PowerShell para Surface Hub (v1)
Esta página incluye scripts de PowerShell destinados al Surface Hub original (v1). Para Surface Hub 2S, consulta Crear y probar una cuenta de dispositivo.
Consulte también Autenticación moderna y scripts desatendidos en Exchange Online PowerShell V2
Requisitos previos
Para ejecutar correctamente estos scripts de PowerShell, debe instalar los siguientes requisitos previos:
- Microsoft Online Services - Ayudante para el inicio de sesión para RTW de profesionales de TI
- Microsoft Azure Active Directory módulo para Windows PowerShell (versión de 64 bits)
- Módulo Windows PowerShell para Skype Empresarial Online
Scripts de PowerShell para administradores de Surface Hub
¿Qué hacen los scripts?
- Crear cuentas de dispositivo para configuraciones solo mediante bosque único local (Microsoft Exchange y Skype 2013 y versiones posteriores solamente) o en línea (Microsoft Office 365), que están configurados correctamente para Surface Hub.
- Validar cuentas de dispositivo existentes para cualquier configuración (local o en línea) para garantizar que son compatibles con Surface Hub.
- Proporcionar una plantilla base para cualquier persona que desee crear sus propios scripts de creación o de validación de cuentas de dispositivo.
¿Qué necesita para ejecutar los scripts?
- Acceso de PowerShell remoto al dominio o inquilino de su organización, servidores de Exchange y Skype Empresarial.
- Credenciales de administrador para el dominio o inquilino de su organización, servidores de Exchange y Skype Empresarial.
Tanto si crea una cuenta nueva como si modifica una cuenta ya existente, el script de validación comprueba que la cuenta del dispositivo está configurada correctamente. Siempre se debe ejecutar el script de validación antes de agregar una cuenta del dispositivo a Surface Hub.
Ejecutando los scripts
Los scripts de creación de cuentas realizan las siguientes tareas:
- Solicite credenciales de administrador.
- Cree cuentas de dispositivo en su dominio o inquilino.
- Crea o asigna una directiva ActiveSync compatible con Surface Hub a las cuentas de dispositivo.
- Establezca varios atributos para las cuentas creadas en Exchange y Skype Empresarial.
- Asigne licencias y permisos a las cuentas creadas.
Estos atributos son los atributos que establecen los scripts:
Cmdlet | Atributo | Valor |
Set-Mailbox |
RoomMailboxPassword |
User-provided |
EnableRoomMailboxAccount |
True |
Tipo |
Sala |
Set-CalendarProcessing |
AutomateProcessing |
AutoAccept |
RemovePrivateProperty |
False |
DeleteSubject |
False |
DeleteComments |
False |
AddOrganizerToSubject |
False |
AddAdditionalResponse |
True |
AdditionalResponse |
"Esta es una habitación surface hub!" |
New-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy |
PasswordEnabled |
False |
AllowNonProvisionableDevices |
True |
Enable-CSMeetingRoom |
RegistrarPool |
User-provided |
SipAddress |
Establecer en el nombre principal de usuario (UPN) de la cuenta del dispositivo |
Set-MsolUserLicense (solo O365) |
AddLicenses |
User-provided |
Set-MsolUser (solo O365) |
PasswordNeverExpires |
True |
Set-AdUser (solo local) |
Habilitado |
True |
Set-AdUser (solo local) |
PasswordNeverExpires |
True |
Los módulos de PowerShell de Azure AD y MSOnline están en desuso a partir del 30 de marzo de 2024. Para obtener más información, lea la actualización de desuso. Después de esta fecha, la compatibilidad con estos módulos se limita a la ayuda de migración al SDK de PowerShell de Microsoft Graph y a las correcciones de seguridad. Los módulos en desuso seguirán funcionando hasta el 30 de marzo de 2025.
Se recomienda migrar a Microsoft Graph PowerShell para interactuar con Microsoft Entra ID (anteriormente Azure AD). Para obtener preguntas comunes sobre la migración, consulte las Preguntas más frecuentes sobre la migración.
Tenga en cuenta que las versiones 1.0. x de MSOnline puede experimentar una interrupción después del 30 de junio de 2024.
Scripts de creación de cuenta
Estos scripts crean una cuenta de dispositivo automáticamente. Puedes usar el Script de comprobación de cuenta para asegurarte de que se ejecutan correctamente.
Los scripts de creación de cuenta no pueden modificar una cuenta ya existente, pero se pueden usar para ayudarte a comprender qué cmdlets deben ejecutarse para configurar correctamente la cuenta existente.
Creación de una cuenta local
# SHAccountCreateOnPrem.ps1
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$status = @{}
# Cleans up set state such as remote powershell sessions
function Cleanup()
if ($sessExchange)
Remove-PSSession $sessExchange
if ($sessCS)
Remove-PSSession $sessCS
function PrintError($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -foregroundcolor Red
function PrintSuccess($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -foregroundcolor Green
function PrintAction($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Cleans up and prints an error message
function CleanupAndFail($strMsg)
if ($strMsg)
exit 1
# Exits if there is an error set and prints the given message
function ExitIfError($strMsg)
if ($Error)
## Collect account data ##
$credNewAccount = (Get-Credential -Message "Enter the desired UPN and password for this new account")
$strUpn = $credNewAccount.UserName
$strDisplayName = Read-Host "Please enter the display name you would like to use for $strUpn"
if (!$credNewAccount -Or [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strDisplayName) -Or [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($credNewAccount.UserName) -Or $credNewAccount.Password.Length -le 0)
CleanupAndFail "Please enter all of the requested data to continue."
exit 1
## Sign in to remote powershell for exchange and lync online ##
$credExchange = $null
$credExchange=Get-Credential -Message "Enter credentials of an Exchange user with mailbox creation rights"
if (!$credExchange)
CleanupAndFail("Valid credentials are required to create and prepare the account.");
$strExchangeServer = Read-Host "Please enter the FQDN of your exchange server (e.g. exch.contoso.com)"
# Lync info
$credLync = Get-Credential -Message "Enter credentials of a Skype for Business admin (or cancel if they are the same as Exchange)"
if (!$credLync)
$credLync = $credExchange
$strLyncFQDN = Read-Host "Please enter the FQDN of your Lync server (e.g. lync.contoso.com) or enter to use [$strExchangeServer]"
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strLyncFQDN))
$strLyncFQDN = $strExchangeServer
PrintAction "Connecting to remote sessions. This can occasionally take a while - please do not enter input..."
$sessExchange = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName microsoft.exchange -Credential $credExchange -AllowRedirection -Authentication Kerberos -ConnectionUri "http://$strExchangeServer/powershell" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
CleanupAndFail("Failed to connect to exchange. Please check your credentials and try again. If this continues to fail, you may not have permission for remote powershell - if not, please perform the setup manually. Error message: $_")
PrintSuccess "Connected to Remote Exchange Shell"
$sessLync = New-PSSession -Credential $credLync -ConnectionURI "https://$strLyncFQDN/OcsPowershell" -AllowRedirection -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
CleanupAndFail("Failed to connect to Lync. Please check your credentials and try again. Error message: $_")
PrintSuccess "Connected to Lync Server Remote PowerShell"
Import-PSSession $sessExchange -AllowClobber -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Import-PSSession $sessLync -AllowClobber -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
## Create the Exchange mailbox ##
> [!Note]
> These exchange commandlets do not always throw their errors as exceptions
# Because Get-Mailbox throws an error if the mailbox isn't found
PrintAction "Creating a new account..."
$mailbox = $null
$mailbox = (New-Mailbox -UserPrincipalName $credNewAccount.UserName -Alias $credNewAccount.UserName.substring(0,$credNewAccount.UserName.indexOf('@')) -room -Name $strDisplayName -RoomMailboxPassword $credNewAccount.Password -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true)
} catch { }
ExitIfError "Failed to create a new mailbox on exchange.";
$status["Mailbox Setup"] = "Successfully created a mailbox for the new account"
$strEmail = $mailbox.WindowsEmailAddress
PrintSuccess "The following mailbox has been created for this room: $strEmail"
## Create or retrieve a policy to be applied to surface hub devices ##
# The policy disables requiring a device password so that the SurfaceHub does not need to be lockable to use Active Sync
$strPolicy = Read-Host 'Please enter the name for a new Surface Hub ActiveSync policy to be created and applied to this account.
We will configure that policy to be compatible with Surface Hub devices.
If this script has been used before, please enter the name of the existing policy.'
$easpolicy = $null
try {
$easpolicy = Get-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy $strPolicy
catch {}
if ($easpolicy)
if (!$easpolicy.PasswordEnabled -and ($easpolicy.AllowNonProvisionableDevices -eq $null -or $easpolicy.AllowNonProvisionableDevices ))
PrintSuccess "An existing policy has been found and will be applied to this account."
PrintError "The policy you provided is incompatible with the surface hub."
$easpolicy = $null
$status["Device Password Policy"] = "Failed to apply the EAS policy to the account because the policy was invalid."
PrintAction "Creating policy..."
$easpolicy = New-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy -Name $strPolicy -PasswordEnabled $false -AllowNonProvisionableDevices $true
if ($easpolicy)
PrintSuccess "A new device policy has been created; you can use this same policy for all future Surface Hub device accounts."
PrintError "Could not create $strPolicy"
if ($easpolicy)
# Convert mailbox to user type so we can apply the policy (necessary)
# Sometimes it takes a while for this change to take affect so we have some nasty retry loops
Set-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName -Type Regular
} catch {}
if ($Error)
$status["Device Password Policy"] = "Failed to apply the EAS policy to the account."
# Loop until resource type goes away, up to 5 times
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5 -And (Get-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName).ResourceType; $i++)
Start-Sleep -s 5
# If the mailbox is still a Room we cannot apply the policy
if (!((Get-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName).ResourceType))
# Set policy for account
Set-CASMailbox $credNewAccount.UserName -ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy $strPolicy
if (!$Error)
$status["ActiveSync Policy"] = "Successfully applied $strPolicy to the account"
$status["ActiveSync Policy"] = "Failed to apply the EAS policy to the account."
# Convert back to room mailbox
Set-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName -Type Room
# Loop until resource type goes back to room
for ($i = 0; ($i -lt 5) -And ((Get-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName).ResourceType -ne "Room"); $i++)
Start-Sleep -s 5
if ((Get-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName).ResourceType -ne "Room")
# A failure to convert the mailbox back to a room is unfortunate but means the mailbox is unusable.
$status["Mailbox Setup"] = "A mailbox was created but we could not set it to a room resource type."
Set-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName -RoomMailboxPassword $credNewAccount.Password -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true
} catch { }
if ($Error)
$status["Mailbox Setup"] = "A room mailbox was created but we could not set its password."
PrintSuccess "Account creation completed."
PrintAction "Setting calendar processing rules..."
## Prepare the calendar for automatic meeting responses ##
try {
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity $credNewAccount.UserName -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept
} catch { }
if ($Error)
$status["Calendar Acceptance"] = "Failed to configure the account to automatically accept/decline meeting requests"
$status["Calendar Acceptance"] = "Successfully configured the account to automatically accept/decline meeting requests"
try {
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity $credNewAccount.UserName -RemovePrivateProperty $false -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -AddAdditionalResponse $true -DeleteSubject $false -DeleteComments $false -AdditionalResponse "This is a Surface Hub room!"
} catch { }
if ($Error)
$status["Calendar Response Configuration"] = "Failed to configure the account's response properties"
$status["Calendar Response Configuration"] = "Successfully configured the account's response properties"
## Configure the Account to not expire ##
PrintAction "Configuring password not to expire..."
Start-Sleep -s 20
Set-AdUser $mailbox.UserPrincipalName -PasswordNeverExpires $true -Enabled $true
if ($Error)
$status["Password Expiration Policy"] = "Failed to set the password to never expire"
$status["Password Expiration Policy"] = "Successfully set the password to never expire"
PrintSuccess "Completed Exchange configuration"
## Setup Skype for Business. This is somewhat optional and if it fails we SfbEnable can be used later ##
PrintAction "Configuring account for Skype for Business."
# Getting registrar pool
$strRegPool = $strLyncFQDN
$strRegPoolEntry = Read-Host "Enter a Skype for Business Registrar Pool, or leave blank to use [$strRegPool]"
if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strRegPoolEntry))
$strRegPool = $strRegPoolEntry
# Try to SfB-enable the account. Note that it may not work right away as the account needs to propagate to active directory
PrintAction "Enabling Skype for Business..."
Start-Sleep -s 10
try {
Enable-CsMeetingRoom -Identity $credNewAccount.UserName -RegistrarPool $strRegPool -SipAddressType EmailAddress
catch { }
if ($Error)
$status["Skype for Business Account Setup"] = "Failed to setup the Skype for Business meeting room - you can run EnableSfb.ps1 to try again."
$status["Skype for Business Account Setup"] = "Successfully enabled account as a Skype for Business meeting room"
## Cleanup and print results ##
$strDisplay = $mailbox.DisplayName
$strUsr = $credNewAccount.UserName
PrintAction "Summary for creation of $strUsr ($strDisplay)"
if ($status.Count -gt 0)
ForEach($k in $status.Keys)
$v = $status[$k]
$color = "yellow"
if ($v[0] -eq "S") { $color = "green" }
elseif ($v[0] -eq "F")
$color = "red"
$v += " Go to https://aka.ms/shubtshoot"
Write-Host -NoNewline $k -ForegroundColor $color
Write-Host -NoNewline ": "
Write-Host $v
PrintError "The account could not be created"
Crear una cuenta del dispositivo mediante Office 365
Crea una cuenta como se describe en Creación de una cuenta de dispositivo mediante Office 365.
# SHAccountCreateO365.ps1
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$status = @{}
# Cleans up set state such as remote powershell sessions
function Cleanup()
if ($sessExchange)
Remove-PSSession $sessExchange
if ($sessCS)
Remove-PSSession $sessCS
function PrintError($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -foregroundcolor Red
function PrintSuccess($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -foregroundcolor Green
function PrintAction($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Cleans up and prints an error message
function CleanupAndFail($strMsg)
if ($strMsg)
exit 1
# Exits if there is an error set and prints the given message
function ExitIfError($strMsg)
if ($Error)
## Check dependencies ##
try {
Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector
Import-Module MSOnline
PrintError "Some dependencies are missing"
PrintError "Please install the Windows PowerShell Module for Lync Online. For more information go to https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=39366"
PrintError "Please install the Azure Active Directory module for PowerShell from https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=236297"
## Collect account data ##
$credNewAccount = (Get-Credential -Message "Enter the desired UPN and password for this new account")
$strUpn = $credNewAccount.UserName
$strDisplayName = Read-Host "Please enter the display name you would like to use for $strUpn"
if (!$credNewAccount -Or [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strDisplayName) -Or [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($credNewAccount.UserName) -Or $credNewAccount.Password.Length -le 0)
CleanupAndFail "Please enter all of the requested data to continue."
exit 1
## Sign in to remote powershell for exchange and lync online ##
$credAdmin = $null
$credAdmin=Get-Credential -Message "Enter credentials of an Exchange and Skype for Business admin"
if (!$credadmin)
CleanupAndFail "Valid admin credentials are required to create and prepare the account."
PrintAction "Connecting to remote sessions. This can occasionally take a while - please do not enter input..."
$sessExchange = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName microsoft.exchange -Credential $credAdmin -AllowRedirection -Authentication basic -ConnectionUri "https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
CleanupAndFail "Failed to connect to exchange. Please check your credentials and try again. Error message: $_"
$sessCS = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $credAdmin
CleanupAndFail "Failed to connect to Skype for Business Online Datacenter. Please check your credentials and try again. Error message: $_"
Connect-MsolService -Credential $credAdmin
CleanupAndFail "Failed to connect to Azure Active Directory. Please check your credentials and try again. Error message: $_"
Import-PSSession $sessExchange -AllowClobber -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Import-PSSession $sessCS -AllowClobber -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
## Create the Exchange mailbox ##
> [!Note]
> These exchange commandlets do not always throw their errors as exceptions
# Because Get-Mailbox throws an error if the mailbox isn't found
PrintAction "Creating a new account..."
$mailbox = $null
$mailbox = (New-Mailbox -MicrosoftOnlineServicesID $credNewAccount.UserName -room -Name $strDisplayName -RoomMailboxPassword $credNewAccount.Password -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true)
} catch { }
ExitIfError "Failed to create a new mailbox on exchange.";
$status["Mailbox Setup"] = "Successfully created a mailbox for the new account"
$strEmail = $mailbox.WindowsEmailAddress
PrintSuccess "The following mailbox has been created for this room: $strEmail"
## Create or retrieve a policy to be be applied to surface hub devices ##
# The policy disables requiring a device password so that the SurfaceHub does not need to be lockable to use Active Sync
$strPolicy = Read-Host 'Please enter the name for a new Surface Hub ActiveSync policy to be be created and applied to this account.
We will configure that policy to be compatible with Surface Hub devices.
If this script has been used before, please enter the name of the existing policy.'
$easpolicy = $null
try {
$easpolicy = Get-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy $strPolicy
catch {}
if ($easpolicy)
if (!$easpolicy.PasswordEnabled -and ($easpolicy.AllowNonProvisionableDevices -eq $null -or $easpolicy.AllowNonProvisionableDevices ))
PrintSuccess "An existing policy has been found and will be applied to this account."
PrintError "The policy you provided is incompatible with the surface hub."
$easpolicy = $null
$status["ActiveSync Policy"] = "Failed to apply the EAS policy to the account because the policy was invalid."
PrintAction "Creating policy..."
$easpolicy = New-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy -Name $strPolicy -PasswordEnabled $false -AllowNonProvisionableDevices $true
if ($easpolicy)
PrintSuccess "A new device policy has been created; you can use this same policy for all future Surface Hub device accounts."
PrintError "Could not create $strPolicy"
if ($easpolicy)
# Convert mailbox to user type so we can apply the policy (necessary)
# Sometimes it takes a while for this change to take affect so we have some nasty retry loops
Set-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName -Type Regular
} catch {}
if ($Error)
$status["Device Password Policy"] = "Failed to apply the EAS policy to the account."
PrintError "Failed to convert to regular account"
# Loop until resource type goes away, up to 5 times
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5 -And (Get-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName).ResourceType; $i++)
Start-Sleep -s 5
# If the mailbox is still a Room we cannot apply the policy
if (!((Get-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName).ResourceType))
# Set policy for account
Set-CASMailbox $credNewAccount.UserName -ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy $strPolicy
if (!$Error)
$status["Device Password Policy"] = "Successfully applied $strPolicy to the account"
$status["Device Password Policy"] = "Failed to apply the EAS policy to the account."
PrintError "Failed to apply policy"
# Convert back to room mailbox
Set-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName -Type Room
# Loop until resource type goes back to room
for ($i = 0; ($i -lt 5) -And ((Get-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName).ResourceType -ne "Room"); $i++)
Start-Sleep -s 5
if ((Get-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName).ResourceType -ne "Room")
# A failure to convert the mailbox back to a room is unfortunate but means the mailbox is unusable.
$status["Mailbox Setup"] = "A mailbox was created but we could not set it to a room resource type."
Set-Mailbox $credNewAccount.UserName -RoomMailboxPassword $credNewAccount.Password -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true
if ($Error)
$status["Mailbox Setup"] = "A room mailbox was created but we could not set its password."
$status["Device Password Policy"] = "Failed to apply the EAS policy to the account."
PrintError "Failed to obtain policy"
PrintSuccess "Account creation completed."
PrintAction "Setting calendar processing rules..."
## Prepare the calendar for automatic meeting responses ##
try {
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity $credNewAccount.UserName -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept
} catch { }
if ($Error)
$status["Calendar Acceptance"] = "Failed to configure the account to automatically accept/decline meeting requests"
$status["Calendar Acceptance"] = "Successfully configured the account to automatically accept/decline meeting requests"
try {
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity $credNewAccount.UserName -RemovePrivateProperty $false -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -AddAdditionalResponse $true -DeleteSubject $false -DeleteComments $false -AdditionalResponse "This is a Surface Hub room!"
} catch { }
if ($Error)
$status["Calendar Response Configuration"] = "Failed to configure the account's response properties"
$status["Calendar Response Configuration"] = "Successfully configured the account's response properties"
## Configure the Account to not expire ##
PrintAction "Configuring password not to expire..."
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $credNewAccount.UserName -PasswordNeverExpires $true
if ($Error)
$status["Password Expiration Policy"] = "Failed to set the password to never expire"
$status["Password Expiration Policy"] = "Successfully set the password to never expire"
PrintSuccess "Completed Exchange configuration"
## Setup Skype for Business. This is somewhat optional and if it fails we SfbEnable can be used later ##
PrintAction "Configuring account for Skype for Business."
# Getting registrar pool
$strRegPool = $null
try {
$strRegPool = (Get-CsTenant).TenantPoolExtension
catch {}
if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strRegPool))
$strRegPool = $strRegPool.Substring($strRegPool[0].IndexOf(':') + 1)
$strRegPoolEntry = Read-Host "Enter a Skype for Business Registrar Pool, or leave blank to use [$strRegPool]"
if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strRegPoolEntry))
$strRegPool = $strRegPoolEntry
# Try to SfB-enable the account. Note that it may not work right away as the account needs to propagate to active directory
PrintAction "Enabling Skype for Business on $strRegPool"
Start-Sleep -s 10
try {
Enable-CsMeetingRoom -Identity $credNewAccount.UserName -RegistrarPool $strRegPool -SipAddressType EmailAddress
catch { }
if ($Error)
$status["Skype for Business Account Setup"] = "Failed to setup the Skype for Business meeting room - you can run EnableSfb.ps1 to try again."
$status["Skype for Business Account Setup"] = "Successfully enabled account as a Skype for Business meeting room"
## Now we need to assign a Skype for Business license to the account ##
# Assign a license to thes
$countryCode = (Get-CsTenant).CountryAbbreviation
$loc = Read-Host "Please enter the usage location for this device account (where the account is being used). This is a 2-character code that is used to assign licenses (e.g. $countryCode)"
try {
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $credNewAccount.UserName -UsageLocation $loc
if ($Error)
$status["Office 365 License"] = "Failed to assign an Office 365 license to the account"
PrintAction "We found the following licenses available for your tenant:"
$skus = (Get-MsolAccountSku | Where-Object { !$_.AccountSkuID.Contains("INTUNE"); })
$i = 1
$skus | % {
Write-Host -NoNewline $i
Write-Host -NoNewLine ": AccountSKUID: "
Write-Host -NoNewLine $_.AccountSkuid
Write-Host -NoNewLine " Active Units: "
Write-Host -NoNewLine $_.ActiveUnits
Write-Host -NoNewLine " Consumed Units: "
Write-Host $_.ConsumedUnits
$iLicenseIndex = 0;
$iLicenseIndex = Read-Host 'Choose the number for the SKU you want to pick'
} while ($iLicenseIndex -lt 1 -or $iLicenseIndex -gt $skus.Length)
$strLicenses = $skus[$iLicenseIndex - 1].AccountSkuId
if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strLicenses))
Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $credNewAccount.UserName -AddLicenses $strLicenses
if ($Error)
$status["Office 365 License"] = "Failed to add a license to the account. Make sure you have remaining licenses."
$status["Office 365 License"] = "Successfully added license to the account"
$status["Office 365 License"] = "You opted not to install a license on this account"
## Cleanup and print results ##
$strDisplay = $mailbox.DisplayName
$strUsr = $credNewAccount.UserName
PrintAction "Summary for creation of $strUsr ($strDisplay)"
if ($status.Count -gt 0)
ForEach($k in $status.Keys)
$v = $status[$k]
$color = "yellow"
if ($v[0] -eq "S") { $color = "green" }
elseif ($v[0] -eq "F")
$color = "red"
$v += " Go to https://aka.ms/shubtshoot for help"
Write-Host -NoNewline $k -ForegroundColor $color
Write-Host -NoNewline ": "
Write-Host $v
PrintError "The account could not be created"
Script de verificación de cuenta
Este script de paso o error valida la cuenta de dispositivo creada anteriormente en Surface Hub y Surface Hub 2S y da como resultado un informe de resumen o un mensaje de error detallado. Por ejemplo:
15 tests executed
0 failures
2 warnings
15 passed
No se muestran los detalles de la configuración específica.
# SHAccountValidate.ps1
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Cleans up set state such as remote powershell sessions
function Cleanup()
if ($sessEx)
Remove-PSSession $sessEx
if ($sessSfb)
Remove-PSSession $sessSfb
function PrintError($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -foregroundcolor "red"
function PrintSuccess($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -foregroundcolor "green"
function PrintAction($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Cleans up and prints an error message
function CleanupAndFail($strMsg)
if ($strMsg)
exit 1
# Exits if there is an error set and prints the given message
function ExitIfError($strMsg)
if ($Error)
$strUpn = Read-Host "What is the email address of the account you wish to validate?"
if (!$strUpn.Contains('@'))
CleanupAndFail "$strUpn isn't a valid email address"
$strExServer = Read-Host "What is your exchange server? (leave blank for online tenants)"
if ($strExServer.Equals(""))
$fExIsOnline = $true
$fExIsOnline = $false
$credEx = Get-Credential -Message "Please provide exchange user credentials"
$strRegistrarPool = Read-Host ("What is the Skype for Business registrar pool for $strUpn" + "? (leave blank for online tenants)")
$fSfbIsOnline = $strRegistrarPool.Equals("")
$fHasOnPrem = $true
if ($fSfbIsOnline -and $fExIsOnline)
$strHasOnPrem = (Read-Host "Do you have an on-premises Active Directory (Y/N) (No if your domain services are hosted entirely online)").ToUpper()
} while ($strHasOnPrem -ne "Y" -and $strHasOnPrem -ne "N")
$fHasOnPrem = $strHasOnPrem.Equals("Y")
$fHasOnline = $false
if ($fSfbIsOnline -or $fExIsOnline)
$fHasOnline = $true
if ($fSfbIsOnline)
try {
Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector
CleanupAndFail "To verify Skype for Business in online tenants you need the Lync Online Connector module from https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=39366"
$credSfb = (Get-Credential -Message "Please enter Skype for Business admin credentials")
if ($fHasOnline)
$credSfb = $credEx
try {
Import-Module MSOnline
CleanupAndFail "To verify accounts in online tenants you need the Azure Active Directory module for PowerShell from https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=236297"
PrintAction "Connecting to Exchange Powershell Session..."
[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism] $authType = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism]::Kerberos
if ($fExIsOnline)
$authType = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism]::Basic
$sessEx = $null
if ($fExIsOnline)
$sessEx = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName microsoft.exchange -Credential $credEx -AllowRedirection -Authentication $authType -ConnectionUri "https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$sessEx = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName microsoft.exchange -Credential $credEx -AllowRedirection -Authentication $authType -ConnectionUri https://$strExServer/powershell -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$sessEx)
CleanupAndFail "Connecting to Exchange Powershell failed, please validate your server is accessible and credentials are correct"
PrintSuccess "Connected to Exchange Powershell Session"
PrintAction "Connecting to Skype for Business Powershell Session..."
if ($fSfbIsOnline)
$sessSfb = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $credSfb
$sessSfb = New-PSSession -Credential $credSfb -ConnectionURI "https://$strRegistrarPool/OcsPowershell" -AllowRedirection -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$sessSfb)
CleanupAndFail "Connecting to Skype for Business Powershell failed, please validate your server is accessible and credentials are correct"
PrintSuccess "Connected to Skype for Business Powershell"
if ($fHasOnline)
$credMsol = $null
if ($fExIsOnline)
$credMsol = $credEx
elseif ($fSfbIsOnline)
$credMsol = $credSfb
CleanupAndFail "Internal error - could not determine MS Online credentials"
PrintAction "Connecting to Azure Active Directory Services..."
Connect-MsolService -Credential $credMsol
PrintSuccess "Connected to Azure Active Directory Services"
# This really shouldn't happen unless there is a network error
CleanupAndFail "Failed to connect to MSOnline"
PrintAction "Importing remote sessions into the local session..."
$importEx = Import-PSSession $sessEx -AllowClobber -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -DisableNameChecking
$importSfb = Import-PSSession $sessSfb -AllowClobber -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -DisableNameChecking
if (!$importEx -or !$importSfb)
CleanupAndFail "Import failed"
PrintSuccess "Import successful"
$mailbox = $null
$mailbox = Get-Mailbox -Identity $strUpn
if (!$mailbox)
CleanupAndFail "Account exists check failed. Unable to find the mailbox for $strUpn - please make sure the Exchange account exists on $strExServer"
$exchange = $null
if (!$fExIsOnline)
$exchange = Get-ExchangeServer
if (!$exchange -or !$exchange.IsE14OrLater)
CleanupAndFail "A compatible exchange server version was not found. Please use at least exchange 2010."
$strAlias = $mailbox.UserPrincipalName
$strDisplayName = $mailbox.DisplayName
$strLinkedAccount = $strLinkedDomain = $strLinkedUser = $strLinkedServer = $null
$credLinkedDomain = $Null
if (!$fExIsOnline -and ![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($mailbox.LinkedMasterAccount) -and !$mailbox.LinkedMasterAccount.EndsWith("\SELF"))
$strLinkedAccount = $mailbox.LinkedMasterAccount
$strLinkedDomain = $strLinkedAccount.substring(0,$strLinkedAccount.IndexOf('\'))
$strLinkedUser = $strLinkedAccount.substring($strLinkedAccount.IndexOf('\') + 1)
$strLinkedServer = Read-Host "What is the domain controller for the $strLinkedDomain"
$credLinkedDomain = (Get-Credential -Message "Please provide credentials for $strLinkedDomain")
PrintAction "Performing verification checks on $strDisplayName..."
$Global:iTotalFailures = 0
$global:iTotalWarnings = 0
$Global:iTotalPasses = 0
function Validate()
[bool] $Condition,
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White $Test.PadRight(100,'.')
if ($Condition)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Passed"
if ($WarningOnly)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow ("Warning: "+$FailureMsg)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ("Failed: "+$FailureMsg)
## Exchange ##
Validate -WarningOnly -Test "The mailbox $strUpn is enabled as a room account" -Condition ($mailbox.RoomMailboxAccountEnabled -eq $True) -FailureMsg "RoomMailboxEnabled - without a device account, the Surface Hub won't be able to use various key features."
$calendarProcessing = Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity $strUpn -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Validate -Test "The mailbox $strUpn is configured to accept meeting requests" -Condition ($calendarProcessing -ne $null -and $calendarProcessing.AutomateProcessing -eq 'AutoAccept') -FailureMsg "AutomateProcessing - the Surface Hub won't be able to send mail or sync its calendar."
Validate -WarningOnly -Test "The mailbox $strUpn won't delete meeting comments" -Condition ($calendarProcessing -ne $null -and !$calendarProcessing.DeleteComments) -FailureMsg "DeleteComments - the Surface Hub may be missing some meeting information on the welcome screen and Skype."
Validate -WarningOnly -Test "The mailbox $strUpn keeps private meetings private" -Condition ($calendarProcessing -ne $null -and !$calendarProcessing.RemovePrivateProperty) -FailureMsg "RemovePrivateProperty - the Surface Hub will make show private meetings."
Validate -Test "The mailbox $strUpn keeps meeting subjects" -Condition ($calendarProcessing -ne $null -and !$calendarProcessing.DeleteSubject) -FailureMsg "DeleteSubject - the Surface Hub won't keep meeting subject information."
Validate -WarningOnly -Test "The mailbox $strUpn does not prepend meeting organizers to subjects" -Condition ($calendarProcessing -ne $null -and !$calendarProcessing.AddOrganizerToSubject) -FailureMsg "AddOrganizerToSubject - the Surface Hub won't display meeting subjects as intended."
if ($fExIsOnline)
#No online specifics
#No onprem specifics
$casMailbox = Get-Casmailbox $strUpn -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Validate -Test "The mailbox $strUpn has a mailbox policy" -Condition ($casMailbox -ne $null) -FailureMsg "PasswordEnabled - unable to find policy - the Surface Hub won't be able to send mail or sync its calendar."
if ($casMailbox)
$policy = $null
if ($fExIsOnline -or $exchange.IsE15OrLater)
$strPolicy = $casMailbox.ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy
$policy = Get-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy -Identity $strPolicy -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Validate -Test "The policy $strPolicy does not require a device password" -Condition ($policy.PasswordEnabled -ne $True) -FailureMsg "PasswordEnabled - policy requires a device password - the Surface Hub won't be able to send mail or sync its calendar."
$strPolicy = $casMailbox.ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy
$policy = Get-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy -Identity $strPolicy -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Validate -Test "The policy $strPolicy does not require a device password" -Condition ($policy.PasswordEnabled -ne $True) -FailureMsg "PasswordEnabled - policy requires a device password - the Surface Hub won't be able to send mail or sync its calendar."
if ($policy -ne $null)
Validate -Test "The policy $strPolicy allows non-provisionable devices" -Condition ($policy.AllowNonProvisionableDevices -eq $null -or $policy.AllowNonProvisionableDevices -eq $true) -FailureMsg "AllowNonProvisionableDevices - policy won't allow the SurfaceHub to sync"
# Check the default access level
$orgSettings = Get-ActiveSyncOrganizationSettings
$strDefaultAccessLevel = $orgSettings.DefaultAccessLevel
Validate -Test "ActiveSync devices are allowed" -Condition ($strDefaultAccessLevel -eq 'Allow') -FailureMsg "DeviceType Windows Mail is accessible - devices are not allowed by default - the surface hub won't be able to send mail or sync its calendar."
# Check if there exists a device access rule that bans the device type Windows Mail
$blockingRules = Get-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule | where {($_.AccessLevel -eq 'Block' -or $_.AccessLevel -eq 'Quarantine') -and $_.Characteristic -eq 'DeviceType'-and $_.QueryString -eq 'WindowsMail'}
Validate -Test "Windows mail devices are not blocked or quarantined" -Condition ($blockingRules -eq $null -or $blockingRules.Length -eq 0) -FailureMsg "DeviceType Windows Mail is accessible - devices are blocked or quarantined - the surface hub won't be able to send mail or sync its calendar."
## End Exchange ##
## SfB ##
$strLyncIdentity = $null
if ($fSfbIsOnline)
$strLyncIdentity = $strUpn
$strLyncIdentity = $strAlias
$lyncAccount = $null
try {
$lyncAccount = Get-CsMeetingRoom -Identity $strLyncIdentity -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {
try {
$lyncAccount = Get-CsUser -Identity $strLyncIdentity -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch { }
Validate -Test "There is a Lync or Skype for Business account for $strLyncIdentity" -Condition ($lyncAccount -ne $null -and $lyncAccount.Enabled) -FailureMsg "SfB Enabled - there is no Skype for Business account - meetings won't support Skype for Business"
if ($lyncAccount)
Validate -Test "The meeting room has a SIP address" -Condition (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($lyncAccount.SipAddress)) -FailureMsg "SfB Enabled - there is no SIP Address - the device account cannot be used to sign into Skype for Business."
## End SFB ##
if ($fHasOnline)
#License validation and password expiry
$accountOnline = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $strUpn -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Validate -Test "There is an online user account for $strUpn" -Condition ($accountOnline -ne $null) -FailureMsg "Could not find a Microsoft Online account for this user even though some services are online"
if ($accountOnline)
Validate -Test "The password for $strUpn won't expire" -Condition ($accountOnline.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $True) -FailureMsg "PasswordNeverExpires - the admin needs to update the device account's password on the Surface Hub when it expires."
if ($fIsSfbOnline -and !$fIsExOnline)
$strLicenseFailureMsg = "Has O365 license - The devices won't be able to use Skype for Business services."
elseif ($fIsExOnline -and !$fIsSfbOnline)
$strLicenseFailureMsg = "Has O365 license - The devices won't be able to use Exchange Online services."
$strLicenseFailureMsg = "Has O365 license - The devices won't be able to use Skype for Business or Exchange Online services."
Validate -Test "$strUpn is licensed" -Condition ($accountOnline.IsLicensed -eq $True) -FailureMsg $strLicenseFailureMsg
Validate -Test "$strUpn is allowed to sign in" -Condition ($accountOnline.BlockCredential -ne $True) -FailureMsg "BlockCredential - This user isn't allowed to sign in."
#If there is an on-premises component, we can get the authoritative AD user from mailbox
if ($fHasOnPrem)
$accountOnPrem = $null
if ($strLinkedAccount)
$accountOnPrem = Get-AdUser $strLinkedUser -server $strLinkedServer -credential $credLinkedDomain -properties PasswordNeverExpires -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#AD User enabled validation
$accountOnPrem = Get-AdUser $mailbox.UserPrincipalName -properties PasswordNeverExpires -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$strOnPremUpn = $accountOnPrem.UserPrincipalName
Validate -Test "There is a user account for $strOnPremUpn" -Condition ($accountOnprem -ne $null) -FailureMsg "Could not find an Active Directory account for this user"
if ($accountOnPrem)
Validate -WarningOnly -Test "The password for $strOnPremUpn won't expire" -Condition ($accountOnprem.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $True) -FailureMsg "PasswordNeverExpires - the admin needs to update the device account's password on the Surface Hub when it expires."
Validate -Test "$strOnPremUpn is enabled" -Condition $accountOnPrem.Enabled -FailureMsg "AccountEnabled - this device account won't sign in"
$global:iTotalTests = ($global:iTotalFailures + $global:iTotalPasses + $global:iTotalWarnings)
Write-Host -NoNewline $global:iTotalTests "tests executed: "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red $Global:iTotalFailures "failures "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow $Global:iTotalWarnings "warnings "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $Global:iTotalPasses "passes "
Habilitar Skype Empresarial
Este script habilita Skype Empresarial en una cuenta de dispositivo. Úsalo solo si Skype Empresarial no se había habilitado anteriormente durante la creación de la cuenta.
## This script performs only the Enable for Skype for Business step on an account. It should only be run if this step failed in SHAccountCreate and the other steps have been completed ##
# EnableSfb.ps1
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Cleans up set state such as remote powershell sessions
function Cleanup()
if ($sessCS)
Remove-PSSession $sessCS
function PrintError($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -foregroundcolor "red"
function PrintSuccess($strMsg)
Write-Host $strMsg -foregroundcolor "green"
# Cleans up and prints an error message
function CleanupAndFail($strMsg)
if ($strMsg)
exit 1
# Exits if there is an error set and prints the given message
function ExitIfError($strMsg)
if ($Error)
## Check dependencies ##
$input = Read-Host "Is the account you wish to enable part of an online environment (enter O) or on-premises environment (enter P)"
if ($input -eq "P")
$online = $false
elseif ($input -eq "O")
$online = $true
CleanupAndFail "Invalid selection"
if ($online)
try {
Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector
PrintError "Some dependencies are missing"
PrintError "Please install the Windows PowerShell Module for Lync Online. For more information go to https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=39366"
PrintError "Please install the Azure Active Directory module for PowerShell from https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=236297"
$strRegPool = Read-Host "Enter the FQDN of your Skype for Business Registrar Pool"
## Collect account data ##
Write-Host "----------- Enter info for the account to enable -----------." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
$strRoomUri=Read-Host 'Please enter the UPN of the account you are enabling (e.g. confroom@surfacehub.microsoft.com)'
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strRoomUri))
CleanupAndFail "Please enter all of the requested data to continue."
exit 1
Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
## Sign in to remote powershell for exchange and lync online ##
Write-Host "`n------------------ Establishing connection -----------------." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
$credAdmin=Get-Credential -Message "Enter credentials of a Skype for Business admin"
if (!$credadmin)
CleanupAndFail("Valid admin credentials are required to create and prepare the account.");
Write-Host "Connecting to remote sessions. This can occasionally take a while - please do not enter input..."
if ($online)
$sessCS = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $credAdmin
$sessCS = New-PSSession -Credential $credAdmin -ConnectionURI "https://$strRegPool/OcsPowershell" -AllowRedirection -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
CleanupAndFail("Failed to connect to Skype for Business server. Please check your credentials and try again. Error message: $_")
Import-PSSession $sessCS -AllowClobber
Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
# Getting registrar pool
if ($online)
try {
$strRegPool = $null;
$strRegPool = (Get-CsTenant).RegistrarPool
} catch {}
if ($Error)
$strRegPool = "";
Write-Host "We failed to lookup your Skype for Business Registrar Pool, but you can still enter it manually"
$strRegPool = $strRegPool[0].Substring($strRegPool[0].IndexOf(':') + 1)
try {
Enable-CsMeetingRoom -Identity $strRoomUri -RegistrarPool $strRegPool -SipAddressType EmailAddress
catch {}
ExitIfError("Failed to setup Skype for Business meeting room")
PrintSuccess "Successfully enabled $strRoomUri as a Skype for Business meeting room"
Cmdlets útiles
Creación de una directiva de ActiveSync compatible con Surface Hub
Para que Surface Hub use los servicios de Exchange, se debe aprovisionar una cuenta del dispositivo configurada con una directiva de ActiveSync compatible en el dispositivo. Esta directiva tiene los siguientes requisitos:
PasswordEnabled == 0
En los siguientes cmdlets, $strPolicy
está el nombre de la directiva de ActiveSync y $strRoomUpn
es el UPN de la cuenta del dispositivo al que quieres aplicar la directiva.
Para ejecutar los cmdlets, debe configurar una sesión remota de PowerShell y:
- Tu cuenta de administrador debe tener PowerShell remoto habilitado. Esta configuración permite al administrador usar los cmdlets de PowerShell necesarios para el script. (Este permiso se puede establecer mediante
set-user $admin -RemotePowerShellEnabled $true
) - Tu cuenta de administrador debe tener el rol "Restablecer contraseña" si tienes previsto ejecutar los scripts de creación. Este rol permite al administrador cambiar la contraseña de la cuenta, que es necesaria para el script. El rol Restablecer contraseña se puede habilitar mediante el Centro de admin. de Exchange.
Crear la directiva.
# Create new policy with PasswordEnabled == false
New-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy -Name $strPolicy -PasswordEnabled $false –AllowNonProvisionableDevices $true
Para aplicar la directiva, el buzón no puede ser del tipo sala, por lo que se tiene que convertir en un usuario primero.
# Convert user to regular type
Set-Mailbox $strRoomUpn -Type Regular
# Set policy for account
Set-CASMailbox $strRoomUpn -ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy $strPolicy
Ahora la cuenta del dispositivo solo se debe convertir de nuevo en un tipo sala.
# Convert back to room mailbox
Set-Mailbox $strRoomUpn -Type Room
Permitir id. de dispositivo para ActiveSync
Para permitir una cuenta $strRoomUpn
, ejecuta el siguiente comando:
Set-CASMailbox –Identity $strRoomUpn –ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs “<ID>”
Para buscar el id. del dispositivo, ejecuta:
Get-ActiveSyncDevice -Mailbox $strRoomUpn
Este comando recupera la información del dispositivo para cada dispositivo en el que se ha aprovisionado la cuenta, incluida la DeviceId
propiedad .
Aceptar o rechazar automáticamente convocatorias de reunión
Para que una cuenta del dispositivo acepte o rechace automáticamente convocatorias de reunión en función de su disponibilidad, el atributo AutomateProcessing se debe establecer en AutoAccept. Se recomienda este atributo para evitar reuniones superpuestas.
Set-CalendarProcessing $strRoomUpn -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept
Aceptar convocatorias de reunión externas
Para que una cuenta del dispositivo acepte convocatorias de reunión externas (una convocatoria de reunión desde una cuenta que no esté en el mismo dominio o inquilino), la cuenta del dispositivo se debe establecer para permitir el procesamiento de convocatorias de reunión externas. Una vez establecida, la cuenta del dispositivo acepta o rechaza automáticamente las solicitudes de reunión de cuentas externas y cuentas locales.
Si el atributo AutomateProcessing no está establecido en AutoAccept, esta opción no tiene ningún efecto.
Set-CalendarProcessing $strRoomUpn -ProcessExternalMeetingMessages $true