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Important  The Native 802.11 Wireless LAN interface is deprecated in Windows 10 and later. Please use the WLAN Device Driver Interface (WDI) instead. For more information about WDI, see WLAN Universal Windows driver model.


A miniport driver must make an NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_COMPLETE indication after a Wi-Fi Direct (WFD) device discovery operation completes. A discover operation is initiated by an OID_DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_REQUEST request.

The data type for this indication is the DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_COMPLETE_PARAMETERS structure.

The miniport driver calls NdisMIndicateStatusEx to make an NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_COMPLETE indication, and must pass a pointer to an NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure through the StatusIndication parameter. When making this indication, the miniport driver must set the following members of the NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure:

The discover completion indication must not include more than DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_COMPLETE_MAX_LIST_SIZE entries. If more devices were recently discovered, the miniport should populate the completion structure to the maximum list size and use the uTotalNumOfEntries member of DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_COMPLETE_PARAMETERS to specify the total number of discovered devices. The system may query for the full list later by issuing OID_DOT11_WFD_ENUM_DEVICE_LIST.

The miniport must include both WFD devices and legacy networks in the list of reported devices.



Supported starting with Windows 8.


Ndis.h (include Ndis.h)

See also