForUpdate (generalmente ambos). Listado por SchemaName.


Propiedad Valor
Description The address table name of this entity.
DisplayName Address Table Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName addresstablename
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The base table name of this entity.
DisplayName Base Table Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName basetablename
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The collection name of this entity.
DisplayName Collection Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName collectionname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Unique identifier of the entity.
DisplayName Entity
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName entityid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Uniqueidentifier


Propiedad Valor
Description The entity set name of this entity.
DisplayName Entity Set Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName entitysetname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The extension table name of this entity.
DisplayName Extension Table Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName extensiontablename
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The external collection name of this entity.
DisplayName External Collection Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName externalcollectionname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The external name of this entity.
DisplayName External Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName externalname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The logical collection name of this entity.
DisplayName Logical Collection Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName logicalcollectionname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The logical name of this entity.
DisplayName Logical Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName logicalname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The name of this Entity.
DisplayName Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName name
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The original localized collection name of this entity.
DisplayName Original Localized Collection Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName originallocalizedcollectionname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The original localized name of this entity.
DisplayName Original Localized Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName originallocalizedname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The parent controlling attribute name of this entity.
DisplayName Parent Controlling Attribute Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parentcontrollingattributename
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The physical name of this entity.
DisplayName Physical Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName physicalname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description The Report view name of this entity.
DisplayName Report View Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName reportviewname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String

Columnas/atributos de sólo lectura

Estas columnas o atributos devuelven false tanto para IsValidForCreate como para IsValidForUpdate. Listado por SchemaName.


Propiedad Valor
Description For internal use only.
DisplayName Component State
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName componentstate
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Picklist

Elecciones/opciones de ComponentState

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
0 Published
1 Unpublished
2 Deleted
3 Deleted Unpublished


Añadido por: solución Metadata Extension

Propiedad Valor
Description Whether this entity is of type activity.
DisplayName Is Activity
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName isactivity
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

Elecciones/opciones de IsActivity

Valor Etiqueta Descripción


Añadido por: solución Metadata Extension

Propiedad Valor
Description The object type code of this entity.
DisplayName Object Type Code
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName objecttypecode
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -2147483648
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Propiedad Valor
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description For internal use only.
DisplayName Record Overwrite Time
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName overwritetime
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type DateTime


Propiedad Valor
Description Unique identifier of the associated solution.
DisplayName Solution
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName solutionid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Uniqueidentifier


Añadido por: solución Metadata Extension

Propiedad Valor
Description The version number of this entity.
DisplayName Version Number
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName versionnumber
MaxValue 9223372036854775807
MinValue -9223372036854775808
RequiredLevel None
Type BigInt

Relaciones de uno a varios

Listado por SchemaName.


Añadido por: solución Solution Component Configuration

Igual que la relación de varios a uno entity_solutioncomponentconfiguration de la tabla solutioncomponentconfiguration.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity solutioncomponentconfiguration
ReferencingAttribute entityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName entity_solutioncomponentconfiguration
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución Solution Component Configuration

Igual que la relación de varios a uno entity_solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration_PrimaryEntity de la tabla solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration
ReferencingAttribute primaryentity
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName entity_solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration_PrimaryEntity
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución Solution Component Configuration

Igual que la relación de varios a uno entity_solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration_RelatedEntity de la tabla solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration
ReferencingAttribute relatedentity
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName entity_solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration_RelatedEntity
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución CatalogFramework

Igual que la relación de varios a uno catalogassignment_entity de la tabla catalogassignment.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity catalogassignment
ReferencingAttribute object
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName CatalogAssignments
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: RemoveLink
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Añadido por: solución Advanced Analytics Infrastructure

Igual que la relación de varios a uno entity_entityanalyticsconfig de la tabla entityanalyticsconfig.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity entityanalyticsconfig
ReferencingAttribute parententityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName entity_entityanalyticsconfig
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución Active Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno sharedlinksetting_extensionofrecordid de la tabla sharedlinksetting.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity sharedlinksetting
ReferencingAttribute extensionofrecordid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName sharedlinksetting_extensionofrecordid
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución License Enforcement

Igual que la relación de varios a uno entity_serviceplanmapping de la tabla serviceplanmapping.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity serviceplanmapping
ReferencingAttribute entity
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName entity_serviceplanmapping
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Añadido por: solución AIPlatformExtensionsComponents Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno DVFileSearchEntity_Entity_Entity de la tabla dvfilesearchentity.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity dvfilesearchentity
ReferencingAttribute entity
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName DVFileSearchEntity_Entity_Entity
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: RemoveLink
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Añadido por: solución AIPlatformExtensionsComponents Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno DVTableSearchEntity_Entity_Entity de la tabla dvtablesearchentity.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity dvtablesearchentity
ReferencingAttribute entity
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName DVTableSearchEntity_Entity_Entity
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: RemoveLink
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Añadido por: solución AIPlatformExtensionsCore Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno AIPluginOperation_Entity_Entity de la tabla aipluginoperation.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity aipluginoperation
ReferencingAttribute entity
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName AIPluginOperation_Entity_Entity
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: RemoveLink
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Añadido por: solución Active Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno virtualentitymetadata_extensionofrecordid de la tabla virtualentitymetadata.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity virtualentitymetadata
ReferencingAttribute extensionofrecordid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName virtualentitymetadata_extensionofrecordid
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución Active Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno metadataforarchival_extensionofrecordid de la tabla metadataforarchival.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity metadataforarchival
ReferencingAttribute extensionofrecordid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName metadataforarchival_extensionofrecordid
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución Active Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno msdyn_insightsstorevirtualentity_extensionofrecordid de la tabla msdyn_insightsstorevirtualentity.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity msdyn_insightsstorevirtualentity
ReferencingAttribute extensionofrecordid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName msdyn_insightsstorevirtualentity_extensionofrecordid
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución Active Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno recyclebinconfig_extensionofrecordid de la tabla recyclebinconfig.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity recyclebinconfig
ReferencingAttribute extensionofrecordid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName recyclebinconfig_extensionofrecordid
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Añadido por: solución Power Apps Actions

Igual que la relación de varios a uno entity_appaction_ContextEntity de la tabla appaction.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity appaction
ReferencingAttribute contextentity
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName entity_appaction_ContextEntity
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: RemoveLink
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Añadido por: solución Power Apps Actions

Igual que la relación de varios a uno entity_appactionrule_ContextEntity de la tabla appactionrule.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity appactionrule
ReferencingAttribute contextentity
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName entity_appactionrule_ContextEntity
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: RemoveLink
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Añadido por: solución Teams Chat Settings Solution

Igual que la relación de varios a uno msdyn_entity_msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration de la tabla msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration
ReferencingAttribute msdyn_entitytype
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName msdyn_entity_msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration_entitytype
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade

Relaciones de varios a varios

Los detalles de la relación proporcionados cuando la tabla Entity es la primera tabla de la relación. Listado por SchemaName.


Consulte la relación de varios a varios card_entity_connections de la tabla card.

Consultar también

Referencia de tabla o entidad de Dataverse Referencia de la API web entity EntityType