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Filter, Sort, and Query Data in Server Manager Tiles


Applies To: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2

In Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server® 2012, tiles in Server Manager let you filter and sort data, and create and save custom queries. You can sort, use keyword filters, and run queries on list entries in the Events, Performance, Best Practices Analyzer, Services, and Roles and Features tiles on server role or group pages in Server Manager.

This topic contains the following sections.

Filter list entries in tiles

The Filter text box is a quick way of reducing the list of entries that are displayed in a tile to only those entries that contain a specified text string.

To apply a filter to the list of entries in a tile

  1. Open a role or server group page in Server Manager.

  2. In the Filter text box of an Events, Performance, Best Practices Analyzer, Services, or Roles and Features tile, type a string on which you want to filter.

    For example, if you want to see only events with an event ID of 1014, type 1014 in the Filter text box. All collected events that contain the string 1014 in at least one field are returned as results.

  3. Note that the filter changes the description text under the tile title. Instead of All results, it says Filtered results.

  4. To clear the filter, delete the string in the filter box, or click X.

Sort list entries in tiles

Sort list entries in Server Manager tiles by clicking column headings. Clicking a column heading the first time sorts column values in ascending alphanumeric order (arrow pointing up); clicking again sorts column values in descending alphanumeric order (arrow pointing down).

Create and run custom queries on tile data

You can create custom queries in the Events, Performance, Best Practices Analyzer, Services, or Roles and Features tiles in Server Manager. By default, the area of the tile toolbar in which you select criteria to build a custom query is hidden; click Expand (chevron button at right edge of tile toolbar) to display query criteria.

To create a custom query for tile data

  1. Open a role or server group page in Server Manager.

  2. In an Events, Performance, Best Practices Analyzer, Services, or Roles and Features tile, expand the query-building area by clicking Expand.

  3. Click Add criteria to open a list of attributes (or fields) that apply to the entries in the tile.

  4. Select criteria to add. When you are finished, click Add. Criteria that you selected are added to the query-building area.

  5. Click the hypertext operator to select an operator. For numerical or date and time criteria, for example, the default is less than or equal to.

  6. Specify acceptable values for the criteria. For example, if you selected Date and Time, provide a date in the format m/d/yyyy.

  7. Repeat these steps from step 3 forward to add more criteria to your query.

    You can add duplicates of criteria that are already in your query, but the duplicates are added to the query with the or operator.

    For example, to query for event IDs 1003 or 1014, you would first add the ID criteria to your query, make the value of ID equal to 1003, and then add a second ID criteria to your query, making the value of the second ID equal to 1014. The resulting query is and ID equals 1003 or ID equals 1014.

  8. When you are finished adding criteria and specifying operators and values, click Save to save the query.

  9. Enter a friendly name for the query. For example, the query created in the preceding step can be named Licensing events.

  10. When you are finished viewing query results, click Clear All to clear all filters and queries, and display all entries in the list.

  11. To run a saved query, click Saved Search Queries, and click the name of the saved query that you want to run.

  12. To delete a saved query, click Saved Search Queries, and then click X by the name of the saved query that you want to delete.

See Also

Manage Multiple, Remote Servers with Server Manager
View and Configure Performance, Event, and Service Data