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Configurar un dominio aceptado en su organización de Exchange como autoritativo

Se aplica a: Exchange Server 2013

If a domain belonging to your organization hosts mailboxes for all the recipients within an SMTP namespace, that domain is considered to be authoritative. By default, one accepted domain is configured as authoritative for the Exchange organization. If your organization has more than one SMTP namespace, you can configure more than one accepted domain as authoritative.

¿Qué necesita saber antes de empezar?

  • Tiempo estimado para finalizar: 5 minutos

  • Deberá tener asignados permisos antes de poder llevar a cabo este procedimiento o procedimientos. Para ver qué permisos necesita, consulte el "Accepted domains" entry in the Permisos de flujo del correo topic.

  • Si tiene un servidor Transporte perimetral con suscripción en la red perimetral, puede configurar dominios aceptados en un servidor de buzones de la organización de Exchange. La configuración de los dominios aceptados se replica al servidor Transporte perimetral durante la sincronización de EdgeSync. Para obtener más información, consulte Suscripciones perimetrales.

  • You can't create an accepted domain that has the same name as an already configured remote domain. For example, if you have configured as a remote domain, you can't create an accepted domain for

  • Before you configure an accepted domain, you must verify that a public Domain Name System (DNS) MX resource record for that SMTP namespace exists and that the MX resource record references a server name and an IP address associated with your Exchange organization.

  • Para obtener información acerca de los métodos abreviados de teclado aplicables a los procedimientos de este tema, consulte Métodos abreviados de teclado en el Centro de administración de Exchange.


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Use the EAC to configure an accepted domain as authoritative

If an accepted domain for your Exchange organization hosts all the mailboxes for recipients within that domain's SMTP namespace, you may want to configure it as an authoritative domain.

  1. En el EAC, vaya aDominios aceptados de flujo> de correo y haga clic en Agregar icono agregar..

  2. In the Name field, enter the display name for the accepted domain. Each accepted domain for your organization must have a unique display name This may be different than the accepted domain. For example, the domain could have a display name of Contoso Local Accepted Domain.

  3. In the Accepted domain field, enter the accepted domain. Specify an SMTP namespace for which your organization accepts email messages. (for example,

  4. Select Authoritative domain. This option is for email relayed to servers within your Exchange organization for an accepted domain that hosts mailboxes for all the recipients within an SMTP namespace.

  5. Haga clic en Guardar.


Para configurar un dominio aceptado que ya se ha creado, seleccione el dominio en la lista de dominios aceptados y haga clic en elicono Editar edición. You can configure more than one domain as authoritative.

¿Cómo saber si el proceso se ha completado correctamente?

Your new accepted domain will appear in the accepted domains list in the EAC. To verify that you have successfully configured the accepted domain as authoritative, send mail to the domain and verify that it is received.