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Administrar el filtrado de datos adjuntos en servidores de transporte perimetral

Se aplica a: Exchange Server 2013

Attachment filtering is provided by the Attachment Filter agent that's available only on Edge Transport servers. Attachment filtering can help prevent files that are attached in email messages from entering your organization. You can configure one or more attachment filter entries to filter attachments either by content type or by file name.

¿Qué necesita saber antes de comenzar?

  • Estimated time to complete each procedure: 10 minutes.

  • Deberá tener asignados permisos antes de poder llevar a cabo este procedimiento o procedimientos. Para ver qué permisos necesita, consulte el "Anti-spam features" entry in the Permisos de protección contra correo electrónico no deseado y antimalware and the "Transport agents" entry in the Permisos de flujo del correo topic.

  • Configuration changes that you make to attachment filtering on an Edge Transport server are made only to the local computer. If you have multiple Edge Transport servers in your perimeter network, you need to configure attachment filtering on each Edge Transport server separately.

  • Solo puede usar el Shell para realizar este procedimiento.

  • When you disable attachment filtering and restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service, all attachment filtering features stop working.

  • Para obtener información acerca de los métodos abreviados de teclado aplicables a los procedimientos de este tema, consulte Métodos abreviados de teclado en el Centro de administración de Exchange.


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Use the Shell to enable or disable attachment filtering

When you enable or disable the Attachment Filtering agent, the change takes effect after you restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service. When you restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service on an Edge Transport server, mail flow on the server is temporarily interrupted.

To disable attachment filtering, run the following command:

Disable-TransportAgent "Attachment Filtering Agent"

To enable attachment filtering, run the following command:

Enable-TransportAgent "Attachment Filtering Agent"

After you enable or disable attachment filtering, restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service by running the following command:

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

¿Cómo saber si el proceso se ha completado correctamente?

To verify that you successfully enabled or disabled attachment filtering, do the following:

  1. Ejecute el comando siguiente:

    Get-TransportAgent "Attachment Filtering Agent"
  2. Si el valor de Enabled es True, el filtrado de datos adjuntos está habilitado. Si el valor es False, el filtrado de datos adjuntos está deshabilitado.

Use the Shell to view attachment filtering entries

Attachment filtering entries define the message attachments that you want to keep out of your organization. To view the attachment filtering entries that are used by the Attachment Filtering agent, run the following command:

Get-AttachmentFilterEntry | Format-Table

To view a specific MIME content type entry, use the following syntax:

Get-AttachmentFilteringEntry ContentType:<MIMEContentType>

For example, to view the content type entry for JPEG images, run the following command:

Get-AttachmentFilteringEntry ContentType:image/jpeg

To view a specific file name or file name extension entry, use the following syntax:

Get-AttachmentFilteringEntry FileName:<FileName or FileNameExtension>

For example, to view the file name extension entry for JPEG attachments, run the following command:

Get-AttachmentFilteringEntry FileName:*.jpg

Use the Shell to add attachment filtering entries

To add an attachment filtering entry that filters attachments by MIME content type, use the following syntax:

Add-AttachmentFilterEntry -Name <MIMEContentType> -Type ContentType

En el siguiente ejemplo se agrega una entrada de tipo de contenido MIME que filtra imágenes JPEG.

Add-AttachmentFilterEntry -Name image/jpeg -Type ContentType

Para agregar una entrada del filtrado de datos adjuntos que filtre datos adjuntos por nombre de archivo o extensión de nombre de archivo, use la siguiente sintaxis:

Add-AttachmentFilterEntry -Name <FileName or FileNameExtension> -Type FileName

The following example filters attachments that have the .jpg file name extension.

Add-AttachmentFilterEntry -Name *.jpg -Type FileName

¿Cómo saber si el proceso se ha completado correctamente?

To verify that you successfully added an attachment filtering entry, do the following:

  1. Run the following command to verify that the filtering entry exists.

    Get-AttachmentFilterEntry | Format-Table
  2. Send a test message that contains a prohibited attachment from an external mailbox to an internal recipient and verify that the message is rejected, stripped, or deleted.

Use the Shell to remove attachment filtering entries

To remove an attachment filtering entry that filters attachments by MIME content type, use the following syntax:

Remove-AttachmentFilterEntry ContentType:<ContentType>

En el siguiente ejemplo se quita la entrada de tipo de contenido MIME para las imágenes JPEG.

Remove-AttachmentFilterEntry ContentType:image/jpeg

Para quitar una entrada del filtrado de datos adjuntos que filtre datos adjuntos por nombre de archivo o extensión de nombre de archivo, use la siguiente sintaxis:

Remove-AttachmentFilterEntry FileName:<FileName or FileNameExtension>

The following example removes the file name entry for the .jpg file name extension.

Remove-AttachmentFilterEntry FileName:*.jpg

¿Cómo saber si el proceso se ha completado correctamente?

To verify that you successfully removed an attachment filtering entry, do the following:

  1. Run the following command to verify that the filtering entry was removed.

    Get-AttachmentFilterEntry | Format-Table
  2. Send a test message that contains an allowed attachment from an external mailbox to an internal recipient and verify that the message was successfully delivered with the attachment.

Use the Shell to view the attachment filtering action

To view the attachment filtering action that's used when a prohibited attachment is detected in a message, run the following command:


Use the Shell to configure the attachment filtering action

To configure the attachment filtering action that will be used when a prohibited attachment is detected in a message, use the following syntax:

Set-AttachmentFilterListConfig [-Action <Reject | Strip | SilentDelete>] [-RejectResponse "<Message text>"] [-AdminMessage "<Replacement file text>"] [-ExceptionConnectors <ConnectorGUID>]

This example makes the following changes to the attachment filtering configuration:

  • Reject (block) messages that have prohibited attachments.

  • Use a custom response for rejected messages.

Set-AttachmentFilterListConfig -Action Reject -RejectResponse "This message contains a prohibited attachment. Your message can't be delivered. Please resend the message without the attachment."

Para obtener más información, consulte Set-AttachmentFilterListConfig.

¿Cómo saber si el proceso se ha completado correctamente?

Para comprobar que se haya configurado correctamente la acción de filtrado de datos adjuntos, envíe un mensaje de prueba que contenga datos adjuntos prohibidos desde un buzón externo a un destinatario interno y compruebe que el mensaje y los datos adjuntos se procesen de la forma esperada.