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Ejemplos de sintaxis de expresiones de consulta: operadores de agregado (LINQ to DataSet)

Los ejemplos de este tema muestran cómo utilizar los métodos Average, Count, Max, Min y Sum para consultar un DataSet y agregar datos utilizando sintaxis de expresiones de consulta.

El método FillDataSet usado en estos ejemplos se especifica en Cargar datos en un conjunto de datos.

Los ejemplos de este tema utilizan las tablas Contact, Address, Product, SalesOrderHeader y SalesOrderDetail en la base de datos de ejemplo de AdventureWorks.

Los ejemplos de este tema utilizan las siguientes instrucciones using/Imports:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
Option Explicit On

Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Linq.Expressions
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Globalization

Para obtener más información, consulta Cómo: Crear un proyecto de LINQ to DataSet en Visual Studio.



En este ejemplo se utiliza el método Average para encontrar el precio de venta promedio de cada estilo de productos.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

var products = ds.Tables["Product"].AsEnumerable();

var query = from product in products
            group product by product.Field<string>("Style") into g
            select new
                Style = g.Key,
                AverageListPrice =
                    g.Average(product => product.Field<Decimal>("ListPrice"))

foreach (var product in query)
    Console.WriteLine("Product style: {0} Average list price: {1}",
        product.Style, product.AverageListPrice);
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim products As IEnumerable(Of DataRow) = _

Dim query = _
    From product In products _
    Group product By style = product.Field(Of String)("Style") Into g = Group _
    Select New With _
        { _
            .Style = style, _
            .AverageListPrice = g.Average(Function(product) _
                    product.Field(Of Decimal)("ListPrice")) _

For Each product In query
    Console.WriteLine("Product style: {0} Average list price: {1}", _
        product.Style, product.AverageListPrice)


En este ejemplo se utiliza Average para obtener el importe total a pagar promedio para cada id. de contacto.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
    group order by order.Field<Int32>("ContactID") into g
    select new
        Category = g.Key,
        averageTotalDue =
            g.Average(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue"))

foreach (var order in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} \t Average TotalDue = {1}",
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")

Dim query = _
    From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
    Group order By contactID = order.Field(Of Int32)("ContactID") Into g = Group _
    Select New With _
    { _
        .Category = contactID, _
        .averageTotalDue = g.Average(Function(order) order. _
                Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue")) _

For Each order In query
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} " & vbTab & _
        " Average TotalDue = {1}", order.Category, _


En este ejemplo se utiliza Average para obtener los pedidos con el TotalDue promedio para cada de contacto.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
    group order by order.Field<Int32>("ContactID") into g
    let averageTotalDue = g.Average(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue"))
    select new
        Category = g.Key,
        CheapestProducts =
            g.Where(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue") ==

foreach (var orderGroup in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category);
    foreach (var order in orderGroup.CheapestProducts)
        Console.WriteLine("Average total due for SalesOrderID {1} is: {0}",
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")

Dim query = _
    From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
    Group order By contactID = order.Field(Of Int32)("ContactID") Into g = Group _
    Let averageTotalDue = g.Average(Function(order) order.Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue")) _
    Select New With _
    { _
        .Category = contactID, _
        .CheapestProducts = g.Where(Function(order) order. _
                Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue") = averageTotalDue) _

For Each orderGroup In query
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID: " & orderGroup.Category)
    For Each order In orderGroup.CheapestProducts
        Console.WriteLine("Average total due for SalesOrderID {1} is: {0}", _
            order.Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue"), _
            order.Field(Of Int32)("SalesOrderID"))



En este ejemplo se utiliza Count para devolver una lista de id. de contactos y el número de pedidos que tiene cada uno de ellos.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable contacts = ds.Tables["Contact"];

var query = from contact in contacts.AsEnumerable()
            select new
                CustomerID = contact.Field<int>("ContactID"),
                OrderCount =

foreach (var contact in query)
    Console.WriteLine("CustomerID = {0} \t OrderCount = {1}",
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim contacts As DataTable = ds.Tables("Contact")

Dim query = _
    From contact In contacts.AsEnumerable() _
    Select New With _
    { _
        .ContactID = contact.Field(Of Integer)("ContactID"), _
        .OrderCount = contact.GetChildRows("SalesOrderContact").Count() _

For Each contact In query
    Console.Write("CustomerID = " & contact.ContactID)
    Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "OrderCount = " & contact.OrderCount)


En este ejemplo se agrupan los productos por colores y se utiliza Count para devolver el número de productos de cada grupo de color.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable products = ds.Tables["Product"];

var query =
    from product in products.AsEnumerable()
    group product by product.Field<string>("Color") into g
    select new { Color = g.Key, ProductCount = g.Count() };

foreach (var product in query)
    Console.WriteLine("Color = {0} \t ProductCount = {1}",
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim products As DataTable = ds.Tables("Product")

Dim query = _
    From product In products.AsEnumerable() _
    Group product By color = product.Field(Of String)("Color") Into g = Group _
    Select New With {.Color = color, .ProductCount = g.Count()}

For Each product In query
    Console.WriteLine("Color = {0} " & vbTab & "ProductCount = {1}", _
        product.Color, _



En este ejemplo se utiliza el método Max para obtener el mayor importe total a pagar de cada id. de contacto.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
    group order by order.Field<Int32>("ContactID") into g
    select new
        Category = g.Key,
        maxTotalDue =
            g.Max(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue"))

foreach (var order in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} \t Maximum TotalDue = {1}",
        order.Category, order.maxTotalDue);
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")

Dim query = _
   From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
   Group order By contactID = order.Field(Of Int32)("ContactID") Into g = Group _
   Select New With _
   { _
       .Category = contactID, _
       .maxTotalDue = _
           g.Max(Function(order) order.Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue")) _
For Each order In query
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} " & vbTab & _
        " Maximum TotalDue = {1}", _
        order.Category, order.maxTotalDue)


En este ejemplo se utiliza el método Max para obtener los pedidos con el TotalDue mayor de cada id. contacto.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
    group order by order.Field<Int32>("ContactID") into g
    let maxTotalDue = g.Max(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue"))
    select new
        Category = g.Key,
        CheapestProducts =
            g.Where(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue") ==

foreach (var orderGroup in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category);
    foreach (var order in orderGroup.CheapestProducts)
        Console.WriteLine("MaxTotalDue {0} for SalesOrderID {1}: ",
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")

Dim query = _
    From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
    Group order By contactID = order.Field(Of Int32)("ContactID") Into g = Group _
    Let maxTotalDue = g.Max(Function(order) order.Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue")) _
    Select New With _
    { _
        .Category = contactID, _
        .CheapestProducts = _
            g.Where(Function(order) order. _
                    Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue") = maxTotalDue) _

For Each orderGroup In query
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID: " & orderGroup.Category)
    For Each order In orderGroup.CheapestProducts
        Console.WriteLine("MaxTotalDue {0} for SalesOrderID {1} ", _
            order.Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue"), _
            order.Field(Of Int32)("SalesOrderID"))



En este ejemplo se utiliza el método Min para obtener el menor importe total a pagar de cada id. de contacto.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
    group order by order.Field<Int32>("ContactID") into g
    select new
        Category = g.Key,
        smallestTotalDue =
            g.Min(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue"))

foreach (var order in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} \t Minimum TotalDue = {1}",
        order.Category, order.smallestTotalDue);
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")

Dim query = _
    From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
    Group order By contactID = order.Field(Of Int32)("ContactID") Into g = Group _
    Select New With _
    { _
       .Category = contactID, _
       .smallestTotalDue = g.Min(Function(order) _
                order.Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue")) _

For Each order In query
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} " & vbTab & _
        "Minimum TotalDue = {1}", order.Category, order.smallestTotalDue)


En este ejemplo se utiliza el método Min para obtener el pedido con el menor importe total a pagar de cada contacto.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
    group order by order.Field<Int32>("ContactID") into g
    let minTotalDue = g.Min(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue"))
    select new
        Category = g.Key,
        smallestTotalDue =
            g.Where(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue") ==

foreach (var orderGroup in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category);
    foreach (var order in orderGroup.smallestTotalDue)
        Console.WriteLine("Minimum TotalDue {0} for SalesOrderID {1}: ",
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")

Dim query = _
    From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
    Group order By contactID = order.Field(Of Int32)("ContactID") Into g = Group _
    Let minTotalDue = g.Min(Function(order) order.Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue")) _
    Select New With _
    { _
       .Category = contactID, _
       .smallestTotalDue = g.Where(Function(order) order. _
            Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue") = minTotalDue) _

For Each orderGroup In query
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID: " & orderGroup.Category)
    For Each order In orderGroup.smallestTotalDue
        Console.WriteLine("Minimum TotalDue {0} for SalesOrderID {1} ", _
            order.Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue"), _
            order.Field(Of Int32)("SalesOrderID"))



En este ejemplo se utiliza el método Sum para obtener el importe total a pagar de cada id. de contacto.

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
    group order by order.Field<Int32>("ContactID") into g
    select new
        Category = g.Key,
        TotalDue = g.Sum(order => order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue")),
foreach (var order in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} \t TotalDue sum = {1}",
        order.Category, order.TotalDue);
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.

Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")

Dim query = _
    From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
    Group order By contactID = order.Field(Of Int32)("ContactID") Into g = Group _
    Select New With _
       { _
           .Category = contactID, _
           .TotalDue = g.Sum(Function(order) order. _
                Field(Of Decimal)("TotalDue")) _

For Each order In query
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} " & vbTab & "TotalDue sum = {1}", _
        order.Category, order.TotalDue)

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