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Transformaciones de grupo de sensores (perfil de cámara V2)

Las transformaciones del grupo de sensores pueden publicar perfiles de cámara mediante un mecanismo similar a DMFT. El atributo MF_DEVICEMFT_SENSORPROFILE_COLLECTION se puede publicar a través del parámetro IMFAttributes del IMFSensorTransformFactory::GetTransformInformation para cada una de las transformaciones del grupo de sensores (SGT).

Durante la llamada a IMFSensorTransformFactory::InitializeFactory, se proporcionará una colección de interfaces IMSensorDevice, SGT Factory puede modificar los perfiles de cámara disponibles de los dispositivos disponibles mediante qi-ing la interfaz IMFSensorDevice para la interfaz IMFGetService. Desde esta interfaz, la fábrica de SGT puede solicitar la interfaz IMFSensorProfileCollection.

A continuación, SGT Factory puede agregar, quitar o actualizar los perfiles de cámara disponibles para cada IMFSensorDevice si la fábrica SGT decide hacerlo. Los perfiles de cámara modificados solo se conservarán para el grupo de sensores que contiene el SGT. Los perfiles de cámara de los dispositivos individuales no se modificarán con la nueva información.

Transformación de grupo de sensores de ejemplo

    _In_ DWORD dwMaxTransformCount, 
    _In_ IMFCollection* sensorDevices, 
    _In_opt_ IMFAttributes* pAttributes 
    DWORD sensorDeviceCount = 0;
    ComPtr<IUnknown> unknown;

    if (nullptr == sensorDevices)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // For this example, the IHV/OEM added a SGT to a multi-camera
    // setup.  And the SGT is responsible for updating the profile
    // information available from each of the physical cameras, and
    // leave it's own profile as "blank".  This has the net effect
    // of having the SGT support any profile the physical devices
    // expose.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevices->GetElementCount(&sensorDeviceCount));
    for (DWORD idx = 0; idx < sensorDeviceCount; idx++)
        ComPtr<IMFGetService> service;
        ComPtr<IMFSensorProfileCollection> profileCollection;
        SENSORPROFILEID sensorProfileId;

        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevices->GetElement(idx, 
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (unknown.As(service.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (service->GetService(GUID_NULL, 

        // Let's assume that for this ISP/sensor, we cannot support
        // photo sequence but our reference driver published a single
        // photo sequence profile whose ID is hardcoded to a static
        // variable s_PhotoSequenceProfileId.
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->RemoveProfile(&s_PhotoSequenceProfileId));

        // Let's also assume this is a low cost ISP/sensor so our driver
        // cannot support Video HDR (VHDR) control for high frame rate
        // recording and our reference implementation published multiple
        // high frame rate recording profile.
        // Also for this combination of ISP/sensor, we cannot support
        // Face Auth (IR doesn't support alternate illumination option).
        // So we need to remove all Face Auth from our collection.
        for (DWORD profileIdx = 0; 
                   profileIdx < profileCollection->GetProfileCount();)
            ComPtr<IMFSensorProfile> profile;

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->GetProfile(profileIdx, 

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->GetProfileId(&profileId));
            if (profileId.Type == KSCAMERAPROFILE_HighFrameRate)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->AddBlockedControl(L"VHDR"));
            if (profileId.Type == KSCAMERAPROFILE_FaceAuth_Mode)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->RemoveProfileByIndex(profileIdx));

    // Set the profile collection to the attribute store that will be returned when
    // IMFSensorTransformFactory::GetTransformInformation is called.

    // ... Rest of the InitializeFactory logic...

Especificación del desarrollador camera Profile V2