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Macroblock Control Commands

The generation of each decoded macroblock during compressed picture decoding is governed by a macroblock control command structure. There are four macroblock control command structures defined in the dxva.h header file:





The structures explicitly defined in dxva.h are special cases of a generic design used for macroblock control commands in DirectX VA. For a description of this generic design, see Generic Form of Macroblock Control Command Structures.

The selection of which macroblock control command structure to use is based on the type of picture to be decoded and on how it will be decoded. The following structure members and flags determine picture type, decoding options, and which of the four DirectX VA macroblock control structures will be used:

  • The bPicIntra, bChromaFormat, bPicOBMC, bPicBinPB, bPic4MVallowed and bMV_RPS members of the DXVA_PictureParameters structure.

  • The bConfigResidDiffHost member of the DXVA_ConfigPictureDecode structure.

  • The HostResidDiff flag (bit 10 in the wMBtype member of each macroblock control structure).

The values for these structure members and flags are shown in the following sections.


The DXVA_MBctrl_I_HostResidDiff_1 structure is used for intra pictures with host-based residual difference decoding. The following structure members and flags must equal the indicated values:

  • bPicIntra must equal 1 (intra pictures).

  • bChromaFormat must equal 1 (4:2:0 sampling).

  • HostResidDiff must equal 1 (host-based IDCT).

  • bConfigResidDiffHost must equal 1 (host-based residual difference decoding).


The DXVA_MBctrl_I_OffHostIDCT_1 structure is used for intra pictures with 4:2:0 sampling with off-host residual difference decoding. The following structure members and flags must equal the indicated values:

  • bPicIntra must equal 1 (intra pictures).

  • bChromaFormat must equal 1 (4:2:0 sampling).

  • HostResidDiff must equal zero (off-host IDCT).

  • bConfigResidDiffHost must equal zero (off-host residual difference decoding).


The DXVA_MBctrl_P_HostResidDiff_1 structure is used for P and B pictures with host-based residual difference decoding. The following macroblock control processes are not used: OBMC, use of four motion vectors per macroblock for the B part of a PB picture, and use of motion vector reference picture selection.

The following structure members and flags must equal the indicated values:

  • bPicIntra must equal zero (decoding for P picture and B picture or concealment motion vectors in I picture).

  • bChromaFormat must equal 1 (4:2:0 sampling).

  • HostResidDiff must equal 1 (host-based IDCT).

  • bPicOBMC must equal zero (OBMC not used).

  • bMV_RPS must equal zero (motion vector reference picture selection not used).

  • At least one of bPicBinPB (B-picture in PB-frame motion compensation not used) and bPic4MVallowed (four forward-reference motion vectors per macroblock not used) must equal zero.

  • bConfigResidDiffHost must equal 1 (host-based residual difference decoding).


The DXVA_MBctrl_P_OffHostIDCT_1 structure is used for P and B pictures with 4:2:0 sampling with off-host residual difference decoding. The following macroblock control processes are not used: OBMC, use of four motion vectors per macroblock for the B part of a PB picture, and use of motion vector reference picture selection.

The following structure members and flags must equal the indicated values:

  • bPicIntra member of the DXVA_PictureParameters structure must equal zero (decoding for P and B pictures or concealment motion vectors in I pictures).

  • bChromaFormat must equal 1 (4:2:0 sampling).

  • HostResidDiff must equal zero (off-host IDCT).

  • bPicOBMC must equal zero (OBMC not used).

  • bMV_RPS must equal zero (motion vector reference picture selection not used).

  • At least one of bPicBinPB (B-picture in PB-frame motion compensation not used) and bPic4MVallowed (four forward-reference motion vectors per macroblock not used) must equal zero.

  • bConfigResidDiffHost must equal zero (off-host residual difference decoding).