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logman create trace

Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista

Create an event trace data collector.

For examples of how this command can be used, see Examples.


logman create trace <[-n] <name>> [options]


Parameter Description


Displays context-sensitive help.

-s <computer name>

Perform the command on the specified remote computer.

-config <value>

Specifies the settings file containing command options.


Send commands to Event Trace Sessions directly without saving or scheduling.

[-n] <name>

Name of the target object.

-f <bin|bincirc|csv|tsv|sql>

Specifies the log format for the data collector.

-[-]u <user [password]>

Specifies the user to Run As. Entering a * for the password produces a prompt for the password. The password is not displayed when you type it at the password prompt.

-m <[start] [stop] [[start] [stop] [...]]>

Change to manual start or stop instead of a scheduled begin or end time.

-rf <[[hh:]mm:]ss>

Run the data collector for the specified period of time.

-b <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]>

Begin collecting data at the specified time.

-e <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]>

End data collection at the specified time.

-o <path|dsn!log>

Specifies the output log file or the DSN and log set name in a SQL database.


Repeat the data collector daily at the specified begin and end times.


Append to an existing log file.


Overwrite an existing log file.

-[-]v <nnnnnn|mmddhhmm>

Attach file versioning information to the end of the log file name.

-[-]rc <task>

Run the command specified each time the log is closed.

-[-]max <value>

Maximum log file size in MB or maximum number of records for SQL logs.

-[-]cnf <[[hh:]mm:]ss>

When time is specified, create a new file when the specified time has elapsed. When time is not specified, create a new file when the maximum size is exceeded.


Answer yes to all questions without prompting.

-ct <perf|system|cycle>

Specifies the Event Trace Session clock type.

-ln <logger_name>

Specifies the logger name for Event Trace Sessions.

-ft <[[hh:]mm:]ss>

Specifies the Event Trace Session flush timer.

-[-]p <provider [flags [level]]>

Specifies a single Event Trace provider to enable.

-pf <filename>

Specifies a file listing multiple Event Trace providers to enable. The file should be a text file containing one provider per line.


Run the Event Trace Session in real-time mode.


Run the Event Trace Session in user mode.

-bs <value>

Specifies the Event Trace Session buffer size in kb.

-nb <min max>

Specifies the number of Event Trace Session buffers.

-mode <globalsequence|localsequence|pagedmemory>

Specifies the event trace session logger mode.

Globalsequence specifies that the event tracer add a sequence number to every event it receives irrespective of which trace session received the event.

Localsequence specifies that the event tracer add sequence numbers for events received at a specific trace session. When the localsequence option is used, duplicate sequence numbers can exist across all sessions but will be unique within each trace session.

Pagedmemory specifies that the event tracer use paged memory rather than the default non-paged memory pool for its internal buffer allocations.


Where [-] is listed, an extra - negates the option.


The following example creates an event trace data collector called trace_log using no fewer than 16 and no more than 256 buffers, each buffer 64kb in size, and outputs the results to the location c:\logfile.

logman create trace trace_log -nb 16 256 -bs 64 -o c:\logfile

Additional references
