Ejemplo de ICE en VBScript
Este código de ejemplo procede de una acción personalizada ICE (ICE08). El ICE valida que todos los componentes de la tabla Component tengan un GUID único. No se realiza ninguna validación si la tabla Component no existe.
Function ICE08()
'Give creation data
Set recInfo=Installer.CreateRecord(1)
recInfo.StringData(0)="ICE08" & Chr(9) & "3"
& Chr(9) & "Created 05/21/98 by <insert
author's name here>"
Message &h03000000, recInfo
'Give last modification date
recInfo.StringData(0)="ICE08" & Chr(9) & "3"
& Chr(9) & "Modified 05/21/98 by <insert
author's name here>"
Message &h03000000, recInfo
'Give description of test
recInfo.StringData(0)="ICE08" & Chr(9) & "3"
& Chr(9) & "Checks for duplicate GUIDs
in Component table"
Message &h03000000, recInfo
'Is there a Component table in the database?
iStat = Database.TablePersistent("Component")
If 1 <> iStat Then
recInfo.StringData(0)="ICE08" & Chr(9) & "2"
& Chr(9) & "Table: 'Component' missing.
ICE08 cannot continue its validation."
& Chr(9) & "https://mypage2"
Message &h03000000, recInfo
ICE08 = 1
Exit Function
End If
'process component table
Set view=Database.OpenView("SELECT
`Component`,`ComponentId` FROM
`Component` ORDER BY `ComponentId`")
Set rec=view.Fetch
If rec Is Nothing Then Exit Do
'compare for duplicate
If lastGuid=rec.StringData(2) Then
rec.StringData(0)="ICE08" & Chr(9)
& "1" & Chr(9) & "Component: [1]
has a duplicate GUID: [2]" & Chr(9)
& "https://mypage2" & Chr(9) &
"Component" & Chr(9) & "ComponentId" & Chr(9) & "[1]"
Message &h03000000,rec
End If
'set for next compare
'Return iesSuccess
ICE08 = 1
End Function