Ejercicio: mejorar la calidad de finalización


Ahora comprendemos los componentes de una solicitud y cómo utilizarlos para construir una solicitud para generar finalizaciones de alta calidad.

Actualicemos la aplicación de recomendaciones de senderismo que comenzamos en el ejercicio anterior para incorporar algunas de esas técnicas.

Actualizar la solicitud del sistema

Al clasificar una reseña de producto, solo queremos que el modelo nos diga si la reseña es positiva, neutra o negativa. Actualicemos el mensaje que recibe el modelo para que tenga más posibilidades de brindar una respuesta de alta calidad.

El aviso del sistema actual está bien, pero podemos hacer que el modelo recomiende caminatas más apropiadas y emocionantes siguiendo los procedimientos recomendados en la creación de solicitudes. Dejemos un poco más claras las instrucciones sobre cómo debe actuar el modelo

Agregar instrucciones

  1. Abra el proyecto HikingConversationsAI que creó anteriormente.

  2. En el archivo Program.cs, busque la variable systemPrompt que se usa para indicar al modelo sus rasgos de personalidad y las reglas que necesita seguir.

  3. Quite todo el texto existente de la variable y agregue lo siguiente que describe cómo debe actuar el modelo y las reglas que debe seguir:

    var systemPrompt = 
    You are a hiking enthusiast who helps people discover fun hikes in their area. You are upbeat and friendly. You introduce yourself when first saying hello. When helping people out, you always ask them for this information to inform the hiking recommendation you provide:
    1. Where they are located
    2. What hiking intensity they are looking for

Agregar contenido principal

El contenido principal hace referencia al texto que va a transformar el modelo y qué hacer con él. En este caso, las propias recomendaciones de senderismo.

  1. Actualice la variable systemPrompt para indicarle al modelo qué hacer con el contenido.

    var systemPrompt = 
    You are a hiking enthusiast who helps people discover fun hikes in their area. You are upbeat and friendly. You introduce yourself when first saying hello. When helping people out, you always ask them for this information to inform the hiking recommendation you provide:
    1. Where they are located
    2. What hiking intensity they are looking for
    You will then provide three suggestions for nearby hikes that vary in length after you get that information. You will also share an interesting fact about the local nature on the hikes when making a recommendation.

Mejorar las solicitudes de recomendaciones de senderismo

Ahora que el modelo tiene mejor información sobre cómo debe actuar y las reglas que debe seguir, mejoremos las solicitudes que recibe para que las caminatas que recomiende sean más apropiadas.

Sea específico

La solicitud anterior solo decía que la caminata debería ser extenuante y tener una excelente vista. Vamos a decirle al modelo exactamente lo que estamos buscando.

  1. Busque la variable hikeRequest y actualícela para que tenga la siguiente información de solicitud específica.

    var hikeRequest = 
    I live near Seattle and would like a strenuous hike around the I-90 corridor that ends with
    a view that is amazing. I don't mind driving for a long time, even if it's over the pass.
    I've heard the Enchantments are nice.
    I don't want the hike to be over 10 miles round trip. I'd consider a point-to-point hike.
    I want the hike to be as seculuded as possible. I don't want to see many people.
    I would like it to be as bug free as possible. I would also like to avoid any Forest Service roads.
  2. Ejecute la aplicación con dotnet run y vea lo que recomienda ahora. Este es un ejemplo que recibimos de una ejecución:

    Great! Based on your preferences, I'd recommend the following strenuous hikes with amazing views near the I-90 corridor:
    1. Mt. Defiance - This hike is a challenging out-and-back trail that is about 10 miles long round trip and boasts stunning views of the Cascade Range from the summit. This trail is relatively secluded and is not located near any Forest Service roads. An interesting fact about this hike is that it passes through an old-growth forest with several old cedar trees.
    2. Mailbox Peak - This is another challenging out-and-back trail that is roughly 9.4 miles long round trip. At the summit, hikers will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Although this hike can be popular, starting early in the morning may help you avoid larger crowds. Additionally, this hike is known to be one of the steepest and most difficult hikes in the area.
    3. Talapus and Ollalie Lakes - This hike is less strenuous than the first two and is a point-to-point hike that is about 8 miles long round trip. Despite being less challenging, this hike still offers stunning views of two beautiful alpine lakes and has a relatively low amount of traffic. Interesting fact, this trail is within the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and hikers should keep an eye out for wildlife, including black bears, during their visit.
    Hope this helps and happy hiking!

¡Esto es mucho mejor! La respuesta sigue las reglas de la solicitud del sistema y proporciona información detallada de la descripción de la caminata solicitada.

Si observan detenidamente, la recomendación de caminata número 3 dice que es tanto una caminata de punto a punto como de ida y vuelta. Cambiemos el mensaje de solicitud de recomendación para ver si podemos evitar esa información errónea.

Cadena de pensamiento

Pedirle al modelo que proporcione una descripción paso a paso de su proceso de pensamiento debería ayudarlo a hacer recomendaciones aún más precisas.

  1. Actualice la variable hikeRequest para que sea la siguiente:

    var hikeRequest = 
    I live near Seattle and would like a strenous hike around the I-90 corridor that ends with
    a view that is amazing. I don't mind driving for a long time, even if it's over the pass.
    I've heard the Enchantments are nice.
    I don't want the hike to be over 10 miles round trip. I'd consider a point-to-point hike.
    I want the hike to be as seculuded as possible. I don't want to see many people.
    I would like it to be as bug free as possible. I would also like to avoid any Forest Service roads.
    In the response for each hike, provide a step-by-step accounting of why you picked the hike that you did based
    off of the attributes I provided above.
  2. Ejecute la aplicación con dotnet run y vea lo que recomienda ahora. Este es un ejemplo que recibimos de una ejecución:

    Great, based on your preferences, I have three hiking recommendations for you near the I-90 corridor.
    1. Mount Si - Distance: 8 miles round-trip, Elevation gain: 3,150 ft
    Located near North Bend, Mount Si is a strenuous hike that ends with beautiful views of the Cascade Mountains and the Snoqualmie Valley. Although it's a popular hike, you can still find secluded areas if you hike a bit further from the trailhead. This trail offers a challenging uphill climb through forests and rocky terrain before reaching the summit. The bugs can be present in the summer, so be sure to bring some repellent. The trailhead is easy to find, and there is no need to take any forest service roads.
    2. Snow Lake - Distance: 7.2 miles round-trip, Elevation gain: 1,800 ft
    Located off of the Snoqualmie Pass, Snow Lake is a moderately challenging hike that offers great views of alpine scenery and serene mountain lake. The trail is a bit rocky but is well-maintained. Although it's a popular hike, you can still find some secluded spots around the lake. The hike starts off on the Alpental Ski Area, with no need to take any forest service roads. There is some bug activity on this trail in the summer months.
    3. Granite Mountain - Distance: 8.6 miles round-trip, Elevation gain: 3,800 ft
    Located off of the I-90 corridor near exit 47, Granite Mountain is a strenuous hike that offers sweeping views of the mountains and valleys of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. The trail is challenging, but well worth it. The trailhead is easy to find, and there is no need to take any forest service roads. There may be some bug activity on this trail, so it's best to bring some repellent.
    I hope you find these recommendations helpful!