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Identificadores de contexto RPC para HCN


Una red HCN es una entidad que se usa para representar una red de proceso de host y sus directivas y recursos del sistema asociados. Normalmente, una red HCN puede incluir:

  • Un conjunto de metadatos (id., nombre, tipo)
  • Un conmutador virtual
  • Un adaptador de red virtual de host (que actúa como puerta de enlace predeterminada para la red)
  • Una instancia de NAT (si es necesario por el tipo de red)
  • Un conjunto de grupos de subredes y MAC
  • Cualquier directiva que abarque toda la red y se vaya a aplicar (por ejemplo, ACL)

Las entidades de red HCN se representan mediante identificadores de contexto RPC de HCN_NETWORK.

/// Handle to an operation
/// Return a list of existing Networks
/// \param  Query          Optionally specifies a JSON document for a query
///                        containing properties of the specific Networks to
///                        return. By default, all networks are returned.
/// \retval Networks       Receives a JSON document with the list of Networks.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional, receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ PCWSTR Query,
    _Outptr_ PWSTR* Networks,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Create a Network
/// \param  Id             Specifies the unique ID for the new Network.
/// \param  Settings       JSON document specifying the settings of the new Network.
/// \retval Network        Receives a handle to the new network.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _In_ PCWSTR Settings,
    _Out_ PHCN_NETWORK Network,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Opens a handle to an existing Network.
/// \param  Id             Unique ID of the existing network.
/// \retval Network        Receives a handle to the network.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _Out_ PHCN_NETWORK Network,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Modify the settings of a Network
/// \param  Network        Handle to a network.
/// \param  Settings       JSON document specifying the new settings of the network.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_NETWORK Network,
    _In_ PCWSTR Settings,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Query Network properties
/// \param  Network        Handle to a network.
/// \param  Query          Optionally specifies a JSON document for a query
///                        containing specific properties of the network
///                        return. By default all properties are returned.
/// \retval Properties     Receives a JSON document with Network properties.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_NETWORK Network,
    _In_ PCWSTR Query,
    _Outptr_ PWSTR* Properties,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Delete a Network
/// \param  Id             Unique ID of the existing network.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Close a handle to a Network
/// \param  Network        Handle to a network.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_NETWORK Network


Un punto de conexión HCN es una entidad que se usa para representar un punto de conexión IP en una red HCN y sus directivas y recursos del sistema asociados. Normalmente, un punto de conexión HCN consta de:

  • Un conjunto de metadatos (id., nombre, id. de red primaria)
  • Su identidad de red (dirección IP, dirección MAC)
  • Cualquier directiva específica del punto de conexión que se vaya a aplicar (ACL, rutas)

Las entidades de punto de conexión HCN se representan mediante controladores de contexto RPC de HCN_ENDPOINT.

/// Handle to an operation
/// Return a list of existing endpoints
/// \param  Query          Optionally specifies a JSON document for a query
///                        containing properties of the specific endpoints to
///                        return. By default all Endpoints are returned.
/// \retval Endpoints      Receives a JSON document with the list of endpoints.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ PCWSTR Query,
    _Outptr_ PWSTR* Endpoints,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Create an Endpoint
/// \param  Id             Specifies the unique ID for the new endpoint.
/// \param  Network        Handle to the network on which endpoint is to be created.
/// \param  Settings       JSON document specifying the settings of the new endpoint.
/// \retval Endpoint       Receives a handle to the new endpoint.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_NETWORK Network,
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _In_ PCWSTR Settings,
    _Out_ PHCN_ENDPOINT Endpoint,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Opens a handle to an existing Endpoint.
/// \param  Id             Unique ID of the existing endpoint.
/// \retval Endpoint       Receives a handle to the endpoint.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional, receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _Out_ PHCN_ENDPOINT Endpoint,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Modify the settings of an Endpoint
/// \param  Endpoint       Handle to an endpoint.
/// \param  Settings       JSON document specifying the new settings of the endpoint.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_ENDPOINT Endpoint,
    _In_ PCWSTR Settings,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Query Endpoint properties
/// \param  Endpoint       Handle to an endpoint.
/// \param  Query          Optionally specifies a JSON document for a query
///                        containing specific properties of the endpoint
///                        return. By default all properties are returned.
/// \retval Properties     Receives a JSON document with endpoint properties.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional, receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_ENDPOINT Endpoint,
    _In_ PCWSTR Query,
    _Outptr_ PWSTR* Properties,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Delete an Endpoint
/// \param  Id             Unique ID of the existing endpoint.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Close a handle to an endpoint
/// \param  Endpoint       Handle to an endpoint.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_ENDPOINT Endpoint


Un espacio de nombres HCN es una entidad que se usa para representar un espacio de nombres de red de proceso de host. Los espacios de nombres permiten tener entornos de red aislados en un único host, donde cada espacio de nombres tiene sus propias interfaces de red y tabla de enrutamiento, separadas de otros espacios de nombres.

Las entidades de espacio de nombres HCN se representan mediante identificadores de contexto RPC de HCN_NAMESPAC.

/// Handle to an operation
/// Return a list of existing namespaces
/// \param  Query          Optionally specifies a JSON document for a query
///                        containing properties of the specific namespaces to
///                        return. By default all Namespaces are returned.
/// \retval Namespaces     Receives a JSON document with the list of namespaces.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ PCWSTR Query,
    _Outptr_ PWSTR* Namespaces,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Create a Namespace
/// \param  Id             Specifies the unique ID for the new namespace.
/// \param  Settings       JSON document specifying the settings of the new namespace.
/// \retval Namespace      Receives a handle to the new namespace.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _In_ PCWSTR Settings,
    _Out_ PHCN_NAMESPACE Namespace,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Opens a handle to an existing namespace.
/// \param  Id             Unique ID of the existing namespace.
/// \retval Namespace      Receives a handle to the namespace.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _Out_ PHCN_NAMESPACE Namespace,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Modify the settings of a namespace
/// \param  Namespace      Handle to a namespace.
/// \param  Settings       JSON document specifying the new settings of the namespace.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional, receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_NAMESPACE Namespace,
    _In_ PCWSTR Settings,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Query Namespace properties
/// \param  Namespace      Handle to a namespace.
/// \param  Query          Optionally specifies a JSON document for a query
///                        containing specific properties of the namespace
///                        return. By default all properties are returned.
/// \retval Properties     Receives a JSON document with Namespace properties.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_NAMESPACE Namespace,
    _In_ PCWSTR Query,
    _Outptr_ PWSTR* Properties,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Delete a Namespace
/// \param  Id             Unique ID of the existing namespace.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document on failure with extended result
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Close a handle to a Namespace
/// \param  Namespace      Handle to a namespace.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_NAMESPACE Namespace


Un equilibrador de carga HCN es una entidad que se usa para representar un equilibrador de carga de red de proceso de host. Los equilibradores de carga le permiten tener puntos de conexión de red de proceso de host con equilibrio de carga. Las entidades HCN LoadBalancer se representan mediante identificadores de contexto RPC de HCN_LOADBALANCER.

/// Handle to an operation
/// LoadBalancer methods
/// Return a list of existing load balancers
/// \param  Query          Optionally specifies a JSON document for a query
///                        containing properties of the specific load balancers to
///                        return. By default all load balancers are returned.
/// \retval LoadBalancers    Receives a JSON document with the list of load balancers.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document with extended errorCode
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ PCWSTR Query,
    _Outptr_ PWSTR* LoadBalancer,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Create a load balancer
/// \param  Id             Specifies the unique ID for the new load balancer.
/// \param  Settings       JSON document specifying the settings of the new load balancer.
/// \retval LoadBalancer     Receives a handle to the new LoadBalancer.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document with extended errorCode
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _In_ PCWSTR Settings,
    _Out_ PHCN_LOADBALANCER LoadBalancer,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Opens a handle to an existing LoadBalancer.
/// \param  Id             Unique ID of the existing load balancer.
/// \retval LoadBalancer     Receives a handle to the load balancer.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document with extended errorCode
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _Out_ PHCN_LOADBALANCER LoadBalancer,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Modify the settings of a PolcyList
/// \param  PolcyList      Handle to a PolcyList.
/// \param  Settings       JSON document specifying the new settings of the PolcyList.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional, receives a JSON document with extended errorCode
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_LOADBALANCER LoadBalancer,
    _In_ PCWSTR Settings,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Query LoadBalancer properties
/// \param  LoadBalancer     Handle to a load balancer.
/// \param  Query          Optionally specifies a JSON document for a query
///                        containing specific properties of the load balancer
///                        return. By default all properties are returned.
/// \retval Properties     Receives a JSON document with LoadBalancer properties.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional, receives a JSON document with extended errorCode
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_LOADBALANCER LoadBalancer,
    _In_ PCWSTR Query,
    _Outptr_ PWSTR* Properties,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Delete a LoadBalancer
/// \param  Id             Unique ID of the existing load balancer.
/// \retval ErrorRecord    Optional. Receives a JSON document with extended errorCode
///                        information. The caller must release the buffer using
///                        CoTaskMemFree.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ REFGUID Id,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* ErrorRecord
/// Close a handle to a LoadBalancer
/// \param  LoadBalancer     Handle to a load balancer.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_LOADBALANCER LoadBalancer


Estas funciones proporcionan acceso a operaciones que afectan a todo el servicio, como las notificaciones (por ejemplo, recibir notificaciones de la creación de una red).

/// Registers a callback function to receive notifications of service-wide events such as network
/// creations/deletions.
/// \param  Callback           Function pointer to notification callback.
/// \param  Context            Context pointer.
/// \retval CallbackHandle     Receives a handle to a callback registered on a service.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ void* Context,
    _Out_ HCN_CALLBACK* CallbackHandle
/// Unregisters from service-wide notifications
/// \retval CallbackHandle     Handle to a callback registered on a service.
/// \returns S_OK if successful; HResult error code on failures.
    _In_ HCN_CALLBACK CallbackHandle