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Edit Inbound Rule Page

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista

Use the Edit Inbound Rule page to edit the parameters for URL rewrite rules that apply to HTTP requests.

UI Element List

The following tables describe the UI elements that are available in Features View and in the Actions pane.

Features View Elements

Element Name Description


Specifies the name of the URL rewrite rule.

Match URL

Manages the settings that define the URL pattern to match for the rule. This section contains the following UI elements:


Element Name Description

Requested URL

Possible values are Matches the pattern or Does not match the pattern.


Specifies whether regular expressions or wildcard characters will be used to match URL strings.


Specifies the pattern to match for the rule. For more information, see Testing Rewrite Rule Patterns.

Ignore Case

When selected, specifies that case will be ignored in pattern matching.

Test Pattern

Opens the Test Pattern dialog box, which lets you test the rule’s behavior. For more information, see Test Pattern Dialog Box.

For more information about URL pattern matching, see Testing Rewrite Rule Patterns.


Manages the collection of optional rule conditions. This section contains the following UI elements:


Element Name Description

Add Conditions

When selected, expands the Conditions section. This enables you to add and edit rule conditions.

For more information about rule conditions, see Configuring Rewrite Rules.


Manages the action to take when the URL string matches the specified rule pattern and rule conditions. This section contains the following UI elements:


Element Name Description

Action Type

Displays the action type of the rule. Possible values are Rewrite, Redirect, Custom Response, Abort Request, or None. Other UI elements will be displayed or hidden depending on the action type that is specified.

Server Variables

Opens the Allowed Server Variables Page, which lets you specify the server variables or HTTP headers to modify for the rule.

Note: This feature was introduced in URL Rewrite version 2.0.

Action Properties

Displays the properties for the selected action type. This section is available only for the Rewrite, Redirect, and Custom Response action types.

Rewrite URL

Specifies syntax of the rewritten URL for the rule. This element is available only for the Rewrite action type.

Redirect URL

Specifies syntax of the URL redirection for the rule. This element is available only for the Redirect action type.

Redirect Type

Specifies redirection type for the rule. This element is available only for the Redirect action type. Possible values are as follows:

  • Permanent (301) — Specifies that the redirect type will be an HTTP 301 redirection. This informs HTTP clients that the requested resource has permanently moved to a new location and all references should be updated with the new location.

  • Found (302) — Specifies that the redirect type will be an HTTP 302 redirection. This informs HTTP clients that the request resource has moved temporarily.

  • See Other (303) — Specifies that the redirect type will be an HTTP 303 redirection. This informs HTTP clients that the request resource can be found under a different URI.

  • Temporary (307) — Specifies that the redirect type will be an HTTP 307 redirection. This informs HTTP clients that the request resource has moved temporarily.

Append query string

When selected, specifies that the original query string will be appended to the end of the rewritten URL. This element is available only for the Rewrite and Redirect action types.

Status Code

Specifies the HTTP status code for the custom response. This element is available only for the Custom Response action type.

Sub status Code

Specifies the HTTP substatus code for the custom response. This element is available only for the Custom Response action type.


Specifies the reason for returning the custom response. This element is available only for the Custom Response action type.

Error description

Specifies the error description for the custom response. This element is available only for the Custom Response action type.

Stop processing of subsequent rules

When selected, specifies that rules that come after the current rule will not be processed if the rule has been evaluated successfully. If the current rule did not match, then the subsequent rule will be evaluated. This element is available only for the Rewrite and None action types.

Actions Pane Elements

Element Name Description


Saves the changes to the rule.


Cancels the changes to the rule and reverts back to the last saved version of the rule.

Back to Rules

Returns to the URL Rewrite Module Page.