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How to Uninstall MED-V Components

This section explains how to uninstall the MED-V client and server.

How to Uninstall the MED-V Client

To uninstall MED-V client

  1. If using Windows XP:

    • In Control Panel, open Add or Remove Programs.
  2. If using Windows Vista:

    • In Control Panel, open Uninstall a Program.
  3. Select Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization, and click Uninstall.

  4. It is recommended to delete the MED-V virtual machine folder. (The default folder is C:\MED-V Images.)

How to Uninstall the MED-V Server

To uninstall the MED-V server

  1. In Control Panel, open Add or Remove Programs.

  2. Select Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (Server), and click Uninstall.