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Configure DNS for TS Session Broker Load Balancing

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

To load balance sessions in a terminal server farm, you can use the TS Session Broker Load Balancing feature together with Domain Name System (DNS) round robin. To configure DNS, you must create a DNS host resource record for each terminal server in the farm that maps the terminal server’s IP address to the terminal server farm name in DNS.

The following procedure provides the steps to configure DNS on a Windows Server 2008-based domain controller.

You must be a member of the Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins, or the DnsAdmins group to complete this procedure.

To add DNS entries for each terminal server in the farm

  1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.

  2. Expand the server name, expand Forward Lookup Zones, and then expand the domain name.

  3. Right-click the appropriate zone, and then click New Host (A or AAAA).

  4. In the Name (uses parent domain name if blank) box, type the terminal server farm name.

    The farm name is the virtual name that clients will use to connect to the terminal server farm. Do not use the name of an existing server. For management purposes, it is recommended that you use the same farm name that you specified when you configured the terminal servers to join a farm in TS Session Broker.

  5. In the IP address box, type the IP address of a terminal server in the farm.

  6. Click Add Host.

  7. Repeat steps three through six for each terminal server in the farm.


You must specify the same farm name in the Name (uses parent domain name if blank) box for each DNS entry.

For example, if you have three terminal servers in a farm named FARM1, with IP addresses of,, and, the entries would look similar to the following:

    Farm1     Host(A)
    Farm1     Host(A)
    Farm1     Host(A)
  1. When you are finished, click Done.


By default, DNS round robin is enabled when using DNS on a Windows Server 2008-based domain controller. The Enable round robin setting is available on the Advanced tab when you view the properties of the server in DNS.

Additional references