6 preguntas con etiquetas Microsoft Sentinel
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assign Graph API and Defender XDR permissions to specific system-assigned managed identities
Hello, Teams I have 2 applications that are in Enterprise applications but the same are stored within a Logics Apps and I am requesting that I have to assign certain permissions for modules such as Windows Defender ATP, Microsoft Threat Protection,…
Crear una regla analitica en Sentinel para alertar cuando la suscripción de azure se suspenda o se deshabilite
Necesito crear una regla analítica en Sentinel que me alerte cuando la suscripción de Azure se suspenda o se deshabilite o tenga problemas, he probado con varias consultas pero no me trae ninguna información, por ejemplo: AzureActivity | where…
Sentinel incident view in XDR using MTO
Dear Team. I´m using MTO (multitenat organization) for incidents management from Customer "A", Sentinel and XDR are already unified on Customer "A", and when i traying to review incidents/alerts comming from sentinel on MTO portal, i…
Alert Policies list - Defender 365
Dear Team. I tried to list the Alert Policies / Directives from Defender products in order to create a dashboard with Policies, Tactics and techiniques, is there a way to get this types of rules (E.g. "Email messages removed after delivery",…
¿ como saber si el SQL 2019 llena la capacidad del disco duro ≈ Windows Server 2016?
Buenas tardes Me podrian apoyar, tenemos una aplicacion externa de un proveedor requiere de SQL, ya que nos percatamos que esta consumiendo almacenamiento de mi disco duro de manera excesiva, analizando las carpetas y la carpeta esta consumiendo todo el…
Close cases based on User account and country - Automation Sentinel
Dear team. I´m trying to close some incidents on Sentinel related to sign-in risk based on location and User Account, using automation, but i could´t found the property related to the location (Country) Example: Title: Atypical travel and Account Name:…