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Policy extensions

This article list and explains all Microsoft Testing Platform extensions related to the policy capability.


A .NET test resilience and transient-fault-handling extension.

This extension is intended for integration tests where the test depends heavily on the state of the environment and could experience transient faults.

This extension is shipped as part of Microsoft.Testing.Extensions.Retry package.


The package is shipped with the restrictive Microsoft Testing Platform Tools license. The full license is available at https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Testing.Extensions.Retry/1.0.0/License.

The available options are as follows:

Option Description
retry-failed-tests Reruns any failed tests until they pass or until the maximum number of attempts is reached.
retry-failed-tests-max-percentage Avoids rerunning tests when the percentage of failed test cases crosses the specified threshold.
retry-failed-tests-max-tests Avoids rerunning tests when the number of failed test cases crosses the specified limit.